CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  Senators Harris, Hargrett and Meadows moved the following

12  amendment:


14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

15         On page 3, lines 1-19, delete those lines


17  and insert:

18         Section 2.  Subsection (6) of section 14.2015, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         14.2015  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

21  Development; creation; powers and duties.--

22         (6)(a)  In order to improve the state's regulatory

23  environment, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

24  Development shall consider the impact of agency rules on

25  businesses, provide one-stop permit information and

26  assistance, and serve as an advocate for businesses,

27  particularly small businesses, in their dealings with state

28  agencies.

29         (b)  As used in this subsection, the term "permit"

30  means any approval of an agency required as a condition of

31  operating a business in this state, including, but not limited

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 1  to, licenses and registrations.

 2         (c)  The office shall have powers and duties to:

 3         1.  Review proposed agency actions for impacts on small

 4  businesses and offer alternatives to mitigate such impacts, as

 5  provided in s. 120.54.

 6         2.  In consultation with the Governor's rules

 7  ombudsman, make recommendations to agencies on any existing

 8  and proposed rules for alleviating unnecessary or

 9  disproportionate adverse effects to businesses.

10         3.  Make recommendations to the Legislature and to

11  agencies for improving permitting procedures affecting

12  business activities in the state. By October 1, 1997, and

13  annually thereafter as part of the report prepared pursuant to

14  paragraph (2)(e), the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

15  Development shall submit a report to the Legislature on

16  containing the following:

17         a.  An identification and description of methods to

18  eliminate, consolidate, simplify, or expedite permits.

19         b.  An identification and description of those agency

20  rules repealed or modified during each calendar year to

21  improve the regulatory climate for businesses operating in the

22  state.

23         c.  A recommendation for an operating plan and funding

24  level for establishing an automated one-stop permit registry

25  to provide the following services:

26         (I)  Access by computer network to all permit

27  applications and approval requirements of each state agency.

28         (II)  Assistance in the completion of such

29  applications.

30         (III)  Centralized collection of any permit fees and

31  distribution of such fees to agencies.

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 1         (IV)  Submission of application data and circulation of

 2  such data among state agencies by computer network.


 4  Subject to legislative appropriation, the Office of Tourism,

 5  Trade, and Economic Development is authorized to coordinate

 6  the establishment of such a one-stop permit registry,

 7  including, but not limited to, working with all appropriate

 8  state agencies on the implementation of the operating plan. If

 9  the Legislature establishes such a registry is established,

10  subsequent annual reports to the Legislature from the Office

11  of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development pursuant to this

12  paragraph must cover the status and performance of this

13  registry.

14         4.  Serve as a clearinghouse for information on which

15  permits are required for a particular business and on the

16  respective application process, including criteria applied in

17  making a determination on a permit application. Each state

18  agency that requires a permit, license, or registration for a

19  business shall submit to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

20  Economic Development by August 1 of each year a list of the

21  types of businesses and professions that it regulates and of

22  each permit, license, or registration that it requires for a

23  type of business or profession.

24         5.  Obtain information and permit applications from

25  agencies and provide such information and permit applications

26  to the public.

27         6.  Arrange, upon request, informal conferences between

28  a business and an agency to clarify regulatory requirements or

29  standards or to identify and address problems in the permit

30  review process.

31         7.  Determine, upon request, the status of a particular

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 1  permit application.

 2         8.  Receive complaints and suggestions concerning

 3  permitting policies and activities of governmental agencies

 4  which affect businesses.

 5         (d)  Use of the services authorized in this subsection

 6  does not preclude a person or business from dealing directly

 7  with an agency.

 8         (e)  In carrying out its duties under this subsection,

 9  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development may

10  consult with state agency personnel appointed to serve as

11  economic development liaisons under s. 288.021.

12         (f)  The office shall clearly represent that its

13  services are advisory, informational, and facilitative only.

14  Advice, information, and assistance rendered by the office

15  does not relieve any person or business from the obligation to

16  secure a required permit. The office is not liable for any

17  consequences resulting from the failure to issue or to secure

18  a required permit. However, an applicant who uses the services

19  of the office and who receives a written statement identifying

20  required state permits relating to a business activity may not

21  be assessed a penalty for failure to obtain a state permit

22  that was not identified, if the applicant submits an

23  application for each such permit within 60 days after written

24  notification from the agency responsible for issuing the

25  permit.

26         Section 3.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (5) of section

27  212.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         212.08  Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution,

29  and storage tax; specified exemptions.--The sale at retail,

30  the rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and

31  the storage to be used or consumed in this state of the

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 1  following are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed

 2  by this chapter.

 3         (5)  EXEMPTIONS; ACCOUNT OF USE.--

 4         (h)  Business property used in an enterprise zone.--

 5         1.  Beginning July 1, 1995, business property purchased

 6  for use by businesses located in an enterprise zone which is

 7  subsequently used in an enterprise zone shall be exempt from

 8  the tax imposed by this chapter. This exemption inures to the

 9  business only through a refund of previously paid taxes. A

10  refund shall be authorized upon an affirmative showing by the

11  taxpayer to the satisfaction of the department that the

12  requirements of this paragraph have been met.

13         2.  To receive a refund, the business must file under

14  oath with the governing body or enterprise zone development

15  agency having jurisdiction over the enterprise zone where the

16  business is located, as applicable, an application which

17  includes:

18         a.  The name and address of the business claiming the

19  refund.

20         b.  The identifying number assigned pursuant to s.

21  290.0065 to the enterprise zone in which the business is

22  located.

23         c.  A specific description of the property for which a

24  refund is sought, including its serial number or other

25  permanent identification number.

26         d.  The location of the property.

27         e.  The sales invoice or other proof of purchase of the

28  property, showing the amount of sales tax paid, the date of

29  purchase, and the name and address of the sales tax dealer

30  from whom the property was purchased.

31         f.  Whether the business is a small business as defined

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 1  by s. 288.703(1).

 2         g.  If applicable, the name and address of each

 3  permanent employee of the business, including, for each

 4  employee who is a resident of an enterprise zone, the

 5  identifying number assigned pursuant to s. 290.0065 to the

 6  enterprise zone in which the employee resides.

 7         3.  Within 10 working days after receipt of an

 8  application, the governing body or enterprise zone development

 9  agency shall review the application to determine if it

10  contains all the information required pursuant to subparagraph

11  2. and meets the criteria set out in this paragraph. The

12  governing body or agency shall certify all applications that

13  contain the information required pursuant to subparagraph 2.

14  and meet the criteria set out in this paragraph as eligible to

15  receive a refund. If applicable, the governing body or agency

16  shall also certify if 20 percent of the employees of the

17  business are residents of an enterprise zone, excluding

18  temporary and part-time employees. The certification shall be

19  in writing, and a copy of the certification shall be

20  transmitted to the executive director of the Department of

21  Revenue. The business shall be responsible for forwarding a

22  certified application to the department within the time

23  specified in subparagraph 4.

24         4.  An application for a refund pursuant to this

25  paragraph must be submitted to the department within 6 months

26  after the business property is purchased.

27         5.  The provisions of s. 212.095 do not apply to any

28  refund application made pursuant to this paragraph. The amount

29  refunded on purchases of business property under this

30  paragraph shall be the lesser of 97 percent of the sales tax

31  paid on such business property or $5,000, or, if no less than

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 1  20 percent of the employees of the business are residents of

 2  an enterprise zone, excluding temporary and part-time

 3  employees, the amount refunded on purchases of business

 4  property under this paragraph shall be the lesser of 97

 5  percent of the sales tax paid on such business property or

 6  $10,000. A refund approved pursuant to this paragraph shall be

 7  made within 30 days of formal approval by the department of

 8  the application for the refund. No refund shall be granted

 9  under this paragraph unless the amount to be refunded exceeds

10  $100 in sales tax paid on purchases made within a 60-day time

11  period.

12         6.  The department shall adopt rules governing the

13  manner and form of refund applications and may establish

14  guidelines as to the requisites for an affirmative showing of

15  qualification for exemption under this paragraph.

16         7.  If the department determines that the business

17  property is used outside an enterprise zone within 3 years

18  from the date of purchase, the amount of taxes refunded to the

19  business purchasing such business property shall immediately

20  be due and payable to the department by the business, together

21  with the appropriate interest and penalty, computed from the

22  date of purchase, in the manner provided by this chapter.

23  Notwithstanding this subparagraph, business property used

24  exclusively in:

25         a.  Licensed commercial fishing vessels,

26         b.  Fishing guide boats, or

27         c.  Ecotourism guide boats


29  that leave and return to a fixed location within an area

30  designated under s. 370.28 are eligible for the exemption

31  provided under this paragraph if all requirements of this

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 1  paragraph are met. Such vessels and boats must be owned by a

 2  business that is eligible to receive the exemption provided

 3  under this paragraph. This exemption does not apply to the

 4  purchase of a vessel or boat.

 5         8.  The department shall deduct an amount equal to 10

 6  percent of each refund granted under the provisions of this

 7  paragraph from the amount transferred into the Local

 8  Government Half-cent Sales Tax Clearing Trust Fund pursuant to

 9  s. 212.20 for the county area in which the business property

10  is located and shall transfer that amount to the General

11  Revenue Fund.

12         9.  For the purposes of this exemption, "business

13  property" means new or used property defined as "recovery

14  property" in s. 168(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954,

15  as amended, except:

16         a.  Property classified as 3-year property under s.

17  168(c)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended;

18         b.  Industrial machinery and equipment as defined in

19  sub-subparagraph (b)6.a. and eligible for exemption under

20  paragraph (b); and

21         c.  Building materials as defined in sub-subparagraph

22  (g)8.a.

23         10.  The provisions of this paragraph shall expire and

24  be void on December 31, 2005.

25         Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 212.097, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         212.097  Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit

28  Program.--

29         (2)  As used in this section, the term:

30         (a)  "Eligible business" means any sole proprietorship,

31  firm, partnership, or corporation that is located in a

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 1  qualified county and is predominantly engaged in, or is

 2  headquarters for a business predominantly engaged in,

 3  activities usually provided for consideration by firms

 4  classified within the following standard industrial

 5  classifications:  SIC 01 through SIC 09 (agriculture,

 6  forestry, and fishing); SIC 20 through SIC 39 (manufacturing);

 7  SIC 52 through SIC 57 and SIC 59 (retail); SIC 422 (public

 8  warehousing and storage); SIC 70 (hotels and other lodging

 9  places); SIC 7391 (research and development); SIC 7992 (public

10  golf courses); and SIC 7996 (amusement  parks). A call center

11  or similar customer service operation that services a

12  multistate market or international market is also an eligible

13  business. Excluded from eligible receipts are receipts from

14  retail sales, except such receipts for SIC 52 through SIC 57

15  and SIC 59 (retail), hotels and other lodging places

16  classified in SIC 70, public golf courses in SIC 7992, and

17  amusement parks in SIC 7996. For purposes of this paragraph,

18  the term "predominantly" means that more than 50 percent of

19  the business's gross receipts from all sources is generated by

20  those activities usually provided for consideration by firms

21  in the specified standard industrial classification. The

22  determination of whether the business is located in a

23  qualified high-crime area and the tier ranking of that area

24  must be based on the date of application for the credit under

25  this section. Commonly owned and controlled entities are to be

26  considered a single business entity.

27         (b)  "Qualified employee" means any employee of an

28  eligible business who performs duties in connection with the

29  operations of the business on a regular, full-time basis for

30  an average of at least 36 hours per week for at least 3 months

31  within the qualified high-crime area in which the eligible

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 1  business is located. An owner or partner of the eligible

 2  business is not a qualified employee. The term also includes

 3  an employee leased from an employee leasing company licensed

 4  under chapter 468, if such employee has been continuously

 5  leased to the employer for an average of at least 36 hours per

 6  week for more than 6 months.

 7         (c)  "New business" means any eligible business first

 8  beginning operation on a site in a qualified high-crime area

 9  and clearly separate from any other commercial or business

10  operation of the business entity within a qualified high-crime

11  area. A business entity that operated an eligible business

12  within a qualified high-crime area within the 48 months before

13  the period provided for application by subsection (3) date

14  shall not be considered a new business.

15         (d)  "Existing business" means any eligible business

16  that does not meet the criteria for a new business.

17         (e)  "Qualified high-crime area" means an area selected

18  by the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development in

19  the following manner: every third year, the office shall rank

20  and tier those areas nominated under subsection (8), according

21  to the following prioritized criteria:

22         1.  Highest arrest rates within the geographic area for

23  violent crime and for such other crimes as drug sale, drug

24  possession, prostitution, vandalism, and civil disturbances;

25         2.  Highest reported crime volume and rate of specific

26  property crimes such as business and residential burglary,

27  motor vehicle theft, and vandalism;

28         3.  Highest percentage of reported index crimes that

29  are violent in nature;

30         4.  Highest overall index crime volume for the area;

31  and

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 1         5.  Highest overall index crime rate for the geographic

 2  area.


 4  Tier-one areas are ranked 1 through 5 and represent the

 5  highest crime areas according to this ranking.  Tier-two areas

 6  are ranked 6 through 10 according to this ranking.  Tier-three

 7  areas are ranked 11 through 15.

 8         Section 5.  Subsection (2) of section 212.098, Florida

 9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         212.098  Rural Job Tax Credit Program.--

11         (2)  As used in this section, the term:

12         (a)  "Eligible business" means any sole proprietorship,

13  firm, partnership, or corporation that is located in a

14  qualified county and is predominantly engaged in, or is

15  headquarters for a business predominantly engaged in,

16  activities usually provided for consideration by firms

17  classified within the following standard industrial

18  classifications:  SIC 01 through SIC 09 (agriculture,

19  forestry, and fishing); SIC 20 through SIC 39 (manufacturing);

20  SIC 422 (public warehousing and storage); SIC 70 (hotels and

21  other lodging places); SIC 7391 (research and development);

22  SIC 7992 (public golf courses); and SIC 7996 (amusement

23  parks). A call center or similar customer service operation

24  that services a multistate market or an international market

25  is also an eligible business. Excluded from eligible receipts

26  are receipts from retail sales, except such receipts for

27  hotels and other lodging places classified in SIC 70, public

28  golf courses in SIC 7992, and amusement parks in SIC 7996.

29  For purposes of this paragraph, the term "predominantly" means

30  that more than 50 percent of the business's gross receipts

31  from all sources is generated by those activities usually

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 1  provided for consideration by firms in the specified standard

 2  industrial classification. The determination of whether the

 3  business is located in a qualified county and the tier ranking

 4  of that county must be based on the date of application for

 5  the credit under this section. Commonly owned and controlled

 6  entities are to be considered a single business entity.

 7         (b)  "Qualified employee" means any employee of an

 8  eligible business who performs duties in connection with the

 9  operations of the business on a regular, full-time basis for

10  an average of at least 36 hours per week for at least 3 months

11  within the qualified county in which the eligible business is

12  located. An owner or partner of the eligible business is not a

13  qualified employee.

14         (c)  "Qualified county" means a county that has a

15  population of fewer than 75,000 persons, or any county that

16  has a population of 100,000 or less and is contiguous to a

17  county that has a population of less than 75,000, selected in

18  the following manner:  every third year, the Office of

19  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall rank and tier

20  the state's counties according to the following four factors:

21         1.  Highest unemployment rate for the most recent

22  36-month period.

23         2.  Lowest per capita income for the most recent

24  36-month period.

25         3.  Highest percentage of residents whose incomes are

26  below the poverty level, based upon the most recent data

27  available.

28         4.  Average weekly manufacturing wage, based upon the

29  most recent data available.


31  Tier-one qualified counties are those ranked 1 through 5 and

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 1  represent the state's least-developed counties according to

 2  this ranking. Tier-two qualified counties are those ranked 6

 3  through 10, and tier-three counties are those ranked 11

 4  through 15.

 5         (d)  "New business" means any eligible business first

 6  beginning operation on a site in a qualified county and

 7  clearly separate from any other commercial or business

 8  operation of the business entity within a qualified county. A

 9  business entity that operated an eligible business within a

10  qualified county within the 48 months before the period

11  provided for application by subsection (3) date shall not be

12  considered a new business.

13         (e)  "Existing business" means any eligible business

14  that does not meet the criteria for a new business.

15         Section 6.  Section 288.075, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         288.075  Confidentiality of records.--

18         (1)  As used in this section, the term "economic

19  development agency" means the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

20  Economic Development Division of Economic Development of the

21  Department of Commerce, any industrial development authority

22  created in accordance with part III of chapter 159 or by

23  special law, the public economic development agency that

24  advises the county commission on the issuance of industrial

25  revenue bonds of a county that does not have an industrial

26  development authority created in accordance with part III of

27  chapter 159 or by special law, or any research and development

28  authority created in accordance with part V of chapter 159.

29  The term also includes any private agency, person,

30  partnership, corporation, or business entity when authorized

31  by the state, a municipality, or a county to promote the

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 1  general business interests or industrial interests of the

 2  state or that municipality or county.

 3         (2)  Upon written request from a private corporation,

 4  partnership, or person, records of an economic development

 5  agency which contain or would provide information concerning

 6  plans, intentions, or interests of such private corporation,

 7  partnership, or person to locate, relocate, or expand any of

 8  its business activities in this state are confidential and

 9  exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State

10  Constitution for 24 months after the date an economic

11  development agency receives a request for confidentiality or

12  until disclosed by an economic development agency pursuant to

13  subsection (4) or by the party requesting confidentiality

14  under this section. Confidentiality must be maintained until

15  the expiration of the 24-month period or until documents or

16  information are otherwise disclosed, whichever occurs first.

17  This confidentiality does not apply when any party petitions a

18  court of competent jurisdiction and, in the opinion of the

19  court, proves need for access to such documents. This

20  exemption expires October 2, 2001, and is subject to review by

21  the Legislature under the Open Government Sunset Review Act of

22  1995 in accordance with s. 119.15.

23         (3)  This section does not waive any provision of

24  chapter 120 or any other provision of law requiring a public

25  hearing.

26         (4)  A public officer or employee or any person who is

27  an employee of an economic development agency may not enter

28  into a binding agreement with any corporation, partnership, or

29  person who has requested confidentiality of information

30  pursuant to this section, until 90 days after such information

31  is made public, unless such public officer or employee or

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 1  economic development agency employee is acting in an official

 2  capacity.

 3         (5)  Any person who is an employee of an economic

 4  development agency who violates the provisions of this section

 5  is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as

 6  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

 7         Section 7.  Subsection (3) of section 288.095, Florida

 8  Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         288.095  Economic Development Trust Fund.--

10         (3)(a)  Contingent upon an annual appropriation by the

11  Legislature, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

12  Development may approve tax refunds pursuant to ss. 288.1045,

13  288.106, and 288.107. The office may not approve tax refunds

14  in excess of the amount appropriated to the Economic

15  Development Incentives Account for such tax refunds, for a

16  fiscal year pursuant to paragraph (b).

17         (b)1.  The combined total amount of the state share of

18  tax refund claims refunds approved by the Office of Tourism,

19  Trade, and Economic Development pursuant to ss. 288.1045,

20  288.106, and 288.107 for a single fiscal year shall not exceed

21  the amount appropriated to the Economic Development Incentives

22  Account for such state share of tax refunds purposes for the

23  fiscal year. In the event the Legislature does not appropriate

24  an amount sufficient to satisfy projections by the office for

25  tax refunds under ss. 288.1045, 288.106, and 288.107 in a

26  fiscal year, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

27  Development shall, not later than July 15 of such year,

28  determine the proportion of each refund claim which shall be

29  paid by dividing the amount appropriated for tax refunds for

30  the fiscal year by the projected total of refund claims for

31  the fiscal year. The amount of each claim for a tax refund

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 1  shall be multiplied by the resulting quotient. If, after the

 2  payment of all such refund claims, funds remain in the

 3  Economic Development Incentives Account for tax refunds, the

 4  office shall recalculate the proportion for each refund claim

 5  and adjust the amount of each claim accordingly.

 6         2.  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 7  Development or any of its agents shall not enter into any

 8  contract, agreement, legal consideration, or obligation that

 9  creates an obligation or expectation that the Legislature will

10  appropriate for the state share of tax refund payments under

11  ss. 288.1045, 288.106, and 288.107, an amount in excess of

12  $15,000,000 for fiscal year 1999-20, and $20,000,000 for any

13  year following fiscal year 1999-20. Any contract, agreement,

14  legal consideration, or obligation entered by the office,

15  pertaining to tax refund payments shall clearly state that it

16  does not constitute a general obligation of the State of

17  Florida, nor is it backed by the full faith and credit of the

18  State of Florida. Further it shall state that payment of tax

19  refunds are conditioned on and subject to specific annual

20  appropriations by the Florida Legislature of moneys sufficient

21  to pay amounts authorized in ss. 288.1045, 288.106, and

22  288.107.

23         (c)  By September 30 of each year, the Office of

24  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall submit a

25  complete and detailed report to the board of directors of

26  Enterprise Florida, Inc., created under part VII of this

27  chapter, of all applications received, final decisions issued,

28  tax refund agreements executed, and tax refunds paid or other

29  payments made under all programs funded out of the Economic

30  Development Incentives Account, including analyses of benefits

31  and costs, types of projects supported, and employment and

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 1  investment created. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 2  Development shall also include a separate analysis of the

 3  impact of such tax refunds on state enterprise zones

 4  designated pursuant to s. 290.0065. By December 1 of each

 5  year, the board of directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

 6  shall review and comment on the report, and the board shall

 7  submit the report, together with the comments of the board, to

 8  the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of

 9  the House of Representatives. The report must discuss whether

10  the authority and moneys appropriated by the Legislature to

11  the Economic Development Incentives Account were managed and

12  expended in a prudent, fiducially sound manner.

13         (d)  Moneys in the Economic Development Incentives

14  Account may be used only to pay tax refunds and other payments

15  authorized under s. 288.1045, s. 288.106, or s. 288.107.

16         (e)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

17  Development may adopt rules necessary to carry out the

18  provisions of this subsection, including rules providing for

19  the use of moneys in the Economic Development Incentives

20  Account and for the administration of the Economic Development

21  Incentives Account.

22         Section 8.  Section 288.1045, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         288.1045  Qualified defense contractor tax refund

25  program.--

26         (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

27         (a)  "Consolidation of a Department of Defense

28  contract" means the consolidation of one or more of an

29  applicant's facilities under one or more Department of Defense

30  contracts either from outside this state or from inside and

31  outside this state, into one or more of the applicant's

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 1  facilities inside this state.

 2         (b)  "Average wage in the area" means the average of

 3  all wages and salaries in the state, the county, or in the

 4  standard metropolitan area in which the business unit is

 5  located.

 6         (c)  "Applicant" means any business entity that holds a

 7  valid Department of Defense contract or any business entity

 8  that is a subcontractor under a valid Department of Defense

 9  contract or any business entity that holds a valid contract

10  for the reuse of a defense-related facility, including all

11  members of an affiliated group of corporations as defined in

12  s. 220.03(1)(b).

13         (d)  "Office" "Division" means the Office of Tourism,

14  Trade, and Economic Development Division of Economic

15  Development of the Department of Commerce.

16         (e)  "Department of Defense contract" means a

17  competitively bid Department of Defense contract or a

18  competitively bid federal agency contract issued on behalf of

19  the Department of Defense for manufacturing, assembling,

20  fabricating, research, development, or design with a duration

21  of 2 or more years, but excluding any contract to provide

22  goods, improvements to real or tangible property, or services

23  directly to or for any particular military base or

24  installation in this state.

25         (f)  "New Department of Defense contract" means a

26  Department of Defense contract entered into after the date

27  application for certification as a qualified applicant is made

28  and after January 1, 1994.

29         (g)  "Jobs" means full-time equivalent positions,

30  consistent with the use of such terms by the Department of

31  Labor and Employment Security for the purpose of unemployment

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 1  compensation tax, resulting directly from a project in this

 2  state. This number does not include temporary construction

 3  jobs involved with the construction of facilities for the

 4  project.

 5         (h)  "Nondefense production jobs" means employment

 6  exclusively for activities that, directly or indirectly, are

 7  unrelated to the Department of Defense.

 8         (i)  "Project" means any business undertaking in this

 9  state under a new Department of Defense contract,

10  consolidation of a Department of Defense contract, or

11  conversion of defense production jobs over to nondefense

12  production jobs or reuse of defense-related facilities.

13         (j)  "Qualified applicant" means an applicant that has

14  been approved by the director secretary to be eligible for tax

15  refunds pursuant to this section.

16         (k)  "Director" "Secretary" means the director of the

17  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development Secretary

18  of Commerce.

19         (l)  "Taxable year" means the same as in s.

20  220.03(1)(z).

21         (m)  "Fiscal year" means the fiscal year of the state.

22         (n)  "Business unit" means an employing unit, as

23  defined in s. 443.036, that is registered with the Department

24  of Labor and Employment Security for unemployment compensation

25  purposes or means a subcategory or division of an employing

26  unit that is accepted by the Department of Labor and

27  Employment Security as a reporting unit.

28         (o)  "Local financial support" means funding from local

29  sources, public or private, which is paid to the Economic

30  Development Trust Fund and which is equal to 20 percent of the

31  annual tax refund for a qualified applicant. Local financial

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 1  support may include excess payments made to a utility company

 2  under a designated program to allow decreases in service by

 3  the utility company under conditions, regardless of when

 4  application is made. A qualified applicant may not provide,

 5  directly or indirectly, more than 5 percent of such funding in

 6  any fiscal year. The sources of such funding may not include,

 7  directly or indirectly, state funds appropriated from the

 8  General Revenue Fund or any state trust fund, excluding tax

 9  revenues shared with local governments pursuant to law.

10         (p)  "Contract for reuse of a defense-related facility"

11  means a contract with a duration of 2 or more years for the

12  use of a facility for manufacturing, assembling, fabricating,

13  research, development, or design of tangible personal

14  property, but excluding any contract to provide goods,

15  improvements to real or tangible property, or services

16  directly to or for any particular military base or

17  installation in this state. Such facility must be located

18  within a port, as defined in s. 313.21, and have been occupied

19  by a business entity that held a valid Department of Defense

20  contract or occupied by any branch of the Armed Forces of the

21  United States, within 1 year of any contract being executed

22  for the reuse of such facility. A contract for reuse of a

23  defense-related facility may not include any contract for

24  reuse of such facility for any Department of Defense contract

25  for manufacturing, assembling, fabricating, research,

26  development, or design.

27         (q)  "Local financial support exemption option" means

28  the option to exercise an exemption from the local financial

29  support requirement available to any applicant whose project

30  is located in a county designated by the Rural Economic

31  Development Initiative, if the county commissioners of the

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 1  county in which the project will be located adopt a resolution

 2  requesting that the applicant's project be exempt from the

 3  local financial support requirement. Any applicant that

 4  exercises this option is not eligible for more than 80 percent

 5  of the total tax refunds allowed such applicant under this

 6  section.


 8         (a)  There shall be allowed, from the Economic

 9  Development Trust Fund, a refund to a qualified applicant for

10  the amount of eligible taxes certified by the director

11  secretary which were paid by such qualified applicant. The

12  total amount of refunds for all fiscal years for each

13  qualified applicant shall be determined pursuant to subsection

14  (3). The annual amount of a refund to a qualified applicant

15  shall be determined pursuant to subsection (5).

16         (b)  A qualified applicant may not be qualified for any

17  project to receive more than $5,000 times the number of jobs

18  provided in the tax refund agreement pursuant to subparagraph

19  (4)(a)1. A qualified applicant may not receive refunds of more

20  than 25 percent of the total tax refunds provided in the tax

21  refund agreement pursuant to subparagraph (4)(a)1. in any

22  fiscal year, provided that no qualified applicant may receive

23  more than $2.5 million in tax refunds pursuant to this section

24  in any fiscal year.

25         (c)  A qualified applicant may not receive more than

26  $7.5 million in tax refunds pursuant to this section in all

27  fiscal years.

28         (d)  Contingent upon an annual appropriation by the

29  Legislature, the director secretary may approve not more than

30  the lesser of $25 million in tax refunds than or the amount

31  appropriated to the Economic Development Trust Fund for tax

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 1  refunds, for a fiscal year pursuant to subsection (5) and s.

 2  288.095.

 3         (e)  For the first 6 months of each fiscal year, the

 4  director secretary shall set aside 30 percent of the amount

 5  appropriated for refunds pursuant to this section by the

 6  Legislature to provide tax refunds only to qualified

 7  applicants who employ 500 or fewer full-time employees in this

 8  state. Any unencumbered funds remaining undisbursed from this

 9  set-aside at the end of the 6-month period may be used to

10  provide tax refunds for any qualified applicants pursuant to

11  this section.

12         (f)  After entering into a tax refund agreement

13  pursuant to subsection (4), a qualified applicant may receive

14  refunds from the Economic Development Trust Fund for the

15  following taxes due and paid by the qualified applicant

16  beginning with the applicant's first taxable year that begins

17  after entering into the agreement:

18         1.  Taxes on sales, use, and other transactions paid

19  pursuant to chapter 212.

20         2.  Corporate income taxes paid pursuant to chapter

21  220.

22         3.  Intangible personal property taxes paid pursuant to

23  chapter 199.

24         4.  Emergency excise taxes paid pursuant to chapter

25  221.

26         5.  Excise taxes paid on documents pursuant to chapter

27  201.

28         6.  Ad valorem taxes paid, as defined in s.

29  220.03(1)(a) on June 1, 1996.


31  However, a qualified applicant may not receive a tax refund

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 1  pursuant to this section for any amount of credit, refund, or

 2  exemption granted such contractor for any of such taxes. If a

 3  refund for such taxes is provided by the office Department of

 4  Commerce, which taxes are subsequently adjusted by the

 5  application of any credit, refund, or exemption granted to the

 6  qualified applicant other than that provided in this section,

 7  the qualified applicant shall reimburse the Economic

 8  Development Trust Fund for the amount of such credit, refund,

 9  or exemption. A qualified applicant must notify and tender

10  payment to the office Department of Commerce within 20 days

11  after receiving a credit, refund, or exemption, other than

12  that provided in this section.

13         (g)  Any qualified applicant who fraudulently claims

14  this refund is liable for repayment of the refund to the

15  Economic Development Trust Fund plus a mandatory penalty of

16  200 percent of the tax refund which shall be deposited into

17  the General Revenue Fund. Any qualified applicant who

18  fraudulently claims this refund commits a felony of the third

19  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or

20  s. 775.084.

21         (h)  Funds made available pursuant to this section may

22  not be expended in connection with the relocation of a

23  business from one community to another community in this state

24  unless the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development

25  determines that without such relocation the business will move

26  outside this state or determines that the business has a

27  compelling economic rationale for the relocation which creates

28  additional jobs.



31         (a)  To apply for certification as a qualified

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 1  applicant pursuant to this section, an applicant must file an

 2  application with the office division which satisfies the

 3  requirements of paragraphs (b) and (e), paragraphs (c) and

 4  (e), or paragraphs (d) and (e). An applicant may not apply for

 5  certification pursuant to this section after a proposal has

 6  been submitted for a new Department of Defense contract, after

 7  the applicant has made the decision to consolidate an existing

 8  Department of Defense contract in this state for which such

 9  applicant is seeking certification, or after the applicant has

10  made the decision to convert defense production jobs to

11  nondefense production jobs for which such applicant is seeking

12  certification.

13         (b)  Applications for certification based on the

14  consolidation of a Department of Defense contract or a new

15  Department of Defense contract must be submitted to the office

16  division as prescribed by the office Department of Commerce

17  and must include, but are not limited to, the following

18  information:

19         1.  The applicant's federal employer identification

20  number, the applicant's Florida sales tax registration number,

21  and a notarized signature of an officer of the applicant.

22         2.  The permanent location of the manufacturing,

23  assembling, fabricating, research, development, or design

24  facility in this state at which the project is or is to be

25  located.

26         3.  The Department of Defense contract numbers of the

27  contract to be consolidated, the new Department of Defense

28  contract number, or the "RFP" number of a proposed Department

29  of Defense contract.

30         4.  The date the contract was executed or is expected

31  to be executed, and the date the contract is due to expire or

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 1  is expected to expire.

 2         5.  The commencement date for project operations under

 3  the contract in this state.

 4         6.  The number of full-time equivalent jobs in this

 5  state which are or will be dedicated to the project during the

 6  year and the average wage of such jobs.

 7         7.  The total number of full-time equivalent employees

 8  employed by the applicant in this state.

 9         8.  The percentage of the applicant's gross receipts

10  derived from Department of Defense contracts during the 5

11  taxable years immediately preceding the date the application

12  is submitted.

13         9.  The amount of:

14         a.  Taxes on sales, use, and other transactions paid

15  pursuant to chapter 212;

16         b.  Corporate income taxes paid pursuant to chapter

17  220;

18         c.  Intangible personal property taxes paid pursuant to

19  chapter 199;

20         d.  Emergency excise taxes paid pursuant to chapter

21  221;

22         e.  Excise taxes paid on documents pursuant to chapter

23  201; and

24         f.  Ad valorem taxes paid


26  during the 5 fiscal years immediately preceding the date of

27  the application, and the projected amounts of such taxes to be

28  due in the 3 fiscal years immediately following the date of

29  the application.

30         10.  The estimated amount of tax refunds to be claimed

31  in each fiscal year.

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 1         11.  A brief statement concerning the applicant's need

 2  for tax refunds, and the proposed uses of such refunds by the

 3  applicant.

 4         12.  A resolution adopted by the county commissioners

 5  of the county in which the project will be located, which

 6  recommends the applicant be approved as a qualified applicant,

 7  and which indicates that the necessary commitments of local

 8  financial support for the applicant exist. Prior to the

 9  adoption of the resolution, the county commission may review

10  the proposed public or private sources of such support and

11  determine whether the proposed sources of local financial

12  support can be provided or, for any applicant whose project is

13  located in a county designated by the Rural Economic

14  Development Initiative, a resolution adopted by the county

15  commissioners of such county requesting that the applicant's

16  project be exempt from the local financial support

17  requirement.

18         13.  Any additional information requested by the office

19  division.

20         (c)  Applications for certification based on the

21  conversion of defense production jobs to nondefense production

22  jobs must be submitted to the office division as prescribed by

23  the office Department of Commerce and must include, but are

24  not limited to, the following information:

25         1.  The applicant's federal employer identification

26  number, the applicant's Florida sales tax registration number,

27  and a notarized signature of an officer of the applicant.

28         2.  The permanent location of the manufacturing,

29  assembling, fabricating, research, development, or design

30  facility in this state at which the project is or is to be

31  located.

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 1         3.  The Department of Defense contract numbers of the

 2  contract under which the defense production jobs will be

 3  converted to nondefense production jobs.

 4         4.  The date the contract was executed, and the date

 5  the contract is due to expire or is expected to expire, or was

 6  canceled.

 7         5.  The commencement date for the nondefense production

 8  operations in this state.

 9         6.  The number of full-time equivalent jobs in this

10  state which are or will be dedicated to the nondefense

11  production project during the year and the average wage of

12  such jobs.

13         7.  The total number of full-time equivalent employees

14  employed by the applicant in this state.

15         8.  The percentage of the applicant's gross receipts

16  derived from Department of Defense contracts during the 5

17  taxable years immediately preceding the date the application

18  is submitted.

19         9.  The amount of:

20         a.  Taxes on sales, use, and other transactions paid

21  pursuant to chapter 212;

22         b.  Corporate income taxes paid pursuant to chapter

23  220;

24         c.  Intangible personal property taxes paid pursuant to

25  chapter 199;

26         d.  Emergency excise taxes paid pursuant to chapter

27  221;

28         e.  Excise taxes paid on documents pursuant to chapter

29  201; and

30         f.  Ad valorem taxes paid


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 1  during the 5 fiscal years immediately preceding the date of

 2  the application, and the projected amounts of such taxes to be

 3  due in the 3 fiscal years immediately following the date of

 4  the application.

 5         10.  The estimated amount of tax refunds to be claimed

 6  in each fiscal year.

 7         11.  A brief statement concerning the applicant's need

 8  for tax refunds, and the proposed uses of such refunds by the

 9  applicant.

10         12.  A resolution adopted by the county commissioners

11  of the county in which the project will be located, which

12  recommends the applicant be approved as a qualified applicant,

13  and which indicates that the necessary commitments of local

14  financial support for the applicant exist. Prior to the

15  adoption of the resolution, the county commission may review

16  the proposed public or private sources of such support and

17  determine whether the proposed sources of local financial

18  support can be provided or, for any applicant whose project is

19  located in a county designated by the Rural Economic

20  Development Initiative, a resolution adopted by the county

21  commissioners of such county requesting that the applicant's

22  project be exempt from the local financial support

23  requirement.

24         13.  Any additional information requested by the office

25  division.

26         (d)  Applications for certification based on a contract

27  for reuse of a defense-related facility must be submitted to

28  the office division as prescribed by the office Department of

29  Commerce and must include, but are not limited to, the

30  following information:

31         1.  The applicant's Florida sales tax registration

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 1  number and a notarized signature of an officer of the

 2  applicant.

 3         2.  The permanent location of the manufacturing,

 4  assembling, fabricating, research, development, or design

 5  facility in this state at which the project is or is to be

 6  located.

 7         3.  The business entity holding a valid Department of

 8  Defense contract or branch of the Armed Forces of the United

 9  States that previously occupied the facility, and the date

10  such entity last occupied the facility.

11         4.  A copy of the contract to reuse the facility, or

12  such alternative proof as may be prescribed by the office

13  department that the applicant is seeking to contract for the

14  reuse of such facility.

15         5.  The date the contract to reuse the facility was

16  executed or is expected to be executed, and the date the

17  contract is due to expire or is expected to expire.

18         6.  The commencement date for project operations under

19  the contract in this state.

20         7.  The number of full-time equivalent jobs in this

21  state which are or will be dedicated to the project during the

22  year and the average wage of such jobs.

23         8.  The total number of full-time equivalent employees

24  employed by the applicant in this state.

25         9.  The amount of:

26         a.  Taxes on sales, use, and other transactions paid

27  pursuant to chapter 212.

28         b.  Corporate income taxes paid pursuant to chapter

29  220.

30         c.  Intangible personal property taxes paid pursuant to

31  chapter 199.

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 1         d.  Emergency excise taxes paid pursuant to chapter

 2  221.

 3         e.  Excise taxes paid on documents pursuant to chapter

 4  201.

 5         f.  Ad valorem taxes paid during the 5 fiscal years

 6  immediately preceding the date of the application, and the

 7  projected amounts of such taxes to be due in the 3 fiscal

 8  years immediately following the date of the application.

 9         10.  The estimated amount of tax refunds to be claimed

10  in each fiscal year.

11         11.  A brief statement concerning the applicant's need

12  for tax refunds, and the proposed uses of such refunds by the

13  applicant.

14         12.  A resolution adopted by the county commissioners

15  of the county in which the project will be located, which

16  recommends the applicant be approved as a qualified applicant,

17  and which indicates that the necessary commitments of local

18  financial support for the applicant exist. Prior to the

19  adoption of the resolution, the county commission may review

20  the proposed public or private sources of such support and

21  determine whether the proposed sources of local financial

22  support can be provided or, for any applicant whose project is

23  located in a county designated by the Rural Economic

24  Development Initiative, a resolution adopted by the county

25  commissioners of such county requesting that the applicant's

26  project be exempt from the local financial support

27  requirement.

28         13.  Any additional information requested by the office

29  division.

30         (e)  To qualify for review by the office division, the

31  application of an applicant must, at a minimum, establish the

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 1  following to the satisfaction of the office division:

 2         1.  The jobs proposed to be provided under the

 3  application, pursuant to subparagraph (b)6. or subparagraph

 4  (c)6., must pay an estimated annual average wage equaling at

 5  least 115 percent of the average wage in the area where the

 6  project is to be located.

 7         2.  The consolidation of a Department of Defense

 8  contract must result in a net increase of at least 25 percent

 9  in the number of jobs at the applicant's facilities in this

10  state or the addition of at least 80 jobs at the applicant's

11  facilities in this state.

12         3.  The conversion of defense production jobs to

13  nondefense production jobs must result in net increases in

14  nondefense employment at the applicant's facilities in this

15  state.

16         4.  The Department of Defense contract cannot allow the

17  business to include the costs of relocation or retooling in

18  its base as allowable costs under a cost-plus, or similar,

19  contract.

20         5.  A business unit of the applicant must have derived

21  not less than 70 percent of its gross receipts in this state

22  from Department of Defense contracts over the applicant's last

23  fiscal year, and must have derived not less than 80 percent of

24  its gross receipts in this state from Department of Defense

25  contracts over the 5 years preceding the date an application

26  is submitted pursuant to this section. This subparagraph does

27  not apply to any application for certification based on a

28  contract for reuse of a defense-related facility.

29         6.  The reuse of a defense-related facility must result

30  in the creation of at least 100 jobs at such facility.

31         (f)  Each application meeting the requirements of

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 1  paragraphs (b) and (e), paragraphs (c) and (e), or paragraphs

 2  (d) and (e) must be submitted to the office division for a

 3  determination of eligibility. The office division shall

 4  review, evaluate, and score each application based on, but not

 5  limited to, the following criteria:

 6         1.  Expected contributions to the state strategic

 7  economic development plan adopted by Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

 8  taking into account the extent to which the project

 9  contributes to the state's high-technology base, and the

10  long-term impact of the project and the applicant on the

11  state's economy.

12         2.  The economic benefit of the jobs created or

13  retained by the project in this state, taking into account the

14  cost and average wage of each job created or retained, and the

15  potential risk to existing jobs.

16         3.  The amount of capital investment to be made by the

17  applicant in this state.

18         4.  The local commitment and support for the project

19  and applicant.

20         5.  The impact of the project on the local community,

21  taking into account the unemployment rate for the county where

22  the project will be located.

23         6.  The dependence of the local community on the

24  defense industry.

25         7.  The impact of any tax refunds granted pursuant to

26  this section on the viability of the project and the

27  probability that the project will occur in this state if such

28  tax refunds are granted to the applicant, taking into account

29  the expected long-term commitment of the applicant to economic

30  growth and employment in this state.

31         8.  The length of the project, or the expected

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 1  long-term commitment to this state resulting from the project.

 2         (g)  The office division shall forward its written

 3  findings and evaluation on each application meeting the

 4  requirements of paragraphs (b) and (e), paragraphs (c) and

 5  (e), or paragraphs (d) and (e) to the director secretary

 6  within 60 calendar days of receipt of a complete application.

 7  The office division shall notify each applicant when its

 8  application is complete, and when the 60-day period begins. In

 9  its written report to the director secretary, the office

10  division shall specifically address each of the factors

11  specified in paragraph (f), and shall make a specific

12  assessment with respect to the minimum requirements

13  established in paragraph (e). The office division shall

14  include in its report projections of the tax refund claims

15  that will be sought by the applicant in each fiscal year based

16  on the information submitted in the application.

17         (h)  Within 30 days after receipt of the office's

18  division's findings and evaluation, the director secretary

19  shall enter a final order that either approves or disapproves

20  an application. The decision must be in writing and provide

21  the justifications for either approval or disapproval. If

22  appropriate, the director secretary shall enter into a written

23  agreement with the qualified applicant pursuant to subsection

24  (4).

25         (i)  The director secretary may not enter any final

26  order that certifies any applicant as a qualified applicant

27  when the value of tax refunds to be included in that final

28  order exceeds the available amount of authority to enter final

29  orders as determined in s. 288.095(3) aggregate amount of tax

30  refunds for all qualified applicants projected by the division

31  in any fiscal year exceeds the lesser of $25 million or the

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 1  amount appropriated for tax refunds for that fiscal year. A

 2  final order that approves an application must specify the

 3  maximum amount of a tax refund that is to be available to the

 4  contractor in each fiscal year and the total amount of tax

 5  refunds for all fiscal years.

 6         (j)  This section does not create a presumption that an

 7  applicant should receive any tax refunds under this section.



10         (a)  A qualified applicant shall enter into a written

11  agreement with the office department containing, but not

12  limited to, the following:

13         1.  The total number of full-time equivalent jobs in

14  this state that are or will be dedicated to the qualified

15  applicant's project, the average wage of such jobs, the

16  definitions that will apply for measuring the achievement of

17  these terms during the pendency of the agreement, and a time

18  schedule or plan for when such jobs will be in place and

19  active in this state. This information must be the same as the

20  information contained in the application submitted by the

21  contractor pursuant to subsection (3).

22         2.  The maximum amount of a refund that the qualified

23  applicant is eligible to receive in each fiscal year.

24         3.  An agreement with the office department allowing

25  the office department to review and verify the financial and

26  personnel records of the qualified applicant to ascertain

27  whether the qualified applicant is complying with the

28  requirements of this section.

29         4.  The date after which, each fiscal year, the

30  qualified applicant may file an annual claim pursuant to

31  subsection (5).

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 1         5.  That local financial support shall be annually

 2  available and will be paid to the Economic Development Trust

 3  Fund.

 4         (b)  Compliance with the terms and conditions of the

 5  agreement is a condition precedent for receipt of tax refunds

 6  each year. The failure to comply with the terms and conditions

 7  of the agreement shall result in the loss of eligibility for

 8  receipt of all tax refunds previously authorized pursuant to

 9  this section, and the revocation of the certification as a

10  qualified applicant by the director secretary.

11         (c)  The agreement shall be signed by the director

12  secretary and the authorized officer of the qualified

13  applicant.

14         (d)  The agreement must contain the following legend,

15  clearly printed on its face in bold type of not less than 10

16  points:


18         "This agreement is neither a general obligation

19         of the State of Florida, nor is it backed by

20         the full faith and credit of the State of

21         Florida. Payment of tax refunds are conditioned

22         on and subject to specific annual

23         appropriations by the Florida Legislature of

24         funds sufficient to pay amounts authorized in

25         s. 288.1045 s. 288.104, Florida Statutes."




29         (a)  Qualified applicants who have entered into a

30  written agreement with the office department pursuant to

31  subsection (4) and who have entered into a valid new

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 1  Department of Defense contract, commenced the consolidation of

 2  a Department of Defense contract, commenced the conversion of

 3  defense production jobs to nondefense production jobs or who

 4  have entered into a valid contract for reuse of a

 5  defense-related facility may apply once each fiscal year to

 6  the office Department of Commerce for tax refunds. The

 7  application must be made on or after the date contained in the

 8  agreement entered into pursuant to subsection (4) and must

 9  include a notarized signature of an officer of the applicant.

10         (b)  The claim for refund by the qualified applicant

11  must include a copy of all receipts pertaining to the payment

12  of taxes for which a refund is sought, and data related to

13  achieving each performance item contained in the tax refund

14  agreement pursuant to subsection (4). The amount requested as

15  a tax refund may not exceed the amount for the fiscal year in

16  the written agreement entered pursuant to subsection (4).

17         (c)  A tax refund may not be approved for any qualified

18  applicant unless local financial support has been paid to the

19  Economic Development Trust Fund in that fiscal year. If the

20  local financial support is less than 20 percent of the

21  approved tax refund, the tax refund shall be reduced. The tax

22  refund paid may not exceed 5 times the local financial support

23  received. Funding from local sources includes tax abatement

24  under s. 196.1995 provided to a qualified applicant. The

25  amount of any tax refund for an applicant approved under this

26  section shall be reduced by the amount of any such tax

27  abatement, and the limitations in subsection (2) and paragraph

28  (3)(h) shall be reduced by the amount of any such tax

29  abatement. A report listing all sources of the local financial

30  support shall be provided to the office division when such

31  support is paid to the Economic Development Trust Fund.

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 1         (d)  The director secretary, with assistance from the

 2  office division, the Department of Revenue, and the Department

 3  of Labor and Employment Security, shall determine the amount

 4  of the tax refund that is authorized for the qualified

 5  applicant for the fiscal year in a written final order within

 6  30 days after the date the claim for the annual tax refund is

 7  received by the office Department of Commerce.

 8         (e)  The total amount of tax refunds approved by the

 9  director secretary under this section in any fiscal year may

10  not exceed the amount appropriated to the Economic Development

11  Trust Fund for such purposes for the fiscal year. If the

12  Legislature does not appropriate an amount sufficient to

13  satisfy projections by the office division for tax refunds in

14  a fiscal year, the director secretary shall, not later than

15  July 15 of such year, determine the proportion of each refund

16  claim which shall be paid by dividing the amount appropriated

17  for tax refunds for the fiscal year by the projected total

18  amount of refund claims for the fiscal year. The amount of

19  each claim for a tax refund shall be multiplied by the

20  resulting quotient. If, after the payment of all such refund

21  claims, funds remain in the Economic Development Trust Fund

22  for tax refunds, the director secretary shall recalculate the

23  proportion for each refund claim and adjust the amount of each

24  claim accordingly.

25         (f)  Upon approval of the tax refund pursuant to

26  paragraphs (c) and (d), the Comptroller shall issue a warrant

27  for the amount included in the final order. In the event of

28  any appeal of the final order, the Comptroller may not issue a

29  warrant for a refund to the qualified applicant until the

30  conclusion of all appeals of the final order.

31         (g)  A prorated tax refund, less a 5 percent penalty,

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 1  shall be approved for a qualified applicant provided all other

 2  applicable requirements have been satisfied and the applicant

 3  proves to the satisfaction of the director that it has

 4  achieved at least 80 percent of its projected employment.

 5         (6)  ADMINISTRATION.--

 6         (a)  The office may department shall adopt rules

 7  pursuant to chapter 120 for the administration of this

 8  section.

 9         (b)  The office department may verify information

10  provided in any claim submitted for tax credits under this

11  section with regard to employment and wage levels or the

12  payment of the taxes with the appropriate agency or authority

13  including the Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor

14  and Employment Security, or any local government or authority.

15         (c)  To facilitate the process of monitoring and

16  auditing applications made under this program, the office

17  department may provide a list of qualified applicants to the

18  Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor and Employment

19  Security, or to any local government or authority. The office

20  department may request the assistance of said entities with

21  respect to monitoring the payment of the taxes listed in

22  subsection (2).

23         (d)  By December 1 of each year, the office department

24  shall submit a complete and detailed report to the Governor,

25  the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

26  Representatives of all tax refunds paid under this section,

27  including analyses of benefits and costs, types of projects

28  supported, employment and investment created, geographic

29  distribution of tax refunds granted, and minority business

30  participation.  The report must indicate whether the moneys

31  appropriated by the Legislature to the qualified applicant tax

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 1  refund program were expended in a prudent, fiducially sound

 2  manner.

 3         (7)  EXPIRATION.--An applicant may not be certified as

 4  qualified under this section after June 30, 1999.

 5         Section 9.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section

 6  288.106, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         288.106  Tax refund program for qualified target

 8  industry businesses.--


10         (b)  To qualify for review by the office, the

11  application of a target industry business must, at a minimum,

12  establish the following to the satisfaction of the office:

13         1.  The jobs proposed to be provided under the

14  application, pursuant to subparagraph (a)4., must pay an

15  estimated annual average wage equaling at least 115 percent of

16  the average private sector wage in the area where the business

17  is to be located or the statewide private sector average wage.

18  The office may waive this average wage requirement at the

19  request of the local governing body recommending the project

20  and Enterprise Florida, Inc.  The wage requirement may only be

21  waived for a project located in a rural city or county or in

22  an enterprise zone and only when the merits of the individual

23  project or the specific circumstances in the community in

24  relationship to the project warrant such action.  If the local

25  governing body and Enterprise Florida, Inc., make such a

26  recommendation, it must be transmitted in writing and the

27  specific justification for the waiver recommendation must be

28  explained.  If the director elects to waive the wage

29  requirement, the waiver must be stated in writing and the

30  reasons for granting the waiver must be explained.

31         2.  The target industry business's project must result

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 1  in the creation of at least 10 jobs at such project and, if an

 2  expansion of an existing business, must result in a net

 3  increase in employment of not less than 10 percent at such

 4  business. Notwithstanding the definition of the term

 5  "expansion of an existing business" under paragraph (2)(g), at

 6  the request of the local governing body recommending the

 7  project and Enterprise Florida, Inc., the office may define an

 8  "expansion of an existing business" in a rural city, a rural

 9  county, or an enterprise zone as the expansion of a business

10  resulting in a net increase in employment of less than 10

11  percent at such business, if the merits of the individual

12  project or the specific circumstances in the community in

13  relationship to the project warrant such action. If the local

14  governing body and Enterprise Florida, Inc., make such a

15  request, it must be transmitted in writing and the specific

16  justification for the request must be explained. If the

17  director elects to accept such request, such election must be

18  stated in writing and the reason for granting the request must

19  be explained.

20         3.  The business activity or product for the

21  applicant's project is within an industry or industries that

22  have been identified by the office to be high-value-added

23  industries that contribute to the area and to the economic

24  growth of the state and that produce a higher standard of

25  living for citizens of this state in the new global economy or

26  that can be shown to make an equivalent contribution to the

27  area and state's economic progress.

28         Section 10.  Subsection (1) of section 288.1221,

29  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         288.1221  Legislative intent.--

31         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature to establish a

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 1  public-private partnership to provide policy direction to and

 2  technical expertise in the promotion and marketing of the

 3  state's tourism attributes. The Legislature further intends to

 4  authorize this partnership to recommend the tenets of an

 5  industry standard 4-year 5-year marketing plan for an annual

 6  marketing plan for tourism promotion and recommend a

 7  comparable organizational structure to carry out such a plan.

 8  The Legislature intends to have such a plan funded by that

 9  portion of the rental car surcharge annually dedicated to the

10  Tourism Promotional Trust Fund, pursuant to s. 212.0606, and

11  by the tourism industry. The Legislature intends that the

12  exercise of this authority by the public-private partnership

13  shall take into consideration the recommendations made to the

14  1992 Legislature in the report submitted by the Florida

15  Tourism Commission created pursuant to chapter 91-31, Laws of

16  Florida.

17         Section 11.  Subsection (2) of section 288.1222,

18  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         288.1222  Definitions.--For the purposes of ss.

20  288.017, 288.121-288.1226, and 288.124, the term:

21         (2)  "Tourist" means any person who participates in

22  trade or recreation activities outside the county country of

23  his or her permanent residence or who rents or leases

24  transient living quarters or accommodations as described in s.

25  125.0104(3)(a).

26         Section 12.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of section

27  288.1223, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         288.1223  Florida Commission on Tourism; creation;

29  purpose; membership.--

30         (2)

31         (g)  The Governor shall serve as chair of the

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 1  commission. The commission shall annually biennially elect one

 2  of its tourism-industry-related members as vice chair, who

 3  shall preside in the absence of the chair.

 4         Section 13.  (1)  The Legislature finds that tourism

 5  associated with the natural, cultural, and historical assets

 6  of this state constitutes one of the fastest growing segments

 7  of the travel and tourism industry. Such ecotourism and

 8  heritage tourism hold significant potential for contributing

 9  to the economic well-being of this state and its citizens

10  through the generation of revenues and the creation of jobs.

11  The Legislature further finds that there are opportunities to

12  promote travel experiences that link this state's traditional

13  travel destinations with its ecotourism or heritage tourism

14  destinations and to promote travel experiences that link

15  ecotourism or heritage tourism destinations within a county or

16  among multiple counties. Overarching these findings is the

17  Legislature's recognition that the state's ecotourism and

18  heritage tourism assets must be preserved and maintained if

19  they are to be enjoyed by future generations. It is the intent

20  of the Legislature to encourage the promotion of sustainable

21  ecotourism and heritage tourism in this state.

22         (2)  The Division of Recreation and Parks of the

23  Department of Environmental Protection is authorized to

24  establish an ecotourism promotion program designed to

25  encourage and facilitate visitation to state parks and to

26  other natural resources in the state, while also safeguarding

27  that such visitation does not jeopardize the environmental

28  value or the sustainability of the resources. Funds

29  appropriated for this program may be used to:

30         (a)  Make infrastructure improvements within and to, or

31  otherwise rehabilitate, state parks or other natural resources

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 1  under the jurisdiction of the division;

 2         (b)  Develop and distribute marketing materials

 3  describing ecotourism resources under the jurisdiction of the

 4  division, including the proximity of the resources to

 5  commercial tourism sites in a region or to other ecotourism

 6  sites in a region in order to encourage travel experiences

 7  that link these sites; or

 8         (c)  Award ecotourism promotion grants to assist

 9  localities and regions in promoting ecotourism or the economic

10  development activities related to such tourism.

11         1.  An eligible grant applicant is a governmental or

12  not-for-profit tourism or economic development organization in

13  this state. An application may be submitted jointly on behalf

14  of a combination of such organizations, in which case the

15  organizations together shall be deemed to be one applicant. An

16  organization may not participate in the submission of more

17  than one application.

18         2.  Applications submitted to the division must include

19  a requested grant amount and a detailed plan governing the

20  proposed use of the grant award. The division shall review

21  each application and shall submit award recommendations to the

22  Secretary of Environmental Protection for final approval.

23         3.  The division shall establish guidelines for

24  administering this program and shall establish criteria for

25  the competitive evaluation of grant applications. Evaluation

26  criteria must include, but need not be limited to, the extent

27  to which the plan submitted with the application links tourism

28  sites within the community or region or links tourism sites

29  within two or more communities or regions.

30         4.  Eligible uses of grant awards include:

31         a.  Marketing ecotourism sites;

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 1         b.  Marketing areas as appropriate sites for the

 2  location or expansion of businesses that are engaged in or

 3  that facilitate ecotourism activities; or

 4         c.  Establishing local or regional ecotourism and

 5  heritage tourism advisory and promotion organizations for

 6  specific state parks.

 7         5.  Each grant awarded to an applicant under this

 8  program shall not exceed $30,000.

 9         Section 14.  Section 288.90151, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         288.90151  Funding for contracting with Enterprise

12  Florida, Inc.--

13         (1)(a)  From funds appropriated from the General

14  Revenue Fund to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

15  Development for the purpose of annually contracting with

16  Enterprise Florida, Inc., 10 percent of such funds for the

17  fiscal year 1996-1997, 20 percent of such funds for the fiscal

18  year 1997-1998, 30 percent of such funds for the fiscal year

19  1998-1999, 40 percent of such funds for the fiscal year

20  1999-2000, and 50 percent of such funds for the fiscal year

21  2000-2001 shall be placed in reserve by the Executive Office

22  of the Governor.  The funds may be released through a budget

23  amendment, in accordance with chapter 216, as requested by

24  Enterprise Florida, Inc., through the Office of Tourism,

25  Trade, and Economic Development if Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

26  has provided sufficient documentation that the same amount of

27  matching private funds as the amount placed in reserve has

28  been contributed during the same fiscal year to Enterprise

29  Florida, Inc., in support of its economic development efforts.

30  If sufficient documentation is not provided by the end of the

31  fiscal year, such funds shall revert back to the General

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 1  Revenue Fund.

 2         (b)  In fiscal years 1999-2000 and 2000-2001, 50

 3  percent of the funds placed in reserve may be released by the

 4  same budget amendment process if Enterprise Florida, Inc., has

 5  provided sufficient documentation that the amount of matching

 6  private funds contributed during the same fiscal year to

 7  Enterprise Florida, Inc., is equal to 75 percent of the funds

 8  placed in reserve. The remaining funds in reserve may be

 9  released by the same budget amendment process if Enterprise

10  Florida, Inc., meets the requirements of paragraph (a).


12  In each fiscal year, at least 55 percent of the matching

13  private funds required to be documented under this subsection

14  must be comprised of the first category of matching private

15  funds described in subsection (3).

16         (2)  Prior to the 1999 Regular Session of the

17  Legislature, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

18  Government Accountability shall conduct a review of the

19  contributions made to Enterprise Florida, Inc., during the

20  prior 3 years pursuant to this section.  The review must be

21  conducted in such a manner as to determine the amount and type

22  of matching private funds contributed and the circumstances

23  affecting the ability to achieve or not achieve the specified

24  amount of matching private funds for each year.  Based on this

25  information and historical data, the Office of Program Policy

26  Analysis and Governmental Accountability shall determine

27  whether the funding levels of matching private funds for

28  fiscal year 1999-2000, and fiscal year 2000-2001, as specified

29  in this section, are appropriate.  This report shall be

30  submitted by January 1, 1999, to the President of the Senate,

31  the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate

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 1  Minority Leader, and the House Minority Leader.

 2         (3)  For the purposes of this section, matching private

 3  funds shall be divided into two categories. The first category

 4  of matching private funds shall include any payment of cash

 5  made in response to a solicitation by Enterprise Florida,

 6  Inc., and used exclusively by Enterprise Florida, Inc., in its

 7  operations or programs, excluding any payment of cash made by

 8  any entity to qualify for any Enterprise Florida, Inc., state,

 9  or local incentive, grant, or loan program, or any cash

10  received by Enterprise Florida, Inc., pursuant to a grant or

11  contract. The second category of matching private funds shall

12  include a conveyance of property, or payment or distribution

13  of property or anything of value, including contributions

14  in-kind having an attributable monetary value in any form, and

15  including any payment of cash not counted within the first

16  category of matching private funds. Contributions in-kind

17  include, but are not limited to, goods or services rendered.

18  The cost of the contribution shall be the reasonable cost to

19  the sponsor of the goods or services.

20         Section 15.  Subsection (3) is added to section

21  288.9618, Florida Statutes, to read:

22         288.9618  Microenterprises.--

23         (3)  Not more than 15 percent of the funds appropriated

24  or otherwise available each fiscal year for activities under

25  this section may be used for administrative expenses of the

26  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development or for

27  administrative expenses of the organization with which the

28  office contracts under this section.

29         Section 16.  Section 288.9958, Florida Statutes, is

30  created to read:

31         288.9958  PRIDE Job Placement Incentive Program.--

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 1         (1)  The Legislature recognizes that the location of

 2  some correctional facilities has been determined by the desire

 3  to provide employment opportunities for residents of

 4  communities that have not experienced the economic growth of

 5  other portions of the state. The Legislature further

 6  recognizes that the corporation authorized by chapter 946 to

 7  manage correctional work programs can provide expertise and

 8  assistance in the areas of on-the-job training and employment

 9  assistance. Partnerships between the state and the corporation

10  authorized by chapter 946 to manage correctional work programs

11  may result in increased employment opportunities for local

12  citizens. To assist the corporation authorized by chapter 946

13  in economic development initiatives that specifically enhance

14  the employment opportunities for WAGES participants, the PRIDE

15  Job Placement Incentive Program is created. The Legislature

16  hereby permits the corporation authorized by chapter 946 to

17  participate in the PRIDE Job Training Placement Incentive

18  Program.

19         (2)  The PRIDE Job Placement Incentive Program is

20  created to encourage the use of the corporation's expertise

21  and resources, including correctional facilities, in job

22  training and employment assistance in the economic development

23  of the state. The program shall be administered by the

24  Workforce Development Board of Enterprise Florida, Inc. The

25  Workforce Development Board shall adopt guidelines for the

26  administration of this program. Awarding of grants is

27  dependent upon legislative appropriation.

28         (a)  The Workforce Development Board may authorize a

29  grant of $1,000 to the corporation authorized by chapter 946,

30  or a business working in association with such corporation,

31  for full-time employment of a WAGES participant in those

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 1  workforce development regions and two sites identified by the

 2  Workforce Development Board pursuant to subsection (3). The

 3  incentive payment shall be paid incrementally, with a payment

 4  of $250 upon initial employment, $250 at an employment

 5  duration of 6 months, and $500 at an employment duration of 1

 6  year. Such grants are provided to off-set the costs of

 7  business location and training the local workforce. 

 8         (b)  The Workforce Development Board may authorize a

 9  grant of $2,400 to the corporation authorized by chapter 946,

10  or a business working in association with such corporation for

11  full-time employment of a WAGES participant and when the

12  corporation provides on-the-job training to the WAGES

13  participant.

14         (c)  Grants may not be issued for the employment of

15  individuals who have participated in a prison rehabilitative

16  industry program longer that 6 months in the 2 years prior to

17  employment.

18         (d)  WAGES participants eligible for employment in the

19  PRIDE Job Placement Incentive Program must be referred by

20  local WAGES coalitions to the corporation authorized by

21  chapter 946. 

22         (3)  The Workforce Development Board shall identify

23  five workforce development regions in the state which have the

24  least employment opportunities per WAGES participant and, if

25  approved by the Workforce Development Board, two sites where

26  the corporation authorized by chapter 946 has facilities or

27  resources. The five workforce development regions and two

28  sites, if applicable, designated by the Workforce Development

29  Board as having the fewest employment opportunities per WAGES

30  participant are those in which the corporation authorized by

31  chapter 946 or businesses working in association with such

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 1  corporation may be eligible for job placement incentives.

 2         (4)  Businesses that have accepted a job placement

 3  incentive pursuant to this section may also be eligible to

 4  apply for any tax credits, wage supplementation, wage subsidy,

 5  or employer payment for that employee which are authorized in

 6  law or by agreement with the employer.

 7         (5)  If approved by the Department of Corrections,

 8  WAGES participants may be employed by the corporation

 9  authorized by chapter 946 in those facilities not operated

10  within the secured perimeters of the prison grounds that are

11  managed by such corporation, and in other areas, as approved

12  by the Department of Corrections. A safety plan for all WAGES

13  participants in this program must be completed by the

14  corporation in cooperation with the Department of Corrections.

15         (6)  In carrying out the provisions of this section,

16  the corporation shall be entitled to all the privileges and

17  immunities as set forth in part II of chapter 946.

18         Section 17.  Notwithstanding any provision of law to

19  the contrary, the governing body of a municipality or county

20  containing a United States Environmental Protection Agency

21  brownfield pilot project that was designated as of May 1,

22  1997, may apply to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

23  Development for designation of one enterprise zone

24  encompassing the brownfield pilot project if the project is

25  located in a county with a population less than one million.

26  The application must be submitted by December 31, 1999, and

27  must comply with the requirements of section 290.0055, Florida

28  Statutes, except section 290.0055(3), Florida Statutes.

29  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 290.0065, Florida

30  Statutes, limiting the total number of enterprise zones

31  designated and the number of enterprise zones within a

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 1  population category, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 2  Economic Development shall designate one enterprise zone under

 3  this section if the zone is consistent with the limitations

 4  imposed under this section. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 5  Economic Development shall establish the initial effective

 6  date of the enterprise zone designated pursuant to this

 7  section.

 8         Section 18.  Subsection (4) of section 370.28, Florida

 9  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (5) is added to that

10  section to read:

11         370.28  Enterprise zone designation; communities

12  adversely impacted by net limitations.--

13         (4)  Notwithstanding the enterprise zone residency

14  requirements set out in ss. 212.096(1)(c) and 220.03(1)(q),

15  businesses located in enterprise zones designated pursuant to

16  this section may receive the credit provided under s. 212.096

17  or s. 220.181 for hiring any person within the jurisdiction of

18  the county within which nominating community of such

19  enterprise zone is located.  All other provisions of ss.

20  212.096, 220.03(1)(q), and 220.181 apply to such businesses.

21  Notwithstanding the requirement specified in ss.

22  212.08(5)(g)5. and (h)5. and (15)(a) and 220.182(1)(b) that no

23  less than 20 percent of a business's employees, excluding

24  temporary and part-time employees, must be residents of an

25  enterprise zone for the business to qualify for the maximum

26  exemption or credit provided in ss. 212.08(5)(g) and (h) and

27  (15) and 220.182, a business that is located in an enterprise

28  zone designated pursuant to this section shall be qualified

29  for those maximum exemptions or credits if no less than 20

30  percent of such employees of the business are residents of the

31  jurisdiction of the county within which the enterprise zone is

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 1  located. All other provisions of ss. 212.08(5)(g) and (h) and

 2  (15) and 220.182 apply to such business.

 3         (5)  Notwithstanding the time limitations contained in

 4  chapters 212 and 220, a business eligible to receive tax

 5  credits under this section from January 1, 1997, to June 1,

 6  1998, must submit an application for the tax credits by

 7  December 1, 1998. All other requirements of the enterprise

 8  zone program apply to such a business.

 9         Section 19.  Subsection (1) of section 479.261, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         479.261  Logo sign program.--

12         (1)  The department shall establish a logo sign program

13  for the rights-of-way of the interstate highway system to

14  provide information to motorists about available gas, food,

15  lodging, and camping services at interchanges, through the use

16  of business logos, and may include additional interchanges

17  under the program.  A logo sign for nearby attractions may be

18  added to this program if allowed by federal rules.  An

19  attraction as used in this chapter is defined as an

20  establishment, site, facility, or landmark which is open a

21  minimum of 5 days a week for 52 weeks a year; which charges an

22  admission for entry; which has as its principal focus

23  family-oriented entertainment, cultural, educational,

24  recreational, scientific, or historical activities; and which

25  is publicly recognized as a bona fide tourist attraction.

26  However, the permits for businesses seeking to participate in

27  the attractions logo sign program shall be awarded by the

28  department annually to the highest bidders, notwithstanding

29  the limitation on fees in subsection (5), which are qualified

30  for available space at each qualified location, but the fees

31  therefor may not be less than the fees established for logo

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 1  participants in other logo categories. The department shall,

 2  if approved by the Federal Highway Administration, institute a

 3  sign program to recognize regional or local heritage,

 4  historic, or scenic trails at interchanges on the interstate

 5  highway system.

 6         Section 20.  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall prepare a

 7  strategic plan designed to allow Florida to capitalize on the

 8  economic opportunities associated with the Caribbean nations

 9  and South Africa. The plan should recognize the historical and

10  cultural ties between this state and such areas and should

11  focus on building a long-term economic relationship between

12  these communities. The plan should also recognize existing

13  economic infrastructure in Florida that could be applied

14  toward trade and other business activities with the Caribbean

15  and South Africa. In developing this plan, Enterprise Florida,

16  Inc., shall solicit the participation and input of individuals

17  who have expertise on these areas and their economies,

18  including, but not limited to, business leaders in Florida who

19  have had previous business experience in these areas. The plan

20  may include recommendations for legislative action necessary

21  to implement the strategic plan. The plan must be submitted to

22  the Governor and Legislature before January 1, 1999.

23         Section 21.  In anticipation of the day that the people

24  of Cuba are no longer denied the inalienable rights and

25  freedom that all men and women should be guaranteed,

26  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall prepare a strategic plan

27  designed to allow Florida to capitalize on the economic

28  opportunities associated with a free Cuba. The plan should

29  recognize the historical and cultural ties between this state

30  and Cuba and should focus on building a long-term economic

31  relationship between these communities. The plan should also

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 1  recognize existing economic infrastructure in Florida that

 2  could be applied toward trade and other business activities

 3  with Cuba. The plan should identify specific preparatory steps

 4  to be taken in advance of a lifting of the trade embargo with

 5  Cuba. In developing this plan, Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall

 6  solicit the participation and input of individuals who have

 7  expertise on Cuba and its economy, including, but not limited

 8  to, business leaders in Florida who have had previous business

 9  experience in Cuba. The plan may include recommendations for

10  legislative action necessary to implement the strategic plan.

11  The plan must be submitted to the Governor and Legislature

12  before January 1, 1999.

13         Section 22.  Section 15.18, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         15.18  International and cultural relations.--The

16  Divisions of Cultural Affairs, Historical Resources, and

17  Library and Information Services of the Department of State

18  promote programs having substantial cultural, artistic, and

19  indirect economic significance that emphasize American

20  creativity. The Secretary of State, as the head administrator

21  of these divisions, shall hereafter be known as "Florida's

22  Chief Cultural Officer."  As this officer, the Secretary of

23  State is encouraged to initiate and develop relationships

24  between the state and foreign cultural officers, their

25  representatives, and other foreign governmental officials in

26  order to promote Florida as the center of American creativity.

27  The Secretary of State shall coordinate international

28  activities pursuant to this section with Enterprise Florida,

29  Inc., and any other organization the secretary deems

30  appropriate the Florida International Affairs Commission.  For

31  the accomplishment of this purpose, the Secretary of State

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 1  shall have the power and authority to:

 2         (1)  Disseminate any information pertaining to the

 3  State of Florida which promotes the state's cultural assets.

 4         (2)  Plan and carry out activities designed to cause

 5  improved cultural and governmental programs and exchanges with

 6  foreign countries.

 7         (3)  Plan and implement cultural and social activities

 8  for visiting foreign heads of state, diplomats, dignitaries,

 9  and exchange groups.

10         (4)  Encourage and cooperate with other public and

11  private organizations or groups in their efforts to promote

12  the cultural advantages of Florida.

13         (5)  Establish and maintain the list prescribed in s.

14  55.605(2)(g), relating to recognition of foreign money

15  judgments.

16         (6)(5)  Serve as the liaison with all foreign consular

17  and ambassadorial corps, as well as international

18  organizations, that are consistent with the purposes of this

19  section.

20         (7)(6)  Provide, arrange, and make expenditures for the

21  achievement of any or all of the purposes specified in this

22  section.

23         (8)(7)  Notwithstanding the provisions of part I of

24  chapter 287, promulgate rules for entering into contracts

25  which are primarily for promotional services and events, which

26  may include commodities involving a service.  Such rules shall

27  include the authority to negotiate costs with the offerors of

28  such services and commodities who have been determined to be

29  qualified on the basis of technical merit, creative ability,

30  and professional competency. The rules shall only apply to the

31  expenditure of funds donated for promotional services and

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 1  events. Expenditures of appropriated funds shall be made only

 2  in accordance with part I of chapter 287.

 3         Section 23.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of section

 4  55.605, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         55.605  Grounds for nonrecognition.--

 6         (2)  A foreign judgment need not be recognized if:

 7         (g)  The foreign jurisdiction where judgment was

 8  rendered would not give recognition to a similar judgment

 9  rendered in this state. For purposes of this paragraph, the

10  Secretary of State shall establish and maintain a list of

11  foreign jurisdictions where the condition specified in this

12  paragraph has been found to apply.

13         Section 24.  Section 257.35, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         257.35  Florida State Archives.--

16         (1)  There is created within the Division of Library

17  and Information Services of the Department of State the

18  Florida State Archives for the preservation of those public

19  records, as defined in s. 119.011(1), manuscripts, and other

20  archival material that have been determined by the division to

21  have sufficient historical or other value to warrant their

22  continued preservation and have been accepted by the division

23  for deposit in its custody. It is the duty and responsibility

24  of the division to:

25         (a)  Organize and administer the Florida State

26  Archives.

27         (b)  Preserve and administer such records as shall be

28  transferred to its custody; accept, arrange, and preserve

29  them, according to approved archival practices; and permit

30  them, at reasonable times and under the supervision of the

31  division, to be inspected, examined, and copied.  All public

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 1  records transferred to the custody of the division shall be

 2  subject to the provisions of s. 119.07(1), except that any

 3  public record or other record provided by law to be

 4  confidential or prohibited from inspection by the public shall

 5  be made accessible only after a period of 50 years from the

 6  date of the creation of the record.  Any nonpublic manuscript

 7  or other archival material which is placed in the keeping of

 8  the division under special terms and conditions, shall be made

 9  accessible only in accordance with such law terms and

10  conditions and shall be exempt from the provisions of s.

11  119.07(1) to the extent necessary to meet the terms and

12  conditions for a nonpublic manuscript or other archival

13  material.

14         (c)  Assist the records and information management

15  program in the determination of retention values for records.

16         (d)  Cooperate with and assist insofar as practicable

17  state institutions, departments, agencies, counties,

18  municipalities, and individuals engaged in activities in the

19  field of state archives, manuscripts, and history and accept

20  from any person any paper, book, record, or similar material

21  which in the judgment of the division warrants preservation in

22  the state archives.

23         (e)  Provide a public research room where, under rules

24  established by the division, the materials in the state

25  archives may be studied.

26         (f)  Conduct, promote, and encourage research in

27  Florida history, government, international trade and culture

28  and maintain a program of information, assistance,

29  coordination, and guidance for public officials, educational

30  institutions, libraries, the scholarly community, and the

31  general public engaged in such research.

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 1         (g)  Cooperate with and, insofar as practicable, assist

 2  agencies, libraries, institutions, and individuals in projects

 3  designed to preserve original source materials relating to

 4  Florida history, government, international trade and culture

 5  and prepare and publish handbooks, guides, indexes, and other

 6  literature directed toward encouraging the preservation and

 7  use of the state's documentary resources.

 8         (h)  Encourage and initiate efforts to preserve,

 9  collect, process, transcribe, index, and research the oral

10  history of Florida government.

11         (i)  Assist and cooperate with the records and

12  information management program in the training and information

13  program described in s. 257.36(1)(g).

14         (2)  Any agency is authorized and empowered to turn

15  over to the division any record no longer in current official

16  use. The division, in its discretion, is authorized to accept

17  such record and, having done so, shall provide for its

18  administration and preservation as herein provided and, upon

19  acceptance, shall be considered the legal custodian of such

20  record.  The division is empowered to direct and effect the

21  transfer to the archives of any records that are determined by

22  the division to have such historical or other value to warrant

23  their continued preservation or protection, unless the head of

24  the agency which has custody of the records certifies in

25  writing to the division that the records shall be retained in

26  the agency's custody for use in the conduct of the regular

27  current business of the agency.

28         (3)  Title to any record transferred to the Florida

29  State Archives, as authorized in this chapter, shall be vested

30  in the division.

31         (4)  The division shall make certified copies under

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 1  seal of any record transferred to it upon the application of

 2  any person, and said certificates shall have the same force

 3  and effect as if made by the agency from which the record was

 4  received.  The division may charge a fee for this service

 5  based upon the cost of service.

 6         (5)  The division may establish and maintain a schedule

 7  of fees for services which shall include, but not be limited

 8  to, restoration of archival materials, storage of archival

 9  materials, special research services, and publications.

10         (6)  The division may establish and maintain as part of

11  the state archives a Florida State Photographic Collection.

12  The division shall:

13         (a)  Acquire, identify, appraise, arrange, index,

14  restore, and preserve photographs, motion pictures, drawings,

15  and other iconographic material considered appropriate for

16  preservation.

17         (b)  Initiate appropriate action to acquire, identify,

18  preserve, recover, and restore photographs, motion pictures,

19  and other iconographic material considered appropriate for

20  preservation.

21         (c)  Provide for an index to the historical

22  photographic holdings of the Florida State Photographic

23  Collection and the State of Florida.


25  Any use or reproduction of material deposited with the Florida

26  State Photographic Collection shall be allowed pursuant to the

27  provisions of paragraph (1)(b) and subsection (4) provided

28  that appropriate credit for its use is given.

29         (7)  The division shall establish and maintain, as part

30  of the state archives, a Florida State International Archive.

31  The division shall:

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 1         (a)  Establish and maintain a mechanism by which the

 2  information contained within the Florida State International

 3  Archive may be accessed by computer via the World Wide Web. In

 4  doing so, the division shall take whatever measures it deems

 5  appropriate to insure the validity, quality, and safety of the

 6  information being accessed;

 7         (b)  The Florida Council of International Development

 8  may select materials for inclusion in the Florida State

 9  International Archive and shall be consulted closely by the

10  division in all matters relating to its establishment and

11  maintenance; and

12         (c)  Records transferred shall be in a format

13  established by the division. The Florida Council on

14  International Development shall be responsible for the cost of

15  any data conversion.

16         (8)(7)  The division shall promulgate such rules as are

17  necessary to implement the provisions of this act.

18         Section 25.  Present subsections (3), (4), and (5) of

19  section 288.012, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as

20  subsections (4), (5), and (6), respectively, and a new

21  subsection (3) is added to that section to read:

22         288.012  State of Florida foreign offices.--The

23  Legislature finds that the expansion of international trade

24  and tourism is vital to the overall health and growth of the

25  economy of this state. This expansion is hampered by the lack

26  of technical and business assistance, financial assistance,

27  and information services for businesses in this state. The

28  Legislature finds that these businesses could be assisted by

29  providing these services at State of Florida foreign offices.

30  The Legislature further finds that the accessibility and

31  provision of services at these offices can be enhanced through

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 1  cooperative agreements or strategic alliances between state

 2  entities, local entities, foreign entities, and private

 3  businesses.

 4         (3)  By October 1 of each year, each foreign office

 5  shall submit to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 6  Development a complete and detailed report on its activities

 7  and accomplishments during the preceding fiscal year. In a

 8  format provided by Enterprise Florida, Inc., the report must

 9  set forth information on:

10         (a)  The number of Florida companies assisted.

11         (b)  The number of inquiries received about investment

12  opportunities in this state.

13         (c)  The number of trade leads generated.

14         (d)  The number of investment projects announced.

15         (e)  The estimated U.S. dollar value of sales

16  confirmations.

17         (f)  The number of representation agreements.

18         (g)  The number of company consultations.

19         (h)  Barriers or other issues affecting the effective

20  operation of the office.

21         (i)  Changes in office operations which are planned for

22  the current fiscal year.

23         (j)  Marketing activities conducted.

24         (k)  Strategic alliances formed with organizations in

25  the country in which the office is located.

26         (l)  Activities conducted with other Florida foreign

27  offices.

28         (m)  Any other information that the office believes

29  would contribute to an understanding of its activities.

30         Section 26.  Subsection (9) of section 288.8175,

31  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

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 1         288.8175  Linkage institutes between postsecondary

 2  institutions in this state and foreign countries.--

 3         (9)  The Department of Education shall review and make

 4  linkage-institute budget requests to the Governor and the

 5  Legislature. State appropriations for institutes created under

 6  this section must be made by a single lump-sum line item to

 7  the department, which must apportion the funds among the

 8  various institutes in accordance with criteria established by

 9  the department. The linkage institutes shall be eligible to

10  apply on a competitive basis to the Office of Tourism, Trade,

11  and Economic Development for the Targeted Market Pilot Project

12  Grants Program as defined in s. 14.2015, designed to improve

13  short and long term international business opportunities for

14  Florida businesses.

15         Section 27.  Section 288.9530, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         288.9530  The Florida Business Expansion Corporation.--

18         (1)  The Florida Business Expansion Corporation is

19  hereby created as a corporation not-for-profit, to be

20  incorporated under the provisions of chapter 617. The

21  corporation is organized on a nonstock basis. The corporation

22  shall provide business expansion assistance to businesses in

23  this state having job growth or emerging technology potential

24  and fewer than 500 employees. The primary purpose of the

25  corporation shall be to assist such Florida businesses to grow

26  through the development of cross-border transactions which

27  lead to increased revenues, cost reductions, sales or

28  investments for Florida businesses. For purposes of this Act,

29  "cross-border transactions" shall be defined as the formation

30  of joint venture, strategic alliance, investment, technology

31  transfer or licensing, co-development, or other commercial

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 1  relationships between Florida businesses and non-Florida

 2  entities. In providing its services, the corporation shall

 3  seek to recover its costs and expenditures of state funds via

 4  fee, equity participation, or any other form of revenue

 5  generation or recovery, and to achieve the self-sufficiency of

 6  its operations. It is the intent of the Legislature that the

 7  corporation achieve self-sufficiency within three years of its

 8  establishment. For the purposes of this section, the term

 9  "self-sufficiency" shall mean that the annual expenses of

10  operation of the corporation shall be less than or equal to

11  the total value of the compensation derived including fee,

12  equity participation, or any other form of revenue generation

13  or recovery from the operations of the corporation by June 30,

14  2001.

15         (2)  The corporation is intended to compliment, rather

16  than duplicate, the services and programs of Enterprise

17  Florida, Inc., the Florida Export Finance Corporation, and

18  other existing economic development entities. The corporation

19  programs are to serve small to mid-sized Florida firms in

20  conducting transactions with entities located in other states

21  and nations.

22         Section 28.  Section 288.9531, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         288.9531  Powers and Duties of the Corporation.--

25         (1)  In addition to all of the statutory powers of

26  Florida not-for-profit corporations, the corporation shall

27  have the power and duty to:

28         (a)  Perform analyses of opportunities to Florida

29  businesses from the formation of stronger and numerous

30  commercial relationships through cross-border transactions;

31         (b)  Locate Florida businesses which are strong

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 1  candidates for business expansion and match such businesses

 2  with joint venture or strategic alliance partners, sources of

 3  investment capital, or purchasers or licensees of technology;

 4         (c)  Prepare selected Florida firms to achieve business

 5  expansion through preparation of business plans and marketing

 6  materials, arranging participation in major domestic and

 7  international events targeted towards industry participants

 8  and investors, and placement of articles in business press and

 9  trade publications;

10         (d)  Counsel Florida businesses in the development and

11  execution of cross-border transactions;

12         (e)  Develop, in conjunction with target businesses,

13  criteria for evaluation of potential cross-border transactions

14  or strategic partners;

15         (f)  Provide listings of strategic partners which meet

16  agreed-upon criteria;

17         (g)  Develop negotiating strategies and marketing

18  materials designed to address the concerns of potential

19  strategic partners;

20         (h)  Approach and initiate discussions with potential

21  strategic partners and investors;

22         (i)  Present Florida small and medium-sized firms to

23  potential strategic partners and investors;

24         (j)  Identify and, in conjunction with associated

25  professionals, provide guidance on critical business and legal

26  issues associated with proposed transactions, including issues

27  relating to transfers of assets, ownership of intellectual

28  property, tax planning, and other relevant matters;

29         (k)  Assist in the negotiation of pricing and terms of

30  participation of the parties;

31         (l)  Close cross-border transactions on behalf of

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 1  Florida small and medium-sized firms, and manage outside

 2  professionals in the closing of the transaction;

 3         (m)  Handle issues that arise after closing to ensure

 4  continued success of the transaction; and

 5         (n)  Charge fees, in amounts to be determined by the

 6  board, to defray the operating costs of its programs.

 7         (2)  On or before December 31, 1998, the corporation

 8  shall submit to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 9  Development a business plan providing further specifics of its

10  operations, including, but not limited to, the following:

11         (a)  Specific goals and outcomes to be achieved by the

12  corporation in the accomplishment of its statutory duties;

13         (b)  Types of specific assistance to be rendered to

14  Florida businesses, including detailed descriptions of the

15  specific steps required to provide each type of assistance,

16  and the projected costs of such assistance; and

17         (c)  Specific provisions for the self-sufficient

18  operation of the corporation prior to July 1, 2001, including

19  specific projections of the compensation anticipated from

20  generation of successful cross-border transactions.

21         (d)  A description of the manner in which the

22  corporation will interact with existing state-sponsored

23  economic development entities.

24         (3)  The business plan and the data upon which it is

25  based shall constitute a public record and shall be

26  distributed in a manner which will provide maximum benefit to

27  Florida businesses.

28         Section 29.  Section 288.9532, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         288.9532  Board of directors.--

31         (1)  The corporation shall have an initial board of

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 1  directors consisting of the following persons:

 2         (a)  The President of Enterprise Florida, Inc., or his

 3  designee;

 4         (b)  The Comptroller or his designee;

 5         (c)  The Commissioner of Insurance or his designee;

 6         (d)  The chair of the Florida Black Business Investment

 7  Board or his designee;

 8         (e)  The chair of the Florida Export Finance

 9  Corporation or his designee; and

10         (f)  The chair of the Florida First Capital Finance

11  corporation or his designee.

12         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1),

13  the board of directors may by resolution appoint to the board

14  up to ten at-large members from the private sector, each of

15  whom shall serve a 2-year term. Minority and gender

16  representation shall be considered when making at-large

17  appointments to the board. At-large members shall have the

18  powers and duties of other members of the board. An at-large

19  member is eligible for reappointment, but may not vote on his

20  or her own reappointment.

21         (3)  The board shall ensure that its composition is

22  reflective of the diversity of Florida's business community,

23  and to the greatest degree possible shall include, but not be

24  limited to, individuals representing small and medium-sized

25  businesses, minority businesses, universities and other

26  institutions of higher education, and international and

27  domestic economic development organizations. A majority of

28  at-large members of the board shall have significant

29  experience in international business, with expertise in the

30  areas of trade, transportation, finance, law, or

31  manufacturing.

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 1         (4)  Members of the board of directors shall serve

 2  without compensation, but members, the president, and staff

 3  may be reimbursed for all reasonable, necessary, and actual

 4  expenses, as determined by the board of directors.

 5         (5)  A majority of currently serving members of the

 6  board shall constitute a quorum for purposes of all business

 7  of the board.

 8         Section 30.  Section 288.9533, Florida Statutes, is

 9  created to read:

10         288.9533  Powers and Duties of the Board of

11  Directors.--The board shall:

12         (1)  Prior to the expenditure of funds from the Florida

13  Business Expansion account, adopt bylaws and internal

14  procedures which are necessary to carry out the

15  responsibilities of the corporation. The articles and bylaws

16  of the corporation shall be reviewed and approved by the

17  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development prior to

18  final adoption by the board;

19         (2)  Hold regularly scheduled meetings, at least

20  quarterly, in order to carry out the objectives and duties of

21  the board;

22         (3)  Develop a streamlined application and review

23  process;

24         (4)  Adopt rules and policies, including application

25  and award criteria, regarding eligibility of businesses to

26  receive assistance from the corporation. Such rules and

27  policies shall include, but not be limited to, the

28  requirements that the target businesses:

29         (a)  Shall have substantial operations in Florida;

30         (b)  Shall have products, business or technology in

31  existence at the time of application;

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 1         (c)  Shall have proven management;

 2         (d)  Shall be in a stage of business which is favorable

 3  to expansion of the business into international markets;

 4         (e)  Shall have products or technologies which have a

 5  substantial potential for beneficial effect on business

 6  expansion, business revenue or employment in Florida; and

 7         (f)  Shall have products or technologies which are

 8  potential technology or market leaders with substantial

 9  commercial potential in international markets.

10         (5)  Proposed awards of assistance shall be reviewed

11  and approved at meetings of the board. The board shall give

12  the highest priority to activities that offer the greatest

13  opportunity for economic development impact and cost recovery.

14  A business, including any affiliated corporations of such

15  business, that has received any contractual assistance from

16  the private sector entity selected pursuant to s. 288.9534, is

17  not eligible to receive assistance from the corporation.

18         Section 31.  Chapter 288.9534, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         288.9534  Management of the Corporation.--

21         (1)  The activities of the corporation shall be

22  administered under a contract with a private sector entity

23  selected by the board no later than September 1, 1998. Such

24  company shall have responsibility for performance of all

25  statutory duties of the corporation, under the control and

26  supervision of the board. Potential management companies

27  shall:

28         (a)  Have existing operations in Florida, and provide

29  Florida-resident personnel to perform services under the

30  contract;

31         (b)  Have an established record of success in the

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 1  creation of cross-border transactions, and at least ten years

 2  of operational experience in such business;

 3         (c)  Have staff with substantial financial and

 4  international affairs experience;

 5         (d)  Have international offices;

 6         (e)  Commit to a cash match expenditure of ten percent

 7  of the amount of the state contract issued pursuant to this

 8  section, with such cash to be provided from the capital of the

 9  contractor and expended directly in the pursuit of the

10  statutory purposes of the corporation; and

11         (f)  Have substantial experience in as many of the

12  following areas as possible:

13         1.  Arrangement of cross-border transactions;

14         2.  Development and implementation of market entry

15  strategies for business expansion;

16         3.  Preparation of market analyses and strategic plans;

17  and

18         4.  Work with foreign and domestic financial

19  institutions, highly regulated industries and foreign

20  governments.

21         (2)  The company selected pursuant to this subsection

22  shall provide personnel to serve as officers of the

23  corporation who shall perform on behalf of the corporation all

24  of the customary functions of the offices they occupy.

25         (3)  The board shall provide by contract for division

26  with the management company of total compensation derived from

27  the operations of the corporation. Such division shall be made

28  quarterly, and shall involve the total compensation of the

29  corporation which are in excess of the expenses of the

30  corporation for that quarter.

31         (4)  Prior to securing management services for the

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 1  corporation, staffing of the corporation shall be provided by

 2  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, which

 3  shall provide to the board by August 7, 1998, a list of

 4  candidates qualified and desiring to perform the duties of the

 5  management company specified in this section. The Office of

 6  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall also have

 7  responsibility for the establishment of performance measures

 8  and requirements which provide for the performance of the

 9  statutory duties of the corporation, as well as the following:

10         (a)  Specific outcomes from the performance of the

11  management company, as well as timetables for the

12  accomplishment of such outcomes;

13         (b)  Requirements relating to the handling of state

14  funds and providing for third party audit and financial review

15  of the operations of the corporation;

16         (c)  Reversion to the state of all assets of the

17  corporation in the event of cessation of operations of the

18  corporation; and

19         (d)  Termination of the management company in the event

20  of its failure to perform the duties or deliver the outcomes

21  provided in the management contract.

22         Section 32.  Section 288.9535, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         288.9535  Florida Business Expansion Account.--

25         (1)  The board shall create the Florida Business

26  Expansion account for the purpose of receiving state, federal,

27  and private financial resources, and the return from

28  employment of those resources, and for the purposes of the

29  corporation. The account shall be under the exclusive control

30  of the board.

31         (2)  Resources in the account shall be allocated for

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 1  operating expenses of the corporation and for other

 2  statutorily authorized purposes, including costs of research,

 3  provision of business assistance to targeted businesses, and

 4  other costs.

 5         (3)  Appropriations for the corporation shall be

 6  deposited into the account.

 7         (4)  The board may establish the account and any

 8  sub-accounts necessary and convenient for the operation of the

 9  corporation with state or federally chartered financial

10  institutions in this state and may invest the assets of the

11  account in permissible securities.

12         (5)  At all times, the board shall attempt to maximize

13  the returns on funds in the account.

14         (6)  All revenues received from the operations of the

15  corporation shall be redeposited in the account to be used to

16  promote the statutory purposes of the corporation.

17         (7)  Under no circumstances shall the credit of the

18  state be pledged by or on behalf of the corporation, nor shall

19  the state be liable or obligated in any way for claims on the

20  account or against the corporation.

21         (8)  Pursuant to s. 216.351, the amount of any moneys

22  appropriated to the account which are unused at the end of the

23  fiscal year shall not be subject to reversion under s.

24  216.301. All moneys in the account are continuously

25  appropriated to the account and may be used for the purposes

26  specified in this section. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and

27  Economic Development shall ensure that all funds in the

28  account shall revert to the state in the event that the

29  corporation is dissolved, ceases operations, or upon the

30  evaluation of the board that such services cannot be provided

31  on a cost-recovery basis. Such a determination shall be made

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 1  only after an initial period of program setup and market

 2  research of at least one year.

 3         Section 33.  Section 288.9536, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         288.9536  Reporting and Review.--

 6         (1)  By September 1, 1999, the corporation in

 7  cooperation with the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

 8  Government Accountability shall develop a research design,

 9  including goals and measurable objectives for the corporation,

10  which will provide the Legislature with a quantitative

11  evaluation of the corporation. The corporation shall utilize

12  the monitoring mechanisms and reports developed in the designs

13  and provide these reports to the Governor, the President of

14  the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and

15  the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

16  Accountability.

17         (2)  On January 31, 2000, and on January 31 of each

18  succeeding year, the corporation shall prepare a report on the

19  financial status of the corporation and the account and shall

20  submit a copy of the report to the Governor, the President of

21  the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and

22  the President of Enterprise Florida, Inc. The report shall

23  specify the assets and liabilities of the account within the

24  current fiscal year and shall include a list of the businesses

25  assisted, the benefits obtained by each business assisted,

26  including, but not limited to, increased revenues, cost

27  reductions, sales or investment which have been realized by

28  such businesses.

29         (3)  Prior to the 2001 regular session of the

30  Legislature, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

31  Government Accountability shall perform a review and

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 1  evaluation of the corporation using the research design

 2  promulgated pursuant to this section. The report shall review

 3  and comment on the operations and accomplishments of the

 4  corporation. A report of the findings and recommendations of

 5  the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

 6  Accountability shall be submitted to the President of the

 7  Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives prior

 8  to the 2001 regular session.

 9         Section 34.  Subject to an appropriation in the General

10  Appropriations Act, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

11  Development is authorized to contract with Enterprise Florida,

12  Inc., for the award of Inner City Redevelopment Assistance

13  Grants in connection with the urban initiative of Enterprise

14  Florida, Inc. Such grants may only be used to fund economic

15  development in areas that meet or exceed the criteria for

16  areas eligible under the Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit

17  Program pursuant to section 212.097, Florida Statutes.

18         Section 35.  Section 118.10, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         118.10  Civil Law Notary Florida international

21  notary.--

22         (1)  As used in this section, the term:

23         (a)  "Authentic act Authentication instrument" means an

24  instrument executed by a  civil law Florida international

25  notary referencing this section, which includes the

26  particulars and capacities to act of transacting parties, a

27  confirmation of the full text of the instrument, the

28  signatures of the parties or legal equivalent thereof, and the

29  signature and seal of a civil law Florida international notary

30  as prescribed by the Florida Secretary of State for use in a

31  jurisdiction outside the borders of the United States.

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 1         (b)  "Civil law notary" "Florida international notary"

 2  means a person who is a member in good standing of The Florida

 3  Bar admitted to the practice of law in this state, who has

 4  practiced law for at least 5 years, and who is appointed by

 5  the Secretary of State as a civil law Florida international

 6  notary.

 7         (c)  "Protocol" means a registry maintained by a civil

 8  law Florida international notary in which the acts of the

 9  civil law Florida international notary are archived.

10         (2)  The Secretary of State shall have the power to

11  appoint civil law Florida international notaries and

12  administer this section.

13         (3)  A civil law Florida international notary is

14  authorized to issue authentic acts and may administer an oath

15  and make a certificate thereof whenever it is necessary for

16  execution of any writing or document to be attested,

17  protested, or published under the seal of a notary public.  A

18  civil law notary may also take acknowledgments of deeds and

19  other instruments of writing for record, and solemnize the

20  rites of matrimony, as fully as other officers of this state

21  authentication instruments for use in non-United States

22  jurisdictions. A civil law Florida international notary is not

23  authorized to issue authentic acts authentication instruments

24  for use in a non-United States jurisdiction if the United

25  States Department of State has determined that the

26  jurisdiction does not have diplomatic relations with the

27  United States or is a terrorist country, or if trade with the

28  jurisdiction is prohibited under the Trading With the Enemy

29  Act of 1917, as amended, 50 U.S.C. ss. 1, et seq.

30         (4)  The authentication instruments of a Florida

31  international notary shall not be considered authentication

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 1  instruments within the borders of the United States and shall

 2  have no consequences or effects as authentication instruments

 3  in the United States.

 4         (4)(5)  The authentic acts, oaths and acknowledgments,

 5  and solemnizations, authentication instruments of a civil law

 6  Florida international notary shall be recorded in the civil

 7  law Florida international notary's protocol in a manner

 8  prescribed by the Secretary of State.

 9         (5)(6)  The Secretary of State may adopt rules

10  prescribing:

11         (a)  The form and content of signatures and seals or

12  their legal equivalents for authentic acts, and the

13  circumstances under which authentic acts may be issued

14  authentication instruments;

15         (b)  Procedures for the permanent archiving of

16  authentic acts, maintaining records of acknowledgments, oaths

17  and solemnizations, procedures and requirement for marriage,

18  and procedures for the administration of oaths and taking of

19  acknowledgments authentication instruments;

20         (c)  The charging of reasonable fees to be retained by

21  the Secretary of State for the purpose of administering this

22  section;

23         (d)  Educational requirements and procedures for

24  testing applicants' knowledge of the requirements, procedures,

25  and effects and consequences associated with authentic acts,

26  oaths, acknowledgments, and solemnizations of matrimony

27  authentication instruments in jurisdictions outside the United

28  States;

29         (e)  Procedures for the disciplining of civil law

30  Florida international notaries, including the suspension and

31  revocation of appointments for misrepresentation or fraud

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 1  regarding the civil law Florida international notary's

 2  authority, the effect of the civil law Florida international

 3  notary's authentic acts authentication instruments, or the

 4  identities or acts of the parties to a transaction; and

 5         (f)  Other matters necessary for administering this

 6  section.

 7         (6)(7)  The Secretary of State shall not regulate,

 8  discipline or attempt to discipline, or establish any

 9  educational requirements for any civil law Florida

10  international notary for, or with regard to, any action or

11  conduct that would constitute the practice of law in this

12  state, except by agreement with The Florida Bar.  The

13  Secretary of State shall not establish as a prerequisite to

14  the appointment of a civil law Florida international notary

15  any test containing any question that inquires of the

16  applicant's knowledge regarding the practice of law in the

17  United States, except by agreement with The Florida Bar.

18         (7)  The powers of civil law notaries shall include but

19  not be limited to all of the powers of a notary public under

20  any law of this state.

21         (8)  This section shall not be construed as abrogating

22  the provisions of any other act relating to notaries public,

23  attorneys, or the practice of law in this state.

24         Section 36.  Subsection (7) of section 163.3178,

25  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         163.3178  Coastal management.--

27         (7)  Each port listed in s. 311.09(1), and each local

28  government in the coastal area which has spoil disposal

29  responsibilities shall provide for or identify disposal sites

30  for dredged materials in the future land use and port elements

31  of the local comprehensive plan as needed to assure proper

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 1  long-term management of material dredged from navigation

 2  channels, sufficient long-range disposal capacity,

 3  environmental sensitivity and compatibility, and reasonable

 4  cost and transportation.  The disposal site selection criteria

 5  shall be developed in consultation with navigation and inlet

 6  districts and other appropriate state and federal agencies and

 7  the public. For areas owned or controlled by ports listed in

 8  s. 311.09(1), and proposed port expansion areas, compliance

 9  with the provisions of this subsection shall be achieved

10  through comprehensive master plans prepared by each port and

11  integrated with the appropriate local plan pursuant to s.

12  163.3178(2)(k).

13         Section 37.  Paragraph (g) is added to subsection (1)

14  and paragraph (d) is added to subsection (6) of section

15  163.3187, Florida Statutes, to read:

16         163.3187  Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.--

17         (1)  Amendments to comprehensive plans adopted pursuant

18  to this part may be made not more than two times during any

19  calendar year, except:

20         (g)  Any comprehensive plan amendments for port

21  transportation facilities and projects which are eligible for

22  funding by the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic

23  Development Council pursuant to the provisions of s. 311.07.

24         (6)  No local government may amend its comprehensive

25  plan after the date established by rule for submittal of its

26  evaluation and appraisal report unless it has submitted its

27  report or addendum to the state land planning agency as

28  prescribed by s. 163.3191, except for:

29         (d)  Plan amendments for port transportation facilities

30  and projects which are eligible for funding by the Florida

31  Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Council

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 1  pursuant to the provisions of s. 311.07.


 3  When the agency has determined that the report or addendum has

 4  sufficiently addressed all pertinent provisions of s.

 5  163.3191, the local government may proceed with plan

 6  amendments in addition to those necessary to implement

 7  recommendations in the report or addendum.

 8         Section 38.  Subsection (3) is added to section

 9  288.8155, Florida Statutes, to read:

10         288.8155  International Trade Data Resource and

11  Research Center.--Enterprise Florida, Inc., and the Florida

12  Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Council may

13  establish a comprehensive trade data resource and research

14  center to be known as the "International Trade Data Resource

15  and Research Center."  The center may join with other public

16  sector or private sector entities, domestic or foreign, to

17  accomplish its purposes.

18         (3)  The center may create an Internet-based system to

19  form an information partnership between this state and its

20  strategic trading partners in the Western Hemisphere.  Prior

21  to creating the system, the center shall prepare a

22  comprehensive plan for the development and operation of the

23  system that includes a cost analysis, performance measures,

24  and objective outcomes for the system.  The plan shall be

25  approved by the board and copies of the plan shall be

26  delivered to the Legislature and the Office of Tourism, Trade,

27  and Economic Development prior to the release of any funds for

28  the system.

29         Section 39.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section

30  288.9607, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         288.9607  Guaranty of bond issues.--

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 1         (7)(a)  The corporation is authorized to enter into an

 2  investment agreement with the Department of Transportation and

 3  the State Board of Administration concerning the investment of

 4  the earnings accrued and collected upon the investment of the

 5  minimum balance of funds required to be maintained in the

 6  State Transportation Trust Fund pursuant to s. 339.135(7)(b).

 7  Such investment shall be limited as follows:

 8         1.  Not more than $4 million of the investment earnings

 9  earned on the investment of the minimum balance of the State

10  Transportation Trust Fund in a fiscal year shall be at risk at

11  any time on one or more bonds or series of bonds issued by the

12  corporation.

13         2.  The investment earnings shall not be used to

14  guarantee any bonds issued after June 30, 2002 1998, and in no

15  event shall the investment earnings be used to guarantee any

16  bond issued for a maturity longer than 15 years.

17         3.  The corporation shall pay a reasonable fee, set by

18  the State Board of Administration, in return for the

19  investment of such funds. The fee shall not be less than the

20  comparable rate for similar investments in terms of size and

21  risk.

22         4.  The proceeds of bonds, or portions thereof, issued

23  by the corporation for which a guaranty has been or will be

24  issued pursuant to s. 288.9606, s. 288.9608, or this section

25  used to make loans to any one person, including any related

26  interests, as defined in s. 658.48, of such person, shall not

27  exceed 20 percent of the principal of all such outstanding

28  bonds of the corporation issued prior to the first composite

29  bond issue of the corporation, or December 31, 1995, whichever

30  comes first, and shall not exceed 15 percent of the principal

31  of all such outstanding bonds of the corporation issued

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 1  thereafter, in each case determined as of the date of issuance

 2  of the bonds for which such determination is being made and

 3  taking into account the principal amount of such bonds to be

 4  issued. The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply

 5  when the total amount of all such outstanding bonds issued by

 6  the corporation is less than $10 million.  For the purpose of

 7  calculating the limits imposed by the provisions of this

 8  subparagraph, the first $10 million of bonds issued by the

 9  corporation shall be taken into account.

10         5.  The corporation shall establish a debt service

11  reserve account which contains not less than 6 months' debt

12  service reserves from the proceeds of the sale of any bonds,

13  or portions thereof, guaranteed by the corporation.

14         6.  The corporation shall establish an account known as

15  the Revenue Bond Guaranty Reserve Account, the Guaranty Fund.

16  The corporation shall deposit a sum of money or other cash

17  equivalents into this fund and maintain a balance of money or

18  cash equivalents in this fund, from sources other than the

19  investment of earnings accrued and collected upon the

20  investment of the minimum balance of funds required to be

21  maintained in the State Transportation Trust Fund, not less

22  than a sum equal to 1 year of maximum debt service on all

23  outstanding bonds, or portions thereof, of the corporation for

24  which a guaranty has been issued pursuant to ss. 288.9606,

25  288.9607, and 288.9608. In the event the corporation fails to

26  maintain the balance required pursuant to this subparagraph

27  for any reason other than a default on a bond issue of the

28  corporation guaranteed pursuant to this section or because of

29  the use by the corporation of any such funds to pay insurance,

30  maintenance, or other costs which may be required for the

31  preservation of any project or other collateral security for

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 1  any bond issued by the corporation, or to otherwise protect

 2  the Revenue Bond Guaranty Reserve Account from loss while the

 3  applicant is in default on amortization payments, or to

 4  minimize losses to the reserve account in each case in such

 5  manner as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the

 6  corporation, the corporation shall immediately notify the

 7  Department of Transportation of such deficiency. Any

 8  supplemental funding authorized by an investment agreement

 9  entered into with the Department of Transportation and the

10  State Board of Administration concerning the use of investment

11  earnings of the minimum balance of funds is void unless such

12  deficiency of funds is cured by the corporation within 90 days

13  after the corporation has notified the Department of

14  Transportation of such deficiency.


16  The corporation shall include, as part of the annual report

17  prepared pursuant to s. 288.9610, a detailed report concerning

18  the use of guaranteed bond proceeds for loans guaranteed or

19  issued pursuant to any agreement with the Florida Black

20  Business Investment Board, including the percentage of such

21  loans guaranteed or issued and the total volume of such loans

22  guaranteed or issued.

23         Section 40.  Section 288.9614, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         288.9614  Authorized programs.--

26         (1)  The capital development board may take any action

27  that it deems necessary to achieve the purposes of this act in

28  partnership with private enterprises, public agencies, and

29  other organizations, including, but not limited to, efforts to

30  address the long-term debt needs of small-sized and

31  medium-sized firms, to address the needs of microenterprises,

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 1  to expand availability of venture capital, and to increase

 2  international trade and export finance opportunities for firms

 3  critical to achieving the purposes of this act.

 4         (2)  The capital development board or Enterprise

 5  Florida, Inc., shall not expend any state appropriated funds

 6  on any venture capital fund created by Enterprise Florida,

 7  Inc., and its affiliates or any other entity that does not

 8  solely invest in businesses located in this state.

 9         Section 41.  Subsection (4) of section 253.77, Florida

10  Statutes, is created to read:

11         253.77  State lands; state agency authorization for use

12  prohibited without consent of agency in which title vested;

13  concurrent processing requirements.--

14         (4)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

15  Chapter, Chapter 373 or chapter 403, Florida Statutes, for

16  activities authorized by a permit or exemption pursuant to

17  chapter 373 or 403, ports listed in subsection 403.021(9)(b),

18  and inland navigation districts created pursuant to subsection

19  374.975(3), shall not be required to pay any fees for

20  activities involving the use of sovereign lands, including

21  leases, easements or consents of use.

22         Section 42.  Section 311.07, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         311.07  Florida seaport transportation and economic

25  development funding.--

26         (1)  There is created the Florida Seaport

27  Transportation and Economic Development Program within the

28  Department of Transportation to finance port transportation or

29  port facilities and projects that will improve the movement

30  and intermodal transportation of cargo or passengers in

31  commerce and trade and that will support the interests,

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 1  purposes, and requirements of ports located in this state.

 2         (2)  A minimum of $8 million per year shall be made

 3  available from the State Transportation Trust Fund to fund the

 4  Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development

 5  Program.

 6         (3)(a)  Program funds shall be used to fund approved

 7  projects on a 50-50 matching basis with any of the deepwater

 8  ports, as listed in s. 403.021(9)(b), which is governed by a

 9  public body or any other deepwater port which is governed by a

10  public body and which complies with the water quality

11  provisions of s. 403.061, the comprehensive master plan

12  requirements of s. 163.3178(2)(k), the local financial

13  management and reporting provisions of part III of chapter

14  218, and the auditing provisions of s. 11.45(3)(a)4. Program

15  funds also may be used by the Seaport Transportation and

16  Economic Development Council to develop with the Florida Trade

17  Data Center such trade data information products which will

18  assist Florida's seaports and international trade.

19         (b)  Projects eligible for funding by grants under the

20  program are limited to the following port transportation

21  facilities and or port transportation projects:

22         1.  Transportation facilities within the jurisdiction

23  of the port.

24         2.  The dredging or deepening of channels, turning

25  basins, or harbors.

26         3.  The construction or rehabilitation of wharves,

27  docks, structures, jetties, piers, storage facilities, cruise

28  terminals, automated people mover systems, or any facilities

29  necessary or useful in connection with any of the foregoing.

30         4.  The acquisition of container cranes or other

31  mechanized equipment used in the movement of cargo or

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 1  passengers in international commerce.

 2         5.  The acquisition of land to be used for port

 3  purposes as described in, or consistent with, port master

 4  plans.

 5         6.  The acquisition, improvement, enlargement, or

 6  extension of existing port facilities as described in, or

 7  consistent with, port master plans.

 8         7.  Environmental protection projects which are

 9  necessary because of requirements imposed by a state agency as

10  a condition of a permit or other form of state approval; which

11  are necessary for environmental mitigation required as a

12  condition of a state, federal, or local environmental permit;

13  which are necessary for the acquisition of spoil disposal

14  sites and improvements to existing and future spoil sites; or

15  which result from the funding of eligible projects listed

16  herein.

17         8.  Transportation facilities as defined in s.

18  334.03(31) which are not otherwise part of the Department of

19  Transportation's adopted work program.

20         9.  Seaport intermodal access projects identified in

21  the 5-year Florida Seaport Mission Plan as provided in s.

22  311.09(3).

23         (c)  To be eligible for consideration by the council

24  pursuant to this section, a project must be consistent with

25  the port comprehensive master plan which is incorporated as

26  part of the approved local government comprehensive plan as

27  required by s. 163.3178(2)(k) or other provisions of the Local

28  Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development

29  Regulation Act, part II of chapter 163.

30         (4)  A port eligible for matching funds under the

31  program may receive a distribution of not more than $7 million

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 1  during any 1 calendar year and a distribution of not more than

 2  $30 million during any 5-calendar-year period.

 3         (5)  Any port which receives funding under the program

 4  shall institute procedures to ensure that jobs created as a

 5  result of the state funding shall be subject to equal

 6  opportunity hiring practices in the manner provided in s.

 7  110.112.

 8         (6)  The Department of Transportation shall subject any

 9  project that receives funds pursuant to this section to a

10  final audit.  The department may adopt rules and perform such

11  other acts as are necessary or convenient to ensure that the

12  final audits are conducted and that any deficiency or

13  questioned costs noted by the audit are resolved.

14         Section 43.  Subsection (9) of section 311.09, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         311.09  Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic

17  Development Council.--

18         (9)  The council shall review the findings of the

19  Department of Community Affairs; the Office of Tourism, Trade,

20  and Economic Development; and the Department of

21  Transportation.  Projects found to be inconsistent pursuant to

22  subsections (6), (7), and (8) and projects which have been

23  determined not to offer an economic benefit to the state

24  pursuant to subsection (8) shall not be included in the list

25  of projects to be funded. Projects found to be consistent

26  pursuant to subsection (6), (7), and (8) shall be presumed in

27  the public interest.

28         Section 44.  Sections 288.99, 288.9951, 288.9952,

29  288.9953, 288.9954, 288.9955, 288.9956, and 288.9957, Florida

30  Statutes, are designated as part XI of chapter 288, Florida

31  Statutes, and the Division of Statutory Revision is requested

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 1  to designate that part "Workforce Development Board."

 2         Section 45.  Section 288.9620, Florida Statutes, is

 3  transferred, renumbered as section 288.99, Florida Statutes,

 4  and amended to read:

 5         (Substantial rewording of section. See

 6         s. 288.9620, F.S., for present text.)

 7         288.99  Workforce Development Board.--

 8         (1)  The Legislature finds that the growth and

 9  competitive strength of Florida's economy depend upon the

10  state's ability to attract and support industries that add to

11  the value of the state's social capital as well as to its

12  economic capital. It is crucial to the retention and growth of

13  these high-value-added industries to assure that skilled human

14  resources are adequate in quality and quantity. The

15  Legislature intends to adopt a uniform policy to guide

16  education, training, and employment programs, so that the

17  combined efforts of all the programs accomplish the following

18  objectives:

19         (a)  Provide for a skilled workforce to enable Florida

20  to compete in a global economy.

21         (b)  Respond to changes in technology and to emerging

22  industries.

23         (c)  Promote the development of market-driven programs

24  through a planning and funding system based upon products of

25  the Occupational Forecasting Conference created in s. 216.136.

26         (d)  Base evaluations of program success on student and

27  participant outcomes rather than processes.

28         (e)  Coordinate state, federal, local, and private

29  funds for maximum impact.

30         (f)  Encourage the participation, education, and

31  training of members of populations selected by state or

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 1  federal policy to receive additional resources, guidance, or

 2  services. The selected populations must include people with

 3  disabilities or economic disadvantages, especially those who

 4  are participants in the WAGES Program, are eligible for public

 5  assistance, or are dislocated workers.

 6         (2)  There is created within the nonprofit corporate

 7  structure of Enterprise Florida, Inc., a nonprofit

 8  public-private Workforce Development Board.  The purpose of

 9  the Workforce Development Board, also known as the Jobs and

10  Education Partnership, is to create a Florida economy

11  characterized by better employment opportunities leading to

12  higher wages by creating and maintaining a highly skilled

13  workforce that responds to the rapidly changing technology and

14  diversified market opportunities critical to this mission.

15         (3)(a)  The Workforce Development Board shall be

16  governed by a board of directors consisting of the following

17  members:

18         1.  The Commissioner of Education.

19         2.  The Secretary of the Department of Elderly Affairs.

20         3.  The Secretary of the Department of Children and

21  Family Services.

22         4.  The Secretary of the Department of Labor and

23  Employment Security.

24         5.  The Chancellor of the State University System or

25  the Chancellor's designee.

26         6.  The Executive Director of the State Community

27  College System or the executive director's designee.

28         7.  A member of the Senate, to be appointed by the

29  President of the Senate as an ex officio member of the board

30  and serve at the pleasure of the President.

31         8.  A member of the House of Representatives, to be

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 1  appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives as an

 2  ex officio member of the board and serve at the pleasure of

 3  the Speaker.

 4         9.  Eleven to 13 members from the public and private

 5  sectors who possess an understanding of the broad spectrum of

 6  education, training, and employment needs of the residents of

 7  the state, with the majority from the private sector, to be

 8  appointed by the Governor, subject to Senate confirmation.

 9  Membership must be consistent with Pub. L. No. 97-300, as

10  amended, including the requirement that organized labor

11  representatives must constitute not less than 15 percent of

12  the membership and represent those industries critical to the

13  state's economic base, as well as that portion of the state's

14  population which has limited employment skills and work

15  experience. The members from the public sector must also

16  include an occupational dean of a community college and a

17  school district vocational director with responsibility for

18  postsecondary programs. The members from the private sector

19  must include a private business representative from a private

20  industry council, at least one representative of a regional

21  workforce development board, a representative of organized

22  labor, as well as two representatives from licensed, private

23  postsecondary institutions in the state currently

24  participating in vocational education and job training

25  programs provided that at least one of these members is

26  recommended by the Florida Association of Postsecondary

27  Schools and Colleges.

28         (b)  Additional members may be appointed, subject to

29  Senate confirmation, when necessary to conform to the

30  requirements of the Job Training Partnership Act or the

31  requirements of any other federal act establishing or

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 1  designating a Human Resources Investment Council or other

 2  federal workforce development board.

 3         (c)  Private-sector members appointed by the Governor

 4  must be appointed for 4-year, staggered terms. Public-sector

 5  members appointed by the Governor must be appointed to 4-year

 6  terms. At least 50 percent of the Governor's appointees must

 7  be members of regional workforce development boards. The

 8  regional workforce development boards may nominate members for

 9  the Governor's consideration.

10         (d)  The chair of the board of directors of the

11  Workforce Development Board and the vice chair of the board of

12  directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall jointly select a

13  list of nominees for appointment to the board of directors of

14  the Workforce Development Board from a slate of candidates

15  submitted by the board of directors of Enterprise Florida,

16  Inc.  The chair of the board of directors of the Workforce

17  Development Board and vice chair of the board of directors of

18  Enterprise Florida, Inc., may request that additional

19  candidates be submitted by the board of directors of

20  Enterprise Florida, Inc., if the chair and vice chair cannot

21  agree on a list of nominees submitted.  Appointments to the

22  board of directors of the Workforce Development Board shall be

23  made by the Governor from the list of nominees jointly

24  selected by the chair of the board of directors of the

25  Workforce Development Board and vice chair of the board of

26  directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc.  Appointees shall

27  represent all geographic regions of the state, including both

28  urban and rural regions.  The importance of minority and

29  gender representation shall be considered when making

30  nominations for each position on the board of directors of the

31  Workforce Development Board.  A vacancy on the board of

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 1  directors of the Workforce Development Board shall be filled

 2  for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as

 3  the original appointment.

 4         (e)  The Governor shall appoint members from the public

 5  sector and private sector to the board of directors of the

 6  Workforce Development Board within 30 days after the receipt

 7  of the nominations from the board of directors of Enterprise

 8  Florida, Inc.

 9         (f)  A member of the board of directors of the

10  Workforce Development Board may be removed by the Governor for

11  cause. Absence from three consecutive meetings results in

12  automatic removal.

13         (4)  The board of directors of the Workforce

14  Development Board may appoint subcommittees to fulfill its

15  responsibilities, to comply with federal requirements, or to

16  obtain technical assistance and must incorporate members of

17  regional workforce development boards and former boards and

18  commissions into its structure. These subcommittees may

19  provide the board of directors of the Workforce Development

20  Board with technical advice, policy consultation, and

21  information about workforce development issues.

22         (5)(a)  The board of directors of the Workforce

23  Development Board shall be chaired by a board member

24  designated by the Governor.

25         (b)  The president of the Workforce Development Board

26  shall be hired by the president of Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

27  and shall serve in the capacity of an executive director and

28  secretary of the Workforce Development Board. The president of

29  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall hire any additional staff

30  within the parameters established by the board of directors of

31  Enterprise Florida, Inc.

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 1         (c)  The board of directors of the Workforce

 2  Development Board shall meet at least quarterly and at other

 3  times upon call of its chair.

 4         (d)  A majority of the total current membership of the

 5  board of directors of the Workforce Development Board

 6  comprises a quorum of the board.

 7         (e)  A majority of those voting is required to organize

 8  and conduct the business of the Workforce Development Board,

 9  except that a majority of the entire board of directors of the

10  Workforce Development Board is required to adopt or amend the

11  operational plan.

12         (f)  Except as delegated or authorized by the board of

13  directors of the Workforce Development Board, individual

14  members have no authority to control or direct the operations

15  of the Workforce Development Board or the actions of its

16  officers and employees, including the president.

17         (g)  The board of directors of the Workforce

18  Development Board may delegate to its president those powers

19  and responsibilities it deems appropriate.

20         (h)  Members of the board of directors of the Workforce

21  Development Board and its subcommittees shall serve without

22  compensation, but these members, the president, and all

23  employees of the Workforce Development Board may be reimbursed

24  for all reasonable, necessary, and actual expenses, as

25  determined by the board of directors of Enterprise Florida,

26  Inc.

27         (i)  The board of directors of the Workforce

28  Development Board may establish an executive committee

29  consisting of the chair and at least two additional board

30  members selected by the board of directors.  The executive

31  committee shall have such authority as the board of directors

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 1  of the Workforce Development Board delegates to it, except

 2  that the board of directors may not delegate to the executive

 3  committee authority to take action that requires approval by a

 4  majority of the entire board of directors.

 5         (j)  Each member of the board of directors of the

 6  Workforce Development Board who is not otherwise required to

 7  file a financial disclosure pursuant to s. 8, Art. II of the

 8  State Constitution or s. 112.3144 must file disclosure of

 9  financial interests pursuant to s. 112.3145.

10         (6)  The Workforce Development Board shall have all the

11  powers and authority, not explicitly prohibited by statute,

12  necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the

13  purposes of this section, as well as its functions, duties,

14  and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, the

15  following:

16         (a)  Advising and assisting in the formulation and

17  coordination of the state's economic policy regarding

18  workforce development critical to achieve the purposes of the

19  board, as stated in this section and consistent with the

20  policies of the board of directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc.

21         (b)  Using a corporate seal.

22         (c)  Advising and assisting in developing the state's

23  strategic workforce development plan and subsequent

24  implementation plans as part of the strategic economic

25  development plan of Enterprise Florida, Inc.

26         (d)  Designing the state's workforce development

27  strategy as the state's Human Resource Investment Council,

28  recommending a market-driven, placement-based,

29  community-managed, and customer-focused workforce development

30  system and promoting that system's implementation at the state

31  and local level. The strategy should establish standards and

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 1  measures for job placement cost, direct customer service

 2  costs, and overall service delivery costs to measure

 3  performance for various categories of workers as well as

 4  performance when taking into account the difficulties

 5  confronted by workers. Unless otherwise required by federal

 6  law, at least 90 percent of the funding covered by this

 7  strategy must go into direct customer service costs. Of the

 8  allowable administrative overhead, appropriate amounts shall

 9  be expended to procure independent job placement performance

10  evaluations.

11         (e)  Evaluating the performance and effectiveness of

12  Florida's workforce development programs.

13         (f)  Reporting to the board of directors of Enterprise

14  Florida, Inc., regarding its recommendations, functions,

15  duties, and responsibilities.

16         (g)  Soliciting, borrowing, accepting, receiving,

17  investing, and expending funds from any public or private

18  source.

19         (h)  Contracting with public and private entities as

20  necessary to further the directives of this section, except

21  that any contract made with an organization represented on the

22  board of directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc., or on the

23  board of directors of the Workforce Development Board must be

24  approved by a two-thirds vote of the entire board of directors

25  of the Workforce Development Board, and, if applicable, the

26  board member representing such organization shall abstain from

27  voting. No more than 65 percent of the dollar value of all

28  contracts or other agreements entered into in any fiscal year,

29  exclusive of grant programs, shall be made with an

30  organization represented on the board of directors of

31  Enterprise Florida, Inc., or the board of directors of the

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 1  Workforce Development Board. An organization represented on

 2  the board of directors of the Workforce Development Board or

 3  on the board of directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc., may not

 4  enter into a contract to receive a state-funded economic

 5  development incentive or similar grant, unless such incentive

 6  award is specifically endorsed by a two-thirds vote of the

 7  entire board of directors of the Workforce Development Board.

 8  The member of the board of directors of the Workforce

 9  Development Board representing such organization, if

10  applicable, shall abstain from voting and refrain from

11  discussing the issue with other members of the board. No more

12  than 50 percent of the dollar value of grants issued by the

13  board in any fiscal year may go to businesses associated with

14  members of the board of directors of the Workforce Development

15  Board.

16         (i)  Approving an annual budget.

17         (j)  Carrying forward any unexpended state

18  appropriations into succeeding fiscal years.

19         (k)  Providing an annual report to the board of

20  directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc., by November 1 which

21  includes a copy of an annual financial and compliance audit of

22  its accounts and records conducted by an independent certified

23  public accountant and performed in accordance with rules

24  adopted by the Auditor General.

25         (l)  Serving as the designated State Human Resource

26  Investment Council, as described in Pub. L. No. 102-367, Title

27  VII, with responsibility for policy, planning, and

28  accountability for the state's workforce development strategy.

29         (m)  Working with affected communities, councils, and

30  agencies to develop and implement a transition plan

31  consolidating and coordinating these groups and their funding

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 1  into the state's workforce development strategy.

 2         (n)  Implementing a charter process that uses regional

 3  workforce development boards whose membership,

 4  responsibilities, and authority must be consistent with

 5  federal and state law. Such charter process must align local

 6  workforce groups' resources and services under the regional

 7  workforce development boards' plans to eliminate unwarranted

 8  duplication, minimize administrative costs, and increase

 9  responsiveness to business, communities, and workers.

10         (o)  Identifying resources that can be directed to

11  charters and designs that can make state expenditures more

12  job-placement-focused and performance-based.

13         (p)  Establishing procedures to award resources and

14  incentives to chartered communities and to measure the job

15  placement outcomes of those charters, rewarding positive

16  outcomes, and penalizing negative outcomes, ultimately

17  revoking failing charters. Notwithstanding s. 216.351, to

18  allow time for documenting program performance, funds

19  allocated for the incentives provided in this section and s.

20  239.249 must be carried forward to the next fiscal year and

21  must be awarded for the current year's performance, unless

22  federal law requires the funds to revert at the year's end.

23         (q)  Developing workforce development innovations in

24  consultation with business, labor, community groups, workforce

25  development groups, educational institutions, research groups,

26  and agencies.

27         (7)  The Workforce Development Board may take any

28  action that it deems necessary to achieve the purposes of this

29  section and consistent with the policies of the board of

30  directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc., in partnership with

31  private enterprises, public agencies, and other organizations.

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    Amendment No.    

 1  The Workforce Development Board shall advise and make

 2  recommendations to the board of directors of Enterprise

 3  Florida, Inc., and through that board of directors to the

 4  State Board of Education and the Legislature concerning action

 5  needed to bring about the following benefits to the state's

 6  social and economic resources:

 7         (a)  A state employment, education, and training policy

 8  that ensures that programs to prepare workers are responsive

 9  to present and future business and industry needs and

10  complement the initiatives of the boards of Enterprise

11  Florida, Inc.

12         (b)  A funding system that provides incentives to

13  improve the outcomes of vocational education programs, and of

14  registered apprenticeship and work-based learning programs,

15  and that focuses resources on occupations related to new or

16  emerging industries that add greatly to the value of the

17  state's economy.

18         (c)  A comprehensive approach to the education and

19  training of target populations such as those who have

20  disabilities, are economically disadvantaged, receive public

21  assistance, are not proficient in English, or are dislocated

22  workers. This approach should ensure the effective use of

23  federal, state, local, and private resources in reducing the

24  need for public assistance.

25         (d)  The designation of institutes of applied

26  technology composed of postsecondary institutions working

27  together with business and industry to ensure that technical

28  and vocational education programs use the most advanced

29  technology and instructional methods available and respond to

30  the changing needs of business and industry.

31         (e)  A system to project and evaluate labor market

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 1  supply and demand using the results of the Occupational

 2  Forecasting Conference created in s. 216.136 and the career

 3  education performance standards identified in s. 239.233.

 4         (f)  A review of the performance of public programs

 5  that are responsible for economic development, education,

 6  employment, and training. The review must include an analysis

 7  of the return on investment of these programs.

 8         (8)  By December 1 of each year, Enterprise Florida,

 9  Inc., shall submit to the Governor, the President of the

10  Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the

11  Senate Minority Leader, and the House Minority Leader a

12  complete and detailed report by the Workforce Development

13  Board setting forth:

14         (a)  The audit in subsection (9), if conducted.

15         (b)  The operations and accomplishments of the

16  partnership including the programs or entities listed in

17  subsection (7).

18         (9)  The Auditor General may, pursuant to his or her

19  own authority or at the direction of the Legislative Auditing

20  Committee, conduct an audit of the Workforce Development Board

21  or the programs or entities created by the Workforce

22  Development Board.

23         (10)  The Workforce Development Board, in collaboration

24  with the regional workforce development boards, the Office of

25  Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, and

26  appropriate state agencies and local public and private

27  service providers, must establish uniform measures and

28  standards, to gauge the performance of the workforce

29  development strategy. These measures and standards must be

30  organized into three outcome tiers.

31         (a)  The first tier must be organized to provide

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 1  benchmarks for systemwide outcomes. The Workforce Development

 2  Board must, in collaboration with the Office of Program Policy

 3  Analysis and Government Accountability, establish goals for

 4  the tier one outcomes. The resources of the University of

 5  Florida Bureau of Economics and Business Research, the

 6  Department of Labor and Employment Security, the Commission on

 7  Government Accountability to the People, the Florida Education

 8  and Training Placement Information Program, and the

 9  Occupational Forecasting Conference, as well as any other

10  relevant federal, state, or private sources, may be consulted

11  for assistance in establishing standards and measures, for

12  providing data collection and ensuring data reliability, or

13  for data evaluation and interpretation by the Workforce

14  Development Board. Systemwide outcomes may include employment

15  in occupations demonstrating continued growth in wages,

16  continued employment after 3, 6, 12, and 24 months, reduction

17  in and elimination of public assistance reliance, job

18  placement, employer satisfaction, and positive return on

19  investment of public resources.

20         (b)  The second tier must be organized to provide a set

21  of benchmark outcomes for each of the four strategic

22  components of the workforce development strategy. A set of

23  standards and measures must be developed for One-Stop Career

24  Centers, School-to-Work, Welfare-to-Work, and High Skills/High

25  Wage, targeting the specific goals of that particular

26  strategy. Cost per entered employment, earnings at placement,

27  retention in employment, job placement, and entered employment

28  rate must be included among the performance outcome measures.

29  The resources of the University of Florida Bureau of Economics

30  and Business Research, the Department of Labor and Employment

31  Security, the Commission on Government Accountability to the

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    Amendment No.    

 1  People, the Florida Education and Training Placement

 2  Information Program, and the Occupational Forecasting

 3  Conference, as well as any other relevant federal, state, or

 4  private sources, may be consulted for assistance in

 5  establishing standards and measures, for providing data

 6  collection and ensuring data reliability, or for data

 7  evaluation and interpretation by the Workforce Development

 8  Board.

 9         1.  Appropriate measures for One-Stop Career Centers

10  may include direct job placements at minimum wage, at a wage

11  level established by the Occupational Forecasting Conference,

12  and at a wage level above the level established by the

13  Occupational Forecasting Conference.

14         2.  Appropriate measures for the School-to-Work

15  component may include the number of students enrolling and

16  completing work-based programs including apprenticeship

17  programs, job placement rate, job retention rate, wage at

18  placement, and wage growth.

19         3.  Welfare-to-Work measures may include job placement

20  rate, job retention rate, wage at placement, wage growth,

21  reduction and elimination of reliance on public assistance,

22  and savings resulting from reduced reliance on public

23  assistance.

24         4.  High Skills/High Wage measures may include job

25  placement rate, job retention rate, wage at placement, and

26  wage growth.

27         (c)  A third tier of measures and standards shall be

28  the operational and output measures to be used by the agency

29  implementing programs, and it may be specific to federal

30  requirements. The tier three standards must be developed by

31  the agencies implementing programs, and the Workforce

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 1  Development Board may be consulted in this effort. Such

 2  outputs must be reported to the Workforce Development Board by

 3  the appropriate implementing agency.

 4         (d)  Regional differences must be reflective of the

 5  establishment of performance goals and may include job

 6  availability, unemployment rates, average worker wage, and

 7  available employable population. All performance goals must be

 8  derived from the goals, principles, and strategies established

 9  in the Workforce Florida Act of 1996.

10         (e)  Job placement must be reported pursuant to s.

11  229.8075. Positive outcomes for providers of education and

12  training must be consistent with ss. 239.233 and 239.245.

13         (f)  The uniform measures of success that are adopted

14  by the Workforce Development Board or the regional workforce

15  development boards must be developed in a manner that provides

16  for an equitable comparison of the relative success or failure

17  of any service provider in terms of positive outcomes. 

18         Section 46.  Section 446.601, Florida Statutes, is

19  transferred, renumbered as section 288.9951, Florida Statutes,

20  and amended to read:

21         288.9951 446.601  Short title; legislative intent.--

22         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Workforce

23  Florida Act of 1996."

24         (2)  The goal of this section is to utilize the

25  workforce development system to upgrade dramatically

26  Floridians' workplace skills, economically benefiting the

27  workforce, employers, and the state.

28         (3)  These principles should guide the state's efforts:

29         (a)  Floridians must upgrade their skills to succeed in

30  today's workplace.

31         (b)  In business, workforce skills are the key

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 1  competitive advantage.

 2         (c)  Workforce skills will be Florida's key

 3  job-creating incentive for business.

 4         (d)  Budget cuts, efficiency, effectiveness, and

 5  accountability mandate the consolidation of program services

 6  and the elimination of unwarranted duplication.

 7         (e)  Streamlined state and local partnerships must

 8  focus on outcomes, not process.

 9         (f)  Locally designed, customer-focused, market-driven

10  service delivery works best.

11         (g)  Job training curricula must be developed in

12  concert with the input and needs of existing employers and

13  businesses, and must consider the anticipated demand for

14  targeted job opportunities, as specified by the Occupational

15  Forecasting Conference under s. 216.136.

16         (h)  Job placement, job retention, and

17  return-on-investment should control workforce development

18  expenditures and be a part of the measure for success and

19  failure.

20         (i)  Success will be rewarded and failure will have

21  consequences.

22         (j)  Job placement success will be publicly measured

23  and reported to the Legislature.

24         (k)  Apprenticeship programs, pursuant to s. 446.011,

25  which provide a valuable opportunity for preparing citizens

26  for productive employment, will be encouraged.

27         (4)  The workforce development strategy shall be

28  designed by the Workforce Development Board Enterprise Florida

29  Jobs and Education Partnership pursuant to s. 288.99 s.

30  288.0475, and shall be centered around the four integrated

31  strategic components of One-Stop Career Centers,

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 1  School-to-Work, Welfare-to-Work, and High Skills/High Wage

 2  Jobs.

 3         (a)  One-Stop Career Centers are the state's initial

 4  customer-service contact strategy for offering every Floridian

 5  access, through service sites, telephone, or computer

 6  networks, to the following services:

 7         1.  Job search, referral, and placement assistance.

 8         2.  Career counseling and educational planning.

 9         3.  Consumer reports on service providers.

10         4.  Recruitment and eligibility determination.

11         5.  Support services, including child care and

12  transportation.

13         6.  Employability skills training.

14         7.  Adult education and basic skills training.

15         8.  Technical training leading to a certification and

16  degree.

17         9.  Claim filing for unemployment compensation

18  services.

19         10.  Temporary income, health, nutritional, and housing

20  assistance.

21         11.  Child care and transportation assistance to gain

22  employment.

23         12.  Other appropriate and available workforce

24  development services.

25         (b)  School-to-Work is the state's youth and adult

26  workforce education strategy for coordinating business,

27  education, and the community to support students in achieving

28  long-term career goals, and for ensuring the workforce is

29  prepared with the academic and occupational skills required

30  for success.

31         (c)  Welfare-to-Work is the state's strategy for

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 1  encouraging self-sufficiency and minimizing dependence upon

 2  public assistance by emphasizing job placement and transition

 3  support services for welfare recipients.

 4         (d)  High Skills/High Wage is the state's strategy for

 5  aligning education and training programs with the Occupational

 6  Forecasting Conference under s. 216.136, for meeting the job

 7  demands of the state's existing businesses, and for providing

 8  a ready workforce which is integral to the state's economic

 9  development goal of attracting new and expanding businesses.

10         (5)  The workforce development system shall utilize a

11  charter process approach aimed at encouraging local design and

12  control of service delivery and targeted activities.  The

13  Workforce Development Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and

14  Education Partnership shall be responsible for granting

15  charters to regional workforce development boards which have a

16  membership consistent with the requirements of federal and

17  state law and which have developed a plan consistent with the

18  state's workforce development strategy and with the strategic

19  components of One-Stop Career Centers, School-to-Work,

20  Welfare-to-Work, and High Skills/High Wage. The plan shall

21  specify methods for allocating the resources and programs in a

22  manner that eliminates unwarranted duplication, minimizes

23  administrative costs, meets the existing job market demands

24  and the job market demands resulting from successful economic

25  development activities, ensures access to quality workforce

26  development services for all Floridians, and maximizes

27  successful outcomes.  As part of the charter process, the

28  Workforce Development Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and

29  Education Partnership shall establish incentives for effective

30  coordination of federal and state programs, outline rewards

31  for successful job placements, and institute collaborative

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 1  approaches among local service providers.  Local

 2  decisionmaking and control shall be important components for

 3  inclusion in this charter application.

 4         Section 47.  Section 446.602, Florida Statutes, is

 5  transferred, renumbered as section 288.9952, Florida Statutes,

 6  and amended to read:

 7         288.9952 446.602  Regional workforce development

 8  boards.--

 9         (1)  One regional workforce development board shall be

10  appointed in each designated service delivery area.  The

11  membership and responsibilities of the board shall be

12  consistent with Pub. L. No. 97-300, as amended.  The board

13  shall be appointed by the chief elected official or his or her

14  designee of the local county or city governing bodies or

15  consortiums of county and/or city governmental units that

16  exist through interlocal agreements and shall include:

17         (a)  At least 51 percent of the members of each board

18  being from the private sector and being chief executives,

19  chief operating officers, owners of business concerns, or

20  other private sector executives with substantial management or

21  policy responsibility.

22         (b)  Representatives of organized labor and

23  community-based organizations, who shall constitute not less

24  than 15 percent of the board members.

25         (c)  Representatives of educational agencies, including

26  presidents of local community colleges, superintendents of

27  local school districts, licensed private postsecondary

28  educational institutions participating in vocational education

29  and job training in the state and conducting programs on the

30  Occupational Forecasting Conference list or a list validated

31  by the regional workforce development board; vocational

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 1  rehabilitation agencies; economic development agencies; public

 2  assistance agencies; and public employment service.  One of

 3  the representatives from licensed private postsecondary

 4  educational institutions shall be from a degree-granting

 5  institution, and one from an institution offering certificate

 6  or diploma programs.  One of these members shall be a

 7  nonprofit, community-based organization which provides direct

 8  job training and placement services to hard-to-serve

 9  individuals including the target population of people with

10  disabilities.


12  The current Private Industry Council may be restructured, by

13  local agreement, to meet the criteria for a regional workforce

14  development board.

15         (2)  In addition to the duties and functions specified

16  by the Workforce Development Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and

17  Education Partnership and by the interlocal agreement approved

18  by the local county or city governing bodies, the regional

19  workforce development board shall have the following

20  responsibilities:

21         (a)  Review, approve, and ratify the local Job Training

22  Partnership Act plan which also must be signed by the chief

23  elected officials.

24         (b)  Conclude agreements necessary to designate the

25  fiscal agent and administrative entity.

26         (c)  Complete assurances required for the Workforce

27  Development Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and Education

28  Partnership charter process and provide ongoing oversight

29  related to administrative costs, duplicated services, career

30  counseling, economic development, equal access, compliance and

31  accountability, and performance outcomes.

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 1         (3)  The Workforce Development Board Enterprise Florida

 2  Jobs and Education Partnership shall, by January 1, 1997,

 3  design and implement a training program for the regional

 4  workforce development boards to familiarize board members with

 5  the state's workforce development goals and strategies.


 7  The regional workforce development board shall designate all

 8  local service providers and shall not transfer this authority

 9  to a third party.  In order to exercise independent oversight,

10  the regional workforce development board shall not be a direct

11  provider of intake, assessment, eligibility determinations, or

12  other direct provider services.

13         Section 48.  Section 446.603, Florida Statutes, is

14  transferred, renumbered as section 288.9953, Florida Statutes,

15  and amended to read:

16         288.9953 446.603  Untried Worker Placement and

17  Employment Incentive Act.--

18         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Untried Worker

19  Placement and Employment Incentive Act."

20         (2)  For purposes of this section, the term "untried

21  worker" means a person who is a hard-to-place participant in

22  the welfare-to-work programs of the Department of Labor and

23  Employment Security or the Department of Children and Family

24  Health and Rehabilitative Services because they have

25  limitations associated with the long-term receipt of welfare

26  and difficulty in sustaining employment.

27         (3)  The Department of Labor and Employment Security

28  and the Department of Children and Family Health and

29  Rehabilitative Services, working with the Workforce

30  Development Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and Education

31  Partnership, shall develop five Untried Worker Placement and

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 1  Employment Incentive pilot projects in at least five different

 2  counties.

 3         (4)  In these pilots, incentive payments will be made

 4  to for-profit or not-for-profit agents selected by the

 5  regional workforce development boards who successfully place

 6  untried workers in full-time employment for 6 months with an

 7  employer after the employee successfully completes a

 8  probationary placement of no more than 6 months with that

 9  employer.  Full-time employment that includes health care

10  benefits will receive an additional incentive payment.

11         (5)  The for-profit and not-for-profit agents shall

12  contract to provide services for no more than 1 year.

13  Contracts may be renewed upon successful review by the

14  contracting agent.

15         (6)  The Department of Labor and Employment Security

16  and the Department of Children and Family Health and

17  Rehabilitative Services, working with the Workforce

18  Development Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and Education

19  Partnership, shall develop an incentive schedule that costs

20  the state less per placement than the state's 12-month

21  expenditure on a welfare recipient.

22         (7)  During an untried worker's probationary placement,

23  the for-profit or not-for-profit agent shall be the employer

24  of record of that untried worker, and shall provide workers'

25  compensation and unemployment compensation coverage as

26  provided by law.  The business employing the untried worker

27  through the agent may be eligible to apply for any tax

28  credits, wage supplementation, wage subsidy, or employer

29  payment for that employee that are authorized in law or by

30  agreement with the employer.  After satisfactory completion of

31  such a probationary period, an untried worker shall not be

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 1  considered an untried worker.

 2         (8)  This section shall not be used for the purpose of

 3  displacing or replacing an employer's regular employees, and

 4  shall not interfere with executed collective bargaining

 5  agreements.  Untried workers shall be paid by the employer at

 6  the same rate as similarly situated and assessed workers in

 7  the same place of employment.

 8         (9)  An employer that demonstrates a pattern of

 9  unsuccessful placements shall be disqualified from

10  participation in these pilots because of poor return on the

11  public's investment.

12         (10)  The Department of Labor and Employment Security

13  and the Department of Children and Family Health and

14  Rehabilitative Services, working with the Workforce

15  Development Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and Education

16  Partnership, may offer to any employer that chooses to employ

17  untried workers such incentives and benefits that are

18  available and provided in law, as long as the long-term, cost

19  savings can be quantified with each such additional

20  inducement.

21         (11)  Unless otherwise reenacted, this section shall be

22  repealed on July 1, 1999.

23         Section 49.  Section 446.604, Florida Statutes, is

24  transferred, renumbered as section 288.9954, Florida Statutes,

25  and amended to read:

26         288.9954 446.604  One-Stop Career Centers.--

27         (1)  The Department of Management Services shall

28  coordinate among the agencies a plan for a One-Stop Career

29  Center Electronic Network made up of One-Stop Career Centers

30  that are operated by the Department of Labor and Employment

31  Security, the Department of Children and Family Health and

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 1  Rehabilitative Services, the Department of Education, and

 2  other authorized public or private for-profit or

 3  not-for-profit agents.  The plan shall identify resources

 4  within existing revenues to establish and support such

 5  electronic network for service delivery that includes the

 6  Florida Communities Network.

 7         (2)  The network shall assure that a uniform method is

 8  used to determine eligibility for and management of services

 9  provided by agencies that conduct workforce development

10  activities.  The Department of Management Services shall

11  develop strategies to allow access to the databases and

12  information management systems of the following systems in

13  order to link information in those databases with the One-Stop

14  Career Centers:

15         (a)  The Unemployment Compensation System of the

16  Department of Labor and Employment Security.

17         (b)  The Job Service System of the Department of Labor

18  and Employment Security.

19         (c)  The FLORIDA System and the components related to

20  Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, and

21  Medicaid eligibility.

22         (d)  The Workers' Compensation System of the Department

23  of Labor and Employment Security.

24         (e)  The Student Financial Assistance System of the

25  Department of Education.

26         (f)  Enrollment in the public postsecondary education

27  system.


29  The systems shall be fully coordinated at both the state and

30  local levels by July 1, 1999.

31         Section 50.  Section 446.605, Florida Statutes, is

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 1  transferred, renumbered as section 288.9955, Florida Statutes,

 2  and amended to read:

 3         288.9955 446.605  Applicability of Workforce Florida

 4  Act of 1996.--Unless otherwise provided herein, the Workforce

 5  Florida Act of 1996 shall apply to the State Human Resource

 6  Investment Council and any regional workforce development

 7  boards in existence on the effective date of such act.

 8  Regional workforce development boards shall be reconstituted,

 9  if necessary, to meet the requirements of the Workforce

10  Florida Act of 1996.  In addition, the Workforce Development

11  Board Enterprise Florida Jobs and Education Partnership shall

12  review each charter granted prior to the effective date of the

13  Workforce Florida Act of 1996 to assure its compliance with

14  the provisions of such act.

15         Section 51.  Section 446.606, Florida Statutes, is

16  transferred, renumbered as section 288.9956, Florida Statutes,

17  and amended to read:

18         288.9956 446.606  Designation of primary service

19  providers.--Designation of primary service providers shall not

20  be made until the regional workforce development boards have

21  been reconstituted in compliance with the Workforce Florida

22  Act of 1996.

23         Section 52.  Section 446.607, Florida Statutes, is

24  transferred, renumbered as section 288.9957, Florida Statutes,

25  and amended to read:

26         288.9957 446.607  Consultation, consolidation, and

27  coordination.--The Workforce Development Board Enterprise

28  Florida Jobs and Education Partnership and any state public

29  assistance policy board established pursuant to law shall

30  consult with each other in developing each of their statewide

31  implementation plans and strategies.  The regional workforce

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    Amendment No.    

 1  development boards and any local public assistance policy

 2  boards established pursuant to law may elect to consolidate

 3  into one board provided that the consolidated board membership

 4  complies with the requirements of Pub. L. No. 97-300, as

 5  amended, and with any other law delineating the membership

 6  requirements for either of the separate boards. The regional

 7  workforce development boards and any respective local public

 8  assistance policy board established pursuant to law shall

 9  collaboratively coordinate, to the maximum extent possible,

10  the local services and activities provided by and through each

11  of these boards and their designated local service providers.

12         Section 53.  Subsection (5) of section 288.902, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         288.902  Enterprise Florida Nominating Council.--

15         (5)  Notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 288.901,

16  288.9412, 288.9512, and 288.9611, and 288.9620 regarding the

17  process of selecting nominees for a board, all nominations

18  shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this

19  section.  All statutory requirements of board members and all

20  statutory requirements regarding the composition of all boards

21  shall be considered and complied with throughout the

22  nominating process.

23         Section 54.  Section 288.125, Florida Statutes, is

24  created to read:

25         288.125  Short title.--Sections 288.1251 through

26  288.1255 shall be known and may be cited as the "Florida

27  Entertainment Industry Growth Act."

28         Section 55.  Section 288.1251, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         288.1251  Definitions.--For the purposes of this act,

31  the term:

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    Amendment No.    

 1         (1)  "Entertainment industry" means any person engaged

 2  in the operation of motion picture or television studios or

 3  recording studios, or any person engaged in the production of

 4  motion pictures, made-for-TV motion pictures, television

 5  series, commercial advertising, music videos, or sound

 6  recordings.

 7         (2)  "Motion picture or television studio" means a

 8  facility in which film or video tape productions or parts of

 9  productions are made and which contains the necessary

10  equipment and personnel for this purpose and also means a

11  mobile unit or vehicle that is equipped in much the same

12  manner as a stationary studio and used in the making of film

13  or video tape productions.

14         (3)  "Motion picture" means any live-action or animated

15  feature-length or short subject audiovisual work at any stage

16  of the production, consisting of a series of related images,

17  either on film, tape, or other embodiment, including, but not

18  limited to, all items comprising part of the work and

19  film-related products derived therefrom as well as duplicates

20  and prints thereof and all sound recordings created to

21  accompany a motion picture, which is produced, adapted, or

22  altered for exploitation in, on, or through any medium or

23  device and at any location, primarily for entertainment,

24  commercial, industrial, or educational purposes.

25         (4)  "Commercial advertising production" means any

26  film, video, audio, or photographic production that is created

27  to promote statewide, nationally, or internationally specific

28  brands, products, services, retailers, or advocacy positions

29  for commercial purposes.

30         (5)  "Recording studio" means a place where, by means

31  of mechanical or electronic devices, voices, music, or other

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 1  sounds are transmitted to tapes, records, or other devices

 2  capable of storing and reproducing sound.

 3         (6)  "Recording industry" means any person engaged in

 4  an occupation or business of making recordings embodying sound

 5  for a livelihood or for a profit.

 6         (7)  "Sound recording" means a recording of voices,

 7  music, or other sounds by mechanical or electronic

 8  transmission to tapes, records, or other devices capable of

 9  storing and reproducing sound.

10         (8)  "Music video production" means a cohesive

11  compilation of motion pictures with a specific sound recording

12  product for the purpose of broadcasting on a music television

13  network or for commercial distribution.

14         (9)  "Production" means any production, or part

15  thereof, of motion pictures, made-for-TV motion pictures,

16  television series, commercial advertising productions, music

17  videos, or sound recordings as defined by this act.

18         (10)  "Preproduction activities" means those

19  preliminary activities performed directly in connection with

20  the production of a motion picture, made-for-TV motion

21  picture, television series, commercial advertising production,

22  music video, or sound recording, which include, but are not

23  limited to, obtaining story rights, scriptwriting,

24  storyboarding, budgeting, scheduling, and assembling the

25  financing, producers, director, and prime talent.

26         (11)  "Production activities" means those activities

27  performed in direct connection with the production, or any

28  part thereof, of a motion picture, made-for-TV motion picture,

29  television series, commercial advertising production, music

30  video, or sound recording, which include, but are not limited

31  to, location scouting and managing, set construction and

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 1  acquisition, props acquisition, wardrobe construction and

 2  acquisition, hair and makeup design and execution,

 3  cinematography, photography, videography, sound recording, and

 4  personnel travel and meal acquisition and related activities.

 5         (12)  "Postproduction activities" means those

 6  activities performed directly in connection with transforming

 7  the individual images and sounds recorded during production

 8  into a cohesive body, which include, but are not limited to,

 9  editing, dubbing, creating supplementary sound tracks,

10  automated dialogue replacement, foley stage recording, sound

11  mixing, creating special effects, two-dimensional and

12  three-dimensional graphics and animation, and creating credit

13  titles.

14         (13)  "Producer" means any person who causes to be made

15  a motion picture, made-for-TV motion picture, television

16  series, commercial advertising, music video, or sound

17  recording, or any part thereof, primarily for entertainment,

18  commercial, industrial, or educational purposes.

19         (14)  "Council" means the Entertainment Florida

20  Council.

21         (15)  These terms and the provisions of this act do not

22  include television, cable or radio companies licensed by the

23  Federal Communications Commission in their capacities as

24  broadcast companies, but may include such companies in their

25  capacities as producers of entertainment industry products

26  created primarily for entertainment, commercial, industrial,

27  or educational purposes for statewide, national, or

28  international distribution.

29         Section 56.  Section 288.1252, Florida Statutes, is

30  created to read:

31         288.1252  Entertainment Florida Council; creation;

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 1  purpose; membership; powers and duties.--

 2         (1)  CREATION.--There is hereby created within the

 3  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development of the

 4  Executive Office of the Governor, for administrative purposes

 5  only, the Entertainment Florida Council.

 6         (2)  PURPOSE.--The purpose of the council shall be to

 7  serve as an advisory body to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 8  Economic Development; to promote the growth of the

 9  entertainment industry in Florida; to service the state's

10  entertainment industry; and to provide private-sector

11  supplemental financial support to programs under the direction

12  of the council.

13         (3)  MEMBERSHIP.--

14         (a)  The council shall consist of 11 members, to be

15  appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate, with

16  the initial appointments being made no later than July 1,

17  1998.

18         (b)  When making appointments to the council, the

19  Governor shall appoint persons who are residents of the state

20  and who are highly knowledgeable of, active in, and recognized

21  leaders in Florida's motion picture, television, video, sound

22  recording or other entertainment industries. These persons

23  shall include, but not be limited to, representatives of local

24  government film commissions, representatives of entertainment

25  associations, and board chairs, presidents, chief executive

26  officers, chief operating officers, or persons of comparable

27  executive position or stature of leading or otherwise

28  important entertainment industry businesses.  Council members

29  shall be appointed in such a manner as to equitably represent

30  the broadest spectrum of the entertainment industry and

31  geographic areas of the state.

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 1         (c)  Council members shall serve for 4-year terms,

 2  except that the initial terms shall be staggered. The Governor

 3  shall appoint two members for 1-year terms, three members for

 4  2-year terms, three members for 3-year terms, and three

 5  members for 4-year terms.

 6         (d)  Absence from three consecutive meetings shall

 7  result in automatic removal from the council.

 8         (e)  A vacancy on the council shall be filled for the

 9  remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as the

10  original appointment.

11         (f)  No more than one member of the council may be an

12  employee of any one company, organization, or association.

13         (g)  Any member shall be eligible for reappointment but

14  may not serve more than two full consecutive terms.

15         (h)  The council shall meet no less frequently than

16  once each quarter of the calendar year, but may meet more

17  often as set by the council.

18         (i)  The council shall annually elect one member to

19  serve as chair of the council and one member to serve as vice

20  chair.

21         (j)  A majority of the members of the council shall

22  constitute a quorum.

23         (k)  Members of the council shall serve without

24  compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for per

25  diem and travel expenses in accordance with s. 112.061 while

26  in performance of their duties.

27         (l)  Each member of the council shall file disclosure

28  of financial interests pursuant to s. 112.3145.

29         (m)  The Entertainment Industry Commissioner shall be

30  an ex officio nonvoting member of the council.

31         (4)  POWERS AND DUTIES.--Entertainment Florida Council

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 1  shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out

 2  and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this act,

 3  including, but not limited to, the power to:

 4         (a)  Adopt bylaws for the governance of its affairs and

 5  the conduct of its business and rules to implement the

 6  provisions of this act.

 7         (b)  Make and execute contracts and other instruments

 8  necessary or convenient for the exercise of its powers and

 9  functions, including, but not limited to, a contract with a

10  direct-support organization.

11         (c)  Create a direct-support organization to raise

12  funds to provide supplemental support for the operation and

13  programs of the council and serve as the board of directors of

14  such an organization, which shall:

15         1.  Be a Florida corporation not for profit,

16  incorporated under the provisions of chapter 617 and approved

17  by the Department of State.

18         2.  Be organized and operated exclusively to receive,

19  hold, invest, and administer property, to raise funds and

20  accept gifts, and to make expenditures to implement the

21  activities, services, functions, and programs approved by the

22  council.

23         3.  Be certified annually by the Office of Tourism,

24  Trade, and Economic Development as operating in a manner

25  consistent with the goals of the approved strategic plan for

26  the council.

27         4.  Be governed by a board of directors whose

28  membership is synonymous with the membership of the

29  Entertainment Florida Council.

30         5.  Make provisions for an annual postaudit of its

31  financial accounts to be conducted by an independent certified

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 1  public accountant in accordance with rules promulgated by the

 2  Auditor General.  The annual audit report shall include a

 3  management letter and shall be submitted to the Auditor

 4  General and the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 5  Development for review.  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 6  Economic Development and the Auditor General shall have the

 7  authority to require and receive from the organization or its

 8  independent auditor any detail or supplemental data relative

 9  to the operation of the organization.

10         6.  Not be considered an agency for the purposes of

11  chapters 120, 216, and 287; ss. 255.21, 255.25, and 255.254,

12  relating to leasing of buildings; ss. 283.33 and 283.35,

13  relating to bids for printing; s. 215.31; and parts I, II, and

14  IV through VIII of chapter 112.

15         (d)  Develop a 5-year strategic plan, by no later than

16  June 30, 1999, to guide the activities of the council.  The

17  plan shall:

18         1.  Be annual in construction and ongoing in nature.

19         2.  Include recommendations relating to the

20  organizational structure of the council.

21         3.  Include an annual budget projection for the council

22  for each year of the plan.

23         4.  Include an operational model for the council to use

24  in implementing programs designed to:

25         a.  Develop and promote the state's entertainment

26  industry.

27         b.  Have the council serve as a liaison between the

28  entertainment industry and other state and local governmental

29  agencies and labor organizations.

30         c.  Gather statistical information related to the

31  state's entertainment industry.

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 1         d.  Provide information and service to businesses,

 2  communities, organizations and individuals engaged in

 3  entertainment industry activities.

 4         5.  Include recommendations regarding specific

 5  performance standards and measurable outcomes for the

 6  programs to be implemented by the council.

 7         (e)  Contract, notwithstanding the provisions of part I

 8  of chapter 287, with the direct-support organization created

 9  under paragraph (c) or with a designated Florida

10  not-for-profit corporation with experience in promotion and

11  development of the entertainment industry in Florida to carry

12  out the purpose and duties of the council, including, but not

13  limited to, implementation of the strategic plan prepared

14  under paragraph (d). The council shall serve as contract

15  administrator, subject to oversight by the Office of Tourism,

16  Trade, and Economic Development. Any contract entered into by

17  the council under this paragraph must include:

18         1.  Specific and quantifiable performance measures to

19  assess the progress toward achievement of contract

20  deliverables;

21         2.  Sanctions for failure to satisfy contract

22  requirements or deliverables;

23         3.  Provisions to ensure that any state appropriations

24  in support of such contract are used exclusively for

25  activities in fulfillment of the contract;

26         4.  Provisions for an annual accounting of expenditures

27  of any state funds appropriated in support of such contract;

28  and

29         5.  Provisions to ensure that all records and meetings

30  directly related to the contracted responsibilities are open

31  and public, unless otherwise exempted by general law.

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 1         (f)  Appear on its own behalf before boards,

 2  commissions, departments, or other agencies of municipal,

 3  county, or state government, or the Federal Government.

 4         (g)  Do any and all things necessary or convenient to

 5  carry out the purposes of and exercise the powers granted in

 6  this act.

 7         Section 57.  Section 288.12285, Florida Statutes, is

 8  renumbered as section 288.1253, Florida Statutes, and amended

 9  to read:

10         288.1253 288.12285  Promotion and development of

11  entertainment industries; direct-support organization;

12  confidentiality of donor identities.--The identity of a donor

13  or prospective donor to the direct-support organization

14  authorized under s. 288.1252 s. 288.1228 who desires to remain

15  anonymous and all information identifying such donor or

16  prospective donor are confidential and exempt from s.

17  119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.

18  Such anonymity shall be maintained in audit reports.  This

19  section expires October 2, 2001, and is subject to review by

20  the Legislature under the Open Government Sunset Review Act of

21  1995 in accordance with s. 119.15 before that date.

22         Section 58.  Section 288.1254, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         288.1254  Promotion and development of entertainment

25  industry; Entertainment Industry Commissioner; creation;

26  purpose; powers and duties.--

27         (1)  CREATION.--

28         (a)  There is hereby created within the Office of

29  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development the position of

30  Entertainment Industry Commissioner for the purpose of

31  assisting the Entertainment Florida Council in developing,

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 1  promoting, and providing services to the state's entertainment

 2  industry. The Entertainment Industry Commissioner shall

 3  function as a liaison for the Governor and the Office of

 4  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to coordinate efforts

 5  of other governmental bodies with those of the Entertainment

 6  Florida Council.

 7         (b)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 8  Development shall conduct a search for a qualified person to

 9  fill the position of Entertainment Industry Commissioner, and

10  the Director of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

11  Development shall appoint the Entertainment Industry

12  Commissioner.

13         (2)  POWERS AND DUTIES.--

14         (a)  The Entertainment Industry Commissioner, in

15  performance of his or her duties, shall:

16         1.  Develop and facilitate a smooth working

17  relationship between state agencies and local governments in

18  cooperation with local film commission offices for

19  out-of-state and indigenous entertainment industry production

20  entities.

21         2.  Represent the state's indigenous entertainment

22  industry to key decisionmakers within the national and

23  international entertainment industry, and to state and local

24  officials.

25         3.  Serve as liaison between entertainment industry

26  producers and labor organizations.

27         (b)  The Entertainment Industry Commissioner, in the

28  performance of his or her duties, may:

29         1.  Exercise the powers granted by this act in any

30  state, territory, district, or possession of the United

31  States.

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 1         2.  Carry out any program of information, special

 2  events, or publicity designed to attract entertainment

 3  industry to Florida.

 4         3.  Encourage and cooperate with other public and

 5  private organizations or groups in their efforts to publicize

 6  to the entertainment industry in this state, other states, and

 7  other countries the depth of Florida's entertainment industry

 8  talent, crew, production companies, production equipment

 9  resources, related businesses, and support services, including

10  the establishment of and expenditure for a program of

11  cooperative advertising with these public and private

12  organizations and groups in accordance with the provisions of

13  chapter 120.

14         Section 59.  Section 288.1255, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         288.1255  Travel and entertainment expenses.--

17         (1)  As used in this section:

18         (a)  "Business client" means any person, other than a

19  state official or state employee, who receives the services

20  of, or is the subject of solicitation by, the Entertainment

21  Florida Council in connection with the performance of the

22  council's statutory duties, including persons or

23  representatives of entertainment industry companies

24  considering or being solicited for location, relocation, or

25  expansion of an entertainment industry business within the

26  state.

27         (b)  "Entertainment expenses" means the actual,

28  necessary, and reasonable costs of providing hospitality for

29  business clients or guests, which costs are defined and

30  prescribed by rules adopted by the Office of Tourism, Trade,

31  and Economic Development, subject to approval by the

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 1  Comptroller.

 2         (c)  "Guest" means a person, other than a state

 3  official or state employee, authorized by the Office of

 4  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to receive the

 5  hospitality of the Entertainment Florida Council in connection

 6  with the performance of the council's statutory duties.

 7         (d)  "Travel expenses" means the actual, necessary, and

 8  reasonable costs of transportation, meals, lodging, and

 9  incidental expenses normally incurred by a traveler, which

10  costs are defined and prescribed by rules adopted by the

11  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, subject to

12  approval by the Comptroller.

13         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 112.061, the

14  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall adopt

15  rules by which it may make expenditures by advancement or

16  reimbursement, or a combination thereof, to:

17         (a)  State officers and state employees for travel

18  expenses or entertainment expenses incurred by such officers

19  and employees in connection with the performance of the

20  statutory duties of the Entertainment Florida Council.

21         (b)  State officers and state employees for travel

22  expenses or entertainment expenses incurred by such officers

23  and employees on behalf of guests, business clients, or

24  authorized persons as defined in s. 112.061(2)(e) in

25  connection with the performance of the statutory duties of the

26  Entertainment Florida Council.

27         (c)  Third party vendors for the travel or

28  entertainment expenses of guests, business clients, or

29  authorized persons as defined in s. 112.061(2)(e) incurred

30  while such persons are participating in activities or events

31  carried out by the Entertainment Florida Council in connection

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 1  with the council's statutory duties.


 3  The rules shall be subject to approval by the Comptroller

 4  prior to promulgation.  The rules shall require the submission

 5  of paid receipts, or other proof of expenditure prescribed by

 6  the Comptroller, with any claim for reimbursement and shall

 7  require, as a condition for any advancement of funds, an

 8  agreement to submit paid receipts or other proof of

 9  expenditure and to refund any unused portion of the

10  advancement within 15 days after the expense is incurred or,

11  if the advancement is made in connection with travel, within

12  10 working days after the traveler's return to headquarters.

13  However, with respect to an advancement of funds made solely

14  for travel expenses, the rules may allow paid receipts or

15  other proof of expenditure to be submitted, and any unused

16  portion of the advancement to be refunded, within 10 working

17  days after the traveler's return to headquarters. Operational

18  or promotional advancements, as defined in s. 288.35(4),

19  obtained pursuant to this section shall not be commingled with

20  any other state funds.

21         (3)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

22  Development shall prepare an annual report of the expenditures

23  of the Entertainment Florida Council and provide such report

24  to the Legislature no later than December 30 of each year for

25  the expenditures of the previous fiscal year. The report shall

26  consist of a summary of all travel, entertainment, and

27  incidental expenses incurred within the United States and all

28  travel, entertainment, and incidental expenses incurred

29  outside the United States.

30         (4)  Any claim submitted under this section shall not

31  be required to be sworn to before a notary public or other

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 1  officer authorized to administer oaths, but any claim

 2  authorized or required to be made under any provision of this

 3  section shall contain a statement that the expenses were

 4  actually incurred as necessary travel or entertainment

 5  expenses in the performance of official duties of the

 6  Entertainment Florida Council and shall be verified by written

 7  declaration that it is true and correct as to every material

 8  matter.  Any person who willfully makes and subscribes to any

 9  claim which he or she does not believe to be true and correct

10  as to every material matter or who willfully aids or assists

11  in, procures, or counsels or advises with respect to, the

12  preparation or presentation of a claim pursuant to this

13  section that is fraudulent or false as to any material matter,

14  whether or not such falsity or fraud is with the knowledge or

15  consent of the person authorized or required to present the

16  claim, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree,

17  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Whoever

18  receives an advancement or reimbursement by means of a false

19  claim is civilly liable, in the amount of the overpayment, for

20  the reimbursement of the public fund from which the claim was

21  paid.

22         Section 60.  Florida Entertainment Industry Model

23  Permitting Task Force; creation; membership; powers and

24  duties; report.--There is created within the Office of

25  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, for a period of one

26  year, a task force for the purpose of developing a model for

27  uniform permits for use by state agencies and county and

28  municipal governments.

29         (1) Members of the task force shall be appointed by the

30  Governor no later than July 1, 1998, for a period of 1 year

31  and shall include one representative from each of the

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 1  following:

 2         (a)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

 3  Development.

 4         (b)  The Department of Environmental Protection.

 5         (c)  The Division of Recreation and Parks of the

 6  Department of Environmental Protection.

 7         (d)  The Department of Transportation.

 8         (e)  The Office of the State Fire Marshal.

 9         (f)  The Board of Regents.

10         (g)  The Florida League of Cities.

11         (h)  The Florida Association of Counties.

12         (i)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

13  Vehicles.

14         (j)  The Division of Law Enforcement of the Department

15  of Environmental Protection.

16         (k)  The Department of Community Affairs.

17         (l)  The Department of Corrections.

18         (m)  The Florida Film Commissioner's Association.

19         (n)  Each of the state's two largest motion-picture

20  production studios.

21         (o)  The Florida Motion Picture and Television

22  Association.

23         (p)  The recording industry.

24         (q)  The commercial advertising industry.

25         (2)  The task force shall meet as often as necessary to

26  develop a report which shall be given to the Governor, the

27  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

28  Representatives no later than June 30, 1999, which shall

29  include:

30         (a)  A recommendation for model permits for use by

31  state agencies and county and municipal governments in

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 1  granting temporary permits to entertainment industry

 2  businesses in the process of production activities.

 3         (b)  Cost recommendations for use of state and local

 4  government buildings, property, and personnel.

 5         (c)  Recommendations for developing a timetable for

 6  securing state and local environmental permits during the

 7  preproduction and production stages of an entertainment

 8  industry project.

 9         (3)  The task force shall elect a chair who will set

10  the meeting schedules for the task force.

11         (4)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

12  Development may provide staff assistance to the task force for

13  the purpose of recording the minutes of each meeting.

14         (5)  Members of the task force shall serve without

15  compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for per

16  diem and travel expenses in accordance with s. 112.061 while

17  in the performance of their duties.

18         Section 61.  Subsection (2) of section 14.2015, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         14.2015  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

21  Development; creation; powers and duties.--

22         (2)  The purpose of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

23  Economic Development is to assist the Governor in working with

24  the Legislature, state agencies, business leaders, and

25  economic development professionals to formulate and implement

26  coherent and consistent policies and strategies designed to

27  provide economic opportunities for all Floridians.  To

28  accomplish such purposes, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

29  Economic Development shall:

30         (a)  Contract, notwithstanding the provisions of part I

31  of chapter 287, with the direct-support organization created

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 1  under s. 288.1228, or a designated Florida not-for-profit

 2  corporation whose board members have had prior experience in

 3  promoting, throughout the state, the economic development of

 4  the Florida motion picture, television, radio, video,

 5  recording, and entertainment industries, to guide, stimulate,

 6  and promote the entertainment industry in the state.

 7         (a)(b)  Contract, notwithstanding the provisions of

 8  part I of chapter 287, with the direct-support organization

 9  created under s. 288.1229 to guide, stimulate, and promote the

10  sports industry in the state.

11         (b)(c)  Monitor the activities of public-private

12  partnerships and state agencies in order to avoid duplication

13  and promote coordinated and consistent implementation of

14  programs in areas including, but not limited to, tourism;

15  international trade and investment; business recruitment,

16  creation, retention, and expansion; minority and small

17  business development; and rural community development.

18         (c)(d)  Facilitate the direct involvement of the

19  Governor and the Lieutenant Governor in economic development

20  projects designed to create, expand, and retain Florida

21  businesses and to recruit worldwide business.

22         (d)(e)  Assist the Governor, in cooperation with

23  Enterprise Florida, Inc., and the Florida Commission on

24  Tourism, in preparing an annual report to the Legislature on

25  the state of the business climate in Florida and on the state

26  of economic development in Florida which will include the

27  identification of problems and the recommendation of

28  solutions.  This report shall be submitted to the President of

29  the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the

30  Senate Minority Leader, and the House Minority Leader by

31  January 1 of each year, and it shall be in addition to the

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 1  Governor's message to the Legislature under the State

 2  Constitution and any other economic reports required by law.

 3         (e)(f)  Plan and conduct at least three meetings per

 4  calendar year of leaders in business, government, and economic

 5  development called by the Governor to address the business

 6  climate in the state, develop a common vision for the economic

 7  future of the state, and identify economic development efforts

 8  to fulfill that vision.

 9         (f)(g)1.  Administer the Florida Enterprise Zone Act

10  under ss. 290.001-290.016, the community contribution tax

11  credit program under ss. 220.183 and 624.5105, the tax refund

12  program for qualified target industry businesses under s.

13  288.106, contracts for transportation projects under s.

14  288.063, the sports franchise facility program under s.

15  288.1162, the professional golf hall of fame facility program

16  under s. 288.1168, the Florida Jobs Siting Act under ss.

17  403.950-403.972, the Rural Community Development Revolving

18  Loan Fund under s. 288.065, the Regional Rural Development

19  Grants Program under s. 288.018, the Florida State Rural

20  Development Council, and the Rural Economic Development

21  Initiative.

22         2.  The office may enter into contracts in connection

23  with the fulfillment of its duties concerning the Florida

24  First Business Bond Pool under chapter 159, tax incentives

25  under chapters 212 and 220, foreign offices under chapter 288,

26  the Enterprise Zone program under chapter 290, the Seaport

27  Employment Training program under chapter 311, the Florida

28  Professional Sports Team License Plates under chapter 320,

29  Spaceport Florida under chapter 331, Job Siting and Expedited

30  Permitting under chapter 403, and in carrying out other

31  functions that are specifically assigned to the office by law.

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 1         (g)(h)  Serve as contract administrator for the state

 2  with respect to contracts with Enterprise Florida, Inc., the

 3  Florida Commission on Tourism, the Entertainment Florida

 4  Council, and all direct-support organizations under this act,

 5  excluding those relating to tourism, and provide oversight for

 6  any contract that the Entertainment Florida Council may enter

 7  into with a direct-support organization or with a designated

 8  Florida not-for-profit corporation under s. 288.1252(4)(e).

 9  To accomplish the provisions of this act and applicable

10  provisions of chapter 288, and notwithstanding the provisions

11  of part I of chapter 287, the office shall enter into specific

12  contracts with Enterprise Florida, Inc., the Florida

13  Commission on Tourism, the Entertainment Florida Council, and

14  other appropriate direct-support organizations. Such contracts

15  may be multiyear and shall include specific performance

16  measures for each year. The office shall provide the President

17  of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives

18  with a report by February 1 of each year on the status of

19  these contracts, including the extent to which specific

20  contract performance measures have been met by these

21  contractors.

22         (h)(i)  Prepare and submit as a separate budget entity

23  a unified budget request for tourism, trade, and economic

24  development in accordance with chapter 216 for, and in

25  conjunction with, Enterprise Florida, Inc., and its boards,

26  the Florida Commission on Tourism and its direct-support

27  organization, the Florida Black Business Investment Board, the

28  Entertainment Florida Council, and the direct-support

29  organization organizations created to promote the

30  entertainment and sports industries.

31         (i)(j)  Promulgate rules to carry out its functions in

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 1  connection with the administration of the Qualified Target

 2  Industry program, the Qualified Defense Contractor program,

 3  the Enterprise Zone program, and the Florida First Business

 4  Bond pool.

 5         Section 62.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (6) of section

 6  288.108, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         288.108  High-impact business.--


 9  SECTORS.--

10         (e)  The study and its findings and recommendations and

11  the recommendations gathered from the sector-business network

12  must be discussed and considered during at least one of the

13  quarterly meetings required in s. 14.2015(2)(e) s.

14  14.2015(2)(h).

15         Section 63.  Subsection (7) of section 288.90152,

16  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         288.90152  Pilot matching grant program.--

18         (7)  Upon completing all training funded under this

19  pilot program, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

20  Development shall report on the outputs and outcomes for this

21  program as part of the annual report prepared under s.

22  14.2015(2)(d) s. 14.2015(2)(g). Such report must include a

23  recommendation on whether it would be sound public policy to

24  continue or discontinue funding for the program.

25         Section 64.  Sections 288.051, 288.052, 288.053,

26  288.054, 288.055, 288.056, 288.057, and 288.1228, Florida

27  Statutes, are repealed.

28         Section 65.  (1)  From the funds appropriated to the

29  International Trade and Economic Development Board of

30  Enterprise Florida, Inc., for fiscal year 1998-99 for

31  International Representation and Advocacy, $150,000 shall be

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 1  provided to the Florida Delegation of the Southeast U.S./Japan

 2  Association, Inc., and $100,000 shall be provided to the

 3  Florida Delegation of the Florida/Korea Economic Cooperation

 4  Committee.

 5         (2)  Notwithstanding the instructions in the General

 6  Appropriations Act for fiscal year 1998-99 relating to funds

 7  appropriated for the International Trade and Economic

 8  Development Board, the Technology Development Board, the

 9  Workforce Development Board, and the Capital Development Board

10  of Enterprise Florida, Inc., prohibiting the release or

11  advancement of appropriated funds from fiscal year 1998-99

12  until such time as all balances of any appropriations made to

13  Enterprise Florida, Inc., during fiscal year 1997-98 which are

14  not contracted to be expended prior to June 30, 1998, are

15  deposited into the State Treasury, no funds which are under

16  contract or otherwise legally obligated as of June 30, 1998,

17  shall be returned to the State Treasury. All funds

18  appropriated in fiscal year 1997-98 to Enterprise Florida,

19  Inc., not under contract or otherwise legally obligated, must

20  be deposited in the State Treasury, prior to the release of

21  funds appropriated for the 1998-99 fiscal year.

22         (3)  There is appropriated $1.2 million from General

23  Revenue funds to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

24  Development which shall be used to fund the activities of the

25  Technology Research and Development Authority (TRDA).

26         (4)  The sum of $3 million is hereby appropriated from

27  the General Revenue Fund to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

28  Economic Development for fiscal year 1998-99 for the

29  following:

30         (a)  $2.4 million to the Florida Business Expansion

31  Corporation. Ninety percent of such funds must be used to

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 1  provide assistance to eligible businesses pursuant to s.

 2  288.9533.

 3         (b)  $100,000 to the Department of State to establish

 4  and maintain a Florida State International Archive.

 5         (c)  $400,000 to the Florida Trade Data Center to

 6  finance an electronic commerce support and information system.

 7         (d)  $100,000 for the ecotourism promotion program

 8  established in this act to the Division of Recreation and

 9  Parks of the Department of Environmental Protection.

10         Section 66.  Section 290.0301, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         290.0301  Short title.--Sections 290.0311 through

13  290.0395 shall be known and may be cited as the "Invest in

14  Neighborhood Vitality and Economies Act Community Development

15  Corporation Support and Assistance Program Act." This section

16  shall stand repealed on June 30, 2007 1998.

17         Section 67.  Subsections (5), (10), and (11) of section

18  290.0311, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

19         290.0311  Legislative findings.--The Legislature finds

20  that:

21         (5)  This deterioration contributes to the decline of

22  neighborhoods in both rural and urban and surrounding areas,

23  causes a reduction of the value of property comprising the tax

24  base of local communities, and eventually requires the

25  expenditure of disproportionate amounts of public funds for

26  health, social services, and police protection to prevent the

27  development of slums and the social and economic disruption

28  found in slum communities.

29         (10)  A viable means of eliminating or reducing these

30  deteriorating economic conditions and encouraging local

31  resident participation and support is to provide support

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 1  assistance and resource investment to community-based

 2  community development organizations corporations. The

 3  Legislature also finds that community-based development

 4  organizations can contribute to the creation of jobs in

 5  response to federal welfare reform and state WAGES legislation

 6  and economic development activities related to urban and rural

 7  economic initiatives.

 8         (11)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30,

 9  2007 1998.

10         Section 68.  Section 290.032, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

13         s. 290.032, F.S., for present text.)

14         290.032  Policy and purpose.--It is the policy of this

15  state to improve the quality of neighborhoods as environments

16  in which children and families live, by supporting and

17  fostering positive change in a broad range of domains to

18  achieve comprehensive improvements in conditions throughout

19  the neighborhood over time. Such community or neighborhood

20  redevelopment shall be based on the following principles:

21         (1)  Bottom-up, community-focused approach.

22         (2)  Enables and supports the effort of the

23  neighborhoods to make improvements.

24         (3)  Requires a holistic focus on the neighborhood to

25  address all needs in coordinated fashion, including:

26         (a)  Need for community-based leadership.

27         (b)  Empower neighborhood governance of the process.

28         (c)  Human service delivery.

29         (d)  Public infrastructure.

30         (e)  Housing and safety.

31         (f)  Economic development.

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 1         (4)  Mandates neighborhood collaboration of all

 2  partners.

 3         (5)  Empowers residents to make decisions on

 4  improvements.

 5         (6)  Builds consensus for a shared vision for the

 6  future of the neighborhood.

 7         (7)  Sets definitive performance goals to achieve

 8  specific outcomes for the neighborhood.


10  The purpose of this act is to assist community-based

11  development organizations in undertaking projects, in concert

12  with state and local government and private enterprise,

13  designed to create and maintain a sound industrial base, to

14  revitalize the health of established commercial areas, to

15  promote and retain employment opportunities, to preserve and

16  rehabilitate existing residential neighborhoods, and to

17  provide safe, decent, affordable housing for residents of

18  these areas. The Legislature, therefore, declares that the

19  development, redevelopment, preservation, restoration, and

20  revitalization of such communities and all the purposes of

21  this act are public purposes for which public moneys may be

22  used. This section shall stand repealed on June 30, 2007.

23         Section 69.  Section 290.033, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

26         s. 290.033, F.S., for present text.)

27         290.033  Definitions.--As used in this act, the term:

28         (1)  "Department" means the Department of Community

29  Affairs.

30         (2)  "Community-based development organization" means a

31  community-based nonprofit organization, which may also be

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 1  known as a "CBDO," that is committed to or engaged in

 2  developing or managing real estate or business enterprises in

 3  economically distressed neighborhoods. To qualify, an agency

 4  must be community based in that the majority of the board is

 5  elected by a mix of stakeholders consisting of area residents,

 6  area business and property owners, and persons employed in the

 7  service area and demonstrate an ability to undertake

 8  affordable housing, business assistance, or commercial

 9  developments.

10         (3)  "Fund" means the Operating Trust Fund.

11         (4)  "Neighborhood comprehensive revitalization plan"

12  means a long-term holistic, integrated, and collaborative

13  strategic plan for the improvement of a defined service area

14  or neighborhood that was prepared by and approved by a

15  collaborative partnership of residents, community-based

16  organizations, local government representatives, churches,

17  schools, businesses, and other community stakeholders that

18  sets forth the shared vision for the service area and

19  identifies specific, measurable outcomes. This comprehensive,

20  holistic plan shall address the wide array of interrelated

21  needs including, but not limited to, human services, jobs and

22  economic development, housing, safety, public infrastructure,

23  health care, education, community organization, neighborhood

24  governance, and social organizations. The plan must describe

25  an organization's mission; include strategies to maintain

26  community involvement; demonstrate innovation, efficiency, and

27  accountability to the benefit of the service area

28  stakeholders; and identify sources of anticipated revenue.

29         (5)  "Project" means a public and private activity or

30  series of activities, designed to be carried out in a

31  specific, definable location, that achieve objectives which

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 1  are consistent with the agency's neighborhood comprehensive

 2  revitalization plan and the provisions and intent of this act.

 3         (6)  "Secretary" means the Secretary of Community

 4  Affairs.

 5         (7)  "Service area" or "target area" means the entire

 6  area in which a community-based development organization

 7  operates and in which community development grant and loan

 8  funds are to be spent.

 9         (8)  "Permanent job" means a full-time position, the

10  duration of which exceeds 12 months and which consists of an

11  average of at least 30 hours per week of employment.

12         (9)  "Temporary job" means a full-time or part-time

13  position, the duration of which exceeds 45 days, which

14  consists of an average of at least 15 hours per week of

15  employment, and which is not a permanent job.

16         (10)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30,

17  2007.

18         Section 70.  Section 290.035, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         290.035  Eligibility for assistance.--Community-based

21  community development organizations corporations meeting the

22  following requirements shall be eligible for assistance:

23         (1)  The community-based community development

24  organization corporation must be a nonprofit corporation under

25  state law or a local development company established under

26  state law and certified to be eligible to participate in the

27  Small Business Administration Loan Program under s. 502 of the

28  Small Business Investment Act of 1958, as amended, and must

29  meet the following further requirements:

30         (a)  Its membership must be open to all service area

31  residents 18 years of age or older.

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 1         (b)  A majority of its board members must be elected by

 2  those members of the corporation who are stakeholders

 3  comprised of a mix of service area residents, area business

 4  and property owners, and area employees.

 5         (c)  Elections must be held annually for at least a

 6  third of the elected board members so that elected members

 7  serve terms of no more than 3 years.

 8         (d)  Elections must be adequately publicized within the

 9  service area, and ample opportunity must be provided for full

10  participation.

11         (e)  At least one of the board members shall be

12  appointed by the Governor.

13         (2)  The community-based community development

14  organization corporation shall maintain a service area in

15  which economic development projects are located which meets

16  one or more of the following criteria:

17         (a)  The area has been designated pursuant to s.

18  163.355 as a slum area or a blighted area as defined in s.

19  163.340(7) or (8) or is located completely within the

20  boundaries of a slum or blighted area.

21         (b)  The area is a community development block grant

22  program area in which community development block grant funds

23  are currently being spent or have been spent during the last 3

24  years as certified by the local government in which the

25  service area is located.

26         (c)  The area is a neighborhood housing service

27  district.

28         (d)  The area is contained within a state an enterprise

29  zone designated on or after July 1, 1995, in accordance with

30  pursuant to s. 290.0065.

31         (e)  The area is contained in federal empowerment zones

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 1  and enterprise communities.

 2         (3)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30, 2007

 3  1998.

 4         Section 71.  Section 290.036, Florida Statutes, is

 5  amended to read:

 6         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

 7         s. 290.036, F.S., for present text.)

 8         290.036  Community-based development organization

 9  support program; administrative grants and procedures.--

10         (1)  The department is authorized to award core and

11  project administrative grants and project implementation

12  loans. Administrative grants shall be used for staff salaries

13  and administrative expenses for eligible community-based

14  development organizations selected through a competitive

15  three-tiered process. The department shall develop a set of

16  criteria for three-tiered funding that shall ensure equitable

17  geographic distribution of the funding throughout the state.

18  This three-tiered plan shall include emerging, intermediate,

19  and mature community-based development organizations

20  recognizing the varying needs of the three tiers. Funding

21  shall be provided for core administrative grants for tier I

22  and tier II community-based development organizations.

23  Priority shall be given to those organizations that

24  demonstrate community-based high performance. However, if all

25  qualified tier I and tier II community-based development

26  organizations have been funded, qualified tier III

27  community-based development organizations may receive core

28  administrative grants. Project administrative grants tied to

29  project implementation loans shall be available to all levels

30  of community-based development organizations depending upon

31  their capacity. Extensive training and technical assistance

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 1  shall be available to all community-based development

 2  organizations. Persons, equipment, supplies, and other

 3  resources funded in whole or in part by grant funds shall then

 4  be utilized to further the purposes of this act. Eligible

 5  activities include, but are not limited to:

 6         (a)  Preparing grant and loan applications, proposals,

 7  fundraising letters, and other documents essential to securing

 8  additional administrative or project funds to further the

 9  purposes of this act.

10         (b)  Monitoring and administrating grants and loans,

11  providing technical assistance to businesses, and any other

12  administrative tasks essential to maintaining funding

13  eligibility or meeting contractual obligations.

14         (c)  Developing local programs to encourage the

15  participation of financial institutions, insurance companies,

16  attorneys, architects, engineers, planners, law enforcement

17  officers, developers, and other professional firms and

18  individuals providing services beneficial to redevelopment

19  efforts.

20         (d)  Providing management, technical, accounting, and

21  financial assistance and information to businesses and

22  entrepreneurs interested in locating, expanding, or operating

23  in the service area.

24         (e)  Coordinating with state, federal, and local

25  governments and other nonprofit organizations to ensure that

26  activities meet local plans and ordinances and to avoid

27  duplication of tasks.

28         (f)  Preparing plans or performing research to identify

29  critical needs within the service area and developing

30  approaches to address those needs.

31         (g)  Assisting service area residents in identifying

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 1  and determining eligibility for state, federal, and local

 2  housing programs including rehabilitation, weatherization,

 3  homeownership, rental assistance, or public housing programs.

 4         (h)  Developing, owning, and managing housing designed

 5  for very-low-income persons, low-income persons, or WAGES

 6  recipients; or developing, owning, and managing industrial

 7  parks providing jobs to very-low-income persons, low-income

 8  persons, or WAGES recipients.

 9         (i)  Preparing the neighborhood comprehensive

10  revitalization plan with baseline data, outcome measures, and

11  estimates of service area impact as a result of job-generating

12  or revenue-generating businesses, or enterprise assistance, or

13  units of commercial, industrial, or affordable housing

14  developments.

15         (2)  A community-based development organization

16  applying for an administrative grant pursuant to this section

17  must submit a proposal to the department which includes:

18         (a)  A map and narrative description of the service

19  areas for the community-based development organization.

20         (b)  A copy of the documents creating the

21  community-based development organization.

22         (c)  A listing of the membership of the board,

23  including individual terms of office.

24         (d)  An annual plan that describes the expenditure of

25  the funds, including goals, objectives, and expected results,

26  and which has a clear relationship to the agency's

27  neighborhood comprehensive revitalization strategy.

28         (e)  Other supporting information which may be required

29  by the department.

30         (3)  The amount of any core administrative grant to an

31  emerging community-based development organization in any 1

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 1  year shall be no more than $50,000. The amount of any core

 2  administrative grant to an intermediate community-based

 3  development organization shall be no more than $45,000. The

 4  amount of core administrative grant to a mature

 5  community-based development organization shall be no more than

 6  $40,000. The department may fund as many community-based

 7  development organizations each year as is permitted based on

 8  the level of funds provided for in the General Appropriations

 9  Act.

10         (4)  The amount of any project administrative grant to

11  any community-based development organization shall be no more

12  than $15,000 for every $100,000 of project implementation

13  loans.

14         (5)  A community-based development organization that

15  receives funding hereunder shall submit to the department an

16  annual year-end audit performed by an independent certified

17  public accountant.

18         (6)  In evaluating proposals pursuant to this section,

19  the department shall develop and consider scoring criteria

20  including, but not limited to, the following:

21         (a)  The relative degree of distress of the service

22  areas of the community-based development organization.

23         (b)  The demonstrable capacity of the community-based

24  development organization to improve the economic health of the

25  service area and carry out the activities contained in the

26  long-term revitalization plan.

27         (c)  The degree to which the community-based

28  development organization would provide assistance to

29  very-low-income persons, low-income persons, and particularly

30  WAGES recipients.

31         (d)  The service area of the community-based

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 1  development organization which is located in whole or in part

 2  within a state enterprise zone designated pursuant to s.

 3  290.0065, a federal empowerment zone, or an enterprise

 4  community.

 5         (e)  The extent to which the proposal would further the

 6  policy and purposes of this act.

 7         (7)  The department is authorized to award project

 8  administrative grants from the fund to community-based

 9  development organizations for staff salaries, administrative

10  expenses, and the added cost of technical assistance directly

11  related to job-generating and revenue-generating enterprises,

12  including business, commercial, or affordable housing

13  developments. Eligible organizations shall apply for

14  competitive funding under the three categories of: business

15  assistance, commercial, and affordable housing development.

16  The allocations of funds to these three categories will be

17  made by the department subject to funding availability and

18  trends in the amount of qualified proposals submitted under

19  each category. Community-based development organizations

20  receiving funds under this section shall be subject to all

21  applicable requirements of ss. 290.034(1), 290.035, 290.037,

22  290.038, and 290.039, as determined by the department.

23         (8)  The department shall award funding hereunder based

24  upon a three-tiered approach which recognizes the differing

25  capacities of new and emerging, intermediate, and mature

26  community-based development organizations. No community-based

27  development organization may apply for funding in more than

28  one tier in any 1 fiscal year.

29         (a)  Tier I, for new and emerging community-based

30  development organizations, shall offer, on a competitive

31  basis, a minimum of five core administrative grants of up to

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 1  $50,000, annually. Once tier I community-based development

 2  organizations have achieved a minimum level of capacity, they

 3  shall be eligible to apply for, on a competitive funding

 4  basis, a project implementation loan of no more than $100,000

 5  and an accompanying project administrative grant of up to

 6  $15,000. Tier I community-based development organizations

 7  shall also receive extensive training and technical assistance

 8  designed to enhance the organization's capacity and thereby

 9  enable it to undertake more complex development projects.

10         (b)  Tier II, for intermediate level community-based

11  development organizations, shall be eligible to apply on a

12  competitive basis for core administrative grants of up to

13  $45,000, annually, and shall be eligible to apply for, on a

14  competitive basis, project implementation loans of up to

15  $300,000, annually, per community-based development

16  organization and an accompanying project administrative grant

17  of up to $45,000. Tier II community-based development

18  organizations shall also receive training and technical

19  assistance services hereunder.

20         (c)  Tier III, for mature level community-based

21  development organizations, shall be eligible to apply, on a

22  competitive basis, for core administrative grants of up to

23  $40,000, annually.  Such community-based development

24  organizations shall be eligible to apply for, on a competitive

25  basis, project implementation loans of up to $400,000,

26  annually, per community-based development organization and an

27  accompanying project administrative grant of up to $60,000.

28  Tier III community-based development organizations shall also

29  receive training and technical assistance services hereunder.

30         (d)  No development project funded hereunder shall

31  exceed $200,000, annually, per community-based development

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 1  organization. A community-based development organization can

 2  apply for project implementation loans in up to three

 3  categories of business development, affordable housing, and

 4  commercial development, within the dollar limitations

 5  contained herein. Project implementation grants shall be based

 6  on up to $15,000 in grant funds for every $100,000 awarded in

 7  loan funds.

 8         (9)  A community-based development organization

 9  applying for project administrative grants pursuant to this

10  section must submit a proposal to the department which

11  includes:

12         (a)  A map and narrative description of the target

13  areas for the community-based development organization.

14         (b)  A copy of the documents creating the

15  community-based development organization.

16         (c)  A listing of the membership of the board,

17  including individual terms of office.

18         (d)  A copy of the community-based development

19  organization's neighborhood comprehensive revitalization plan.

20         (e)  A description of the location, financing plan, and

21  potential impact of the business enterprise or residential,

22  commercial, or industrial development which shows a clear

23  relationship to the organization's neighborhood comprehensive

24  revitalization plan and demonstrates how the proposed

25  expenditures are directly related to the project.

26         (10)  In evaluating proposals pursuant to this section,

27  the department shall develop and consider scoring criteria,

28  including, but not limited to, the following:

29         (a)  The reasonableness of project goals and production

30  schedules.

31         (b)  Prior experience and performance of the applicant

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 1  in the production of similar housing, commercial, or business

 2  developments.

 3         (c)  The extent of financial leveraging with private

 4  and public funding.

 5         (d)  The demonstrable capacity of the community-based

 6  development organization to improve the economic health of the

 7  target area as seen by the reasonableness of its comprehensive

 8  neighborhood revitalization plan and the impact of the

 9  proposed project.

10         (e)  The degree to which the project will benefit

11  very-low-income persons, low-income persons, and particularly

12  WAGES recipients.

13         (f)  The location of the target area of the

14  community-based development organization, in whole or in part,

15  in a state enterprise zone designated on or after July 1,

16  1995, in accordance with s. 290.0065 or a federal empowerment

17  zone or enterprise community.

18         (g)  The extent to which the proposal would further the

19  policy and purposes of this act.

20         (11)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30,

21  2007.

22         Section 72.  Section 290.0365, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         (Substantial rewording of section. See

25         s. 290.0365, F.S., for present text.)

26         290.0365  Community-based development training and

27  technical assistance program.--

28         (1)  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.--In addition to the

29  legislative findings set forth in s. 290.0311, the Legislature

30  finds and declares that:

31         (a)  Significant declines in resources make it

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 1  difficult for community-based development organizations to

 2  generate sufficient revenues from business enterprises or real

 3  estate ventures in low-income neighborhoods to fund the

 4  predevelopment costs, technical assistance, and other

 5  administrative expenses needed to foster new developments.

 6         (b)  The financing and planning of large-scale

 7  developments is becoming increasingly complex and

 8  community-based development organizations, even those with

 9  considerable experience, often lack the expertise to structure

10  project financing, partnerships, and joint ventures to

11  accelerate and expand development activities in distressed

12  communities.

13         (c)  Local governments and private lenders are

14  demonstrating a willingness to provide risk capital and

15  project financing, but they are seldom able to provide

16  technical support and training to the staff of community-based

17  development organizations.

18         (2)  PURPOSE.--The purpose of this section is to

19  provide community-based development organizations with the

20  necessary training and technical support to plan, implement,

21  and manage job-generating and revenue-generating developments

22  in distressed neighborhoods. This will strengthen the

23  organizational capacity of community-based development

24  organizations, assist local governments to enhance and expand

25  revitalization efforts, and contribute to expanding the base

26  of commerce, business, and affordable housing that will

27  benefit persons who are very-low-income, low-income, or WAGES

28  recipients.


30  Department of Community Affairs shall be responsible for

31  securing the necessary expertise, which may include

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 1  subcontracts with nonprofit organizations, to provide training

 2  and technical support to the staff and board of

 3  community-based development organizations, as appropriate, and

 4  to persons forming such organizations, which are formed for

 5  the purpose of redeveloping commercial and residential areas

 6  and revitalizing businesses within distressed neighborhoods

 7  for the benefit of very-low-income residents, low-income

 8  residents, and WAGES recipients.

 9         (a)  The training component of the program shall assist

10  organizations receiving administrative grants through a

11  developmental curriculum to build board and staff capacities

12  to implement or manage affordable housing, commercial, or

13  business enterprises. Training will include, but not be

14  limited to, resource development, project management, real

15  estate financing, business or venture plan development,

16  strategic planning for community economic development, and

17  community leadership and participation.

18         (b)  The technical assistance provider shall conduct

19  onsite assessments, involving the board and staff, to prepare

20  a technical assistance plan for new and emerging

21  organizations. The scope and nature of the training will

22  compliment the annual performance objectives of the

23  organizations from the development of a neighborhood

24  comprehensive revitalization plan.

25         (c)  Technical support shall be provided to

26  community-based development organizations receiving project

27  administrative grants, as appropriate, in methods of financing

28  and structuring housing, business, or commercial development

29  projects. This will be in the form of one-on-one technical

30  assistance secured by either the department or by the

31  community-based development organization.

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 1         (d)  The department shall coordinate the technical

 2  assistance and training in support of affordable housing

 3  development with programs funded under s. 420.606.

 4         (e)  The department may permit other community-based

 5  development organizations to participate in the training based

 6  on the availability of classes, funding, and the priority of

 7  need.

 8         (4)  REPEAL.--This section shall stand repealed on June

 9  30, 2007.

10         Section 73.  Section 290.037, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

13         s. 290.037, F.S., for present text.)

14         290.037  Community development project implementation

15  loan program.--

16         (1)  The department is authorized to make loans, within

17  the limits of specific appropriations, to eligible applicants

18  for the following purposes:

19         (a)  Financial assistance to a new or existing business

20  venture located within a community-based development

21  organization service area;

22         (b)  New construction or substantial rehabilitation of

23  housing to be utilized by very-low-income and low-income

24  families and individuals, and WAGES recipients; and

25         (c)  Commercial developments located within the

26  community-based development organization's service area.

27         (2)  A community-based development organization

28  applying for a loan pursuant to this section must submit the

29  information required by s. 290.036(2).

30         (3)  In no case shall loans to one community-based

31  development organization exceed 40 percent of the total annual

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 1  appropriation for loans during any given year or $400,000,

 2  whichever is less.

 3         (4)  A community-based development organization that

 4  receives a loan shall submit to the department an annual audit

 5  performed by an independent certified public accountant;

 6  however, this subsection shall not be construed to require the

 7  submittal of more than one audit by an individual

 8  community-based development organization submitting pursuant

 9  to s. 290.036.

10         (5)  In evaluating proposals pursuant to this section,

11  the department shall consider:

12         (a)  The economic feasibility of the project and the

13  capacity of the venture to repay the loan.

14         (b)  The relative degree of distress of the target

15  area.

16         (c)  The ratio of private and nonstate public money

17  committed to a project to the amount of state money to be

18  committed.

19         (d)  The demonstrated inability of the borrower to

20  secure funding from conventional sources at the terms offered

21  by the community-based development organization.

22         (e)  The number of temporary and permanent jobs

23  generated by the project.

24         (f)  The overall net positive impact of the project

25  long term on local economic and social conditions.

26         (g)  The degree to which the project directly benefits

27  or provides assistance to very-low-income individuals,

28  low-income individuals, or job-displaced individuals or WAGES

29  recipients.

30         (h)  The demonstrable capacity of the community-based

31  development organization and technical assistance providers to

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 1  see that the project is successfully carried out and managed.

 2         (6)  Loans permitted under this section for affordable

 3  housing may be used for the purpose of providing first,

 4  second, or other subordinated mortgage loans or loan

 5  guarantees in the construction of single-family homeownership

 6  or multifamily rental units affordable to very-low-income

 7  persons and low-income persons and WAGES recipients in the

 8  target area.

 9         (7)  All loans to a community-based development

10  organization shall be at interest rates not to exceed 3

11  percent and shall be repaid within 15 years or on a basis

12  approved by the department, except as provided in subsection

13  (8).

14         (8)  Upon the termination of any project as a result of

15  the sale or failure of the business, all recoverable state

16  funds shall be returned to the department for deposit into the

17  Operating Trust Fund. When losses are incurred, the

18  community-based development organization shall make a diligent

19  and good-faith effort to recover the full indebtedness from

20  the business venture, including foreclosure of security and

21  recovery from guarantors. Upon completion of all such efforts

22  to the satisfaction of the department, the department shall

23  write off the unpaid balance of the loan.

24         (9)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30,

25  2007.

26         Section 74.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (2) and

27  subsection (3) of section 290.038, Florida Statutes, are

28  amended to read:

29         290.038  Authority and duties of the department.--

30         (2)  The department may:

31         (f)  Assist in training employees of community-based

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 1  community development organizations corporations to help

 2  achieve and increase their capacity to administer programs

 3  pursuant to this act and provide technical assistance and

 4  advice to community-based community development organizations

 5  corporations involved with these programs.

 6         (3)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30, 2007

 7  1998.

 8         Section 75.  Section 290.039, Florida Statutes, is

 9  amended to read:

10         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

11         s. 290.039, F.S., for present text.)

12         290.039  Reporting requirements.--

13         (1)  Community-based development organizations which

14  receive funds under INVEST shall provide the following

15  information to the department annually:

16         (a)  A listing of business firms and individuals

17  assisted by the community-based development organization

18  during the reporting period.

19         (b)  A listing of the type, source, purpose, and amount

20  of each individual grant, loan, or donation received by the

21  community-based development organization during the reporting

22  period.

23         (c)  The number of paid and voluntary positions within

24  the community-based development organization.

25         (d)  A listing of the salaries and administrative

26  expenses of the community-based development organization.

27         (e)  An identification and explanation of changes to

28  the target area boundaries.

29         (f)  The amount of assets and liabilities and the fund

30  balance for the community-based development organization at

31  the beginning and end of the reporting period.

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 1         (g)  The number and description of projects attempted,

 2  the number and description of projects completed, and a

 3  written explanation of the reasons that caused projects not to

 4  be completed.

 5         (h)  The impact on target area residents and its

 6  relationship to expected outcomes listed in the agency's

 7  comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plan, as a result of

 8  receiving INVEST funding.

 9         (2)  Community-based development organizations which

10  receive project administrative grants shall provide the

11  following general information to the department annually:

12         (a)  A listing of salaries and administrative expenses

13  of the community-based development organization on approved

14  projects that receive project administrative grant funding.

15         (b)  An identification and explanation of changes to

16  the target area boundaries.

17         (c)  The impact of the completed project on target area

18  residents and its relationship to expected outcomes listed in

19  the agency's comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plan.

20         (3)  Community-based development organizations which

21  receive project administrative grants, or a combination of

22  core administrative and project and grant funds, shall provide

23  the following information on applicable projects to the

24  department annually:

25         (a)  The number of housing units rehabilitated or

26  constructed by the community-based development organization

27  within the service area during the reporting period.

28         (b)  The number and amount of loans made to businesses

29  or individual entrepreneurs in the target area during the

30  reporting period.

31         (c)  The number of outstanding loans made to businesses

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 1  or individuals in the service area by the community-based

 2  development organization, the balance of the loans, and the

 3  payment history of the borrowers during the reporting period.

 4         (d)  The number of jobs, both permanent and temporary,

 5  received by individuals who were directly assisted by the

 6  community-based development organization through assistance to

 7  the business such as a loan or other credit assistance.

 8         (e)  An identification and explanation of changes to

 9  the service area boundaries.

10         (f)  The impact of the completed project on target area

11  residents and its relationship to expected outcomes listed in

12  the agency's comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plan.

13         (g)  Such other information as the department may

14  require.

15         (4)  The department shall submit an annual report to

16  the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President

17  of the Senate which contains the cumulative data submitted by

18  the individual community-based development organizations

19  pursuant to subsection (1). The report shall be submitted by

20  January 1 of each year.

21         (5)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30,

22  2007.

23         Section 76.  Section 290.0395, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

26         s. 290.0395, F.S., for present text.)

27         290.0395  Program performance review and evaluation.--

28         (1)  Each community-based development organization

29  which receives funding under the Invest in Neighborhood

30  Vitality and Economies Program shall be subject to an annual

31  performance review by the department. At a minimum, the review

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 1  shall determine whether contract objectives are being or have

 2  been met in a timely and efficient manner, expected project

 3  outcomes are being or have been realized, and the impact of

 4  completed projects produced the results desired by the

 5  community-based development organization as stated in its

 6  comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plan and other

 7  supporting documentation for receipt of the grants or loans.

 8         (2)  Prior to the 2007 Regular Session of the

 9  Legislature, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

10  Government Accountability shall perform an evaluation of ss.

11  290.0301-290.039, using the reporting data specified in s.

12  290.039 and any other data identified by the department and

13  the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

14  Accountability as crucial to the evaluation of this program.

15  The report shall critique the Invest in Neighborhood Vitality

16  and Economies Program and shall include an analysis of the

17  improvements in the service area as a result of the holistic

18  and collaborative efforts of the organizations and partners

19  within the service area.

20         (3)  A report of the findings and recommendations of

21  the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

22  Accountability shall be submitted to the President of the

23  Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives prior

24  to the 2007 Regular Session.

25         (4)  This section shall stand repealed on June 30,

26  2007.

27         Section 77.  Section 290.034, Florida Statutes, is

28  repealed.

29         Section 78.  Section 189.427, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:

31         189.427  Fee schedule; Operating Trust Fund.--The

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 1  Department of Community Affairs, by rule, shall establish a

 2  schedule of fees to pay one-half of the costs incurred by the

 3  department in administering this act, except that the fee may

 4  not exceed $175 per district per year. The fees collected

 5  under this section shall be deposited in the Operating Trust

 6  Fund established under s. 290.034, which shall be administered

 7  by the Department of Community Affairs. Any fee rule must

 8  consider factors such as the dependent and independent status

 9  of the district and district revenues for the most recent

10  fiscal year as reported to the Department of Banking and

11  Finance. The department may assess fines of not more than $25,

12  with an aggregate total not to exceed $50, as penalties

13  against special districts that fail to remit required fees to

14  the department. It is the intent of the Legislature that

15  general revenue funds will be made available to the department

16  to pay one-half of the cost of administering this act.

17         Section 79.  Subsection (7) of section 252.82, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         252.82  Definitions.--As used in this part:

20         (7)  "Trust fund" means the Operating Trust Fund

21  established in s. 290.034.

22         Section 80.  Subsection (1) of section 943.25, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         943.25  Criminal justice trust funds; source of funds;

25  use of funds.--

26         (1)  The Department of Community Affairs may approve,

27  for disbursement from the Operating Trust Fund established

28  pursuant to s. 290.034, those appropriated sums necessary and

29  required by the state for grant matching, implementing,

30  administering, evaluating, and qualifying for such federal

31  funds. Disbursements from the trust fund for the purpose of

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 1  supplanting state general revenue funds may not be made

 2  without specific legislative appropriation.

 3         Section 81.  Section 420.0007, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         420.0007  Exemption from property taxation for

 6  charitable non-profit low income housing properties.

 7  Properties owned entirely by non-profit corporations which are

 8  defined as charitable organizations under s. 501(c)(3) of the

 9  Internal Revenue Code and comply with the Internal Revenue

10  Procedure 96-32 and which provide housing to low and very low

11  income person, as defined in s. 420.0004, shall be considered

12  charitable and exempt from ad valorem taxation under Chapter

13  196, F.S., to the extent authorized under s. 196.192.

14         Section 82.  If no community-based development

15  organizations qualify for core administrative grants in a

16  distressed region of the state, the Department of Community

17  Affairs must identify potentially qualified community-based

18  development organizations in those regions and provide

19  assistance to enable them to compete for core administrative

20  grants in the next funding cycle. For the purposes of this

21  section, distressed regions include those regions that qualify

22  for urban high crime area job tax credits or areas that have

23  experienced civil disturbances within the past three years.

24         Section 83.  Sections 163.2511, 163.2514, 163.2517,

25  163.2520, 163.2523, and 163.2526, Florida Statutes, are

26  created to read:

27         163.2511  Urban infill and redevelopment.--

28         (1)  Sections 163.2511-163.2526 may be cited as the

29  "Urban Infill and Redevelopment Act."

30         (2)  It is found and declared that:

31         (a)  Fiscally strong urban centers are beneficial to

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 1  regional and state economies and resources, are a method for

 2  reduction of future urban sprawl, and should be promoted by

 3  state, regional, and local governments.

 4         (b)  The health and vibrancy of the urban cores benefit

 5  their respective regions and the state.  Conversely, the

 6  deterioration of those urban cores negatively impacts the

 7  surrounding area and the state.

 8         (c)  In recognition of the interwoven destiny between

 9  the urban center, the suburbs, the region, and the state, the

10  respective governments need to establish a framework and work

11  in partnership with communities and the private sector to

12  revitalize urban centers.

13         (d)  State urban policies should guide the state,

14  regional agencies, local governments, and the private sector

15  in preserving and redeveloping existing urban centers and

16  promoting the adequate provision of infrastructure, human

17  services, safe neighborhoods, educational facilities, and

18  economic development to sustain these centers into the future.

19         (e)  Successfully revitalizing and sustaining the urban

20  centers is dependent on addressing, through an integrated and

21  coordinated community effort, a range of varied components

22  essential to a healthy urban environment, including cultural,

23  educational, recreational, economic, transportation, and

24  social service components.

25         (f)  Infill development and redevelopment are

26  recognized as one of the important components and useful

27  mechanisms to promote and sustain urban centers. State and

28  regional entities and local governments should provide

29  incentives to promote urban infill and redevelopment. Existing

30  programs and incentives should be integrated to the extent

31  possible to promote urban infill and redevelopment and to

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 1  achieve the goals of the state urban policy.

 2         163.2514  Definitions.--As used in ss.

 3  163.2511-163.2526:

 4         (1)  "Local government" means any county or

 5  municipality.

 6         (2)  "Urban infill and redevelopment area" means an

 7  area or areas designated by a local government for the

 8  development of vacant, abandoned, or significantly

 9  underutilized parcels located where:

10         (a)  Public services such as water and wastewater,

11  transportation, schools, and recreation are already available

12  or are scheduled to be provided in an adopted 5-year schedule

13  of capital improvements and are located within the existing

14  urban service area as defined in the local government's

15  comprehensive plan;

16         (b)  The area contains not more than 10 percent

17  developable vacant land;

18         (c)  The residential density is at least five dwelling

19  units per acre and the average nonresidential intensity is at

20  least a floor area ratio of 1.00; and

21         (d)  The land area designated as an urban infill and

22  redevelopment area does not exceed 2 percent of the land area

23  of the local government jurisdiction or a total area of 3

24  square miles, whichever is greater.

25         163.2517  Designation of urban infill and redevelopment

26  area.--

27         (1)  A local government may designate a geographic area

28  or areas within its jurisdiction as an urban infill and

29  redevelopment area for the purpose of targeting economic, job

30  creation, housing, transportation, and land-use incentives to

31  encourage urban infill and redevelopment within the urban

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 1  core.

 2         (2)  A local government seeking to designate a

 3  geographic area within its jurisdiction as an urban infill and

 4  redevelopment area shall first prepare a plan that describes

 5  the infill and redevelopment objectives of the local

 6  government within the proposed area. In lieu of preparing a

 7  new plan, the local government may demonstrate that an

 8  existing plan or combination of plans associated with a

 9  community development area, Florida Main Street program,

10  sustainable community, enterprise zone, or neighborhood

11  improvement district includes the factors listed in paragraphs

12  (a)-(j), or amend such existing plans to include the factors

13  listed in paragraphs (a)-(j). The plan shall demonstrate the

14  local government and community's commitment to comprehensively

15  addressing the urban problems within the urban infill and

16  redevelopment area and identify activities and programs to

17  accomplish locally identified goals such as code enforcement;

18  improved educational opportunities; reduction in crime;

19  provision of infrastructure needs, including mass transit and

20  multimodal linkages; and mixed-use planning to promote

21  multifunctional redevelopment to improve both the residential

22  and commercial quality of life in the area. The plan shall

23  also:

24         (a)  Contain a map depicting the geographic area or

25  areas to be included within the designation.

26         (b)  Identify the relationship between the proposed

27  area and the existing urban service area defined in the local

28  government's comprehensive plan.

29         (c)  Identify existing enterprise zones, community

30  redevelopment areas, community development corporations,

31  brownfield areas, downtown redevelopment districts, safe

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 1  neighborhood improvement districts, historic preservation

 2  districts, and empowerment zones located within the area

 3  proposed for designation as an urban infill and redevelopment

 4  area and provide a framework for coordinating infill and

 5  redevelopment programs within the urban core.

 6         (d)  Identify a memorandum of understanding between the

 7  district school board and the local government jurisdiction

 8  regarding public school facilities located within the urban

 9  infill and redevelopment area to identify how the school board

10  will provide priority to enhancing public school facilities

11  and programs in the designated area, including the reuse of

12  existing buildings for schools within the area.

13         (e)  Identify how the local government intends to

14  implement affordable housing programs, including, but not

15  limited to, the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program,

16  and economic and community development programs administered

17  by the Department of Community Affairs, within the urban

18  infill and redevelopment area.

19         (f)  If applicable, provide guidelines for the adoption

20  of land development regulations specific to the urban infill

21  and redevelopment area which include, for example, setbacks

22  and parking requirements appropriate to urban development.

23         (g)  Identify any existing transportation concurrency

24  exception areas, and any relevant public transportation

25  corridors designated by a metropolitan planning organization

26  in its long-range transportation plans or by the local

27  government in its comprehensive plan for which the local

28  government seeks designation as a transportation concurrency

29  exception area.

30         (h)  Identify and adopt a package of financial and

31  local government incentives which the local government will

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 1  offer for new development, expansion of existing development,

 2  and redevelopment within the urban infill and redevelopment

 3  area. Examples of such incentives include:

 4         1.  Waiver of license and permit fees.

 5         2.  Waiver of delinquent taxes, other than ad valorem,

 6  or fees to promote the return of property to productive use.

 7         3.  Expedited permitting.

 8         4.  Prioritization of infrastructure spending within

 9  the urban infill and redevelopment area.

10         5.  Local government absorption of developers'

11  concurrency costs.

12         (i)  Identify how activities and incentives within the

13  urban infill and redevelopment area will be coordinated and

14  what administrative mechanism the local government will use

15  for the coordination.

16         (j)  Identify performance measures to evaluate the

17  success of the local government in implementing the urban

18  infill and redevelopment plan.

19         (3)  After the preparation of an urban infill and

20  redevelopment plan or designation of an existing plan and

21  before the adoption hearing required for comprehensive plan

22  amendments, the local government must conduct a public hearing

23  in the area targeted for designation as an urban infill and

24  redevelopment area to provide an opportunity for public input

25  on the size of the area; the objectives for urban infill and

26  redevelopment; coordination with existing redevelopment

27  programs; goals for improving transit and transportation; the

28  objectives for economic development; job creation; crime

29  reduction; and neighborhood preservation and revitalization.

30  The purpose of the public hearing is to encourage communities

31  within the proposed urban infill and redevelopment area to

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 1  participate in the design and implementation of the plan,

 2  including a "visioning" of the community core, before

 3  redevelopment. Notice for the public hearing must be in the

 4  form established in s. 166.041(3)(c)2., for municipalities,

 5  and s. 125.66(4)(b)2. for counties.

 6         (4)  In order for a local government to designate an

 7  urban infill and redevelopment area, it must amend its

 8  comprehensive land use plan under s. 163.3187 to adopt the

 9  urban infill and redevelopment area plan and delineate the

10  urban infill and redevelopment area within the future land use

11  element of its comprehensive plan. If the local government

12  elects to employ an existing or amended community

13  redevelopment, Florida Main Street program, sustainable

14  community, enterprise zone, or neighborhood improvement

15  district plan or plans in lieu of preparation of an urban

16  infill and redevelopment plan, the local government must amend

17  its comprehensive land use plan under s. 163.3187 to delineate

18  the urban infill and redevelopment area within the future land

19  use element of its comprehensive plan. An amendment to the

20  local comprehensive plan to designate an urban infill and

21  redevelopment area is exempt from the twice-a-year amendment

22  limitation of s. 163.3187.

23         163.2520  Economic incentive; State agency reporting.--

24         (1)  A local government with an adopted urban infill

25  and redevelopment plan or plan employed in lieu thereof may

26  exercise the powers granted under s. 163.514 for community

27  redevelopment neighborhood improvement districts, including

28  the authority to levy special assessments.

29         (2)  State agencies that provide infrastructure

30  funding, cost reimbursement, grants, or loans to local

31  governments, including, but not limited to, the Department of

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 1  Environmental Protection (Clean Water State Revolving Fund,

 2  Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, and the State of Florida

 3  Pollution Control Bond Program); the Department of Community

 4  Affairs (State Housing Initiatives Partnership, Florida

 5  Communities Trust); and the Department of Transportation

 6  (Intermodal Transportation Efficiency Act funds), are directed

 7  to report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of

 8  the House of Representatives by January 1, 1999, regarding

 9  statutory and rule changes necessary to give urban infill and

10  redevelopment areas identified by local governments under this

11  act an elevated priority in infrastructure funding, loan, and

12  grant programs.

13         163.2523  Grant program.--

14         (1)  An Urban Infill and Redevelopment Assistance Grant

15  Program is created for local governments with adopted urban

16  infill and redevelopment areas. Ninety percent of the general

17  revenue appropriated for this program shall be available for

18  fifty/fifty matching grants for planning and implementing

19  urban infill and redevelopment projects that further the

20  objectives set forth in the local government's adopted urban

21  infill and redevelopment plan or plan employed in lieu

22  thereof. The remaining 10 percent of the revenue must be used

23  for outright grants for projects requiring under $50,000.

24  Projects that provide employment opportunities to clients of

25  the WAGES program and projects within urban infill and

26  redevelopment areas that include a community redevelopment

27  area, Florida Main Street Program, sustainable community,

28  enterprise zone, or neighborhood improvement district must be

29  given an elevated priority in the scoring of competing grant

30  applications. The Division of Housing and Community

31  Development of the Department of Community Affairs shall

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 1  administer the grant program. The Department of Community

 2  Affairs shall adopt rules establishing grant review criteria

 3  consistent with this section.

 4         (2)  If the local government fails to implement the

 5  urban infill and redevelopment plan, the Department of

 6  Community Affairs may seek to rescind the economic and

 7  regulatory incentives granted to an urban infill and

 8  redevelopment area, subject to the provisions of chapter 120.

 9  The action to rescind may be initiated 90 days after issuing a

10  written letter of warning to the local government.

11         163.2526  Review and evaluation.--Before the 2003

12  Regular Session of the Legislature, the Office of Program

13  Policy Analysis and Government Accountability shall perform a

14  review and evaluation of ss. 163.2511-163.2526, including the

15  financial incentives listed in s. 163.2520. The report must

16  evaluate the effectiveness of the designation of urban infill

17  and redevelopment areas in stimulating urban infill and

18  redevelopment and strengthening the urban core. A report of

19  the findings and recommendations of the Office of Program

20  Policy Analysis and Government Accountability shall be

21  submitted to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of

22  the House of Representatives before the 2003 Regular Session

23  of the Legislature.

24         Section 84.  Subsection (5) of section 163.3180,

25  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         163.3180  Concurrency.--

27         (5)(a)  The Legislature finds that under limited

28  circumstances dealing with transportation facilities,

29  countervailing planning and public policy goals may come into

30  conflict with the requirement that adequate public facilities

31  and services be available concurrent with the impacts of such

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 1  development.  The Legislature further finds that often the

 2  unintended result of the concurrency requirement for

 3  transportation facilities is the discouragement of urban

 4  infill development and redevelopment.  Such unintended results

 5  directly conflict with the goals and policies of the state

 6  comprehensive plan and the intent of this part.  Therefore,

 7  exceptions from the concurrency requirement for transportation

 8  facilities may be granted as provided by this subsection.

 9         (b)  A local government may grant an exception from the

10  concurrency requirement for transportation facilities if the

11  proposed development is otherwise consistent with the adopted

12  local government comprehensive plan and is a project that

13  promotes public transportation or is located within an area

14  designated in the comprehensive plan for:

15         1.  Urban infill development,

16         2.  Urban redevelopment, or

17         3.  Downtown revitalization, or.

18         4.  Urban infill and redevelopment under s. 163.2517.

19         (c)  The Legislature also finds that developments

20  located within urban infill, urban redevelopment, existing

21  urban service, or downtown revitalization areas or areas

22  designated as urban infill and redevelopment areas under s.

23  163.2517 which pose only special part-time demands on the

24  transportation system should be excepted from the concurrency

25  requirement for transportation facilities.  A special

26  part-time demand is one that does not have more than 200

27  scheduled events during any calendar year and does not affect

28  the 100 highest traffic volume hours.

29         (d)  A local government shall establish guidelines for

30  granting the exceptions authorized in paragraphs (b) and (c)

31  in the comprehensive plan. These guidelines must include

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 1  consideration of the impacts on the Florida Intrastate Highway

 2  System, as defined in s. 338.001.  The exceptions may be

 3  available only within the specific geographic area of the

 4  jurisdiction designated in the plan.  Pursuant to s. 163.3184,

 5  any affected person may challenge a plan amendment

 6  establishing these guidelines and the areas within which an

 7  exception could be granted.

 8         Section 85.  Subsection (1) of section 163.3187,

 9  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         163.3187  Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.--

11         (1)  Amendments to comprehensive plans adopted pursuant

12  to this part may be made not more than two times during any

13  calendar year, except:

14         (a)  In the case of an emergency, comprehensive plan

15  amendments may be made more often than twice during the

16  calendar year if the additional plan amendment receives the

17  approval of all of the members of the governing body.

18  "Emergency" means any occurrence or threat thereof whether

19  accidental or natural, caused by humankind, in war or peace,

20  which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to

21  the population or substantial damage to or loss of property or

22  public funds.

23         (b)  Any local government comprehensive plan amendments

24  directly related to a proposed development of regional impact,

25  including changes which have been determined to be substantial

26  deviations and including Florida Quality Developments pursuant

27  to s. 380.061, may be initiated by a local planning agency and

28  considered by the local governing body at the same time as the

29  application for development approval using the procedures

30  provided for local plan amendment in this section and

31  applicable local ordinances, without regard to statutory or

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 1  local ordinance limits on the frequency of consideration of

 2  amendments to the local comprehensive plan.  Nothing in this

 3  subsection shall be deemed to require favorable consideration

 4  of a plan amendment solely because it is related to a

 5  development of regional impact.

 6         (c)  Any local government comprehensive plan amendments

 7  directly related to proposed small scale development

 8  activities may be approved without regard to statutory limits

 9  on the frequency of consideration of amendments to the local

10  comprehensive plan.  A small scale development amendment may

11  be adopted only under the following conditions:

12         1.  The proposed amendment involves a use of 10 acres

13  or fewer and:

14         a.  The cumulative annual effect of the acreage for all

15  small scale development amendments adopted by the local

16  government shall not exceed:

17         (I)  A maximum of 120 acres in a local government that

18  contains areas specifically designated in the local

19  comprehensive plan for urban infill, urban redevelopment, or

20  downtown revitalization as defined in s. 163.3164, urban

21  infill and redevelopment areas designated under s. 163.2517,

22  transportation concurrency exception areas approved pursuant

23  to s. 163.3180(5), or regional activity centers and urban

24  central business districts approved pursuant to s.

25  380.06(2)(e); however, amendments under this paragraph may be

26  applied to no more than 60 acres annually of property outside

27  the designated areas listed in this sub-sub-subparagraph.

28         (II)  A maximum of 80 acres in a local government that

29  does not contain any of the designated areas set forth in

30  sub-sub-subparagraph (I).

31         (III)  A maximum of 120 acres in a county established

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 1  pursuant to s. 9, Art. VIII of the State Constitution.

 2         b.  The proposed amendment does not involve the same

 3  property granted a change within the prior 12 months.

 4         c.  The proposed amendment does not involve the same

 5  owner's property within 200 feet of property granted a change

 6  within the prior 12 months.

 7         d.  The proposed amendment does not involve a text

 8  change to the goals, policies, and objectives of the local

 9  government's comprehensive plan, but only proposes a land use

10  change to the future land use map for a site-specific small

11  scale development activity.

12         e.  The property that is the subject of the proposed

13  amendment is not located within an area of critical state

14  concern.

15         f.  If the proposed amendment involves a residential

16  land use, the residential land use has a density of 10 units

17  or less per acre, except that this limitation does not apply

18  to small scale amendments described in sub-sub-subparagraph

19  a.(I) that are designated in the local comprehensive plan for

20  urban infill, urban redevelopment, or downtown revitalization

21  as defined in s. 163.3164, urban infill and redevelopment

22  areas designated under s. 163.2517, transportation concurrency

23  exception areas approved pursuant to s. 163.3180(5), or

24  regional activity centers and urban central business districts

25  approved pursuant to s. 380.06(2)(e).

26         2.a.  A local government that proposes to consider a

27  plan amendment pursuant to this paragraph is not required to

28  comply with the procedures and public notice requirements of

29  s. 163.3184(15)(c) for such plan amendments if the local

30  government complies with the provisions in s. 125.66(4)(a) for

31  a county or in s. 166.041(3)(c) for a municipality. If a

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 1  request for a plan amendment under this paragraph is initiated

 2  by other than the local government, public notice is required.

 3         b.  The local government shall send copies of the

 4  notice and amendment to the state land planning agency, the

 5  regional planning council, and any other person or entity

 6  requesting a copy.  This information shall also include a

 7  statement identifying any property subject to the amendment

 8  that is located within a coastal high hazard area as

 9  identified in the local comprehensive plan.

10         3.  Small scale development amendments adopted pursuant

11  to this paragraph require only one public hearing before the

12  governing board, which shall be an adoption hearing as

13  described in s. 163.3184(7), and are not subject to the

14  requirements of s. 163.3184(3)-(6) unless the local government

15  elects to have them subject to those requirements.

16         (d)  Any comprehensive plan amendment required by a

17  compliance agreement pursuant to s. 163.3184(16) may be

18  approved without regard to statutory limits on the frequency

19  of adoption of amendments to the comprehensive plan.

20         (e)  A comprehensive plan amendment for location of a

21  state correctional facility. Such an amendment may be made at

22  any time and does not count toward the limitation on the

23  frequency of plan amendments.

24         (f)  Any comprehensive plan amendment that changes the

25  schedule in the capital improvements element, and any

26  amendments directly related to the schedule, may be made once

27  in a calendar year on a date different from the two times

28  provided in this subsection when necessary to coincide with

29  the adoption of the local government's budget and capital

30  improvements program.

31         (g)  A comprehensive plan amendment for the purpose of

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 1  designating an urban infill and redevelopment area under s.

 2  163.2517 may be approved without regard to the statutory

 3  limits on the frequency of amendments to the comprehensive

 4  plan.

 5         Section 86.  Subsection (17) of section 187.201,

 6  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         187.201  State Comprehensive Plan adopted.--The

 8  Legislature hereby adopts as the State Comprehensive Plan the

 9  following specific goals and policies:



12         (a)  Goal.--In recognition of the importance of

13  Florida's vital urban centers and of the need to develop and

14  redevelop developing and redeveloping downtowns to the state's

15  ability to use existing infrastructure and to accommodate

16  growth in an orderly, efficient, and environmentally

17  acceptable manner, Florida shall encourage the centralization

18  of commercial, governmental, retail, residential, and cultural

19  activities within downtown areas.

20         (b)  Policies.--

21         1.  Provide incentives to encourage private sector

22  investment in the preservation and enhancement of downtown

23  areas.

24         2.  Assist local governments in the planning,

25  financing, and implementation of development efforts aimed at

26  revitalizing distressed downtown areas.

27         3.  Promote state programs and investments which

28  encourage redevelopment of downtown areas.

29         4.  Promote and encourage communities to engage in a

30  redesign step to include public participation of members of

31  the community in envisioning redevelopment goals and design of

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 1  the community core before redevelopment.

 2         5.  Ensure that local governments have adequate

 3  flexibility to determine and address their urban priorities

 4  within the state urban policy.

 5         6.  Enhance the linkages between land use, water use,

 6  and transportation planning in state, regional, and local

 7  plans for current and future designated urban areas.

 8         7.  Develop concurrency requirements for urban areas

 9  that promote redevelopment efforts where the requirements do

10  not compromise public health and safety.

11         8.  Promote processes for the state, general purpose

12  local governments, school boards, and local community colleges

13  to coordinate and cooperate regarding educational facilities

14  in urban areas, including planning functions, the development

15  of joint facilities, and the reuse of existing buildings.

16         9.  Encourage the development of mass transit systems

17  for urban centers, including multimodal transportation feeder

18  systems, as a priority of local, metropolitan, regional, and

19  state transportation planning.

20         10.  Locate appropriate public facilities within urban

21  centers to demonstrate public commitment to the centers and to

22  encourage private sector development.

23         11.  Integrate state programs that have been developed

24  to promote economic development and neighborhood

25  revitalization through incentives to promote the development

26  of designated urban infill areas.

27         12.  Promote infill development and redevelopment as an

28  important mechanism to revitalize and sustain urban centers.

29         Section 87.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (19) of

30  section 380.06, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         380.06  Developments of regional impact.--

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 1         (19)  SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATIONS.--

 2         (b)  Any proposed change to a previously approved

 3  development of regional impact or development order condition

 4  which, either individually or cumulatively with other changes,

 5  exceeds any of the following criteria shall constitute a

 6  substantial deviation and shall cause the development to be

 7  subject to further development-of-regional-impact review

 8  without the necessity for a finding of same by the local

 9  government:

10         1.  An increase in the number of parking spaces at an

11  attraction or recreational facility by 5 percent or 300

12  spaces, whichever is greater, or an increase in the number of

13  spectators that may be accommodated at such a facility by 5

14  percent or 1,000 spectators, whichever is greater.

15         2.  A new runway, a new terminal facility, a 25-percent

16  lengthening of an existing runway, or a 25-percent increase in

17  the number of gates of an existing terminal, but only if the

18  increase adds at least three additional gates.  However, if an

19  airport is located in two counties, a 10-percent lengthening

20  of an existing runway or a 20-percent increase in the number

21  of gates of an existing terminal is the applicable criteria.

22         3.  An increase in the number of hospital beds by 5

23  percent or 60 beds, whichever is greater.

24         4.  An increase in industrial development area by 5

25  percent or 32 acres, whichever is greater.

26         5.  An increase in the average annual acreage mined by

27  5 percent or 10 acres, whichever is greater, or an increase in

28  the average daily water consumption by a mining operation by 5

29  percent or 300,000 gallons, whichever is greater.  An increase

30  in the size of the mine by 5 percent or 750 acres, whichever

31  is less.

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 1         6.  An increase in land area for office development by

 2  5 percent or 6 acres, whichever is greater, or an increase of

 3  gross floor area of office development by 5 percent or 60,000

 4  gross square feet, whichever is greater.

 5         7.  An increase in the storage capacity for chemical or

 6  petroleum storage facilities by 5 percent, 20,000 barrels, or

 7  7 million pounds, whichever is greater.

 8         8.  An increase of development at a waterport of wet

 9  storage for 20 watercraft, dry storage for 30 watercraft, or

10  wet/dry storage for 60 watercraft in an area identified in the

11  state marina siting plan as an appropriate site for additional

12  waterport development or a 5-percent increase in watercraft

13  storage capacity, whichever is greater.

14         9.  An increase in the number of dwelling units by 5

15  percent or 50 dwelling units, whichever is greater.

16         10.  An increase in commercial development by 6 acres

17  of land area or by 50,000 square feet of gross floor area, or

18  of parking spaces provided for customers for 300 cars or a

19  5-percent increase of any of these, whichever is greater.

20         11.  An increase in hotel or motel facility units by 5

21  percent or 75 units, whichever is greater.

22         12.  An increase in a recreational vehicle park area by

23  5 percent or 100 vehicle spaces, whichever is less.

24         13.  A decrease in the area set aside for open space of

25  5 percent or 20 acres, whichever is less.

26         14.  A proposed increase to an approved multiuse

27  development of regional impact where the sum of the increases

28  of each land use as a percentage of the applicable substantial

29  deviation criteria is equal to or exceeds 100 percent. The

30  percentage of any decrease in the amount of open space shall

31  be treated as an increase for purposes of determining when 100

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 1  percent has been reached or exceeded.

 2         15.  A 15-percent increase in the number of external

 3  vehicle trips generated by the development above that which

 4  was projected during the original

 5  development-of-regional-impact review.

 6         16.  Any change which would result in development of

 7  any area which was specifically set aside in the application

 8  for development approval or in the development order for

 9  preservation or special protection of endangered or threatened

10  plants or animals designated as endangered, threatened, or

11  species of special concern and their habitat, primary dunes,

12  or archaeological and historical sites designated as

13  significant by the Division of Historical Resources of the

14  Department of State.  The further refinement of such areas by

15  survey shall be considered under sub-subparagraph (e)5.b.


17  The substantial deviation numerical standards in subparagraphs

18  4., 6., 10., 14., excluding residential uses, and 15., are

19  increased by 100 percent for a project certified under s.

20  403.973 which creates jobs and meets criteria established by

21  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development as to

22  its impact on an area's economy, employment, and prevailing

23  wage and skill levels. The substantial deviation numerical

24  standards in subparagraphs 4., 6., 9., 10., 11., and 14. are

25  increased by 50 percent for a project located wholly within an

26  urban infill and redevelopment area designated on the

27  applicable adopted local comprehensive plan future land use

28  map and not located within the coastal high hazard area.

29         Section 88.  Subsection (1) of section 163.375, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:

31         163.375  Eminent domain.--

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 1         (1)  Any county or municipality, or any community

 2  redevelopment agency pursuant to specific approval of the

 3  governing body of the county or municipality which established

 4  the agency, as provided by any county or municipal ordinance

 5  has the right to acquire by condemnation any interest in real

 6  property, including a fee simple title thereto, which it deems

 7  necessary for, or in connection with, community redevelopment

 8  and related activities under this part.  Any county or

 9  municipality, or any community redevelopment agency pursuant

10  to specific approval by the governing body of the county or

11  municipality which established the agency, as provided by any

12  county or municipal ordinance may exercise the power of

13  eminent domain in the manner provided in chapters 73 and 74

14  and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, or it

15  may exercise the power of eminent domain in the manner now or

16  which may be hereafter provided by any other statutory

17  provision for the exercise of the power of eminent domain.

18  Property in unincorporated enclaves surrounded by the

19  boundaries of a community redevelopment area may be acquired

20  when it is determined necessary by the agency to accomplish

21  the community redevelopment plan. Property already devoted to

22  a public use may be acquired in like manner.  However, no real

23  property belonging to the United States, the state, or any

24  political subdivision of the state may be acquired without its

25  consent.

26         Section 89.  Section 171.0413, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         171.0413  Annexation procedures.--Any municipality may

29  annex contiguous, compact, unincorporated territory in the

30  following manner:

31         (1)  An ordinance proposing to annex an area of

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 1  contiguous, compact, unincorporated territory shall be adopted

 2  by the governing body of the annexing municipality pursuant to

 3  the procedure for the adoption of a nonemergency ordinance

 4  established by s. 166.041. Prior to the adoption of the

 5  ordinance of annexation, the local governing body shall hold

 6  at least two advertised public hearings on the proposed

 7  annexation. The first public hearing shall be on a weekday at

 8  least 7 days after the day that the first advertisement is

 9  published. The second public hearing shall be held on a

10  weekday at least 5 days after the day that the second

11  advertisement is published. The governing body of the annexing

12  municipality may choose to submit the ordinance of annexation

13  to a separate vote of the registered electors of the annexing

14  municipality. Each such ordinance shall propose only one

15  reasonably compact area to be annexed.  However, prior to the

16  ordinance of annexation becoming effective, a referendum on

17  annexation shall be held as set out below, and, if approved by

18  the referendum, the ordinance shall become effective 10 days

19  after the referendum or as otherwise provided in the

20  ordinance, but not more than 1 year following the date of the

21  referendum.

22         (2)  Following the final adoption of the ordinance of

23  annexation by the governing body of the annexing municipality,

24  the ordinance shall be submitted to a vote of the registered

25  electors of the area proposed to be annexed. If the proposed

26  ordinance would cause the total area annexed by a municipality

27  pursuant to this section during any one calendar year period

28  cumulatively to exceed more than 5 percent of the total land

29  area of the municipality or cumulatively to exceed more than 5

30  percent of the municipal population, the ordinance shall be

31  submitted to a separate vote of the registered electors of the

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 1  annexing municipality and of the area proposed to be annexed.

 2  The referendum on annexation shall be called and conducted and

 3  the expense thereof paid by the governing body of the annexing

 4  municipality.

 5         (a)  The referendum on annexation shall be held at the

 6  next regularly scheduled election following the final adoption

 7  of the ordinance of annexation by the governing body of the

 8  annexing municipality or at a special election called for the

 9  purpose of holding the referendum. However, the referendum,

10  whether held at a regularly scheduled election or at a special

11  election, shall not be held sooner than 30 days following the

12  final adoption of the ordinance by the governing body of the

13  annexing municipality.

14         (b)  The governing body of the annexing municipality

15  shall publish notice of the referendum on annexation at least

16  once each week for 2 consecutive weeks immediately preceding

17  the date of the referendum in a newspaper of general

18  circulation in the area in which the referendum is to be held.

19  The notice shall give the ordinance number, the time and

20  places for the referendum, and a brief, general description of

21  the area proposed to be annexed.  The description shall

22  include a map clearly showing the area and a statement that

23  the complete legal description by metes and bounds and the

24  ordinance can be obtained from the office of the city clerk.

25         (c)  On the day of the referendum on annexation there

26  shall be prominently displayed at each polling place a copy of

27  the ordinance of annexation and a description of the property

28  proposed to be annexed.  The description shall be by metes and

29  bounds and shall include a map clearly showing such area.

30         (d)  Ballots or mechanical voting devices used in the

31  referendum on annexation shall offer the choice "For

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 1  annexation of property described in ordinance number .... of

 2  the City of ...." and "Against annexation of property

 3  described in ordinance number .... of the City of ...." in

 4  that order.

 5         (e)  If the referendum is held only in the area

 6  proposed to be annexed and receives a majority vote, or if the

 7  ordinance is submitted to a separate vote of the registered

 8  electors of the annexing municipality and the area proposed to

 9  be annexed and there is a separate majority vote for

10  annexation in the annexing municipality and in the area

11  proposed to be annexed, the ordinance of annexation shall

12  become effective on the effective date specified therein. If

13  there is a any majority vote against annexation, the ordinance

14  shall not become effective, and the area proposed to be

15  annexed shall not be the subject of an annexation ordinance by

16  the annexing municipality for a period of 2 years from the

17  date of the referendum on annexation.

18         (3)  Any parcel of land which is owned by one

19  individual, corporation, or legal entity, or owned

20  collectively by one or more individuals, corporations, or

21  legal entities, proposed to be annexed under the provisions of

22  this act shall not be severed, separated, divided, or

23  partitioned by the provisions of said ordinance, but shall, if

24  intended to be annexed, or if annexed, under the provisions of

25  this act, be annexed in its entirety and as a whole.  However,

26  nothing herein contained shall be construed as affecting the

27  validity or enforceability of any ordinance declaring an

28  intention to annex land under the existing law that has been

29  enacted by a municipality prior to July 1, 1975. The owner of

30  such property may waive the requirements of this subsection if

31  such owner does not desire all of the tract or parcel included

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 1  in said annexation.

 2         (4)  Except as otherwise provided in this law, the

 3  annexation procedure as set forth in this section shall

 4  constitute a uniform method for the adoption of an ordinance

 5  of annexation by the governing body of any municipality in

 6  this state, and all existing provisions of special laws which

 7  establish municipal annexation procedures are repealed hereby;

 8  except that any provision or provisions of special law or laws

 9  which prohibit annexation of territory that is separated from

10  the annexing municipality by a body of water or watercourse

11  shall not be repealed.

12         (5)  If more than 70 percent of the land in an area

13  proposed to be annexed is owned by individuals, corporations,

14  or legal entities which are not registered electors of such

15  area, such area shall not be annexed unless the owners of more

16  than 50 percent of the land in such area consent to such

17  annexation.  Such consent shall be obtained by the parties

18  proposing the annexation prior to the referendum to be held on

19  the annexation.

20         (6)  Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), if the

21  area proposed to be annexed does not have any registered

22  electors on the date the ordinance is finally adopted, a vote

23  of electors of the area proposed to be annexed is not

24  required. In addition to the requirements of subsection (5),

25  the area may not be annexed unless the owners of more than 50

26  percent of the parcels of land in the area proposed to be

27  annexed consent to the annexation. If a referendum of the

28  annexing municipality is not required as well pursuant to

29  subsection (2), then The property owner consents required

30  pursuant to subsection (5) shall be obtained by the parties

31  proposing the annexation prior to the final adoption of the

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 1  ordinance, and the annexation ordinance shall be effective

 2  upon becoming a law or as otherwise provided in the ordinance.

 3         Section 90.  Efficiency and accountability in local

 4  government services.--

 5         (1)  The intent of this section is to provide and

 6  encourage a process that will:

 7         (a)  Allow municipalities and counties to resolve

 8  conflicts among local jurisdictions regarding the delivery and

 9  financing of local services.

10         (b)  Increase local government efficiency and

11  accountability.

12         (c)  Provide greater flexibility in the use of local

13  revenue sources for local governments involved in the process.

14         (2)  Any county or combination of counties, and the

15  municipalities therein, may use the procedures provided by

16  this section to develop and adopt a plan to improve the

17  efficiency, accountability, and coordination of the delivery

18  of local government services. The development of such a plan

19  may be initiated by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of

20  the governing body of each of the counties involved, by

21  resolutions adopted by a majority vote of the governing bodies

22  of a majority of the municipalities within each county, or by

23  resolutions adopted by a majority vote of the governing bodies

24  of the municipality or combination of municipalities

25  representing a majority of the municipal population of each

26  county. The resolution shall specify the representatives of

27  the county and municipal governments, of any affected special

28  districts, and of any relevant local government agencies who

29  will be responsible for developing the plan. The resolution

30  shall include a proposed timetable for development of the plan

31  and shall specify the local government support and personnel

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 1  services which will be made available to the representatives

 2  developing the plan.

 3         (3)  Upon adoption of a resolution or resolutions as

 4  provided in subsection (2), the designated representatives

 5  shall develop a plan for delivery of local government

 6  services. The plan shall:

 7         (a)  Designate the areawide and local government

 8  services which are the subject of the plan.

 9         (b)  Describe the existing organization of such

10  services and the means of financing the services, and create a

11  reorganization of such services and the financing thereof that

12  will meet the goals of this section.

13         (c)  Designate the local agency that should be

14  responsible for the delivery of each service.

15         (d)  Designate those services that should be delivered

16  regionally or countywide. No provision of the plan shall

17  operate to restrict the power of a municipality to finance and

18  deliver services in addition to, or at a higher level than,

19  the services designated for regional or countywide delivery

20  under this paragraph.

21         (e)  Provide means to reduce the cost of providing

22  local services and enhance the accountability of service

23  providers.

24         (f)  Include a multiyear capital outlay plan for

25  infrastructure.

26         (g)  Specifically describe any expansion of municipal

27  boundaries that would further the goals of this section. Any

28  area proposed to be annexed must meet the standards for

29  annexation provided in chapter 171, Florida Statutes. The plan

30  shall not contain any provision for contraction of municipal

31  boundaries or elimination of any municipality.

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    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         (h)  Provide specific procedures for modification or

 2  termination of the plan.

 3         (i)  Specify the effective date of the plan.

 4         (4)(a)  A plan developed pursuant to this section must

 5  conform to all comprehensive plans that have been found to be

 6  in compliance under part II of chapter 163, Florida Statutes,

 7  for the local governments participating in the plan.

 8         (b)  No provision of a plan developed pursuant to this

 9  section shall restrict the authority of any state or regional

10  governmental agency to perform any duty required to be

11  performed by that agency by law.

12         (5)(a)  A plan developed pursuant to this section must

13  be approved by a majority vote of the governing body of each

14  county involved in the plan, and by a majority vote of the

15  governing bodies of a majority of municipalities in each

16  county, and by a majority vote of the governing bodies of the

17  municipality or municipalities that represent a majority of

18  the municipal population of each county.

19         (b)  After approval by the county and municipal

20  governing bodies as required by paragraph (a), the plan shall

21  be submitted for referendum approval in a countywide election

22  in each county involved. The plan shall not take effect unless

23  approved by a majority of the electors of each county who vote

24  in the referendum, and also by a majority of the electors of

25  the municipalities that represent a majority of the municipal

26  population of each county who vote in the referendum. If

27  approved by the electors as required by this paragraph, the

28  plan shall take effect on the date specified in the plan.

29         (6)  If a plan developed pursuant to this section

30  includes areas proposed for municipal annexation that meet the

31  standards for annexation provided in chapter 171, Florida

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1  Statutes, such annexation shall take effect upon approval of

 2  the plan as provided in this section, notwithstanding the

 3  procedures for approval of municipal annexation specified in

 4  chapter 171, Florida Statutes.

 5         Section 91.  Section 166.251, Florida Statutes, is

 6  amended to read:

 7         166.251  Service fee for dishonored check.--The

 8  governing body of a municipality may adopt a service fee not

 9  to exceed the service fees authorized under s. 832.08(5) of

10  $20 or 5 percent of the face amount of the check, draft, or

11  order, whichever is greater, for the collection of a

12  dishonored check, draft, or other order for the payment of

13  money to a municipal official or agency.  The service fee

14  shall be in addition to all other penalties imposed by law.

15  Proceeds from this fee, if imposed, shall be retained by the

16  collector of the fee.


18  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



21  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

22  And the title is amended as follows:

23         On page 1, line 9, after the semicolon


25  and insert:

26         relating to economic development; amending s.

27         14.2015, F.S.; revising the reporting

28         requirements of the Office of Tourism, Trade,

29         and Economic Development relating to permits

30         and rules; authorizing the Office of Tourism,

31         Trade, and Economic Development to coordinate

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         establishment of a one-stop permit registry;

 2         amending s. 212.08, F.S.; exempting certain

 3         property based in enterprise zones from the

 4         sales tax under certain circumstances; amending

 5         ss. 212.097 and 212.098, F.S.; clarifying the

 6         definition of a "new business" under the Urban

 7         High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit Program and the

 8         Rural Job Tax Credit Program; providing that

 9         certain call centers or similar customer

10         service operations are eligible businesses

11         under these programs; providing that certain

12         retail businesses are eligible businesses under

13         the Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit

14         Program; amending s. 288.075, F.S.; replacing a

15         reference to the Department of Commerce with a

16         reference to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

17         Economic Development in the definition of

18         "economic development agency" under a provision

19         relating to the confidentiality of certain

20         economic development information; specifying

21         that the prohibition against contracting with

22         entities that have requested confidentiality

23         concerning certain economic development

24         information does not apply to a public officer

25         or employee or an economic development agency

26         employee acting in his or her official

27         capacity; amending s. 288.095, F.S.;

28         establishing a cap on the total amount of the

29         state share of tax refunds which may be

30         approved for a single fiscal year under the tax

31         refund programs for qualified defense

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         contractors, qualified target industry

 2         businesses, and brownfield redevelopment;

 3         amending s. 288.1045, F.S.; conforming the

 4         limitation on the amount of tax refunds

 5         approved for payment under the qualified

 6         defense contractor tax refund program to the

 7         amount appropriated by the Legislature for such

 8         refunds; correcting references relating to

 9         program administration; amending s. 288.106,

10         F.S.; authorizing a reduced employment

11         threshold for expanding businesses in certain

12         rural areas or enterprise zones under the tax

13         refund program for qualified target industry

14         businesses; amending s. 288.1221, F.S.;

15         conforming legislative intent on the time

16         period covered by a tourism promotion marketing

17         plan to the time period covered by the

18         marketing plan prepared by the Florida

19         Commission on Tourism under s. 288.1224, F.S.;

20         amending s. 288.1222, F.S.; revising the

21         definition of "tourist" to clarify that the

22         term applies to a person participating in trade

23         or recreation activities outside the county of

24         permanent residence; amending s. 288.1223,

25         F.S.; providing that the commission shall elect

26         a vice chairman annually; providing legislative

27         findings and intent on the potential economic

28         development benefits of ecotourism; authorizing

29         the Division of Recreation and Parks of the

30         Department of Environmental Protection, subject

31         to legislative appropriation, to establish an

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         ecotourism promotion program; providing for

 2         eligible uses of funds under such program;

 3         authorizing funds to be used to award

 4         ecotourism promotion grants; prescribing grant

 5         application procedures and eligible uses of

 6         grant awards; amending s. 288.90151, F.S.;

 7         revising the matching private funding

 8         requirements for Enterprise Florida, Inc.;

 9         providing for partial release of funds placed

10         in reserve under specified circumstances;

11         amending s. 288.9618, F.S.; limiting the amount

12         of appropriations for the microenterprise

13         program that may be used for administrative

14         expenses; creating s. 288.9958, F.S.;

15         establishing the PRIDE Job Placement Incentive

16         Program; providing for designation of an

17         enterprise zone that encompasses a brownfield

18         project under certain circumstances; amending

19         s. 370.28, F.S.; providing that a business

20         located in an enterprise zone in a community

21         impacted by net limitations is eligible for the

22         maximum sales tax exemption for building

23         materials used in the rehabilitation of real

24         property in an enterprise zone, for business

25         property used in an enterprise zone, and for

26         electrical energy used in an enterprise zone,

27         and the maximum enterprise zone property tax

28         credit against the corporate income tax, if a

29         specified percentage of its employees are

30         residents of the jurisdiction of the county,

31         rather than of the enterprise zone; requiring

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         businesses eligible to receive certain tax

 2         credits to apply for such credits by a time

 3         certain; amending s. 479.261, F.S.; directing

 4         the Department of Transportation, subject to

 5         federal approval, to establish a highway sign

 6         program to recognize certain heritage,

 7         historic, or scenic trails; requiring

 8         Enterprise Florida, Inc., to develop a

 9         strategic plan designed to help Florida

10         capitalize on economic opportunities with the

11         Caribbean and South Africa; requiring

12         Enterprise Florida, Inc., to develop a

13         strategic plan that will allow Florida to

14         capitalize on the economic opportunities

15         associated with a post-embargo Cuba; amending

16         s. 15.18, F.S.; providing for coordination of

17         international activities of the Department of

18         State; requiring the Secretary of State to

19         maintain lists relating to foreign money

20         judgments; amending s. 55.605, F.S.; requiring

21         the Secretary of State to create and maintain a

22         specified list relative to foreign money

23         judgments; amending s. 257.35, F.S.; creating

24         the Florida State International Archive;

25         providing requirements for the archive;

26         providing for access to the archive; amending

27         s. 288.012, F.S., relating to State of Florida

28         foreign offices; directing each office to

29         report annually to the Office of Tourism,

30         Trade, and Economic Development on activities

31         and accomplishments; prescribing the contents

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         of such reports; amending s. 288.8175, F.S.;

 2         authorizing linkage institutes to competitively

 3         apply for Targeted Market Pilot Projects

 4         Grants; creating s. 288.9530, F.S.; providing

 5         for the creation of the Florida Business

 6         Expansion Corporation to provide business

 7         expansion assistance to businesses in the state

 8         having job growth or emerging technology

 9         potential; creating s. 288.9531, F.S.;

10         providing for powers and duties of the

11         corporation; creating s. 288.9532, F.S., and s.

12         288.9533, F.S.; creating the corporation board

13         of directors and providing for their powers and

14         duties; creating s. 288.9534, F.S.; providing

15         that the corporation contracts with an

16         experienced management company to administer

17         and perform the duties of the corporation;

18         creating s. 288.9535, F.S.; creating the

19         Florida Business Expansion Account to receive

20         state, federal, and private financial resources

21         for the purpose of funding the objectives of

22         the corporation; creating s. 288.9536, F.S.;

23         providing for the reporting and review

24         requirements of the corporation; authorizing

25         the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

26         Development to contract with Enterprise

27         Florida, Inc., for the award of Inner City

28         Redevelopment Assistance Grants; amending s.

29         118.10, F.S.; revising definitions; clarifying

30         eligibility and authority for certain civil law

31         notaries; amending s. 163.3178, F.S.; requiring

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         certain ports to identify certain spoil

 2         disposal sites; requiring such ports to prepare

 3         comprehensive master plans; amending s.

 4         163.3187, F.S.; exempting comprehensive plan

 5         amendments for port transportation facilities

 6         and projects from a time limitation; amending

 7         s. 288.8155, F.S.; authorizing the

 8         International Trade Data Resource and Research

 9         Center to create an Internet-based information

10         system; amending s. 288.9607, F.S.; extending

11         the expiration date on the use of certain State

12         Transportation Trust Fund investment earnings;

13         amending s. 288.9614, F.S.; providing that

14         state appropriated funds may not be expended by

15         Enterprise Florida, Inc., or its affiliates on

16         certain venture capital funds; amending s.

17         253.77, F.S.; exempting certain port projects

18         from payments of fees for activities involving

19         the use of sovereign lands; amending s. 311.07,

20         F.S.; providing that projects eligible for

21         funding under the Florida Seaport

22         Transportation and Economic Development Program

23         must be consistent with port master plans;

24         exempting certain port transportation

25         facilities and projects from review as

26         developments of regional impact; amending s.

27         311.09, F.S.; declaring that projects eligible

28         for funding under the Florida Seaport

29         Transportation and Economic Development Program

30         are presumed to be in the public interest;

31         requesting designation of part XI of chapter

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         288 as the workforce development board;

 2         transferring and amending s. 288.9620, F.S.;

 3         providing legislative findings; creating the

 4         Workforce Development Board within Enterprise

 5         Florida, Inc.; providing for a board of

 6         directors and for officers and employees;

 7         providing duties of the board and of its board

 8         of directors; providing for reports and audits;

 9         requiring measures and standards of workforce

10         development strategy; transferring and amending

11         ss. 446.601, 446.602, 446.603, 446.604,

12         446.605, 446.606, 446.607, F.S.; conforming

13         terminology and cross-references; amending s.

14         288.902, F.S.; deleting an obsolete

15         cross-reference; creating s. 288.125, F.S.;

16         providing a short title for the Florida

17         Entertainment Industry Growth Act; creating s.

18         288.1251, F.S.; providing definitions; creating

19         s. 288.1252, F.S.; creating the Entertainment

20         Florida Council within the Office of Tourism,

21         Trade, and Economic Development of the

22         Executive Office of the Governor; providing

23         purpose, membership, terms, organization,

24         powers, and duties of the council; renumbering

25         and amending s. 288.12285, F.S.; changing a

26         reference; conforming application of a

27         provision granting confidentiality to the

28         identities of certain donors or prospective

29         donors to a direct-support organization;

30         creating s. 288.1254, F.S.; creating the

31         position of Entertainment Industry

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         Commissioner; providing procedure for

 2         appointment of the Entertainment Industry

 3         Commissioner; providing powers and duties of

 4         the commissioner; creating s. 288.1255, F.S.;

 5         requiring the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 6         Economic Development to adopt rules by which it

 7         may make specified expenditures for expenses

 8         incurred in connection with the performance of

 9         the duties of the Entertainment Florida

10         Council; requiring approval of such rules by

11         the Comptroller; requiring an annual report;

12         providing certain requirements with respect to

13         claims for expenses; providing a penalty for

14         false or fraudulent claims; providing for civil

15         liability; creating the Florida Entertainment

16         Industry Model Permitting Task Force; providing

17         purpose of the task force; providing for

18         appointment of members to the task force;

19         amending s. 14.2015, revising purposes of the

20         Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

21         Development of the Executive Office of the

22         Governor; amending ss. 288.108 and 288.90152,

23         F.S.; conforming cross-references; repealing s.

24         288.051, F.S., which provides a short title;

25         repealing s. 288.052, F.S., relating to

26         legislative findings and intent with respect to

27         the "Florida Film and Television Investment

28         Act"; repealing s. 288.053, F.S., relating to

29         the Florida Film and Television Investment

30         Board; repealing s. 288.054, F.S., relating to

31         the administration and powers of the Florida

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         Film and Television Investment Board; repealing

 2         s. 288.055, F.S., relating to the Florida Film

 3         and Television Investment Trust Fund; repealing

 4         s. 288.056, F.S., relating to conditions for

 5         film and television investment by the board;

 6         repealing s. 288.057, F.S., which requires an

 7         annual report by the board; repealing s.

 8         288.1228, F.S., relating to the direct-support

 9         organization authorized by the Office of

10         Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to

11         assist in the promotion and development of the

12         entertainment industry; providing

13         appropriations; amending s. 290.0301, F.S.;

14         changing the title of the "Community

15         Development Corporation Support and Assistance

16         Program Act" to the "Invest in Neighborhood

17         Vitality and Economies Act"; advancing the date

18         of the repeal of the act to June 30, 2007;

19         amending s. 290.0311, F.S.; revising language

20         with respect to legislative findings; providing

21         reference to community-based development

22         organizations; amending s. 290.032, F.S.;

23         revising language with respect to policy and

24         purpose; amending s. 290.033, F.S.; providing

25         definitions; amending s. 290.035, F.S.;

26         revising language with respect to eligibility

27         for assistance; amending s. 290.036, F.S.;

28         providing for the community-based development

29         organization support program; providing for

30         core and project administrative grants and

31         procedures; amending s. 290.0365, F.S.;

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         providing for a community-based development

 2         training and technical assistance program;

 3         amending s. 290.037, F.S.; providing for a

 4         community development project implementation

 5         loan program; amending s. 290.038, F.S.;

 6         revising language with respect to the authority

 7         and duties of the Department of Community

 8         Affairs; amending s. 290.039, F.S.; revising

 9         language with respect to reporting

10         requirements; amending s. 290.0395, F.S.;

11         providing for program performance review and

12         evaluation; repealing s. 290.034, F.S.,

13         relating to funding and use of the Operating

14         Trust Fund; amending ss. 189.427, 252.82, and

15         943.25 to conform to this act; creating s.

16         420.0007, F.S.; providing an exemption from

17         property taxation for charitable non-profit low

18         income housing properties; relating to local

19         government; creating ss. 163.2511, 163.2514,

20         163.2517, 163.2520, 163.2523, and 163.2526,

21         F.S., the Urban Infill and Redevelopment Act;

22         providing legislative findings; providing

23         definitions; authorizing counties and

24         municipalities to designate urban infill and

25         redevelopment areas based on specified

26         criteria; requiring preparation of a plan or

27         designation of an existing plan and providing

28         requirements with respect thereto; requiring a

29         public hearing; providing for amendment of the

30         local comprehensive plan; requiring a report by

31         certain state agencies; providing a program for

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         grants to counties and municipalities with

 2         urban infill and redevelopment areas; providing

 3         for review and evaluation of the act and

 4         requiring a report; amending s. 163.3180, F.S.;

 5         authorizing exemptions from the transportation

 6         facilities concurrency requirement for

 7         developments located in an urban infill and

 8         redevelopment area; amending s. 163.3187, F.S.;

 9         providing that comprehensive plan amendments to

10         designate such areas are not subject to

11         statutory limits on the frequency of plan

12         amendments; including such areas within certain

13         limitations relating to small scale development

14         amendments; amending s. 187.201, F.S.;

15         including policies relating to urban policy in

16         the State Comprehensive Plan; amending s.

17         380.06, F.S., relating to developments of

18         regional impact; increasing certain numerical

19         standards for determining a substantial

20         deviation for projects located in certain urban

21         infill and redevelopment areas; amending s.

22         163.375, F.S.; authorizing acquisition by

23         eminent domain of property in unincorporated

24         enclaves surrounded by a community

25         redevelopment area when necessary to accomplish

26         a community development plan; amending s.

27         171.0413, F.S., relating to municipal

28         annexation procedures; deleting a requirement

29         that a separate referendum be held in the

30         annexing municipality when the annexation

31         exceeds a certain size; providing procedures by

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 3931

    Amendment No.    

 1         which a county or combination of counties and

 2         the municipalities therein may develop and

 3         adopt a plan to improve the efficiency,

 4         accountability, and coordination of the

 5         delivery of local government services;

 6         providing for initiation of the process by

 7         resolution; providing requirements for the

 8         plan; requiring approval by the local

 9         governments' governing bodies and by

10         referendum; authorizing municipal annexation

11         through such plan; amending s. 166.251, F.S.;

12         revising provisions with respect to service

13         fees for dishonored checks;



















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