CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 3365

Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 By the Committee on Regulated Services and Representative Morroni 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to pari-mutuel wagering; 3 amending ss. 550.01215, 550.0251, 550.0951, 4 550.09511, 550.09515, and 550.6305, F.S.; 5 removing obsolete language and correcting a 6 cross reference; providing an effective date. 7 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 9 10 Section 1. Section 550.01215, Florida Statutes, is 11 amended to read: 12 550.01215 License application; periods of operation; 13 bond, conversion of permit.-- 14 (1) Each permitholder shall annually, during the 15 period between December 15 and January 4, file in writing with 16 the division its application for a license to conduct 17 performances during the next state fiscal year. Each 18 application shall specify the number, dates, and starting 19 times of all performances which the permitholder intends to 20 conduct. It shall also specify which performances will be 21 conducted as charity or scholarship performances. In addition, 22 each application for a license shall include, for each 23 permitholder which elects to operate a cardroom, the dates and 24 periods of operation the permitholder intends to operate the 25 cardroom or, for each thoroughbred permitholder which elects 26 to receive or rebroadcast out-of-state races between the hours 27 of 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., the dates for all performances which 28 the permitholder intends to conduct. Permitholders shall be 29 entitled to amend their applications through February 28. 30 (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this 31 chapter, any permitholder located as specified in s. 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 550.615(6) may, between August 1, 1996, and August 15, 1996, 2 make a one-time request to the division and shall be granted a 3 reduction in its authorized performances conducted during the 4 1996-1997 state fiscal year not to exceed 15 performances. In 5 the absence of a request by a permitholder between August 1, 6 1996, and August 15, 1996, the division shall have the 7 authority to reduce a permitholder's authorized performances 8 conducted during the 1996-1997 state fiscal year pursuant to a 9 court order issued prior to January 1, 1997. 10 (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this 11 section, any greyhound permitholder located as specified in s. 12 550.615(6), may apply for a license to conduct racing for 13 fiscal year 1996-1997 within 10 days after the effective date 14 of this act. The division shall issue such license within 15 15 days of receipt of such application. In addition, any other 16 greyhound permitholders located in such area, may within the 17 same 10-day time period, request corresponding reductions in 18 their authorized number of performances, and the division 19 shall grant such amendments. 20 (2)(4) After the first license has been issued to a 21 permitholder, all subsequent annual applications for a license 22 shall be accompanied by proof, in such form as the division 23 may by rule require, that the permitholder continues to 24 possess the qualifications prescribed by this chapter, and 25 that the permit has not been disapproved at a later election. 26 (3)(5) The division shall issue each license no later 27 than March 15. Each permitholder shall operate all 28 performances at the date and time specified on its license. 29 The division shall have the authority to approve minor changes 30 in racing dates after a license has been issued. The division 31 may approve changes in racing dates after a license has been 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 issued when there is no objection from any operating 2 permitholder located within 50 miles of the permitholder 3 requesting the changes in operating dates. In the event of an 4 objection, the division shall approve or disapprove the change 5 in operating dates based upon the impact on operating 6 permitholders located within 50 miles of the permitholder 7 requesting the change in operating dates. In making the 8 determination to change racing dates, the division shall take 9 into consideration the impact of such changes on state 10 revenues. 11 (4)(6) In the event that a permitholder fails to 12 operate all performances specified on its license at the date 13 and time specified, the division shall hold a hearing to 14 determine whether to fine or suspend the permitholder's 15 license, unless such failure was the direct result of fire, 16 strike, war, or other disaster or event beyond the ability of 17 the permitholder to control. Financial hardship to the 18 permitholder shall not, in and of itself, constitute just 19 cause for failure to operate all performances on the dates and 20 at the times specified. 21 (5)(7) In the event that performances licensed to be 22 operated by a permitholder are vacated, abandoned, or will not 23 be used for any reason, any permitholder shall be entitled, 24 pursuant to rules adopted by the division, to apply to conduct 25 performances on the dates for which the performances have been 26 abandoned. The division shall issue an amended license for 27 all such replacement performances which have been requested in 28 compliance with the provisions of this chapter and division 29 rules. 30 (6)(8) In addition to the conduct of pari-mutuel 31 wagering and cardroom operations conducted pursuant to s. 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 849.086, any permitted facility may be used for the conduct of 2 concerts, trade shows, expositions, conventions, flea markets, 3 charitable events, and similar activities, subject to any 4 local ordinance. 5 (7)(9) Any permit which was converted from a jai alai 6 permit to a greyhound permit may be converted to a jai alai 7 permit at any time if the permitholder never conducted 8 greyhound racing or if the permitholder has not conducted 9 greyhound racing for a period of 12 consecutive months. 10 Section 2. Subsection (12) of section 550.0251, 11 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 12 550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of 13 Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and 14 Professional Regulation.--The division shall administer this 15 chapter and regulate the pari-mutuel industry under this 16 chapter and the rules adopted pursuant thereto, and: 17 (12) The division shall have full authority and power 18 to make, adopt, amend, or repeal rules relating to cardroom 19 operations, to enforce and to carry out the provisions of s. 20 849.086, and to regulate the authorized cardroom activities in 21 the state. The division is authorized to adopt emergency 22 rules prior to January 1, 1997, to implement the provisions of 23 s. 849.086. 24 Section 3. Subsection (1), paragraph (c) of subsection 25 (3), and subsection (4) of section 550.0951, Florida Statutes, 26 are amended to read: 27 550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.-- 28 (1) DAILY LICENSE FEE.--Each person engaged in the 29 business of conducting race meetings or jai alai games under 30 this chapter, hereinafter referred to as the "permitholder," 31 "licensee," or "permittee," shall pay to the division, for the 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 use of the division, a daily license fee on each live or 2 simulcast pari-mutuel event of $100 for each horserace and $80 3 for each dograce and $40 for each jai alai game conducted at a 4 racetrack or fronton licensed under this chapter. Effective 5 October 1, 1996, in addition to the tax exemption specified in 6 s. 550.09514(1) of $360,000 or $500,000 per greyhound 7 permitholder per state fiscal year, each greyhound 8 permitholder shall receive in the current state fiscal year a 9 tax credit equal to the number of live greyhound races 10 conducted in the previous state fiscal year times the daily 11 license fee specified for each dograce in this subsection 12 applicable for the previous state fiscal year. This tax 13 credit and the exemption in s. 550.09514(1) shall be 14 applicable to the tax on live handle under subsection (3) 15 except during any charity or scholarship performances 16 conducted pursuant to s. 550.0351. Effective October 1, 1996, 17 Each permitholder shall pay daily license fees not to exceed 18 $500 per day on any simulcast races or games on which such 19 permitholder accepts wagers regardless of the number of 20 out-of-state events taken or the number of out-of-state 21 locations from which such events are taken. This license fee 22 shall be deposited with the Treasurer to the credit of the 23 Pari-mutuel Wagering Trust Fund. 24 (3) TAX ON HANDLE.--Each permitholder shall pay a tax 25 on contributions to pari-mutuel pools, the aggregate of which 26 is hereinafter referred to as "handle," on races or games 27 conducted by the permitholder. The tax is imposed daily and is 28 based on the total contributions to all pari-mutuel pools 29 conducted during the daily performance. If a permitholder 30 conducts more than one performance daily, the tax is imposed 31 on each performance separately. 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 (c)1. The tax on handle for intertrack wagering is 3.3 2 percent of the handle if the host track is a horse track, 7.6 3 percent if the host track is a dog track, and 7.1 percent if 4 the host track is a jai alai fronton. The tax on handle for 5 intertrack wagering on rebroadcasts of simulcast horseraces is 6 2.4 percent of the handle. The tax shall be deposited into 7 the General Revenue Fund. 8 2. Effective October 1, 1996, The tax on handle for 9 intertrack wagers accepted by any dog track located in an area 10 of the state in which there are only three permitholders, all 11 of which are greyhound permitholders, located in three 12 contiguous counties, from any greyhound permitholder also 13 located within such area or any dog track or jai alai fronton 14 located as specified in s. 550.615(6) or (8), on races or 15 games received from the same class of permitholder located 16 within the same market area is 6 percent if the host facility 17 is a greyhound permitholder and, if the host facility is a jai 18 alai permitholder, the rate shall be 6.1 percent except that 19 it shall be 2.3 percent on handle at such time as the total 20 tax on intertrack handle paid to the division by the 21 permitholder during the current state fiscal year exceeds the 22 total tax on intertrack handle paid to the division by the 23 permitholder during the 1992-1993 state fiscal year. 24 3. Any guest track that imposes a surcharge on each 25 winning ticket cashed pursuant to s. 550.6335 shall pay an 26 additional tax equal to 5 percent of the surcharge so imposed. 27 Any taxes so imposed shall be deposited into the General 28 Revenue Fund. 29 (4) BREAKS TAX.--Effective October 1, 1996, Each 30 permitholder conducting jai alai performances shall pay a tax 31 equal to the breaks. The "breaks" represents that portion of 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 each pari-mutuel pool which is not redistributed to the 2 contributors or withheld by the permitholder as commission. 3 Section 4. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 4 550.09511, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 5 550.09511 Jai alai taxes; abandoned interest in a 6 permit for nonpayment of taxes.-- 7 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 8 550.0951(3)(b), wagering on live jai alai performances shall 9 be subject to the following taxes: 10 (c) If no tax on handle for live jai alai performances 11 were paid to the division by a jai alai permitholder during 12 the 1991-1992 state fiscal year, then at such time as the 13 total of admissions tax, daily license fee, and tax on handle 14 for live jai alai performances paid to the division by a 15 permitholder during the current state fiscal year exceeds the 16 total state tax revenues from wagering on live jai alai 17 performances paid or due by the permitholder in the last state 18 fiscal year in which the permitholder conducted a full 19 schedule of live games, the permitholder shall pay tax on 20 handle for live jai alai performances at a rate of 3.3 percent 21 of the handle per performance for the remainder of the current 22 state fiscal year. For purposes of this section, total state 23 tax revenues on live jai alai wagering shall include any 24 admissions tax, tax on handle, surtaxes on handle, and daily 25 license fees. This paragraph shall take effect July 1, 1993. 26 Section 5. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 27 550.09515, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 28 550.09515 Thoroughbred horse taxes; abandoned interest 29 in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.-- 30 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 (2)(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 2 550.0951(3)(a), the tax on handle for live thoroughbred horse 3 performances shall be subject to the following: 4 1. The tax on handle per performance for live 5 thoroughbred performances is 2.25 percent of handle for 6 performances conducted during the period beginning on January 7 3 and ending March 16; .70 percent of handle for performances 8 conducted during the period beginning March 17 and ending May 9 22; and 1.5 percent of handle for performances conducted 10 during the period beginning May 23 and ending January 2. 11 2. If any thoroughbred permitholder conducts 12 performances during more than one time period or if 13 performances are conducted during more than one period at any 14 facility, the tax on handle per performance is double the sum 15 of the tax percentages for the periods in which performances 16 are being conducted, except: 17 a. Pursuant to s. 550.01215, two permitholders, by 18 mutual written agreement, may agree to the operation by one of 19 them in the other permitholder's tax period for up to 3 days, 20 if the 3 days are either the first 3 days or the last 3 days 21 of the racing period in which the permitholders intend to 22 operate. 23 b. If, on March 31 of any year, there is no 24 permitholder holding a license for operating any one of the 25 three race periods set forth in this section or if the 26 permitholder who is licensed to operate in any period fails to 27 operate for 10 consecutive days, a permitholder already 28 licensed to operate in another period may apply for and be 29 issued a license to operate the period in question, in 30 addition to the period already licensed. 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 c. Two permitholders who operated in different periods 2 in the preceding fiscal year may, by mutual written agreement, 3 switch periods for the current racing season, even if it 4 results in either permitholder or the facility of a 5 permitholder being operated in two different periods. 6 7 However, any thoroughbred permitholder whose total handle on 8 live performances during the 1991-1992 state fiscal year was 9 not greater than $34 million is authorized to conduct live 10 performances at any time of the year and shall pay 0.5 percent 11 on live handle per performance. 12 3. For the period beginning on April 1 and ending May 13 23 during the state fiscal year 1992-1993, any permitholder 14 which has operated less than 51 racing days in the last 18 15 months may operate said period and pay 1.25 percent tax on 16 live handle per performance. In the event this provision 17 takes effect after April 1, 1993, it shall be construed to 18 apply retroactively from April 1, 1993, through May 23, 1993. 19 4. In the event any licenses have been issued to any 20 thoroughbred permitholders for racing dates prior to April 26, 21 1993, then, notwithstanding the provisions of s. 550.525(2), 22 amendments may be filed to the racing dates up to May 1, 1993. 23 Section 6. Paragraph (c) of subsection (9) of section 24 550.6305, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 25 550.6305 Intertrack wagering; guest track payments; 26 accounting rules.-- 27 (9) A host track that has contracted with an 28 out-of-state horse track to broadcast live races conducted at 29 such out-of-state horse track pursuant to s. 550.3551(5) may 30 broadcast such out-of-state races to any guest track and 31 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HB 3365 615-110-98 1 accept wagers thereon in the same manner as is provided in s. 2 550.3551. 3 (c) All guest tracks other than thoroughbred 4 permitholders that are eligible to receive wagers on 5 out-of-state horseraces rebroadcast from a host track racing 6 under a thoroughbred horse permit shall be subject to the 7 distribution of the net proceeds as specified in paragraph (b) 8 (a) unless the host and guest permitholders and the recognized 9 horseman's group agree to a different distribution of their 10 respective portions of the proceeds by contract. 11 Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 12 law. 13 14 ***************************************** 15 HOUSE SUMMARY 16 Revises various provisions of law relating to pari-mutuel 17 wagering to remove obsolete language and correct a cross reference. See bill for details. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10