House Bill 3541e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 3541, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Brevard County; amending

  3         chapter 94-442, Laws of Florida, as amended by

  4         chapter 95-499, Laws of Florida; revising

  5         legislative intent; clarifying the limits on

  6         and the procedures for imposing certain

  7         distribution differential surcharge rates by a

  8         potable water utility; providing an effective

  9         date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Sections 1 and 2 of chapter 94-442, Laws of

14  Florida, as amended by chapter 95-499, Laws of Florida, is

15  amended to read:

16         Section 1.  Intent.--Notwithstanding the provisions of

17  s. 180.191, Florida Statutes, and except as otherwise provided

18  in section 2(4) of this act, beginning September 1, 1994, a

19  water utility operating in Brevard County may add a

20  distribution differential surcharge of not more than 10

21  percent of the rates, fees, and charges charged to consumers

22  inside the boundaries of a supplier municipality situated

23  within Brevard County to consumers of such services residing

24  outside the supplier's municipal boundaries.  It is the intent

25  of the Legislature that the potable water utility systems

26  exercising the authority granted by this section endeavor to

27  adopt and impose just and equitable equal rates with respect

28  to both the municipalities and the several unincorporated

29  areas to which they may be extending service, and that the

30  levels of service shall be substantially the same throughout

31  the distribution system.


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                                          HB 3541, First Engrossed

  1         Section 2.  (1)  An initial distribution differential

  2  rate study shall be conducted by the supplier municipality,

  3  with the same criteria and consultant selection process as for

  4  the rate study required for a distribution differential

  5  surcharge in excess of 10 percent pursuant to subsection (2),

  6  in order to establish an initial justified distribution

  7  differential surcharge for consumers outside of the supplier

  8  municipality.  Such initial study shall be completed within 6

  9  months of this act becoming a law.

10         (1)(2)  Authorized surcharge.--Notwithstanding the

11  provisions of s. 180.191, Florida Statutes, and except as

12  otherwise authorized by this act, a water utility operating in

13  Brevard County may add a surcharge of not more than 10 percent

14  of the rates, fees, and charges charged to consumers inside

15  the boundaries of a supplier municipality situated within

16  Brevard County to consumers of such services residing outside

17  the supplier's municipal boundaries. With respect to any

18  proposed surcharge rate differential in excess of the 10

19  percent authorized by this act, a rate study shall be required

20  to justify the surcharge increase above said 10 percent. A

21  surcharge shall not exceed 25 percent. The surcharge shall

22  only include those expenses identified in a rate study which

23  are directly attributable to the cost of delivering water to

24  the specific service area studied for the surcharge. Prior to

25  adopting a surcharge authorized by this act which will result

26  in customers residing outside the supplier's municipal

27  boundaries paying rates more than 110 percent of the

28  supplier's base rate, the supplier shall conduct a rate study

29  as required by this act.

30         (2)  Rate study.--The supplier shall identify the area

31  which the consultant shall study for purposes of the rate


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                                          HB 3541, First Engrossed

  1  study required by this act. The rate study shall be conducted

  2  by a consultant, qualified by experience and hired under

  3  contract by the supplier.  Said consultant shall be selected

  4  by the supplier from a list of three consultants prepared and

  5  submitted to the supplier by an advisory group as defined in

  6  subsection (3).  The advisory group shall be made up of three

  7  members, one member from each of the following:  the supplier

  8  city, a county commissioner from the affected area, and one

  9  representative selected by those municipalities subject to a

10  distribution differential surcharge. In instances where the

11  affected area is unincorporated, a county commissioner of said

12  area shall appoint a citizen from the unincorporated area.

13  The criteria for the consultant's rate study shall be based on

14  the fundamental principles recognized in similar studies

15  conducted pursuant to guidelines of the Public Service

16  Commission. set forth in s. 367.081(2)(a), Florida Statutes,

17  and s. 25-30.433, Florida Administrative Code, as both

18  sections are amended, modified, or renumbered from time to

19  time. At least 30 days before approval of the contract for the

20  rate study, the proposed scope of work shall be transmitted to

21  the board of county commissioners and each customer

22  municipality subject to the proposed surcharge. The county

23  commission and each customer municipality shall have the right

24  to comment in writing on the proposed scope of the work no

25  later than 2 weeks before approval of the contract. The

26  supplier municipality shall respond in writing to all such

27  comments at least 48 hours before approval of the contract.

28         (3)  Advisory group.--The advisory group shall be made

29  up of three members, one member from each of the following:

30  the supplier city, a county commissioner selected by the board

31  of county commissioners, and one representative selected by


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 3541, First Engrossed

  1  those municipalities subject to the proposed surcharge. In

  2  instances where the proposed surcharge affects an

  3  unincorporated area and a municipality, the county commission

  4  may appoint a citizen from the unincorporated area in lieu of

  5  the county commissioner. In instances where the proposed

  6  surcharge only affects an unincorporated area, the county

  7  commission shall appoint a citizen from the unincorporated

  8  area in lieu of a representative selected by a user

  9  municipality. At such time the supplier proposes a surcharge

10  in excess of 10 percent, the supplier shall convene a meeting

11  of the advisory group by providing at least 30 days written

12  notice to the county commission and to each municipality which

13  could be subject to the proposed surcharge. The notice shall

14  provide the date, time, and place of the meeting, identify the

15  geographical area to be studied, and state the requirement to

16  generate the list of consultants at that meeting. If the

17  county or noticed municipalities fail to send a respective

18  authorized representative to the scheduled advisory group

19  meeting, the party failing to do so shall forfeit the ability

20  to participate in the convened advisory group.

21         (3)  Thirty days before approval of the contract for

22  the rate study, the proposed scope of work shall be

23  transmitted to each county commissioner and each customer

24  municipality.  The county commission and each customer

25  municipality shall have the right to comment in writing on the

26  proposed scope of the work no later than 2 weeks before

27  approval of the contract.  The supplier municipality shall

28  respond in writing to all such comments at least 48 hours

29  before approval of the contract.

30         (4)  Rate setting.--Water rates shall include a base

31  rate and an optional distribution differential surcharge


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                                          HB 3541, First Engrossed

  1  authorized by this act when justified. Any distribution

  2  differential surcharge of more than 10 percent must be

  3  justified by a rate study.  The distribution differential

  4  surcharge shall only include those expenses which are directly

  5  attributable to the cost of delivering water to specific

  6  service areas.  Any rates charged customers residing outside

  7  the supplier's municipal boundaries of 26 percent or greater

  8  than 125 percent of the suppliers base rate shall be subject

  9  to the provisions of s. 180.191, Florida Statutes.

10         (5)  A surcharge An increase in excess of the 10

11  percent authorized by this act shall be imposed only pursuant

12  to the support of the consultant's findings in the rate study

13  and following a public hearing called by the governing body of

14  the supplier municipality, to be held no later than 60 days

15  after within 14 days of the release of the consultant's

16  findings.  At any such public hearing on the surcharge rate

17  increase, residents of the affected area affected by the

18  surcharge shall be afforded ample opportunity to be heard.

19         (5)(6)  Exception.--The provisions of subsections (2),

20  (3), and (4) (5) shall not be applicable in any case where a

21  contrary intention or procedure is set forth in an interlocal

22  agreement which is executed after the effective date of this

23  act, thereby precluding the necessity to conduct a rate study

24  applicable to the participating consumer county or

25  municipality.

26         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

27  law.




