CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0373

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 By Representative Wallace 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to wastewater discharge 3 permits; amending s. 403.087, F.S.; increasing 4 the term for which certain permits may be 5 issued by the Department of Environmental 6 Protection; providing for renewal of operation 7 permits for domestic wastewater treatment 8 facilities for up to a specified term under 9 certain circumstances at the same fee; 10 providing an exception; requiring the 11 department to keep certain records; amending 12 ss. 403.0871 and 403.0872, F.S.; conforming 13 cross references; providing an effective date. 14 15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 16 17 Section 1. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 403.087, 18 Florida Statutes, are amended, subsections (3) through (8) of 19 said section are renumbered as subsections (4) through (9), 20 respectively, and a new subsection (3) is added to said 21 section, to read: 22 403.087 Permits; general issuance; denial; revocation; 23 prohibition; penalty.-- 24 (1) A No stationary installation that is which will 25 reasonably be expected to be a source of air or water 26 pollution must not shall be operated, maintained, constructed, 27 expanded, or modified without an appropriate and currently 28 valid permit issued by the department, unless exempted by 29 department rule. In no event shall a permit for a water 30 pollution source be issued for a term of more than 10 5 years, 31 nor and in no event may an operation permit issued after July 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 1, 1992, for a major source of air pollution have a fixed term 2 of more than 5 years. However, upon expiration, a new permit 3 may be issued by the department in accordance with this 4 chapter act and the rules and regulations of the department. 5 (2) The department shall adopt, and may amend, or 6 repeal, rules, regulations, and standards for the issuance, 7 denial, modification, and revocation of permits under this 8 section. 9 (3) A renewal of an operation permit for a domestic 10 wastewater treatment facility other than a facility regulated 11 under the NPDES program under s. 403.0885 must be issued upon 12 request for a term of up to 10 years for the same fee as a 13 5-year permit, in order to provide the owner or operator with 14 a financial incentive, if: 15 (a) The waters from the treatment facility are not 16 discharged to Class 1 municipal injection wells or the 17 treatment facility is not required to comply with the federal 18 standards under the Underground Injection Control program 19 under chapter 62-528 of the Florida Administrative Code. 20 (b) The treatment facility is not operating under a 21 temporary operating permit or a permit with an accompanying 22 administrative order and does not have any enforcement action 23 pending against it by the Environmental Protection Agency, the 24 department, or a local program approved under s. 403.182. 25 (c) The treatment facility has operated under an 26 operation permit for 5 years and, for at least the preceding 2 27 years, has generally operated in conformance with the limits 28 of permitted flows and other conditions specified in the 29 permit. 30 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 (d) The department has reviewed the discharge 2 monitoring reports required under department rule and is 3 satisfied that the reports are accurate. 4 (e) The treatment facility has generally met water 5 quality standards in the preceding 2 years, except for 6 violations attributable to events beyond the control of the 7 treatment plant or its operator, such as destruction of 8 equipment by fire, wind, or other abnormal events that could 9 not reasonably be expected to occur. 10 (f) The department, or a local program approved under 11 s. 403.182, has conducted during the preceding 12 months an 12 inspection of the facility and has verified that the facility 13 is not exceeding the permitted capacity and is in substantial 14 compliance. 15 16 The department shall keep records of the number of 10-year 17 permits applied for and the number and duration of permits 18 issued for longer than 5 years. 19 Section 2. Section 403.0871, Florida Statutes, 1996 20 Supplement, is amended to read: 21 403.0871 Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund.--There is 22 established within the department a nonlapsing trust fund to 23 be known as the "Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund." All funds 24 received from applicants for permits pursuant to ss. 161.041, 25 161.053, 161.0535, 403.087(6)(5), and 403.861(8) shall be 26 deposited in the Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund and shall be 27 used by the department with the advice and consent of the 28 Legislature to supplement appropriations and other funds 29 received by the department for the administration of its 30 responsibilities under this chapter and chapter 161. In no 31 case shall funds from the Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund be 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 used for salary increases without the approval of the 2 Legislature. 3 Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (11) of section 4 403.0872, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 5 read: 6 403.0872 Operation permits for major sources of air 7 pollution; annual operation license fee.--Provided that 8 program approval pursuant to 42 U.S.C. s. 7661a has been 9 received from the United States Environmental Protection 10 Agency, beginning January 2, 1995, each major source of air 11 pollution, including electrical power plants certified under 12 s. 403.511, must obtain from the department an operation 13 permit for a major source of air pollution under this section, 14 which is the only department operation permit for a major 15 source of air pollution required for such source. Operation 16 permits for major sources of air pollution, except general 17 permits issued pursuant to s. 403.814, must be issued in 18 accordance with the following procedures and in accordance 19 with chapter 120; however, to the extent that chapter 120 is 20 inconsistent with the provisions of this section, the 21 procedures contained in this section prevail: 22 (11) Commencing in 1993, each major source of air 23 pollution permitted to operate in this state must pay between 24 January 15 and March 1 of each year, upon written notice from 25 the department, an annual operation license fee in an amount 26 determined by department rule. The annual operation license 27 fee shall be terminated immediately in the event the United 28 States Environmental Protection Agency imposes annual fees 29 solely to implement and administer the major source 30 air-operation permit program in Florida under 40 C.F.R. s. 31 70.10(d). 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 (a) The annual fee must be assessed based upon the 2 source's previous year's emissions and must be calculated by 3 multiplying the applicable annual operation license fee factor 4 times the tons of each regulated air pollutant (except carbon 5 monoxide) allowed to be emitted per hour by specific condition 6 of the source's most recent construction or operation permit, 7 times the annual hours of operation allowed by permit 8 condition; provided, however, that: 9 1. For 1993 and 1994, the license fee factor is $10. 10 For 1995, the license fee factor is $25. In succeeding years, 11 the license fee factor is $25 or another amount determined by 12 department rule which ensures that the revenue provided by 13 each year's operation license fees is sufficient to cover all 14 reasonable direct and indirect costs of the major stationary 15 source air-operation permit program established by this 16 section. The license fee factor may be increased beyond $25 17 only if the secretary of the department affirmatively finds 18 that a shortage of revenue for support of the major stationary 19 source air-operation permit program will occur in the absence 20 of a fee factor adjustment. The annual license fee factor may 21 never exceed $35. The department shall retain a nationally 22 recognized accounting firm to conduct a study to determine the 23 reasonable revenue requirements necessary to support the 24 development and administration of the major source 25 air-operation permit program as prescribed in paragraph (b). 26 The results of that determination must be considered in 27 assessing whether a $25-per-ton fee factor is sufficient to 28 adequately fund the major source air-operation permit program. 29 The results of the study must be presented to the Governor, 30 the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 31 Representatives, and the Public Service Commission, including 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 the Public Counsel's Office, by no later than October 31, 2 1994. 3 2. For any source that operates for fewer hours during 4 the calendar year than allowed under its permit, the annual 5 fee calculation must be based upon actual hours of operation 6 rather than allowable hours if the owner or operator of the 7 source documents the source's actual hours of operation for 8 the calendar year. For any source that has an emissions limit 9 that is dependent upon the type of fuel burned, the annual fee 10 calculation must be based on the emissions limit applicable 11 during actual hours of operation. 12 3. For any source whose allowable emission limitation 13 is specified by permit per units of material input or heat 14 input or product output, the applicable input or production 15 amount may be used to calculate the allowable emissions if the 16 owner or operator of the source documents the actual input or 17 production amount. If the input or production amount is not 18 documented, the maximum allowable input or production amount 19 specified in the permit must be used to calculate the 20 allowable emissions. 21 4. For any new source that does not receive its first 22 operation permit until after the beginning of a calendar year, 23 the annual fee for the year must be reduced pro rata to 24 reflect the period during which the source was not allowed to 25 operate. 26 5. For any source that emits less of any regulated air 27 pollutant than allowed by permit condition, the annual fee 28 calculation for such pollutant must be based upon actual 29 emissions rather than allowable emissions if the owner or 30 operator documents the source's actual emissions by means of 31 data from a department-approved certified continuous emissions 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 monitor or from an emissions monitoring method which has been 2 approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency 3 under the regulations implementing 42 U.S.C. ss. 7651 et seq., 4 or from a method approved by the department for purposes of 5 this section. 6 6. The amount of each regulated air pollutant in 7 excess of 4,000 tons per year allowed to be emitted by any 8 source, or group of sources belonging to the same Major Group 9 as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 10 1987, may not be included in the calculation of the fee. Any 11 source, or group of sources, which does not emit any regulated 12 air pollutant in excess of 4,000 tons per year, is allowed a 13 one-time credit not to exceed 25 percent of the first annual 14 licensing fee for the prorated portion of existing 15 air-operation permit application fees remaining upon 16 commencement of the annual licensing fees. 17 7. If the department has not received the fee by 18 February 15 of the calendar year, the permittee must be sent a 19 written warning of the consequences for failing to pay the fee 20 by March 1. If the department has not received the fee by 21 March 1 of the calendar year, the department shall impose, in 22 addition to the fee, a penalty of 50 percent of the amount of 23 the fee, plus interest on such amount computed in accordance 24 with s. 220.807. The department may not impose such penalty 25 or interest on any amount underpaid, provided that the 26 permittee has timely remitted payment of at least 90 percent 27 of the amount determined to be due and remits full payment 28 within 60 days after receipt of notice of the amount 29 underpaid. The department may waive the collection of 30 underpayment and shall not be required to refund overpayment 31 of the fee, if the amount due is less than 1 percent of the 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 fee, up to $50. The department may revoke any major air 2 pollution source operation permit if it finds that the 3 permitholder has failed to timely pay any required annual 4 operation license fee, penalty, or interest. 5 8. During the years 1993 through 1999, inclusive, no 6 fee shall be required to be paid under this section with 7 respect to emissions from any unit which is an affected unit 8 under 42 U.S.C. s. 7651c. 9 9. Notwithstanding the computational provisions of 10 this subsection, the annual operation license fee for any 11 source subject to this section shall not be less than $250, 12 except that the annual operation license fee for sources 13 permitted solely through general permits issued under s. 14 403.814 shall not exceed $50 per year. 15 10. Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 16 403.087(6)(5)(a)4.a., authorizing air pollution construction 17 permit fees, the department may not require such fees for 18 changes or additions to a major source of air pollution 19 permitted pursuant to this section, unless the activity 20 triggers permitting requirements under Title I, Part C or Part 21 D, of the federal Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 7470-7514a. 22 Costs to issue and administer such permits shall be considered 23 direct and indirect costs of the major stationary source 24 air-operation permit program under s. 403.0873. The department 25 shall, however, require fees pursuant to the provisions of s. 26 403.087(6)(5)(a)4.a. for the construction of a new major 27 source of air pollution that will be subject to the permitting 28 requirements of this section once constructed and for 29 activities triggering permitting requirements under Title I, 30 Part C or Part D, of the federal Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 31 7470-7514a. 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 373 567-114B-97 1 Section 4. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 2 3 ***************************************** 4 HOUSE SUMMARY 5 Increases from 5 years to 10 years the term of years for 6 certain water pollution permits issued by the Department of Environmental Protection. Provides standards and an 7 exception for renewal of wastewater treatment operation permits at the same fee. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9