CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0393e1

CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the release of public 3 records information regarding criminal 4 offenders; creating the "Public Safety 5 Information Act"; amending s. 415.5018, F.S.; 6 providing for the sharing of certain criminal 7 history information; amending s. 415.51, F.S.; 8 providing for the release of certain 9 confidential reports to a law enforcement 10 agency; amending s. 775.13, F.S.; revising 11 registration requirements for convicted felons; 12 amending s. 775.21, F.S.; revising requirements 13 for public notification of the presence of a 14 sexual predator; revising registration 15 requirements for sexual predators; requiring a 16 sexual predator to register at a driver's 17 license office of the Department of Highway 18 Safety and Motor Vehicles following a change in 19 permanent or temporary residence and obtain a 20 driver's license or identification card; 21 requiring that a sexual predator renew such 22 license or identification card; providing a 23 penalty; creating s. 943.046, F.S.; authorizing 24 a state or local law enforcement agency to 25 release to the public criminal offender 26 information that is not exempt from public 27 disclosure under the public records law; 28 providing immunity from civil liability for a 29 law enforcement agency and its personnel in 30 releasing such information; creating s. 31 943.043, F.S.; requiring the Department of Law 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 Enforcement to provide a toll-free telephone 2 number for public access to information 3 regarding sex offenders; requiring that the 4 department provide to the public upon request a 5 copy of the photograph of a sex offender or 6 sexual predator and a summary of information 7 that is publicly available; providing immunity 8 from civil liability for the department and its 9 personnel in reporting information; providing 10 that the department and its personnel are 11 presumed to have acted in good faith; creating 12 s. 943.0435, F.S.; providing definitions; 13 requiring sex offenders to report their current 14 place of permanent or temporary residence to 15 the Department of Law Enforcement and the 16 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 17 within a specified time and upon moving to a 18 new place of residence; providing procedures 19 for reporting; providing a penalty for failing 20 to report as required; providing immunity from 21 civil liability for the Department of Law 22 Enforcement, the Department of Highway Safety 23 and Motor Vehicles, the Department of 24 Corrections, and the personnel of those 25 departments in compiling, recording, and 26 reporting information regarding sex offenders; 27 providing that those departments and the 28 personnel of those departments are presumed to 29 have acted in good faith; creating s. 944.607, 30 F.S.; requiring that the Department of 31 Corrections provide information to the 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 Department of Law Enforcement on sex offenders 2 who are in the custody or control of, or under 3 the supervision of, the Department of 4 Corrections or the custody of a private 5 correctional facility on or after a specified 6 date; providing immunity from civil liability 7 for the Department of Corrections and its 8 personnel in compiling, recording, and 9 reporting information regarding sex offenders; 10 providing that the department and its personnel 11 are presumed to have acted in good faith; 12 amending ss. 944.605, 947.177, F.S.; revising 13 requirements for the Department of Corrections, 14 the Control Release Authority, and the Parole 15 Commission with respect to notifying judges and 16 law enforcement agencies of the anticipated 17 release of an inmate; requiring that a 18 digitized photograph be made of the inmate; 19 requiring that this information be provided to 20 the Department of Law Enforcement; amending s. 21 944.606, F.S., relating to the release of 22 information regarding certain sex offenders by 23 the Department of Corrections; requiring that 24 this information be provided to the Department 25 of Law Enforcement; providing that the release 26 of such information does not constitute 27 unauthorized public disclosure under the 28 Florida Sexual Predators Act; amending s. 29 948.06, F.S.; requiring state and local law 30 enforcement agencies to verify if a person 31 under investigation or under arrest for certain 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 sexual offenses is on probation, community 2 control, parole, conditional release, or 3 control release; requiring the law enforcement 4 agency to notify the person's probation officer 5 or release supervisor of the investigation or 6 the arrest; amending s. 921.0012, F.S.; ranking 7 under the sentencing guidelines the offenses of 8 failure to register, including failure to renew 9 a driver's license or identification card, and 10 failure of sex offenders to comply with 11 reporting requirements; amending s. 921.0017, 12 F.S., relating to credit upon recommitment of 13 an offender serving a split sentence; 14 conforming a cross-reference to changes made by 15 the act; requiring the court, at the time of 16 sentencing, to note on the judgment if the 17 victim is a minor and provide such information 18 to the Department of Law Enforcement; providing 19 appropriations; providing for uses of certain 20 appropriations; providing an effective date. 21 22 WHEREAS, the Legislature and law enforcement agencies 23 recognize that the release of criminal history information or 24 other information regarding criminal offenders is essential to 25 the public's safety and welfare, and 26 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends to provide specific 27 statutory direction whereby a law enforcement agency, of its 28 own volition or in response to a request for a public record, 29 may release to the public criminal history information and 30 other information regarding criminal offenders, including 31 public notification of this information, and 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends that criminal history 2 information and other information regarding criminal offenders 3 which is subject to release to the public shall consist only 4 of information that is subject to public disclosure under 5 section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes, the state public records 6 law, and under Section 24(a), Article I of the State 7 Constitution, and 8 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends that the order of 9 priority, the methods of dissemination of criminal history 10 information compiled from intrastate sources by the Department 11 of Law Enforcement, and the assessment of costs for the 12 production of this information, as provided in section 13 943.053, Florida Statutes, shall be maintained, and 14 WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that the public is 15 especially concerned about certain sex offenders, and 16 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends to enhance public 17 access to information regarding certain sex offenders by 18 creating a public-access telephone number for releasing this 19 information, and 20 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends that information 21 released through the public-access telephone number shall 22 consist only of information that is subject to public 23 disclosure under section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes, the 24 state public records law, and under Section 24(a), Article I 25 of the State Constitution, and 26 WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that current law 27 authorizes law enforcement agencies to release to the public 28 criminal information on certain sex offenders which is 29 provided to these agencies by the Department of Corrections, 30 but prohibits these agencies from providing public or 31 community notification of this information, and 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 WHEREAS, the Legislature further finds that this 2 information is subject to public disclosure under section 3 119.07(1), Florida Statutes, the state public records law, and 4 under Section 24(a), Article I of the State Constitution, and 5 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends to authorize public or 6 community notification of this information, and 7 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends that a state or local 8 law enforcement agency that investigates or arrests a person 9 for certain sexual offenses shall verify whether the person is 10 on probation or some form of release supervision, and, if so 11 verified, shall inform the person's probation officer that the 12 person is under investigation or arrest for a sexual offense, 13 NOW, THEREFORE, 14 15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 16 17 Section 1. This act may be cited as the "Public Safety 18 Information Act." 19 Section 2. Subsection (3) of section 415.5018, Florida 20 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 21 415.5018 District authority and responsibilities.-- 22 (3) CHILD PROTECTIVE INVESTIGATION; COUNTY SHERIFF'S 23 OFFICE OR LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT OPTION.--Within existing 24 resources, a district, with the approval of the district 25 health and human services board, and the secretary of the 26 department shall enter into an agreement with a county 27 sheriff's office or local police department that is 28 jurisdictionally responsible to allow such law enforcement 29 entity to assume a lead in conducting any potential criminal 30 investigations as well as partial or full responsibility for 31 conducting certain components of protective investigations 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 under ss. 415.502-415.514 that are related to cases involving 2 a criminal investigation. The written agreement must specify 3 how the requirements of ss. 415.502-415.514 will be met. For 4 the purposes of such agreement, the jurisdictionally 5 responsible law enforcement entity is authorized to share 6 Florida criminal history information that is not otherwise 7 exempt from s. 119.07(1) with the district personnel directly 8 responsible for child protective investigation and emergency 9 child placement. The agencies entering into such agreement 10 must comply with s. 943.0525 to the extent applicable. 11 Criminal justice information provided by such law enforcement 12 entity shall be used only for the purposes specified in the 13 agreement and shall be provided at no charge. 14 (a) The agreement between the district and the county 15 sheriff's office or local police department must include the 16 following assurances and information: 17 1. Assurance that the county sheriff's office or local 18 police department will be in compliance with the procedural 19 requirements of ss. 415.502-415.514. 20 2. Description of a protocol between the district and 21 the county sheriff's office or local police department that at 22 a minimum addresses the following: 23 a. Response to reports of abuse and neglect. 24 b. Investigations. 25 c. Assessment of risk. 26 d. Evidence gathering. 27 e. Classification of reports. 28 f. Appeals of classifications. 29 g. Communication and involvement with the state 30 attorney. 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 h. Confidentiality of reports and access to 2 information. 3 i. Utilization of the child protection team. 4 j. Storage and maintenance of records and other 5 information. 6 3. Description of the transition of responsibility 7 that assures the integrity and continuity of protective 8 investigations. 9 4. Description of any necessary changes to department 10 rules. 11 (b) County sheriff's office or local police department 12 personnel assuming responsibility for conducting certain 13 components of protective investigations shall receive training 14 from the department relevant to child protective 15 investigations and services. 16 (c) The secretary of the department shall dispose of a 17 proposed agreement by approving or disapproving the agreement 18 between a district and the county sheriff's office or local 19 police department within 60 days after receipt. The secretary 20 may negotiate modifications within this 60-day period. 21 Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 415.51, Florida 22 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 23 415.51 Confidentiality of reports and records in cases 24 of child abuse or neglect.-- 25 (4) The name of any person reporting child abuse, 26 abandonment, or neglect may not be released to any person 27 other than employees of the department responsible for child 28 protective services or, the central abuse hotline, or the 29 appropriate state attorney or law enforcement agency, without 30 the written consent of the person reporting. This does not 31 prohibit the subpoenaing of a person reporting child abuse, 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 abandonment, or neglect when deemed necessary by the court, 2 the state attorney, or the department, provided the fact that 3 such person made the report is not disclosed. Any person who 4 reports a case of child abuse or neglect may, at the time he 5 makes the report, request that the department notify him that 6 a child protective investigation occurred as a result of the 7 report. The department shall mail such a notice to the 8 reporter within 10 days after completing the child protective 9 investigation. 10 Section 4. Section 775.13, Florida Statutes, 1996 11 Supplement, is amended to read: 12 775.13 Registration of convicted felons, exemptions; 13 penalties.-- 14 (1) Any person who has been convicted of a felony in 15 any court of this state shall, within 48 hours after entering 16 any county in this state, register with the sheriff of said 17 county, be fingerprinted and photographed, and list the crime 18 for which convicted, place of conviction, sentence imposed, if 19 any, name, aliases, if any, address, and occupation. 20 (2) Any person who has been convicted of a crime in 21 any federal court or in any court of a state other than 22 Florida, or of any foreign state or country, which crime if 23 committed in Florida would be a felony, shall forthwith within 24 48 hours after entering any county in this state register with 25 the sheriff of said county in the same manner as provided for 26 in subsection (1). 27 (3) Any person who is presently within any county of 28 the state as of October 1, 1997, the effective date of this 29 section shall likewise be required to register with the 30 sheriff of such county by December 1, 1997 within 30 days 31 after the effective date of this section, if such person would 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 be required to register under the terms of subsection (1) or 2 subsection (2), if he or she were entering such county. 3 (4) In lieu of registering with the sheriff sheriffs 4 of the several counties of the state as required by this 5 section, such registration may be made with the Department of 6 Law Enforcement, and is shall be subject to the same terms and 7 conditions as required for registration with the sheriff 8 several sheriffs of the state. Any person so registering with 9 the Department of Law Enforcement shall not be required to 10 make further registration in any county in the state. 11 (5) The provisions of This section does law do not 12 apply to an offender: 13 (a) Who has had his or her civil rights restored; 14 (b) Who has received a full pardon for the offense for 15 which convicted; 16 (c) Whose conviction of a felony was more than 10 17 years prior to the time provided for registration under the 18 provisions of this law and Who has been lawfully released from 19 incarceration or other sentence or supervision for under a 20 felony conviction and sentence for more than 5 years prior to 21 such time for registration, unless the offender is a fugitive 22 from justice on a felony charge or has been convicted of any 23 offense since release from such incarceration or other 24 sentence or supervision; 25 (d) Who is a parolee or probationer under the 26 supervision of the Department of Corrections or is a 27 probationer under the supervision of any county probation 28 officer of the state or who has been lawfully discharged from 29 such parole or probation; 30 (d)(e) Who is a parolee or probationer under the 31 supervision of the United States Parole Commission if the 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 commission knows of and consents to the presence of the 2 offender in Florida or is a probationer under the supervision 3 of any federal probation officer in the state or who has been 4 lawfully discharged from such parole or probation; or 5 (e)(f) Who is a sexual predator and has registered as 6 required under s. 775.21. 7 (6) Failure of any such convicted felon to comply with 8 this section constitutes shall constitute a misdemeanor of the 9 second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 10 775.083. 11 (7) All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith 12 are hereby repealed, provided that nothing in this section 13 shall be construed to affect any law of this state relating to 14 registration of criminals where the penalties are in excess of 15 those imposed by this section. 16 Section 5. Subsections (4), (6), and (7) and paragraph 17 (a) of subsection (9) of section 775.21, Florida Statutes, 18 1996 Supplement, are amended to read: 19 775.21 The Florida Sexual Predators Act; definitions; 20 legislative findings, purpose, and intent; criteria; 21 designation; registration; community and public notification; 22 immunity; penalties.-- 23 (4) SEXUAL PREDATOR CRITERIA.-- 24 (a) For a current offense committed on or after 25 October 1, 1993, and before October 1, 1995: 26 1. An offender who was found by the court under former 27 s. 775.22 or former s. 775.23 to be a sexual predator is a 28 "sexual predator" if the court made a written finding that the 29 offender was a sexual predator at the time of sentencing, as 30 required by former s. 775.23. Such sexual predator must 31 register or be registered as a sexual predator with the 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 department, and but is not subject to community and public 2 notification. Upon notification of the presence of a sexual 3 predator, the sheriff of the county or the chief of police of 4 the municipality where the sexual predator temporarily or 5 permanently resides shall notify the community and the public 6 of the presence of the sexual predator in a manner deemed 7 appropriate by the sheriff or the chief of police. 8 2. If an offender has been registered as a sexual 9 predator by the Department of Corrections, the department, or 10 any other law enforcement agency and: 11 a. The court did not, for whatever reason, make a 12 written finding at the time of sentencing that the offender 13 was a sexual predator, or 14 b. The offender was administratively registered as a 15 sexual predator because the Department of Corrections, the 16 department, or any other law enforcement agency obtained 17 information which indicated that the offender met the sexual 18 predator criteria based on a violation of a similar law in 19 another jurisdiction, 20 21 the department shall remove that offender from the 22 department's sexual predator list, and shall notify the state 23 attorney who prosecuted the offense that triggered the 24 administrative sexual predator designation for offenders 25 described in sub-subparagraph a., or the state attorney of the 26 county where the offender permanently or temporarily resides 27 on October 1, 1996, for offenders described in 28 sub-subparagraph b. The state attorney may bring the matter to 29 the court's attention in order to establish that the offender 30 meets the sexual predator criteria. If the court then makes a 31 written finding that the offender is a sexual predator, the 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 offender is designated as a sexual predator and must register 2 or be registered as a sexual predator with the department, but 3 is not subject to community and public notification. If the 4 court does not make a written finding that the offender is a 5 sexual predator, the offender is not designated as a sexual 6 predator with respect to that offense, is not required to 7 register or be registered as a sexual predator with the 8 department, and is not subject to community and public 9 notification. 10 (b) For a current offense committed on or after 11 October 1, 1995, and before October 1, 1996: 12 1. An offender who was found by the court under former 13 s. 775.22 or former s. 775.23 to be a sexual predator is a 14 "sexual predator" if the court made a written finding that the 15 offender was a sexual predator at the time of sentencing, as 16 required by former s. 775.23. Such sexual predator must 17 register or be registered with the department, and is subject 18 to the community and public notification provisions of former 19 s. 775.225. Upon notification of the presence of a sexual 20 predator, the sheriff of the county or the chief of police of 21 the municipality where the sexual predator temporarily or 22 permanently resides shall notify the community and the public 23 of the presence of the sexual predator in a manner deemed 24 appropriate by the sheriff or the chief of police. 25 2. If an offender has been registered as a sexual 26 predator by the Department of Corrections, the department, or 27 any other law enforcement agency and: 28 a. The court did not, for whatever reason, make a 29 written finding at the time of sentencing that the offender 30 was a sexual predator, or 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 b. The offender was administratively registered as a 2 sexual predator because the Department of Corrections, the 3 department, or any other law enforcement agency obtained 4 information which indicated that the offender met the sexual 5 predator criteria based on a violation of a similar law in 6 another jurisdiction, 7 8 the department shall remove that offender from the 9 department's sexual predator list, and shall notify the state 10 attorney who prosecuted the offense that triggered the 11 administrative sexual predator designation for offenders 12 described in sub-subparagraph a., or the state attorney of the 13 county where the offender permanently or temporarily resides 14 on October 1, 1996, for offenders described in 15 sub-subparagraph b. The state attorney may bring the matter to 16 the court's attention in order to establish that the offender 17 meets the sexual predator criteria. If the court makes a 18 written finding that the offender is a sexual predator, the 19 offender is designated as a sexual predator, must register or 20 be registered as a sexual predator with the department, and is 21 subject to the community and public notification provisions 22 under former s. 775.225. If the court does not make a written 23 finding that the offender is a sexual predator, the offender 24 is not designated as a sexual predator with respect to that 25 offense and, is not required to register or be registered as a 26 sexual predator with the department, and is not subject to the 27 community and public notification provisions under former s. 28 775.225. 29 (c) For a current offense committed on or after 30 October 1, 1996, upon conviction, an offender shall be 31 designated as a "sexual predator" under subsection (5), and 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 subject to registration under subsection (6) and community and 2 public notification under subsection (7) if: 3 1. The felony meets the criteria of former ss. 4 775.22(2) and 775.23(2), specifically, the felony is: 5 a. A capital, life, or first degree felony violation 6 of chapter 794 or s. 847.0145, or of a similar law of another 7 jurisdiction; or 8 b. Any second degree or greater felony violation of 9 chapter 794, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, or of a 10 similar law of another jurisdiction, and the offender has 11 previously been convicted of or found to have committed, or 12 has pled nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of 13 adjudication, any violation of s. 794.011(2), (3), (4), (5), 14 or (8), s. 794.023, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.0133, or s. 15 847.0145, or of a similar law of another jurisdiction; 16 2. The offender has not received a pardon for any 17 felony or similar law of another jurisdiction that is 18 necessary for the operation of this paragraph; and 19 3. A conviction of a felony or similar law of another 20 jurisdiction necessary to the operation of this paragraph has 21 not been set aside in any postconviction proceeding. 22 (d) In order to be counted as a prior felony for 23 purposes of this subsection, the felony must have resulted in 24 a conviction sentenced separately, or an adjudication of 25 delinquency entered separately, prior to the current offense 26 and sentenced or adjudicated separately from any other felony 27 conviction that is to be counted as a prior felony. If the 28 offender's prior enumerated felony was committed more than 10 29 years before the primary offense, it shall not be considered a 30 prior felony under this subsection if the offender has not 31 been convicted of any other crime for a period of 10 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 consecutive years from the most recent date of release from 2 confinement, supervision, or sanction, whichever is later. 3 (e) "Conviction" means a determination of guilt that 4 is the result of a plea or a trial, regardless of whether 5 adjudication is withheld. 6 (6) REGISTRATION.-- 7 (a) A sexual predator must register with the 8 department by providing the following information to the 9 department: 10 1. Name, social security number, age, race, sex, date 11 of birth, height, weight, hair and eye color, photograph, 12 address of legal residence, address of any current temporary 13 residence, date and place of any employment, date and place of 14 each conviction, fingerprints, and a brief description of the 15 crime or crimes committed by the offender. 16 2. Any other information determined necessary by the 17 department, including criminal and corrections records, 18 nonprivileged personnel, treatment, and abuse registry 19 records, and evidentiary genetic markers when available. 20 21 If the sexual predator is in the custody or control of, or 22 under the supervision of, the Department of Corrections, or is 23 in the custody of a private correctional facility, the sexual 24 predator must may register directly with the department, or 25 the Department of Corrections or any law enforcement agency 26 may register the sexual predator with the department. The 27 sexual predator is not required to make any further 28 registration as a convicted felony offender in any county. 29 (b) If the Each sexual predator is not in the custody 30 or control of, or under the supervision of, the Department of 31 Corrections, or is not in the custody of a private 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 correctional facility, and who is residing permanently or 2 temporarily resides in the state, the sexual predator shall 3 initially register in person at an office of the department, 4 or at the sheriff's office in the county in which the predator 5 permanently or temporarily resides, within 48 hours after 6 establishing permanent or temporary residence in this state. 7 If a sexual predator registers with the sheriff's office, the 8 sheriff shall take a photograph and a set of fingerprints of 9 the predator and forward the photographs and fingerprints to 10 the department, along with the information that the predator 11 is required to provide pursuant to this section. outside of a 12 correctional facility, jail, or secure treatment facility must 13 register or be registered with the department within 48 hours 14 after entering the county of permanent or temporary residence. 15 A sexual predator who is registered with the department must 16 provide written notification to the department of any change 17 in permanent or temporary residence within 48 hours after 18 arrival at the new place of permanent or temporary residence. 19 (c) Subsequent to the initial registration required 20 under paragraph (b), a sexual predator shall register in 21 person at a driver's license office of the Department of 22 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles within 48 hours after any 23 change in the predator's permanent or temporary residence. At 24 the driver's license office the sexual predator shall: 25 1. If otherwise qualified, secure a Florida driver's 26 license, renew a Florida driver's license, or secure an 27 identification card. The sexual predator shall identify 28 himself or herself as a sexual predator who is required to 29 comply with this section, provide his or her place of 30 permanent or temporary residence, and submit to the taking of 31 a photograph for use in issuing a driver's license, renewed 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 license, or identification card, and for use by the department 2 in maintaining current records of sexual predators. 3 2. Pay the costs assessed by the Department of Highway 4 Safety and Motor Vehicles for issuing or renewing a driver's 5 license or identification card as required by this section. 6 3. Provide, upon request, any additional information 7 necessary to confirm the identity of the sexual predator, 8 including a set of fingerprints. 9 (d) Each time a sexual predator's driver's license or 10 identification card is subject to renewal, the predator shall 11 report in person to a driver's license office, regardless of 12 whether the predator's residence has changed, and shall be 13 subject to the requirements specified in paragraph (c). The 14 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall forward 15 to the department and to the Department of Corrections all 16 photographs and information provided by sexual predators. 17 Notwithstanding the restrictions set forth in s. 322.142, the 18 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is authorized 19 to release a reproduction of a color-photograph or 20 digital-image license to the Department of Law Enforcement for 21 purposes of public notification of sexual predators as 22 provided in this section. 23 (e)(c) If the sexual predator initially registers at 24 an office of the department, the department must notify the 25 sheriff and the state attorney of the county and, if 26 applicable, the police chief of the municipality, where the 27 sexual predator permanently or temporarily resides within 48 28 hours after the sexual predator registers with the department 29 or provides change of location information to the department. 30 (f)(d)1. The department is responsible for the on-line 31 maintenance of current information regarding each registered 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 sexual predator. The department must maintain hotline access 2 for state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies to 3 obtain instantaneous locator file and offender characteristics 4 information on all released registered sexual predators for 5 purposes of monitoring, tracking, and prosecution. The 6 photograph and fingerprints do not have to be stored in a 7 computerized format. 8 2. The department's sexual predator registration list, 9 containing the information described in subparagraph (a)1., is 10 a public record. The department is authorized to disseminate 11 this public information by any means deemed appropriate, 12 including operating a "900" telephone number for this purpose. 13 When the department provides information regarding a 14 registered sexual predator to the public, department personnel 15 must advise the person making the inquiry that positive 16 identification of a person believed to be a sexual predator 17 cannot be established unless a fingerprint comparison is made, 18 and that it is illegal to use public information regarding a 19 registered sexual predator to facilitate the commission of a 20 crime. 21 3. The department shall adopt guidelines as necessary 22 regarding the registration of sexual predators and the 23 dissemination of information regarding sexual predators as 24 required by this section. 25 (g)(e) A sexual predator must maintain registration 26 with the department for the duration of his or her life, 27 unless the sexual predator has had his or her civil rights 28 restored, or has received a full pardon or has had a 29 conviction set aside in a postconviction proceeding for any 30 felony sex offense that which met the criteria for the sexual 31 predator designation.; However, a sexual predator who has been 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 lawfully released from confinement, supervision, or sanction, 2 whichever is later, for at least 10 years and has not been 3 arrested for any felony or misdemeanor offense since release, 4 may petition the criminal division of the circuit court for 5 the purpose of removing the sexual predator designation. The 6 court has the discretion to grant or deny such relief. 7 (7) COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC NOTIFICATION.-- 8 (a) Law enforcement agencies must inform the community 9 and the public of a sexual predator's presence. Upon 10 notification of the presence of a sexual predator, the sheriff 11 of the county or the chief of police of the municipality where 12 the sexual predator temporarily or permanently resides shall 13 notify the community and the public of the presence of the 14 sexual predator in a manner deemed appropriate by the sheriff 15 or the chief of police. Information provided to the community 16 and the public regarding a sexual predator must include: 17 1. The name of the sexual predator; 18 2. A description of the sexual predator, including a 19 photograph; 20 3. The sexual predator's current address, including 21 the name of the county or municipality if known; 22 4. The circumstances of the sexual predator's offense 23 or offenses; and 24 5. Whether The age of the victim of the sexual 25 predator's offense or offenses was, at the time of the 26 offense, a minor or an adult. 27 28 This paragraph does not authorize the release of the name of 29 any victim of the sexual predator. 30 (b) The sheriff or the police chief may coordinate the 31 community and public notification efforts with the department. 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 Statewide notification to the public is authorized, as deemed 2 appropriate by local law enforcement personnel and the 3 department. 4 (c) The department shall notify the public of all 5 designated sexual predators through the Internet. The 6 Internet notice shall include the information required by 7 paragraph (a). 8 (d)(c) The department shall adopt a protocol to assist 9 law enforcement agencies in their efforts to notify the 10 community and the public of the presence of sexual predators. 11 The department, in consultation and cooperation with the 12 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, shall 13 determine the feasibility of requiring sexual predators to 14 have a special designation on any drivers license, 15 identification card, or license tag issued in this state. 16 (9) PENALTIES.-- 17 (a) A sexual predator who fails to register or be 18 registered or who fails, after registration, to renew a 19 driver's license or identification card or provide required 20 location information, commits a felony of the third degree, 21 punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 22 775.084. 23 Section 6. Section 943.046, Florida Statutes, is 24 created to read: 25 943.046 Notification of criminal offender 26 information.-- 27 (1) Any state or local law enforcement agency may 28 release to the public any criminal history information and 29 other information regarding a criminal offender, including, 30 but not limited to, public notification by the agency of the 31 information, unless the information is confidential and exempt 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State 2 Constitution. However, this section does not contravene any 3 provision of s. 943.053 which relates to the method by which 4 an agency or individual may obtain a copy of an offender's 5 criminal history record. 6 (2) A state or local law enforcement agency and its 7 personnel are immune from civil liability for the release of 8 criminal history information or other information regarding a 9 criminal offender, as provided by this section. 10 Section 7. Section 943.043, Florida Statutes, is 11 created to read: 12 943.043 Toll-free telephone number; sex-offender 13 information.-- 14 (1) The department shall provide, through a toll-free 15 telephone number, public access to information regarding sex 16 offenders which is not confidential or exempt from public 17 disclosure and which is reported to the department by the 18 Department of Corrections as provided in s. 944.607 or by a 19 sex offender as provided in s. 943.0435. 20 (2) The department shall provide to any person, upon 21 request and at a reasonable cost determined by the department, 22 a copy of the photograph of any sex offender or sexual 23 predator which the department maintains in its files and a 24 printed summary of the information that is available to the 25 public under this section. 26 (3) The department and its personnel are immune from 27 civil liability for damages for good-faith compliance with 28 this section and shall be presumed to have acted in good faith 29 by reporting information. The presumption of good faith is not 30 overcome if technical or clerical errors are made by the 31 department and its personnel in reporting the information, if 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 the department and its personnel are unable to report 2 information because the information has not been provided or 3 reported by a person or agency required to provide or report 4 the information to the department, or if the department and 5 its personnel report information that was falsely reported 6 without the knowledge of the department and its personnel. 7 Section 8. Section 943.0435, Florida Statutes, is 8 created to read: 9 943.0435 Sex offenders required to report to the 10 department; penalty.-- 11 (1) As used in this section, the term: 12 (a) "Sex offender" means a person who has been: 13 1. Convicted of committing, or attempting, soliciting, 14 or conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses 15 proscribed in the following statutes in this state or 16 analogous offenses in another jurisdiction: s. 787.025, 17 chapter 794, s. 796.03, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.0133, s. 18 847.0135, s. 847.0145, or any similar offense committed in 19 this state which has been redesignated from a former statute 20 number to one of those listed in this subparagraph. 21 2. Released on or after October 1, 1997, from the 22 sanction imposed for any conviction of an offense described in 23 subparagraph 1. For purposes of subparagraph 1., a sanction 24 imposed in this state or in any other jurisdiction includes, 25 but is not limited to, a fine, probation, community control, 26 parole, conditional release, control release, or incarceration 27 in a state prison, federal prison, private correctional 28 facility, or local detention facility. 29 (b) "Convicted" means the person has been determined 30 guilty as a result of a plea or a trial, regardless of whether 31 adjudication is withheld. 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (2) A sex offender shall initially report in person at 2 an office of the department, or at the sheriff's office in the 3 county in which the offender permanently or temporarily 4 resides, within 48 hours after establishing permanent or 5 temporary residence in this state. A sex offender permanently 6 resides in this state if the offender abides, lodges, or 7 resides in a place for more than 2 consecutive weeks. A sex 8 offender temporarily resides in this state if the offender 9 abides, lodges, or resides in a place for 2 consecutive weeks 10 or less, excluding a stay of 2 consecutive weeks or less at a 11 different residence due to a vacation or an emergency or 12 special circumstance that requires the sex offender to leave 13 his or her place of permanent or temporary residence for 2 14 weeks or less. The sex offender shall provide his or her name, 15 date of birth, race, sex, height, weight, hair and eye color, 16 tattoos or other identifying marks, address of permanent or 17 legal residence, or address of any current temporary 18 residence, date and place of each conviction, and a brief 19 description of the crime or crimes committed by the offender. 20 If a sex offender reports at the sheriff's office, the sheriff 21 shall take a photograph and a set of fingerprints of the 22 offender and forward the photographs and fingerprints to the 23 department, along with the information provided by the sex 24 offender. 25 (3) Subsequent to the initial report required under 26 subsection (2), a sex offender shall report in person at a 27 driver's license office of the Department of Highway Safety 28 and Motor Vehicles within 48 hours after any change in the 29 offender's permanent or temporary residence. At the driver's 30 license office the sex offender shall: 31 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (a) If otherwise qualified, secure a Florida driver's 2 license, renew a Florida driver's license, or secure an 3 identification card. The sex offender shall identify himself 4 or herself as a sex offender who is required to comply with 5 this section. The sex offender shall provide any of the 6 information specified in subsection (2), if requested. The sex 7 offender shall submit to the taking of a photograph for use in 8 issuing a driver's license, renewed license, or identification 9 card, and for use by the department in maintaining current 10 records of sex offenders. 11 (b) Pay the costs assessed by the Department of 12 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for issuing or renewing a 13 driver's license or identification card as required by this 14 section. 15 (c) Provide, upon request, any additional information 16 necessary to confirm the identity of the sex offender, 17 including a set of fingerprints. 18 (4) Each time a sex offender's driver's license or 19 identification card is subject to renewal, the offender shall 20 report in person to a driver's license office, regardless of 21 whether the offender's residence has changed, and shall be 22 subject to the requirements specified in subsection (3). The 23 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall forward 24 to the department all photographs and information provided by 25 sex offenders. Notwithstanding the restrictions set forth in 26 s. 322.142, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 27 Vehicles is authorized to release a reproduction of a 28 color-photograph or digital-image license to the Department of 29 Law Enforcement for purposes of public notification of sexual 30 offenders as provided in ss. 943.043, 943.0435, and 944.606. 31 25 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (5) This section does not apply to a sex offender who 2 is also a sexual predator, as defined in s. 775.21. A sexual 3 predator must register as required under s. 775.21. 4 (6) A sex offender who does not comply with the 5 requirements of this section commits a felony of the third 6 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or 7 s. 775.084. 8 (7) The department, the Department of Highway Safety 9 and Motor Vehicles, the Department of Corrections, and the 10 personnel of those departments are immune from civil liability 11 for damages for good-faith compliance with the requirements of 12 this section, and shall be presumed to have acted in good 13 faith in compiling, recording, and reporting information. The 14 presumption of good faith is not overcome if a technical or 15 clerical error is made by the department, the Department of 16 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the Department of 17 Corrections, or the personnel of those departments in 18 compiling or providing information, or if information is 19 incomplete or incorrect because a sex offender fails to report 20 or falsely reports his or her current place of permanent or 21 temporary residence. 22 Section 9. Section 944.607, Florida Statutes, is 23 created to read: 24 944.607 Notification to Department of Law Enforcement 25 of information on sex offenders.-- 26 (1) As used in this section, the term: 27 (a) "Sex offender" means a person who is in the 28 custody or control of, or under the supervision of, the 29 department or is in the custody of a private correctional 30 facility on or after October 1, 1997, as a result of a 31 conviction for committing, or attempting, soliciting, or 26 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses proscribed 2 in the following statutes in this state or analogous offenses 3 in another jurisdiction: s. 787.025, chapter 794, s. 796.03, 4 s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.0145, 5 or any similar offense committed in this state which has been 6 redesignated from a former statute number to one of those 7 listed in this paragraph. 8 (b) "Conviction" means a determination of guilt as a 9 result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication 10 is withheld. 11 (2) In addition to notification and transmittal 12 requirements imposed by any other provision of law, the 13 department shall compile information on any sex offender and 14 provide the information to the Department of Law Enforcement. 15 The information shall be made available electronically to the 16 Department of Law Enforcement as soon as this information is 17 in the department's database and must be in a format that is 18 compatible with the requirements of the Florida Crime 19 Information Center. 20 (3) The information provided to the Department of Law 21 Enforcement must include: 22 (a) The name of the sex offender and any alias, if 23 known; 24 (b) The sex offender's most current address and place 25 of permanent or temporary residence, including the name of the 26 county or municipality in which the offender permanently or 27 temporarily resides and, if known, the intended place of 28 permanent or temporary residence upon satisfaction of all 29 sanctions; 30 (c) The legal status of the sex offender and the 31 scheduled termination date of that legal status; 27 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (d) The location of, and local telephone number for, 2 any office of probation, community control, parole, 3 conditional release, or control release which is responsible 4 for supervising the sex offender; 5 (e) An indication of whether the victim of the offense 6 that resulted in the offender's status as a sex offender was a 7 minor; 8 (f) A physical description of the sex offender; 9 (g) The offense or offenses at conviction which 10 resulted in the determination of the offender's status as a 11 sex offender; and 12 (h) A digitized photograph of the sex offender which 13 must have been taken within 60 days before the offender is 14 released from the custody of the department or a private 15 correctional facility by expiration of sentence under s. 16 944.275 or must have been taken by January 1, 1998, or within 17 60 days after the onset of the department's supervision of any 18 sex offender who is on probation, community control, 19 conditional release, parole, provisional release, or control 20 release or who is supervised by the department under the 21 Interstate Compact Agreement for Probationers and Parolees. If 22 the sex offender is in the custody of a private correctional 23 facility, the facility shall take a digitized photograph of 24 the sex offender within the time period provided in this 25 paragraph and shall provide the photograph to the department. 26 27 If any information provided by the department changes during 28 the time the sex offender is under the department's control, 29 custody, or supervision, the department shall update the 30 information and provide it to the Department of Law 31 Enforcement in the manner prescribed in subsection (2). 28 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (4) The department and its personnel are immune from 2 civil liability for damages for good-faith compliance with 3 this section, and shall be presumed to have acted in good 4 faith in compiling, recording, and providing information. The 5 presumption of good faith is not overcome if technical or 6 clerical errors are made by the department and its personnel 7 in compiling, recording, or providing information, if the 8 information compiled, recorded, or provided by the department 9 and its personnel is incomplete because the information has 10 not been provided to the department by a person or agency 11 required to provide the information, or if the department and 12 its personnel compile, record, or provide information that was 13 falsely reported without the knowledge of the department and 14 its personnel. 15 Section 10. Section 944.605, Florida Statutes, 1996 16 Supplement, is amended to read: 17 944.605 Inmate release; notice by Department of 18 Corrections, Control Release Authority, or Parole 19 Commission.-- 20 (1) Within 6 months before the release of an inmate 21 from the custody of the Department of Corrections or a private 22 correctional facility by expiration of sentence under s. 23 944.275, any release program provided by law, or parole under 24 chapter 947, or as soon as possible if the offender is 25 released earlier than anticipated, notification of such 26 anticipated release date shall be made known by the 27 appropriate agency to the chief original sentencing judge of 28 the circuit in which the offender was sentenced, the 29 appropriate state attorney, the original arresting law 30 enforcement agency, the Department of Law Enforcement, and the 31 sheriff as chief law enforcement officer of the county in 29 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 which the inmate plans to reside. If the original sentencing 2 judge is no longer available, such notice shall be sent to the 3 chief judge of the circuit in which the offender was 4 sentenced. In addition, unless otherwise requested by the 5 victim or the personal representative of the victim, the state 6 attorney, the Department of Corrections, the Control Release 7 Authority, or the Parole Commission, whichever is appropriate, 8 shall notify such person within 6 months before the inmate's 9 release, or as soon as possible if the offender is released 10 earlier than anticipated, when if the name and address of such 11 victim or representative of the victim has been furnished to 12 the agency. The state attorney shall provide the latest 13 address documented for the victim to the sheriff with the 14 other documents required by law for the delivery of inmates to 15 those agencies for service of sentence. For the purposes of 16 this section, the Parole Commission or the Control Release 17 Authority is the appropriate agency for any type of release it 18 grants, and the Department of Corrections is the appropriate 19 agency for any type of release it authorizes. This section 20 does not imply any repeal or modification of any provision of 21 law relating to notification of victims. 22 (2) Within 60 120 days before the anticipated release 23 of an inmate under subsection (1), a digitized photograph 24 except for an inmate for which notification is required under 25 subsection (3) or s. 944.606, an exit photo of the inmate to 26 be released shall be made by the Department of Corrections or 27 a private correctional facility, whichever has custody of the 28 inmate. If a private correctional facility makes the digitized 29 photograph, this photograph shall be provided to the 30 Department of Corrections. Additionally, the digitized 31 photograph, whether made by the Department of Corrections or a 30 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 private correctional facility, shall be taken and placed in 2 the inmate's file. The Department of Corrections shall make 3 the digitized photograph available electronically to the 4 Department of Law Enforcement as soon as the digitized 5 photograph is in the department's database and must be in a 6 format that is compatible with the requirements of the Florida 7 Crime Information Center. The department shall provide a copy 8 of the digitized photograph to a local law enforcement agency 9 upon request. 10 (3) If an inmate is to be released after having served 11 one or more sentences for a conviction of robbery, sexual 12 battery, home-invasion robbery, or carjacking, or an inmate to 13 be released has a prior conviction for robbery, sexual 14 battery, home-invasion robbery, or carjacking or similar 15 offense, in this state or in another jurisdiction, and if such 16 prior conviction information is contained in department 17 records, the appropriate releasing agency shall release to the 18 sheriff of the county in which the inmate plans to reside, 19 and, if the inmate plans to reside within a municipality, to 20 the chief of police of that municipality, the following 21 information, which must include, but need not be limited to: 22 (a) Name; 23 (b) Social security number; 24 (c) Date of birth; 25 (d) Race; 26 (e) Sex; 27 (f) Height; 28 (g) Weight; 29 (h) Hair and eye color; 30 (i) Tattoos or other identifying marks; 31 (j) Fingerprints; and 31 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (k) A digitized photograph as provided in subsection 2 (2) taken not more than 90 days before the date of the 3 inmate's release. 4 5 The department, the Parole Commission, or the Control Release 6 Authority shall release the information specified in this 7 subsection within 6 months prior to the discharge of the 8 inmate from the custody of the department. 9 Section 11. Section 944.606, Florida Statutes, 1996 10 Supplement, is amended to read: 11 944.606 Sexual offenders; notification upon release.-- 12 (1) As used in this section: 13 (a) "Conviction" means a determination of guilt that 14 is the result of a plea or a trial, regardless of whether 15 adjudication is withheld. 16 (b) "Sexual offender" means a person who has been 17 convicted of a felony violation of chapter 794, s. 800.04, s. 18 827.071, or s. 847.0145, or a violation of a similar law of 19 another jurisdiction, when the department has received 20 verified information regarding such conviction; an offender's 21 computerized criminal history record is not, in and of itself, 22 verified information. 23 (2) The Legislature finds that sexual offenders, 24 especially those who have committed their offenses against 25 minors, often pose a high risk of engaging in sexual offenses 26 even after being released from incarceration or commitment and 27 that protection of the public from sexual offenders is a 28 paramount governmental interest. Sexual offenders have a 29 reduced expectation of privacy because of the public's 30 interest in public safety and in the effective operation of 31 government. Releasing sexual offender information to law 32 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 enforcement agencies and to persons who request such 2 information, and releasing such information to the public by a 3 law enforcement agency or public agency, will further the 4 governmental interests of public safety. 5 (3)(a) The department must provide information 6 regarding any sexual offender who is being released after 7 serving a period of incarceration for any offense, as follows: 8 1. The department must provide: the sexual offender's 9 name and any alias, if known; the correctional facility from 10 which the sexual offender is released; the sexual offender's, 11 social security number, race, sex, date of birth, height, 12 weight, and hair and eye color; date and county of sentence 13 and each crime for which the offender was sentenced; a copy of 14 the offender's fingerprints and a digitized photograph taken 15 within 60 90 days before of release; the date of release of 16 the sexual offender; and the offender's intended residence 17 address, if known. If the sexual offender is in the custody of 18 a private correctional facility, the facility shall take the 19 digitized photograph of the sexual offender within 60 days 20 before the sexual offender's release and provide this 21 photograph to the Department of Corrections and also place it 22 in the sexual offender's file. 23 2. The department may provide any other information 24 deemed necessary, including criminal and corrections records, 25 nonprivileged personnel and treatment records, when available. 26 (b) The department must provide the information 27 described in subparagraph (a)1. to: 28 1. The sheriff of the county from where the sexual 29 offender was sentenced; 30 31 33 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 2. The sheriff of the county and, if applicable, the 2 police chief of the municipality, where the sexual offender 3 plans to reside; and 4 3. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement; and 5 4.3. Any person who requests such information, 6 7 either within 6 months prior to the anticipated release of a 8 sexual offender, or as soon as possible if an offender is 9 released earlier than anticipated. All such information 10 provided to the Department of Law Enforcement must be 11 available electronically as soon as the information is in the 12 agency's database and must be in a format that is compatible 13 with the requirements of the Florida Crime Information Center. 14 (c) Upon request, the department must provide the 15 information described in subparagraph (a)2. to: 16 1. The sheriff of the county from where the sexual 17 offender was sentenced; and 18 2. The sheriff of the county and, if applicable, the 19 police chief of the municipality, where the sexual offender 20 plans to reside, 21 22 either within 6 months prior to the anticipated release of a 23 sexual offender, or as soon as possible if an offender is 24 released earlier than anticipated. 25 (d) Upon receiving information regarding a sexual 26 offender from the department, the Department of Law 27 Enforcement, the sheriff or the chief of police shall provide 28 the information described in subparagraph (a)1. to any 29 individual who requests such information and may release the 30 information to the public in any manner deemed appropriate, 31 unless the information so received is confidential or exempt 34 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State 2 Constitution. 3 (4) This section authorizes does not authorize the 4 department or any law enforcement agency to notify the 5 community and the public of a sexual offender's presence in 6 the community. However, with respect to a sexual offender who 7 has been found to be a "sexual predator" under chapter 775, 8 the Florida Department of Law Enforcement or any other law 9 enforcement agency must inform the community and the public of 10 the sexual predator's presence in the community, as provided 11 in chapter 775. Release of information pursuant to this 12 section does not constitute unauthorized public disclosure of 13 information that relates to sexual predators under chapter 14 775. 15 (5) An elected or appointed official, public employee, 16 or agency is immune from civil liability for damages resulting 17 from the release of information under this section. 18 Section 12. Section 947.177, Florida Statutes, 1996 19 Supplement, is amended to read: 20 947.177 Inmate release; notice by Department of 21 Corrections, Control Release Authority, or Parole 22 Commission.-- 23 (1) Within 6 months before the release of an inmate 24 from the custody of the Department of Corrections or a private 25 correctional facility by expiration of sentence under s. 26 944.275, control release under s. 947.146, or parole under 27 this chapter, or as soon as possible if the offender is 28 released earlier than anticipated, notification of such 29 release date shall be made known by the appropriate agency to 30 the chief original sentencing judge of the circuit in which 31 the offender was sentenced, the appropriate state attorney, 35 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 the original arresting law enforcement agency, and the sheriff 2 as chief law enforcement officer of the county in which the 3 inmate plans to reside. If the original sentencing judge is 4 no longer available, such notice shall be sent to the chief 5 judge of the circuit in which the offender was sentenced. In 6 addition, unless otherwise requested by the victim or the 7 personal representative of the victim, the state attorney, the 8 Department of Corrections, or the Parole Commission, whichever 9 is appropriate, shall notify such person within 6 months 10 before the inmate's release, or as soon as possible if the 11 offender is released earlier than anticipated, when if the 12 name and address of the victim or representative of the victim 13 has been furnished to the agency. The state attorney shall 14 provide the latest address documented for the victim to the 15 sheriff with the other documents required by law for the 16 delivery of inmates to those agencies for service of sentence. 17 For the purposes of this section, the Parole Commission or the 18 Control Release Authority is the appropriate agency for any 19 type of release it grants, and the Department of Corrections 20 is the appropriate agency for any type of release it 21 authorizes. This section does not imply any repeal or 22 modification of any provision of law relating to notification 23 of victims. 24 (2) Within 60 120 days before the anticipated release 25 of an inmate, a digitized photograph except for an inmate for 26 which notification is required under subsection (3) or s. 27 944.606, an exit photo of the inmate to be released shall be 28 made by the Department of Corrections or a private 29 correctional facility, whichever has custody of the inmate. If 30 a private correctional facility makes the digitized 31 photograph, this photograph shall be provided to the 36 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 Department of Corrections. Additionally, the digitized 2 photograph, whether made by the Department of Corrections or a 3 private correctional facility, shall be taken and placed in 4 the inmate's file. The Department of Corrections shall make 5 the digitized photograph available electronically to the 6 Department of Law Enforcement as soon as the digitized 7 photograph is in the agency's database and must be in a format 8 that is compatible with the requirements of the Florida Crime 9 Information Center. 10 (3) If an inmate is to be released after having served 11 one or more sentences for a conviction of robbery, sexual 12 battery, home-invasion robbery, or carjacking, or an inmate to 13 be released has a prior conviction for robbery, sexual 14 battery, home-invasion robbery, or carjacking or similar 15 offense, in this state or in another jurisdiction, and if such 16 prior conviction information is contained in records of the 17 Department of Corrections, the appropriate releasing agency 18 shall release to the sheriff of the county in which the inmate 19 plans to reside, and, if the inmate plans to reside within a 20 municipality, to the chief of police of that municipality, the 21 following information, which must include, but need not be 22 limited to: 23 (a) Name; 24 (b) Social security number; 25 (c) Date of birth; 26 (d) Race; 27 (e) Sex; 28 (f) Height; 29 (g) Weight; 30 (h) Hair and eye color; 31 (i) Tattoos or other identifying marks; 37 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (j) Fingerprints; and 2 (k) A digitized photograph as provided in subsection 3 (2) taken not more than 90 days before the date of the 4 inmate's release. 5 6 The Department of Corrections, the Parole Commission, or the 7 Control Release Authority shall release the information 8 specified in this subsection within 6 months prior to the 9 discharge of the inmate from the custody of the Department of 10 Corrections. 11 Section 13. Present subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), 12 and (6) of section 948.06, Florida Statutes, are redesignated 13 as subsections (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7), respectively, and 14 a new subsection (2) is added to that section, to read: 15 948.06 Violation of probation or community control; 16 revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay 17 restitution or cost of supervision.-- 18 (2)(a) When any state or local law enforcement agency 19 investigates or arrests a person for committing, or 20 attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit, a violation 21 of: s. 787.025, chapter 794, s. 796.03, s. 800.04, s. 22 827.071, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, or s. 847.0145, the law 23 enforcement agency shall contact the Department of Corrections 24 to verify whether the person under investigation or under 25 arrest is on probation, community control, parole, conditional 26 release, or control release. 27 (b) If the law enforcement agency finds that the 28 person under investigation or under arrest is on probation, 29 community control, parole, conditional release, or control 30 release, the law enforcement agency shall immediately notify 31 38 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 the person's probation officer or release supervisor of the 2 investigation or the arrest. 3 Section 14. Paragraph (f) of subsection (3) of section 4 921.0012, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 5 read: 6 921.0012 Sentencing guidelines offense levels; offense 7 severity ranking chart.-- 8 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 9 Florida Felony 10 Statute Degree Description 11 12 13 (f) LEVEL 6 14 316.027(1)(b) 2nd Accident involving death, failure 15 to stop; leaving scene. 16 316.193(2)(b) 3rd Felony DUI, 4th or subsequent 17 conviction. 18 775.21(9) 3rd Failure to register; failure to 19 renew driver's license or 20 identification card. 21 775.0875(1) 3rd Taking firearm from law 22 enforcement officer. 23 784.021(1)(a) 3rd Aggravated assault; deadly weapon 24 without intent to kill. 25 784.021(1)(b) 3rd Aggravated assault; intent to 26 commit felony. 27 784.048(3) 3rd Aggravated stalking; credible 28 threat. 29 784.07(2)(c) 2nd Aggravated assault on law 30 enforcement officer. 31 39 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 784.08(2)(b) 2nd Aggravated assault on a person 65 2 years of age or older. 3 784.081(2) 2nd Aggravated assault on specified 4 official or employee. 5 784.082(2) 2nd Aggravated assault by detained 6 person on visitor or other 7 detainee. 8 787.02(2) 3rd False imprisonment; restraining 9 with purpose other than those in 10 s. 787.01. 11 790.115(2)(d) 2nd Discharging firearm or weapon on 12 school property. 13 790.161(2) 2nd Make, possess, or throw 14 destructive device with intent to 15 do bodily harm or damage 16 property. 17 790.164(1) 2nd False report of deadly explosive 18 or act of arson or violence to 19 state property. 20 790.19 2nd Shooting or throwing deadly 21 missiles into dwellings, vessels, 22 or vehicles. 23 794.011(8)(a) 3rd Solicitation of minor to 24 participate in sexual activity by 25 custodial adult. 26 794.05(1) 2nd Unlawful sexual activity with 27 specified minor. 28 806.031(2) 2nd Arson resulting in great bodily 29 harm to firefighter or any other 30 person. 31 40 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 810.02(3)(c) 2nd Burglary of occupied structure; 2 unarmed; no assault or battery. 3 812.014(2)(b) 2nd Property stolen $20,000 or more, 4 but less than $100,000, grand 5 theft in 2nd degree. 6 812.13(2)(c) 2nd Robbery, no firearm or other 7 weapon (strong-arm robbery). 8 817.034(4)(a)1. 1st Communications fraud, value 9 greater than $50,000. 10 817.4821(5) 2nd Possess cloning paraphernalia 11 with intent to create cloned 12 cellular telephones. 13 825.102(1) 3rd Abuse of an elderly person or 14 disabled adult. 15 825.102(3)(c) 3rd Neglect of an elderly person or 16 disabled adult. 17 825.1025(3) 3rd Lewd or lascivious molestation of 18 an elderly person or disabled 19 adult. 20 825.103(2)(c) 3rd Exploiting an elderly person or 21 disabled adult and property is 22 valued at $100 or more, but less 23 than $20,000. 24 827.03(1) 3rd Abuse of a child. 25 827.03(3)(c) 3rd Neglect of a child. 26 827.071(2)&(3) 2nd Use or induce a child in a sexual 27 performance, or promote or direct 28 such performance. 29 836.05 2nd Threats; extortion. 30 836.10 2nd Written threats to kill or do 31 bodily injury. 41 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 843.12 3rd Aids or assists person to escape. 2 914.23 2nd Retaliation against a witness, 3 victim, or informant, with bodily 4 injury. 5 943.0435(6) 3rd Sex offenders; failure to comply 6 with reporting requirements. 7 944.35(3)(a)2. 3rd Committing malicious battery upon 8 or inflicting cruel or inhuman 9 treatment on an inmate or 10 offender on community 11 supervision, resulting in great 12 bodily harm. 13 944.40 2nd Escapes. 14 944.46 3rd Harboring, concealing, aiding 15 escaped prisoners. 16 944.47(1)(a)5. 2nd Introduction of contraband 17 (firearm, weapon, or explosive) 18 into correctional facility. 19 951.22(1) 3rd Intoxicating drug, firearm, or 20 weapon introduced into county 21 facility. 22 Section 15. Section 921.0017, Florida Statutes, is 23 amended to read: 24 921.0017 Credit upon recommitment of offender serving 25 split sentence.--Effective for offenses committed on or after 26 January 1, 1994, if an offender's probation or community 27 control is revoked and the offender is serving a split 28 sentence pursuant to s. 948.01, upon recommitment to the 29 Department of Corrections, the court shall order credit for 30 time served only, without considering any type of gain-time 31 earned before release to supervision, or any type of sentence 42 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 reduction granted to avoid prison overcrowding, including, but 2 not limited to, any sentence reduction resulting from 3 administrative gain-time, provisional credits, or control 4 release. The court shall determine the amount of jail-time 5 credit to be awarded for time served between the date of 6 arrest as a violator and the date of recommitment, and shall 7 direct the Department of Corrections to compute and apply 8 credit for all other time served previously on the prior 9 sentence for the offense for which the offender is being 10 recommitted. This section does not affect or limit the 11 department's authority to forfeit gain-time under ss. 12 944.28(1) and 948.06(7) 948.06(6). 13 Section 16. At the time of sentencing of any offender 14 for an offense involving a victim who, at the time the offense 15 was committed, was a minor, the court shall stamp on the face 16 of the judgment "VICTIM IS A MINOR" and shall note this fact 17 on any document or information sent to the Department of Law 18 Enforcement for its incorporation into the criminal justice 19 information system of the Department of Law Enforcement. 20 Section 17. (1) There is appropriated to the Florida 21 Department of Law Enforcement the sum of $311,680 from the 22 General Revenue Fund, and five positions are allocated to the 23 department, for fiscal year 1997-1998. Of the funds 24 appropriated to the Department of Law Enforcement, the sum of 25 $209,750 may be expended for recurring costs. 26 (2) There is appropriated to the Department of 27 Corrections the sum of $141,160 from the General Revenue Fund 28 for fiscal year 1997-1998. Of the funds appropriated to the 29 Department of Corrections, the sum of $31,200 may be expended 30 for recurring costs. 31 43 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 393, First Engrossed 1 (3) There is appropriated to the Department of Highway 2 Safety and Motor Vehicles the sum of $31,748 from the Highway 3 Safety Operating Trust Fund for fiscal year 1997-1998. 4 Section 18. This act shall take effect October 1, 5 1997. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 44