House Bill 4017

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4017

        By Representative Sindler

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to air pollution; providing a

  3         short title; providing definitions;

  4         establishing an air pollution prevention grant

  5         program; requiring the Division of Air Resource

  6         Management of the Department of Environmental

  7         Protection to administer the program; providing

  8         for grants to owners or operators of public or

  9         private air pollution sources for purposes of

10         implementing air pollution prevention projects;

11         providing eligibility criteria; providing

12         requirements; authorizing the division to adopt

13         rules; authorizing the Air Pollution Control

14         Trust Fund to serve as a depository to accept

15         moneys for certain purposes; providing for

16         administration and disbursement of funds;

17         providing for return of grant moneys under

18         certain circumstances; providing authority to

19         enter into certain contracts or agreements;

20         providing an appropriation; providing an

21         effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  (1)  This act may be cited as the "Florida

26  Air Pollution Prevention Grant Program Act."

27         (2)  For purposes of this act:

28         (a)  "Pollution prevention project" means the

29  implementation of voluntary pollution prevention as defined in

30  s. 403.031, Florida Statutes.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4017


  1         (b)  "Department" means the Department of Environmental

  2  Protection.

  3         (c)  "Division" means the Division of Air Resource

  4  Management of the department.

  5         (3)(a)  The division shall administer an air pollution

  6  prevention grant program to provide funds to owners or

  7  operators of public or private air pollution sources for

  8  purposes of implementing air pollution prevention projects.

  9  Awards of grants are subject to the criteria and to the

10  provisions of this act. Awards of grants are exempt from

11  chapter 287, Florida Statutes. The division may adopt rules to

12  carry out the purposes of this act and to establish

13  requirements for grant eligibility, post-award requirements,

14  and funding criteria.

15         (b)1.  No grant may be made for any project unless such

16  project and the plans and specifications are approved by the

17  division, subject to such requirements as the division imposes

18  to ensure compliance with this act.

19         2.  Grants made under this act shall be paid to the

20  recipient on a reimbursement basis.

21         3.  A grant may not be made unless the recipient agrees

22  to continue proper and efficient project operation and

23  maintenance after construction or implementation of the

24  project.

25         4.  An applicant for a grant must submit a detailed

26  implementation plan describing proposed measures,

27  implementation strategy, timeline, costs, management strategy,

28  anticipated results, and benefits to the environment.

29         5.  Actions or measures, including treatment, required

30  to comply with a source's legal requirements are not eligible

31  for grants under this act.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4017


  1         (c)  In awarding grants under this act, the division

  2  shall consider:

  3         1.  The intended percentage of pollutant reductions at

  4  a pollution source, based on the source's pollution levels at

  5  the time of the grant application.

  6         2.  The relative importance of a pollutant's reduction

  7  compared to other pollutants in the source's geographic area.

  8         3.  The applicant's detailed implementation plan

  9  describing proposed measures, implementation strategy,

10  timeline, costs, management strategy, and anticipated results

11  and benefits to the environment.


13  The department may consider an applicant's criminal history

14  and environmental compliance in awarding grants.

15         (4)(a)  The Air Pollution Control Trust Fund may accept

16  appropriations, grants, donations, fees and any other funds,

17  including, but not limited to, source emission fees imposed

18  under Title V of the Clean Air Act, asbestos removal

19  notification fees, motor vehicle license tag fees, motor

20  vehicle emission inspection fees, and grants awarded under s.

21  105 of the Clean Air Act by the United States Environmental

22  Protection Agency, for the purpose of carrying out the

23  responsibilities of the department's air resource management

24  program and to disburse funds to support air resources

25  responsibilities, including grant awards.

26         (b)  The Air Pollution Control Trust Fund shall also

27  serve as a repository to accept moneys from any public or

28  private legal source, consistent with the purposes of this

29  act, and to disburse grants to owners or operators of public

30  or private pollution sources, as defined in s. 403.031,

31  Florida Statutes, for purposes of implementing air pollution


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4017


  1  prevention projects. All funds received by the department to

  2  carry out the purposes of this act shall be deposited into

  3  such fund. The division shall not award grants in excess of

  4  funds received for this purpose.

  5         (c)  The division shall administer and control funds

  6  appropriated to or received by the Air Pollution Control Trust

  7  Fund for the purposes of this act.

  8         (5)  Any recipient of a grant under this act shall keep

  9  such records as the department prescribes, including records

10  which fully disclose the amount and disposition by the

11  recipient of the proceeds of such assistance, the total cost

12  of the project or undertaking in connection with such

13  assistance given or used, the amount of that portion of the

14  cost of the project or undertaking supplied by other sources,

15  if any, and such other records as will facilitate an effective

16  audit. The department and the Auditor General or any

17  authorized representative of the department or the Auditor

18  General shall have access, for the purpose of audit and

19  examination, to any books, documents, papers, and records of

20  the recipient that are pertinent to grants received under this

21  act. Upon project completion, the recipient shall submit to

22  the department a report of an audit of the grant expenditures,

23  conducted by a public accountant.

24         (6)  If the department determines that the recipient

25  failed to implement the subject project or improperly used the

26  funds awarded under the grant, the recipient shall return to

27  the department that portion of funds awarded under the grant

28  to which the department determines the recipient is not

29  entitled. Such returned funds shall be redeposited in the

30  trust fund from which the funds were originally withdrawn.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4017


  1         (7)  The division may, in the name of the department,

  2  enter into contracts and agreements and cooperate with any

  3  federal agency, any other state agency, local government

  4  agency, or other legal source, public or private, when

  5  necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.

  6         Section 2.  From grants or donations deposited into the

  7  Air Pollution Control Trust Fund the sum of $275,000 is hereby

  8  appropriated to the Division of Air Resource Management of the

  9  Department of Environmental Protection to carry out the

10  purposes of this act.

11         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

12  law.


14            *****************************************

15                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Establishes an air pollution prevention grant program,
17    administered by the Division of Air Resource Management
      of the Department of Environmental Protection, to provide
18    grants to owners or operators of public or private
      sources of air pollution to implement air pollution
19    prevention projects. See bill for details.












