House Bill 4109e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 4109, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public access; creating the

  3         "Clerks of the Circuit Court Public Records

  4         Access Act"; requiring the clerks of the

  5         circuit court to make public records

  6         information available on the internet by

  7         January 1, 2001; providing for security;

  8         providing a declaration of important state

  9         purpose; amending s. 318.18, F.S.; providing a

10         funding source; providing an effecting date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Short title; required information to be

15  made accessible; security.--

16         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Clerks of the

17  Circuit Court Public Records Access Act."

18         (2)  No later than January 1, 2001, the clerks of the

19  circuit court of each county shall make available on the

20  internet, without additional charge or obligation to the

21  public, the following information contained in the public

22  records in possession of the clerk.

23         (a)  At a minimum, a list of grantor/grantees or

24  parties, the date the relevant document was created, and the

25  book and page number of the Official Record Book or other

26  public record location where the document is entered shall be

27  provided for the following types of documents:  deeds;

28  mortgages; tax deed applications; tax liens; marriage

29  licenses; orders of dissolution of marriage; real property

30  transactions; and final judgments.  Such information shall be



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 4109, First Engrossed

  1  made available for records or other documents recorded since

  2  1989, or longer, if such information is available.

  3         (b)  Adopted minutes of the board of county commission

  4  meetings convened within the past 4 years.

  5         (c)  Agendas of future county commission meetings if

  6  provided to the clerk in an electronic format.

  7         (d)  Information to assist domestic violence victims.

  8  Such information must include instructions and assistance in

  9  obtaining protective injunctions and any other information on

10  domestic violence maintained by the clerk.

11         (e)  Information assisting people in obtaining child

12  support and alimony.

13         (f)  Jury service information, such as time, place and

14  date of reporting, and reimbursement procedures.

15         (g)  A listing of all felony criminal sentences imposed

16  during the preceding calendar year in the county in which the

17  clerk serves.  This listing shall include, but not be limited

18  to, the name of the criminal case, the original charges filed

19  against the defendant, the charges of which the defendant was

20  convicted, the sentence imposed by the court, the date the

21  sentence was imposed and any vacation of the sentence.

22         (3)  The clerks of the circuit court shall utilize

23  appropriate internet security measures to ensure that no

24  person has the ability to directly access public records or to

25  alter or to modify any public record.  Unless otherwise

26  provided by law, no information retrieved from the internet

27  shall be admissible in court as an authenticated document.

28         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that a proper and

29  legitimate state purpose is served by providing the public

30  with access to public records and information on the internet



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 4109, First Engrossed

  1  and hereby determines that the provisions of this act fulfill

  2  an important state interest.

  3         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of section

  4  318.18, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         318.18  Amount of civil penalties.--The penalties

  6  required for a noncriminal disposition pursuant to s. 318.14

  7  are as follows:

  8         (8)(a)  Any person who fails to comply with the court's

  9  requirements or who fails to pay the civil penalties specified

10  in this section within the 30-day period provided for in s.

11  318.14 must pay an additional civil penalty of $12, $2.50 of

12  which must be deposited into the General Revenue Fund, and

13  $9.50 of which must be deposited in the Highway Safety

14  Operating Trust Fund. There is hereby appropriated from the

15  Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund for fiscal year 1996-1997

16  the amount of $4 million.  From this appropriation the

17  department shall contract with the Florida Association of

18  Court Clerks, Inc., to design, establish, operate, upgrade,

19  and maintain an automated statewide Uniform Civil Court and

20  Traffic Citation Accounting System to be operated by the

21  clerks of the court which shall include, but not be limited

22  to, the accounting for traffic infractions by type, a record

23  of the disposition of the citations, and an accounting system

24  for the fines assessed and the subsequent fine amounts paid to

25  the clerks of the court.  The system shall also include civil

26  court case maintenance information and an internet means for

27  providing public access to county and court information.  On

28  or before December 1, 1999, the clerks of the court must

29  provide the information required by this chapter to be

30  transmitted to the department by electronic transmission

31  pursuant to the contract.  On or before January 1, 2001, the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                          HB 4109, First Engrossed

  1  clerks of the court shall provide a means to access county and

  2  court information via the internet.

  3         (b)  Any person who fails to comply with the court's

  4  requirements as to civil penalties specified in this section

  5  due to demonstrable financial hardship shall be authorized to

  6  satisfy such civil penalties by public works or community

  7  service.  Each hour of such service shall be applied, at the

  8  rate of the minimum wage, toward payment of the person's civil

  9  penalties; provided, however, that if the person has a trade

10  or profession for which there is a community service need and

11  application, the rate for each hour of such service shall be

12  the average standard wage for such trade or profession. Any

13  person who fails to comply with the court's requirements as to

14  such civil penalties who does not demonstrate financial

15  hardship may also, at the discretion of the court, be

16  authorized to satisfy such civil penalties by public works or

17  community service in the same manner.

18         (c)  If the noncriminal infraction has caused or

19  resulted in the death of another, the person who committed the

20  infraction may perform 120 community service hours under s.

21  316.027(4), in addition to any other penalties.

22         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

23  law.








