House Bill 4171

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4171

        By Representative Stabins

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Hernando County Law

  3         Library; amending ch. 65-1627, Laws of Florida,

  4         as amended; providing membership of the law

  5         library board; revising powers and duties of

  6         the board; providing for fees to fund the

  7         library; providing for determination of fee

  8         amounts; revising powers and duties of the

  9         board of county commissioners with respect to

10         the library; providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Sections 1-11 of chapter 65-1627, Laws of

15  Florida, as amended by section 1 of chapter 70-704, Laws of

16  Florida, are amended to read:

17         Section 1.  It is hereby declared that the proper

18  administration of justice and of the courts makes make it

19  desirable and necessary that there be available to the county

20  officials and the judges and officers of the several courts of

21  Hernando County a central and adequate law library, and the

22  establishment and maintenance of such central law library is a

23  public need and for a general county purpose.

24         Section 2.  There is hereby created and established in

25  Hernando County a central law library under the direction of

26  the law library board created by this act, to be located in

27  the courthouse of the said county for the use of county

28  officials and the judges and officers of the several courts of

29  the county., The library shall to be operated under such rules

30  and regulations as the law library board shall from time to

31  time adopts prescribe. All legitimate claims against the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4171


  1  county for the conduct and operation of the central law

  2  library shall be paid in the same manner as for the conduct

  3  and operation of the courts within the county from the fund

  4  hereinafter provided in this act.

  5         Section 3.  The law library board shall consist of

  6  three (3) practicing members of the Hernando County

  7  Brooksville Bar Association who shall be appointed by the

  8  Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County for an

  9  initial term of two 2 years, a the judge of the Fifth (5th)

10  Judicial Circuit court, elected from either Citrus, Hernando

11  or Sumter County, and a the county judge of Hernando County

12  and their successors in office. Thereafter, upon the

13  expiration of the terms of the members so appointed, successor

14  members shall be appointed for 4-year four (4) year terms. The

15  law library board shall have full power to purchase books and

16  library equipment on time payments or for cash and to enter

17  into binding contracts for purchase thereof. Three (3) members

18  of the board shall constitute a quorum. Vacancies occurring on

19  in the board shall be filled by appointment by the board of

20  county commissioners for the unexpired portion of the term.

21         Section 4.  The members of the library board shall meet

22  and organize within thirty 30 days after their appointment and

23  semiannually seminannually thereafter and shall elect one (1)

24  member chairman, another secretary, and another treasurer. The

25  duties of the officers shall be those usually pertaining to

26  such respective offices.

27         Section 5.  The law library board shall use fees

28  established by ordinance, and it has full power to purchase

29  books and library equipment on time payments or for cash and

30  to enter into binding contracts for such purchases. annual

31  expenditures of the public law library hereby created shall


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4171


  1  not exceed the revenues produced by this act in the preceeding

  2  year; provided that during the first (1st) year of its

  3  operation the expenditures may be up to fifteen hundred

  4  dollars ($1500.00).

  5         Section 6.  The law library board may is authorized to

  6  promulgate and adopt rules and regulations for the governing

  7  of the library.

  8         Section 7.  There is hereby levied a fee of five

  9  dollars ($5) for each civil and probate case, or suit, or

10  proceeding proceedings filed in the circuit and county courts

11  court of Hernando this County and for each ordinary probate

12  case filed in the probate court of this county to be paid at

13  the institution of such case, action, or proceeding. The

14  amount of the fee shall be established by ordinance.

15  Expenditures made by the library board hereby created out of

16  the library fund shall be paid from the library fund in

17  accordance with established policies in Hernando County out

18  upon the signature of its chairman, or in his absence the

19  vice-chairman, and countersigned by the secretary or

20  treasurer. The officers of the library board authorized to

21  sign and countersign checks shall be placed under approved

22  bond in the amount required by the board of county

23  commissioners.

24         Section 8.  The Board of County Commissioners of

25  Hernando County may either acquire and provide for the

26  maintenance and operation of the public law library hereby

27  created from existing established facilities or establish new

28  and independent facilities; provided that nothing herein shall

29  be construed as obligating the board of county commissioners

30  to expend any funds for such facilities except those received

31  by the provisions of this act.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4171


  1         Section 9.  The library hereby created, when

  2  established and organized in conformity with the provisions of

  3  this act, shall belong to and be the property of the Board of

  4  County Commissioners of Hernando County.

  5         Section 10.  The chairman of the law library board

  6  shall make annual reports to the Board of County Commissioners

  7  of Hernando County, giving such statistics and other

  8  information as may be requested by the board of county

  9  commissioners.

10         Section 11.  No profit from the operation of the

11  library or the facilities herein described in this act shall

12  inure to the County of Hernando County or any person, firm,

13  association, or corporation, or other organization.

14         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

15  law.
















