CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0397

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 By Representatives Lippman and Safley 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to international banking; 3 amending s. 655.059, F.S.; providing for access 4 to books and records of international banking 5 corporations under certain circumstances; 6 amending s. 663.01, F.S.; revising a 7 definition; amending s. 663.07, F.S.; 8 clarifying exclusion of certain deposits, 9 borrowings, and credit of international banking 10 facilities from total assets and liabilities; 11 clarifying certain cash and security deposit 12 requirements for international bank agencies or 13 international branches; creating ss. 14 663.16-663.181, F.S.; providing for liquidation 15 of international bank agencies and branches; 16 providing definitions; providing for possession 17 of a business and property by the Department of 18 Banking and Finance; providing for inventory of 19 assets; providing for wages; providing for 20 deposit of certain assets; providing for 21 appointment of agents and judges; providing for 22 repudiation of contracts; providing for 23 liability on repudiation or termination of 24 contracts; providing for retention of certain 25 security interests under qualified financial 26 contracts; providing for effects on leases 27 under repudiated contracts; providing for 28 effect of possession of an international 29 banking corporation by the department; 30 providing for damages; requiring notice of 31 taking possession; providing criteria; 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 providing for disposition of certain property; 2 providing for claims; providing procedures; 3 exempting the department from paying certain 4 fees; providing for challenging possession of 5 an international banking corporation by the 6 department; repealing s. 663.02(2), F.S., 7 relating to applicability of certain state 8 banking laws to certain financial institutions; 9 providing an effective date. 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 655.059, Florida 14 Statutes, is amended to read: 15 655.059 Access to books and records; confidentiality; 16 penalty for disclosure.-- 17 (1) The books and records of a financial institution 18 are confidential and shall be made available for inspection 19 and examination only: 20 (a) To the department or its duly authorized 21 representative; 22 (b) To any person duly authorized to act for the 23 financial institution; 24 (c) To any federal or state instrumentality or agency 25 authorized to inspect or examine the books and records of an 26 insured financial institution; 27 (d) With respect to an international banking 28 corporation, to the home-country supervisor of the 29 corporation, provided: 30 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 1. The supervisor provides advance notice to the 2 department that the supervisor intends to examine the Florida 3 office of the corporation. 4 2. The supervisor confirms to the department that the 5 purpose of the examination is to ensure the safety and 6 soundness of the corporation. 7 3. The books and records pertaining to customer 8 deposit, investment, and custodial accounts are not disclosed 9 to the supervisor. 10 4. At any time during the conduct of the examination, 11 the department reserves the right to have an examiner present 12 or to participate jointly in the examination. 13 14 For purposes of this paragraph, "home-country supervisor" 15 means the governmental entity in the corporation's home 16 country with responsibility for the supervision and regulation 17 of the corporation. 18 (e)(d) As compelled by a court of competent 19 jurisdiction; 20 (f)(e) As compelled by legislative subpoena as 21 provided by law, in which case the provisions of s. 655.057 22 apply; 23 (g)(f) Pursuant to a subpoena, to any federal or state 24 law enforcement or prosecutorial instrumentality authorized to 25 investigate suspected criminal activity; 26 (h)(g) As authorized by the board of directors of the 27 financial institution; or 28 (i)(h) As provided in subsection (2). 29 Section 2. Subsection (8) of section 663.01, Florida 30 Statutes, is amended to read: 31 663.01 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term: 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (8) "International representative office" means an 2 office of a representative of an international banking 3 corporation organized and licensed under the laws of a foreign 4 country that is established or maintained in this state for 5 the purpose of engaging in the activities described in s. 6 663.062, or any person whose primary business is to engage in 7 such activities, on behalf of such international banking 8 corporation, from an office located in this state. 9 Section 3. Subsections (5) and (8) of section 663.07, 10 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 11 663.07 Asset maintenance or capital equivalency.-- 12 (5) The term "assets" as used in this section excludes 13 accrued income and amounts due from other offices or branches 14 of, and wholly owned, except for a nominal number of 15 directors' shares, subsidiaries of the international banking 16 corporation in question. The term "liabilities" as used in 17 this section excludes accrued expenses and amounts due and 18 other liabilities to branches, offices, agencies, and wholly 19 owned, except for a nominal number of directors' shares, 20 subsidiaries of the international banking corporation in 21 question, and such other liabilities as the department may 22 specify by rule. International banking facility deposits, 23 borrowings, and extensions of credit are excluded from the 24 total liabilities and total assets of an international bank 25 agency or international branch unless the department 26 determines that inclusion of international banking facility 27 deposits, borrowings, and extensions of credit is necessary to 28 ensure the maintenance of a sound financial condition, protect 29 depositors, creditors, and the public interest, and maintain 30 public confidence in the business of the international bank 31 agency or international branch. Except as the department may 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 require pursuant to subsection (6), international banking 2 facility deposits and extensions of credit shall be excluded 3 from the total liabilities and total assets of an 4 international bank agency or international branch. 5 (8) Regardless of whether an international bank agency 6 or international branch complies with the requirements of this 7 section pursuant to subsections (1) or (3), if, by reason of 8 the existence, or the potential occurrence, of unusual or 9 extraordinary circumstances, the department finds it necessary 10 or desirable for maintaining a sound financial condition, 11 protecting creditors and the public interest, and maintaining 12 public confidence in the business of the international bank 13 agency or international branch it may by order require such 14 international bank agency or international branch banking 15 corporation to deposit cash or and eligible securities with a 16 bank or trust company located in this state, or to hold in 17 this state assets acceptable to the department in an aggregate 18 amount that bears such relationship as the department 19 prescribes to the aggregate liabilities of the international 20 bank agency or international branch in an amount not exceeding 21 twice the amount required under subsection (1). The assets 22 required to be held in this state pursuant to this subsection 23 shall be deposited with a bank or trust company located in 24 this state that the international banking corporation 25 designates and the department approves. 26 Section 4. Sections 663.16, 663.17, 663.171, 663.172, 27 663.173, 663.174, 663.175, 663.176, 663.177, 663.178, 663.18, 28 and 663.181, Florida Statutes, are created to read: 29 663.16 Definitions.--As used in ss. 663.17-663.181, 30 the term: 31 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (1) "Business and property in this state" includes, 2 but is not limited to, all property of the international 3 banking corporation, real, personal, or mixed, whether 4 tangible or intangible: 5 (a) Wherever situated, constituting a part of the 6 business of the Florida agency and appearing on its books as 7 such. 8 (b) Situated within this state whether or not 9 constituting part of the business of the Florida agency or so 10 appearing on its books. 11 (2) "Claims" means debts, obligations, deposits, and 12 other similar items that the department takes possession of 13 pursuant to s. 663.17(1). 14 (3) "Creditors" and "depositors" means the owners of 15 claims. 16 (4) Except where the context otherwise requires, 17 "international banking corporation" or "corporation" means any 18 international bank agency operating in this state. 19 (5) "Officer" means the agent or other person in 20 charge of an international banking corporation. 21 (6) "Affiliate" means any person or group of persons 22 acting in concert that controls, is controlled by, or is under 23 common control of an international banking corporation. 24 (7) "Control" means any person or group of persons 25 acting in concert, directly or indirectly, owning, 26 controlling, or holding the power to vote more than 50 percent 27 of the voting stock of a company, or having the ability in any 28 manner to elect a majority of directors of a corporation, or 29 otherwise exercising a controlling influence over the 30 management and policies of a corporation as determined by the 31 department. 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (8) "Qualified financial contract" means any 2 securities contract, commodity contract, forward contract, 3 including spot and forward foreign exchange, repurchase 4 agreement, swap agreement, or any similar agreement, any 5 option to enter into any such agreement, including any 6 combination of the foregoing, and any master agreement for 7 such agreements. Such master agreement, together with all 8 supplements thereto, shall be treated as one qualified 9 financial contract, provided that such contract, option, or 10 agreement, or combination of contracts, options, or agreements 11 is reflected in the books, accounts, or records of the 12 international banking corporation or a party provides evidence 13 of such agreement. The department may define, by rule, 14 securities contract, commodity contract, forward contract, 15 repurchase agreement, or swap agreement, and may, by rule or 16 order, determine any other agreement to be a qualified 17 financial contract for the purpose of this subsection. The 18 department may prescribe such rules relating to qualified 19 financial contracts and netting thereof as the department 20 deems appropriate. 21 (9) "Global payment net payment obligation" means the 22 amount, if any, owed by an international banking corporation 23 as a whole to a party, after giving effect to the netting 24 provisions of a qualified financial contract, with respect to 25 all transactions subject to netting under such qualified 26 financial contract. 27 (10) "Global net payment entitlement" means the 28 amount, if any, owed by a party or that would be owed if the 29 relevant agreements provided for payments to either party upon 30 termination thereof under any and all circumstances, to an 31 international banking corporation as a whole, after giving 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 effect to the netting provisions, with respect to all 2 transactions subject to netting under such qualified financial 3 contract. 4 (11) "Branch or agency net obligations" means, with 5 respect to a qualified financial contract, the amount, if any, 6 that would have been owed by the international banking 7 corporation to a party after netting only those transactions 8 entered into by the branch or agency and such party under such 9 qualified financial contract. 10 (12) "Branch or agency net payments entitlement" 11 means, with respect to a qualified financial contract, the 12 amount, if any, that would have been owed by a party to the 13 international banking corporation after netting only those 14 transactions entered into by the branch or agency and such 15 party under such qualified financial contract. 16 663.17 Liquidation; possession of business and 17 property; inventory of assets; wages; depositing collected 18 assets; appointing agents; appointment of judges.-- 19 (1) The department may, at its discretion, take 20 possession of the business and property in this state of any 21 international banking corporation that has been licensed to 22 operate in this state upon finding that the corporation's 23 international bank agency operating in this state has violated 24 any law, has neglected or refused to comply with the terms of 25 a duly issued order of the department, is insolvent or 26 imminently insolvent, or is transacting business in an 27 unsound, unsafe, or unauthorized manner such that the 28 corporation is threatened with imminent insolvency, or that 29 the corporation is in liquidation at its domicile or 30 elsewhere. Title to such business and property shall vest by 31 operation of law in the department upon taking possession. 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 Thereafter, the department shall liquidate or otherwise deal 2 with such business and property in accordance with the 3 provisions of this part, chapter 658, and any other provision 4 relating to the liquidation of banking corporations. The 5 department may deal with such business and property and 6 prosecute and defend any and all actions relating to the 7 liquidation. Only the claims of creditors of the international 8 banking corporation arising out of transactions those 9 creditors had with the international banking corporation's 10 international bank agency or agencies located in this state 11 shall be accepted by the department for payment out of the 12 business and property which it has taken possession of in this 13 state. Acceptance or rejection of such claims by the 14 department shall not prejudice any creditor's rights to 15 otherwise share in other assets of the international banking 16 corporation. The following claims shall not be accepted by the 17 department for payment out of the business and property in the 18 department's possession in this state: 19 (a) Claims which would not represent an enforceable 20 legal obligation against an international bank agency if such 21 agency were a separate and independent legal entity. 22 (b) Amounts due and other liabilities to other 23 offices, agencies, and branches of and affiliates of such 24 international banking corporation. 25 (2) Whenever all accepted claims, together with 26 interest on such claims, and the expenses of the liquidation 27 have been paid in full or properly provided for, the 28 department, upon the order of a court of competent 29 jurisdiction, shall transfer the remaining assets to the 30 principal office of such international banking corporation, or 31 to the duly appointed domiciliary liquidator or receiver of 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 such corporation. Dividends and other amounts that remain 2 unclaimed or unpaid and are in the possession of the 3 department for 6 months after such transfer shall be deposited 4 by the department as provided by law. 5 (3) When the department takes possession of the 6 property and business of any international banking 7 corporation, the department shall: 8 (a) Give notice of such fact to all corporations, 9 unincorporated associations, partnerships, governmental 10 entities, and other entities and individuals known by the 11 department to hold any assets of such corporation. No 12 corporation, unincorporated association, partnership, 13 governmental entity, or other entity or individual having 14 notice or knowledge that the department has taken possession 15 of such corporation shall have a lien or charge for any 16 payment, advance, or clearance thereafter made against any of 17 the assets of such corporation for liability thereafter 18 incurred. 19 (b) Upon written demand of the department, any 20 corporation, unincorporated association, partnership, 21 governmental entity, or other entity or individual holding 22 assets of such corporation shall deliver such assets to the 23 department and shall be discharged from liability with respect 24 to any claim upon such assets; provided, such demand shall not 25 affect the right of a secured creditor with a perfected 26 security interest, or other valid lien or security interest 27 enforceable against third parties, to retain collateral, 28 including any right of such secured creditor under any 29 security agreement related to a qualified financial contract 30 to retain collateral and apply such collateral in accordance 31 with the provisions of the financial institutions codes. 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (c) Nothing in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall affect any 2 right of set-off permitted under applicable law; provided, in 3 connection with the liquidation of an international bank 4 agency of any other international banking corporation pursuant 5 to this part, no entity or individual may set off the business 6 and property in this state of an international banking 7 corporation being liquidated under this subsection, against 8 the liabilities of such corporation other than those that 9 arise out of transactions engaged in by such entity or 10 individual with such international bank agency. For purposes 11 of this paragraph, liabilities shall be deemed to include, in 12 the case of qualified financial contracts, the lesser of the 13 two amounts calculated with respect to any such qualified 14 financial contract pursuant to s. 663.172(3), and this 15 paragraph shall not be deemed to authorize set-off except as 16 otherwise permissible under applicable law. 17 (4) Any international banking corporation of which the 18 department has taken possession or which is operating under 19 restrictions imposed by duly constituted authority may be 20 permitted to resume business subject to the department's 21 discretion and any conditions which the department may impose. 22 (5) After the department takes possession of and 23 determines to liquidate the property and business of any 24 international banking corporation, the department shall make 25 an inventory, in duplicate, of the assets of such corporation. 26 One copy of such inventory shall be filed in an office of the 27 department and one copy shall be filed with a court of 28 competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal 29 office of such corporation is located. 30 (6) Notwithstanding s. 658.84, all wages actually 31 owing to the employees of an international banking corporation 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 for services rendered within 3 months prior to the date 2 possession was taken by the department, and not exceeding 3 $2,000 to each employee, shall be paid prior to the payment of 4 any other debt or claim, and, in the discretion of the 5 department, may be paid as soon as practicable after taking 6 possession, except that at all times the department shall 7 reserve such funds as will, in the department's opinion, be 8 sufficient for the expenses of administration. 9 (7) The department is authorized, upon taking 10 possession of any international banking corporation, to 11 liquidate the affairs of such corporation and to do all acts 12 and to make such expenditures as in the department's judgment 13 are necessary to conserve the assets and business of the 14 corporation. The department shall proceed to collect the debts 15 due to the corporation. The department may, upon an order of a 16 court of competent jurisdiction, sell, assign, compromise, or 17 otherwise dispose of all bad or doubtful debts held by, and 18 compromise claims against, such corporation, other than 19 deposit claims, provided, whenever the principal amount of any 20 such debt or claim owed by or owing to such corporation does 21 not exceed $50,000, the department may sell, assign, 22 compromise, or otherwise dispose of such debt or claim upon 23 such terms as the department may deem to be in the best 24 interests of such corporation wherever situated. When the real 25 property of an international banking corporation, to be 26 disposed of pursuant to this subsection, is located in a 27 county in this state other than a county in which an 28 application to the court for leave to dispose is made, the 29 department shall file a certified copy of the order of such 30 court authorizing such disposal in the office of the clerk of 31 the county in which such real property is located. 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (8) Moneys collected by the department in liquidating 2 an international banking corporation shall be: 3 (a) Deposited on demand, time or otherwise, in one or 4 more banks, associations, or trust companies organized under 5 the laws of this state and, in the case of insolvency or 6 voluntary or involuntary liquidation of the depositary, such 7 deposits shall be entitled to priority of payment equally with 8 any other priority given under the financial institutions 9 codes; 10 (b) Deposited on demand, time or otherwise, in one or 11 more national banks with a principal office located in this 12 state and with total assets exceeding $1 billion; or 13 (c) Invested in obligations of the United States, or 14 obligation for which the full faith and credit of the United 15 States is pledged to provide for the payment of interest and 16 principal. 17 (9) The department may appoint one or more persons as 18 agent or agents to assist in the liquidation of the business 19 and affairs of any international banking corporation in the 20 department's possession. The department shall file a 21 certificate of such appointment in one of the department's 22 offices and shall file a certified copy of such certificate 23 with a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which 24 the principal office of such corporation is located in this 25 state. The department may employ such counsel and expert 26 assistants under such titles that the department shall assign 27 to them, and may retain such officers or employees of such 28 corporation as the department deems necessary in the 29 liquidation and distribution of the corporation's assets. The 30 department may require such security as it may deem proper 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 from the agents and assistants appointed pursuant to the 2 provisions of this subsection. 3 (10) When the department has taken possession of and 4 is liquidating the business and property in this state of any 5 international banking corporation under the provisions of this 6 part, the department shall be entitled to the appointment of a 7 single judge to supervise the liquidation in the judicial 8 circuit in which the principal office of such corporation is 9 located. Such judge shall have the power to order expedited or 10 simplified procedures or order a reference whenever necessary 11 to resolve a matter in such liquidation. 12 (11) The compensation of agents and any other 13 employees appointed by the department to assist in the 14 liquidation of an international bank agency, the distribution 15 of its assets, or the expenses of supervision, shall be paid 16 out of the assets of the agency in the hands of the 17 department. Expenses of liquidation and approved claims for 18 fees and assessments due the department shall be given first 19 priority among unsecured creditors. 20 663.171 Liquidation; repudiation of contracts.-- 21 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, when 22 the department has taken possession of the business and 23 property in this state of an international banking 24 corporation, the department may assume or repudiate any 25 contract, including an unexpired lease, of the corporation: 26 (a) To which such corporation is a party. 27 (b) The performance of which the department, in its 28 discretion, determines to be burdensome. 29 (c) The repudiation of which the department, in its 30 discretion, determines will promote the orderly administration 31 of the corporation's affairs. 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (2) After the expiration of 90 days after the date the 2 department takes possession of an international banking 3 corporation, any party to a contract with such corporation may 4 demand in writing that the department assume or repudiate such 5 contract. If the department has not assumed or repudiated the 6 contract within 15 calendar days after the date of receipt of 7 such demand, the affected party may bring an action in a court 8 of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal 9 office of the corporation is located to obtain an order 10 requiring the department to assume or repudiate the contract. 11 If the department has not assumed or repudiated the contract 12 by at least 1 month before the last date for filing claims 13 against the corporation, such contract shall be deemed 14 repudiated. 15 (3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), with respect to an 16 unexpired lease of the corporation for rental of real property 17 under which the corporation was a lessee, if the department 18 remains in possession of the leasehold, the department shall 19 not be required to assume or repudiate such lease and may 20 continue in possession of such leasehold for the remainder of 21 the term of the lease in accordance with the terms of the 22 lease; provided, if the department later repudiates the lease 23 before the end of the lease term, any amounts that may be due 24 the lessor with respect to such lease shall be calculated as 25 provided by law. 26 (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this 27 section relating to liquidating an international banking 28 corporation, the department shall not assume or repudiate any 29 qualified financial contract that the international bank 30 agency entered into which is subject to a multi-branch or 31 multi-agency netting agreement or arrangement that provides 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 for netting present or future payment obligations or payment 2 entitlements, including termination or close-out values 3 relating to the obligations or entitlements, among the parties 4 to the contract and agreement or arrangement and the 5 department may, but shall not be required to, assume or 6 repudiate any other qualified financial contract an 7 international bank agency entered into; provided, upon the 8 repudiation of any qualified financial contract or the 9 termination or liquidation of any qualified financial contract 10 in accordance with its terms, the liability of the department 11 under such qualified financial contract shall be determined in 12 accordance with s. 663.172. 13 663.172 Liability on repudiation or termination of 14 contracts.-- 15 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, upon 16 the repudiation or termination of any contract pursuant to s. 17 663.171, the liability of the department shall be limited to 18 the actual direct compensatory damages of the parties to the 19 contract, determined as of the date the department took 20 possession of the international banking corporation. The 21 department shall not be liable for any future wages other than 22 severance payments, to the extent such payments are reasonable 23 standards, or for payments for future service, costs of cover, 24 or any consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, damages 25 for lost profits or lost opportunity, or damages for pain and 26 suffering. 27 (2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the 28 liability of the department, upon the repudiation of any 29 qualified financial contract or in connection with the 30 termination or liquidation of any qualified financial contract 31 in accordance with the terms of such contract, shall be 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 limited as provided in subsection (1), except compensatory 2 damages shall be deemed to include normal and reasonable costs 3 of cover or other reasonable measures of damages used among 4 participants in the market for qualified financial contract 5 claims, calculated as of the date of repudiation or the date 6 of the termination of such qualified financial contract in 7 accordance with the terms of the contract. Upon the 8 repudiation of any qualified financial contract or in 9 connection with the termination or liquidation of any 10 qualified financial contract in accordance with the terms of 11 such contract, the department shall be entitled to damages and 12 such damages shall be paid to the department upon written 13 demand from the department to the other party or parties to 14 the contract. 15 (3) In the case of the liquidation of an international 16 bank agency of an international banking corporation by the 17 department, with respect to qualified financial contracts 18 subject to netting agreements or arrangements that provide for 19 netting present or future payment obligations or payment 20 entitlements, including termination or close-out values 21 relating to the obligations or entitlements, among the parties 22 to the contracts and agreements or arrangements, the liability 23 of the department to any party to any such qualified financial 24 contract upon the repudiation or in any connection with the 25 termination or liquidation of such qualified financial 26 contract in accordance with the terms of such contract shall 27 be limited to the lesser of: 28 (a) The global net payment obligation; or 29 (b) The branch to agency or agency to agency net 30 payment obligation. 31 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (4) The liability of the department to a party under 2 this section shall be reduced by any amount otherwise paid or 3 received by the party with respect to the global net payment 4 obligation pursuant to such qualified financial contract 5 which, if added to the liability of the department under 6 subsection (1), would exceed the global net payment 7 obligation. The liability of the department under this section 8 to a party to a qualified financial contract also shall be 9 reduced by the fair market value or the amount of any proceeds 10 of collateral that secures and has been applied to satisfy the 11 obligations of the international banking corporation to the 12 party pursuant to such qualified financial contract. If 13 netting under the applicable netting agreement or arrangement 14 results in a branch to agency net payment entitlement, 15 notwithstanding any provision in any such contract that 16 purports to effect a forfeiture of such entitlement, the 17 department may make written demand for and shall be entitled 18 to received from the party to such contract an amount not to 19 exceed the lesser of the global net payment entitlement or the 20 branch to agency net payment entitlement. 21 (5) The liability of a party under this section shall 22 be reduced by any amount otherwise paid to or received by the 23 department or any other liquidator or receiver of the 24 international banking corporation with respect to the global 25 net payment entitlement pursuant to such qualified financial 26 contract which, if added to the liability of the party under 27 this section, would exceed the global net payments 28 entitlement. The liability of a party under this section to 29 the department pursuant to such qualified financial contract 30 also shall be reduced by the fair market value of the amount 31 of any proceeds of the collateral that secures and has been 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 applied to satisfy the obligations of the party to the 2 international banking corporation pursuant to such qualified 3 financial contract. 4 663.173 Qualified financial contract; net obligation 5 and net entitlement.--A party to a qualified financial 6 contract with an international banking corporation, possession 7 of which has been taken by the department pursuant to s. 8 663.17, which party has a perfected security interest in 9 collateral or other valid lien or security interest in 10 collateral enforceable against third parties pursuant to a 11 security arrangement related to such qualified financial 12 contract, may retain all such collateral and, upon repudiation 13 or termination of such qualified financial contract in 14 accordance with the terms of the contract, may apply such 15 collateral in satisfaction of any claims secured by the 16 collateral provided the total amount so applied to such claims 17 shall in no event exceed the global net payment obligation, if 18 any. 19 663.174 Repudiation; lease, lessee, or lessor; real or 20 personal property.-- 21 (1) If the department repudiates a lease of an 22 international banking corporation, the real or personal 23 property under which the corporation was a lessee, the lessor 24 under such lease shall be entitled to file a claim with the 25 department for the lesser of: 26 (a) The amount designated as liquidated damages 27 contained in the lease between the corporation and the lessor; 28 (b) The amount equal to 1 year's rent under the terms 29 of the repudiated lease; or 30 (c) An amount equal to the rent for the remaining term 31 of the lease. 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (2) If the department repudiates the lease of an 2 international banking corporation for the rental of real 3 property under which the corporation was the lessor and the 4 lease was not in default at the time of the repudiation, the 5 lessee under such lease may: 6 (a) Treat the lease as terminated by such repudiation 7 and vacate the premises; or 8 (b) Remain in possession of the leasehold interest for 9 the balance of the term of the lease, and for any renewal or 10 extension of such term that is enforceable by such lessee 11 under applicable non-insolvency law, unless the lessee 12 defaults under the terms of the lease after the date of such 13 repudiation. If the lessee remains in possession of the 14 leasehold interest, the lessee shall continue to pay to the 15 department the contractual rent pursuant to the terms of the 16 lease after the date of the repudiation of such lease and may 17 offset against such rent payment any damages which may accrue 18 due to nonperformance of any obligation of the corporation 19 under the lease after the date of repudiation. 20 21 The department shall not be liable to the lessee for any 22 damages arising after such date as a result of the repudiation 23 other than the amount of any offset allowed under this 24 paragraph. Nothing in this subsection prohibits the department 25 from entering into a new contract with the lessee for the 26 rental of the leasehold which was the subject of the 27 repudiated lease. 28 (3) Except as otherwise provided, notwithstanding any 29 provision in an unexpired lease or other contract or in 30 applicable law, a contract or unexpired lease of an 31 international banking corporation may not be terminated or 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 modified by any party other than the department without the 2 concurrence of the department, and any right or obligation 3 under such contract or lease may not be terminated or 4 modified, at any time after the department has taken 5 possession, solely pursuant to a provision in such contract or 6 lease purporting to allow termination or modification upon the 7 department's taking possession or upon the insolvency or 8 liquidation or deterioration of the financial condition of the 9 corporation. 10 (4) Nothing in this section affects the right of a 11 party to contract with an international banking corporation to 12 seek performance of such contract or damages under such 13 contract in any other jurisdiction; provided, the department 14 shall not be liable for the performance of such contract or 15 damages under such contract in any other jurisdiction. 16 (5) The rights granted in this section are in addition 17 to any other rights available to the department under common 18 law or any other law. 19 663.175 Liquidation; continuation, stay, and 20 injunction.-- 21 (1) Except as provided in this section, the 22 department's taking of possession of any international banking 23 corporation and the liquidation of the corporation shall 24 operate as a stay of and as an injunction against, as of the 25 date the department takes possession of the corporation and 26 applicable to all persons or entities: 27 (a) The commencement or continuation, including the 28 issuance or employment of process, of a judicial, 29 administrative, or other action or proceeding against the 30 corporation that was or could have been commenced before the 31 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 taking of possession, or to cover a claim against the 2 corporation that arose before the taking of possession. 3 (b) The enforcement against the corporation, or the 4 business and property of the corporation in this state, of a 5 judgment obtained before the taking of possession. 6 (c) Any act to obtain possession of property of the 7 corporation or of property from the corporation or to exercise 8 control over property of the corporation. 9 (d) Any act to create, perfect, or enforce any lien 10 against property of the corporation. 11 (e) Any act to create, perfect, or enforce against 12 property of the corporation any lien to the extent that such 13 lien secures a claim that arose before the taking of 14 possession. 15 (f) Any act to collect, assess, or recover a claim 16 against the corporation and the liquidation of the corporation 17 does not operate as a stay of or as an injunction against the 18 claim. 19 (2) The department's taking of possession of an 20 international banking corporation and the liquidation of the 21 corporation does not operate as a stay of or as an injunction 22 against: 23 (a)1. The filing of a claim in the liquidation of the 24 corporation; 25 2. The making of a demand upon the department to 26 assume or repudiate a contract of the corporation; 27 3. The exercise of any set-off otherwise permissible 28 under applicable law except limited by s. 663.17; 29 4. The right of any secured creditor with a perfected 30 security interest or other valid lien or security interest 31 enforceable against third parties to retain collateral, 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 including any right of such secured creditor under any 2 security agreement related to a qualified financial contract 3 as defined in s. 663.17 to retain collateral and to apply such 4 collateral in accordance with s. 663.173; 5 5. Any automatic termination in accordance with the 6 terms of any qualified financial contract or any right to 7 cause the termination or liquidation of any qualified 8 financial contract, as defined in this part in accordance with 9 the terms of such contract; 10 6. Any right to offset or net out any termination 11 value, payment amount, or other transfer obligation arising 12 under or in connection with one or more such qualified 13 financial contracts; or 14 7. The commencement of an action under s. 663.181 or 15 any other action relating to the liquidation of the 16 corporation before the court of competent jurisdiction 17 overseeing the liquidation of the corporation. 18 (b) The commencement or continuation of a criminal 19 action or proceeding against the corporation. 20 (c) The commencement or continuation of an action or 21 proceeding pursuant to a governmental unit's police or 22 regulatory power. 23 (d) The enforcement of a judgment, other than money 24 judgment, obtained in an action or proceeding by a 25 governmental unit to enforce such governmental unit's police 26 or regulatory power. 27 (e) The issuance to the corporation by a governmental 28 unit of a notice of tax deficiency. 29 (f) The commencement or continuation of a judicial 30 action or proceeding by a secured creditor with a perfected 31 security interest, or other valid lien or security interest 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 enforceable against third parties, including any right of such 2 secured creditor under any security arrangement related to a 3 qualified financial contract to enforce such interest or lien. 4 (3) Except as otherwise provided in this section: 5 (a) The staying or enjoining of an act against 6 property of an international banking corporation under this 7 section shall continue until such property is no longer the 8 property of the department in possession of the corporation. 9 (b) The staying or enjoining of any other act under 10 this section shall continue until the department has concluded 11 liquidating the corporation. 12 (4) For good cause shown, on request of a party in 13 interest and after notice and hearing, a court of competent 14 jurisdiction overseeing the liquidation of an international 15 banking corporation may grant relief from a stay or injunction 16 provided under this section, including, but not limited to, 17 terminating, annulling, modifying, or conditioning such stay 18 or injunction. 19 (5) In the case of any willful violation of a stay or 20 injunction provided in this section by any person who has 21 knowledge of the department's taking of possession of an 22 international banking corporation that is the subject of the 23 stay or injunction, the department shall recover actual 24 damages, including costs and fees and, in appropriate 25 circumstances, may recover punitive damages. 26 663.176 Liquidation; notice of possession.--When the 27 department has taken possession of an international banking 28 corporation and has determined to liquidate the corporation's 29 affairs, the department shall notify all persons who may have 30 claims against the corporation to present such claims to the 31 department and make proper proof of such claims within 4 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 months after the date of such notice and at a place specified 2 in the notice; provided, if the department finds that a 3 shorter period than 4 months will afford a reasonable time for 4 presenting claims and making proof of such claims, the 5 department may specify such shorter period which shall in no 6 event be less than 30 days. In any event, the department shall 7 specify in such notice the last day for processing claims and 8 for making proof of such claims. The department shall cause 9 such notice to be mailed to all persons whose names appear as 10 creditors upon the books of the corporation. Such notice to 11 persons appearing as depositors shall be mailed to the address 12 appearing upon the deposit records or ledger of the 13 corporation. The department shall also cause such notice to be 14 published biweekly in such newspaper or newspapers as the 15 department may direct in the county where the principal office 16 of the corporation in the state is located and, in the 17 department's discretion, elsewhere for publication 3 18 consecutive months, the first to be published more than 90 19 days before the last day fixed in such notice for presenting 20 proof of claims. However, if the notice requires claims to be 21 presented within less than 4 months, the department shall 22 cause such notice to be published weekly in such newspaper or 23 newspapers as the department may direct for 3 consecutive 24 weeks, the first publication to be published more than 21 days 25 before the last day fixed in such notice for presenting 26 claims. Such notice shall specify that all persons having 27 claims for priority of payment shall make demand in writing 28 for priority in the proof of their claims. The department 29 shall have no power to accept any claim presented after the 30 date specified in such notice as the last date for presenting 31 claims. 25 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 663.177 Disposition of property held as bailee or 2 depositary; opening of safe deposit boxes; disposal of 3 contents.-- 4 (1) The department may, after it has taken possession 5 of the business and property of an international banking 6 corporation, send a written notice by registered mail to each 7 person claiming, or appearing upon the books of the 8 corporation, to be: 9 (a) The owner of any personal property in the custody 10 or possession of the corporation, as bailee or depositary for 11 hire or otherwise, including the contents of any safe, vault, 12 or box opened after taking possession of such property for 13 nonpayment of any rent; or 14 (b) The lessee of any safe, vault, or box, to such 15 person's last address appearing on the books of the 16 international banking corporation or the last known address if 17 no address appears on such books, notifying such person to 18 remove all such property or the contents of any such safe, 19 vault, or box, within a period stated in such notice which 20 period shall be not less than 60 days after the date of such 21 notice. The contract of bailment or of deposit for hire, or 22 lease of safe, vault, or box, if any, between the person to 23 whom such notice is mailed and the corporation shall cease 24 upon the date for removal fixed in such notice. Such persons 25 shall have a claim against the corporation for the amount of 26 unearned rent or charges, if any, paid by such person from the 27 date fixed in such notice, if the property or contents is 28 removed on or before such date, or from the date of actual 29 removal, if the property or contents is removed after such 30 date. 31 26 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (2) If such property or contents are not removed, and 2 all rent or storage and other charges accrued up to that time, 3 if any, are not paid, within the time fixed by such notice, 4 the department may cause such property to be inventoried, or 5 such safe, vault, or box, or any package, parcel, or 6 receptacle in the custody or possession of the corporation as 7 bailee or depositary for hire or otherwise, to be opened and 8 the contents, if any, to be removed and inventoried. Such 9 property or contents shall be sealed by a notary public in a 10 package distinctly marked by the department with the name of 11 the person in whose name such property or such safe, vault, 12 box, package, parcel, or receptacle is recorded upon the books 13 of the corporation and a copy of such inventory shall be 14 certified and attached to such package by such notary public. 15 The package shall be kept in a place that the department 16 determines at the expense and risk of the person in whose name 17 it is recorded until delivered to such person or until sold, 18 destroyed, or otherwise disposed of. Such package may, pending 19 final disposition of its contents, be opened by the department 20 for inspection or appraisal or to enable the department to 21 exercise any powers conferred or duties imposed by this part. 22 Whenever such package is opened, the department shall endorse 23 on the outside of the package the date of opening and 24 resealing and shall prepare an affidavit which shall be 25 attached to the package showing the reason for opening and the 26 articles, if any, removed from the package or placed or 27 replaced in the package. 28 (3) At any time prior to the sale, destruction, or 29 other disposition of the contents of the package, the person 30 in whose name the package is recorded may require the delivery 31 of the package upon the payment of all rental or storage 27 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 charges accrued, and all other charges or expenses paid or 2 incurred to the date of delivery with respect to such package 3 or contents of the package including the cost of inventorying 4 or of opening and inventorying, the fees of the notary public, 5 the cost of preparing and mailing the notice, and advertising, 6 if any. 7 (4) After the expiration of 1 year after the mailing 8 of the notice required in subsection (1), the department may 9 apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order 10 authorizing the department to sell, destroy, or otherwise 11 dispose of the contents of such package. Whenever, pursuant to 12 the provisions of this subsection, the department is given the 13 power to sell the contents of any package, such power to sell 14 shall be deemed a power to sell in satisfaction of a lien for 15 nonpayment of rental or storage charges accrued, and all other 16 charges and expenses paid or incurred to the date of sale with 17 respect to such package and the contents of the package, 18 including charges and expenses described in subsection (3). 19 (5) The provisions of this section do not affect or 20 preclude any other remedy, by action or otherwise, for the 21 enforcement of claims or rights of the department, or of an 22 international banking corporation of which the department is 23 in possession, against the person in whose name any property 24 or any safe, vault, box, package, parcel, or receptacle is 25 recorded, or affect or bar the right of the department or the 26 corporation to recover, before sale, any debt or claim due to 27 the department or the corporation, or, after sale, so much of 28 the debt or claim as is not paid by the proceeds of the sale. 29 663.178 Claims; valuation; priority; listing; filing; 30 objection; endorsement; adverse interest.-- 31 28 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 (1) Proof of claim shall consist of a written 2 statement under oath signed by the claimant or his or her 3 attorney in fact and shall be in such form as the department 4 requires. 5 (2) The department shall not accept a claim based on 6 an agreement with an international banking corporation unless 7 the agreement is reflected on the accounts, books, or records 8 of the corporation or a creditor provides documentary evidence 9 of such agreement. The department may adopt any rules 10 determined necessary to implement this section. 11 (3) No claim or account of any secured claimant or 12 creditor shall be accepted at a sum greater than the 13 difference between the face value of the claim or account and 14 the value of the security itself as of the commencement of the 15 liquidation unless the claimant or creditor, prior to the 16 expiration of the time fixed by the department for the 17 presentation of claims, surrenders his or her security to the 18 department, in which event the claim or account may be 19 accepted in its full face amount. 20 (4) The department shall not determine priorities in 21 accepting or rejecting claims and the acceptance by the 22 department of a claim in which priority of payment is demanded 23 shall not entitle the claimant to priority. Accepted claims in 24 which priority of payment is demanded shall be presented to a 25 court of competent jurisdiction on notice to the claimant for 26 determination as to the priority of payment of such claims. 27 Except as otherwise provided in ss. 663.17-663.181, all claims 28 entitled to priority of payment shall be paid ratably and 29 proportionately. 30 (5) The department shall prepare in duplicate a 31 complete list of all claims presented, specifying the name of 29 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 the claimant, the nature of the claim, and the amount of such 2 claim. Such list shall also contain a statement of accounts 3 payable as shown by the books and records of the corporation 4 and as to which no claims have been presented, specifying the 5 name of each person to whom such account appears to be 6 payable, the nature of the debt, and the amount of such claim. 7 Within 60 days after the last date fixed in the notice to 8 creditors to present and make proof of claims, the department 9 shall file one copy of such list in one of its offices for 10 public inspection and shall file one copy with a court of 11 competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal 12 office of the corporation is located. 13 (6) Within 40 days after the department has filed in 14 its office a copy of the list of claims required by subsection 15 (5), objections to any claim presented or to any account 16 appearing on such list may be made by any party interested by 17 filing such objections with the department, in writing, signed 18 by the objector, and verified. Unless the department rejects 19 any claim or accounts to which objections have been filed with 20 it, the department shall, within 60 days after the time to 21 file such objections has expired, apply to a court of 22 competent jurisdiction, upon notice to the objector, for an 23 order directing the department as to the disposition of such 24 claim or account. The court may then dispose of such 25 objections or may order a reference for that purpose. 26 (7) The department shall, not later than 60 days after 27 the time has expired to file objections to claims presented, 28 accept or reject, in whole or in part, every filed claim, 29 except claims as to which objections are still pending before 30 a court, and shall accept or reject, in whole or in part, 31 every account payable as shown by the books and records and as 30 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 to which no claim has been presented, except accounts as to 2 which objections are still pending before a court. Whenever 3 the department accepts a portion of a claim or account and 4 rejects the remainder, the portion accepted and the portion 5 rejected shall, for the purpose of this section, each be 6 deemed separate claims or accounts. 7 (8) Every claim or account payable accepted by the 8 department shall be endorsed as "accepted" and be filed so 9 endorsed. If the department is unable, from the books, 10 accounts, or records of an international banking corporation, 11 to determine the ownership of a claim or account payable or if 12 for any other reason the department doubts the validity of any 13 claim or account payable, the department shall reject such 14 claim or account payable and shall endorse the claim or 15 account payable as "rejected" and file it as so endorsed. The 16 department shall mail notice of such acceptance or rejection 17 within 14 calendar days after the department has accepted or 18 rejected all claims filed. If a proof of claim has been filed, 19 such notice need be mailed only to the address appearing on 20 such claim and, if no proof of claim has been filed, the 21 notice need be mailed only to the address appearing upon the 22 books of the corporation. If the department is unable from the 23 proof of claim or the books and records of the corporation to 24 identify a name or address, such notice of rejection need not 25 be given. 26 (9) Within 30 days after the department has accepted 27 or rejected all claims filed, and all accounts payable as 28 shown by the books and records as to which no claims have been 29 presented, the department shall make a list of all such claims 30 and accounts accepted or rejected by the department for public 31 inspection and file one copy of such list in an office of the 31 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 department and one copy with a court of competent jurisdiction 2 in the county in which the principal Florida office of such 3 corporation is located. 4 (10) When the department has accepted a filed claim 5 and has filed such claim, endorsed as "accepted," the 6 claimant, unless priority of payment has been demanded and 7 such claim is entitled by law to priority of payment, shall be 8 entitled to share ratably with other general creditors in the 9 distribution of the proceeds of the liquidation of the assets 10 of the international banking corporation; provided, any 11 accepted claim or claims for taxes owed to any taxing 12 authority shall be paid in full, to the extent that assets of 13 the corporation are available, prior to the payment of any 14 other accepted claim pursuant to this section. If the claimant 15 has demanded priority of payment, the receipt and acceptance 16 of ratable dividends shall be without prejudice to the right 17 of such priority of payment. 18 (11) Any person who fails to demand in writing 19 priority of payment as specified in the notice to file claims 20 shall be deemed to have waived and abandoned any right to such 21 priority of payment. Any person who fails to demand in writing 22 priority of payment as provided in this section is not 23 entitled to maintain any action or proceeding for any priority 24 of payment. In any action or proceeding for priority of 25 payment, the claimant shall allege and prove that the claim 26 upon which the action is instituted was filed and demand for 27 priority of payment was made in writing. 28 (12) Within 6 months after the date the department 29 files the list of claims and accounts payable which are 30 accepted or rejected by the department, a claimant whose claim 31 has been filed and has not been accepted by the department, or 32 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 any person whose account payable as shown by the books and 2 records as to which no claim has been presented, has not been 3 accepted by the department, may institute and maintain an 4 action against the international banking corporation. Such 5 action may be maintained only in a court of competent 6 jurisdiction in the county in which the principal Florida 7 office of such international banking corporation is located. 8 (13) A lien shall not attach to any property or assets 9 of an international banking corporation as a result of any 10 judicial process after the department has taken possession of 11 the assets of the corporation. 12 (14) No action shall be maintained against an 13 international banking corporation while the department is in 14 possession of the affairs and business of the corporation 15 unless brought within the period of limitation specified in s. 16 663.17. In any action instituted against such corporation 17 while the department is in possession of the corporation's 18 property and business, the plaintiff shall be required to 19 allege and prove that the claim upon which the action is 20 instituted was filed and that such claim has not been accepted 21 or, in the case of an action upon an account as to which no 22 claim has been presented, the plaintiff shall be required to 23 allege and prove that such account appeared upon the books and 24 records and that such account has not been accepted. 25 (15) Notice to the department of an adverse interest 26 in a claim or account payable accepted by the department to 27 the credit of any person shall not require the department to 28 recognize such adverse claimant unless the adverse claimant 29 also: 30 (a) Procures a restraining order, injunction, or other 31 appropriate process against the department from a court of 33 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 competent jurisdiction in a cause instituted by the department 2 in which the person to whose credit such claim or account 3 payable was accepted or his or her executor or administrator 4 is made a party and served with summons; or 5 (b) Executes to the department, in a form and with 6 sureties acceptable to the department, a bond indemnifying the 7 department from any and all liability, loss, damage, cost, and 8 expenses for and on account of the payment of dividends. 9 (16) In any action or proceeding against the 10 department to recover dividends accepted, if there is any 11 person who is not a party to the action who makes such a 12 claim, the court in which the action or proceeding is pending 13 may, on the motion of the department, make an order amending 14 the proceedings making such person a party to such action or 15 proceeding and the court shall thereafter proceed to determine 16 the rights and interests of the parties to such funds. The 17 remedy provided in this section is in addition to and not 18 exclusive of that provided in any other interpleader. 19 663.18 Fees.--The department is not required to pay 20 any fee to any clerk, sheriff, register, or other public 21 officer for entering, filing, docketing, registering, 22 recording, executing, or issuing a copy, transcript, extract, 23 or certificate of, or authenticating or exemplifying, any 24 paper, record, or instrument pertaining to the exercise by the 25 department of any powers conferred or duties imposed upon the 26 department by the provisions of this part, whether or not such 27 paper, record, or instrument is executed by the department and 28 whether or not it is connected with an action. The term 29 "action" is construed as including a special proceeding in any 30 action. 31 34 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 397 114-255-97 1 663.181 Manner and time within which taking possession 2 may be tested.--At any time within 10 days after the 3 department has taken possession of the property and business 4 of an international banking corporation, such corporation may 5 apply to a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in 6 which its principal office is located in this state for an 7 order requiring the department to show cause why the 8 department should not be enjoined from continuing such 9 possession. The court may, upon good cause shown, direct the 10 department to refrain from such proceedings and to surrender 11 such possession. 12 Section 5. Subsection (2) of section 663.02, Florida 13 Statutes, is hereby repealed. 14 Section 6. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 15 16 ***************************************** 17 HOUSE SUMMARY 18 Specifies conditions of access to the books and records 19 of an international banking corporation. Provides for possession of an international banking corporation by the 20 Department of Banking and Finance and for liquidation of the business and property of such corporation. See bill 21 for details. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 35