Senate Bill 0414

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 414

    By Senator Campbell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to osteoporosis; amending s.

  3         233.061, F.S.; including osteoporosis education

  4         in the instruction required for high school

  5         graduation; amending s. 381.87, F.S.; expanding

  6         the groups targeted to receive educational

  7         materials under the osteoporosis prevention and

  8         education program to include women of all ages;

  9         amending ss. 627.6409, 627.6691, F.S.;

10         expanding the required insurance coverage for

11         osteoporosis-related matters; providing an

12         effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Paragraph (m) of subsection (2) of section

17  233.061, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         233.061  Required instruction.--

19         (2)  Members of the instructional staff of the public

20  schools, subject to the rules and regulations of the

21  commissioner, the state board, and the school board, shall

22  teach efficiently and faithfully, using the books and

23  materials required, following the prescribed courses of study,

24  and employing approved methods of instruction, the following:

25         (m)  Comprehensive health education that addresses

26  concepts of community health; consumer health; environmental

27  health; family life, including an awareness of the benefits of

28  sexual abstinence as the expected standard and the

29  consequences of teenage pregnancy; mental and emotional

30  health; injury prevention and safety; nutrition; personal

31  health, including, but not limited to, osteoporosis education;


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 414

  1  prevention and control of disease; and substance use and

  2  abuse.

  3         Section 2.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section

  4  381.87, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         381.87  Osteoporosis prevention and education

  6  program.--

  7         (2)  The program must include:

  8         (b)  Distribution of educational materials to be made

  9  available for consumers, particularly targeted to women of all

10  ages, including those of high-school age high-risk groups,

11  through local health departments, local physicians, and other

12  providers, including, but not limited to, health maintenance

13  organizations, hospitals, and clinics, and through women's

14  organizations and the Department of Elderly Affairs.

15         Section 3.  Section 627.6409, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         627.6409  Coverage for osteoporosis screening,

18  diagnosis, treatment, and management.--

19         (1)(a)  Any health insurance policy that covers a

20  resident of this state and that is issued, amended, delivered,

21  or renewed in this state after October 1, 1996, must provide

22  coverage for the medically necessary diagnosis and treatment

23  of osteoporosis for high-risk individuals, including, but not

24  limited to, estrogen-deficient individuals who are at clinical

25  risk for osteoporosis, individuals who have vertebral

26  abnormalities, individuals who are receiving long-term

27  glucocorticoid (steroid) therapy, individuals who have primary

28  hyperparathyroidism, and individuals who have a family history

29  of osteoporosis.

30         (b)  Any health insurance policy that covers an

31  employee of this state and that is issued, amended, delivered,


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 414

  1  or renewed in this state after October 1, 1998, must provide

  2  the coverage described in paragraph (a).

  3         (2)  In addition to the coverage required under

  4  subsection (1), any health insurance policy that covers a

  5  resident of this state, including, but not limited to, an

  6  employee of this state, and that is issued, amended,

  7  delivered, or renewed in this state after October 1, 1998,

  8  must provide coverage for bone-mass density tests for any

  9  individual for whom such a test or tests are recommended by a

10  physician.

11         (3)  This section does not apply to specified-accident,

12  specified-disease, hospital-indemnity, Medicare supplement, or

13  long-term-care health insurance policies or to the state

14  employee health insurance program.

15         Section 4.  Section 627.6691, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         627.6691  Coverage for osteoporosis screening,

18  diagnosis, treatment, and management.--

19         (1)(a)  Any group, blanket, or franchise health

20  insurance policy that covers a resident of this state and that

21  is issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this state after

22  October 1, 1996, must provide coverage for the medically

23  necessary diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis for

24  high-risk individuals, including, but not limited to,

25  estrogen-deficient individuals who are at clinical risk for

26  osteoporosis, individuals who have vertebral abnormalities,

27  individuals who are receiving long-term glucocorticoid

28  (steroid) therapy, individuals who have primary

29  hyperparathyroidism, and individuals who have a family history

30  of osteoporosis.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 414

  1         (b)  Any group, blanket, or franchise health insurance

  2  policy that covers an employee of this state and that is

  3  issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this state after

  4  October 1, 1998, must provide the coverage described in

  5  paragraph (a).

  6         (2)  In addition to the coverage required under

  7  subsection (1), any group, blanket, or franchise health

  8  insurance policy that covers a resident of this state,

  9  including, but not limited to, an employee of this state, and

10  that is issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this state

11  after October 1, 1998, must provide coverage for bone-mass

12  density tests for any individual for whom such a test or tests

13  are recommended by a physician.

14         (3)  This section does not apply to specified-accident,

15  specified-disease, hospital-indemnity, Medicare supplement, or

16  long-term-care health insurance policies or to the state

17  employee health insurance program.

18         Section 5.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1998.


20            *****************************************

21                          SENATE SUMMARY

22    Includes osteoporosis education in the instruction
      required for high school graduation. Expands the groups
23    targeted to receive educational materials under the
      osteoporosis prevention and education program to include
24    women of all ages. Expands required insurance coverage
      for osteoporosis-related matters to include coverage of
25    state employees and coverage for bone-mass density tests
      as specified.





