CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0401

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 By Representative Lynn 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to public assistance; creating 3 s. 414.0951, F.S.; providing for drug testing 4 of applicants for and participants in WAGES, 5 Medicaid, and other public assistance programs, 6 under the Department of Children and Family 7 Services; providing definitions; providing 8 state policy on drug testing; providing 9 expected outcome and objectives; providing for 10 standards; requiring certain notice to 11 applicants and participants; specifying types 12 of drug testing the department is authorized to 13 conduct; providing for the costs of drug 14 testing and drug abuse treatment; requiring 15 certain confirmation of positive test results; 16 providing procedures for drug testing, 17 notification of test results, retesting, and 18 challenge of test results; prohibiting an 19 applicant or participant from participating in 20 work activities or support services or 21 receiving benefits, under specified conditions; 22 providing conditions for reinstatement of an 23 applicant or participant; providing certain 24 protections; providing for hearing and appeal 25 of department decisions; providing that federal 26 requirements preempt state law and rules; 27 authorizing the department to adopt rules; 28 providing for review of federal law and 29 application for waivers; providing an effective 30 date. 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 2 3 Section 1. Section 414.0951, Florida Statutes, is 4 created to read: 5 414.0951 Drug testing of applicants for and 6 participants in WAGES, Medicaid and other public assistance 7 programs.-- 8 (1) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section: 9 (a) "Applicant" means: 10 1. An individual who applies to participate in the 11 temporary family assistance program or WAGES program and 12 submits a signed and dated application; or 13 2. An individual whose written application for medical 14 assistance provided by Medicaid under ss. 409.903-409.906 has 15 been submitted, but has not received final action. 16 (b) "Cannabis" means all parts of any plant of the 17 genus Cannabis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the 18 resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every 19 compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or 20 preparation of the plant or its seeds or resin. 21 (c) "Confirmation test," "confirmed test," or 22 "confirmed drug test" means a second analytical procedure used 23 to identify the presence of a specific drug or metabolite in a 24 specimen. The confirmation test must be different in 25 scientific principle from that of the initial test procedure. 26 This confirmation method must provide requisite specificity, 27 sensitivity, and quantitative accuracy. 28 (d) "Controlled substance" means any substance named 29 or described in Schedules I and II of s. 893.03. Laws 30 controlling the manufacture, distribution, preparation, 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 dispensing, or administration of such substances are drug 2 abuse laws. 3 (e) "Chain of custody" refers to the methodology of 4 tracking specified materials or substances for the purpose of 5 maintaining control and accountability from initial collection 6 to final disposition for all such materials or substances and 7 providing for accountability at each stage in handling, 8 testing, and storing specimens, and reporting of test results. 9 (f) "Department" means the Department of Children and 10 Family Services. 11 (g) "Drug test," "drug testing," or "test" means any 12 chemical, biological, or physical instrumental analysis 13 administered for determining the presence or absence of a 14 controlled substance, including cocaine, marijuana, 15 amphetamines, barbiturates, and opiates. 16 (h) "Initial drug test" means a sensitive, rapid, and 17 reliable procedure to identify negative and presumptive 18 positive specimens. All initial tests shall use an immunoassay 19 procedure or an equivalent, or shall use a more accurate 20 scientifically accepted method approved by the Agency for 21 Health Care Administration as more accurate technology becomes 22 available in a cost-effective form. 23 (i) "Participant" means: 24 1. An individual who receives temporary assistance, 25 cash payment, or support services under the WAGES program; or 26 2. An individual who receives cash payments or other 27 benefits under the Medicaid program. 28 (j) "Prescription or nonprescription medication" means 29 a drug or medication obtained pursuant to a prescription, as 30 defined by s. 893.02, or a medication that is authorized 31 pursuant to federal or state law for general distribution and 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 use without a prescription in the treatment of human diseases, 2 ailments, or injuries. 3 (k) "Reasonable-suspicion drug testing" means drug 4 testing based on a belief that an applicant or participant is 5 using or has used a controlled substance or cannabis in 6 violation of this section and department policy, which belief 7 is based on specific objective and articulable facts and 8 reasonable inferences drawn from those facts in light of 9 experience. Reasonable-suspicion drug testing shall not be 10 required except upon the recommendation of a department 11 employee determining the eligibility of the applicant or 12 providing or arranging services to the participant, with a 13 concurring recommendation by a supervisor of the employee who 14 is at least one level of supervision higher than the employee. 15 Among other data, such facts and inferences may be based upon: 16 1. Observable phenomena during the application process 17 or during a work activity, such as direct observation of drug 18 use or of the physical symptoms or manifestations of being 19 under the influence of a drug. 20 2. Abnormal conduct, erratic behavior, or a 21 significant deterioration in work performance during the 22 application process or during a work activity. 23 3. A report stating that the applicant or participant 24 has used a controlled substance or cannabis, provided by a 25 reliable and credible source, which has been independently 26 corroborated. 27 4. Evidence that the applicant or participant has 28 tampered with a drug test during a work activity with the 29 current employer. 30 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 5. Evidence that the applicant or participant has 2 used, possessed, sold, solicited, or transferred a controlled 3 substance or cannabis. 4 (l) "Specimen" means a tissue, hair, or product of the 5 human body capable of revealing the presence of drugs or their 6 metabolites. 7 (2) STATE POLICY ON DRUG TESTING.-- 8 (a) Drug testing of an applicant or participant as 9 provided for in this section shall not be conducted until 10 local drug abuse treatment programs have been identified and 11 are available. 12 (b) When there is a reasonable suspicion as described 13 in paragraph (1)(k) that an applicant or participant is using 14 or has used drugs in violation of this section, the applicant 15 or participant shall submit to drug testing as a condition of 16 initial or continued participation in program activities and 17 receipt of benefits. 18 (c) When there is positive confirmation as a result of 19 laboratory testing that the applicant or participant has used 20 or is using drugs, the department shall provide appropriate 21 drug abuse treatment services to assist the applicant or 22 participant to fulfill the required work activities of the 23 WAGES program or other applicable program requirements. 24 (d) When there is refusal by the applicant or 25 participant to submit to drug testing, the department shall 26 prohibit the applicant or participant from initial or 27 continued participation in program activities and receipt of 28 benefits until such time as the applicant or participant 29 submits to drug testing or until such time as there is no 30 longer reasonable suspicion that the applicant or participant 31 has used or is using drugs in violation of this section. 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 (3) EXPECTED OUTCOME AND OBJECTIVES.--The expected 2 outcome of the implementation of this section is to reduce the 3 incidence of drug abuse by individuals who apply for and 4 receive services from the state. The primary objective of this 5 section is to provide an individual the opportunity to receive 6 treatment for an identified drug problem, so that the 7 individual may more rapidly secure economic independence. 8 Other objectives of this section are to reduce the incidence 9 of health problems and social problems associated with drug 10 use in the target population and to reduce the cost to the 11 state of addressing health problems and social problems 12 associated with drug use in the target population. 13 (4) STANDARDS.-- 14 (a) Drug testing conducted by the department pursuant 15 to this section shall conform with the standards established 16 in this section and applicable rules adopted pursuant to this 17 section. 18 (b) A laboratory may analyze initial or confirmation 19 drug test specimens only if the laboratory is licensed and 20 approved by the Agency for Health Care Administration using 21 criteria established by the United States Department of Health 22 and Human Services as general guidelines for modeling state 23 drug testing programs. 24 (5) NOTICE TO APPLICANTS AND PARTICIPANTS.-- 25 (a) The department shall include notice of drug 26 testing on the application for services. 27 (b) Prior to testing, the applicant or participant 28 shall be given a written policy statement from the department 29 that contains: 30 1. A statement of state policy on drug testing that 31 identifies: 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 a. The types of testing an applicant or participant 2 may be required to submit to, including reasonable-suspicion 3 drug testing or testing on some other basis. 4 b. The actions the department may take against an 5 applicant or participant on the basis of a positive confirmed 6 drug test result. 7 2. A statement concerning confidentiality. 8 3. Procedures for the applicant or participant to 9 confidentially report the use of prescription or 10 nonprescription medications both before and after being 11 tested. Additionally, applicants and participants shall 12 receive notice of the most common medications by brand name or 13 common name, as applicable, as well as by chemical name, which 14 may alter or affect a drug test. A list of such medications 15 shall be developed by the Agency for Health Care 16 Administration. 17 4. The consequences of refusing to submit to a drug 18 test. 19 5. A statement that an applicant or participant who 20 receives a positive confirmed drug test result may challenge 21 or explain the result to the department within 5 working days 22 after written notification of the positive test result. If the 23 applicant's or participant's explanation or challenge is 24 unsatisfactory to the department, the applicant or participant 25 may appeal the department's decision as provided in subsection 26 (13). 27 6. A statement informing the applicant or participant 28 of his or her responsibility to notify the laboratory of any 29 administrative or civil actions brought pursuant to this 30 section. 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 7. A list of all drugs for which the department will 2 test, described by brand names or common names, as applicable, 3 as well as by chemical names. 4 8. A statement notifying the applicant or participant 5 of his or her right to consult the testing laboratory for 6 technical information regarding prescription and 7 nonprescription medications. 8 (c) When testing is conducted based on reasonable 9 suspicion, the department shall promptly detail in writing the 10 circumstances which formed the basis of the determination that 11 reasonable suspicion to warrant the testing existed. A copy of 12 this documentation shall be given to the applicant or 13 participant upon request, and the original documentation shall 14 be retained by the department. 15 (6) TYPES OF DRUG TESTING.--The department is 16 authorized, but not required, to conduct the following types 17 of drug testing: 18 (a) The department may require an applicant or 19 participant to submit to reasonable-suspicion drug testing. 20 (b) If the applicant or participant, in the course of 21 program participation, enters a drug treatment program, the 22 department may require the applicant or participant to submit 23 to followup drug testing. 24 (7) COST OF TESTING AND TREATMENT.-- 25 (a) The department shall pay the cost of all drug 26 tests, initial and confirmation, which the department requires 27 of applicants or participants. 28 (b) The department shall pay the cost of all drug 29 abuse treatment which the department requires an applicant or 30 participant to complete. 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 (c) An applicant or participant shall pay the cost of 2 any additional drug tests not required by the department. 3 (8) CONFIRMATION TESTING.-- 4 (a) If an initial drug test is negative, the 5 department may in its sole discretion and at the department's 6 expense seek a confirmation test. 7 (b) Only licensed laboratories as described in 8 subsection (4) shall conduct confirmation drug tests. 9 (c) All positive initial tests shall be confirmed 10 using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry or an equivalent or 11 more accurate scientifically accepted method approved by the 12 Agency for Health Care Administration as such technology 13 becomes available in a cost-effective form. 14 (9) PROCEDURES FOR DRUG TESTING; NOTIFICATION OF TEST 15 RESULTS; RETESTING; CHALLENGE TO TEST RESULTS.--All specimen 16 collection and testing for drugs under this section shall be 17 performed in accordance with the following procedures: 18 (a) A sample shall be collected with due regard to the 19 privacy of the individual providing the sample and in a manner 20 reasonably calculated to prevent substitution or contamination 21 of the sample. 22 (b) Specimen collection shall be documented, and the 23 documentation procedures shall include: 24 1. Labeling of specimen containers so as to reasonably 25 preclude the likelihood of erroneous identification of test 26 results. 27 2. A form for the applicant or participant to provide 28 any information he or she considers relevant to the test, 29 including identification of currently or recently used 30 prescription or nonprescription medications, or other relevant 31 medical information. The form shall provide notice of the most 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 common medications that may alter or affect a drug test by 2 brand name or common name, as applicable, as well as by 3 chemical name. The providing of such information shall not 4 preclude the administration of the drug test, but shall be 5 taken into account in interpreting any positive confirmed test 6 results. 7 (c) Specimen collection, storage, and transportation 8 to the testing site shall be performed in a manner which will 9 reasonably preclude specimen contamination or adulteration. 10 (d) Each initial and confirmation test conducted under 11 this section, not including the taking or collecting of a 12 specimen to be tested, shall be conducted by a licensed 13 laboratory as described in subsection (4). 14 (e) A specimen for a drug test may be taken or 15 collected by any of the following persons: 16 1. A physician, a physician assistant, a registered 17 professional nurse, a licensed practical nurse, a nurse 18 practitioner, or a certified paramedic who is present at the 19 scene of an accident for the purpose of rendering emergency 20 medical service or treatment. 21 2. A qualified person employed by a licensed 22 laboratory. 23 (f) A person who collects or takes a specimen for a 24 drug test conducted pursuant to this section shall collect an 25 amount sufficient for two drug tests, as determined by the 26 Agency for Health Care Administration. 27 (g) Any drug test conducted or requested by the 28 department may occur before, during, or immediately after the 29 application process, participation in a work activity, or 30 receipt of benefits by the applicant or participant. 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 (h) Every specimen that produces a positive confirmed 2 test result shall be preserved by the licensed laboratory that 3 conducts the confirmation test for a period of at least 210 4 days after the time the results of the positive confirmation 5 test are mailed or otherwise delivered to the employer. 6 However, if an applicant or participant undertakes an 7 administrative or legal challenge to the test result, the 8 applicant or participant shall notify the laboratory and the 9 sample shall be retained by the laboratory until the case or 10 administrative appeal is settled. During the 180-day period 11 after written notification of a positive confirmed test 12 result, the applicant or participant who has provided the 13 specimen shall be permitted by the department to have a 14 portion of the specimen retested at the applicant's or 15 participant's expense at another laboratory, chosen by the 16 applicant or participant, which is licensed and approved by 17 the Agency for Health Care Administration. The second 18 laboratory must test at equal or greater sensitivity for the 19 drug in question as the first laboratory. The first laboratory 20 which performed the test for the applicant or participant 21 shall be responsible for the transfer of the portion of the 22 specimen to be retested and for the integrity of the chain of 23 custody during such transfer. 24 (i) Within 5 working days after receipt of a positive 25 confirmed test result from the testing laboratory, the 26 department shall inform an applicant or participant in writing 27 of such positive confirmed test result, the consequences of 28 such result, and the options available to the applicant or 29 participant. 30 (j) The department shall provide to the applicant or 31 participant, upon request, a copy of the test result. 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 (k) Within 5 working days after receiving notice of a 2 positive confirmed test result, the applicant or participant 3 may submit information to the department explaining or 4 challenging the test result, and explaining why the result 5 does not constitute a violation of the state's and 6 department's policy. 7 (l) If an applicant's or participant's explanation or 8 challenge of the positive confirmed test result is 9 unsatisfactory to the department, a written explanation as to 10 why the applicant's or participant's explanation is 11 unsatisfactory, along with the report of result, shall be 12 provided by the department to the applicant or participant. 13 All such documentation shall be retained by the department for 14 at least 1 year. 15 (m) The department may not prohibit an applicant or 16 participant from work activities on the sole basis of a 17 positive test result that has not been verified by a 18 confirmation test. 19 (10) PROHIBITING AN APPLICANT OR PARTICIPANT FROM 20 PARTICIPATING IN WORK ACTIVITIES OR SUPPORT SERVICES, OR 21 RECEIVING BENEFITS.--The department shall prohibit an 22 applicant or participant from participating in work activities 23 or support services and from receiving any benefits when any 24 of the following apply: 25 (a) The applicant or participant has refused to submit 26 to drug testing. 27 (b) The applicant or participant has refused to 28 participate in a drug abuse treatment program. 29 (c) The applicant or participant has failed to 30 successfully complete a drug abuse treatment program, as 31 evidenced by withdrawal from the program before its completion 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 or by a report from the program indicating unsatisfactory 2 compliance or by a positive test result on a confirmation test 3 after completion of the program. 4 (d) The applicant or participant has failed or refused 5 to sign a written consent form allowing the department to 6 obtain information regarding the progress and successful 7 completion of the applicant or participant in a drug abuse 8 treatment program. 9 (11) CONDITIONS FOR REINSTATEMENT OF AN APPLICANT OR 10 PARTICIPANT.--The department shall reinstate an applicant or 11 participant into the program and allow participation in work 12 activities and support services and receipt of benefits when 13 any of the following apply: 14 (a) The applicant or participant agrees to submit to 15 drug testing. 16 (b) The applicant or participant participates in a 17 drug abuse treatment program. 18 (c) The applicant or participant successfully 19 completes a drug abuse treatment program, as evidenced by a 20 report from the program before its completion indicating 21 satisfactory compliance or by a negative test result on a 22 confirmation test after completion of the program. 23 (12) PROTECTIONS.-- 24 (a) No applicant or participant whose drug test result 25 is confirmed as positive in accordance with the provisions of 26 this section shall, by virtue of the result alone, be defined 27 as a person with a "handicap" as cited in the 1973 28 Rehabilitation Act. 29 (b) No physician-patient relationship is created 30 between an applicant or participant and the department or any 31 person performing or evaluating a drug test, solely by the 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 establishment, implementation, or administration of a drug 2 testing program. 3 (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to 4 require the department to provide a drug abuse treatment 5 program to an applicant or participant beyond the time limits 6 set for participation in the WAGES program pursuant to s. 7 414.105. 8 (13) OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING AND APPEAL.-- 9 (a) An applicant or participant may appeal a decision 10 to the department in the manner and form prescribed in this 11 section and as established in rule by the department. 12 (b) The hearing authority may be the secretary of the 13 department, a panel of department officials, or a hearing 14 officer appointed for that purpose. The hearing authority is 15 responsible for a final administrative decision in the name of 16 the department on all issues that have been the subject of a 17 hearing. With regard to the department, the decision of the 18 hearing authority is final and binding. The department is 19 responsible for seeing that the decision is carried out 20 promptly. 21 (c) A final order of administrative disqualification 22 based on the provisions of this section is subject to judicial 23 review in accordance with s. 120.68. 24 (14) FEDERAL COMPLIANCE.--The provisions in this 25 section do not apply when there are established requirements 26 related to drug testing pursuant to federal law or regulations 27 that specifically preempt state law or rules relating to drug 28 testing with respect to an applicant or participant. 29 (15) RULES.--The department may adopt rules to 30 administer the program provided for in this section. It is the 31 intent of the Legislature that the department adopt the 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 401 560-158-97 1 minimum rules that provide for clear and effective 2 implementation of this section. 3 (16) WAIVERS.--The department shall review applicable 4 federal law to determine whether or not federal waivers will 5 further the policy objectives of this section; if so, the 6 department may apply for such waivers. 7 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 8 9 ***************************************** 10 HOUSE SUMMARY 11 Establishes a program of drug testing of applicants for 12 and participants in WAGES (Work and Gain Economic Self-sufficiency), Medicaid, and other public assistance 13 programs, to be administered by the Department of Children and Family Services. Provides state policy on 14 drug testing, specifies expected outcome and objectives of the program, and provides for certain standards. 15 Requires certain notice to public assistance applicants and participants regarding the drug testing program. 16 Specifies types of drug testing the department is authorized to conduct. Requires the costs of initial and 17 confirmation testing, and of drug abuse treatment, to be borne by the department. Requires certain confirmation 18 testing of positive test results. Provides procedures and timeframes for drug testing, notification of test 19 results, retesting, and challenge of test results. Prohibits an applicant or participant who has refused to 20 be tested, refused treatment, or failed to successfully complete a treatment program from participating in work 21 activities or support services or receiving benefits. Specifies conditions for reinstatement of such person in 22 a public assistance program. Provides procedures for hearing and appeal of department decisions. Specifies 23 that federal drug testing requirements preempt state law and rules. Directs the department to review applicable 24 federal law and apply for waivers, if appropriate. See bill for details. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15