CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HBs 3743 & 3941

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Brown offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 20, between lines 26 and 27 of the bill


16  insert:


18         Section 21.  Subsection (3) of s. 106.021, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         106.021  Campaign treasurers; deputies; primary and

21  secondary depositories.--

22         (1)(a)  Each candidate for nomination or election to

23  office and each political committee shall appoint a campaign

24  treasurer. Each person who seeks to qualify for nomination or

25  election to, or retention in, office shall appoint a campaign

26  treasurer and designate a primary campaign depository prior to

27  qualifying for office.  Any person who seeks to qualify for

28  election or nomination to any office by means of the

29  petitioning process shall appoint a treasurer and designate a

30  primary depository on or before the date he or she obtains the

31  petitions.  Each candidate shall at the same time he or she


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    hmo0008                     09:40 am         03743-0069-200563

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HBs 3743 & 3941

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  designates a campaign depository and appoints a treasurer also

 2  designate the office for which he or she is a candidate.  If

 3  the candidate is running for an office which will be grouped

 4  on the ballot with two or more similar offices to be filled at

 5  the same election, the candidate must indicate for which group

 6  or district office he or she is running.  Nothing in this

 7  subsection shall prohibit a candidate, at a later date, from

 8  changing the designation of the office for which he or she is

 9  a candidate.  However, if a candidate changes the designated

10  office for which he or she is a candidate, the candidate must

11  notify all contributors in writing of the intent to seek a

12  different office and offer to return pro rata, upon their

13  request, those contributions given in support of the original

14  office sought. This notification shall be given within 15 days

15  after the filing of the change of designation and shall

16  include a standard form developed by the Division of Elections

17  for requesting the return of contributions.  The notice

18  requirement shall not apply to any change in a numerical

19  designation resulting solely from redistricting.  If, within

20  30 days after being notified by the candidate of the intent to

21  seek a different office, the contributor notifies the

22  candidate in writing that the contributor wishes his or her

23  contribution to be returned, the candidate shall return the

24  contribution, on a pro rata basis, calculated as of the date

25  the change of designation is filed.  Any contributions not

26  requested to be returned within the 30-day period may be used

27  by the candidate for the newly designated office.  No person

28  shall accept any contribution or make any expenditure with a

29  view to bringing about his or her nomination, election, or

30  retention in public office, or authorize another to accept

31  such contributions or make such expenditure on the person's


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HBs 3743 & 3941

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  behalf, unless such person has appointed a campaign treasurer

 2  and designated a primary campaign depository. A candidate for

 3  an office voted upon statewide may appoint not more than 15

 4  deputy campaign treasurers, and any other candidate or

 5  political committee may appoint not more than 3 deputy

 6  campaign treasurers.  The names and addresses of the campaign

 7  treasurer and deputy campaign treasurers so appointed shall be

 8  filed with the officer before whom such candidate is required

 9  to qualify or with whom such political committee is required

10  to register pursuant to s. 106.03.  Each candidate who

11  qualifies with the Department of State for an office not voted

12  upon statewide shall, at the same time, file a copy of the

13  name and address of the campaign treasurer with the supervisor

14  of elections in the county in which the candidate resides.

15         (b)  Except as provided in paragraph (d), each

16  candidate and each political committee shall also designate

17  one primary campaign depository for the purpose of depositing

18  all contributions received, and disbursing all expenditures

19  made, by the candidate or political committee.  The candidate

20  or political committee may also designate one secondary

21  depository in each county in which an election is held in

22  which the candidate or committee participates. Secondary

23  depositories shall be for the sole purpose of depositing

24  contributions and forwarding the deposits to the primary

25  campaign depository. Any bank, savings and loan association,

26  or credit union authorized to transact business in this state

27  may be designated as a campaign depository.  The candidate or

28  political committee shall file the name and address of each

29  primary and secondary depository so designated at the same

30  time that, and with the same officer with whom, the candidate

31  or committee files the name of his, her, or its campaign


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HBs 3743 & 3941

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  treasurer pursuant to paragraph (a). In addition, the campaign

 2  treasurer or a deputy campaign treasurer may deposit any funds

 3  which are in the primary campaign depository and which are not

 4  then currently needed for the disbursement of expenditures

 5  into a separate interest-bearing account in any bank, savings

 6  and loan association, or credit union authorized to transact

 7  business in this state.  The separate interest-bearing account

 8  shall be designated "...(name of candidate or committee)...

 9  separate interest-bearing campaign account."  In lieu thereof,

10  the campaign treasurer or deputy campaign treasurer may

11  purchase a certificate of deposit with such unneeded funds in

12  such bank, savings and loan association, or credit union. The

13  separate interest-bearing account or certificate of deposit

14  shall be separate from any personal or other account or

15  certificate of deposit.  Any withdrawal of the principal or

16  earned interest or any part thereof shall only be made from

17  the separate interest-bearing account or certificate of

18  deposit for the purpose of transferring funds to the primary

19  account and shall be reported as a contribution.

20         (c)  Any campaign treasurer or deputy treasurer

21  appointed pursuant to this section shall be a registered voter

22  in this state and shall, before such appointment may become

23  effective, have accepted appointment to such position in

24  writing and filed such acceptance with the officer before whom

25  the candidate is required to qualify or with the officer with

26  whom the political committee is required to file reports.  An

27  individual may be appointed and serve as campaign treasurer of

28  a candidate and a political committee or two or more

29  candidates and political committees.  A candidate may appoint

30  herself or himself as campaign treasurer.

31         (d)  Any political committee which deposits all


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    hmo0008                     09:40 am         03743-0069-200563

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HBs 3743 & 3941

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  contributions received in a national depository from which the

 2  political committee receives funds to contribute to state and

 3  local candidates shall not be required to designate a campaign

 4  depository in the state.

 5         (2)  A candidate or political committee may remove his,

 6  her, or its campaign treasurer or any deputy treasurer.  In

 7  case of the death, resignation, or removal of a campaign

 8  treasurer before compliance with all obligations of a campaign

 9  treasurer under this chapter, the candidate or political

10  committee shall appoint a successor and certify the name and

11  address of the successor in the manner provided in the case of

12  an original appointment.  No resignation shall be effective

13  until it has been submitted to the candidate or committee in

14  writing and a copy thereof has been filed with the officer

15  before whom the candidate is required to qualify or the

16  officer with whom the political committee is required to file

17  reports.  No treasurer or deputy treasurer shall be deemed

18  removed by a candidate or political committee until written

19  notice of such removal has been given to such treasurer or

20  deputy treasurer and has been filed with the officer before

21  whom such candidate is required to qualify or with the officer

22  with whom such committee is required to file reports.

23         (3)  (a)  Except for independent expenditures, no

24  contribution or expenditure, including contributions or

25  expenditures of a candidate or of the candidate's family,

26  shall be directly or indirectly made or received in

27  furtherance of the candidacy of any person for nomination or

28  election to political office in the state or on behalf of any

29  political committee except throughout the duly appointed

30  campaign treasurer of the candidate or political committee.

31  However, expenditures may be made directly by any political


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HBs 3743 & 3941

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  committee or political party regulated by Chapter 103 for

 2  obtaining time, space, or services in or by any communications

 3  medium for the purpose of jointly endorsing three six or more

 4  candidates, and any such expenditure shall not be considered a

 5  contribution or expenditure to or on behalf of any such

 6  candidates for the purposes of this chapter.

 7         (b)  Any expenditure made directly by any political

 8  committee or political party regulated by Chapter 103 for the

 9  purpose of jointly endorsing six or more candidates must

10  allocate equal time, space, or service to each candidate.  Any

11  such expenditure not allocating equal time to all six

12  candidates shall be considered a contribution to or on behalf

13  of the candidate or candidates for which the majority of time,

14  space or services is obtained, and shall be reportable as a

15  contribution by the candidate or candidates benefiting from

16  the time, space or service under the provisions of s. 106.08.

17         (c)  Any political committee or political party

18  regulated by Chapter 103 who violates the provisions of this

19  subsection commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as

20  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, s. 775.084.  Any fine

21  assessed under the provisions of this subsection, shall be

22  assessed in an amount not less than $10,000 and not more than

23  $50,000 per violation. 



26  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

27  And the title is amended as follows:

28         On page 4, line 6

29  remove from the title of the bill:  all of said line


31  and insert in lieu thereof:


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    hmo0008                     09:40 am         03743-0069-200563

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HBs 3743 & 3941

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         election; providing exceptions; amending s.

 2         106.021, F.S., relating to campaign treasurers;

 3         deputies; primary and secondary depositories;

 4         providing penalties; creating s.





























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