House Bill 3421

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3421

        By Representative Putnam

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to water control districts;

  3         amending s. 298.005, F.S.; deleting the

  4         definition of the term "water control district"

  5         and revising the definition of the term "water

  6         control plan"; amending s. 298.11, F.S.;

  7         providing for landowner vote for fractional

  8         acreage; providing quorum requirements;

  9         amending s. 298.12, F.S.; providing for

10         appointment of a supervisor; amending s.

11         298.16, F.S.; eliminating surety bond

12         requirements for district engineers; amending

13         s. 298.22, F.S.; providing criteria for

14         awarding construction contracts; providing

15         clarification of when districts may assess and

16         collect fees for connection to district works;

17         amending s. 298.225, F.S.; revising

18         requirements for the development and amendment

19         of district water control plans; amending s.

20         298.26, F.S.; revising use of the district

21         engineer's annual report; amending s. 298.301,

22         F.S.; providing for the determination of

23         benefits and damages; revising notice and

24         report requirements; providing that the

25         approval of a district water control plan and

26         assessments is final unless court action is

27         brought within 30 days after approval; amending

28         s. 298.329, F.S.; conforming a statutory

29         cross-reference; amending s. 298.337, F.S.;

30         providing for the assessment of land less than

31         an acre; amending s. 298.353, F.S.; revising


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  1         notice requirements; providing that district

  2         bonds may be payable from assessments on more

  3         than one unit; providing an effective date.


  5  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  7         Section 1.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section 298.005,

  8  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  9         298.005  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

10  term:

11         (3)  "Water control district" means a special district

12  established in accordance with s. 298.01 and operating under

13  this chapter.

14         (3)(4)  "Water control plan" means the comprehensive

15  operational document that describes the activities and

16  improvements to be conducted by a water control district

17  authorized under this chapter and includes any district.

18  Alternatively described as a "plan of reclamation," or "water

19  management plan," or "plan of improvement" that prior to

20  October 1, 1998, a water control plan details the system of

21  water management improvements implemented by a water control

22  district.

23         Section 2.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 298.11,

24  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

25         298.11  Landowners' meetings; election of board of

26  supervisors; duties of Department of Environmental Protection

27  and Governor.--

28         (2)  The landowners, when assembled, shall organize by

29  the election of a chair and secretary of the meeting, who

30  shall conduct the election. At the election, each and every

31  acre of land in the district shall represent one share, and


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  1  each owner shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy

  2  in writing duly signed, for every acre of land owned by him or

  3  her in the district, and the three persons receiving the

  4  highest number of votes shall be declared elected as

  5  supervisors. The appointment of proxies shall comply with s.

  6  607.0722. Landowners owning less than 1 acre in the aggregate

  7  shall be entitled to one vote. Landowners with more than 1

  8  acre are entitled to one additional vote for any fraction of

  9  an acre greater than 1/2 acre owned, when all of the

10  landowners' acreage has been aggregated for purposes of

11  voting. The landowners shall at such election determine the

12  length of the terms of office of each supervisor so elected by

13  them, which shall be respectively 1, 2, and 3 years, and they

14  shall serve until their successors shall have been elected and

15  qualified.

16         (3)  The Department of Environmental Protection, at any

17  such meeting, may represent the state, and shall have the

18  right to vote for supervisors, or upon any matter that may

19  come properly before said meeting to the extent of the acreage

20  owned by the state in such district, provided such acreage is

21  subject to assessment by the water control district, which

22  vote may be cast by any person designated by said department.

23  Guardians may represent their wards, executors and

24  administrators may represent estates of deceased persons, and

25  private corporations may be represented by their officers or

26  duly authorized agents. The owners and proxy holders of a

27  majority of district the acreage who are present at a duly

28  noticed landowners' meeting included in such district shall be

29  necessary to constitute a quorum for the purpose of holding

30  such election, or any election thereafter., and in case the

31  owners of a majority of the acreage included in such district


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  1  are not present in person or duly represented, at the time and

  2  the place stated in the notice calling such meeting, then no

  3  election shall be held, and notice of such failure shall be

  4  given in writing by any person interested to the Governor, who

  5  shall as soon as practicable appoint three competent persons

  6  who own land in such district as such supervisors for the term

  7  of 1, 2, and 3 years respectively, and who shall hold their

  8  office until their successors are elected or appointed and

  9  qualified.

10         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 298.12, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         298.12  Annual election of supervisors; term of office;

13  vacancy.--

14         (1)  Every year in the same month after the time for

15  the election of the first board of supervisors, it shall call

16  a meeting of the landowners in the district in the same manner

17  as is provided for in s. 298.11, and the owners of land in

18  such district shall meet at the stated time and place and

19  elect one supervisor therefor, or in case of their failure to

20  elect, the Governor shall appoint such supervisor, in like

21  manner as prescribed in s. 298.11, who shall hold the

22  supervisor's office for 3 years or until his or her successor

23  is elected and qualified; and in case of a vacancy in any

24  office of supervisor elected by the landowners, the remaining

25  supervisors, or if they fail to act within 30 days, the

26  Governor may fill such vacancy until the next annual meeting,

27  when a successor shall be elected for the unexpired term.

28         Section 4.  Section 298.16, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         298.16  Appointment of district chief engineer;

31  engineer's bond and duties.--


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  1         (1)  Within 30 days after organizing, the board of

  2  supervisors shall appoint a district chief engineer, who may

  3  be an individual, copartnership, or corporation, and who shall

  4  engage such assistants as the board of supervisors may

  5  approve.  Such district chief engineer shall enter into a bond

  6  with good surety, in a sum to be named by said board, and

  7  which bond and surety shall be approved by said board,

  8  conditioned that the chief engineer will faithfully and

  9  honestly perform all the duties required of him or her by said

10  supervisors, and deliver to his or her successor all

11  instruments, papers, maps, documents, and other things that

12  may have come into the district chief engineer's hands by

13  virtue of his or her employment.

14         (2)  The district chief engineer shall have control of

15  the engineering work in said district and may, whenever he or

16  she deems it necessary, confer with the jurisdictional water

17  management district, and he or she may, by and with the

18  consent of the board of supervisors, consult any eminent

19  engineer and obtain his or her opinion and advice concerning

20  the reclamation of lands in said districts. The said engineer

21  shall make all necessary surveys of the lands within the

22  boundary lines of said district, as described in the petition,

23  and of all lands adjacent thereto that will be improved or

24  reclaimed in part or in whole by any system of drainage that

25  may be outlined and adopted.

26         (3)  The engineer shall make a report in writing to the

27  board of supervisors, with maps and profiles of said surveys,

28  which report shall contain a full and complete water control

29  plan for draining and reclaiming the lands described in the

30  petition, or adjacent thereto, from overflow or damage by

31  water, with the length, width, and depth of such canals,


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  1  ditches, dikes or levees, or other works that may be

  2  necessary, in conjunction with any canals, drains, ditches,

  3  dikes, levees or other works heretofore constructed or built

  4  by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust

  5  Fund, or any other person, that may now be in process of

  6  construction, or which may be hereafter built by them, that

  7  may be necessary or which can be advantageously used in such

  8  water control plan; and also, an estimate of the costs of

  9  carrying out and completing the water control plan, including

10  the cost of superintending the same and all incidental

11  expenses in connection therewith. Maps and profiles shall also

12  indicate so far as necessary the physical characteristics of

13  the lands, and location of any public roads, railroads and

14  other rights-of-way, roadways and other property or

15  improvements located on such lands. A copy of the report

16  required by this section shall be filed with the

17  jurisdictional water management district.

18         Section 5.  Section 298.22, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         298.22  Powers of supervisors.--The board of

21  supervisors of the district has full power and authority to

22  excavate, construct, and complete, operate, maintain, repair,

23  and replace any and all works and improvements necessary to

24  execute the water control plan. Subject to the applicable

25  provisions of chapter 373 or chapter 403, the board of

26  supervisors:

27         (1)  May employ persons and purchase machinery to

28  directly supervise, construct, maintain, and operate the works

29  and improvements described in the water control plan, or may

30  contract with others for the supervision, construction,

31  maintenance, and operation of such works and improvements


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  1  either as a whole or in part. Contracts for the construction

  2  of district facilities must be awarded under s. 255.20 and

  3  applicable general law. Contracts must be advertised and let

  4  to the lowest and best bidder, who shall give a good and

  5  approved bond, with ample security, upon the condition that he

  6  or she will well and promptly carry out the contract for the

  7  described works and improvements. Each contract must be in

  8  writing and have attached to it complete plans and

  9  specifications for the work to be done and improvements to be

10  made under the contract, which plans and specifications must

11  be prepared by the chief engineer of the district. Each

12  contract shall be prepared by the attorney for the district,

13  approved by the board of supervisors, and executed in

14  duplicate by its president and the contractor. The chief

15  engineer of the district must be the superintendent of all

16  district works and improvements.

17         (2)  May clean out, straighten, open up, widen, or

18  change the course and flow, alter or deepen any canal, ditch,

19  drain, river, watercourse, or natural stream; and concentrate,

20  divert, or divide the flow of water in or out of said

21  district; construct and maintain main and lateral ditches,

22  canals, levees, dikes, dams, sluices, revetments, reservoirs,

23  holding basins, floodways, pumping stations, and siphons, and

24  may connect same, or any of them, with any canals, drains,

25  ditches, levees, or other works that may have been heretofore,

26  or which may be hereafter constructed by the Department of

27  Environmental Protection or jurisdictional water management

28  district, and with any natural stream, lake, or watercourse in

29  or adjacent to said district.

30         (3)  May build and construct any other works and

31  improvements deemed necessary to preserve and maintain the


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  1  works in or out of said district; acquire, construct, operate,

  2  maintain, use, sell, convey, transfer or otherwise provide for

  3  pumping stations, including pumping machinery, motive

  4  equipment, electric lines and all appurtenant or auxiliary

  5  machines, devices or equipment.

  6         (4)  May contract for the purchase, construction,

  7  operation, maintenance, use, sale, conveyance and transfer of

  8  the said pumping stations, machinery, motive equipment,

  9  electric lines and appurtenant equipment, including the

10  purchase of electric power and energy for the operation of the

11  same.

12         (5)  May construct or enlarge, or cause to be

13  constructed or enlarged, any and all bridges that may be

14  needed in or out of said district, across any drain, ditch,

15  canal, floodway, holding basin, excavation, public highway,

16  railroad right-of-way, track, grade, fill or cut; construct

17  roadways over levees and embankments; construct any and all of

18  said works and improvements across, through or over any public

19  highway, railroad right-of-way, track, grade, fill or cut, in

20  or out of said district; remove any fence, building or other

21  improvements, in or out of said district.

22         (6)  Shall have the right to hold, control and acquire

23  by donation or purchase and if need be, condemn any land,

24  easement, railroad right-of-way, sluice, reservoir, holding

25  basin or franchise, in or out of said district, for

26  right-of-way, holding basin for any of the purposes herein

27  provided, or for material to be used in constructing and

28  maintaining said works and improvements for implementation of

29  the drainage, protecting and reclaiming the lands in said

30  district water control plan.



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  1         (7)  May condemn or acquire, by purchase or grant, for

  2  the use of the district, any land or property within or

  3  without said district not acquired or condemned by the court

  4  on the report of the commissioners assessing benefits and

  5  damages, and shall follow the procedure set out in chapter 73.

  6  Such powers to condemn or acquire any land or property within

  7  or without the district shall also be available for

  8  implementing requirements imposed on those districts subject

  9  to s. 373.4592.

10         (8)  May adopt resolutions and policies to implement

11  the purposes of this chapter.

12         (9)  May assess and collect reasonable fees for the

13  connection to and use of the works of the district. A

14  landowner within a district whose land is assessed for water

15  control benefits may not be required to pay an additional fee

16  for connection to or use of district works authorized by a

17  water control plan.

18         (10)  May implement and authorize the comprehensive

19  water control activities, including flood protection, water

20  quantity management, and water quality protection and

21  improvement, described in the water control plan.

22         Section 6.  Section 298.225, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         298.225  Water control plan; plan development and

25  amendment.--

26         (1)  Effective October 1, 1998, any plan of

27  reclamation, or water management plan, or plan of improvement

28  developed and implemented by a water control district created

29  by this chapter or by special act of the Legislature is

30  considered will be referred to as a "water control plan." for

31  purposes of this chapter.


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  1         (2)  By October 1, 2000, the board of supervisors of

  2  each water control district must develop or revise the

  3  district's water control plan to reflect the minimum

  4  applicable requirements set forth in subsection (3).

  5         (3)  Each water control plan for a district or unit

  6  must contain, if applicable at a minimum:

  7         (a)  Narrative descriptions of the statutory

  8  responsibilities and powers of the water control district.

  9         (b)  A map delineating the legal boundary of the water

10  control district and identifying any subdistricts or units

11  within the district.

12         (c)  Narrative descriptions of land use within the

13  district and all existing district facilities and their

14  purpose and function, and a map depicting their locations.

15         (d)  Engineering drawings and narrative sufficient to

16  describe each facility's capacity for the management and

17  storage of surface waters and potable water supply, if

18  applicable.

19         (e)  A description of any environmental or water

20  quality program that the water control district has

21  implemented or plans to implement.

22         (f)  A map and narrative description of any area

23  outside the water control district's legal boundary for which

24  the district provides services.

25         (g)  Detailed descriptions of facilities and services

26  that the water control district plans to provide within 5

27  years.

28         (h)  A description of the administrative structure of

29  the water control district.

30         (i)  Copies of any agreements between the water control

31  district and other governmental entities.


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  1         (j)  The engineer's report prepared for plan adoption

  2  or revision.

  3         (k)  The water control district's budget and revenue

  4  sources for the current year.

  5         (4)  Information contained within a district's

  6  facilities plan prepared pursuant to s. 189.415 which

  7  satisfies any of the provisions of subsection (3) may be used

  8  as part of the district water control plan.

  9         (5)(4)  Before final adoption of the water control plan

10  or plan amendment under s. 298.301, the board of supervisors

11  must submit the proposed plan or amendment to the

12  jurisdictional water management district for review. Within 90

13  days after receipt of the proposed water control plan or

14  amendment, the governing board of the jurisdictional water

15  management district, or the executive director or designee, if

16  delegated, must review the proposed plan or amendment for

17  consistency with the applicable water resource plans and

18  policies and recommend to the board of supervisors any

19  proposed changes. If the jurisdictional water management

20  district determines that the proposed plan or amendment is

21  incomplete, it may notify the water control district and

22  request additional information. Upon such request, the

23  deadline for review may be extended as agreed by the water

24  control district and the jurisdictional water management

25  district. Within 60 days after receipt of the applicable water

26  management district's recommended changes, the board of

27  supervisors shall include the recommendations in the water

28  control plan or plan amendment to the extent practicable. If

29  the recommendations are not incorporated, the board of

30  supervisors must specify its reasons in the water control plan

31  or plan amendment adopted. A copy of the water control plan


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  1  must be filed with the jurisdictional water management

  2  district and each local general purpose government within

  3  which all or a portion of the district's lands are located.

  4         (6)(5)  The review or approval of the water control

  5  plan by the applicable water management district shall not

  6  constitute the granting of any permit necessary for the

  7  construction or operation of any water control district work

  8  and cannot be relied upon as any future agency action on a

  9  permit application.

10         (7)(6)  The board of supervisors must review the water

11  control plan at least every 5 years following its initial

12  development and adoption, and to the extent necessary, amend

13  the plan in accordance with s. 298.301.

14         (8)(7)  If the preparation of a water control plan or

15  amendment under this section does not result in revision of

16  the district's current plan or require the alteration or

17  increase of any levy of assessments or taxes beyond the

18  maximum amount previously authorized by general law, special

19  law, or judicial proceeding, a change in the use of said

20  assessments or taxes, or substantial change to district

21  facilities, the provisions of s. 298.301(2)-(9) do not apply

22  to the plan adoption process. This section and s.

23  298.301(1)-(9) do not apply to minor, insubstantial amendments

24  to district plans authorized by special law.

25         Section 7.  Section 298.26, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         298.26  District Chief engineer to make annual reports

28  to supervisors; approval of reports; water control plan.--The

29  district chief engineer shall make a report in writing to the

30  board of supervisors once every 12 months or as directed by

31  the board. The report shall describe the progress made and


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  1  activities undertaken in furtherance of the water control

  2  plan, and may include suggestions and recommendations to the

  3  board as the district chief engineer deems appropriate. Upon

  4  receipt of the final report of said engineer concerning the

  5  surveys made of the lands contained in the district organized

  6  and the lands adjacent thereto and for reclaiming the same,

  7  the board of supervisors shall adopt such report, or any

  8  modification thereof approved by the district chief engineer,

  9  after consulting with him or her or someone representing the

10  district chief engineer. Thereafter such adopted report shall

11  be the plan for draining or reclaiming such lands from

12  overflow or damage by water, and it shall, after such

13  adoption, be part of the water control plan.

14         Section 8.  Subsections (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (8),

15  and (9) of section 298.301, Florida Statutes, are amended to

16  read:

17         298.301  District water control plan adoption; plan

18  amendment; notice forms; objections; hearings; assessments.--

19         (1)  District infrastructure and works must be

20  implemented pursuant to a water control plan. In the execution

21  of the powers and authorities granted in this chapter, the

22  district's action must be consistent with any adopted local

23  government comprehensive plan within which the lands of the

24  district are located. The board of supervisors may, by

25  resolution at a regular or special regularly scheduled meeting

26  noticed pursuant to chapter 189, consider the adoption of a

27  district water control plan or plan amendment. Notice,

28  hearing, and final adoption of any proposed water control plan

29  or plan amendment must comply with the provisions of this

30  chapter. After January 1, 1998, lands may be added to or

31  deleted from a district only by legislative modification of


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  1  the special act or order that contains the charter of the

  2  district.

  3         (2)  Before adopting a water control plan or plan

  4  amendment, the board of supervisors must adopt a resolution to

  5  consider adoption of the proposed plan or plan amendment. As

  6  soon as the resolution proposing the adoption or amendment of

  7  the district's water control plan has been filed with the

  8  district secretary, the board of supervisors shall give notice

  9  of a public hearing on the proposed plan or plan amendment by

10  causing publication to be made once a week for 3 consecutive

11  weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in each

12  county in which lands and other property described in the

13  resolution are situated. The notice must be in substantially

14  the following form:


16                        Notice of Hearing


18         To the owners and all persons interested in the lands

19  corporate, and other property in and adjacent to the

20  of district... District.

21         You are notified that the of district...

22  District has filed in the office of the secretary of the

23  district a resolution to consider approval of a water control

24  plan or an amendment to the current water control plan to

25  provide insert a summary of the proposed water control

26  plan or plan amendment.... On or before its regularly

27  scheduled meeting of ...(date and time)... at the district's

28  offices located at ...(list address of offices)... written

29  objections to the proposed plan or plan amendment may be filed

30  at the district's offices. A public hearing on the proposed

31  plan or plan amendment will be conducted at the regularly


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  1  scheduled meeting, and written objections will be considered

  2  at that time. At the conclusion of the hearing, the board of

  3  supervisors may determine to proceed with the process for

  4  approval of the proposed plan or plan amendment and direct the

  5  district engineer to prepare an engineer's report identifying

  6  any property to be taken, determining assessing benefits and

  7  damages, and estimating the cost of implementing the

  8  improvements improvement associated with the proposed plan or

  9  plan amendment. A final hearing on approval of the proposed

10  plan or plan amendment and engineer's report shall be duly

11  noticed and held at a regularly scheduled board of supervisors

12  meeting within 60 days after filing of the engineer's report

13  with the secretary of the district.


15         Date of first publication:  ........, 19....

16         ............................................

17         (Chairman, Board of Supervisors)

18         ................ County, Florida


20         (4)  The engineer may at any time call upon the

21  attorney of the district for legal advice and information

22  relative to his duties. The engineer shall proceed to view the

23  premises and identify determine the value of all lands, within

24  or without the district, to be acquired by purchase or

25  condemnation and used for rights-of-way, or other works set

26  out in the proposed plan or plan amendment. The engineer

27  shall, with the advice of the district attorney, staff, and

28  consultants, determine assess the amount of benefits and the

29  amount of damages, if any, that will accrue to each

30  subdivision of land (according to ownership), from carrying

31  out and putting into effect the proposed plan or plan


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  1  amendment. The engineer shall determine assess only those

  2  benefits that are derived from the construction of the works

  3  and improvements set out in the proposed plan or plan

  4  amendment. The engineer has no power to change the proposed

  5  plan or plan amendment without board approval.

  6         (5)  The engineer shall prepare a report arranged in

  7  tabular form, the columns of which are to be headed as

  8  follows:  column one, "owner of property assessed"; column

  9  two, "description of property assessed"; column three, "number

10  of acres assessed"; column four, "amount of determined benefit

11  annual assessment assessed"; column five, "amount of

12  determined damages total assessments"; column six, "number of

13  acres to be taken for rights-of-way, district works, etc.";

14  column seven, "increased value of property from improvement".

15  The engineer shall also, by and with the advice of other

16  employees and consultants of the district, estimate the cost

17  of the works set out in the proposed plan or plan amendment,

18  including the cost of and the probable expense of organization

19  and administration. If the engineer's estimate of increased

20  property value exceeds the total amount of assessments to be

21  levied against a parcel, benefits are deemed to exceed

22  damages. A maintenance assessment recommendation must also be

23  included in each engineer's report. However, the maintenance

24  assessment may not be considered as part of the costs of

25  installation or construction specified by the proposed plan or

26  plan amendment in determining whether benefits exceed damages.

27  The report shall be signed by the engineer and filed in the

28  office of the secretary of the district. The secretary of the

29  district, or deputy thereto, shall assist as needed in

30  preparation of the report.



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  1         (6)  Upon the filing of the engineer's report, the

  2  board of supervisors shall give notice thereof by arranging

  3  the publication of the report together with a geographical

  4  depiction of the district once a week for 2 consecutive weeks

  5  in a newspaper of general circulation in each county in the

  6  district. The notice must be substantially as follows:


  8              Notice of Filing Engineer's Report for

  9                    ................ District


11         Notice is given to all persons interested in the

12  following described land and property in ........ County (or

13  Counties), Florida, viz.: ...(Here describe land and

14  property)... included within the ............ district that

15  the engineer hereto appointed to determine assess benefits and

16  damages to the property and lands situated in the district and

17  to determine the estimated cost of construction required by

18  the water control plan appraise the cash value of the land

19  necessary to be taken for rights-of-way and other works of the

20  district, within or without the limits of the district, under

21  the proposed water control plan or plan amendment, filed his

22  report in the office of the secretary of the district, located

23  at ...(list address of district offices),... on the ........

24  day of ............, 19...., and you may examine the report

25  and file written objections with the secretary of the district

26  to all, or any part thereof, on or before ...(enter date 20

27  days after the last scheduled publication of this notice,

28  which date must be before the date of the final hearing)....

29  The report recommends ...(describe benefits and damages

30  assessment schedule).... If approved, the assessment will be

31  collected by the county tax collector. A final hearing to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3421


  1  consider approval of the report and proposed water control

  2  plan or plan amendment shall be held ...(time, place, and date

  3  at least 30 days but no later than 60 days after the last

  4  scheduled publication of this notice, but no later than 60

  5  days after filing of the engineer's report)....


  7         Date of first publication:  ........, 19....

  8         ............................................

  9         (Chairman, Board of Supervisors)

10         ................ County, Florida


12         (8)  All objections must be heard and determined by the

13  board of supervisors at the public hearing so as to carry out

14  liberally the purposes and needs of the district. If the board

15  of supervisors determines at the final public hearing, upon

16  examination of the engineer's report and upon hearing all of

17  the objections, that the estimated cost of construction of

18  improvements contemplated in the plan or plan amendment is

19  less than the benefits determined for assessed against the

20  lands in the district, the board of supervisors may shall

21  approve and confirm the engineer's report; but, if the board

22  of supervisors determines that any of the objections should be

23  sustained, it shall order the report changed to conform with

24  its findings, and when changed, the board of supervisors shall

25  approve and confirm or disapprove, as appropriate, the report

26  and enter its order approving or disapproving, as appropriate,

27  the report and proposed plan or plan amendment. When any land

28  or other property is shown by the engineer's report to be

29  needed for rights-of-way, or other works, the board of

30  supervisors may institute proceedings under chapter 73 or

31  chapter 74 in the circuit court of the proper county to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3421


  1  condemn the lands and other property that must be taken or

  2  damaged in the making of improvements, with the right and

  3  privilege of paying into court a sum to be fixed by the

  4  circuit court judge and of proceeding with the work, before

  5  the assessment by the jury.

  6         (9)  The approval and confirmation of the engineer's

  7  report by the board of supervisors establishes the amount and

  8  apportionment or assessments contained therein. The

  9  assessments so established are final and conclusive as to all

10  land assessed, unless within 30 days after approval and

11  confirmation of the engineer's report an action for relief is

12  brought in a court of competent jurisdiction. If the

13  assessment against any land is reduced or abated by the court,

14  the board of supervisors shall cause the engineer's report to

15  be amended accordingly. Unless such an action is commenced

16  within the 30-day period, the assessment set forth in the

17  engineer's report is final and nonappealable as to such land.

18  Any party identified in subsection (3) may challenge the

19  decision of the board in the manner and time provided by the

20  Florida Rules of Civil and Appellate Procedure. If it is

21  determined by court order that any tract or lot of land or

22  parts thereof, upon which a non-ad valorem assessment is

23  authorized and levied, will not be benefited by or receive any

24  benefit from the completion of the plan or plan amendment, or

25  will be burdened disproportionately to other similarly

26  benefited land, then the non-ad valorem assessment may not be

27  levied against that land.

28         Section 9.  Subsection (1) of section 298.329, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:




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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3421


  1         298.329  When works insufficient, supervisors have

  2  power to make a new or amended plan; additional levy; issuance

  3  of bonds; procedure.--

  4         (1)  If the works set out in the district water control

  5  plan are found insufficient to develop, in whole or in part,

  6  any or all of the lands of the district, the board of

  7  supervisors shall have the right to formulate a new or amended

  8  water control plan, containing new or modified public

  9  infrastructure or other authorized works, and additional

10  assessments may be made in conformity with s. 298.305, the

11  same to be made in proportion to the increased benefits

12  accruing to the lands because of the additional works. Such

13  new or amended plan shall be subject to review by the

14  applicable water management district in accordance with s.

15  298.225 s. 298.225(4).

16         Section 10.  Section 298.337, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         298.337  Levies of assessments on land less than 1

19  acre.--In levying assessments based upon acreage, each tract

20  or parcel of land less than 1 acre in area may is to be

21  assessed as a full acre.

22         Section 11.  Section 298.353, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         298.353  Unit development; powers of board of

25  supervisors to designate units of district; financing

26  assessments for each unit.--The board of supervisors of the

27  district may designate areas or of parts of the district as

28  separate administrative and financial "units." Units must be

29  created or modified as a part of and through the adoption of a

30  water control plan or plan amendment as provided in this

31  chapter. The units into which the district is divided must be


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3421


  1  given appropriate numbers or names by the board of supervisors

  2  so that the units can be readily identified and distinguished.

  3  The board may fix and determine the location, area, and

  4  boundaries of the lands to be included in each unit, the type

  5  and amount of work required in the unit and the order of

  6  development, and the method of carrying on the work in each

  7  unit. The unit system provided by this section may be

  8  conducted, and all the proceedings by this section and this

  9  chapter authorized in respect to such unit or units may be

10  carried on and conducted, whenever the board of supervisors

11  finds that it is appropriate. If the board finds that it is

12  advisable to implement the district infrastructure and service

13  plans by units, as authorized by this section, the board

14  shall, by resolution duly adopted and entered upon its

15  minutes, declare its purpose to conduct the work accordingly,

16  and shall proceed through the water control plan adoption or

17  amendment process described in s. 298.301 to fix the number,

18  location, boundaries, and description of lands within each

19  unit or units and give them appropriate numbers or names. All

20  provisions of this chapter shall apply within all units, and

21  the enumeration of or reference in this section to specific

22  powers or duties of the supervisors does not limit or restrict

23  the application of any and all of the proceedings and powers

24  in this chapter within all units. For water control plans

25  applicable to one or more units, but to less than the entire

26  district, the notices to district landowners or municipalities

27  required under s. 298.301 need be provided only to owners of

28  lands within the affected unit or units and municipalities

29  within whose boundaries unit lands are located and immediately

30  contiguous properties within the district. All assessments,

31  levies, taxes, bonds, and other obligations made, levied,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3421


  1  assessed, or issued for or in respect to any unit or units

  2  constitute a lien and charge solely and only upon the lands in

  3  the unit or units, respectively, for the benefit of which the

  4  same have been levied, made, or issued, and not upon the

  5  remaining units or lands in the district. However, bonds may

  6  be payable from assessments imposed on more than one unit. The

  7  board of supervisors may at any time amend the location and

  8  description of lands in any unit or units by proceeding in

  9  accordance with the provisions of this section for the

10  original creation of the unit or units. If, after the approval

11  of the engineer's report of benefits in any unit or units or

12  the issuance of bonds or other obligations that are payable

13  from taxes or assessments for benefits levied upon lands

14  within any unit or units, the board of supervisors finds that

15  the infrastructure or service plan for the unit or units is

16  insufficient or inadequate for efficient development, the plan

17  may be amended or changed and the unit or units may be amended

18  or changed as provided in this section, by changing the

19  location and description of lands in the unit or units, by

20  detaching lands therefrom, or by adding lands thereto pursuant

21  to this chapter. However, a change or amendment to a

22  designated unit is not authorized if it has the effect of

23  impairing a debt or other obligation of the unit or the

24  district.

25         Section 12.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

26  law.







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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3421


  1            *****************************************

  2                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Amends various sections of chapter 298, F.S., regulating
  4    water control districts by revising the powers and duties
      of boards of supervisors and district engineers which
  5    affect water control plans. Revises voting, notice, and
      land assessment requirements. Provides for the
  6    determination of benefits and damages. Provides that the
      approval of a plan is final unless court action is
  7    initiated within 30 days after approval.
























