House Bill 3369c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3369

        By the Committee on Community Affairs and Representative

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to inland waterway management;

  3         amending s. 374.976, F.S.; authorizing the

  4         Florida Inland Navigation District and the West

  5         Coast Inland Navigation District to enter into

  6         cooperative agreements with the Federal

  7         Government, participate with the United States

  8         Army Corps of Engineers in waterway maintenance

  9         projects, engage in anchorage management

10         programs and beach renourishment projects, and

11         enter into ecosystem management agreements with

12         the Department of Environmental Protection;

13         conforming language relating to existing

14         matching fund requirements; repealing s.

15         374.976(5), F.S., as amended by ch. 96-320,

16         Laws of Florida, to clarify legislative intent

17         with respect to duplicate provisions; amending

18         s. 403.061, F.S.; providing a supplemental

19         process for issuance of joint coastal permits

20         and environmental resource permits for regional

21         waterway management activities; amending s.

22         311.105, F.S.; correcting cross references;

23         repealing s. 8 of ch. 90-264, Laws of Florida,

24         relating to Sundown review and repeal of the

25         West Coast Inland Navigation District;

26         providing an effective date.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:





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  1         Section 1.  Section 374.976, Florida Statutes, as

  2  amended by chapter 96-425, Laws of Florida, is amended to

  3  read:

  4         374.976  Authority to address impacts of waterway

  5  development projects.--

  6         (1)  Each inland navigation district, except the

  7  district created pursuant to s. 374.301, is empowered and

  8  authorized to undertake programs intended to alleviate the

  9  problems associated with its waterway or waterways, including,

10  but not limited to, the following:

11         (a)  The district may act as a local interest sponsor

12  for any project designated as a "Section 107, River and Harbor

13  Act of 1960" project authorized and undertaken by the U.S.

14  Army Corps of Engineers and, in this regard, may comply with

15  any or all conditions imposed on local interests as part of

16  such project.

17         (b)  It is the intent of the Legislature that the

18  district may sponsor or furnish assistance and support to

19  member counties and local governments within the district in

20  planning and carrying out beach renourishment and inlet

21  management projects.  Such assistance and support, if

22  financial in nature, shall be contributed only after a finding

23  by the board that inlet management projects are a benefit to

24  public navigation in the district and that the beaches to be

25  nourished have been adversely impacted by navigation inlets,

26  navigation structures, navigation dredging, or a navigation

27  project. Such projects will be consistent with Department of

28  Environmental Protection approved inlet management plans and

29  the statewide beach management plan pursuant to s. 161.161.

30  Inlet management projects that are determined to be consistent

31  with Department of Environmental Protection approved inlet


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  1  management plans are declared to be a benefit to public

  2  navigation.

  3         (c)  The district is authorized to aid and cooperate

  4  with the Federal Government, state, member counties, and local

  5  governments within the district in planning and carrying out

  6  public navigation, local and regional anchorage management,

  7  beach renourishment, public recreation, inlet management,

  8  environmental education, and boating safety projects, directly

  9  related to the waterways.  The district is also authorized to

10  enter into cooperative agreements with the United States Army

11  Corps of Engineers, state, and member counties, and to

12  covenant in any such cooperative agreement to pay part of the

13  costs of acquisition, planning, development, construction,

14  reconstruction, extension, improvement, operation, and

15  maintenance of such projects.

16         (d)  The district is authorized to enter into

17  cooperative agreements with navigation-related districts to

18  pay part of the costs of acquisition of spoil disposal sites.

19         (e)  The district is authorized to enter into ecosystem

20  management agreements with the Department of Environmental

21  Protection pursuant to s. 403.075.

22         (2)  A district that sponsors a program pursuant to

23  this section shall adopt rules to govern the program, pursuant

24  to chapter 120.  At a minimum, such rules shall prohibit the

25  encumbrance of funds for a project beyond 3 years following

26  approval of the project and, except for funds provided to

27  enhance public navigation, law enforcement on the waterways,

28  or environmental education projects within its district, shall

29  prohibit financial support unless matching funds are provided

30  by the recipient of such financial support. The district may

31  waive such rules for a project approved in a county that is


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3369


  1  recovering from a state of emergency declared under chapter

  2  252.

  3         (3)  Except as provided in subsection (2), all

  4  financial assistance and support furnished by the Florida

  5  Inland Navigation District and the West Coast Inland

  6  Navigation District to member counties and local governments

  7  within the districts shall require matching funds. Such

  8  matching funds shall be clearly identified and enumerated as

  9  to amount and source. Such financial assistance and support,

10  except as provided pursuant to paragraph (1)(a) and except for

11  a project approved in a county that is recovering from a state

12  of emergency declared under chapter 252, shall not exceed the

13  proportional share of ad valorem tax collections from each

14  county.

15         (4)  Each district shall report to the Legislature no

16  later than January 1, 1991, on the type of projects, amount of

17  financial assistance, and amount and source of matching funds

18  received for said projects.  The report shall delineate the

19  justification for awarding financial assistance and shall

20  include the direct relationship the project has to the

21  maintenance of the intracoastal waterways.

22         (5)  The Florida Inland Navigation District may furnish

23  assistance and support to seaports for the purpose of planning

24  and carrying out dredge material management projects and other

25  environmental mitigation projects. Port projects shall benefit

26  publicly maintained channels and harbors.  Any port eligible

27  for funding shall be located in a member county of the

28  district, and each port shall contribute matching funds for

29  funded projects. Financial assistance for such port projects

30  shall not be included in calculating the proportional share of

31  ad valorem tax collections of the county in which the port is


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  1  located, provided the port seeking assistance demonstrates a

  2  regional benefit realized from the port's activities. However,

  3  the cost of a port project funded pursuant to this section may

  4  not exceed the proportional share of ad valorem taxation of

  5  the counties in the district which are benefited by the

  6  project.

  7         Section 2.  Subsection (5) of section 374.976, Florida

  8  Statutes, as amended by chapter 96-320, Laws of Florida, is

  9  repealed.

10         Section 3.  Subsection (39) is added to section

11  403.061, Florida Statutes, to read:

12         403.061  Department; powers and duties.--The department

13  shall have the power and the duty to control and prohibit

14  pollution of air and water in accordance with the law and

15  rules adopted and promulgated by it and, for this purpose, to:

16         (39)  Enter into a memorandum of agreement with the

17  Florida Inland Navigation District and the West Coast Inland

18  Navigation District or their successor agencies, to provide a

19  supplemental process for issuance of joint coastal permits

20  pursuant to s. 161.055 or environmental resource permits

21  pursuant to part IV of chapter 373 for regional waterway

22  management activities, including, but not limited to,

23  maintenance dredging, spoil disposal, public recreation, inlet

24  management, beach nourishment, and environmental protection

25  directly related to public navigation and the construction,

26  maintenance, and operation of Florida's inland waterways.


28  The department shall implement such programs in conjunction

29  with its other powers and duties and shall place special

30  emphasis on reducing and eliminating contamination that



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  1  presents a threat to humans, animals or plants, or to the

  2  environment.

  3         Section 4.  Subsections (2), (3), and (6) of section

  4  311.105, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  5         311.105  Florida Seaport Environmental Management

  6  Committee; permitting; mitigation.--

  7         (2)  Each application for a permit authorized pursuant

  8  to s. 403.061(37)(38) must include:

  9         (a)  A description of maintenance dredging activities

10  to be conducted and proposed methods of dredged-material

11  management.

12         (b)  A characterization of the materials to be dredged

13  and the materials within dredged-material management sites.

14         (c)  A description of dredged-material management sites

15  and plans.

16         (d)  A description of measures to be undertaken,

17  including environmental compliance monitoring, to minimize

18  adverse environmental effects of maintenance dredging and

19  dredged-material management.

20         (e)  Such scheduling information as is required to

21  facilitate state supplementary funding of federal maintenance

22  dredging and dredged-material management programs consistent

23  with beach restoration criteria of the Department of

24  Environmental Protection.

25         (3)  Each application for a permit authorized pursuant

26  to s. 403.061(38)(39) must include the provisions of

27  paragraphs (2)(b)-(e) and the following:

28         (a)  A description of dredging and dredged-material

29  management and other related activities associated with port

30  development, including the expansion of navigation channels,



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  1  dredged-material management sites, port harbors, turning

  2  basins, harbor berths, and associated facilities.

  3         (b)  A discussion of environmental mitigation as is

  4  proposed for dredging and dredged-material management for port

  5  development, including the expansion of navigation channels,

  6  dredged-material management sites, port harbors, turning

  7  basins, harbor berths, and associated facilities.

  8         (6)  Dredged-material management activities authorized

  9  pursuant to s. 403.061(37) or (38)(38) or (39) shall be

10  incorporated into port master plans developed pursuant to s.

11  163.3178(2)(k).

12         Section 5.  Section 8 of chapter 90-264, Laws of

13  Florida, is repealed.

14         Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

15  law.
















