CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 3543

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  The Committee on Community Affairs offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  Intent.--Pursuant to s. 191.015, F.S., this

18  act constitutes the codification of all special acts relating

19  to the Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District. It is

20  the intent of the Legislature to provide a single,

21  comprehensive special act charter for the district including

22  all current legislative authority granted to the district by

23  its several legislative enactments and any additional

24  authority granted by this act. It is further the intent of

25  this act to preserve all district authority, including the

26  authority to annually assess and levy against the taxable

27  property in the district a tax not to exceed 3 mills on the

28  dollar of assessed valuation, except as provided in chapter

29  97-340, Laws of Florida, chapter 191, F.S. or any other

30  applicable general or special law.

31         Section 2.  Codification.--Chapters 65-1828, 68-90,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 3543

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  69-1242, 81-414, 96-500, and 96-545, Laws of Florida, and

 2  section 6 of chapter 87-447, Laws of Florida, relating to the

 3  Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District, are codified,

 4  reenacted, amended, and repealed as provided herein.

 5         Section 3.  Creation.--There is established the Bonita

 6  Springs Fire Control and Rescue District, an independent

 7  special district, hereinafter referred to as the district,

 8  which shall include the following described lands:


10         All of sections 13 and 14, 24 and 25, Township

11         47 South, Range 24 East; Lee County, Florida;


13         Sections 13 through 36 inclusive, Township 47

14         South, Range 25 East, Lee County, Florida;


16         All of Township 47 South, Range 26 East; Lee

17         County, Florida;


19         All of Township 48, Range 26 East, located in

20         Lee County, Florida;


22         All of Sections 2, 11 and 12, Township 47

23         South, Range 24 East, Lee County, Florida;


25         Sections 1 through 4, Township 48 South, Range

26         25 East in Lee County, Florida.

27         Section 4.  Governing body.--The district shall

28  be governed by a board which shall consist of five (5)

29  resident electors of the district elected by a vote of

30  the electors of the district pursuant to chapter

31  97-340, Laws of Florida.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 3543

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         Section 5.  Officers; powers.--Within sixty

 2  (60) days after the election of members of the board,

 3  the members shall meet and elect from the membership a

 4  president, a secretary, and a treasurer; provided,

 5  however, the same member may be both secretary and

 6  treasurer. The district shall have and the board may

 7  exercise those general and special powers prescribed

 8  by chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, chapter 191, F.S.,

 9  or any other applicable general or special law, as the

10  act may be amended from time to time.

11         Section 6.  Emergency medical and rescue

12  response services.--The Bonita Springs Fire Control

13  and Rescue District is authorized to establish and

14  maintain emergency medical and rescue response

15  services and acquire and maintain rescue, medical, and

16  other emergency equipment, subject to the provisions

17  of chapter 401, Florida Statutes.

18         Section 7.  Rules and regulations.--The board

19  is authorized to make rules and regulations for the

20  prevention of fires, fire control, and rescue work

21  within the district. Such rules and regulations, after

22  being made by the board and copies thereof signed by

23  the president and the secretary, and posted in at

24  least three (3) public places within the district, one

25  (1) of which must be the fire station or such similar

26  place wherein the firefighting and rescue equipment is

27  normally kept, after ten (10) days shall have the

28  force and effect of law.

29         Section 8.  Budget.--For the purposes of

30  carrying into effect this act the board shall annually

31  prepare, consider, and adopt a district budget


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 3543

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  pursuant to the applicable requirements of chapter

 2  200, Florida Statutes, as it may be amended from time

 3  to time.

 4         Section 9.  Taxing authority.--The district

 5  board shall fix and cause to be levied on all property

 6  of the district, real and personal, a millage

 7  sufficient to meet the requirements of the adopted

 8  budget; provided, however, three (3) mills is the

 9  maximum that can be levied in any one (1) year, except

10  as provided in chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida,

11  chapter 191, F.S., or any other applicable general or

12  special law.

13         Section 10.  Assessment and collection of

14  taxes.--Taxes herein provided for shall be assessed

15  and collected in the same manner and form as provided

16  for the assessment and collection of county taxes.

17         Section 11.  Tax collector's

18  responsibility.--When such taxes as provided for

19  herein shall have been collected by the tax collector

20  of Lee County, he or she shall, on or before the tenth

21  (10th) day of each month, report to the secretary of

22  the board the collections made for the preceding month

23  and remit the same to the treasurer of the board and

24  take a receipt for the same from the treasurer.

25  Thereupon the tax collector shall be relieved from all

26  other and further liability as to the amount so paid

27  the treasurer of the board.

28         Section 12.  Expenses.--All warrants for the

29  payment of labor, equipment, and other expenses of the

30  board, and in carrying into effect this act and the

31  purposes thereof, shall be payable by the treasurer of


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 3543

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1  the board on accounts and vouchers approved and

 2  authorized by the board.

 3         Section 13.  Treasurer's bond.--The treasurer

 4  of the board, when entering upon his or her duties,

 5  shall give a good and sufficient bond to the Governor

 6  in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for

 7  the faithful performance of his or her duties as

 8  treasurer, the premium for such bond to be paid from

 9  district funds.

10         Section 14.  Construction.--This act shall be

11  construed as remedial and shall be liberally construed

12  to promote the purpose for which it is intended.

13         Section 15.  Effect.--In the event that any

14  part of this act should be held void for any reason,

15  such holding shall not affect any other part thereof.

16         Section 16.  Repeal of prior special

17  acts.--Chapters 65-1828, 68-90, 69-1242, 81-414,

18  96-500, and 96-545, Laws of Florida, and section 6 of

19  chapter 87-447, Laws of Florida, shall be repealed 10

20  days after the effective date of this act.

21         Section 17.  This act shall take effect upon

22  becoming a law.



25  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

26  And the title is amended as follows:

27         On page 1, lines 2 and 16

28  remove from the title of the bill:  all of said lines


30  and insert in lieu thereof:

31         An act relating to the Bonita Springs Fire


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    hca0012                     05:51 pm         03543-ca  -811141

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                  Bill No. HB 3543

    Amendment No. 01 (for drafter's use only)

 1         Control and Rescue District, Lee County;

 2         providing for a codification of special laws

 3         relating to the Bonita Springs Fire Control and

 4         Rescue District pursuant to s. 191.015, F.S.;

 5         providing legislative intent; codifying

 6         reenacting and amending all prior special acts;

 7         creating and establishing a fire control and

 8         rescue district in said county and fixing the

 9         boundaries of district; providing for a

10         governing body; prescribing the powers of the

11         board; authorizing the board to establish and

12         maintain emergency medical services and

13         equipment; authorizes the board to make rules

14         and regulations; providing procedure for

15         adopting a budget, giving the board the power

16         to tax; providing procedure for assessing and

17         collecting taxes; limiting tax collector's

18         responsibility; providing for payment of

19         expenses; requiring the treasurer to post a

20         bond; providing that such act shall be

21         construed liberally; providing for

22         severability; providing for the repeal of

23         chapters 65-1828, 68-90, 69-1242, 81-414,

24         96-500, and 96-545, Laws of Florida, and

25         section 6 of 87-447, Laws of Florida; providing

26         an effective date.







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