House Bill 3957e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 3957, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Greater Orlando Aviation

  3         Authority; amending sections 2 and 3 of House

  4         Bill 3959, 1998 Regular Session, the Greater

  5         Orlando Aviation Authority charter; providing

  6         that the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority is

  7         an independent special district, as defined in

  8         chapter 189, Florida Statutes; revising the

  9         definition of the term "cost" as applied to a

10         project acquired, constructed, extended or

11         enlarged; providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 3 of House Bill

16  3959, 1998 Regular Session, is amended to read:


18         (1)  There is hereby created a board or commission to

19  be known as the "Greater Orlando Aviation Authority," and by

20  that name the authority may sue and be sued, plead and be

21  impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and have an

22  official seal. The authority is hereby constituted an agency

23  of the city, and exercise by the authority of the powers

24  conferred by this act shall be deemed and held to be an

25  essential municipal function of the city. In addition, the

26  authority is an independent special district, as defined in

27  chapter 189, Florida Statutes. The authority shall consist of

28  seven members who shall be elected or appointed as follows:

29  one member shall be an incumbent member of the City Council,

30  who may be the mayor-commissioner or any other commissioner

31  elected by a majority vote of such council; one member shall


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 3957, First Engrossed

  1  be an incumbent member of the Board of County Commissioners of

  2  Orange County, Florida, who may be the chairman or any other

  3  commissioner elected by a majority vote of such commission;

  4  and five members shall be appointed by the Governor, subject

  5  to confirmation by the Senate. Three members appointed by the

  6  Governor shall be residents and electors of Orange County,

  7  Florida; one member appointed by the Governor shall be a

  8  resident and elector of Osceola County, Florida, and, one

  9  member appointed by the Governor shall be a resident and

10  elector of Orange County, Florida, or Seminole County,

11  Florida. All seven members shall be entitled to an equal voice

12  and vote on all matters relating to the authority and its

13  business. Two of the five appointed members initially

14  appointed by the Governor shall be appointed for a term of 2

15  years and three members shall be appointed for a term of 4

16  years, the term of each member so appointed to be designated

17  by the Governor at the time of the appointment. All subsequent

18  appointments shall be for a term of 4 years. The member of the

19  city council and the member of the county commission shall be

20  elected for terms of 2 years each; provided, however, that any

21  such commissioner's term shall end at such time as he may

22  cease to be a city or county commissioner, at which time a

23  successor or successors shall be elected for any unexpired

24  term. The terms of all members shall end at the expiration of

25  their terms or as otherwise specified herein.

26         Section 2.  Subsection (7) of section 2 of House Bill

27  , 1998 Regular Session, is amended to read:

28         Section 2.  DEFINITIONS.--

29         (7)  "Cost" as applied to a project acquired,

30  constructed, extended or enlarged shall include the purchase

31  price of any project acquired, the cost of improvements, the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 3957, First Engrossed

  1  cost of such construction, extension or enlargement, the cost

  2  of all lands, properties, rights, easements and franchises

  3  acquired, the cost of all machinery and equipment, financing

  4  charges, any amounts payable by the authority under any

  5  interest rate swap, forward purchase agreement or other

  6  financial products agreement entered into with respect to any

  7  bonds, bond anticipation notes or other debt obligations

  8  issued by the authority as authorized herein, cost of

  9  investigations and audits and of engineering and legal

10  services, and all other expenses necessary or incident to

11  determining the feasibility or practicability of such

12  acquisition or construction, administrative expense and such

13  other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the

14  financing herein authorized and to the acquisition or

15  construction of a project and the placing of the same in

16  operation. Any obligation or expense incurred by the city or

17  by the authority prior to the conveyance of a project by the

18  city to the authority under this act, or prior to the issuance

19  of revenue bonds under the provisions of this act, for

20  engineering studies and for estimates of cost and of revenues

21  and for other technical, financial or legal services in

22  connection with the acquisition or construction of any

23  project, may be regarded as a part of the cost of such

24  project.

25         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.






