House Bill 3405

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3405

        By Representative Andrews

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to school district improvement;

  3         amending s. 229.0535, F.S.; clarifying State

  4         Board of Education authority to enforce school

  5         and school district improvement; providing

  6         legislative intent that the State Board of

  7         Education and the school district work in

  8         partnership to achieve improvement; requiring

  9         consultation with the superintendent; expanding

10         the authority of the state board to intervene

11         in the operation of a district school system

12         under described circumstances; providing for

13         recommended actions and sanctions; requiring

14         the state board to make specified

15         recommendations; authorizing the State Board of

16         Education to assume control of a school

17         district under certain circumstances; amending

18         s. 230.23, F.S., to conform; providing an

19         effective date and a contingent effective date.


21         WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes that, while the

22  day-to-day operations of the public schools and school

23  districts generally are best handled at the local level,

24  nevertheless the provision of a public education to Florida's

25  students is a core state function, and

26         WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Legislature to protect

27  the core state function of providing a public education to

28  Florida's students by authorizing the State Board of Education

29  to provide enhanced supervision of the school boards'

30  operations of the public schools and school districts on a

31  short-term basis in crisis circumstances, NOW, THEREFORE,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3405


  1  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  3         Section 1.  Section 229.0535, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         229.0535  Authority to enforce school and school

  6  district improvement.--It is the intent of the Legislature

  7  that all public schools and public school districts be held

  8  accountable for operating properly and appropriately and

  9  achieving ensuring that students perform at acceptable levels

10  of student performance.  A system of school improvement and

11  accountability that assesses student performance by school and

12  by school district, identifies schools and school districts

13  not providing adequate progress for students or failing to

14  operate properly and appropriately due to severe financial or

15  legal crisis, and institutes appropriate measures for

16  enforcing improvement is shall be the responsibility of the

17  State Board of Education. It is also the intent of the

18  Legislature that the success of the system of school and

19  school district accountability established by this section

20  requires the State Board of Education and the school district

21  to work in partnership to achieve the necessary improvement.

22  The Commissioner of Education shall consult with the

23  superintendent regarding the potential identification of the

24  school district as low performing and provide the

25  superintendent an opportunity to present mitigating factors

26  including unique characteristics of the district.

27         (1)  Pursuant to Art. IX of the State Constitution

28  prescribing the duty of the State Board of Education to

29  supervise Florida's public school system and notwithstanding

30  any other statutory provisions to the contrary, the State



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3405


  1  Board of Education may shall have the authority to intervene

  2  in the operation of a district school system when:

  3         (a)  in cases where One or more schools in the a school

  4  district have failed to make adequate progress for 3

  5  consecutive school years; or

  6         (b)  Twenty percent or more of the students in the

  7  school district drop out of school before graduation.

  8         (2)  The state board may determine that:

  9         (a)  Any the school district and/or school has not

10  taken steps sufficient to improve service to ensure that

11  students in the school in question;

12         (b)  Any school district has not taken steps sufficient

13  to improve service to students in low-performing schools in

14  the district; or

15         (c)  Any school district has not taken steps sufficient

16  to improve service to students throughout the school district

17  pursuant to paragraph (1)(b) are well served.


19  Considering recommendations of the Commissioner of Education,

20  the state board may is authorized to recommend action to a

21  district school board that is intended to achieve ensure

22  improved educational services to students in the

23  low-performing schools in question or throughout the

24  low-performing school district. Recommendations for actions to

25  be taken in the low-performing schools in question or

26  throughout the low-performing school district shall be made

27  only after thorough consideration of the unique

28  characteristics of the a school or school district, as

29  applicable, which may shall also include student mobility

30  rates and the number and type of exceptional students enrolled

31  in the school or school district, as applicable, the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3405


  1  teacher-to-student ratio in each classroom, and the number of

  2  available textbooks and other instructional materials per

  3  student. The state board shall adopt, by rule, a

  4  recommendation steps to follow in this process, including

  5  safeguards for public schools and.  Such steps shall ensure

  6  that school districts to have sufficient time to improve

  7  student performance as well as in schools and have had the

  8  opportunity to present evidence of assistance and

  9  interventions that the school board has implemented.

10         (3)(2)  The state board may is specifically authorized

11  to recommend one or more of the following actions to school

12  boards to improve service by the public school system to

13  ensure that students in low-performing schools or

14  low-performing school districts are well served by the public

15  school system:

16         (a)  Provide additional resources, change certain

17  practices, and provide additional assistance if the state

18  board determines the causes of inadequate progress to be

19  related to school district policy or practice.;

20         (b)  Implement a plan that satisfactorily resolves the

21  education equity problems in the school or school district.;

22         (c)  Contract for the educational services of the

23  school or school district, or reorganize the school or any

24  number of schools as necessary within a low-performing school

25  district, at the end of the school year under a new

26  administration principal who is authorized to hire new staff

27  and implement a plan that addresses the causes of inadequate

28  progress.;

29         (d)  Allow parents of students in a low-performing the

30  school to send their children to another district school of

31  their choice, if appropriate.; or


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  1         (e)  Other action as deemed appropriate to improve the

  2  low-performing school's or low-performing school district's

  3  performance.

  4         (4)(a)  The state board may recommend any appropriate

  5  action for a school district that is a low-performing school

  6  district.

  7         (b)  The state board shall recommend to the Legislature

  8  by January 1, 1999, criteria and procedures for timely

  9  identifying and addressing a district school system as low

10  performing based on failure to operate properly and

11  appropriately due to severe financial or legal crisis.

12         (5)(3)  In recommending actions to school boards, the

13  State Board of Education shall specify the length of time

14  available to implement the recommended action.  The state

15  board may adopt rules to further specify how it may respond in

16  specific circumstances.  No action taken by the state board

17  shall relieve a school or school district from state

18  accountability requirements.

19         (6)(4)  The State Board of Education may is authorized

20  to require the Department of Education or Comptroller to

21  withhold any transfer of state funds to the school district

22  if, within the timeframe specified in state board action, the

23  school district has failed to comply with the said action

24  ordered to improve low-performing schools or the

25  low-performing school district. Withholding the transfer of

26  funds shall occur only after all other recommended actions for

27  school or school district improvement have failed to improve

28  the performance of the school or school district. The State

29  Board of Education may invoke the same penalty to any school

30  board that fails to develop and implement a plan for

31  assistance and intervention for low-performing schools or the


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  1  low-performing school district as specified in s.

  2  230.23(16)(c).

  3         (7)  The State Board of Education may assume control of

  4  the operation and supervision of all public schools in a

  5  school district that does not satisfactorily improve school or

  6  school district low performance pursuant to the provisions of

  7  this section. In assuming control of a school district, the

  8  state board may remove the superintendent of schools, divest

  9  the school board of its authority, and appoint a chief

10  executive officer and a board to oversee the operation of the

11  school district.

12         Section 2.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (16) of section

13  230.23, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         230.23  Powers and duties of school board.--The school

15  board, acting as a board, shall exercise all powers and

16  perform all duties listed below:


18  ACCOUNTABILITY.--Maintain a system of school improvement and

19  education accountability as provided by statute and State

20  Board of Education rule. This system of school improvement and

21  education accountability shall be consistent with, and

22  implemented through, the district's continuing system of

23  planning and budgeting required by this section and ss.

24  229.555 and 237.041. This system of school improvement and

25  education accountability shall include, but not be limited to,

26  the following:

27         (c)  Assistance and intervention.--Develop a 3-year

28  plan of increasing individualized assistance and intervention

29  for each school and school district that does not meet or make

30  adequate progress, based upon the recommendations of the

31  commission, as defined pursuant to statute and State Board of


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3405


  1  Education rule, toward meeting the goals and standards of its

  2  approved school improvement plan.

  3         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

  4  year in which enacted, except that s. 229.0535(7), Florida

  5  Statutes, as created by this act, shall take effect only if an

  6  amendment to the State Constitution that authorizes, or

  7  removes impediment to, enactment by the Legislature of the

  8  provisions of such subsection is approved by the electors at

  9  the general election to be held in November 1998. If such

10  amendment is approved, such subsection shall take effect on

11  the effective date of that amendment.


13            *****************************************

14                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions relating to the enforcement of school
16    improvement in the district school system.  Expands
      authority of the State Board of Education to intervene in
17    the operation of a district school system under certain
      circumstances.  Requires the Commissioner of Education to
18    consult with school superintendents regarding low
      performance. Provides for recommended actions for a
19    low-performing school district. Requires the State Board
      of Education to make specified recommendations.
20    Authorizes the State Board of Education to assume control
      of a school district under certain circumstances.










