CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0035er

ENROLLED 1997 Legislature CS/HB 35, First Engrossed 1 2 An act relating to victim and witness 3 protection protocol; creating s. 914.25, F.S.; 4 providing definitions for "victim or witness at 5 risk of harm" and "serious felony offense"; 6 authorizing law enforcement agencies to provide 7 protective services, including temporary 8 relocation services, under specified 9 circumstances; providing a time limit for 10 provision of such services; providing that law 11 enforcement agencies may seek reimbursement for 12 expenses incurred in providing protective 13 services from the Victim and Witness Protection 14 Review Committee; providing immunity from civil 15 liability under certain circumstances; amending 16 s. 943.031, F.S., relating to the Florida 17 Violent Crime Council; establishing a Victim 18 and Witness Protection Review Committee within 19 the Florida Violent Crime Council; providing 20 for membership and duties; authorizing the 21 committee to use available funds to reimburse 22 law enforcement agencies for protective 23 services; providing for distribution of 24 reimbursement funds; providing an effective 25 date. 26 27 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 28 29 Section 1. Section 914.25, Florida Statutes, is 30 created to read: 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature CS/HB 35, First Engrossed 1 914.25 Protective services for certain victims and 2 witnesses.-- 3 (1) For purposes of this section: 4 (a) A "victim or witness at risk of harm" means a 5 victim or witness who, as a result of cooperating in an 6 investigation or prosecution of a serious felony offense, has 7 been subjected to violence or other forms of intimidation, or 8 who is the subject of a substantial threat to commit violence. 9 The term also includes a member of the victim's or witness's 10 immediate family. 11 (b) "Serious felony offense" means one of the 12 following offenses: murder, manslaughter, sexual battery, 13 aggravated stalking, aggravated battery, carjacking, home 14 invasion robbery, burglary, arson, robbery, kidnapping, 15 racketeering, or trafficking in a controlled substance. 16 (2) A law enforcement agency is hereby authorized to 17 provide protective services, including temporary relocation 18 services, to a victim or witness at risk of harm. Protective 19 and temporary relocation services, as deemed appropriate, 20 shall be provided pursuant to the provisions of this section. 21 (3)(a) The statewide prosecutor, any state attorney, 22 or any law enforcement officer may identify a victim or 23 witness as a victim or witness at risk of harm. Upon such 24 identification, the statewide prosecutor, the state attorney, 25 or the law enforcement officer must notify either the 26 statewide prosecutor or the state attorney who has 27 jurisdiction over the criminal investigation or prosecution, 28 if necessary. 29 (b) The statewide prosecutor or the state attorney, as 30 appropriate, may determine whether an identified victim or 31 witness at risk of harm is critical to a criminal 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature CS/HB 35, First Engrossed 1 investigation or prosecution. If the victim or witness at risk 2 of harm is deemed critical, the statewide prosecutor or the 3 state attorney may: 4 1. Certify that the victim or witness receive 5 protective services; or 6 2. If the statewide prosecutor or the state attorney 7 finds a compelling need to temporarily relocate the victim or 8 witness, certify that the victim or witness receive protective 9 services, including temporary relocation services. 10 (4)(a) When a victim or witness is certified as 11 provided in subsection (3), a law enforcement agency, in 12 consultation with the certifying state attorney or the 13 statewide prosecutor, may provide appropriate protective 14 services. If a victim or witness needs to be temporarily 15 relocated, the statewide prosecutor or the state attorney must 16 notify the Department of Law Enforcement. The Department of 17 Law Enforcement, in consultation with the statewide prosecutor 18 or the state attorney, and any other law enforcement agency 19 involved in the criminal investigation or prosecution, shall 20 coordinate the temporary relocation of the victim or witness. 21 (b) Protective services, including temporary 22 relocation services, may be provided for up to 1 year or until 23 the risk giving rise to the certification has diminished, 24 whichever occurs sooner. If deemed necessary, the statewide 25 prosecutor or the state attorney may recertify a victim or 26 witness at risk of harm for an additional period of up to 1 27 year. 28 (5) The lead law enforcement agency that provides 29 protective services may seek reimbursement for expenses from 30 the Victim and Witness Protection Review Committee, pursuant 31 to the provisions of s. 943.031. 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature CS/HB 35, First Engrossed 1 (6) The statewide prosecutor, any state attorney, or 2 any law enforcement officer, acting in good faith in 3 determining eligibility for victim and witness protective 4 services, including temporary relocation services, or in 5 providing such services, is immune from civil liability. 6 Section 2. Subsection (6) is added to section 943.031, 7 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 8 943.031 Florida Violent Crime Council.--The 9 Legislature finds that there is a need to develop and 10 implement a statewide strategy to address violent criminal 11 activity. In recognition of this need, the Florida Violent 12 Crime Council is created within the department. The council 13 shall serve in an advisory capacity to the department. 14 (6) VICTIM AND WITNESS PROTECTION REVIEW COMMITTEE.-- 15 (a) The Victim and Witness Protection Review Committee 16 is created within the Florida Violent Crime Council, 17 consisting of the statewide prosecutor or a state attorney, a 18 sheriff, a chief of police, and the designee of the executive 19 director of the Department of Law Enforcement. The committee 20 shall be appointed from the membership of the council by the 21 chair of the council after the chair has consulted with the 22 executive director of the Department of Law Enforcement. 23 Committee members shall meet in conjunction with the meetings 24 of the council. 25 (b) The committee shall: 26 1. Develop criteria for disbursing funds to reimburse 27 law enforcement agencies for costs associated with providing 28 victim and witness protective or temporary relocation 29 services. 30 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature CS/HB 35, First Engrossed 1 2. Review and approve or deny, in whole or in part, 2 all reimbursement requests submitted by law enforcement 3 agencies. 4 (c) The lead law enforcement agency providing victim 5 or witness protective or temporary relocation services 6 pursuant to the provisions of s. 914.25 may submit a request 7 for reimbursement to the Victim and Witness Protection Review 8 Committee in a format approved by the committee. The lead law 9 enforcement agency shall submit such reimbursement request on 10 behalf of all law enforcement agencies that cooperated in 11 providing protective or temporary relocation services related 12 to a particular criminal investigation or prosecution. As part 13 of the reimbursement request, the lead law enforcement agency 14 must indicate how any reimbursement proceeds will be 15 distributed among the agencies that provided protective or 16 temporary relocation services. 17 (d) The committee, in its discretion, may use funds 18 available to the committee to provide all or partial 19 reimbursement to the lead law enforcement agency for such 20 costs, or may decline to provide any reimbursement. 21 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5