CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

Senate Bill 0374

Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 By the Committee on Transportation 306-527A-98 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to motor vehicle emissions 3 inspections; amending s. 325.202, F.S.; 4 adopting current Federal Clean Air Act 5 regulations; amending s. 325.203, F.S.; 6 requiring the minimum testing necessary for 7 compliance with the Federal Clean Air Act; 8 providing options for types of emissions tests, 9 frequency of tests, and certain vehicles to be 10 exempted from testing; amending s. 325.207, 11 F.S.; allowing the Department of Highway Safety 12 and Motor Vehicles the alternative to contract 13 with one or more testing companies within a 14 zone; allowing the department the alternative 15 to contract with a testing company in more than 16 one zone; amending s. 325.214, F.S.; allowing 17 the department to include the sum of the cost 18 of inspection in the request for proposal; 19 providing an effective date. 20 21 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 22 23 Section 1. Subsection (5) of section 375.202, Florida 24 Statutes, is amended to read: 25 325.202 Definitions.--As used in this act, the term: 26 (5) "Federal act" means the federal Clean Air Act, as 27 amended, and regulations issued by the United States 28 Environmental Protection Agency under that act as they exist 29 on October 1, 1997. 30 Section 2. Section 325.203, Florida Statutes, is 31 amended to read: 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 325.203 Motor vehicles inspection program subject to 2 annual inspection; exemptions.-- 3 (1) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor 4 Vehicles shall require the minimum motor vehicle inspection 5 program for testing emissions as necessary so that each county 6 will meet and maintain the National Air Quality Standards set 7 by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the 8 Clean Air Act. Where an inspection program is required, the 9 program must: 10 (a) Be conducted biennially unless annual inspections 11 are necessary; 12 (b) Exempt as many vehicle models up to 6 years old as 13 possible and meet Environmental Protection Agency 14 requirements; and 15 (c) Use the basic test for hydrocarbon emissions and 16 carbon monoxide emissions or the Accelerated Simulation Mode 17 test only if a test for nitrous oxides is necessary to 18 maintain compliance. 19 (2)(1) Each motor vehicle that which is required to 20 obtain an inspection certificate must shall obtain one or a 21 waiver in the year the inspection is required annually within 22 180 days prior to the expiration of the motor vehicle 23 registration period, except that any vehicle the registration 24 period for which is established under s. 320.055(4) or (5) and 25 which is required to obtain an inspection certificate must 26 shall obtain one or a waiver in the year the inspection is 27 required annually prior to the expiration of the motor vehicle 28 registration period. 29 (3)(2) Unless exempt pursuant to subsection (4) (3) or 30 subsection (5) (4), each motor vehicle that which is owned or 31 leased by a person who resides in a county designated as part 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 of the program area or that which is primarily kept in a 2 county designated as part of the program area is subject to 3 inspection. A person's county of residence is determined by 4 the address provided on the registration certificate. A motor 5 vehicle owner who intentionally provides an incorrect address 6 at the time of registration with the intention of avoiding the 7 inspection requirements of this chapter is guilty of a 8 misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 9 ss. 775.082 or s. and 775.083. 10 (4)(3) The department may provide a temporary 11 exemption, not to exceed one test period as required in the 12 program area 1 year, for any vehicle unavailable for 13 inspection due to the motor vehicle's absence from the program 14 area or because it is inoperative, or the owner's or lessee's 15 absence from the program area or incapacity, during the 16 180-day period immediately prior to the registration 17 expiration date in the year inspection is required. The owner 18 or lessee of the motor vehicle may request a letter of 19 temporary exemption on a form to be provided by the 20 department. The owner or lessee shall identify the motor 21 vehicle involved, provide the reason for requesting the letter 22 of temporary exemption, certify that the vehicle will not be 23 available for emissions inspection during the 180-day period 24 immediately prior to the registration expiration date, and 25 state the date upon which the motor vehicle will again be 26 operated within the program area. Upon approval by the 27 department, a letter of temporary exemption must be issued to 28 the motor vehicle owner or lessee, and the motor vehicle 29 registration may be renewed. As a condition of temporary 30 exemption, the motor vehicle must be inspected within 30 days 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 after the date upon which it becomes operational within a 2 program area. 3 (5)(4) The following motor vehicles are not subject to 4 inspection: 5 (a) Motor vehicles that have a registered vehicle 6 weight greater than 10,000 pounds. 7 (b) Motor vehicles that which are designated as model 8 years 1974 or older. 9 (c) Golf carts, as defined in s. 320.01. 10 (d) Farm vehicles, as defined in s. 320.51. 11 (e) Motor vehicles on which are displayed a dealer 12 license plate authorized in s. 320.13(1)(a). 13 (f) Motorcycles, as defined in s. 320.01. 14 (g) Mopeds, as defined in s. 320.01. 15 (h) Propane-powered vehicles. 16 (i) Natural-gas-powered vehicles. 17 (j) Any vehicle that which is exempted by rule of the 18 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles upon 19 determination by the Department of Environmental Protection 20 that the vehicle does not significantly contribute to air 21 pollution. 22 (k) New motor vehicles, as defined in s. 319.001(4). 23 Such vehicles are exempt from the inspection requirements of 24 this act at the time of the first registration by the original 25 owner and, thereafter, are subject to the inspection 26 requirements of this act. Beginning May 1, 2000, such vehicles 27 are exempt from those inspection requirements for a period of 28 2 years from the date of purchase. 29 (l) New motor vehicles as defined in s. 319.001(4) 30 which are utilized as short-term rental vehicles and licensed 31 under s. 320.08(6)(a). Such vehicles are exempt from the 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 inspection requirements of this act at the time of the first 2 registration. Said vehicles are also exempt from the 3 inspection requirements of this act at the time of the first 4 registration renewal by the original owner, provided this 5 renewal occurs prior to the expiration of 12 months from the 6 date of first registration of the motor vehicle. Beginning May 7 1, 2000, such vehicles are exempt from those inspection 8 requirements for a period of 2 years from the date of 9 purchase. 10 (k)(m) Recreational vehicles as defined in s. 11 320.08(9). 12 (l)(n) Electric vehicles. 13 (6)(5) Unless exempt pursuant to subsection (4) (3) or 14 subsection (5) (4), each motor vehicle that is owned or leased 15 by federal, state, or local government and is primarily kept 16 in a program area is subject to inspection. Before February 1 17 of each year, each federal, state, or local government agency 18 that owns or leases motor vehicles that are subject to 19 inspection must submit to the department in the prescribed 20 format a list of all motor vehicles that are subject to 21 inspection. The list must indicate that each vehicle has 22 passed inspection or received a waiver or exemption. 23 (7)(6) Each motor vehicle that is subject to 24 inspection may not be registered pursuant to chapter 320 25 unless the motor vehicle has a valid inspection certificate, 26 waiver, or exemption. 27 (8)(7) The owner of each motor vehicle must obtain an 28 inspection certificate within 180 days before the expiration 29 of the motor vehicle registration period for any year in which 30 inspection is required. Upon the receipt of an inspection 31 certificate, waiver, or exemption and payment of the 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 appropriate inspection fees, the vehicle owner may complete 2 registration of the motor vehicle as prescribed in chapter 3 320. 4 (9)(8) A motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle broker as 5 defined in s. 320.27, mobile home dealer as defined in s. 6 320.77, recreational vehicle dealer as defined in s. 320.771, 7 governmental agency subject to subsection (6) (5), or person 8 located in a program area may not sell at retail any motor 9 vehicle that is subject to inspection under this act and that 10 is to be registered in a program area unless the motor vehicle 11 has received a valid inspection certificate within 180 days 12 before sale or received a valid dealer certificate within 12 13 months before sale. If a motor vehicle is purchased outside 14 the program area and is required to be registered in the 15 program area, the purchaser must meet the inspection 16 requirements of this act before such registration. 17 Section 3. Section 325.207, Florida Statutes, is 18 amended to read: 19 325.207 Inspection stations; department contracts; 20 inspection requirements; recordkeeping.-- 21 (1) The department shall direct the implementation, 22 operation, and regulation of emissions inspections required 23 under this act. The department shall establish the 24 requirements for inspection stations, enter into negotiated 25 multiyear contracts with one or more private contractors for 26 the operation of inspection stations with a state option for 27 renewal, and supervise the performance of such contractors. 28 (2) The department must issue a request for proposals 29 during 1998 to obtain proposals on a range of options for the 30 minimum motor vehicle inspection program for testing emissions 31 as are necessary for each county to meet and maintain the 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 National Air Quality Standards set by the United States 2 Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act. The 3 proposals for the testing program must be limited to: 4 (a) A test biennially or annually; 5 (b) A test exemption for vehicle models up to 6 years 6 old; and 7 (c) The basic test for hydrocarbon emissions and 8 carbon monoxide emissions or the Accelerated Simulation Mode 9 test for nitrous oxide emissions if necessary for a county to 10 maintain compliance. 11 (3)(2) The Governor and Cabinet as head of the 12 department shall approve any request for proposals by the 13 department before the request for proposals is made available 14 for bidding purposes. In addition, the Governor and Cabinet 15 must approve the award of any contract to any contractor. 16 (4)(3) The department shall incorporate, as a 17 provision of each contract, standards relating to maximum 18 driving time to inspection stations and maximum waiting time 19 at inspection stations and shall have the authority to impose 20 penalties for failure of the contractor to meet such 21 standards. 22 (5)(4) Such contracts are subject to competitive 23 procurement requirements and shall provide for the design, 24 construction, equipment, maintenance, and operation of 25 inspection stations in such numbers and locations as required 26 to provide motor vehicle owners with reasonably convenient 27 access to inspection facilities for the purpose of compliance 28 with this act. 29 (6)(5) To avoid conflicts of interest and ensure 30 impartial inspections, the department may not enter into a 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 contract to conduct emissions inspections with any contractor 2 who: 3 (a) Engages in the business of manufacturing or 4 selling motor vehicles in this state; 5 (b) Offers to the general public, for profit, motor 6 vehicle maintenance or repair services in this state, except 7 that a contractor may maintain or repair motor vehicles owned 8 or leased by the contractor; or 9 (c) Lacks the capability, resources, or technical and 10 management skills to adequately construct, equip, operate, and 11 maintain a sufficient number of official emissions inspection 12 stations to meet the demand for the inspection of every motor 13 vehicle which is required to be inspected under the terms of 14 the contract. 15 (7)(6) By its selection process for contractors, the 16 department shall seek to obtain the highest quality service 17 for the lowest cost. Accordingly, the department shall give 18 balanced consideration during its selection process to the 19 following: 20 (a) The public convenience of the inspection stations, 21 including a calculation of lowest average driving time to an 22 inspection facility applicable to 90 percent of motor vehicles 23 within each contract zone; 24 (b) The inspection fee bid proposed by a contractor; 25 (c) The degree of technological content of the 26 proposal, including test-accuracy specifications, and quality 27 of testing services; 28 (d) The experience of the contractor, and the 29 probability of successful performance of the contract; 30 (e) The financial stability of the contractor; and 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 (f) The economic impact of the contract to the state 2 during construction and operation of the inspection stations. 3 (8)(7) All persons employed by a contractor are deemed 4 to be employees of the contractor and not of the state. An 5 officer, director, or employee of a contractor may not be an 6 employee of the state. 7 (9)(8) Any contract authorized under this section 8 shall contain: 9 (a) A contract term of not less than 5 years of actual 10 test operations. 11 (b) A clause stating that nothing in the contract 12 requires the state to purchase any asset or assume any 13 liability if such contract is not renewed. 14 (c) Minimum requirements for adequate staff, 15 equipment, management, and operating hours which may include 16 evening or weekend hours or both. 17 (d) Provisions for surveillance by the department of 18 the contractor to ensure compliance with emissions test 19 standards and applicable procedures, rules, regulations, and 20 laws. 21 (e) Provision for the state, upon default of the 22 contractor, to terminate the contract with the contractor and 23 assume operation of the motor vehicle emissions inspection 24 station. 25 (f) Provision for the state, upon termination of the 26 term of the contract or upon assumption of the operation of 27 the program pursuant to paragraph (e), to have transferred or 28 assigned to it, for reasonable compensation, any interest in 29 land, buildings, improvements, services, and equipment used by 30 the contractor in the operation of an inspection station. 31 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 (g) Provision for the state, upon termination of the 2 term of the contract or upon assumption of the operation of 3 the program, to have transferred and assigned to it, for 4 reasonable compensation, any contract rights and related 5 obligations for land, buildings, improvements, and equipment 6 used by the contractor in the operation of the inspection 7 station. 8 (h) A requirement that the contractor, in any 9 agreement executed by him or her for land, buildings, 10 improvements, and equipment used in the operation of the 11 inspection stations, reserve the right to assign to the state 12 any of his or her rights and obligations under such contract. 13 (i) A procedure for determining the damages payable by 14 the state to the contractor if the Legislature abolishes the 15 inspection program at any time prior to the conclusion of the 16 contract term. This procedure must specify that the 17 contractor and the department have 120 days from the effective 18 date of the termination of the program to negotiate an amount 19 to be paid to the contractor as reasonable compensation for 20 its loss resulting from the termination of the contract due to 21 the termination of the program. If the contractor and the 22 department are not able to agree to an amount by the end of 23 the 120-day period, the department shall determine the amount 24 of reasonable compensation and notify the contractor in 25 writing of its determination within 14 days of the end of the 26 negotiation period and shall offer the contractor a point of 27 entry to a proceeding under ss. 120.569 and 120.57 pursuant to 28 the department's rules of procedure. This provision must 29 specify that payment of such compensation to the contractor is 30 subject to appropriation of funds for this purpose by the 31 Legislature and that the department agrees in good faith to 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 request the Legislature to appropriate the funds to pay such 2 reasonable compensation. The damages recoverable by the 3 contractor if the Legislature abolishes the program shall be 4 limited to the funds appropriated by the Legislature pursuant 5 to this section. 6 (j) Any other provision, including periodic audits of 7 inspection fees collected, deemed necessary by the department 8 for the administration or enforcement of the emissions 9 inspection contract. 10 (k) A provision requiring compliance with minority 11 business enterprise procurement goals set forth in s. 287.0945 12 in contracts for the construction of inspection stations and 13 for document printing costs and costs associated with the 14 maintenance, repair, reconstruction, renovation, and expansion 15 of inspection stations. Each contractor shall submit to the 16 department no later than March 1 of each year an affidavit 17 certifying compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. 18 (l) A provision requiring a performance bond of $1 19 million, which the department may, after the second year of 20 inspection operations under the contract, elect to waive 21 entirely, reduce in amount, or waive in exchange for another 22 appropriate means of security in a like or reduced amount. 23 (m) A provision requiring that the contractor 24 determine, for each county in the program area, the 25 availability of county facilities formerly used for the 26 inspection of motor vehicles and that the contractor explore 27 with appropriate county officials the feasibility of the 28 contractor's acquisition or lease of such facilities, if any, 29 for use as inspection stations. 30 (10)(9) Inspection stations shall collect, maintain, 31 and report data as the department requires. The department 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 may enter and inspect the premises and equipment and audit the 2 records of inspection fees collected at each inspection 3 station at all reasonable times. 4 (11)(10) The department shall maintain records of each 5 inspection station and investigate bona fide complaints 6 regarding inspection stations. 7 (12)(11) Before accepting proposals, the department 8 shall divide the state into three or more contract zones as 9 necessary. The department shall contract with a private 10 contractors contractor for the exclusive right to conduct 11 vehicle inspections in each zone. However, Any contractor may 12 bid on more than one zone, and the department may contract 13 with one or more contractors a contractor to conduct vehicle 14 inspections in each more than one contract zone. 15 (13)(12) Information received in a sealed bid or 16 proposal that would indicate the locating of proposed 17 inspection sites, or property sought to be acquired for such 18 sites, is exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), as 19 follows: 20 (a) For an unsuccessful bidder, from the time the bid 21 or proposal is received, until 30 days after notice of intent 22 to award a bid or proposal. 23 (b) For successful bidders, from the time the bid or 24 proposal is received, until completion of purchases or leases 25 of real property required to carry out the contract 26 provisions. 27 (14)(13)(a) The department and the Department of 28 Environmental Protection shall have reasonable access to all 29 records of the contractor pertaining to the contract or duties 30 imposed or undertaken pursuant to this chapter. Except as to 31 information provided for in subsection (13) (12), upon request 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 of the contractor, any records received by the department or 2 the Department of Environmental Protection which are shown to 3 be proprietary confidential business information shall be kept 4 confidential and shall be exempt from s. 119.07(1). 5 (b) Proprietary confidential business information 6 includes, and is limited to: 7 1. Trade secrets as defined in s. 812.081. 8 2. Security measures, systems, or procedures. 9 (c) Proprietary confidential business information does 10 not include information received by the department or the 11 Department of Environmental Protection in carrying out the 12 duties of the department under subsection (7) (6), except such 13 information which, if disclosed, would reveal: 14 1. Specifications pertaining to process or design; 15 2. The identity of or information about a person or 16 entity not engaged or proposed to be engaged in providing 17 services in connection with the proposal or contract, and not 18 a party to, nor the subject of, the proposal or contract; 19 3. Specific financial assets of the contractor, or 20 contracts of the contractor other than the contract provided 21 for in this section. 22 (d) In any administrative proceeding brought under 23 this chapter, upon a showing by the contractor and a finding 24 by the hearing officer that such protection is necessary, the 25 hearing officer shall issue protective orders protecting the 26 contractor from discovery of proprietary confidential business 27 information. If the hearing officer determines that discovery 28 of proprietary confidential business information is necessary 29 to preserve justice or to protect the public interest, 30 however, the hearing officer shall enter an order limiting 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 such discovery in the manner provided for in Rule 1.280 of the 2 Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 3 (15)(14) Any contract entered into by the department 4 pursuant to this section may be amended by mutual consent of 5 the parties, by a writing executed with the same degree of 6 formality as the original contract. 7 Section 4. Subsection (2) of section 325.214, Florida 8 Statutes, is amended to read: 9 325.214 Motor vehicle inspection; fees; disposition of 10 fees.-- 11 (1) All moneys received by the department pursuant to 12 this chapter, less the deductions required by s. 215.20, shall 13 be deposited into the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund. 14 (2) The department shall set an inspection fee to 15 include the sum of the cost of the inspection in the request 16 for proposal and not to exceed $10. By rule, the department 17 shall set a regulatory amount to be included in the fee which 18 is commensurate with the cost of administering and enforcing 19 the inspection program. It is the intent of the Legislature 20 that the program be self-supporting; however, if the total 21 cost per inspection exceeds $ , the department may not 22 enter into any contract prior to specific legislative approval 23 of the cost. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the 24 contrary, an additional fee of $1 shall be assessed upon the 25 issuance of each dealer certificate, which fee shall be 26 forwarded to the department for deposit into the Highway 27 Safety Operating Trust Fund. 28 Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 29 law. 30 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 374 306-527A-98 1 ***************************************** 2 SENATE SUMMARY 3 Revises provisions related to motor vehicle emissions testing. Readopts the standards of the federal Clean Air 4 Act for compliance standards purposes. Provides options for certain test types and frequency and certain 5 exemptions. Establishes test standards. Provides that the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may 6 contract with more than one testing company within a zone. 7 Allows the department to include the cost of inspection 8 in the request for proposal and requires specific legislative approval if the contract with the testing 9 company requires an inspection fee that exceeds a certain amount. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15