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Senate Bill 0036

Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SB 36 By Senator Horne 6-101C-98 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act providing for the relief of Carrie A. 3 Wilson; providing an appropriation to reimburse 4 Carrie A. Wilson, a minor, and her mother, 5 Barbara Britt, for injuries sustained by Carrie 6 A. Wilson as a result of the negligence of the 7 Duval County School Board; providing an 8 effective date. 9 10 WHEREAS, on January 6, 1992, Carrie A. Wilson was a 11 14-year-old student at DuPont Junior High School in 12 Jacksonville, Florida, and 13 WHEREAS, at that time, Carrie was a bright, vivacious 14 member of the cheerleading squad, and 15 WHEREAS, on the morning of the first day back from the 16 Christmas break, when Carrie was on her way out an exterior 17 door to the science lab, with her arms full of books, she 18 happened to notice that a friend of hers was coming in the 19 door, so she stuck her foot up to stop the door, and 20 WHEREAS, Carrie's foot went through a pane of glass 21 that had been placed in the right-hand corner of the door, 22 which pane consisted of ordinary glass that an employee of the 23 school board had placed in the door, rather than installing 24 the safety glass that state law requires, and 25 WHEREAS, a lawsuit was brought in this matter, and, 26 during trial, it was proven that the school board had violated 27 chapter 682 of the Florida Administrative Code, which provides 28 that all indoor glass must be 1/4-inch safety glass or 29 tempered glass, and 30 WHEREAS, the excuse offered at trial was that, during 31 the Christmas break, someone had broken a window and that, 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SB 36 6-101C-98 1 since it was the policy of the school board not to give keys 2 to its employees, they had to use whatever was on the truck, 3 and 4 WHEREAS, it was also proven that the employees knew 5 that they had used the wrong glass and that they had failed to 6 take any corrective action before the students returned to 7 school after a 17-day Christmas break, even though the 8 internal rules and regulations of the school board required 9 them to make permanent repairs so as not to endanger the 10 students, and 11 WHEREAS, Carrie's injuries were catastrophic, in that 12 she severed both the main nerve and the artery in her leg; her 13 sciatic nerve was damaged; her foot has shrunk; her toes have 14 curled; she has had numerous complications due to infection; 15 and, on more than one occasion, physicians have recommended to 16 her mother, Barbara Britt, the removal of her daughter's leg 17 in order to expedite healing, and 18 WHEREAS, Carrie received excellent care in 19 Jacksonville, and there was testimony from physicians at 20 Nemours Childrens Hospital, as well as the Mayo Clinic and 21 University of Florida program at University Hospital, with 22 regard to the extent of her injuries, and 23 WHEREAS, Carrie's medical bills were well over 24 $100,000, and were unpaid because Barbara Britt's employer had 25 allowed the group coverage to lapse, and Ms. Britt has been 26 hounded for the past 4 years with regard to these medical 27 payments, and 28 WHEREAS, this matter was vigorously contested, and a 29 jury trial was held in August 1995, and 30 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SB 36 6-101C-98 1 WHEREAS, on August 29, 1995, a jury returned a verdict 2 in the amount of $2,500,000 in favor of Barbara Britt and her 3 daughter, Carrie A. Wilson, and 4 WHEREAS, in subsequent court hearings, the jury verdict 5 was reduced to $1,885,657, and 6 WHEREAS, the Duval County School Board appealed the 7 jury's award on both liability and damages, and, in February 8 1997, the First District Court of Appeals affirmed the jury 9 award on all issues, and 10 WHEREAS, the Duval County School Board has paid 11 $200,000 pursuant to section 768.28, Florida Statutes, 12 Florida's sovereign immunity statute, NOW, THEREFORE, 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this 17 act are found and declared to be true. 18 Section 2. The Duval County School Board is authorized 19 and directed to appropriate and to draw in favor of Carrie A. 20 Wilson, a minor, and her mother, Barbara Britt, a warrant in 21 the amount of $1,685,657 to compensate them for injuries 22 sustained by Carrie A. Wilson due to the negligence of the 23 school board. 24 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 25 law. 26 27 28 29 30 31 3