House Bill 3655c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3655

        By the Committee on Water & Resource Management and
    Representative Posey

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state funds; amending ss.

  3         370.12 and 327.25, F.S; prohibiting certain

  4         uses of Save the Manatee Trust Fund moneys;

  5         amending ss. 320.08058 and 320.08062, F.S., to

  6         conform; providing for discontinuance of

  7         revenues and reimbursement of inappropriately

  8         used moneys; providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

13  370.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         370.12  Marine animals; regulation.--


16         (a)  Each fiscal year the Save the Manatee Trust Fund

17  shall be available to fund an impartial scientific benchmark

18  census of the manatee population in the state. Weather

19  permitting, the study shall be conducted annually by the

20  Department of Environmental Protection and the results shall

21  be made available to the President of the Senate, the Speaker

22  of the House of Representatives, and the Governor and Cabinet

23  for use in the evaluation and development of manatee

24  protection measures. In addition, the Save the Manatee Trust

25  Fund shall be available for annual funding of activities of

26  public and private organizations and those of the department

27  intended to provide manatee and marine mammal protection and

28  recovery effort; manufacture and erection of informational and

29  regulatory signs; production, publication, and distribution of

30  educational materials; participation in manatee and marine

31  mammal research programs, including carcass salvage and other


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3655


  1  programs; programs intended to assist the recovery of the

  2  manatee as an endangered species, assist the recovery of the

  3  endangered or threatened marine mammals, and prevent the

  4  endangerment of other species of marine mammals; and other

  5  similar programs intended to protect and enhance the recovery

  6  of the manatee and other species of marine mammals. None of

  7  the Save the Manatee Trust Fund moneys distributed to

  8  nongovernmental entities shall be used for administrative or

  9  civil litigation costs or fees, for commercial or for-profit

10  activities, or for general or administrative expenses.  The

11  department shall annually solicit advisory recommendations

12  from the Save the Manatee Committee affiliated with the Save

13  the Manatee Club, as identified and recognized in Executive

14  Order 85-19, on the use of funds from the Save the Manatee

15  Trust Fund.

16         Section 2.  Subsections (11) and (16) of section

17  327.25, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         327.25  Classification; registration; fees and charges;

19  surcharge; disposition of fees; fines; marine turtle

20  stickers.--

21         (11)  VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.--The application form

22  for boat registration shall include a provision to allow each

23  applicant to indicate a desire to pay an additional voluntary

24  contribution to the Save the Manatee Trust Fund for manatee

25  and marine mammal research, protection, recovery, rescue,

26  rehabilitation, and release. None of the Save the Manatee

27  Trust Fund moneys distributed to nongovernmental entities

28  shall be used for administrative or civil litigation costs or

29  fees, for commercial or for-profit activities, or for general

30  or administrative expenses. This contribution shall be in

31  addition to all other fees and charges. The amount of the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3655


  1  request for a voluntary contribution solicited shall be $1 per

  2  registrant. Beginning with boat registration in fiscal year

  3  1992-1993, the request for a voluntary contribution solicited

  4  shall be $2 or $5 per registrant.  A registrant who provides a

  5  voluntary contribution of $5 or more shall be given a sticker

  6  or emblem by the tax collector to display, which signifies

  7  support for the Save the Manatee Trust Fund.  All voluntary

  8  contributions shall be deposited in the Save the Manatee Trust

  9  Fund for use according to this subsection.  The first $2 of

10  voluntary contribution by a vessel registrant shall be

11  available for the manatee protection and recovery effort

12  pursuant to s. 370.12(5)(a). Any additional amount of

13  voluntary contribution by a vessel registrant shall also be

14  for the purpose of the manatee protection and recovery effort,

15  except that any voluntary contribution in excess of the first

16  $2 voluntary contribution by a vessel registrant but not

17  exceeding $2 shall be available for manatee rehabilitation by

18  those facilities approved to rescue, rehabilitate, and release

19  manatees pursuant to s. 370.12(5)(b). The form shall also

20  include language permitting a voluntary contribution of $5 per

21  applicant, which contribution shall be transferred into the

22  Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund.  A statement providing

23  an explanation of the purpose of the trust fund shall also be

24  included.

25         (16)  DISTRIBUTION OF FEES.--Moneys deposited pursuant

26  to s. 327.28 to be returned to the counties are for the sole

27  purposes of providing recreational channel marking and public

28  launching facilities and other boating-related activities, for

29  removal of vessels and floating structures deemed a hazard to

30  public safety and health for failure to comply with s. 327.53,

31  and for manatee and marine mammal protection and recovery.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3655


  1  The department shall ascertain, as a guideline in determining

  2  the amounts of distributions each county may receive, the

  3  number of noncommercial vessels registered in the county

  4  during the preceding fiscal year according to the fee schedule

  5  provided in subsection (1) and shall promulgate rules to

  6  effectuate this.  Each fiscal year, prior to determination of

  7  distributions to the counties under this section, an amount

  8  equal to $1 for each vessel registered in this state shall be

  9  transferred to the Save the Manatee Trust Fund for manatee and

10  marine mammal research, protection, and recovery. None of the

11  Save the Manatee Trust Fund moneys distributed to

12  nongovernmental entities shall be used for administrative or

13  civil litigation costs or fees, for commercial or for-profit

14  activities, or for general or administrative expenses.

15         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 320.08058,

16  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         320.08058  Specialty license plates.--

18         (1)  MANATEE LICENSE PLATES.--

19         (a)  The department shall develop a manatee license

20  plate to commemorate the official state marine mammal.  The

21  word "Florida" must appear at the top of the plate, and the

22  words "Save the Manatee" must appear at the bottom of the

23  plate.

24         (b)1.  The manatee license plate annual use fee must be

25  deposited into the Save the Manatee Trust Fund, created within

26  the Department of Environmental Protection.  The funds

27  deposited in the Save the Manatee Trust Fund may be used only

28  for environmental education; manatee research; facilities, as

29  provided in s. 370.12(5)(b); and manatee protection and

30  recovery; and may not be used as otherwise prohibited by s.

31  370.12(5)(a).


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3655


  1         2.  For fiscal year 1996-1997, 25 percent of the

  2  manatee license plate annual use fee must be deposited into

  3  the Save the Manatee Trust Fund within the Department of

  4  Environmental Protection and shall be used for manatee

  5  facilities as provided in s. 370.12(5)(b).

  6         Section 4.  Section 320.08062, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         320.08062  Audits required; annual use fees of special

  9  license plates.--

10         (1)  All organizational recipients of any specialty

11  license plate annual use fee authorized in this chapter, not

12  otherwise subject to annual audit by the Office of the Auditor

13  General, shall submit either an annual or biennial audit of

14  the expenditures of annual use fees and interest earned from

15  these fees, to determine if expenditures are being made in

16  accordance with the specifications outlined by law.  The audit

17  shall be prepared by a certified public accountant licensed

18  under chapter 473 at that organizational recipient's expense.

19  Such audits shall be delivered to the President of the Senate,

20  the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Office of the

21  Governor, and the department no later than December 31 of the

22  calendar year in which the audit was performed.

23         (2)  A specialty license plate annual use fee collected

24  and distributed under this chapter, or any interest earned

25  from those fees, may not be used for commercial or for-profit

26  activities nor for general or administrative expenses, except

27  to pay the cost of the independent audit required by

28  subsection (1), and the manatee license plate annual use fee

29  also shall not be used as otherwise prohibited by s.

30  370.12(5)(a).



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998             CS/HB 3655


  1         (3)  By February 1 of each year, the department shall

  2  determine which recipients of revenues from specialty license

  3  plate annual use fees have not complied with subsection (1).

  4  If the department determines that an organization has not

  5  complied with subsection (1) or has failed to use the revenues

  6  in accordance with s. 320.08058, the department must may

  7  discontinue the distribution of the revenues to the

  8  organization until the department determines that the

  9  organization is complying with those provisions and has

10  reimbursed the department for all moneys inappropriately used.

11         (4)  The Auditor General has the authority to examine

12  all records pertaining to the use of funds from the sale of

13  specialty license plates.

14         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming

15  law.
















