House Bill 3389er

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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed


  2         An act relating to education; creating s.

  3         236.08106, F.S., relating to the Excellent

  4         Teaching Program; providing legislative

  5         findings and intent; authorizing monetary

  6         incentives and bonuses for teaching excellence;

  7         providing for annual allocations to districts;

  8         providing fee subsidies and conditions for

  9         repayment of subsidies for participating in the

10         certification program of the National Board of

11         Professional Teaching Standards; requiring the

12         distribution of certain monetary bonuses to

13         teachers; providing eligibility criteria;

14         requiring release time for certain activities;

15         requiring certain district expenditures for

16         professional development of teachers; amending

17         s. 236.081, F.S.; authorizing categorical

18         funding for the Excellent Teaching Program;

19         amending s. 231.173, F.S., relating to

20         certification of experienced out-of-state

21         teachers and administrators; deleting a

22         requirement for superintendents to request

23         certification; providing for issuance of a

24         professional certificate to individuals

25         certified by the National Board of Professional

26         Teaching Standards; conforming provisions;

27         amending s. 231.24, F.S.; authorizing renewal

28         of certificates through national certification;

29         amending s. 110.1099, F.S.; clarifying

30         description of tuition waivers; amending s.

31         246.021, F.S.; clarifying the definition of the


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1         term "college"; amending s. 246.031, F.S.;

  2         revising requirements relating to members of

  3         the State Board of Independent Colleges and

  4         Universities; amending s. 246.041, F.S.;

  5         revising powers and duties of the board;

  6         deleting or correcting obsolete references;

  7         amending s. 246.084, F.S., relating to colleges

  8         receiving an authorization; revising certain

  9         requirements; providing for exemption from

10         certain requirements; revising provisions

11         relating to oversight of the review and

12         collection of data for purposes of determining

13         compliance; amending s. 246.085, F.S.; revising

14         provisions relating to issuance of a

15         certificate of exemption; amending s. 246.101,

16         F.S., to conform; amending 246.121, F.S.;

17         correcting obsolete references; amending s.

18         246.31, F.S., relating to the Institutional

19         Assessment Trust Fund; conforming provisions;

20         providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Section 236.08106, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         236.08106  Excellent Teaching Program.--

27         (1)  The Legislature recognizes that teachers play a

28  critical role in preparing students to achieve the high levels

29  of academic performance expected by the Sunshine State

30  Standards. The Legislature further recognizes the importance

31  of identifying and rewarding teaching excellence and of


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  encouraging good teachers to become excellent teachers. The

  2  Legislature finds that the National Board of Professional

  3  Teaching Standards (NBPTS) has established high and rigorous

  4  standards for accomplished teaching and has developed a

  5  national voluntary system for assessing and certifying

  6  teachers who demonstrate teaching excellence by meeting those

  7  standards. It is therefore the Legislature's intent to provide

  8  incentives for teachers to seek NBPTS certification and to

  9  reward teachers who demonstrate teaching excellence by

10  attaining NBPTS certification and sharing their expertise with

11  other teachers.

12         (2)  The Excellent Teaching Program is created to

13  provide categorical funding for monetary incentives and

14  bonuses for teaching excellence. The Department of Education

15  shall allocate and distribute to each school district an

16  amount as prescribed annually by the Legislature for the

17  Excellent Teaching Program. Unless otherwise provided in the

18  General Appropriations Act, each school district's annual

19  allocation shall be the sum of the amounts earned for the

20  following incentives and bonuses:

21         (a)  A fee subsidy to be paid by the school district to

22  the NBPTS on behalf of each individual who is an employee of

23  the district school board or a public school within that

24  school district, who is certified by the district to have

25  demonstrated satisfactory teaching performance pursuant to s.

26  231.29 and, who satisfies the prerequisites for participating

27  in the NBPTS certification program, and who agrees, in

28  writing, to pay 10 percent of the NBPTS participation fee and

29  to participate in the NBPTS certification program during the

30  school year for which the fee subsidy is provided. The fee

31  subsidy for each eligible participant shall be an amount equal


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  1  to 90 percent of the fee charged for participating in the

  2  NBPTS certification program, but not more than $1,800 per

  3  eligible participant. The fee subsidy is a one-time award and

  4  may not be duplicated for any individual.

  5         (b)  A portfolio-preparation incentive of $150 for each

  6  teacher employed by the district school board or a public

  7  school within the district who is participating in the NBPTS

  8  certification program. The portfolio-preparation incentive is

  9  a one-time award paid during the school year for which the

10  NBPTS fee subsidy is provided.

11         (c)  An annual bonus equal to 10 percent of the prior

12  fiscal year's statewide average salary for classroom teachers

13  to be paid to each individual who holds NBPTS certification

14  and is employed by the district school board or by a public

15  school within that school district. The district school board

16  shall distribute the annual bonus to each individual who meets

17  the requirements of this paragraph and who is certified

18  annually by the district to have demonstrated satisfactory

19  teaching performance pursuant to s. 231.29. The annual bonus

20  may be paid as a single payment or divided into not more than

21  three payments.

22         (d)  An annual bonus equal to 10 percent of the prior

23  fiscal year's statewide average salary for classroom teachers

24  to be paid to each individual who meets the requirements of

25  paragraph (c) and agrees, in writing, to provide the

26  equivalent of 12 workdays of mentoring and related services to

27  public school teachers within the district who do not hold

28  NBPTS certification. The district school board shall

29  distribute the annual bonus in a single payment following the

30  completion of all required mentoring and related services for

31  the year. It is not the intent of the Legislature to remove


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  excellent teachers from their assigned classrooms, therefore,

  2  credit may not be granted by a school district or public

  3  school for mentoring or related services provided during the

  4  regular school day or during the 196 days of required service

  5  for the school year.

  6         (e)  The district shall receive an amount equal to 50

  7  percent of the teacher bonuses provided under paragraph (c)

  8  and (d), which shall be used by the district for professional

  9  development of teachers. The district must give priority to

10  using all funds received pursuant to this paragraph for

11  professional development of teachers employed at schools

12  identified as performing at critically low levels.


14  A teacher for whom the state pays the certification fee and

15  who does not complete the certification program or does not

16  teach in a public school of this state for a least 1 year

17  after completing the certification program must repay the

18  amount of the certification fee to the state. However, a

19  teacher who completes the certification program but fails to

20  be awarded NBPTS certification is not required to repay the

21  amount of the certification fee if the teacher meets the

22  1-year teaching requirement. Repayment is not required of a

23  teacher who does not complete the certification program or

24  fails to fulfill the teaching requirement because of the

25  teacher's death or disability or because of other extenuating

26  circumstances as determined by the State Board of Education.

27         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

28  236.081, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 97-380, Laws

29  of Florida, is amended to read:

30         236.081  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

31  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

  2  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

  3  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

  4  follows:

  5         (5)  CATEGORICAL PROGRAMS.--The Legislature hereby

  6  provides for the establishment of selected categorical

  7  programs to assist in the development and maintenance of

  8  activities giving indirect support to the programs previously

  9  funded.  These categorical appropriations may be funded as

10  general and transitional categorical programs.  It is the

11  intent of the Legislature that no transitional categorical

12  program be funded for more than 4 fiscal years from the date

13  of original authorization. Such programs are as follows:

14         (a)  General.--

15         1.  Comprehensive school construction and debt service

16  as provided by law.

17         2.  Community schools as provided by law.

18         3.  School lunch programs as provided by law.

19         4.  Instructional material funds as provided by law.

20         5.  Student transportation as provided by law.

21         6.  Student development services as provided by law.

22         7.  Diagnostic and learning resource centers as

23  provided by law.

24         8.  Comprehensive health education as provided by law.

25         9.  Excellent Teaching Program as provided by law.

26         (b)  Transitional.--

27         1.  Bilingual program as provided by law.

28         Section 3.  Section 231.173, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         231.173  Successful experienced out-of-state teachers

31  and administrators.--


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1         (1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 231.02,

  2  231.15, and 231.17, and 231.172 or any other provision of law

  3  or rule to the contrary, a successful, experienced, and

  4  certified out-of-state teacher or administrator qualifies

  5  employed in a public school or nonpublic school in this state

  6  may qualify for a professional certificate if the applicant:

  7         (a)(1)  Completes the application process, including

  8  the filing of a complete set of fingerprints as required by s.

  9  231.02.

10         (b)(2)  Holds a valid standard certificate issued by

11  the state where the applicant most recently taught, which

12  standard certificate is equivalent to the professional

13  certificate issued by this state and for which specialization

14  coverage is based on a level of training comparable to that

15  required in this state for the specialization coverage sought

16  by the applicant applicant's area of assignment.

17         (c)(3)  Documents 5 years of appropriate successful

18  full-time teaching or administrative experience in another

19  state, including 2 continuous years during the 5-year period

20  immediately preceding the date of application for

21  certification.

22         (2)  An out-of-state applicant qualifies for a

23  professional certificate if the applicant meets the

24  requirements of paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) and holds a valid

25  certificate issued by the National Board of Professional

26  Teaching Standards.

27         (4)  Submits a request for issuance of the professional

28  certificate from the superintendent of the employing school

29  district or governing authority of the employing developmental

30  research school, state-supported school, or nonpublic school



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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  within the first 120 days of assignment with validation of

  2  awareness of the standards of professional practice.

  3         (3)(5)  The professional certificate issued in

  4  accordance with subsection (1) these provisions shall reflect

  5  specialization coverages as follows:

  6         (a)  Teachers.--An applicant A teacher appointed to an

  7  academic assignment shall be eligible for the academic

  8  coverage in an area in which the teacher is assigned to teach

  9  in a public school or nonpublic school in this state or in the

10  area of the applicant's certification by the National Board of

11  Professional Teaching Standards.

12         (b)  Principals.--An individual appointed as an intern

13  or interim principal of a public or nonpublic K-12 school in

14  this state shall be eligible for the educational leadership

15  coverage.

16         (c)  Administrators of adult education.--An individual

17  appointed as an administrator of an adult education program at

18  a public or nonpublic school in this state shall be eligible

19  for the administration of adult education coverage.

20         (d)  Directors of career education.--An individual

21  appointed as a director of career education at a public or

22  nonpublic school in this state shall be eligible for the

23  director of career education coverage.

24         Section 4.  Subsection (2) and paragraph (b) of

25  subsection (3) of section 231.24, Florida Statutes, are

26  amended to read:

27         231.24  Process for renewal of professional

28  certificates.--

29         (2)  All professional certificates, except a

30  nonrenewable professional certificate, shall be renewable for

31  successive periods not to exceed 5 years after the date of


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  submission of documentation of completion of the requirements

  2  for renewal provided in subsection (3). Only one renewal may

  3  be granted during each 5-year validity period of a

  4  professional certificate, except that a teacher with national

  5  certification from the National Board for Professional

  6  Teaching Standards is deemed to meet state renewal

  7  requirements for the life of the teacher's national

  8  certificate. However, if the renewal application form is not

  9  received by the department or by the employing school district

10  before the expiration of the professional certificate, the

11  application form, application fee, and a late fee must be

12  submitted before July 1 of the year following expiration of

13  the certificate in order to renew the professional

14  certificate. The state board shall adopt rules to allow a

15  1-year extension of the validity period of a professional

16  certificate in the event of serious illness, injury, or other

17  extraordinary extenuating circumstances of the applicant. The

18  department shall grant such 1-year extension upon written

19  request by the applicant or by the superintendent of the local

20  school district or the governing authority of a developmental

21  research school, state-supported school, or nonpublic school

22  that employs the applicant.

23         (3)  For the renewal of a professional certificate, the

24  following requirements must be met:

25         (b)  In lieu of college course credit or inservice

26  points, the applicant may renew a specialization area by

27  passage of a state board approved subject area test, by

28  completion of the national certification from the National

29  Board for Professional Teaching Standards in that

30  specialization area, or by completion of a department approved

31  summer work program in a business or industry directly related


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  to an area of specialization listed on the certificate. The

  2  state board shall adopt rules providing for the approval

  3  procedure.

  4         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 110.1099, Florida

  5  Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         110.1099  Education and training opportunities for

  7  state employees.--

  8         (1)  Education and training are an integral component

  9  in improving the delivery of services to the public.

10  Recognizing that the application of productivity-enhancing

11  technology and practice demand continuous educational and

12  training opportunities, state employees may be authorized to

13  receive fundable tuition waivers on a space-available basis or

14  vouchers to attend work-related courses at public

15  universities. Student credit hours generated by state employee

16  fee waivers shall be fundable credit hours.

17         Section 6.  Subsection (4) of section 246.021, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         246.021  Definitions.--As used in ss. 246.011-246.151,

20  unless the context otherwise requires:

21         (4)  "College" means any educational entity which

22  confers or offers to confer a degree or which furnishes or

23  offers to furnish instruction leading toward, or prerequisite

24  to, college credit or a degree beyond the secondary level. The

25  term includes any nonpublic college chartered in this state

26  and any Florida center or branch campus of an out-of-state

27  college.

28         Section 7.  Subsection (2) of section 246.031, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:

30         246.031  State Board of Independent Colleges and

31  Universities.--


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1         (2)  The State Board of Independent Colleges and

  2  Universities shall consist of nine citizens who are residents

  3  of this state, a majority of whom represent nonpublic

  4  independent colleges and universities within the state. For

  5  terms beginning after October 1, 1992, Members shall be

  6  residents of the state, selected from the state at large and.

  7  Members shall be appointed by the Governor and confirmed by

  8  the Senate. To be consistent with an independent rulemaking

  9  board, members, except members appointed pursuant to paragraph

10  (e), must be employees, consultants, board members, or

11  trustees of a nonpublic college or university that is under

12  the State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities. At

13  least one member must be appointed from each of the following

14  categories:

15         (a)  A college or university holding a certificate of

16  exemption from licensure pursuant to s. 246.085(1)(a) and

17  accredited by a regional accrediting agency.

18         (b)  A college or university holding a certificate of

19  exemption from licensure pursuant to s. 246.085(1)(a) and

20  accredited by a national accrediting agency.

21         (c)  A college or university licensed by the board

22  pursuant to s. 246.087.

23         (d)  A college or university holding a certificate of

24  exemption from licensure pursuant to s. 246.085(1)(b) or a

25  college or university issued an authorization pursuant to s.

26  246.084.

27         (e)  Lay citizens of the state who derive no income

28  from a nonpublic college or university.


30  Accreditation of an institution pursuant to the requirements

31  of this subsection must be by a regional or national


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  1  accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department

  2  of Education.

  3         Section 8.  Paragraphs (q) and (r) of subsection (1)

  4  and paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of section 246.041,

  5  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  6         246.041  Powers and duties of board.--

  7         (1)  The board shall:

  8         (q)  To ensure comparability with licensure standards,

  9  review at least biennially the accreditation standards of

10  agencies listed in s. 246.085(1)(a), and upon request and

11  payment of an initial review fee, other accrediting agencies

12  recognized by the United States Department of Education.

13  Annually review the accreditation standards of the Commission

14  on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and

15  Schools, the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and

16  Schools at the junior or senior college of business level, and

17  the American Association of Bible Colleges, the Transnational

18  Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, and, upon

19  request, other Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary

20  Accreditation and United States Department of Education

21  recognized accrediting associations, to determine for each of

22  these accrediting bodies the comparability of the

23  accreditation standards with the minimum licensing

24  requirements of the board.

25         (r)  Provide information and documentation on an annual

26  basis to the Office of Student Financial Assistance of the

27  Department of Education regarding the requirements set forth

28  for nonpublic colleges in s. 240.605, relating to Florida

29  resident access grants, s. 240.6055 240.607, relating to

30  access grants for community college graduates, and s. 240.609,

31  relating to Florida postsecondary endowment grants.


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1         (2)  The board may:

  2         (g)  Following evaluation by the board, recommend to

  3  the Legislature any changes to the accrediting associations

  4  included in s. 246.085(1)(a). Accrediting associations

  5  included in s. 246.085(1)(a) shall be Commission on

  6  Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation or United States

  7  Department of Education recognized accrediting associations

  8  whose standards are comparable with state licensing standards.

  9         Section 9.  Section 246.084, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         246.084  Authorization.--

12         (1)  A nonpublic college which enrolls students, none

13  of whom receive state or federal financial aid for education,

14  shall not be required to apply for a license upon compliance

15  with this section and submission of data required by this

16  section provided that none of the students of such college who

17  are enrolled in Florida receive state or federal financial aid

18  for education.

19         (a)  Colleges receiving authorization under this

20  section may only offer educational programs that prepare

21  students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals,

22  or laypersons in the following categories: ministry,

23  counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine

24  arts, media communications, and social work.

25         (b)  The religious vocation must predominantly appear

26  on the face of the degree and on the college's transcript.

27         (c)  The titles of degrees issued by the college must

28  include a religious modifier which must immediately precede,

29  or be included within, any of the following titles: Associate

30  in Arts, Associate in Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of

31  Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of


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  1  Philosophy. The religious modifier must be placed on the title

  2  line of the degree.

  3         (d)  For purposes of this section, one semester credit

  4  hour of study is 15 academic hours or its equivalent.  The

  5  following minimum credit hours are required for awarding the

  6  following degrees:

  7         1.  Associate degree, with no fewer than 60 semester

  8  hours or the equivalent.

  9         2.  Bachelor's degree, with no fewer than 120 semester

10  hours or the equivalent.

11         3.  Master's degree, with no fewer than 24 semester

12  hours, or the equivalent, beyond the bachelor's degree.

13         4.  Doctoral degree, with no fewer than 60 semester

14  hours, or the equivalent, beyond the bachelor's degree.

15         (e)  The following data must be submitted annually to

16  the board: college name, address, telephone number, and

17  accreditation, if any; denomination, church, or religious

18  affiliation; list of all degree titles with their religious

19  vocation major; and a current copy of the college's catalog

20  and consumer practice information listed in paragraph (f).

21         (f)  The board shall collect annually from each college

22  authorized pursuant to this section the following descriptive

23  inventory of consumer practices:

24         1.  A description of the college's policies and

25  procedures regarding the recruitment and admission of

26  students.

27         2.  The sources and kinds of financial assistance

28  available and the specific manner by which students are

29  informed of their responsibilities with respect to receiving

30  assistance and repaying loans.



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  1         3.  The placement assistance provided by the college,

  2  including any claims concerning job placement rates.

  3         4.  Copies of all advertising published on behalf of

  4  the college during the previous year.  If the college claims

  5  accreditation, it shall indicate whether or not that

  6  accreditation is approved by the United States Department of

  7  Education and if such accreditation is disclosed in all

  8  advertisements.

  9         5.  A copy of the college's refund policy.  The refund

10  policy must provide students with a minimum of 3 working days

11  from the date a student signs an enrollment contract or

12  financial agreement with a college for the student to cancel

13  the contract and receive a full refund of any tuition or

14  registration fees paid.  The refund policy must be prominently

15  displayed on the contract form.

16         6.  Evidence that the college has provided its students

17  with a clear and specific statement regarding the

18  transferability of credits to and from other colleges,

19  institutes, seminaries, and universities.

20         (g)  The college shall include with the data required

21  by paragraphs (e) and (f), a sworn affidavit, signed by its

22  chief administrative officer, affirming that the information

23  submitted is accurate and no false data has knowingly and

24  willingly been submitted, that the policies reported are

25  provided in writing to all prospective students at least 1

26  week before enrollment or collection of tuition fees, that the

27  college observes the policies and practices as reported to the

28  board, and that it complies with this section.

29         (h)  The board shall set an annual review date for

30  receiving data and assuring compliance with this section.  The

31  board shall give a college 60 days' notification of the annual


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  review date.  After providing 30 days' notification, the board

  2  may impose a fine for every month the college receiving

  3  authorization under this section fails to provide the data

  4  required by paragraphs (e) and (f).  The postmark on the

  5  envelope or package containing the notification serves as the

  6  date of notification.

  7         (i)  The following information must appear in the

  8  college's catalog or administrative bulletin: denomination,

  9  church, or religious affiliation; purpose or mission of the

10  college; a list and description of all courses of study; a

11  list of course descriptions; a list of all faculty members

12  with their degrees; administrative officers and staff; all

13  fees, charges, nonrefundable fees, and tuition; refund

14  policies; transferability of credits to and from other

15  colleges; accreditation, if any; whether or not the

16  accrediting agency is recognized by the United States

17  Department of Education; and the college's authorization

18  status.  A college receiving authorization under this section

19  shall include the following statement in the purpose, mission,

20  accreditation, or recognition statement in the catalog to

21  clarify its statutory existence: "The degree programs of this

22  college are designed solely for religious vocations."

23         (j)  The name of the college shall include a religious

24  modifier or the name of a religious patriarch, saint, person,

25  or symbol of the church.

26         (2)  A nonpublic college shall be exempt from the

27  requirements of paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) if it complies with

28  all other provisions of this section and with the minimum

29  standards for licensure as provided for in rule. Verification

30  of compliance with this section shall be accomplished by one

31  of the following methods:


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1         (a)  By submission to the board of a finding of

  2  compliance by a group of individuals forming an education

  3  association pursuant to the following requirements:

  4         1.  Members of the association are citizens of the

  5  State of Florida.

  6         2.  The association is based in, and operates in, the

  7  State of Florida.

  8         3.  Members designated by the association shall receive

  9  training from the board staff, including participating in the

10  evaluation of a minimum of two licensure cycles from initial

11  application through regular licensure, complete with site

12  visits and related board meetings. The association shall pay

13  its members' expenses for training. Association members shall

14  be exempt from these training requirements if the board

15  determines that they have experience reviewing institutions

16  with standards as rigorous as the board's minimum standards

17  for licensure.

18         4.  No more than two members of the review team shall

19  derive income from the same nonpublic postsecondary collegiate

20  institution or nonpublic postsecondary education association.

21         5.  No member of the review team shall derive income

22  from the institution being reviewed.

23         6.  At least three members of the review team must have

24  a minimum of 3 years' experience in postsecondary collegiate

25  administration and have experience implementing standards as

26  rigorous as the board's minimum standards for licensure.


28  For each nonpublic college reviewed by the association, the

29  association shall submit to the board a copy of all data

30  required by statute and rule related to minimum standards for

31  licensure.  Such data shall be submitted at least 30 days


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  prior to the college's annual review date assigned by the

  2  board.

  3         (b)  By submission to the board of evidence of

  4  accreditation by a regional or national accrediting agency

  5  that is recognized by the United States Department of

  6  Education.

  7         (c)  By a finding of compliance by the board.

  8  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1)(c), a college

  9  which complies with the provisions of this section and submits

10  to the board a sworn affidavit from a group formed pursuant to

11  s. 246.041(1)(f), certifying that the college complies with

12  the minimum standards for licensure as provided for in rule,

13  is not required to include a religious modifier in the title

14  of degrees issued by the college.

15         (3)  The board shall enter into an agreement with a

16  group of individuals forming an education association to

17  oversee the review and collection of the data submitted

18  pursuant to this section.  However, nonpublic colleges and

19  universities subject to this section may choose at any time to

20  be under the State Board of Independent Colleges and

21  Universities for review and collection of data.  The

22  association authorized by the board shall meet the following

23  qualifications:

24         (a)  Members of the association must be citizens of the

25  State of Florida.

26         (b)  The association shall be based in, and operate in,

27  the State of Florida.

28         (c)  Members designated by the association shall

29  receive training from the board staff, including participating

30  in the evaluation of a minimum of two authorization

31  applications, complete with site visits and related board


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  meetings. The association shall pay its members' expenses for

  2  training. Association members shall be exempt from these

  3  training requirements if the board determines that they have

  4  experience reviewing institutions with standards as rigorous

  5  as the board's minimum standards for authorization.

  6         (d)  No more than two members of the review team shall

  7  derive income from the same nonpublic postsecondary collegiate

  8  institution or nonpublic postsecondary education association.

  9         (e)  No member of the review team shall derive income

10  from the institution being reviewed.

11         (f)  At least three members of the review team must

12  have a minimum of 3 years' experience in postsecondary

13  collegiate administration and have experience implementing

14  standards as rigorous as the board's minimum standards for

15  authorization.


17  For each nonpublic college reviewed by the association, the

18  association shall submit to the board a copy of all data

19  required by statute related to standards for authorization.

20  Such data shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the

21  college's annual review date assigned by the board.

22         (4)(3)  The burden of determining compliance with this

23  section shall rest with the board. Pursuant to s.

24  246.041(1)(f), the board may enter into an agreement with an

25  individual or group of individuals to oversee the review and

26  collection of the data submitted pursuant to this section. The

27  board may require further evidence and make such further

28  investigation, in addition to the information submitted, as

29  may be reasonably necessary in the board's judgment.




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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1         (5)(4)  If the board determines that a college meets

  2  the requirements of this section, the board shall issue the

  3  college an authorization.

  4         (6)(5)  If at any time a college receiving

  5  authorization under this section fails to comply with this

  6  section, it shall be required to apply for a license pursuant

  7  to s. 246.081 within 30 days of the board's final action

  8  finding that the college is not authorized under this section.

  9  Final actions by the board may be taken only after two

10  consecutive quarterly meetings.  A notice of noncompliance

11  with the specific requirements of this section shall precede

12  the two quarterly meetings.  A final noncompliance

13  notification shall be sent by certified mail 30 days prior to

14  the final action.

15         Section 10.  Subsection (1) of section 246.085, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         246.085  Certificate of exemption.--

18         (1)  As an alternative to applying for a license from

19  the board, the following nonpublic colleges may apply for a

20  certificate of exemption from the board:

21         (a)  Colleges chartered in Florida and accredited by:

22         1.  The Commission on Colleges of the Southern

23  Association of Colleges and Schools;

24         2.  The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges

25  and Schools at the junior or senior college of business level;

26         3.  The Accrediting American Association of Bible

27  Colleges;

28         4.  The Transnational Association of Christian Colleges

29  and Schools; or

30         5.  An agency recognized by the United States

31  Department of Education Commission on Recognition of


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  Postsecondary Accreditation to accredit professional degree

  2  programs above the baccalaureate level when such agency has

  3  been evaluated pursuant to s. 246.041(1)(q) and determined by

  4  the board to have standards at least comparable to the board's

  5  licensure standards.  A nonpublic college holding a

  6  certificate of exemption under this subparagraph shall only

  7  offer the degree program which is specifically covered in the

  8  grant of accreditation.


10  Each nonpublic college seeking exemption pursuant to this

11  paragraph shall submit to the board a current catalog and a

12  letter from the recognized accrediting agency by whom the

13  college is accredited, confirming the current accredited

14  status of the college.

15         (b)  Colleges chartered in this state, the credits or

16  degrees of which are accepted for credit by at least three

17  colleges that are fully accredited by an agency recognized by

18  the United States Department of Education a member of the

19  Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation,

20  which were exempt through this category of exemption prior to

21  July 1, 1982, and which enroll no students who receive any

22  state or federal financial aid for education. Each college

23  seeking exemption pursuant to this paragraph shall submit to

24  the board a current catalog and letters from the three

25  colleges confirming acceptance of the credits.

26         Section 11.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (5) of section

27  246.101, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         246.101  Fees.--

29         (5)  The board shall assess fees to defray the cost of

30  workload for board activities that are specific to certain

31  colleges.  Such workload activities must relate to:


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1         (h)  Review and collection of data submitted pursuant

  2  to s. 246.084 when the review and collection is performed by

  3  the board rather than an individual or group pursuant to s.

  4  246.084(3).

  5         Section 12.  Section 246.121, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         246.121  Designation "college" or "university".--

  8         (1)  The use of the title "college" or "university" in

  9  combination with any series of letters, numbers, or words is

10  restricted in this state to colleges as defined in s. 246.021

11  which offer degrees as defined in s. 246.021 and fall into at

12  least one of the following categories:

13         (a)  A Florida public college, public or nonpublic,

14  accredited by:

15         1.  The Commission on Colleges of the Southern

16  Association of Colleges and Schools;

17         2.  The Accrediting Commission for Independent Colleges

18  and Schools of the Career College Association at the junior or

19  senior college of business level;

20         3.  The American Association of Bible Colleges; or

21         4.  An agency recognized by the United States

22  Department of Education to accredit professional degree

23  programs above the baccalaureate level.

24         (b)  A Florida or out-of-state college which has been

25  in active operation and using the name since April 1, 1970.

26         (c)  A college for which the board has issued a

27  license, a certificate of exemption, or an authorization

28  pursuant to the provisions of this chapter Colleges chartered

29  in this state the credits or degrees of which are accepted for

30  credit by at least three colleges that are fully accredited by

31  a member of the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  Accreditation, which were exempt prior to July 1, 1982, and

  2  which enroll no students who receive any state or federal

  3  financial aid for education.

  4         (2)  A college for which the board has issued a license

  5  or a certificate of exemption may use the title "college" or

  6  "university" in combination with any series of letters,

  7  numbers, or words if the college meets the standards set by

  8  rule for use of the title "college" or "university," and if

  9  the college has received approval by the board to use such

10  title.

11         (2)(3)  If such a college is approved under subsection

12  (1) (2) to use the designation "college" or "university," a

13  branch or extension of that college may use the name of the

14  parent college, but shall include an indication of the

15  location of the branch or extension.

16         (3)(4)  Any entity offering postsecondary educational

17  courses or programs of study beyond the elementary school

18  level in Florida, whether or not college credit is awarded,

19  shall be subject to the provisions of this section.

20         (4)(5)  An entity shall not use the term "college" or

21  "university" in its name in Florida without approval by the

22  board, unless the board determines that its name is clearly

23  and accurately descriptive of the services provided by the

24  entity and is not one that may mislead the public.

25         Section 13.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

26  246.31, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         246.31  Institutional Assessment Trust Fund.--

28         (2)  Funds from the trust fund shall be used for

29  purposes including, but not limited to, the following:

30         (c)  Educational programs for the benefit of current

31  and prospective owners, administrators, agents, authorized


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    1998 Legislature                   CS/HB 3389, First Engrossed

  1  groups of individuals, and faculty of institutions receiving a

  2  license, a certificate of exemption, or an authorization

  3  licensed by the board.

  4         Section 14.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

  5  year in which enacted.


























