House Bill 4221c1

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        By the Committee on Agriculture and Representative

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to amusement rides; amending s.

  3         616.242, F.S.; providing safety standards for

  4         amusement rides; providing for owner

  5         responsibility; providing scope; providing

  6         definitions; requiring adoption of specified

  7         standards and rules; prohibiting the operation

  8         of amusement rides without a permit and

  9         affidavit of compliance; providing for testing

10         of amusement rides; requiring inspections;

11         providing fees; providing insurance

12         requirements; providing exemptions; prescribing

13         inspection standards for amusement rides;

14         authorizing employees of the Department of

15         Agriculture and Consumer Services to inspect

16         and investigate; requiring owners to inspect

17         amusement rides; providing for the training of

18         employees of amusement rides; prohibiting

19         specified bungy operations; providing fees;

20         providing for denial, suspension, and

21         revocation of permits and inspection

22         certificates; providing for issuance of orders,

23         enforcement, and penalties; providing for liens

24         for unpaid fees, fines, interest, and costs;

25         amending ss. 212.08, 570.46, 616.13, F.S.;

26         conforming provisions; providing an effective

27         date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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  1         Section 1.  Section 616.242, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         (Substantial rewording of section. See

  4         s. 616.242, F.S., for present text.)

  5         616.242  Safety standards for amusement rides.--

  6         (1)  OWNER RESPONSIBILITY.--The owner of an amusement

  7  ride, and each amusement ride, must meet at all times the

  8  requirements of this section and any rules adopted thereunder.

  9         (2)  SCOPE.--This section applies to all amusement

10  rides within this state unless exempt under subsection (10).

11         (3)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:

12         (a)  "Amusement ride" means any building, structure, or

13  mechanical device or combination thereof through which a

14  patron moves, walks, or is carried or conveyed on, along,

15  around, over, or through a fixed or restricted course or

16  within a defined area for the purpose of giving its patrons

17  amusement, pleasure, thrills, or excitement.

18         (b)  "Annual permit" means the United States Amusement

19  Identification Number and the numbered and dated decal issued

20  by the department, which signify that the amusement ride has

21  been permitted by the department.

22         (c)  "Bungy operation" means an amusement ride which

23  utilizes as a component a bungy cord which is an elastic rope

24  made of rubber, latex, or other elastic type materials whether

25  natural or synthetic.

26         (d)  "Go-kart" means an amusement ride vehicle

27  controlled or driven by patrons specifically designed for and

28  run on a fixed course.

29         (e)  "Inspection certificate" means the document issued

30  by the department, which indicates that the amusement ride has



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  1  undergone a recurring inspection by the department as required

  2  by this section.

  3         (f)  "Kiddie ride" means an amusement ride designed

  4  primarily for use by patrons up to 12 years of age.

  5         (g)  "Kiddie train" means a train designed as a kiddie

  6  ride which is operated on a flat surface or flat track,

  7  carries no more than 14 patrons, and does not exceed a speed

  8  of 3 miles per hour.

  9         (h)  "Major modification" means any change in either

10  the structural or operational characteristics of the amusement

11  ride which will alter its performance from that specified in

12  the manufacturer's design criteria.

13         (i)  "Manager" means a person having possession,

14  custody, or managerial control of an amusement ride, whether

15  as owner, lessee, agent, operator, attendant, or otherwise.

16         (j)  "Nondestructive testing" is the development and

17  application of technical methods, including, but not limited

18  to, radiographic, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, liquid

19  penetrant, electromagnetic, neutron radiographic, acoustic

20  emission, visual, and leak testing to examine materials or

21  components in ways that do not impair the future usefulness

22  and serviceability in order to detect, locate, measure, and

23  evaluate discontinuities, defects, and other imperfections; to

24  assess integrity, properties, and composition; and to measure

25  geometrical characters.

26         (k)  "Owner" means the person exercising ultimate

27  dominion and control over an amusement ride.

28         (l)  "Patron" means any person who is in the immediate

29  vicinity of an amusement ride, getting on or off, or entering

30  or exiting  an amusement ride, or using an amusement ride. The

31  term does not include employees, agents, or servants of the


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  1  owner while they are engaged in the duties of their

  2  employment.

  3         (m)  "Permanent amusement ride" means an amusement ride

  4  that is not regularly relocated.

  5         (n)  "Permanent facility" means a location or place

  6  from which amusement rides are not regularly relocated and at

  7  which such rides operate as a lasting part of the premises.

  8         (o)  "Private event" means an event that is not open to

  9  the general public and where no admission is charged.

10         (p)  "Professional engineer" means a person who holds a

11  valid license as a professional engineer issued by the

12  Department of Business and Professional Regulation or by an

13  equivalent licensing body in another state.

14         (q)  "Qualified inspector" means an employee or agent

15  of an insurance underwriter of an amusement ride who documents

16  to the department in a manner established by rule of the

17  department the following qualifications:

18         1.  A minimum of 5 years' experience in the amusement

19  ride field, at least 2 years of which were involved in actual

20  amusement ride inspection with a manufacturer, government

21  agency, park, carnival, or insurance underwriter;

22         2.  The completion of 32 hours per year of continuing

23  education at a school approved by rule of the department,

24  which includes inservice industry or manufacturer updates and

25  seminars; and

26         3.  At least 80 hours of formal education during the

27  past 5 years from a school approved by rule of the department

28  for amusement ride safety. Nondestructive-testing training, as

29  determined by rule of the department, may be substituted for

30  up to one-half of the 80 hours of education.



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  1         (r)  "Simulator" means any amusement ride that is a

  2  self-contained unit requiring little or no assembly and that

  3  uses a motion picture simulation, along with a mechanical

  4  movement, to simulate activities that provide amusement or

  5  excitement for the patron.

  6         (s)  "Temporary amusement ride" means an amusement ride

  7  that is regularly relocated, with or without disassembly.

  8         (t)  "Water park" means a permanent facility with one

  9  or more amusement rides that totally or partially immerse a

10  patron in water.


12         (a)  The department shall adopt, by rule, standards for

13  amusement rides which are the same as or similar to the

14  following national standards:

15         1.  American Society for Testing and Materials

16  Committee F-24 Standards on Amusement Rides and Devices.

17         2.  National Electric Code Handbook, Article 525.

18         3.  National Fire Protection Code 101 (chapters 8-4.6

19  and 9-4.6).

20         4.  ASTM Standards: E543 Practice for Determining the

21  Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Agencies.

22         5.  ASNT Document Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A

23  Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive

24  Testing.

25         (b)  The department may adopt rules necessary to

26  effectuate the statutory duties of the department in the

27  interest of public health, safety, and welfare and to promote

28  patron safety in the design, construction, assembly,

29  disassembly, maintenance, and operation of amusement rides in

30  this state.



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  1         (c)  The Legislature finds that go-karts, amusement

  2  rides at water parks, and bungy operations are amusement rides

  3  that, because of their unique nature, pose safety risks to

  4  patrons distinct from other amusement rides.  Therefore, the

  5  department shall adopt rules regulating their safe use and

  6  operation and establish safety standards and inspection

  7  requirements in addition to those required by this section or

  8  other rule of the department.

  9         (d)  The Legislature finds that, as a result of

10  accidents or other unforeseen events, circumstances may arise

11  requiring additional safety standards for the protection of

12  patrons of amusement rides, and therefore the department may

13  adopt rules to address the circumstances that may arise

14  following an accident or unforeseen event.

15         (5)  ANNUAL PERMIT.--

16         (a)  An amusement ride may not be operated without a

17  current annual permit.

18         (b)  To apply for an annual permit an owner must submit

19  to the department a written application on a form prescribed

20  by rule of the department, which must include the following:

21         1.  The legal name, address, and primary place of

22  business of the owner.

23         2.  A description, manufacturer's name, serial number,

24  model number and, if previously assigned, the United States

25  Amusement Identification Number of the amusement ride.

26         3.  A valid certificate of insurance or bond for each

27  amusement ride.

28         4.  An affidavit of compliance that the amusement ride

29  was inspected in person by the affiant and that the amusement

30  ride is in general compliance with the requirements of this

31  section and all applicable rules adopted by the department.


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  1  The affidavit must be executed by a professional engineer or a

  2  qualified inspector no earlier than 60 days before the date of

  3  the filing of the application with the department.

  4         5.  If required by subsection (6), an affidavit of

  5  nondestructive testing dated and executed no earlier than 60

  6  days prior to the date of the filing of the application with

  7  the department.

  8         6.  A request for inspection.

  9         7.  A copy of the manufacturer's current recommended

10  operating instructions in the possession of the owner, the

11  owner's operating fact sheet, and any written bulletins in the

12  possession of the owner concerning the safety, operation, or

13  maintenance of the amusement ride.

14         (c)  An annual permit must be issued by the department

15  to the owner of an amusement ride when a completed application

16  has been received, the amusement ride has passed the

17  department's inspection, and all applicable fees, as set by

18  rule of the department, have been paid.

19         (d)  The annual permit is valid for 1 year from the

20  date of issue and is not transferable.

21         (e)  The annual permit must be displayed on the

22  amusement ride in a place visible to patrons of the amusement

23  ride.

24         (f)  Each go-kart track at the same permanent facility

25  is considered a separate amusement ride.

26         (g)  Amusement rides at water parks which operate from

27  the same deck or level are considered one amusement ride.


29         (a)  Except as provided in paragraph (d), an owner may

30  not operate an amusement ride unless the owner has at all

31  times a current affidavit of nondestructive testing from a


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  1  professional engineer or qualified inspector that the

  2  amusement ride has undergone nondestructive testing for metal

  3  fatigue at least annually. The nondestructive testing for

  4  metal fatigue must be conducted more often than annually, if

  5  required by any rule adopted under this section, by the

  6  manufacturer of the amusement ride or by the professional

  7  engineer or qualified inspector executing the affidavit of

  8  nondestructive testing. The nondestructive testing for metal

  9  fatigue must consist at least of visual nondestructive

10  testing; in addition, nonvisual nondestructive testing for

11  metal fatigue must be conducted on the components of the

12  amusement ride as required by any rule adopted under this

13  section, by the manufacturer of the amusement ride, or by the

14  professional engineer or qualified inspector executing the

15  affidavit of nondestructive testing.

16         (b)  Nondestructive testings must be performed by a

17  technician who meets the requirements of subparagraphs

18  (4)(a)4. and 5.

19         (c)  An affidavit of nondestructive testing must state:

20         1.  That the amusement ride was inspected in person by

21  the affiant.

22         2.  That all nondestructive testing requirements are

23  current.

24         3.  That the nondestructive testing was performed by a

25  qualified nondestructive testing technician.

26         4.  The components of the amusement ride for which the

27  manufacturer has recommended or required nondestructive

28  testing.

29         5.  The type of nondestructive testing required or

30  recommended by the manufacturer.



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  1         6.  The frequency of the nondestructive testing

  2  required or recommended by the manufacturer.

  3         7.  The components of the amusement ride for which the

  4  affiant has recommended or required nondestructive testing.

  5         8.  The type of nondestructive testing required or

  6  recommended by the affiant.

  7         9.  The frequency of the nondestructive testing as

  8  required or recommended by the affiant.

  9         10.  That visual nondestructive testing is adequate for

10  the amusement ride to be in general conformance with the

11  requirements of this section, and all applicable rules, if

12  only visual nondestructive testing is required or recommended

13  by either the manufacturer or the affiant.

14         (d)  Nondestructive testing is not required for fun

15  houses, houses of mirrors, haunted houses, mazes, wave pools,

16  wave-making devices, kiddie pools, slides that are fully

17  supported by an earthen mound, nonmotorized playground

18  equipment that requires a manager, or lazy-river-type

19  nonmotorized floating carriers propelled by water.


21         (a)  In order to obtain an annual permit, an amusement

22  ride must be inspected by the department in accordance with

23  subsection (11) and receive an inspection certificate. In

24  addition, each permanent amusement ride must be inspected

25  semiannually by the department in accordance with subsection

26  (11) and receive an inspection certificate, and each temporary

27  amusement ride must be inspected by the department in

28  accordance with subsection (11), and must receive an

29  inspection certificate each time the ride is set up or moved

30  to a new location in this state unless the temporary amusement

31  ride is:


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  1         1.  Used at a private event;

  2         2.  Used at a public event when there are no more than

  3  three amusement rides at the event, and the capacity of each

  4  amusement ride at the event does not exceed eight persons;

  5         3.  A simulator, the capacity of which does not exceed

  6  16 persons; or

  7         4.  A kiddie train used at a public event if there are

  8  no more than three amusement rides at the event.

  9         (b)  To obtain a department inspection for an amusement

10  ride, the owner must submit to the department on a form

11  prescribed by rule of the department a written request for

12  inspection. The owner must provide the following information

13  to the department:

14         1.  The legal name, address, and primary place of

15  business of the owner.

16         2.  A description, manufacturer's name, serial number,

17  model number, and the United States Amusement Identification

18  Number, if previously assigned, of the amusement ride.

19         3.  For a temporary amusement ride, for each time the

20  amusement ride is set up or moved to a new location, the date

21  of first intended use at the new location and the address or a

22  description of the new location.

23         (c)  For permanent amusement rides, the request for

24  inspection must be received by the department at least 15 days

25  before the owner's planned opening date or at least 15 days

26  before the expiration of the prior inspection certificate.  If

27  the request for inspection is received less than 15 days

28  before the owner's planned opening date or less than 15 days

29  before the expiration of the prior inspection certificate, the

30  department may nevertheless inspect the amusement ride and

31  charge a late fee, as set by rule of the department.


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  1         (d)  For temporary amusement rides, the request for

  2  inspection must be received by the department for each time

  3  the amusement ride is set up or moved to a new location at

  4  least 15 days before the date of first intended use at the new

  5  location.  If the request for inspection is received less than

  6  15 days before the date of first intended use at the new

  7  location, the department may nevertheless inspect the

  8  amusement ride and charge a late fee, as set by rule of the

  9  department.

10         (e)  Inspections will be assigned on a first-come,

11  first-served basis, and overflow requests will be scheduled on

12  the closest date to the date for which the inspection was

13  requested.

14         (f)  Upon failure of an amusement ride to pass any

15  department inspection, the owner may request reinspection

16  which shall be submitted in writing to the department on a

17  form prescribed by rule of the department. The department

18  shall reinspect the amusement ride as soon as practical

19  following receipt of the written request for reinspection and

20  any applicable reinspection fees set by rule of the

21  department. Inspections will be assigned on a first-come,

22  first-served basis, and the overflow requests will be

23  scheduled on the closest date to the date for which the

24  inspection was requested.

25         (g)  If the amusement ride passes inspection and the

26  owner pays the applicable fee set by rule of the department,

27  the department shall issue an inspection certificate on a form

28  prescribed by rule of the department.

29         (h)  The inspection certificate must contain the date

30  of inspection, the site of the inspection, and the name of the

31  inspector.


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  1         (i)  The inspection certificate is valid only for the

  2  site stated on the inspection certificate. The inspection

  3  certificate is valid for a period of not more than 6 months

  4  from the date of issuance, and is not transferable.

  5         (j)  The inspection certificate must be displayed on

  6  the amusement ride at a place readily visible to patrons of

  7  the amusement ride.

  8         (k)  If the owner fails to timely cancel a request for

  9  inspection, requests holiday or weekend inspections, or is

10  required to have a replacement USAID plate issued by the

11  department, the owner may be charged an appropriate fee to be

12  set by rule of the department.

13         (8)  FEES.--

14         (a)  The department shall by rule establish fees to

15  cover 100 percent of all costs and expenditures associated

16  with the Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection, including all direct

17  costs, all indirect costs, and all division, data center and

18  administrative overhead. The fees must be deposited in the

19  General Inspection Trust Fund.

20         (b)  Any owner of an amusement ride who has not paid

21  all the fees required under this section or who has any unpaid

22  fine outstanding under this section may not operate any

23  amusement ride in this state until the fees and fines have

24  been paid to the department.


26         (a)  An owner may not operate an amusement ride unless

27  the owner has in effect at all times of operation insurance

28  meeting the following requirements:

29         1.  An insurance policy in an amount of not less than

30  $1 million per occurrence, $1 million in the aggregate, which

31  insures the owner of the amusement ride against liability for


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  1  injury to persons arising out of the use of the amusement

  2  ride; or

  3         2.  A bond in a like amount; however, the aggregate

  4  liability of the surety under the bond may not exceed the face

  5  amount thereof.

  6         (b)  The policy or bond must be procured from an

  7  insurer or surety that is licensed to transact business in

  8  this state or that is approved as a surplus lines insurer.

  9         (10)  EXEMPTIONS.--

10         (a)  This section does not apply to:

11         1.  Permanent facilities that employ at least 1,000

12  full-time employees and that maintain full-time, in-house

13  safety inspectors.

14         2.  Any playground operated by a school, local

15  government, or business licensed under chapter 509, if the

16  playground is an incidental amenity and the operating entity

17  is not primarily engaged in providing amusement, pleasure,

18  thrills, or excitement.

19         3.  Museums or other institutions principally devoted

20  to the exhibition of products of agriculture, industry,

21  education, science, religion, or the arts.

22         4.  Conventions or trade shows for the sale or exhibit

23  of amusement rides if there are a minimum of 15 amusement

24  rides on display or exhibition, and if any operation of such

25  amusement rides is limited to the registered attendees of the

26  convention or trade show.

27         5.  Skating rinks, arcades, laser or paint ball war

28  games, bowling alleys, miniature golf courses, mechanical

29  bulls, inflatable rides, trampolines, ball crawls, exercise

30  equipment, jet skis, paddle boats, air boats, helicopters,

31  airplanes, parasails, hot air or helium balloons whether


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  1  tethered or untethered, theatres, batting cages, stationary

  2  spring-mounted fixtures, rider-propelled merry-go-rounds,

  3  games, side shows, live animal rides, or live animal shows.

  4         6.  Go-karts operated in competitive sporting events if

  5  participation is not open to the public.

  6         7.  Nonmotorized playground equipment that is not

  7  required to have a manager.

  8         8.  Coin-actuated amusement rides designed to be

  9  operated by depositing coins, tokens, credit cards, debit

10  cards, bills, or other cash money and which are not required

11  to have a manager, and which have a capacity of six persons or

12  less.

13         (b)  The department may, by rule, establish exemptions

14  from this section for nonmotorized or human-powered amusement

15  rides or coin-actuated amusement rides.

16         (11)  INSPECTION STANDARDS.--An amusement ride must

17  conform to and must be inspected by the department in

18  accordance with the following standards:

19         (a)  All mechanical, structural, and electrical

20  components that affect patron safety must be in good working

21  order.

22         (b)  All control devices, speed-limiting devices,

23  brakes, and safety equipment designated by the manufacturer

24  must be in good working order.

25         (c)  Parts must be properly aligned, and they may not

26  be bent, distorted, cut, or otherwise injured to force a fit.

27  Parts requiring lubrication must be lubricated in the course

28  of assembly. Fastening and locking devices must be installed

29  where required for safe operation.

30         (d)  Before being used by the public, an amusement ride

31  must be placed or secured with blocking, cribbing, outriggers,


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  1  guys, or other means so as to be stable under all operating

  2  conditions.

  3         (e)  Areas in which patrons may be endangered by the

  4  operation of an amusement ride must be fenced, barricaded, or

  5  otherwise effectively guarded against inadvertent contact.

  6         (f)  Machinery used in or with an amusement ride must

  7  be enclosed, barricaded, or otherwise effectively guarded

  8  against inadvertent contact.

  9         (g)  An amusement ride powered so as to be capable of

10  exceeding its maximum safe operating speed must be provided

11  with a maximum-speed-limiting device.

12         (h)  The interior and exterior parts of all

13  patron-carrying amusement rides with which a patron may come

14  in contact must be smooth and rounded and free from sharp,

15  rough, or splintered edges and corners, with no projecting

16  studs, bolts, screws, or other projections which might cause

17  injury.

18         (i)  All amusement rides must comply with this section

19  and the rules adopted hereunder.

20         (12)  MAJOR MODIFICATION.--After an amusement ride has

21  undergone a major modification, and prior to the time it is

22  placed in operation, a professional engineer licensed by the

23  state in which the certification is performed must certify

24  that the amusement ride is in compliance with this section and

25  all rules adopted pursuant thereto.


27  presentation of identification, an authorized employee of the

28  department may enter unannounced and inspect amusement rides

29  at any time and in a reasonable manner and has the right to

30  question any owner or manager; to inspect, investigate,

31  photograph, and sample all pertinent places, areas, and


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  1  devices; and to conduct or have conducted all appropriate

  2  tests including nondestructive testing.



  5         (a)  Any accident of which the owner or manager has

  6  knowledge or, through the exercise of reasonable diligence,

  7  should have knowledge, and for which a patron is transported

  8  to a hospital, as defined in chapter 395, must be reported by

  9  the owner or manager to the department by telephone or

10  facsimile within 4 hours after the occurrence of the accident.

11  A written report of the accident, on a form prescribed by rule

12  of the department, must be filed by the owner or manager with

13  the department within 24 hours after the accident.

14         (b)  Any mechanical, structural, or electrical defects

15  affecting patron safety for which an amusement ride is closed

16  to patron use for more than 4 hours must be reported by the

17  owner or manager to the department by telephone or facsimile

18  within 8 hours after the closing of the ride. A written report

19  of the closing of the ride, on a form prescribed by rule of

20  the department, must be filed by the owner or manager with the

21  department within 24 hours after the closing of the amusement

22  ride.

23         (c)  Each permanent facility, as defined in paragraph

24  (3)(n), must file with the department by March 1 of each year

25  a written report, on a form prescribed by rule of the

26  department, of any mechanical, structural, or electrical

27  defects affecting patron safety for which an amusement ride

28  was closed for patron use for a period of time in excess of 4

29  hours which occurred during the previous calendar year, and

30  any accident, of which the owner or manager had knowledge, or

31  through the exercise of reasonable diligence should have had


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  1  knowledge, in which a patron was transported to a hospital, as

  2  defined in chapter 395, which occurred during the previous

  3  calendar year.

  4         (d)  The department may impound an amusement ride

  5  involved in an accident for which a patron is transported to a

  6  hospital, as defined in chapter 395, or which has a

  7  mechanical, structural, or electrical defect affecting patron

  8  safety, and may impound any other amusement ride of a similar

  9  make and model, and may perform all necessary tests to

10  determine the cause of the accident or the mechanical,

11  structural, or electrical defect, or to determine the safety

12  of the amusement ride and any other amusement ride of a

13  similar make and model. The cost of impounding the amusement

14  ride and performing the necessary tests must be borne by the

15  owner of the amusement ride.

16         (15)  INSPECTION BY OWNER OR MANAGER.--Prior to opening

17  on each day of operation and prior to any inspection by the

18  department, the owner or manager of an amusement ride must

19  inspect and test the amusement ride to ensure compliance with

20  all requirements of this section. Each inspection must be

21  recorded on a form prescribed by rule of the department and

22  signed by the person who conducted the inspection. Inspection

23  records of the last 14 daily inspections must be kept on site

24  by the owner or manager and made immediately available to the

25  department upon request.

26         (16)  TRAINING OF EMPLOYEES.--The owner or manager of

27  any amusement ride shall maintain a record of employee

28  training for each employee authorized to operate, assemble,

29  disassemble, transport, or conduct maintenance on an amusement

30  ride, on a form prescribed by rule of the department. The

31  training record must be kept on site by the owner or manager


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  1  and made immediately available to the department upon request.

  2  Training may not be conducted when an amusement ride is open

  3  to the public unless the training is conducted under the

  4  supervision of an employee who is trained in the operation of

  5  that ride. The owner or manager shall certify that each

  6  employee is trained, as required by this section and any rules

  7  adopted thereunder, on the amusement ride for which the

  8  employee is responsible.


10  following bungy operations are prohibited:

11         (a)  A bungy operation conducted with balloons, blimps,

12  helicopters, or other aircraft.

13         (b)  Sand bagging, which is the practice of holding

14  onto any object, including another person, while bungy

15  jumping, for the purpose of exerting more force on the bungy

16  cord to stretch it further, and then releasing the object

17  during the jump causing the jumper to rebound with more force

18  than could be created by the jumper's weight alone.

19         (c)  Tandem or multiple bungy jumping.

20         (d)  Bungy jumping from any bridge, overpass, or any

21  other structure not specifically designed as an amusement

22  ride.

23         (18)  IMMEDIATE FINAL ORDERS.--

24         (a)  An amusement ride that fails to meet the

25  requirements of this section or pass the inspections required

26  by this section, or an amusement ride that is involved in an

27  accident for which a patron is transported to a hospital as

28  defined in chapter 395, or an amusement ride that has a

29  mechanical, structural, or electrical defect that affects

30  patron safety may be considered an immediate serious danger to

31  public health, safety, and welfare and, upon issuance of an


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  1  immediate final order prohibiting patron use of the ride, may

  2  not be operated for patron use until it has passed a

  3  subsequent inspection by or at the direction of the

  4  department.

  5         (b)  An amusement ride of a similar make and model to

  6  an amusement ride described in paragraph (a) may be considered

  7  an immediate serious danger to the public health, safety, and

  8  welfare and, upon issuance of an immediate final order

  9  prohibiting patron use of the ride, may not be operated for

10  patron use until it has passed a subsequent inspection by or

11  at the direction of the department.


13         (a)  The department may deny, suspend for a period not

14  to exceed 1 year, or revoke any permit or inspection

15  certificate. In addition to denial, suspension, or revocation,

16  the department may impose an administrative fine of up to

17  $5000 per violation, per day, against the owner of the

18  amusement ride if it finds that:

19         1.  An amusement ride has operated or is operating:

20         a.  With a mechanical, structural, or electrical defect

21  that affects patron safety, of which the owner or manager has

22  knowledge, or, through the exercise of reasonable diligence,

23  should have knowledge;

24         b.  In a manner or circumstance that presents a risk of

25  serious injury to patrons;

26         c.  At a speed in excess of its maximum safe operating

27  speed;

28         d.  In violation of this section or any rule adopted

29  under this section; or

30         e.  In violation of any order of the department or

31  order of any court.


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  1         2.  Any manager in the course of his or her duties is

  2  under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  3         (b)  The department shall, in its order suspending a

  4  permit or inspection certificate, specify the period during

  5  which the suspension is effective; but such period may not

  6  exceed 1 year.  The permit or inspection certificate shall

  7  remain suspended during the period so specified, subject,

  8  however, to any rescission or modification of the order by the

  9  department, or modification or reversal thereof by the court,

10  prior to expiration of the suspension period.

11         (c)  The owner of an amusement ride, if the permit or

12  inspection certificate for the amusement ride has been revoked

13  by the department, may not apply for another permit or

14  inspection certificate for the amusement ride within 2 years

15  after the date of such revocation. If judicial review is

16  sought and a stay of the revocation is obtained, the owner may

17  not apply for another permit or inspection certificate within

18  2 years after the final order of the court sustaining the

19  revocation.

20         (d)  During the period of suspension or revocation of a

21  permit or inspection certificate, the owner may not engage in

22  or attempt to engage in any operation of the amusement ride

23  for which a permit or inspection certificate is required under

24  this section.

25         (e)  When a suspension period imposed by the department

26  has expired, an owner whose annual permit or inspection

27  certificate has expired may reapply for a new permit or

28  inspection certificate by submitting a complete application to

29  the department.

30         (f)  In addition to the remedies provided in this

31  section, and notwithstanding the existence of any adequate


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  1  remedy at law, the department may bring an action to enjoin

  2  the violation of any provision of this section, or rules

  3  adopted under this section, in the circuit court of the county

  4  in which the violation occurs or is about to occur. Upon

  5  competent and substantial evidence presented by the department

  6  to the court of the violation or threatened violation, the

  7  court must immediately issue the temporary or permanent

  8  injunction sought by the department. The injunction must be

  9  issued without bond.

10         (g)  In addition to the penalties authorized to be

11  imposed for any violation of this section or any rule adopted

12  under this section, the department may issue a letter of

13  warning to the owner of the amusement ride specifying the

14  violation and directing the owner to immediately correct the

15  violation.

16         (h)  Any person who knowingly violates any provision of

17  this section commits a misdemeanor of the second degree,

18  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

19         (20)  LIENS.--

20         (a)1.  All fees, fines, interest, and costs levied or

21  assessed by the department against the owner of an amusement

22  ride or rides and not paid by the owner shall constitute and

23  operate as a lien in favor of the department.  The lien shall

24  arise as of the time the fees, fines, interest, and costs

25  become due and payable and shall cover all real and personal

26  property owned by the owner from the date the lien arises

27  until paid.  The lien shall secure all unpaid fees, fines,

28  interest, and costs which are due and which may accrue

29  subsequent to the recording of the claim of lien and prior to

30  the entry of a final judgment of foreclosure.  The lien may be

31  recorded in the public records of any county where the owner


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  1  owns real or personal property and shall state the name of the

  2  owner and the amount due.

  3         2.  The department may enforce the lien upon real

  4  property in the manner in which a mortgage of real property is

  5  foreclosed.  The lien may also be enforced against personal

  6  property in the manner provided for the enforcement of other

  7  liens on personal property in this state.  Enforcement of a

  8  lien for fees, fines, interests, and costs shall not operate

  9  as a waiver of any other remedies available to the department,

10  including an action to recover a money judgment for the unpaid

11  fees, fines, interest, and costs, or enforcement of the lien

12  provided in paragraph (b).

13         (b)1.  In addition to the lien provided in subparagraph

14  (a)1., the department shall have a special lien on all

15  amusement rides owned by the owner. Notwithstanding any

16  provisions under chapter 697 to the contrary, any special lien

17  on amusement rides for fees, fines, interest, and costs, shall

18  have equal dignity and the same priority as liens for taxes in

19  favor of the state as described in s. 197.122.  The special

20  lien shall arise as of the time the fees, fines, interest, and

21  costs become due and payable and shall cover all amusement

22  rides owned by the owner from the date the lien arises until

23  paid.  The lien shall secure all unpaid fees, fines, interest,

24  and costs which are due and which may accrue prior to the

25  enforcement of the lien.

26         2.  The department may provide notice of a claim of

27  lien to potential buyers by tagging all amusement rides owned

28  by the owner as being subject to a lien or by mailing a copy

29  of a claim of the lien.  The claim of lien shall state the

30  name of the owner, the date or dates of the unpaid fees,

31  fines, interest, and costs, and the amount that is due.


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  1         3.  The special lien on all amusement rides owned by

  2  the owner may be enforced in the manner provided for the

  3  enforcement of other liens on personal property in this state.

  4  The lien shall also extend to the proceeds of a sale of any

  5  amusement ride owned by the owner to a buyer.  If a buyer has

  6  not received written notice of the lien and the amusement

  7  rides are not tagged, then such buyer takes free of the lien.

  8  A buyer of amusement rides other than a person buying the

  9  amusement ride or rides from the owner takes free of the lien

10  created by this paragraph.  Nothing in this paragraph shall be

11  construed to operate as a waiver of other remedies available

12  to the department for unpaid fees, fines, interest, or costs,

13  including an action to recover a money judgment for the unpaid

14  fees, fines, interest, or costs, or enforcement of the lien

15  provided in subparagraph (a)2.

16         Section 2.  Paragraph (jj) of subsection (7) of section

17  212.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         212.08  Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution,

19  and storage tax; specified exemptions.--The sale at retail,

20  the rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and

21  the storage to be used or consumed in this state of the

22  following are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed

23  by this chapter.


25         (jj)  Fair associations.--Also exempt from the tax

26  imposed by this chapter is the sale, use, lease, rental, or

27  grant of a license to use, made directly to or by a fair

28  association, of real or tangible personal property; any charge

29  made by a fair association, or its agents, for parking,

30  admissions, or for temporary parking of vehicles used for

31  sleeping quarters; rentals, subleases, and sublicenses of real


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  1  or tangible personal property between the owner of the central

  2  amusement attraction and any owner of an amusement ride

  3  devices and amusement attractions, as those terms are used in

  4  ss. 616.15(1)(b) and 616.242(3)(a) and (i), for the furnishing

  5  of amusement rides devices and amusement attractions at a

  6  public fair or exposition; and other transactions of a fair

  7  association which are incurred directly by the fair

  8  association in the financing, construction, and operation of a

  9  fair, exposition, or other event or facility that is

10  authorized by s. 616.08. As used in this paragraph, the terms

11  "fair association" and "public fair or exposition" have the

12  same meaning as those terms are defined in s. 616.001. This

13  exemption does not apply to the sale of tangible personal

14  property made by a fair association through an agent or

15  independent contractor; sales of admissions and tangible

16  personal property by a concessionaire, vendor, exhibitor, or

17  licensee; or rentals and subleases of tangible personal

18  property or real property between the owner of the central

19  amusement attraction and a concessionaire, vendor, exhibitor,

20  or licensee, except for the furnishing of amusement rides

21  devices or amusement attractions, which transactions are

22  exempt.

23         Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 570.46, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         570.46  Division of Standards; powers and duties.--The

26  duties of the Division of Standards include, but are not

27  limited to:

28         (4)  Administering the provisions of chapter 616

29  relating to amusement rides device inspections, inspection

30  fees, and safety requirements at public fairs and expositions,



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  1  carnivals, festivals, celebrations, bazaars, permanent

  2  facilities, and parking lot still dates.

  3         Section 4.  Section 616.13, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         616.13  Licenses upon shows within 5 miles of

  6  fair.--Every person engaged in the business of providing

  7  temporary amusement rides devices and amusement attractions

  8  within 5 miles of and within 30 days before or during any

  9  public fair or exposition being operated by a fair

10  association, when not operating in connection with that fair

11  or exposition, shall pay a license tax of $1,000 per day.

12         Section 5.  This act shall take effect October 1 of the

13  year in which enacted.


















