House Bill 3763e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to funeral and cemetery

  3         services; providing a short title; amending s.

  4         497.005, F.S.; defining "care and maintenance";

  5         creating s. 497.0255, F.S.; providing a duty of

  6         care and maintenance of licensed cemeteries in

  7         this state; providing rulemaking authority to

  8         the Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services for

  9         such purpose; amending s. 497.229, F.S.;

10         providing circumstances under which a cemetery

11         or component thereof may be deemed a public

12         nuisance and providing for abatement thereof;

13         amending s. 497.253, F.S.; providing additional

14         requirements with respect to the conveyance of

15         cemetery property to noncemetery uses,

16         including certain notice; creating s. 497.255,

17         F.S.; providing standards for construction and

18         significant alteration or renovation of

19         mausoleums and columbaria; providing rulemaking

20         authority with respect to such standards to the

21         board, in conjunction with the Board of

22         Building Codes and Standards, and providing for

23         incorporation of a portion thereof in the State

24         Minimum Building Codes; requiring all newly

25         constructed and significantly altered or

26         renovated mausoleums and columbaria to conform

27         to such standards and applicable building

28         codes; amending s. 497.257, F.S.; including

29         columbaria in provisions relating to

30         preconstruction requirements applicable to

31         mausoleums and belowground crypts; amending s.


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         497.417, F.S.; deleting authority of the

  2         trustee of a trust to purchase life insurance

  3         policies and annuity contracts; repealing

  4         subsection (12) of s. 497.429, F.S., deleting

  5         the requirement that the trustee of an

  6         alternative preneed contract trust make

  7         valuations of assets and provide annual reports

  8         to the purchaser and the board; amending s.

  9         497.527, F.S.; authorizing the Attorney General

10         to bring a civil action for violation of

11         chapter 497, relating to regulation of funeral

12         and cemetery services, in the appropriate

13         court; providing for damages; amending s.

14         872.02, F.S., relating to prohibitions against

15         injuring or removing tombs or monuments or

16         disturbing the contents of graves or tombs;

17         increasing penalties; specifying that the term

18         "tomb" includes any mausoleum, columbarium, and

19         belowground crypt; amending s. 245.07, F.S.;

20         revising provisions relating to retention and

21         disposition of bodies received by an anatomical

22         board; creating the Task Force on Abandoned and

23         Neglected Cemeteries within the Department of

24         Banking and Finance; providing for appointment

25         of members and election of officers;

26         authorizing reimbursement for per diem and

27         travel; requiring the department to provide

28         administrative and staff support; providing

29         duties; requiring preliminary and final

30         reports; providing for termination of the task



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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         force; providing an appropriation; providing

  2         effective dates.


  4         WHEREAS, Florida is the retirement state of choice for

  5  most Americans, attracting hundreds of thousands of new

  6  citizens who move to this state to live their remaining years

  7  enjoying its famous climate and cultural amenities, and

  8         WHEREAS, the number of Florida citizens over the age of

  9  65 has dramatically increased and will continue to increase at

10  a rate faster than the growth in the state's population as a

11  whole, and

12         WHEREAS, the number of Florida citizens over the age of

13  85 has dramatically increased and will continue to increase

14  more than twice as fast as those over the age of 65, and

15         WHEREAS, in 1995 Florida had the second highest median

16  age in the nation, and

17         WHEREAS, Florida has the third highest unadjusted death

18  rate in the United States, and

19         WHEREAS, 154,734 persons died in Florida in 1996, and

20         WHEREAS, the number of burials in Florida cemeteries

21  will continue to increase in the future, and

22         WHEREAS, gross sales reported by Florida cemetery

23  licensees increased from $175,393,887 in 1996 to $194,427,476

24  in 1997, and

25         WHEREAS, Florida cemetery licensees paid less than

26  one-quarter of one percent of gross sales for their licenses

27  in 1996, and

28         WHEREAS, cemeteries are a critical part of Florida's

29  historical and cultural resources, and

30         WHEREAS, the legislative purposes for regulation of the

31  cemetery industry set forth in s. 497.002(1), Florida


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  Statutes, encompass both the prevention of economic harm to

  2  consumers and the prevention of significant emotional stress

  3  resulting from the failure to properly maintain cemetery

  4  grounds, yet the majority of the present statutory and

  5  regulatory provisions relate to economic problems but not to

  6  care and maintenance, and

  7         WHEREAS, the families and loved ones of the deceased

  8  who are interred in Florida deserve well-maintained cemetery

  9  facilities which provide the highest dignity and respect

10  accorded to the deceased's final resting place that is

11  compatible with reasonable and practical economic constraints,

12  and

13         WHEREAS, inadequate care and maintenance of a cemetery

14  where a loved one is interred causes added stress and

15  emotional trauma to the deceased's family and friends, and

16         WHEREAS, a person who makes burial arrangements with a

17  Florida cemetery or preneed provider will receive assurances

18  concerning the care, dignity, and maintenance of the

19  deceased's final resting place, and

20         WHEREAS, a person who makes such arrangements may not

21  have family members in Florida to ensure that the proper care

22  and maintenance of the deceased's final resting place are

23  being performed, and

24         WHEREAS, the state may be the only entity available to

25  enforce minimum standards of care and maintenance to protect

26  the dignity of the deceased and the memories of the family and

27  loved ones, and

28         WHEREAS, Florida has fewer written standards regulating

29  the physical operations of cemeteries than other states,

30  leading to some serious inconsistencies in the quality of



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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  cemetery facilities and their care and maintenance in Florida,

  2  and

  3         WHEREAS, a large number of cemeteries in Florida have

  4  no entity responsible for their care and maintenance and have

  5  become abandoned, overgrown, dilapidated, and otherwise

  6  neglected, creating eyesores and decreasing neighboring

  7  property values, and

  8         WHEREAS, neglected cemeteries become breeding grounds

  9  for mosquitoes, rats, and other vermin, raising serious public

10  health concerns, and

11         WHEREAS, vandalism and other crimes associated with

12  neglected cemeteries are increasing, making the neighborhoods

13  in which they are located less safe for families, and

14         WHEREAS, inadequately maintained graves, crypts, and

15  mausoleums at abandoned cemeteries can be broken open as a

16  result of vandalism or storm damage, exposing human remains,

17  and

18         WHEREAS, citizen complaints often cause local

19  governments to take over or perform care and maintenance at

20  abandoned and neglected cemeteries, leading to a strain on

21  local government financial resources, and

22         WHEREAS, it is an affront to the dignity of our

23  departed and a source of pain to their families when grave

24  spaces are overgrown with weeds and tombstones are broken and

25  scattered due to neglect, and

26         WHEREAS, cemeteries that have been abandoned and

27  neglected for long periods can become obliterated, leading to

28  a loss of important historical, genealogical, and

29  archaeological information, and




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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         WHEREAS, Florida's communities should be encouraged to

  2  assist in the preservation and protection which is due the

  3  final resting places of the deceased, and

  4         WHEREAS, the cemeteries where our deceased loved ones

  5  are interred deserve at least as much protection from

  6  vandalism and other crime as construction sites and orange

  7  groves enjoy under current law, and

  8         WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that it is necessary to

  9  improve the regulation of the physical facilities and

10  operations of Florida cemeteries in order to honor the

11  memories of deceased citizens, protect the families and

12  friends of the deceased from significant emotional stress,

13  safeguard the integrity of Florida cemeteries, protect the

14  interests of consumers, preserve our historical heritage,

15  protect the public health and welfare, and reduce the

16  financial burden on local governments, NOW, THEREFORE,


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Cemetery

21  Preservation and Consumer Protection Act."

22         Section 2.  Section 497.005, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         497.005  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

25         (1)(17)  "At-need solicitation" means any uninvited

26  contact by a licensee or her or his agent for the purpose of

27  the sale of burial services or merchandise to the family or

28  next of kin of a person after her or his death has occurred.

29         (2)(9)  "Bank of belowground crypts" means any

30  construction unit of belowground crypts which is acceptable to

31  the department and which a cemetery uses to initiate its


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  belowground crypt program or to add to existing belowground

  2  crypt structures.

  3         (3)(8)  "Belowground crypts" consist of interment space

  4  in preplaced chambers, either side by side or multiple depth,

  5  covered by earth and sod and known also as "lawn crypts,"

  6  "westminsters," or "turf-top crypts."

  7         (4)(30)  "Board" means the Board of Funeral and

  8  Cemetery Services.

  9         (5)(12)  "Burial merchandise," "funeral merchandise,"

10  or "merchandise" means any personal property offered or sold

11  by any person for use in connection with the final

12  disposition, memorialization, interment, entombment, or

13  inurnment of human remains.

14         (6)(11)  "Burial right" means the right to use a grave

15  space, mausoleum, or columbarium for the interment,

16  entombment, or inurnment of human remains.

17         (7)(13)  "Burial service," "funeral service," or

18  "service" means any service offered or provided by any person

19  in connection with the final disposition, memorialization,

20  interment, entombment, or inurnment of human remains.

21         (8)  "Care and maintenance" means the perpetual process

22  of keeping a cemetery and its lots, graves, grounds,

23  landscaping, roads, paths, parking lots, fences, mausoleums,

24  columbaria, vaults, crypts, utilities, and other improvements,

25  structures, and embellishments in a well-cared-for and

26  dignified condition, so that the cemetery does not become a

27  nuisance or place of reproach and desolation in the community.

28  As specified in the rules of the board, "care and maintenance"

29  may include, but is not limited to, any or all of the

30  following activities:  mowing the grass at reasonable

31  intervals; raking and cleaning the grave spaces and adjacent


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  areas; pruning of shrubs and trees; suppression of weeds and

  2  exotic flora; and maintenance, upkeep, and repair of drains,

  3  water lines, roads, buildings, and other improvements. "Care

  4  and maintenance" may include, but is not limited to,

  5  reasonable overhead expenses necessary for such purposes,

  6  including maintenance of machinery, tools, and equipment used

  7  for such purposes. "Care and maintenance" may also include

  8  repair or restoration of improvements necessary or desirable

  9  as a result of wear, deterioration, accident, damage, or

10  destruction. "Care and maintenance" does not include expenses

11  for the construction and development of new grave spaces or

12  interment structures to be sold to the public.

13         (9)(14)  "Casket" means a rigid container which is

14  designed for the encasement of human remains and which is

15  usually constructed of wood or metal, ornamented, and lined

16  with fabric.

17         (10)(2)  "Cemetery" means a place dedicated to and used

18  or intended to be used for the permanent interment of human

19  remains.  A cemetery may contain land or earth interment;

20  mausoleum, vault, or crypt interment; a columbarium or other

21  structure or place used or intended to be used for the

22  interment of cremated human remains; or any combination of one

23  or more of such structures or places.

24         (11)(5)  "Cemetery company" means any legal entity that

25  owns or controls cemetery lands or property.

26         (12)(31)  "Certificateholder" or "licensee" means the

27  person or entity that is authorized under this chapter to sell

28  preneed funeral or burial services, preneed funeral or burial

29  merchandise, or burial rights. Each term shall include the

30  other, as applicable, as the context requires. For the



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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  purposes of chapter 120, all certificateholders, licensees,

  2  and registrants shall be considered licensees.

  3         (13)(4)  "Columbarium" means a structure or building

  4  which is substantially exposed above the ground and which is

  5  intended to be used for the inurnment of cremated human

  6  remains.

  7         (14)(32)  "Common business enterprise" means a group of

  8  two or more business entities that share common ownership in

  9  excess of 50 percent.

10         (15)(28)  "Community" means the area within a 15-mile

11  radius surrounding the location or proposed location of a

12  cemetery.

13         (16)(25)  "Cremation" includes any mechanical or

14  thermal process whereby a dead human body is reduced to ashes.

15  Cremation also includes any other mechanical or thermal

16  process whereby human remains are pulverized, burned,

17  recremated, or otherwise further reduced in size or quantity.

18         (17)(7)  "Department" means the Department of Banking

19  and Finance.

20         (18)(19)  "Direct disposer" means any person who is

21  registered in this state to practice direct disposition

22  pursuant to the provisions of chapter 470.

23         (19)(20)  "Final disposition" means the final disposal

24  of a dead human body whether by interment, entombment, burial

25  at sea, cremation, or any other means and includes, but is not

26  limited to, any other disposition of remains for which a

27  segregated charge is imposed.

28         (20)(21)  "Funeral director" means any person licensed

29  in this state to practice funeral directing pursuant to the

30  provisions of chapter 470.



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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         (21)(6)  "Grave space" means a space of ground in a

  2  cemetery intended to be used for the interment in the ground

  3  of human remains.

  4         (22)(1)  "Human remains" means the bodies of deceased

  5  persons and includes bodies in any stage of decomposition and

  6  cremated remains.

  7         (23)(3)  "Mausoleum" means a structure or building

  8  which is substantially exposed above the ground and which is

  9  intended to be used for the entombment of human remains.

10         (24)(10)  "Mausoleum section" means any construction

11  unit of a mausoleum which is acceptable to the department and

12  which a cemetery uses to initiate its mausoleum program or to

13  add to its existing mausoleum structures.

14         (25)(18)  "Monument" means any product used for

15  identifying a grave site and cemetery memorials of all types,

16  including monuments, markers, and vases.

17         (26)(27)  "Monument establishment" means a facility

18  that operates independently of a cemetery or funeral

19  establishment and that offers to sell monuments or monument

20  services to the public for placement in a cemetery.

21         (27)(24)  "Net assets" means the amount by which the

22  total assets of a certificateholder, excluding goodwill,

23  franchises, customer lists, patents, trademarks, and

24  receivables from or advances to officers, directors,

25  employees, salespersons, and affiliated companies, exceed

26  total liabilities of the certificateholder.  For purposes of

27  this definition, the term "total liabilities" does not include

28  the capital stock, paid-in capital, or retained earnings of

29  the certificateholder.




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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         (28)(29)  "Net worth" means total assets minus total

  2  liabilities pursuant to generally accepted accounting

  3  principles.

  4         (29)(16)  "Outer burial container" means an enclosure

  5  into which a casket is placed and includes, but is not limited

  6  to, vaults made of concrete, steel, fiberglass, or copper;

  7  sectional concrete enclosures; crypts; and wooden enclosures.

  8         (30)(22)  "Preneed contract" means any arrangement or

  9  method, of which the provider of funeral merchandise or

10  services has actual knowledge, whereby the funeral

11  establishment, direct disposer, or certificateholder agrees to

12  furnish funeral merchandise or service in the future.

13         (31)(26)  "Servicing agent" means any person acting as

14  an independent contractor whose fiduciary responsibility is to

15  assist both the trustee and certificateholder hereunder in

16  administrating their responsibilities pursuant to this

17  chapter.

18         (32)(15)  "Solicitation" means any communication which

19  directly or implicitly requests an immediate oral response

20  from the recipient.

21         (33)(23)  "Statutory accounting" means generally

22  accepted accounting principles, except as modified by this

23  chapter.

24         Section 3.  Section 497.0255, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         497.0255  Duty of care and maintenance of licensed

27  cemetery.--Every cemetery company or other entity responsible

28  for the care and maintenance of a licensed cemetery in this

29  state shall ensure that the grounds, structures, and other

30  improvements of the cemetery are well cared for and maintained

31  in a proper and dignified condition. The board shall adopt, by


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  no later than July 1, 1999, such rules as are necessary to

  2  implement and enforce this section.  In developing and

  3  promulgating said rules, the board may define different

  4  classes of cemeteries or care and maintenance, and may provide

  5  for different rules to apply to each of said classes, if the

  6  designation of classes and the application of different rules

  7  is in the public interest and is supported by findings by the

  8  board based on evidence of industry practices, economic and

  9  physical feasibility, location, or intended uses; provided,

10  that the rules shall provide minimum standards applicable to

11  all cemeteries.  For example, and without limiting the

12  generality of the foregoing, the board may determine that a

13  small rural cemetery with large trees and shade area does not

14  require, and may not be able to attain, the same level of lawn

15  care as a large urban cemetery with large open grassy areas

16  and sprinkler systems.

17         Section 4.  Section 497.229, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         497.229  Courts; powers; abatement of nuisances.--

20         (1)  In addition to all other means provided by law for

21  the enforcement of a temporary restraining order or an

22  injunction, the circuit court may impound the property of a

23  cemetery company, including books, papers, documents, and

24  records pertaining thereto, and may appoint a receiver or

25  administrator to prevent further violation of this chapter.

26         (2)  A court-appointed receiver or administrator may

27  take any action to implement the provisions of the court

28  order, to ensure the performance of the order, and to remedy

29  any breach thereof.

30         (3)  Any non-conforming physical condition in a

31  cemetery or component thereof which is the result of a


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  violation of this chapter or of the rules of the board

  2  relating to construction, physical operations, or care and

  3  maintenance at the cemetery shall be deemed a public nuisance,

  4  and the non-conforming physical conditions caused by such

  5  violation may be abated as provided in s. 60.05.

  6         Section 5.  Section 497.253, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         497.253  Minimum acreage; sale or disposition of

  9  cemetery lands.--

10         (1)  Each licensee shall set aside a minimum of 15

11  contiguous acres of land for use by the licensee as a cemetery

12  and shall not sell, mortgage, lease, or encumber that property

13  without prior written approval of the department.

14         (2)  Any lands owned by a licensee and dedicated for

15  use by it as a cemetery, which are contiguous, adjoining, or

16  adjacent to the minimum of 15 contiguous acres described in

17  subsection (1), may be sold, conveyed, or disposed of by the

18  licensee, after obtaining written approval of the department

19  pursuant to subsection (3), for use by the new owner for other

20  purposes than as a cemetery. All of the human remains which

21  have been previously interred therein shall first have been

22  removed from the lands proposed to be sold, conveyed, or

23  disposed of; however, the provisions of ss. 497.515(7) and

24  470.0295 must be complied with prior to any disinterment of

25  human remains. Any and all titles, interests, or burial rights

26  which may have been sold or contracted to be sold in lands

27  which are the subject of the sale shall be conveyed to and

28  revested in the licensee prior to consummation of any such

29  sale, conveyance, or disposition.

30         (3)(a)  If the property to be sold, conveyed, or

31  disposed of under subsection (2) has been or is being used for


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  the permanent interment of human remains, the applicant for

  2  approval of such sale, conveyance, or disposition shall cause

  3  to be published, at least once a week for 4 consecutive weeks,

  4  a notice meeting the standards of publication set forth in s.

  5  125.66(4)(b)2. The notice shall describe the property in

  6  question and the proposed noncemetery use and shall advise

  7  substantially affected persons that they may file a written

  8  request for a hearing pursuant to chapter 120, within 14 days

  9  after the date of last publication of the notice, with the

10  department if they object to granting the applicant's request

11  to sell, convey, or dispose of the subject property for

12  noncemetery uses.

13         (b)  If the property in question has never been used

14  for the permanent interment of human remains, no notice or

15  hearing is required.

16         (c)  If the property in question has been used for the

17  permanent interment of human remains, the department shall

18  approve the application, in writing, if it finds that it would

19  not be contrary to the public interest. In determining whether

20  to approve the application, the department shall consider any

21  evidence presented concerning the following:

22         1.  The historical significance of the subject

23  property, if any.

24         2.  The archaeological significance of the subject

25  property, if any.

26         3.  The public purpose, if any, to be served by the

27  proposed use of the subject property.

28         4.  The impact of the proposed change in use of the

29  subject property upon the inventory of remaining cemetery

30  facilities in the community and upon the other factors

31  enumerated in s. 497.201(3).


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         5.  The impact of the proposed change in use of the

  2  subject property upon the reasonable expectations of the

  3  families of the deceased regarding whether the cemetery

  4  property was to remain as a cemetery in perpetuity.

  5         6.  Whether any living relatives of the deceased

  6  actively oppose the relocation of their deceased's remains and

  7  the conversion of the subject property to noncemetery uses.

  8         7.  The elapsed time since the last interment in the

  9  subject property.

10         8.  Any other factor enumerated in this chapter that

11  the department considers relevant to the public interest.

12         (d)  Any deed, mortgage, or other conveyance by a

13  cemetery company or other owner pursuant to subsections (a)

14  and (c) above must contain a disclosure in the following or

15  substantially similar form:


17  NOTICE:  The property described herein was formerly used and

18  dedicated as a cemetery. Conveyance of this property and its

19  use for noncemetery purposes was authorized by the Florida

20  Department of Banking and Finance by Order No. ...., dated

21  .....


23         (e)  The department shall adopt such rules as are

24  necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

25         (4)(3)  A licensee may convey and transfer to a

26  municipality or county its real and personal property,

27  together with moneys deposited in trust funds pursuant to this

28  chapter, provided the municipality or county will accept

29  responsibility for maintenance thereof and prior written

30  approval of the department is obtained.



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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         (5)(4)  The provisions of subsections (1) and (2)

  2  relating to a requirement for minimum acreage shall not apply

  3  to any cemetery company licensed by the department on or

  4  before July 1, 1965, which owns a total of less than 15 acres

  5  of land; however, no cemetery company shall dispose of any

  6  land without the prior written consent of the department.

  7         Section 6.  Section 497.255, Florida Statutes, is

  8  created to read:

  9         497.255  Standards for construction and significant

10  alteration or renovation of mausoleums and columbaria.--

11         (1)  All newly constructed and significantly altered or

12  renovated mausoleums and columbaria must, in addition to

13  complying with applicable building codes, conform to the

14  standards adopted under this section.

15         (2)  The board shall adopt, by no later than July 1,

16  1999, rules establishing minimum standards for all newly

17  constructed and significantly altered or renovated mausoleums

18  and columbaria; however, in the case of significant

19  alterations or renovations to existing structures, the rules

20  shall apply only, when physically feasible, to the newly

21  altered or renovated portion of such structures, except as

22  specified in subsection (4).  In developing and promulgating

23  said rules, the board may define different classes of

24  structures or construction standards, and may provide for

25  different rules to apply to each of said classes, if the

26  designation of classes and the application of different rules

27  is in the public interest and is supported by findings by the

28  board based on evidence of industry practices, economic and

29  physical feasibility, location, or intended uses; provided,

30  that the rules shall provide minimum standards applicable to

31  all construction.  For example, and without limiting the


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  generality of the foregoing, the board may determine that a

  2  small single-story ground level mausoleum does not require the

  3  same level of construction standards that a large multi-story

  4  mausoleum might require; or that a mausoleum located in a

  5  low-lying area subject to frequent flooding or hurricane

  6  threats might require different standards than one located on

  7  high ground in an area not subject to frequent severe weather

  8  threats.  The board shall develop the rules in cooperation

  9  with, and with technical assistance from, the Board of

10  Building Codes and Standards of the Department of Community

11  Affairs, to ensure that the rules are in the proper form and

12  content to be included as part of the State Minimum Building

13  Codes under part VII of chapter 553. If the Board of Building

14  Codes and Standards advises that some of the standards

15  proposed by the board are not appropriate for inclusion in

16  such building codes, the board may choose to include those

17  standards in a distinct chapter of its rules entitled

18  "Non-Building-Code Standards for Mausoleums" or "Additional

19  Standards for Mausoleums," or other terminology to that

20  effect. If the board elects to divide the standards into two

21  or more chapters, all such rules shall be binding on licensees

22  and others subject to the jurisdiction of the board, but only

23  the chapter containing provisions appropriate for building

24  codes shall be transmitted to the Board of Building Codes and

25  Standards pursuant to subsection (3). Such rules may be in the

26  form of standards for design and construction; methods,

27  materials, and specifications for construction; or other

28  mechanisms. Such rules shall encompass, at a minimum, the

29  following standards:

30         (a)  No structure may be built or significantly altered

31  for use for interment, entombment, or inurnment purposes


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  unless constructed of such material and workmanship as will

  2  ensure its durability and permanence, as well as the safety,

  3  convenience, comfort, and health of the community in which it

  4  is located, as dictated and determined at the time by modern

  5  mausoleum construction and engineering science.

  6         (b)  Such structure must be so arranged that the

  7  exterior of any vault, niche, or crypt may be readily examined

  8  at any time by any person authorized by law to do so.

  9         (c)  Such structure must contain adequate provision for

10  drainage and ventilation.

11         (d)  Such structure must be of fire-resistant

12  construction.  Notwithstanding the requirements of Ch. 633 and

13  s. 553.895, any mausoleum or columbarium constructed of

14  noncombustible materials, as defined in the Standard Building

15  Code, shall not require a sprinkler system.

16         (e)  Such structure must be resistant to hurricane and

17  other storm damage to the highest degree provided under

18  applicable building codes for buildings of that class.

19         (f)  Suitable provisions must be made for securely and

20  permanently sealing each crypt with durable materials after

21  the interment or entombment of human remains, so that no

22  effluvia or odors may escape therefrom except as provided by

23  design and sanitary engineering standards. Panels for

24  permanent seals must be solid and constructed of materials of

25  sufficient weight, permanence, density, imperviousness, and

26  strength as to ensure their durability and continued

27  functioning. Permanent crypt sealing panels must be securely

28  installed and set in with high quality fire-resistant,

29  resilient, and durable materials after the interment or

30  entombment of human remains. The outer or exposed covering of

31  each crypt must be of a durable, permanent, fire-resistant


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  material; however, plastic, fiberglass, and wood are not

  2  acceptable materials for such outer or exposed coverings.

  3         (g)  Interior and exterior fastenings for hangers,

  4  clips, doors, and other objects must be of copper, copper-base

  5  alloy, aluminum, or stainless steel of adequate gauges, or

  6  other materials established by rule which provide equivalent

  7  or better strength and durability, and must be properly

  8  installed.

  9         (3)  The board shall transmit the rules as adopted

10  under subsection (2), hereinafter referred to as the

11  "mausoleum standards," to the Board of Building Codes and

12  Standards, which shall initiate rulemaking under chapter 120

13  to consider such mausoleum standards. If such mausoleum

14  standards are not deemed acceptable, they shall be returned by

15  the Board of Building Codes and Standards to the board with

16  details of changes needed to make them acceptable. If such

17  mausoleum standards are acceptable, the Board of Building

18  Codes and Standards shall adopt a rule designating the

19  mausoleum standards as an approved revision to the State

20  Minimum Building Codes under part VII of chapter 553. When so

21  designated by the Board of Building Codes and Standards, such

22  mausoleum standards shall become a required element of the

23  State Minimum Building Codes under s. 553.73(2) and shall be

24  transmitted to each local enforcement agency, as defined in s.

25  553.71(5). Such local enforcement agency shall consider and

26  inspect for compliance with such mausoleum standards as if

27  they were part of the local building code, but shall have no

28  continuing duty to inspect after final approval of the

29  construction pursuant to the local building code. Any further

30  amendments to the mausoleum standards shall be accomplished by

31  the same procedure. Such designated mausoleum standards, as


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  from time to time amended, shall be a part of the State

  2  Minimum Building Codes under s. 553.73 until the adoption and

  3  effective date of a new statewide uniform minimum building

  4  code, which may supersede the mausoleum standards as provided

  5  by the law enacting the new statewide uniform minimum building

  6  code.

  7         (4)  In addition to the rules adopted under subsection

  8  (2), the board shall adopt rules providing that following all

  9  interments, inurnments, and entombments in mausoleums and

10  columbaria occurring after the effective date of such rules,

11  whether newly constructed or existing, suitable provision must

12  be made, when physically feasible, for sealing each crypt in

13  accordance with standards promulgated pursuant to paragraph

14  (2)(f).

15         (5)  For purposes of this section, "significant

16  alteration or renovation" means any addition, renovation or

17  repair which results in the creation of new crypt or niche

18  spaces.

19         Section 7.  Section 497.257, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         497.257  Construction of mausoleums, columbaria, and

22  belowground crypts; preconstruction trust fund; compliance

23  requirement.--

24         (1)  A cemetery company shall start construction of

25  that section of a mausoleum, columbarium, or bank of

26  belowground crypts in which sales, contracts for sales,

27  reservations for sales, or agreements for sales are being made

28  within 4 years after the date of the first such sale or 50

29  percent of the mausoleum, columbarium, or belowground crypts

30  have been sold and the purchase price has been received,

31  whichever occurs first.  The construction shall be completed


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  within 5 years after the date of the first sale made.

  2  However, extensions for completion, not to exceed 1 year, may

  3  be granted by the department for good cause shown. If the

  4  units have not been completely constructed at the time of need

  5  or the time specified herein, all moneys paid shall be

  6  refunded upon request, plus interest earned thereon for that

  7  portion of the moneys deposited in the trust fund and an

  8  amount equal to the interest that would have been earned on

  9  that portion of the moneys that were not in trust.

10         (2)  A cemetery company which plans to offer for sale

11  space in a section of a mausoleum, columbarium, or bank of

12  belowground crypts prior to construction shall establish a

13  preconstruction trust fund by written instrument.  The

14  preconstruction trust fund shall be administered by a

15  corporate trustee and operated in conformity with s. 497.417.

16  The preconstruction trust fund shall be separate from any

17  other trust funds that may be required by this chapter.

18         (3)  Before a sale, contract for sale, reservation for

19  sale, or agreement for sale in a mausoleum section

20  columbarium, or bank of belowground crypts may be made, the

21  cemetery company shall compute the amount to be deposited to

22  the preconstruction trust fund.  The total amount to be

23  deposited in the fund for each unit of the project shall be

24  computed by dividing the cost of the project plus 10 percent

25  of the cost, as computed by a licensed contractor, engineer,

26  or architect, by the number of crypts in the section or bank

27  of belowground crypts or the number of niches in the

28  columbarium.  When payments are received in installments, the

29  percentage of the installment payment placed in trust must be

30  identical to the percentage which the payment received bears

31  to the total cost of the contract, including other merchandise


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  and services purchased.  Preconstruction trust fund payments

  2  shall be made within 30 days after the end of the month in

  3  which payment is received.

  4         (4)  When the cemetery company delivers a completed

  5  crypt or niche acceptable to the purchaser in lieu of the

  6  crypt or niche purchased prior to construction, all sums

  7  deposited to the preconstruction trust fund for that purchaser

  8  shall be paid to the cemetery company.

  9         (5)  Each cemetery company may negotiate, at the time

10  of establishment of the preconstruction trust fund, a

11  procedure for withdrawal of the escrowed funds as a part of

12  the construction cost of the mausoleum section, columbarium,

13  or bank of belowground crypts contemplated, subject to the

14  approval of the department.  Upon completion of the mausoleum

15  section, columbarium, or bank of belowground crypts, the

16  cemetery company shall certify completion to the trustee and

17  shall be entitled to withdraw all funds deposited to the

18  account thereof.

19         (6)  If the mausoleum section, columbarium, or bank of

20  belowground crypts is not completed within the time limits set

21  out in this section, the trustee shall contract for and cause

22  the project to be completed and pay therefor from the trust

23  funds deposited to the project's account paying any balance,

24  less cost and expenses, to the cemetery company. The refund

25  provisions of subsection (1) apply only to the extent there

26  are funds remaining in excess of the costs to complete the

27  facilities, prior to any payments to the cemetery company.

28         (7)  On or before April 1 of each year, the trustee

29  shall file with the board in the form prescribed by the board

30  a full and true statement as to the activities of any trust



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  1  established by the board pursuant to this chapter for the

  2  preceding calendar year.

  3         (8)  In lieu of the payments outlined hereunder to the

  4  preconstruction trust fund, the cemetery company may deliver

  5  to the department a performance bond in an amount and by a

  6  surety company acceptable to the department.

  7         Section 8.  Subsection (4) of section 497.417, Florida

  8  Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         497.417  Disposition of proceeds received on

10  contracts.--

11         (4)  The trustee of the trust established pursuant to

12  this section shall only have the power to:

13         (a)  Invest in investments as prescribed in s. 215.47

14  and exercise the powers set forth in part IV of chapter 737,

15  provided that the board may by order require the trustee to

16  liquidate or dispose of any investment within 30 days after

17  such order.

18         (b)  Purchase from an insurance company, licensed by

19  this state, life insurance policies or annuity contracts not

20  to exceed the aggregate amount of $250,000 on any one

21  individual life.

22         (b)(c)  Borrow money up to an aggregate amount of 10

23  percent of trust assets, at interest rates then prevailing

24  from any individual, bank, insurance company, or other source,

25  irrespective of whether any such person is then acting as

26  trustee, and to create security interests in no more than 10

27  percent of trust assets by mortgage, pledge, or otherwise,

28  upon the terms and conditions and for such purposes as the

29  trustee may deem advisable.

30         (c)(d)  Commingle the property of the trust with the

31  property of any other trust established pursuant to this


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  chapter and make corresponding allocations and divisions of

  2  assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.

  3         Section 9.  Subsection (12) of section 497.429, Florida

  4  Statutes, is hereby repealed.

  5         Section 10.  Section 497.527, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         497.527  Civil remedies.--The Attorney General or any

  8  person may bring a civil action against a person or company

  9  violating the provisions of this chapter in the appropriate

10  circuit court of the county in which the alleged violator

11  resides or has his or her or its principal place of business

12  or in the county wherein the alleged violation occurred. Upon

13  adverse adjudication, the defendant shall be liable for actual

14  damages caused by such violation or $500, whichever is

15  greater.  The court may, as provided by common law, award

16  punitive damages and may provide such equitable relief as it

17  deems proper or necessary, including enjoining the defendant

18  from further violations of this chapter.

19         Section 11.  Section 872.02, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         872.02  Injuring or removing tomb or monument;

22  disturbing contents of grave or tomb; penalties.--

23         (1)  A person who willfully and knowingly destroys,

24  mutilates, defaces, injures, or removes any tomb, monument,

25  gravestone, burial mound, earthen or shell monument containing

26  human skeletal remains or associated burial artifacts, or

27  other structure or thing placed or designed for a memorial of

28  the dead, or any fence, railing, curb, or other thing intended

29  for the protection or ornamentation of any tomb, monument,

30  gravestone, burial mound, earthen or shell monument containing

31  human skeletal remains or associated burial artifacts, or


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  other structure before mentioned, or for any enclosure for the

  2  burial of the dead, or willfully destroys, mutilates, removes,

  3  cuts, breaks, or injures any tree, shrub, or plant placed or

  4  being within any such enclosure, commits is guilty of a

  5  misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.

  6  775.082 or s. 775.083.  However, if the damage to such

  7  property is greater than $100 or if any property removed is

  8  greater than $100 in value, then the person is guilty of a

  9  felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.

10  775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

11         (2)  A person who willfully and knowingly disturbs the

12  contents of a tomb or grave commits is guilty of a felony of

13  the second third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082,

14  s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

15         (3)  This section shall not apply to any person acting

16  under the direction or authority of the Division of Historical

17  Resources of the Department of State, to cemeteries operating

18  under chapter 497, or to any person otherwise authorized by

19  law to remove or disturb a tomb, monument, gravestone, burial

20  mound, or similar structure, or its contents, as described in

21  subsection (1).

22         (4)  For purposes of this section, the term "tomb"

23  includes any mausoleum, columbarium, or belowground crypt.

24         Section 12.  Section 245.07, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         245.07  Retention of bodies before use; unfit or excess

27  number of bodies, disposition procedure.--All bodies received

28  by the anatomical board shall be retained in receiving vaults

29  for a period of not less than 48 hours before allowing their

30  use for medical science; if at any time more bodies are made

31  available to the anatomical board than can be used for medical


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1  science under its jurisdiction, or if a body shall be deemed

  2  by the anatomical board to be unfit for anatomical purposes,

  3  the anatomical board may notify, in writing, the county

  4  commissioners or other legally authorized person, as defined

  5  in s. 470.002, the person or entity in control of such body in

  6  the county where such person died, to cause it to be buried or

  7  cremated in accordance with the already existing rules, laws

  8  and practices for disposing of such unclaimed bodies within

  9  the confines of the said county. However, prior to having any

10  body buried or cremated, the county shall make a reasonable

11  effort to determine the identity of the body and shall further

12  make a reasonable effort to contact any relatives of the

13  deceased person.  If a relative of the deceased person is

14  contacted and expresses a preference for either burial or

15  cremation, the county shall make a reasonable effort to

16  accommodate the request of the relative.  For purposes of this

17  section, the county commissioners of the county where such

18  person died shall be considered a "legally authorized person"

19  as defined in pursuant to s. 470.002(18). A person licensed

20  under chapter 470 or chapter 497 shall not be liable for any

21  damages resulting from cremating or burying such body at the

22  direction of the county's legally authorized person county

23  commission.

24         Section 13.  (1)  There is created within the

25  Department of Banking and Finance the Task Force on Abandoned

26  and Neglected Cemeteries. The task force shall be composed of

27  11 members appointed by the Comptroller and representing the

28  following interests:

29         (a)  A representative of the licensed cemetery

30  industry.



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  1         (b)  A representative of preneed certificateholders who

  2  is not associated with a cemetery company through an ownership

  3  interest or through employment with a company which has an

  4  ownership interest in a cemetery.

  5         (c)  A representative of church-owned cemeteries.

  6         (d)  A representative of cemeteries owned by nonprofit

  7  organizations.

  8         (e)  A representative of consumer interests.

  9         (f)  A representative of the department.

10         (g)  A person nominated by the Secretary of State as a

11  representative of historic preservation and archaeological

12  interests.

13         (h)  A person nominated by the Florida League of Cities

14  as a representative of municipally owned or maintained

15  cemeteries.

16         (i)  A person nominated by the Florida Association of

17  Counties as a representative of county-owned or

18  county-maintained cemeteries.

19         (j)  Two citizen members.

20         (2)  The members of the task force shall elect from

21  among their number a chair and a vice chair.

22         (3)  Members of the task force shall be appointed no

23  later than 30 days after this act becomes a law. The task

24  force shall serve from the time its members are appointed

25  until adjournment sine die of the 1999 Regular Session of the

26  Legislature.

27         (4)  The members of the task force shall serve without

28  compensation, but shall be reimbursed for per diem and travel

29  expenses as provided in s. 112.061, Florida Statutes.

30         (5)  The department shall provide administrative and

31  staff support for the task force.


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                                          HB 3763, First Engrossed

  1         (6)  The task force shall:

  2         (a)  Examine the extent to which some cemeteries in the

  3  state are abandoned and therefore have no existing responsible

  4  person or entity in charge, or are neglected and therefore are

  5  not receiving adequate care and maintenance.

  6         (b)  Examine the extent to which some cemeteries in the

  7  state, although they are owned and operated by some

  8  identifiable person or entity, are neglected due to a lack of

  9  sufficient funds to perform adequate care and maintenance or

10  for other reasons.

11         (c)  Examine the extent to which neglected cemeteries

12  in the state create problems for citizens and local

13  governments due to vandalism, storm damage, dilapidation,

14  public health concerns, public safety concerns, lack of

15  enforceable standards, and strain on local government

16  financial resources.

17         (d)  Examine the extent to which neglected cemeteries

18  in the state represent a loss of significant historic or

19  archaeological resources.

20         (e)  Examine whether or not bringing presently

21  unlicensed operating cemeteries under state regulation as to

22  physical facilities and care and maintenance may help

23  ameliorate the problems caused by neglected cemeteries.

24         (f)  Examine whether or not a program of grants to

25  assist in providing adequate care and maintenance for

26  abandoned and neglected cemeteries may help ameliorate the

27  problems caused by neglected cemeteries and, if so, how the

28  grant program should be structured, administered, and funded.

29         (g)  Examine current governmental and nongovernmental

30  programs that help or could help ameliorate the problems

31  caused by neglected cemeteries, to see if some expansion or


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  1  increased emphasis or support could do more to help ameliorate

  2  the problems caused by neglected cemeteries in a more

  3  cost-effective manner than a grant program.

  4         (h)  Report findings and make recommendations

  5  concerning solutions to problems found by the task force,

  6  including a draft of any legislation deemed advisable to

  7  implement recommended solutions.

  8         (7)  The task force shall produce a preliminary report

  9  by December 1, 1998, and a final report by January 15, 1999,

10  detailing its findings and recommendations. Copies of each

11  report shall be transmitted to the Comptroller, the President

12  and the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Speaker and the

13  Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. Copies shall

14  also be furnished to the Governor, the Secretary of State, the

15  Attorney General, and the Office of Program Policy Analysis

16  and Government Accountability. After submission of the final

17  report, members of the task force may, with the approval of

18  the chair, receive reimbursement pursuant to subsection (4)

19  for travel necessary to consult with the department or the

20  Legislature concerning issues raised by the final report or

21  other work of the task force, until termination of the task

22  force as provided in subsection (3).

23         (8)  This section shall take effect upon this act

24  becoming a law.

25         Section 14.  There is hereby appropriated $131,042 and

26  one career service position for fiscal year 1998-1999 to the

27  Department of Banking and Finance from the department's

28  Regulatory Trust Fund for the purpose of enforcing the

29  provisions of this act.

30         Section 15.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

31  act shall take effect July 1 of the year in which enacted;


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  1  however, the provisions of sections 497.0255 and 497.255,

  2  Florida Statutes, as created by this act, and the changes to

  3  section 497.253, Florida Statutes, as amended by this act,

  4  shall not be enforceable until the rules implementing those

  5  provisions have been adopted by the Board of Funeral and

  6  Cemetery Services or the Department of Banking and Finance, as

  7  applicable.
























