CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 3927

    Amendment No. 5 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Ogles offered the following:


13         Amendment 

14         On page 2, line 1 through page 5 line 2

15  remove from the bill:  all of said lines


17  and insert in lieu thereof:

18  individuals in this state who do not want to receive uninvited

19  telephonic solicitations to make it known to the public by

20  placing their telephone numbers on the "no telephonic

21  solicitations" list provided in this section.  Further, it is

22  the intent of the Legislature to prohibit uninvited telephonic

23  solicitations to such telephone numbers on the "no telephonic

24  solicitations" list.  The Legislature finds that the method

25  provided in this section for regulating uninvited telephonic

26  solicitations is drawn in such a manner so as to minimize the

27  burden on solicitation activities.

28         (2)(1)  As used in this section:

29         (a)  "Telephonic solicitation sales call" means a call

30  made by a telephone solicitor to a residential, mobile, or

31  telephonic paging device telephone number in this state


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 3927

    Amendment No. 5 (for drafter's use only)

 1  consumer, for the purpose of soliciting a sale of any consumer

 2  goods or services, including calls made for the purpose of

 3  obtaining information that will or may later be used for the

 4  solicitation of a sale of consumer goods or services, or a

 5  call made for the purpose of soliciting a contribution of

 6  money, property, or financial assistance, or any other thing

 7  of value, including requests on behalf of political parties,

 8  candidates, or ballot proposals or for the purpose of

 9  soliciting an extension of credit for consumer goods or

10  services, or for the purpose of obtaining information that

11  will or may be used for the direct solicitation of a sale of

12  consumer goods or services or an extension of credit for such

13  purposes.

14         (b)  "Consumer goods or services" means any real

15  property or any tangible or intangible personal property which

16  is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes,

17  including, without limitation, cemetery lots, timeshare

18  estates, financial services, insurance, telecommunications

19  services, and any such property intended to be attached to or

20  installed in any real property without regard to whether it is

21  so attached or installed, as well as cemetery lots and

22  timeshare estates, and any services related to real such

23  property or any tangible or intangible personal property.

24         (c)  "Uninvited Unsolicited telephonic solicitation

25  sales call" means a telephonic solicitation to any

26  residential, mobile, or telephonic paging device telephone

27  number unless the telephonic solicitation is sales call other

28  than a call made:

29         1.  in response to an express request of the person

30  called, or in response to a sign or other form of

31  advertisement placed by the person called, or is directed to a


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 3927

    Amendment No. 5 (for drafter's use only)

 1  person with whom the telephone solicitor has a prior or an

 2  existing relationship.  A telephonic solicitation made in

 3  connection with an existing relationship includes, but is not

 4  limited to, an inquiry regarding an existing debt, contract,

 5  or warranty, payment or performance of which has not been

 6  completed at the time of such call.;

 7         2.  Primarily in connection with an existing debt or

 8  contract, payment or performance of which has not been

 9  completed at the time of such call;

10         3.  To any person with whom the telephone solicitor has

11  a prior or existing business relationship; or

12         4.  By a newspaper publisher or his or her agent or

13  employee in connection with his or her business.

14         (d)  "Commission" means the Florida Public Service

15  Commission.

16         (e)  "Telephone solicitor" means any natural person,

17  firm, organization, partnership, association, or corporation,

18  or a subsidiary or affiliate thereof, doing business in this

19  state, who makes or causes to be made a telephonic

20  solicitation sales call, including, but not limited to, calls

21  made by use of automated dialing or recorded message devices

22  from a location in this state, or from other states or

23  nations, to residences, mobile telephones, or telephonic

24  paging devices in this state.

25         (f)  "Subscriber" means any individual who requests

26  that the department place the individual's in-state

27  residential, mobile, or telephonic paging device telephone

28  number on the department's no telephonic solicitation list and

29  who pays the applicable fee to the department. "Consumer"

30  means an actual or prospective purchaser, lessee, or recipient

31  of consumer goods or services.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                               Bill No. CS/HB 3927

    Amendment No. 5 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (g)  "Merchant" means a person who, directly or

 2  indirectly, offers or makes available to consumers any

 3  consumer goods or services.

 4         (h)  "Doing business in this state" refers to

 5  businesses who conduct telephonic sales calls from a location

 6  in Florida or from other states or nations to consumers

 7  located in Florida.

 8         (g)(i)  "Department" means the Department of

 9  Agriculture and Consumer Services.

10         (3)(2)  Any telephone solicitor who calls makes an

11  unsolicited telephonic sales call to a subscriber residential,

12  mobile, or telephonic paging device telephone number in this

13  state shall identify himself or herself by his or her true

14  first and last names and the business or organization on whose

15  behalf he or she is soliciting immediately upon making contact

16  by telephone with the person who is the object of the

17  telephonic telephone solicitation.

18         (4)(3)(a)  Any residential, mobile, or telephonic

19  paging device telephone subscriber desiring to be placed on a














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