House Bill 3523

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3523

        By Representative Fuller

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to landscape designers;

  3         amending s. 581.011, F.S.; defining the terms

  4         "landscape design" and "landscape designer";

  5         amending s. 581.031, F.S.; granting the

  6         Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

  7         certain powers and duties, including rulemaking

  8         authority, with respect to landscape designers;

  9         amending s. 581.035, F.S.; preempting

10         regulatory authority over landscape designers

11         to the department; amending s. 581.121, F.S.;

12         prohibiting landscape designers from certain

13         activities relating to nursery stock, for which

14         there are penalties; amending s. 581.131, F.S.;

15         providing requirements for application for and

16         renewal of a certificate of registration;

17         providing for fees; providing for exemptions

18         from registration; amending s. 581.141, F.S.;

19         providing for revocation and suspension of

20         certificates of registration; providing for

21         fines; amending s. 581.211, F.S.; providing for

22         imposition of administrative fines upon

23         landscape designers; amending s. 481.329, F.S.,

24         relating to exemption from licensure as a

25         landscape architect; including reference to

26         landscape designers, to conform; providing an

27         effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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  1         Section 1.  Subsection (6) of section 581.011, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended, subsections (15) through (29) are

  3  renumbered as subsections (17) through (31), respectively, and

  4  new subsections (15) and (16) are added to said section, to

  5  read:

  6         581.011  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

  7         (6)  "Certificate of registration" means an official

  8  document issued by the division to nurseries, stock dealers,

  9  agents, and plant brokers, and landscape designers as evidence

10  of being properly registered with the division in compliance

11  with the requirements of this chapter and of any of the rules

12  promulgated hereunder.

13         (15)  "Landscape design" means the planning, design, or

14  construction of exterior spaces, using plant materials and

15  incidental paving and building materials, and includes any

16  consultation with respect such planning, design, or

17  construction.

18         (16)  "Landscape designer" means a person who, for

19  compensation, provides or offers to provide any landscape

20  design service.

21         Section 2.  Subsections (8), (11), and (21) of section

22  581.031, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         581.031  Department; powers and duties.--The department

24  has the following powers and duties:

25         (8)(a)  To make and publish reasonable rules governing

26  the application for, and issuance, suspension, and revocation

27  of, certificates of registration and of inspection of

28  nurserymen, stock dealers, agents, and plant brokers in the

29  state.

30         (b)  To make such rules as are necessary for the

31  issuance and renewal of certificates of registration of


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  1  landscape designers and to charge fees for the issuance and

  2  renewal of such certificates which are sufficient to pay the

  3  costs of issuance, renewal, and discipline of such

  4  certificates, not to exceed $100 for initial issuance or

  5  renewal.

  6         (11)  To suspend or revoke certificates of inspection

  7  and of registration of nurserymen, stock dealers, agents, and

  8  plant brokers, and landscape designers in the state.

  9         (21)(a)  To make and issue certificates of registration

10  and of inspection to nurserymen, stock dealers, agents, and

11  plant brokers, after proper certification of their nursery

12  stock, authorizing them to do business as nurserymen, stock

13  dealers, agents, or plant brokers within the state.

14         (b)  To make and issue certificates of registration to

15  landscape designers authorizing them to do business as

16  landscape designers within the state.

17         Section 3.  Section 581.035, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         581.035  Preemption of regulatory authority over

20  nurseries and landscape designers.--It is the intent of the

21  Legislature to eliminate duplication of regulatory authority

22  over nurseries and landscape designers. Notwithstanding any

23  other law to the contrary, the authority to regulate, inspect,

24  and permit:

25         (1)  Nursery owners, plant brokers, and stock dealers;

26  and

27         (2)  Nurseries, nursery stock, plants, and plant

28  products, including any aquatic plant as defined in s. 369.22

29  which is grown in a nursery; and

30         (3)  Landscape designers,



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  1  is preempted to the department.

  2         Section 4.  Section 581.121, Florida Statutes, is

  3  amended to read:

  4         581.121  Nursery stock; prohibited conduct.--It is

  5  unlawful for any nurseryman, stock dealer, agent, or plant

  6  broker, or landscape designer to sell, give away, transfer,

  7  move or cause to be moved, carry, ship, or deliver for

  8  carriage or shipment any nursery stock except in compliance

  9  with the provisions of this chapter and the rules made

10  pursuant to law.

11         Section 5.  Subsection (9) of section 581.131, Florida

12  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (11) is added to said

13  section, to read:

14         581.131  Certificate of registration.--

15         (9)(a)  If the registration has not been renewed or the

16  fee has not been paid by the renewal date, a penalty of $10 or

17  20 percent of the renewal fee, whichever is greater, shall be

18  assessed.

19         (b)  If the registration has not been renewed or the

20  fee has not been paid within 31 days of the renewal date, the

21  department shall stop sale or stop movement on all nursery

22  stock until the person has renewed the certificate of

23  registration.

24         (c)  If the registration has not been renewed or the

25  fee has not been paid within 31 days of the renewal date, the

26  landscape designer shall stop providing any landscape design

27  services until she or he has renewed the certificate of

28  registration.

29         (d)(c)  Upon application prior to the renewal date, the

30  department may, for good cause supported by written



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  1  documentation, extend the renewal date without penalty for up

  2  to 90 days.

  3         (11)(a)  Before any landscape designer shall provide

  4  any landscape design service in this state, she or he shall

  5  apply to the director of the division, on forms supplied by

  6  the division, for a certificate of registration. The

  7  application and renewal process shall be as provided in this

  8  section and by department rule.

  9         (b)  The department shall provide qualifications for

10  registration by rule, according to the following minimum

11  criteria:

12         1.  Completion of a bachelor's degree in ornamental

13  horticulture, landscape design and management, or a related

14  field from an accredited university;

15         2.  Completion of an associate in science or arts

16  degree in landscape design, horticulture, landscape

17  management, or a related field from an accredited community

18  college, together with 2 years' full-time documented

19  experience in landscape design;

20         3.  Completion of a 1-year certificate in ornamental

21  horticulture, landscape management, or a related field from an

22  accredited technical center, together with 4 years' full-time

23  documented experience in landscape design;

24         4.  Completion of 6 years' full-time practical

25  experience in landscape design; or

26         5.  Certification by a nationally recognized

27  organization in landscape design.

28         (c)  Neither the certificate of registration fee nor

29  the annual renewal fee may exceed $100.

30         (d)  The department may exempt from payment of a

31  certificate fee those governmental agencies whose landscape


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  1  design services are provided exclusively for landscaping

  2  designs on their own property.

  3         (e)  This subsection does not apply to architects

  4  registered under part I of chapter 481; landscape architects

  5  registered under part II of chapter 481; engineers registered

  6  under chapter 471; contractors licensed under chapter 489 for

  7  work on their own property; arborists, including tree trimming

  8  and tree removal services; tree moving services; and lawn

  9  maintenance services or landscape maintenance services for the

10  provision of maintenance services.

11         Section 6.  Section 581.141, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         581.141  Certificate of registration or of inspection;

14  revocation and suspension; fines.--

15         (1)  REVOCATION AND SUSPENSION.--If it is determined by

16  the department that any nurseryman, stock dealer, agent, or

17  plant broker is selling or offering for sale, or is

18  distributing or offering to distribute, nursery stock or that

19  any landscape designer is providing landscape design services

20  in violation of the provisions of this chapter and the rules

21  adopted under this chapter, or has aided or abetted in such

22  violation, the department may revoke or suspend her or his

23  certificate of registration or the use of any certificates,

24  permits, or agreements issued by the division. Further, the

25  department may refuse or suspend the certification of any

26  nursery stock or plant product when it is determined that

27  plant pests exist on the stock or product or that the nursery

28  or site is in such condition with regard to growth and

29  cultivation that an efficient inspection for plant pests

30  cannot be made.

31         (2)  FINES; PROBATION.--


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  1         (a)1.  The department may, after notice and hearing,

  2  impose a fine not exceeding $5,000 or probation not exceeding

  3  12 months, or both, for the violation of any of the provisions

  4  of this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter upon

  5  any person, nurseryman, stock dealer, agent, or plant broker,

  6  or landscape designer.  The fine, when paid, shall be

  7  deposited in the Plant Industry Trust Fund.

  8         2.  The imposition of a fine or probation pursuant to

  9  this subsection may be in addition to or in lieu of the

10  suspension or revocation of a certificate of registration or

11  certificate of inspection.

12         (b)  Whenever any administrative order has been made

13  and entered by the department imposing a fine upon any person

14  pursuant to this subsection, the order shall specify the

15  amount of the fine and the time limit for payment, which shall

16  not exceed 15 days. Upon failure to pay the fine within such

17  time, the certificate of registration or certificate of

18  inspection of the person may be suspended or revoked without

19  further hearing; and a fine of $100 per day may be imposed for

20  each day the violation continues.

21         Section 7.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

22  581.211, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         581.211  Penalties for violations.--

24         (3)(a)1.  In addition to any other provision of law,

25  the department may, after notice and hearing, impose an

26  administrative fine not exceeding $5,000 for each violation of

27  this chapter, upon any person, nurseryman, stock dealer,

28  agent, or plant broker, or landscape designer.  The fine, when

29  paid, shall be deposited in the Plant Industry Trust Fund.  In

30  addition, the department may place the violator on probation

31  for up to 1 year, with conditions.


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  1         2.  The imposition of a fine or probation pursuant to

  2  this subsection may be in addition to or in lieu of the

  3  suspension or revocation of a certificate of registration or

  4  certificate of inspection.

  5         Section 8.  Subsection (5) of section 481.329, Florida

  6  Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         481.329  Exceptions; exemptions from licensure.--

  8         (5)  This part shall not be deemed to prohibit any

  9  nurseryman, nursery stock dealer, or agent, or landscape

10  designer as defined by chapter 581 who is required under

11  chapter 581 to hold a valid certificate of registration

12  license issued by the Division of Plant Industry of the

13  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and who does

14  hold a valid certificate of registration license to engage in

15  the business of selling nursery stock or providing landscape

16  design services in this state, insofar as she or he engages in

17  the preparation of plans or drawings as an adjunct to

18  merchandising her or his product, so long as she or he does

19  not use the title, term, or designation "landscape architect,"

20  "landscape architectural," "landscape architecture," "L.A.,"

21  "landscape engineering," or any description tending to convey

22  the impression that she or he is a landscape architect unless

23  she or he is registered as provided in this part or is exempt

24  from registration under the provisions of this part.

25         Section 9.  This act shall take effect October 1 of the

26  year in which enacted.







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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3523


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides for regulation of landscape designers under ch.
  4    581, F.S., relating to the plant industry. Preempts
      authority over landscape designers to the Department of
  5    Agriculture and Consumer Services and provides the
      department with the requisite powers and duties and
  6    rulemaking authority therefor. Requires registration and
      provides for discipline of landscape designers. Specifies
  7    services exempt from registration and provides that a
      landscape designer is exempt from licensure as a
  8    landscape architect under pt. II, ch. 481, F.S. See bill
      for details.






















