House Bill 3439

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3439

        By Representative Kelly

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Lake Panasoffkee; creating

  3         the Lake Panasoffkee Restoration Council within

  4         the Southwest Florida Water Management

  5         District; providing for membership and

  6         organization; providing for meetings; providing

  7         powers and duties; requiring a report;

  8         providing for district staff assistance;

  9         providing for members' per diem and travel

10         expenses; providing for a Lake Panasoffkee

11         restoration program; providing for tasks of the

12         district, council, Department of Environmental

13         Protection, Game and Fresh Water Fish

14         Commission, and pertinent local governments;

15         directing the district to award restoration

16         contracts contingent on certain funding;

17         providing an effective date.


19         WHEREAS, Lake Panasoffkee is a water body of

20  historical, ecological, and hydrologic significance, and

21         WHEREAS, Lake Panasoffkee is a major tributary to the

22  Withlacoochee River, and

23         WHEREAS, Lake Panasoffkee has been negatively impacted

24  by extended periods of low water levels, and accumulated

25  sediment and excessive growth of aquatic plants are degrading

26  its recreational values and natural systems, as well as

27  negatively impacting the Withlacoochee River, and

28         WHEREAS, Lake Panasoffkee continues to provide wildlife

29  habitat for fish, birds, and game and to offer recreational

30  opportunities for the residents of Sumter County and Central



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3439


  1  Florida, and visitors to the area, despite its current

  2  problems, and

  3         WHEREAS, Lake Panasoffkee has experienced a decline in

  4  its sports fisheries, and

  5         WHEREAS, the economic potential of Lake Panasoffkee has

  6  yet to be tapped, and

  7         WHEREAS, the Southwest Florida Water Management

  8  District, in cooperation with a number of state, regional, and

  9  local entities, has developed proposals to restore Lake

10  Panasoffkee, NOW, THEREFORE,


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Lake Panasoffkee Restoration

15  Council.--There is created within the Southwest Florida Water

16  Management District the Lake Panasoffkee Restoration Council.

17         (1)  The council shall consist of 11 members as

18  follows:  one representative each from the Southwest Florida

19  Water Management District, the Florida Department of

20  Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of

21  Transportation, the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish

22  Commission, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, to

23  be appointed by their respective agencies, all of whom must

24  have training in biology or another scientific discipline; and

25  two representatives of lakefront property owners, one

26  environmental engineer, one person with training in biology or

27  another scientific discipline, one representative of a local

28  municipality in the vicinity of the lake, and one

29  representative of the sport fishing industry, all to be

30  appointed by the Sumter County Commission. The council members



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3439


  1  shall serve as advisors to the governing board of the

  2  Southwest Florida Water Management District.

  3         (2)  Immediately after their appointment, the council

  4  members shall meet and organize by electing a chair, a vice

  5  chair, and a secretary, whose terms shall be for 2 years each.

  6  Council officers shall not serve consecutive terms. Each

  7  council member shall be a voting member.

  8         (3)  The council shall meet at the call of its chair,

  9  at the request of six of its members, or at the request of the

10  chair of the governing board of the Southwest Florida Water

11  Management District.

12         (4)  The council shall have the powers and duties to:

13         (a)  Review audits and all data specifically related to

14  lake restoration techniques and sport fish population recovery

15  strategies, particularly as they may apply to Lake

16  Panasoffkee.

17         (b)  Evaluate whether additional studies are needed.

18         (c)  Explore all possible sources of funding to conduct

19  the restoration activities.

20         (d)  Advise the governing board of the Southwest

21  Florida Water Management District regarding the best approach

22  to restoring Lake Panasoffkee, and make a recommendation as to

23  which techniques should be part of the restoration program.

24         (e)  Report to the Legislature by January 15, 1999, any

25  recommendations for fiscal year 1999-2000.

26         (5)  The Southwest Florida Water Management District

27  shall provide staff to assist the council in carrying out the

28  provisions of this act.

29         (6)  Members of the council shall receive no

30  compensation for their services, but are entitled to be

31  reimbursed for per diem and travel expenses incurred during


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3439


  1  execution of their official duties, as provided in s. 112.061,

  2  Florida Statutes.

  3         Section 2.  Lake Panasoffkee restoration program.--

  4         (1)  The Southwest Florida Water Management District,

  5  in conjunction with the Department of Environmental

  6  Protection, the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission,

  7  the Sumter County Commission, and the Lake Panasoffkee

  8  Restoration Council, shall review existing restoration

  9  proposals to determine which ones are the most environmentally

10  sound and economically feasible methods of improving the

11  fisheries and natural systems of Lake Panasoffkee.

12         (2)  The district governing board shall specify the

13  tasks to be undertaken by the district, the Department of

14  Environmental Protection, the Game and Fresh Water Fish

15  Commission, and pertinent local governments in order to

16  initiate the Lake Panasoffkee restoration program. These tasks

17  shall include, but not be limited to:

18         (a)  Reviewing the existing extensive water sampling

19  data of the lake and associated tributaries to determine water

20  quality.

21         (b)  Evaluating different methodologies for removing

22  the extensive tussocks and build-up of organic matter along

23  the shoreline, and of the aquatic vegetation in the lake.

24         (c)  Conducting any additional studies as recommended

25  by the Lake Panasoffkee Restoration Council.

26         (3)  Contingent on the Legislature appropriating funds

27  for a Lake Panasoffkee restoration program, in conjunction

28  with financial participation by federal, other state, and

29  local governments, the district shall, through competitive

30  bid, award contracts to implement the activities of the Lake

31  Panasoffkee restoration program.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3439


  1         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

  2  year in which enacted.


  4            *****************************************

  5                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Lake Panasoffkee Restoration Council within
  7    the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Directs
      the council to review, evaluate, and recommend strategies
  8    and techniques for the restoration of the lake. Requires
      a report to the Legislature by January 15, 1999. Directs
  9    the district, in conjunction with the council, the
      Department of Environmental Protection, the Game and
10    Fresh Water Fish Commission, and pertinent local
      governments, to undertake certain studies relating to
11    restoration of the lake. Directs the district to award
      contracts by competitive bid for restoration, contingent
12    on legislative appropriation and federal, other state,
      and local government financial participation.


















