House Bill 3677

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 3677

        By Representative Hafner

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to hospitals; creating the

  3         "Community Hospital Protection Act"; providing

  4         for the sale, lease, exchange, conveyance,

  5         merger, or other transfer of the assets or

  6         management authority of a nonprofit hospital to

  7         a for-profit enterprise; providing legislative

  8         intent; providing definitions; providing

  9         prerequisites to such a transfer, including the

10         provision by the nonprofit hospital of certain

11         statements and notice, and the conduct of

12         public hearings; providing for the Attorney

13         General or a state attorney to challenge such a

14         proposed transaction through an action for

15         declaratory judgment; providing a statement of

16         circumstances in which a court may declare the

17         transaction wholly or partly invalid; providing

18         limitations upon the applicability of the act;

19         providing an effective date.


21         WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes that nonprofit

22  hospitals perform valuable services to their communities, and

23         WHEREAS, nonprofit hospitals are often established or

24  supported through charitable contributions and grants,

25  including donations of money, valuables, and services

26  performed by community volunteers, and

27         WHEREAS, nonprofit hospitals are recognized as

28  community assets that are exempt from a multitude of local,

29  state, and federal taxes, and

30         WHEREAS, transfers of the assets or management control

31  of nonprofit hospitals to for-profit enterprises raise the


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  1  very real concern that services performed by nonprofit

  2  hospitals will be terminated or the cost of providing those

  3  services will be shifted to the taxpayers of the affected

  4  community, and

  5         WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes the need of the

  6  affected community to make a reasonable evaluation of the

  7  fairness and effects of a proposed transfer of its nonprofit

  8  hospital to a for-profit enterprise before such transfer is

  9  consummated, NOW, THEREFORE,


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Sale, lease, exchange, conveyance, merger,

14  or other transfer of the assets or management authority of a

15  nonprofit hospital to a for-profit enterprise.--

16         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Community

17  Hospital Protection Act."

18         (2)  It is the intent of the Legislature that all

19  proposed transfers involving 30 percent or more of the gross

20  assets or management authority of a nonprofit hospital to a

21  for-profit enterprise be made public so that the affected

22  community may reasonably evaluate the fairness and effects of

23  such transfers before they are consummated.  It is the further

24  intent of the Legislature to make such proposed transfers

25  public by requiring nonprofit hospitals to give public notice

26  at least 60 days before the transfers are consummated and to

27  make all records relating to such transfers available for

28  public inspection and copying.

29         (3)  As used in this section, the term:

30         (a)  "Affected community" means the geographical area

31  consisting of a county or counties that are served by, or


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  1  receive the benefit of the services provided by, a nonprofit

  2  hospital.

  3         (b)  "Nonprofit hospital" means a nonprofit entity that

  4  is tax-exempt under 26 U.S.C. s. 501(c)(3) and is organized

  5  under the laws of this state, or authorized to transact

  6  business in this state, for the purpose of providing hospital

  7  care or similar services to the community.

  8         (c)  "Consummated" means, with respect to a

  9  transaction, that there has been created a legally enforceable

10  right to a specific performance of the transaction.

11         (d)  "For-profit enterprise" means an individual,

12  partnership, corporation, trust, foundation, joint business

13  venture, or other for-profit entity that conducts business or

14  provides services and is organized, or is authorized, to do

15  business in this state and whose income or profit is

16  distributable to its members, partners, shareholders,

17  directors, or officers.  The term excludes a governmental

18  agency or other entity that is under the control of the state

19  or one of its political subdivisions.

20         (d)  "Public inspection period" means the 60 days

21  immediately following the date of publication by a nonprofit

22  hospital of the first advertisement that conforms to the

23  provisions of this section and that notifies the public of a

24  proposed transaction.  During this period, the proposed

25  transaction may not be consummated.

26         (e)  "Transaction" means an action by a nonprofit

27  hospital to:

28         1.  Sell, lease, exchange, convey, merge, or otherwise

29  transfer control of 30 percent or more of its current gross

30  assets in a single transaction or a series of related

31  transactions to a for-profit enterprise;


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  1         2.  Grant or transfer control of 30 percent or more of

  2  the votes on its board of directors or board of trustees in a

  3  single transaction or a series of related transactions to a

  4  for-profit enterprise; or

  5         3.  Enter into a joint venture, joint operating

  6  agreement, management agreement, partnership, or other

  7  business agreement that transfers 30 percent or more of the

  8  nonprofit hospital's management authority in a single

  9  transaction or a series of related transactions to a

10  for-profit enterprise.

11         (4)(a)  When a nonprofit hospital proposes to enter

12  into a transaction, before providing notice under paragraph

13  (b), the nonprofit hospital must:

14         1.  Obtain one or more written reports by an

15  independent expert or experts assessing the following aspects

16  of the proposed transaction:

17         a.  Whether the nonprofit hospital is receiving fair

18  market value for any assets or management authority involved

19  in the proposed transaction, together with a detailed

20  valuation of such assets or management authority and a

21  detailed analysis of all competing offers, if any, made to the

22  nonprofit hospital; and

23         b.  Whether the proposed transaction was negotiated at

24  arm's length and is fair to the affected community from both a

25  financial and community-service standpoint;

26         2.  Obtain a written report by an expert assessing

27  whether the proposed use of the proceeds of the proposed

28  transaction is consistent with the general donative intent of

29  the benefactors and the charitable mission of the nonprofit

30  hospital and whether there are sufficient safeguards to ensure



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  1  that restricted-use funds are segregated and used for their

  2  intended purpose;

  3         3.  Obtain signed affidavits regarding conflicts of

  4  interest from each member of its board of directors or board

  5  of trustees and each executive director, chief operating

  6  officer, chief executive officer, and chief financial officer

  7  of the nonprofit hospital.  These affidavits must disclose

  8  whether the affiant has been offered or has accepted, orally

  9  or in writing, any personal or familial benefit, including a

10  promise of future employment, stock options, or other

11  contractual rights, from a for-profit enterprise or any entity

12  affiliated with a for-profit enterprise.  In addition, the

13  affiants must disclose whether they have been offered or have

14  accepted, orally or in writing, any position with a

15  foundation, trust, corporation, or other entity that will

16  direct the use of any part of the proceeds of the proposed

17  transaction or otherwise will function as a successor to the

18  nonprofit hospital; and

19         4.  State in writing whether there are any contractual

20  or other agreements with a for-profit enterprise regarding

21  future use of the assets or future exercise of the management

22  authority involved in the proposed transaction and, if so,

23  what penalties are available if the for-profit enterprise does

24  not comply with those agreements.

25         (b)  After complying with paragraph (a), a nonprofit

26  hospital must provide notice that describes clearly and

27  concisely the nature of the proposed transaction; the parties

28  to the transaction; the date, time, and location of the public

29  hearings required by this section; and, for purposes of public

30  examination and copying, the location of all records related

31  to the proposed transaction. The notice must be provided:


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  1         1.  Before the public inspection period commences, to

  2  the state attorney in the area where the nonprofit hospital

  3  maintains its principal place of business and to the Attorney

  4  General.

  5         2.  To the affected community by placing two

  6  advertisements in a newspaper of general paid circulation

  7  which is published in the county or municipality of the

  8  affected community and is of general interest and readership

  9  in the county or municipality of the affected community, and

10  which is not a newspaper of limited subject matter, under

11  chapter 50.  The two advertisements must be published no less

12  than 3 weeks apart; the first must appear before the public

13  inspection period commences, and the other must appear at

14  least 30 days before the end of the public inspection period.

15  The required advertisements must be no less than 2 columns

16  wide by 10 inches long in a standard-size or a tabloid-size

17  newspaper, and the headline in the advertisement must be in

18  type no smaller than 18 points.  The advertisements must not

19  be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices

20  and classified advertisements appear.  When possible, the

21  advertisements must appear in a newspaper that is published at

22  least 5 days a week unless the only newspaper in the affected

23  community is published less frequently than 5 days a week.

24  The advertisements must be in substantially the following

25  form:




29  NONPROFIT HOSPITAL).... The ...(name of nonprofit hospital)...

30  proposes to ...(clear, concise description of proposed

31  transaction, including the name of the for-profit


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  1  enterprise)... in no fewer than ...(60 or 30 days, as

  2  appropriate)... after the date of this notice.  Records

  3  relating to this proposed transaction are available for public

  4  inspection and copying during regular business hours at

  5  ...(location).... Public hearings regarding this proposed

  6  transaction will be held ...(date, time, and location)..., at

  7  which knowledgeable representatives of ...(name of nonprofit

  8  hospital)... will be available to explain the proposed

  9  transaction and respond to questions or comments regarding the

10  nature, purpose, and effects of the proposed transaction.

11         (c)  A nonprofit hospital shall permit public

12  inspection at no cost, and copying at the rate set forth in s.

13  119.07(1) during the public inspection period, of all relevant

14  records relating to the transaction, including, but not

15  limited to, records setting forth the terms, conditions, and

16  structure of the transaction; written reports of experts;

17  relevant financial records of the nonprofit hospital;

18  affidavits required by this section; records relating to

19  agreements disclosed in any affidavit required by this

20  section; all minutes of those portions of meetings of the

21  board of directors or trustees during which the proposed

22  transaction was considered and any reports or other materials

23  presented at those meetings; and offers by other outside

24  interests, for-profit and nonprofit, that are reasonably

25  related to the proposed transaction.  These records must be

26  made available to the public in a single location during

27  regular business hours in the locale where the nonprofit

28  hospital maintains its principal place of business.

29         (d)  A community organization must hold no fewer than 2

30  public hearings in the affected community during the public

31  inspection period at times and locations that are reasonably


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  1  convenient for members of the affected community to attend and

  2  be heard.  At these meetings, knowledgeable representatives of

  3  the nonprofit hospital must be available to explain the

  4  proposed transaction and respond to questions or comments

  5  regarding the nature, purpose, and effects of the proposed

  6  transaction.

  7         (5)  Only the Attorney General or state attorney, on

  8  behalf of the affected community, may challenge a proposed

  9  transaction by bringing an action for declaratory judgment

10  under chapter 86, Florida Statutes, in the circuit court.  In

11  such an action, the court may address issues that might be

12  brought before it in a common law cy-pres action.  The court

13  may declare that the proposed transaction is valid or that any

14  part of it is invalid and may not be consummated, or it may

15  establish a mechanism to monitor future compliance by the

16  for-profit enterprise with the terms of the transaction, or it

17  may order any other equitable or legal relief necessary to

18  ensure that the proposed transaction is fair to the affected

19  community, upon a finding that:

20         (a)  The nonprofit hospital failed to substantially

21  comply with this section;

22         (b)  The nonprofit hospital will not receive fair

23  market value for the assets or management authority involved

24  in the proposed transaction;

25         (c)  The proposed transaction is not the product of an

26  arm's-length negotiation; there exists a material conflict of

27  interest relating to the proposed transaction; or there has

28  been a material breach of fiduciary duty;

29         (d)  The proceeds from the proposed transaction will

30  not be applied in a manner consistent with the general

31  donative intent of the benefactors and the charitable mission


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  1  of the nonprofit hospital, or there are insufficient

  2  safeguards to ensure that any restricted-use funds are

  3  segregated and used for their intended purpose; or

  4         (f)  The proposed transaction is fundamentally unfair

  5  and not in the best interests of the affected community.

  6         (6)  This section does not contravene or limit state or

  7  federal antitrust laws or the existing authority of the

  8  Attorney General or a state attorney to protect the public

  9  interest in matters relating to charitable trusts.

10         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1998.


12            *****************************************

13                          SENATE SUMMARY

14    Creates the "Community Hospital Protection Act." Provides
      for the sale, lease, exchange, conveyance, merger, or
15    other transfer of the assets or management authority of a
      nonprofit hospital to a for-profit enterprise. Provides
16    legislative intent. Provides definitions. Provides
      prerequisites to such a transfer, including the provision
17    by the nonprofit hospital of certain statements and
      notice, and the conduct of public hearings. Provides for
18    the Attorney General or a state attorney to challenge
      such a proposed transaction through an action for
19    declaratory judgment. States the circumstances in which a
      court may declare the transaction wholly or partly
20    invalid. Provides that the act does not contravene or
      limit antitrust laws or the existing authority of the
21    Attorney General or a state attorney to protect the
      public interest in matters relating to charitable trusts.









