CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Stafford offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  Section 782.04, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         782.04  Murder.--

20         (1)(a)  The unlawful killing of a human being:

21         1.  When perpetrated from a premeditated design to

22  effect the death of the person killed or any human being; or

23         2.  When committed by a person engaged in the

24  perpetration of, or in the attempt to perpetrate, any:

25         a.  Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),

26         b.  Arson,

27         c.  Sexual battery,

28         d.  Robbery,

29         e.  Burglary,

30         f.  Kidnapping,

31         g.  Escape,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         h.  Aggravated child abuse,

 2         i.  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

 3  adult,

 4         j.  Aircraft piracy,

 5         k.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

 6  destructive device or bomb,

 7         l.  Carjacking,

 8         m.  Home-invasion robbery,

 9         n.  Aggravated stalking, or

10         o.  Murder of another human being; or

11         3.  Which resulted from the unlawful distribution of

12  any substance controlled under s. 893.03(1), cocaine as

13  described in s. 893.03(2)(a)4., or opium or any synthetic or

14  natural salt, compound, derivative, or preparation of opium by

15  a person 18 years of age or older, when such drug is proven to

16  be the proximate cause of the death of the user,


18  is murder in the first degree and constitutes a capital

19  felony, punishable as provided in s. 775.082.

20         (b)  In all cases under this section, the procedure set

21  forth in s. 921.141 shall be followed in order to determine

22  sentence of death or life imprisonment.

23         (2)  The unlawful killing of a human being, when

24  perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and

25  evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although

26  without any premeditated design to effect the death of any

27  particular individual, is murder in the second degree and

28  constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by

29  imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as

30  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

31         (3)  When a person is killed in the perpetration of, or


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  in the attempt to perpetrate, any:

 2         (a)  Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),

 3         (b)  Arson,

 4         (c)  Sexual battery,

 5         (d)  Robbery,

 6         (e)  Burglary,

 7         (f)  Kidnapping,

 8         (g)  Escape,

 9         (h)  Aggravated child abuse,

10         (i)  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

11  adult,

12         (j)  Aircraft piracy,

13         (k)  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

14  destructive device or bomb,

15         (l)  Carjacking,

16         (m)  Home-invasion robbery, or

17         (n)  Aggravated stalking, or

18         (o)  Murder of another human being,


20  by a person other than the person engaged in the perpetration

21  of or in the attempt to perpetrate such felony, the person

22  perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate such felony is guilty

23  of murder in the second degree, which constitutes a felony of

24  the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of

25  years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s.

26  775.083, or s. 775.084.

27         (4)  The unlawful killing of a human being, when

28  perpetrated without any design to effect death, by a person

29  engaged in the perpetration of, or in the attempt to

30  perpetrate, any felony other than any:

31         (a)  Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (b)  Arson,

 2         (c)  Sexual battery,

 3         (d)  Robbery,

 4         (e)  Burglary,

 5         (f)  Kidnapping,

 6         (g)  Escape,

 7         (h)  Aggravated child abuse,

 8         (i)  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

 9  adult,

10         (j)  Aircraft piracy,

11         (k)  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

12  destructive device or bomb,

13         (l)  Unlawful distribution of any substance controlled

14  under s. 893.03(1), cocaine as described in s. 893.03(2)(a)4.,

15  or opium or any synthetic or natural salt, compound,

16  derivative, or preparation of opium by a person 18 years of

17  age or older, when such drug is proven to be the proximate

18  cause of the death of the user,

19         (m)  Carjacking,

20         (n)  Home-invasion robbery, or

21         (o)  Aggravated stalking, or

22         (p)  Murder of another human being,


24  is murder in the third degree and constitutes a felony of the

25  second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.

26  775.083, or s. 775.084.

27         Section 2.  For the purpose of incorporating the

28  amendment made by this act to section 782.04, Florida

29  Statutes, in references thereto, paragraph (d) of subsection

30  (1) of section 39.464, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

31         39.464  Grounds for termination of parental rights.--


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (1)  The department, the guardian ad litem, a licensed

 2  child-placing agency, or any person who has knowledge of the

 3  facts alleged or who is informed of said facts and believes

 4  that they are true, may petition for the termination of

 5  parental rights under any of the following circumstances:

 6         (d)  When the parent of a child is incarcerated in a

 7  state or federal correctional institution and:

 8         1.  The period of time for which the parent is expected

 9  to be incarcerated will constitute a substantial portion of

10  the period of time before the child will attain the age of 18

11  years;

12         2.  The incarcerated parent has been determined by the

13  court to be a violent career criminal as defined in s.

14  775.084, a habitual violent felony offender as defined in s.

15  775.084, or a sexual predator as defined in s. 775.21; has

16  been convicted of first degree or second degree murder in

17  violation of s. 782.04 or a sexual battery that constitutes a

18  capital, life, or first degree felony violation of s. 794.011;

19  or has been convicted of an offense in another jurisdiction

20  which is substantially similar to one of the offenses listed

21  in this paragraph.  As used in this section, the term

22  "substantially similar offense" means any offense that is

23  substantially similar in elements and penalties to one of

24  those listed in this paragraph, and that is in violation of a

25  law of any other jurisdiction, whether that of another state,

26  the District of Columbia, the United States or any possession

27  or territory thereof, or any foreign jurisdiction; and

28         3.  The court determines by clear and convincing

29  evidence that continuing the parental relationship with the

30  incarcerated parent would be harmful to the child and, for

31  this reason, that termination of the parental rights of the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  incarcerated parent is in the best interest of the child.

 2         Section 3.  For the purpose of incorporating the

 3  amendment made by this act to section 782.04, Florida

 4  Statutes, in references thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection

 5  (2) of section 435.03, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

 6         435.03  Level 1 screening standards.--

 7         (2)  Any person for whom employment screening is

 8  required by statute must not have been found guilty of,

 9  regardless of adjudication, or entered a plea of nolo

10  contendere or guilty to, any offense prohibited under any of

11  the following provisions of the Florida Statutes or under any

12  similar statute of another jurisdiction:

13         (b)  Section 782.04, relating to murder.

14         Section 4.  For the purpose of incorporating the

15  amendment made by this act to section 782.04, Florida

16  Statutes, in references thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection

17  (2) of section 435.04, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

18         435.04  Level 2 screening standards.--

19         (2)  The security background investigations under this

20  section must ensure that no persons subject to the provisions

21  of this section have been found guilty of, regardless of

22  adjudication, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty

23  to, any offense prohibited under any of the following

24  provisions of the Florida Statutes or under any similar

25  statute of another jurisdiction:

26         (b)  Section 782.04, relating to murder.

27         Section 5.  For the purpose of incorporating the

28  amendment made by this act to section 782.04, Florida

29  Statutes, in references thereto, subsections (1) and (2) of

30  section 775.0823, Florida Statutes, as amended by section 11

31  of chapter 97-194, Laws of Florida, are reenacted to read:


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         775.0823  Violent offenses committed against law

 2  enforcement officers, correctional officers, state attorneys,

 3  assistant state attorneys, justices, or judges.--Any provision

 4  of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Legislature does

 5  hereby provide for an increase and certainty of penalty for

 6  any person convicted of a violent offense against any law

 7  enforcement or correctional officer, as defined in s.

 8  943.10(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), or (9); against any state

 9  attorney elected pursuant to s. 27.01 or assistant state

10  attorney appointed under s. 27.181; or against any justice or

11  judge of a court described in Art. V of the State

12  Constitution, which offense arises out of or in the scope of

13  the officer's duty as a law enforcement or correctional

14  officer, the state attorney's or assistant state attorney's

15  duty as a prosecutor or investigator, or the justice's or

16  judge's duty as a judicial officer, as follows:

17         (1)  For murder in the first degree as described in s.

18  782.04(1), if the death sentence is not imposed, a sentence of

19  imprisonment for life without eligibility for release.

20         (2)  For attempted murder in the first degree as

21  described in s. 782.04(1), a sentence pursuant to the Criminal

22  Punishment Code.


24  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 948.01, with respect to

25  any person who is found to have violated this section,

26  adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence shall not be

27  suspended, deferred, or withheld.

28         Section 6.  For the purpose of incorporating the

29  amendment made by this act to section 782.04, Florida

30  Statutes, in references thereto, paragraph (i) of subsection

31  (3) of section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, as created by


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  section 5 of chapter 97-194, Laws of Florida, is reenacted to

 2  read:

 3         921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity

 4  ranking chart.--



 7  Florida           Felony

 8  Statute           Degree             Description


10                              (i)  LEVEL 9

11  316.193

12   (3)(c)3.b.        1st      DUI manslaughter; failing to

13                              render aid or give information.

14  782.04(1)          1st      Attempt, conspire, or solicit to

15                              commit premeditated murder.

16  782.04(3)          1st,PBL  Accomplice to murder in

17                              connection with arson, sexual

18                              battery, robbery, burglary, and

19                              other specified felonies.

20  782.07(2)          1st      Aggravated manslaughter of an

21                              elderly person or disabled adult.

22  782.07(3)          1st      Aggravated manslaughter of a

23                              child.

24  787.01(1)(a)1.     1st,PBL  Kidnapping; hold for ransom or

25                              reward or as a shield or hostage.

26  787.01(1)(a)2.     1st,PBL  Kidnapping with intent to commit

27                              or facilitate commission of any

28                              felony.

29  787.01(1)(a)4.     1st,PBL  Kidnapping with intent to

30                              interfere with performance of any

31                              governmental or political


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1                              function.

 2  787.02(3)(a)       1st      False imprisonment; child under

 3                              age 13; perpetrator also commits

 4                              child abuse, sexual battery,

 5                              lewd, or lascivious act, etc.

 6  790.161            1st      Attempted capital destructive

 7                              device offense.

 8  794.011(2)         1st      Attempted sexual battery; victim

 9                              less than 12 years of age.

10  794.011(2)         Life     Sexual battery; offender younger

11                              than 18 years and commits sexual

12                              battery on a person less than 12

13                              years.

14  794.011(4)         1st      Sexual battery; victim 12 years

15                              or older, certain circumstances.

16  794.011(8)(b)      1st      Sexual battery; engage in sexual

17                              conduct with minor 12 to 18 years

18                              by person in familial or

19                              custodial authority.

20  812.13(2)(a)       1st,PBL  Robbery with firearm or other

21                              deadly weapon.

22  812.133(2)(a)      1st,PBL  Carjacking; firearm or other

23                              deadly weapon.

24  847.0145(1)        1st      Selling, or otherwise

25                              transferring custody or control,

26                              of a minor.

27  847.0145(2)        1st      Purchasing, or otherwise

28                              obtaining custody or control, of

29                              a minor.

30  859.01             1st      Poisoning food, drink, medicine,

31                              or water with intent to kill or


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1                              injure another person.

 2  893.135            1st      Attempted capital trafficking

 3                              offense.

 4  893.135(1)(a)3.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

 5                              than 10,000 lbs.

 6  893.135

 7   (1)(b)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

 8                              400 grams, less than 150

 9                              kilograms.

10  893.135

11   (1)(c)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

12                              more than 28 grams, less than 30

13                              kilograms.

14  893.135

15   (1)(d)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

16                              more than 400 grams.

17  893.135

18   (1)(e)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

19                              than 25 kilograms.

20  893.135

21   (1)(f)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

22                              than 200 grams.

23         Section 7.  For the purpose of incorporating the

24  amendment made by this act to section 782.04, Florida

25  Statutes, in references thereto, subsection (1) of section

26  943.325, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

27         943.325  Blood specimen testing for DNA analysis.--

28         (1)(a)  Any person convicted, or who was previously

29  convicted and is still incarcerated, in this state for any

30  offense or attempted offense defined in chapter 794, chapter

31  800, s. 782.04, s. 784.045, s. 812.133, or s. 812.135, and who


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  is within the confines of the legal state boundaries, shall be

 2  required to submit two specimens of blood to a Department of

 3  Law Enforcement designated testing facility as directed by the

 4  department.

 5         (b)  For the purpose of this section, the term "any

 6  person" shall include both juveniles and adults committed to

 7  or under the supervision of the Department of Corrections or

 8  the Department of Juvenile Justice.

 9         Section 8.  For the purpose of incorporating the

10  amendment made by this act to section 782.04, Florida

11  Statutes, in references thereto, subsection (3) of section

12  947.146, Florida Statutes, as amended by section 31 of chapter

13  97-194, Laws of Florida, is reenacted to read:

14         947.146  Control Release Authority.--

15         (3)  Within 120 days prior to the date the state

16  correctional system is projected pursuant to s. 216.136 to

17  exceed 99 percent of total capacity, the authority shall

18  determine eligibility for and establish a control release date

19  for an appropriate number of parole ineligible inmates

20  committed to the department and incarcerated within the state

21  who have been determined by the authority to be eligible for

22  discretionary early release pursuant to this section.  In

23  establishing control release dates, it is the intent of the

24  Legislature that the authority prioritize consideration of

25  eligible inmates closest to their tentative release date.  The

26  authority shall rely upon commitment data on the offender

27  information system maintained by the department to initially

28  identify inmates who are to be reviewed for control release

29  consideration.  The authority may use a method of objective

30  risk assessment in determining if an eligible inmate should be

31  released.  Such assessment shall be a part of the department's


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  management information system. However, the authority shall

 2  have sole responsibility for determining control release

 3  eligibility, establishing a control release date, and

 4  effectuating the release of a sufficient number of inmates to

 5  maintain the inmate population between 99 percent and 100

 6  percent of total capacity.  Inmates who are ineligible for

 7  control release are inmates who are parole eligible or inmates

 8  who:

 9         (a)  Are serving a sentence that includes a mandatory

10  minimum provision for a capital offense or drug trafficking

11  offense and have not served the number of days equal to the

12  mandatory minimum term less any jail-time credit awarded by

13  the court;

14         (b)  Are serving the mandatory minimum portion of a

15  sentence enhanced under s. 775.087(2) or (3), or s. 784.07(3);

16         (c)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

17  of committing or attempting to commit sexual battery, incest,

18  or any of the following lewd or indecent assaults or acts:

19  masturbating in public; exposing the sexual organs in a

20  perverted manner; or nonconsensual handling or fondling of the

21  sexual organs of another person;

22         (d)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

23  of committing or attempting to commit assault, aggravated

24  assault, battery, or aggravated battery, and a sex act was

25  attempted or completed during commission of such offense;

26         (e)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

27  of committing or attempting to commit kidnapping, burglary, or

28  murder, and the offense was committed with the intent to

29  commit sexual battery or a sex act was attempted or completed

30  during commission of the offense;

31         (f)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  of committing or attempting to commit false imprisonment upon

 2  a child under the age of 13 and, in the course of committing

 3  the offense, the inmate committed aggravated child abuse,

 4  sexual battery against the child, or a lewd, lascivious, or

 5  indecent assault or act upon or in the presence of the child;

 6         (g)  Are sentenced, have previously been sentenced, or

 7  have been sentenced at any time under s. 775.084, or have been

 8  sentenced at any time in another jurisdiction as a habitual

 9  offender;

10         (h)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

11  of committing or attempting to commit assault, aggravated

12  assault, battery, aggravated battery, kidnapping,

13  manslaughter, or murder against an officer as defined in s.

14  943.10(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), or (9); against a state

15  attorney or assistant state attorney; or against a justice or

16  judge of a court described in Art. V of the State

17  Constitution; or against an officer, judge, or state attorney

18  employed in a comparable position by any other jurisdiction;

19  or

20         (i)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

21  of committing or attempting to commit murder in the first,

22  second, or third degree under s. 782.04(1), (2), (3), or (4),

23  or have ever been convicted of any degree of murder or

24  attempted murder in another jurisdiction;

25         (j)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

26  of DUI manslaughter under s. 316.193(3)(c)3., and are

27  sentenced, or have been sentenced at any time, as a habitual

28  offender for such offense, or have been sentenced at any time

29  in another jurisdiction as a habitual offender for such

30  offense;

31         (k)1.  Are serving a sentence for an offense committed


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    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  on or after January 1, 1994, for a violation of the Law

 2  Enforcement Protection Act under s. 775.0823(2), (3), (4), or

 3  (5), and the subtotal of the offender's sentence points is

 4  multiplied pursuant to former s. 921.0014 or s. 921.0024;

 5         2.  Are serving a sentence for an offense committed on

 6  or after October 1, 1995, for a violation of the Law

 7  Enforcement Protection Act under s. 775.0823(2), (3), (4),

 8  (5), (6), (7), or (8), and the subtotal of the offender's

 9  sentence points is multiplied pursuant to former s. 921.0014

10  or s. 921.0024;

11         (l)  Are serving a sentence for an offense committed on

12  or after January 1, 1994, for possession of a firearm,

13  semiautomatic firearm, or machine gun in which additional

14  points are added to the subtotal of the offender's sentence

15  points pursuant to former s. 921.0014 or s. 921.0024; or

16         (m)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

17  of committing or attempting to commit manslaughter,

18  kidnapping, robbery, carjacking, home-invasion robbery, or a

19  burglary under s. 810.02(2).


21  In making control release eligibility determinations under

22  this subsection, the authority may rely on any document

23  leading to or generated during the course of the criminal

24  proceedings, including, but not limited to, any presentence or

25  postsentence investigation or any information contained in

26  arrest reports relating to circumstances of the offense.

27         Section 9.  Sections 9 and 10 of this act may be cited

28  as the "Jeff Mitchell Act."

29         Section 10.  Subsections (4) and (5) of section

30  921.141, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

31         921.141  Sentence of death or life imprisonment for


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  capital felonies; further proceedings to determine sentence.--


 3  conviction or adjudication of guilt of a defendant of a

 4  capital felony, the court shall conduct a separate sentencing

 5  proceeding to determine whether the defendant should be

 6  sentenced to death or life imprisonment as authorized by s.

 7  775.082. The proceeding shall be conducted by the trial judge

 8  before the trial jury as soon as practicable.  If, through

 9  impossibility or inability, the trial jury is unable to

10  reconvene for a hearing on the issue of penalty, having

11  determined the guilt of the accused, the trial judge may

12  summon a special juror or jurors as provided in chapter 913 to

13  determine the issue of the imposition of the penalty.  If the

14  trial jury has been waived, or if the defendant pleaded

15  guilty, the sentencing proceeding shall be conducted before a

16  jury impaneled for that purpose, unless waived by the

17  defendant.  In the proceeding, evidence may be presented as to

18  any matter that the court deems relevant to the nature of the

19  crime and the character of the defendant and shall include

20  matters relating to any of the aggravating or mitigating

21  circumstances enumerated in subsections (5) and (6).  Any such

22  evidence which the court deems to have probative value may be

23  received, regardless of its admissibility under the

24  exclusionary rules of evidence, provided the defendant is

25  accorded a fair opportunity to rebut any hearsay statements.

26  However, this subsection shall not be construed to authorize

27  the introduction of any evidence secured in violation of the

28  Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the

29  State of Florida.  The state and the defendant or the

30  defendant's counsel shall be permitted to present argument for

31  or against sentence of death.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (2)  ADVISORY SENTENCE BY THE JURY.--After hearing all

 2  the evidence, the jury shall deliberate and render an advisory

 3  sentence to the court, based upon the following matters:

 4         (a)  Whether sufficient aggravating circumstances exist

 5  as enumerated in subsection (5);

 6         (b)  Whether sufficient mitigating circumstances exist

 7  which outweigh the aggravating circumstances found to exist;

 8  and

 9         (c)  Based on these considerations, whether the

10  defendant should be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.


12  DEATH.--Notwithstanding the recommendation of a majority of

13  the jury, the court, after weighing the aggravating and

14  mitigating circumstances, shall enter a sentence of life

15  imprisonment or death, but if the court imposes a sentence of

16  death, it shall set forth in writing its findings upon which

17  the sentence of death is based as to the facts:

18         (a)  That sufficient aggravating circumstances exist as

19  enumerated in subsection (5), and

20         (b)  That there are insufficient mitigating

21  circumstances to outweigh the aggravating circumstances.


23  In each case in which the court imposes the death sentence,

24  the determination of the court shall be supported by specific

25  written findings of fact based upon the circumstances in

26  subsections (5) and (6) and upon the records of the trial and

27  the sentencing proceedings. If the court does not make the

28  findings requiring the death sentence within 30 days after the

29  rendition of the judgment and sentence, the court shall impose

30  sentence of life imprisonment in accordance with s. 775.082.

31         (4)  REVIEW OF JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE.--The judgment of


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  conviction and sentence of death shall be subject to automatic

 2  review by the Supreme Court of Florida and disposition

 3  rendered within 2 years after the filing of a notice of

 4  appeal.  Such review by the Supreme Court shall have priority

 5  over all other cases and shall be heard in accordance with

 6  rules promulgated by the Supreme Court.

 7         (a)  In any case in which the court has imposed the

 8  death sentence, the judgment of conviction and sentence of

 9  death shall not be held invalid, overturned, reduced, or

10  otherwise affected because a codefendant in the same case

11  accepted a plea offer from the state in exchange for trial

12  testimony, or an agreement to testify, and was not sentenced

13  to death.

14         (b)  No criteria for review by the court regarding

15  aggravating or mitigating circumstances shall be utilized

16  except as authorized in this section. The court shall not

17  engage in any form of proportionality review of a death

18  sentence, including, but not limited to, review of a capital

19  case based on comparable aggravating or mitigating

20  circumstances in other capital cases, based on comparable

21  factors in the defendant's background in other capital cases,

22  or based on the rate of imposition or execution of the death

23  sentence in other capital cases.

24         (5)  AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES.--Aggravating

25  circumstances shall be limited to the following:

26         (a)  The capital felony was committed by a person

27  previously convicted of a felony and under sentence of

28  imprisonment or placed on community control or on felony

29  probation.

30         (b)  The defendant was previously convicted of another

31  capital felony or of a felony involving the use or threat of


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  violence to the person.

 2         (c)  The defendant knowingly created a great risk of

 3  death to many persons.

 4         (d)  The capital felony was committed while the

 5  defendant was engaged, or was an accomplice, in the commission

 6  of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or

 7  attempting to commit, any: robbery; sexual battery; aggravated

 8  child abuse; abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult

 9  resulting in great bodily harm, permanent disability, or

10  permanent disfigurement; arson; burglary; kidnapping; aircraft

11  piracy; or unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

12  destructive device or bomb.

13         (e)  The capital felony was committed for the purpose

14  of avoiding or preventing a lawful arrest or effecting an

15  escape from custody.

16         (f)  The capital felony was committed for pecuniary

17  gain.

18         (g)  The capital felony was committed to disrupt or

19  hinder the lawful exercise of any governmental function or the

20  enforcement of laws.

21         (h)  The capital felony was especially heinous,

22  atrocious, or cruel.

23         (i)  The capital felony was a homicide and was

24  committed in a cold, calculated, and premeditated manner

25  without any pretense of moral or legal justification.

26         (j)  During the course of committing the capital

27  felony, the defendant inflicted multiple physical injuries

28  upon the victim.

29         (k)  The defendant mutilated, dismembered, or sexually

30  abused the victim's body, during or after commission of the

31  capital felony.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (l)(j)  The victim of the capital felony was a law

 2  enforcement officer engaged in the performance of his or her

 3  official duties.

 4         (m)(k)  The victim of the capital felony was an elected

 5  or appointed public official engaged in the performance of his

 6  or her official duties if the motive for the capital felony

 7  was related, in whole or in part, to the victim's official

 8  capacity.

 9         (n)(l)  The victim of the capital felony was a person

10  less than 12 years of age.

11         (o)(m)  The victim of the capital felony was

12  particularly vulnerable due to advanced age or disability, or

13  because the defendant stood in a position of familial or

14  custodial authority over the victim.

15         (p)  The victim had an injunction for protection in

16  effect against the defendant when the capital felony was

17  committed.

18         (q)  The victim was aware of the impending homicide and

19  asked that his or her life be spared or otherwise requested

20  that the homicide not occur.

21         (r)(n)  The capital felony was committed by a criminal

22  street gang member, as defined in s. 874.03.

23         (6)  MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES.--Mitigating

24  circumstances shall be the following:

25         (a)  The defendant has no significant history of prior

26  criminal activity.

27         (b)  The capital felony was committed while the

28  defendant was under the influence of extreme mental or

29  emotional disturbance.

30         (c)  The victim was a participant in the defendant's

31  conduct or consented to the act.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (d)  The defendant was an accomplice in the capital

 2  felony committed by another person and his or her

 3  participation was relatively minor.

 4         (e)  The defendant acted under extreme duress or under

 5  the substantial domination of another person.

 6         (f)  The capacity of the defendant to appreciate the

 7  criminality of his or her conduct or to conform his or her

 8  conduct to the requirements of law was substantially impaired.

 9         (g)  The age of the defendant at the time of the crime.

10         (h)  The existence of any other factors in the

11  defendant's background that would mitigate against imposition

12  of the death penalty.


14  However, the court shall not engage in any form of

15  proportionality review of a death sentence, as prohibited in

16  subsection (4).

17         (7)  VICTIM IMPACT EVIDENCE.--Once the prosecution has

18  provided evidence of the existence of one or more aggravating

19  circumstances as described in subsection (5), the prosecution

20  may introduce, and subsequently argue, victim impact evidence.

21  Such evidence shall be designed to demonstrate the victim's

22  uniqueness as an individual human being and the resultant loss

23  to the community's members by the victim's death.

24  Characterizations and opinions about the crime, the defendant,

25  and the appropriate sentence shall not be permitted as a part

26  of victim impact evidence.

27         (8)  APPLICABILITY.--This section does not apply to a

28  person convicted or adjudicated guilty of a capital drug

29  trafficking felony under s. 893.135.

30         Section 11.  Section 782.071, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         782.071  Vehicular homicide.--"Vehicular homicide" is

 2  the killing of a human being by the operation of a motor

 3  vehicle by another in a reckless manner likely to cause the

 4  death of, or great bodily harm to, another. Vehicular homicide

 5  is:

 6         (1)  A felony of the second third degree, punishable as

 7  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

 8         (2)  A felony of the first second degree, punishable as

 9  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, if:

10         (a)  At the time of the accident, the person knew, or

11  should have known, that the accident occurred; and

12         (b)  The person failed to give information and render

13  aid as required by s. 316.062.


15  This subsection does not require that the person knew that the

16  accident resulted in injury or death.

17         Section 12.  Section 782.072, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         782.072  Vessel homicide.--"Vessel homicide" is the

20  killing of a human being by the operation of a vessel as

21  defined in s. 327.02 by another in a reckless manner likely to

22  cause the death of, or great bodily harm to, another. Vessel

23  homicide is:

24         (1)  A felony of the second third degree, punishable as

25  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

26         (2)  A felony of the first second degree, punishable as

27  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, if:

28         (a)  At the time of the accident, the person knew, or

29  should have known, that the accident occurred; and

30         (b)  The person failed to give information and render

31  aid as required by s. 327.30(1).


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)


 2  This subsection does not require that the person knew that the

 3  accident resulted in injury or death.

 4         Section 13.  Paragraphs (g) and (h) of subsection (3)

 5  of section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 6         921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity

 7  ranking chart.--



10  Florida           Felony

11  Statute           Degree             Description



14                              (g)  LEVEL 7

15  316.193(3)(c)2.    3rd      DUI resulting in serious bodily

16                              injury.

17  327.35(3)(c)2.     3rd      Vessel BUI resulting in serious

18                              bodily injury.

19  409.920(2)         3rd      Medicaid provider fraud.

20  494.0018(2)        1st      Conviction of any violation of

21                              ss. 494.001-494.0077 in which the

22                              total money and property

23                              unlawfully obtained exceeded

24                              $50,000 and there were five or

25                              more victims.

26  782.07(1)          2nd      Killing of a human being by the

27                              act, procurement, or culpable

28                              negligence of another

29                              (manslaughter).

30  782.071            2nd 3rd  Killing of human being by the

31                              operation of a motor vehicle in a


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1                              reckless manner (vehicular

 2                              homicide).

 3  782.072            2nd 3rd  Killing of a human being by the

 4                              operation of a vessel in a

 5                              reckless manner (vessel

 6                              homicide).

 7  784.045(1)(a)1.    2nd      Aggravated battery; intentionally

 8                              causing great bodily harm or

 9                              disfigurement.

10  784.045(1)(a)2.    2nd      Aggravated battery; using deadly

11                              weapon.

12  784.045(1)(b)      2nd      Aggravated battery; perpetrator

13                              aware victim pregnant.

14  784.048(4)         3rd      Aggravated stalking; violation of

15                              injunction or court order.

16  784.07(2)(d)       1st      Aggravated battery on law

17                              enforcement officer.

18  784.08(2)(a)       1st      Aggravated battery on a person 65

19                              years of age or older.

20  784.081(1)         1st      Aggravated battery on specified

21                              official or employee.

22  784.082(1)         1st      Aggravated battery by detained

23                              person on visitor or other

24                              detainee.

25  790.07(4)          1st      Specified weapons violation

26                              subsequent to previous conviction

27                              of s. 790.07(1) or (2).

28  790.16(1)          1st      Discharge of a machine gun under

29                              specified circumstances.

30  796.03             2nd      Procuring any person under 16

31                              years for prostitution.


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  800.04             2nd      Handle, fondle, or assault child

 2                              under 16 years in lewd,

 3                              lascivious, or indecent manner.

 4  806.01(2)          2nd      Maliciously damage structure by

 5                              fire or explosive.

 6  810.02(3)(a)       2nd      Burglary of occupied dwelling;

 7                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

 8  810.02(3)(b)       2nd      Burglary of unoccupied dwelling;

 9                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

10  810.02(3)(d)       2nd      Burglary of occupied conveyance;

11                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

12  812.014(2)(a)      1st      Property stolen, valued at

13                              $100,000 or more; property stolen

14                              while causing other property

15                              damage; 1st degree grand theft.

16  812.019(2)         1st      Stolen property; initiates,

17                              organizes, plans, etc., the theft

18                              of property and traffics in

19                              stolen property.

20  812.133(2)(b)      1st      Carjacking; no firearm, deadly

21                              weapon, or other weapon.

22  825.102(3)(b)      2nd      Neglecting an elderly person or

23                              disabled adult causing great

24                              bodily harm, disability, or

25                              disfigurement.

26  825.1025(2)        2nd      Lewd or lascivious battery upon

27                              an elderly person or disabled

28                              adult.

29  825.103(2)(b)      2nd      Exploiting an elderly person or

30                              disabled adult and property is

31                              valued at $20,000 or more, but


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1                              less than $100,000.

 2  827.03(3)(b)       2nd      Neglect of a child causing great

 3                              bodily harm, disability, or

 4                              disfigurement.

 5  827.04(4)          3rd      Impregnation of a child under 16

 6                              years of age by person 21 years

 7                              of age or older.

 8  872.06             2nd      Abuse of a dead human body.

 9  893.13(1)(c)1.     1st      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

10                              cocaine (or other s.

11                              893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d),

12                              (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs) within

13                              1,000 feet of a school.

14  893.13(4)(a)       1st      Deliver to minor cocaine (or

15                              other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b),

16                              (1)(d), (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs).

17  893.135(1)(a)1.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

18                              than 50 lbs., less than 2,000

19                              lbs.

20  893.135

21   (1)(b)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

22                              28 grams, less than 200 grams.

23  893.135

24   (1)(c)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

25                              more than 4 grams, less than 14

26                              grams.

27  893.135

28   (1)(d)1.          1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

29                              more than 28 grams, less than 200

30                              grams.



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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  893.135(1)(e)1.    1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

 2                              than 200 grams, less than 5

 3                              kilograms.

 4  893.135(1)(f)1.    1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

 5                              than 14 grams, less than 28

 6                              grams.

 7                              (h)  LEVEL 8

 8  316.193

 9   (3)(c)3.a.        2nd      DUI manslaughter.

10  327.35(3)(c)3.     2nd      Vessel BUI manslaughter.

11  777.03(2)(a)       1st      Accessory after the fact, capital

12                              felony.

13  782.04(4)          2nd      Killing of human without design

14                              when engaged in act or attempt of

15                              any felony other than arson,

16                              sexual battery, robbery,

17                              burglary, kidnapping, aircraft

18                              piracy, or unlawfully discharging

19                              bomb.

20  782.071(2)         1st 2nd  Committing vehicular homicide and

21                              failing to render aid or give

22                              information.

23  782.072(2)         1st 2nd  Committing vessel homicide and

24                              failing to render aid or give

25                              information.

26  790.161(3)         1st      Discharging a destructive device

27                              which results in bodily harm or

28                              property damage.

29  794.011(5)         2nd      Sexual battery, victim 12 years

30                              or over, offender does not use

31                              physical force likely to cause


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1                              serious injury.

 2  806.01(1)          1st      Maliciously damage dwelling or

 3                              structure by fire or explosive,

 4                              believing person in structure.

 5  810.02(2)(a)       1st,PBL  Burglary with assault or battery.

 6  810.02(2)(b)       1st,PBL  Burglary; armed with explosives

 7                              or dangerous weapon.

 8  810.02(2)(c)       1st      Burglary of a dwelling or

 9                              structure causing structural

10                              damage or $1,000 or more property

11                              damage.

12  812.13(2)(b)       1st      Robbery with a weapon.

13  812.135(2)         1st      Home-invasion robbery.

14  825.102(2)         2nd      Aggravated abuse of an elderly

15                              person or disabled adult.

16  825.103(2)(a)      1st      Exploiting an elderly person or

17                              disabled adult and property is

18                              valued at $100,000 or more.

19  827.03(2)          2nd      Aggravated child abuse.

20  860.121(2)(c)      1st      Shooting at or throwing any

21                              object in path of railroad

22                              vehicle resulting in great bodily

23                              harm.

24  860.16             1st      Aircraft piracy.

25  893.13(1)(b)       1st      Sell or deliver in excess of 10

26                              grams of any substance specified

27                              in s. 893.03(1)(a) or (b).

28  893.13(2)(b)       1st      Purchase in excess of 10 grams of

29                              any substance specified in s.

30                              893.03(1)(a) or (b).



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    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  893.13(6)(c)       1st      Possess in excess of 10 grams of

 2                              any substance specified in s.

 3                              893.03(1)(a) or (b).

 4  893.135(1)(a)2.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

 5                              than 2,000 lbs., less than 10,000

 6                              lbs.

 7  893.135

 8   (1)(b)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

 9                              200 grams, less than 400 grams.

10  893.135

11   (1)(c)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

12                              more than 14 grams, less than 28

13                              grams.

14  893.135

15   (1)(d)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

16                              more than 200 grams, less than

17                              400 grams.

18  893.135

19   (1)(e)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

20                              than 5 kilograms, less than 25

21                              kilograms.

22  893.135

23   (1)(f)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

24                              than 28 grams, less than 200

25                              grams.

26  895.03(1)          1st      Use or invest proceeds derived

27                              from pattern of racketeering

28                              activity.

29  895.03(2)          1st      Acquire or maintain through

30                              racketeering activity any

31                              interest in or control of any


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    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1                              enterprise or real property.

 2  895.03(3)          1st      Conduct or participate in any

 3                              enterprise through pattern of

 4                              racketeering activity.

 5         Section 14.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (9) of section

 6  960.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         960.13  Awards.--

 8         (9)(a)  An award may not exceed $10,000 for treatment

 9  or a total of $15,000 for all compensable cost or losses,

10  unless the department makes a written finding that a crime

11  directly caused major medical expenses or catastrophic

12  economic losses to a victim. However, awards for treatment may

13  not exceed $10,000.  The department may adopt rules that, by

14  rule adopted pursuant to chapter 120, establish criteria

15  governing awards for major medical expenses and catastrophic

16  economic losses and may adopt rules that establish limits

17  below $15,000 for awards for particular types of costs or

18  losses. Any application filed on or after October 1, 1996,

19  shall be governed under this section.

20         Section 15.  Section 782.071, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         782.071  Vehicular homicide.--"Vehicular homicide" is

23  the killing of a human being, or the killing of a viable fetus

24  by any injury to the mother caused by the operation of a motor

25  vehicle by another in a reckless manner likely to cause the

26  death of, or great bodily harm to, another. Vehicular homicide

27  is:

28         (1)  A felony of the third degree, punishable as

29  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

30         (2)  A felony of the second degree, punishable as

31  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, if:


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (a)  At the time of the accident, the person knew, or

 2  should have known, that the accident occurred; and

 3         (b)  The person failed to give information and render

 4  aid as required by s. 316.062.


 6  This subsection does not require that the person knew that the

 7  accident resulted in injury or death.

 8         (3)  For purposes of this section, a fetus is viable

 9  when it becomes capable of meaningful life outside the womb

10  through standard medical measures.

11         (4)  A right of action for civil damages shall exist

12  under s. 768.19, under all circumstances, for all deaths

13  described in this section.

14         Section 16.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (3) of section

15  921.0022, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (h) of

16  subsection (3) of that section is reenacted, to read:

17         921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity

18  ranking chart.--



21  Florida           Felony

22  Statute           Degree             Description



25                              (g)  LEVEL 7

26  316.193(3)(c)2.    3rd      DUI resulting in serious bodily

27                              injury.

28  327.35(3)(c)2.     3rd      Vessel BUI resulting in serious

29                              bodily injury.

30  409.920(2)         3rd      Medicaid provider fraud.



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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  494.0018(2)        1st      Conviction of any violation of

 2                              ss. 494.001-494.0077 in which the

 3                              total money and property

 4                              unlawfully obtained exceeded

 5                              $50,000 and there were five or

 6                              more victims.

 7  782.07(1)          2nd      Killing of a human being by the

 8                              act, procurement, or culpable

 9                              negligence of another

10                              (manslaughter).

11  782.071            3rd      Killing of human being or viable

12                              fetus by the operation of a motor

13                              vehicle in a reckless manner

14                              (vehicular homicide).

15  782.072            3rd      Killing of a human being by the

16                              operation of a vessel in a

17                              reckless manner (vessel

18                              homicide).

19  784.045(1)(a)1.    2nd      Aggravated battery; intentionally

20                              causing great bodily harm or

21                              disfigurement.

22  784.045(1)(a)2.    2nd      Aggravated battery; using deadly

23                              weapon.

24  784.045(1)(b)      2nd      Aggravated battery; perpetrator

25                              aware victim pregnant.

26  784.048(4)         3rd      Aggravated stalking; violation of

27                              injunction or court order.

28  784.07(2)(d)       1st      Aggravated battery on law

29                              enforcement officer.

30  784.08(2)(a)       1st      Aggravated battery on a person 65

31                              years of age or older.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  784.081(1)         1st      Aggravated battery on specified

 2                              official or employee.

 3  784.082(1)         1st      Aggravated battery by detained

 4                              person on visitor or other

 5                              detainee.

 6  790.07(4)          1st      Specified weapons violation

 7                              subsequent to previous conviction

 8                              of s. 790.07(1) or (2).

 9  790.16(1)          1st      Discharge of a machine gun under

10                              specified circumstances.

11  796.03             2nd      Procuring any person under 16

12                              years for prostitution.

13  800.04             2nd      Handle, fondle, or assault child

14                              under 16 years in lewd,

15                              lascivious, or indecent manner.

16  806.01(2)          2nd      Maliciously damage structure by

17                              fire or explosive.

18  810.02(3)(a)       2nd      Burglary of occupied dwelling;

19                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

20  810.02(3)(b)       2nd      Burglary of unoccupied dwelling;

21                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

22  810.02(3)(d)       2nd      Burglary of occupied conveyance;

23                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

24  812.014(2)(a)      1st      Property stolen, valued at

25                              $100,000 or more; property stolen

26                              while causing other property

27                              damage; 1st degree grand theft.

28  812.019(2)         1st      Stolen property; initiates,

29                              organizes, plans, etc., the theft

30                              of property and traffics in

31                              stolen property.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  812.133(2)(b)      1st      Carjacking; no firearm, deadly

 2                              weapon, or other weapon.

 3  825.102(3)(b)      2nd      Neglecting an elderly person or

 4                              disabled adult causing great

 5                              bodily harm, disability, or

 6                              disfigurement.

 7  825.1025(2)        2nd      Lewd or lascivious battery upon

 8                              an elderly person or disabled

 9                              adult.

10  825.103(2)(b)      2nd      Exploiting an elderly person or

11                              disabled adult and property is

12                              valued at $20,000 or more, but

13                              less than $100,000.

14  827.03(3)(b)       2nd      Neglect of a child causing great

15                              bodily harm, disability, or

16                              disfigurement.

17  827.04(4)          3rd      Impregnation of a child under 16

18                              years of age by person 21 years

19                              of age or older.

20  872.06             2nd      Abuse of a dead human body.

21  893.13(1)(c)1.     1st      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

22                              cocaine (or other s.

23                              893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d),

24                              (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs) within

25                              1,000 feet of a school.

26  893.13(4)(a)       1st      Deliver to minor cocaine (or

27                              other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b),

28                              (1)(d), (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs).

29  893.135(1)(a)1.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

30                              than 50 lbs., less than 2,000

31                              lbs.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  893.135

 2   (1)(b)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

 3                              28 grams, less than 200 grams.

 4  893.135

 5   (1)(c)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

 6                              more than 4 grams, less than 14

 7                              grams.

 8  893.135

 9   (1)(d)1.          1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

10                              more than 28 grams, less than 200

11                              grams.

12  893.135(1)(e)1.    1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

13                              than 200 grams, less than 5

14                              kilograms.

15  893.135(1)(f)1.    1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

16                              than 14 grams, less than 28

17                              grams.

18                              (h)  LEVEL 8

19  316.193

20   (3)(c)3.a.        2nd      DUI manslaughter.

21  327.35(3)(c)3.     2nd      Vessel BUI manslaughter.

22  777.03(2)(a)       1st      Accessory after the fact, capital

23                              felony.

24  782.04(4)          2nd      Killing of human without design

25                              when engaged in act or attempt of

26                              any felony other than arson,

27                              sexual battery, robbery,

28                              burglary, kidnapping, aircraft

29                              piracy, or unlawfully discharging

30                              bomb.



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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  782.071(2)         2nd      Committing vehicular homicide and

 2                              failing to render aid or give

 3                              information.

 4  782.072(2)         2nd      Committing vessel homicide and

 5                              failing to render aid or give

 6                              information.

 7  790.161(3)         1st      Discharging a destructive device

 8                              which results in bodily harm or

 9                              property damage.

10  794.011(5)         2nd      Sexual battery, victim 12 years

11                              or over, offender does not use

12                              physical force likely to cause

13                              serious injury.

14  806.01(1)          1st      Maliciously damage dwelling or

15                              structure by fire or explosive,

16                              believing person in structure.

17  810.02(2)(a)       1st,PBL  Burglary with assault or battery.

18  810.02(2)(b)       1st,PBL  Burglary; armed with explosives

19                              or dangerous weapon.

20  810.02(2)(c)       1st      Burglary of a dwelling or

21                              structure causing structural

22                              damage or $1,000 or more property

23                              damage.

24  812.13(2)(b)       1st      Robbery with a weapon.

25  812.135(2)         1st      Home-invasion robbery.

26  825.102(2)         2nd      Aggravated abuse of an elderly

27                              person or disabled adult.

28  825.103(2)(a)      1st      Exploiting an elderly person or

29                              disabled adult and property is

30                              valued at $100,000 or more.

31  827.03(2)          2nd      Aggravated child abuse.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  860.121(2)(c)      1st      Shooting at or throwing any

 2                              object in path of railroad

 3                              vehicle resulting in great bodily

 4                              harm.

 5  860.16             1st      Aircraft piracy.

 6  893.13(1)(b)       1st      Sell or deliver in excess of 10

 7                              grams of any substance specified

 8                              in s. 893.03(1)(a) or (b).

 9  893.13(2)(b)       1st      Purchase in excess of 10 grams of

10                              any substance specified in s.

11                              893.03(1)(a) or (b).

12  893.13(6)(c)       1st      Possess in excess of 10 grams of

13                              any substance specified in s.

14                              893.03(1)(a) or (b).

15  893.135(1)(a)2.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

16                              than 2,000 lbs., less than 10,000

17                              lbs.

18  893.135

19   (1)(b)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

20                              200 grams, less than 400 grams.

21  893.135

22   (1)(c)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

23                              more than 14 grams, less than 28

24                              grams.

25  893.135

26   (1)(d)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

27                              more than 200 grams, less than

28                              400 grams.

29  893.135

30   (1)(e)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

31                              than 5 kilograms, less than 25


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1                              kilograms.

 2  893.135

 3   (1)(f)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

 4                              than 28 grams, less than 200

 5                              grams.

 6  895.03(1)          1st      Use or invest proceeds derived

 7                              from pattern of racketeering

 8                              activity.

 9  895.03(2)          1st      Acquire or maintain through

10                              racketeering activity any

11                              interest in or control of any

12                              enterprise or real property.

13  895.03(3)          1st      Conduct or participate in any

14                              enterprise through pattern of

15                              racketeering activity.

16         Section 17.  For the purpose of incorporating the

17  amendment made by this act to section 782.071, Florida

18  Statutes, in a reference thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection

19  (3) of section 960.03, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

20         960.03  Definitions.--As used in ss. 960.01-960.28,

21  unless the context otherwise requires, the term:

22         (3)  "Crime" means:

23         (b)  A violation of s. 316.193, s. 316.027(1), or s.

24  782.071(2), which results in physical injury or death;

25  however, no other act involving the operation of a motor

26  vehicle, boat, or aircraft which results in injury or death

27  shall constitute a crime for the purpose of this chapter

28  unless the injury or death was intentionally inflicted through

29  the use of such vehicle, boat, or aircraft or unless such

30  vehicle, boat, or aircraft is an implement of a crime to which

31  this act applies.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         Section 18.  Subsection (3) is added to section 27.709,

 2  Florida Statutes, to read: 27.709  Commission on the

 3  Administration of Justice in Capital Cases.--

 4         (3)  The Commission on the Administration of Justice in

 5  Capital Cases shall conduct a study to evaluate whether the

 6  elimination of state postconviction proceedings in death

 7  penalty cases will reduce delays in carrying out a sentence of

 8  death in capital cases. In conducting the study the Commission

 9  shall take public testimony from any interested party. The

10  Commission shall review the average number of postconviction

11  motions and writs filed in capital cases, prior legislative

12  and judicial attempts to reduce delays in capital cases, and

13  the length of time required for capital postconviction claims

14  in state and federal court.  The Commission shall consider

15  average delays in capital cases, whether those delays have

16  increased in the last 10 years, and the reasons for any

17  increase in delays.  The study shall include a report which

18  addresses the legal, fiscal, and practical considerations

19  concerning the elimination of state postconviction

20  proceedings, and the recommendation of the Commission.  Public

21  notice shall be provided, in a manner agreed to by the

22  Commission, for all hearings where the Commission intends to

23  hear public testimony concerning the elimination of state

24  postconviction proceedings in death penalty cases for purposes

25  of this study.  The report shall be submitted to the Speaker

26  of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate,

27  and minority leaders in the House and the Senate by December

28  1, 1998.

29         Section 19.    The proviso language immediately

30  preceding Specific Appropriation 962 and the proviso language

31  following Specific Appropriation 620 in the Conference Report


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  On House Bill 4201 which is the General Appropriations Act for

 2  fiscal year 1998-1999, shall not be deemed, in whole or in

 3  part, to be repealed, nullified or modified in any way by

 4  legislation passed during the 1998 regular session of the

 5  Legislature unless the legislation makes specific reference to

 6  this section.  If either the proviso language immediately

 7  preceding Specific Appropriation 962 and the proviso language

 8  following Specific Appropriation 620 in the Conference Report

 9  On House Bill 4201 are repealed or amended by substantive

10  legislation passed during the 1998 regular session of the

11  Legislature, then both sections of proviso are hereby

12  reenacted in full and shall have their full effect as written

13  in the Conference Report On House Bill 4201.  This section is

14  hereby repealed on June 30, 1999.

15         Section 20.  If any provision of this act or the

16  application thereof to any person or circumstance is held

17  invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or

18  applications of the act which can be given effect without the

19  invalid provision or application, and to this end the

20  provisions of this act are declared severable.

21         Section 21.  This act shall take effect October 1 of

22  the year in which enacted.



25  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

26  And the title is amended as follows:

27  remove from the title of the bill:  the entire title


29  and insert in lieu thereof:

30                  A bill to be entitled

31         An act relating to criminal offenses; amending


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         s. 782.04, F.S.; redefining the offense of

 2         capital murder in the first degree to include

 3         the act of unlawfully killing a human being

 4         while perpetrating, or attempting to

 5         perpetrate, the murder of another human being;

 6         providing penalties; providing that a person

 7         who perpetrates or attempts to perpetrate a

 8         murder commits felony murder in the second

 9         degree when a person is killed by someone other

10         than the perpetrator; providing penalties;

11         adding murder to the list of felony offenses

12         which do not constitute third-degree felony

13         murder; reenacting ss. 39.464(1)(d),

14         435.03(2)(b), 435.04(2)(b), 775.0823(1) and

15         (2), 921.0022(3)(i), 943.325(1), and

16         947.146(3), F.S., relating to the termination

17         of parental rights, screening standards,

18         violent offenses against law enforcement

19         officers and others, the Criminal Punishment

20         Code, blood testing, and the Control Release

21         Authority, to incorporate the amendment to

22         782.04, F.S., in references thereto; creating

23         the "Jeff Mitchell Act"; amending s. 921.141,

24         F.S., relating to further proceedings to

25         determine sentence of death or life

26         imprisonment for capital felonies; providing

27         that the judgment of conviction and sentence of

28         death imposed in a capital case are not subject

29         to being held invalid, overturned, reduced, or

30         otherwise affected because a codefendant in the

31         same case accepted a plea offer in exchange for


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         trial testimony, or an agreement to testify,

 2         and was not sentenced to death; prohibiting the

 3         Florida Supreme Court from engaging in any form

 4         of proportionality review of a death sentence;

 5         providing that criteria for review regarding

 6         aggravating or mitigating circumstances shall

 7         not be utilized except as authorized under

 8         specified provisions; providing additional

 9         aggravating circumstances to be weighed by the

10         court; providing for an aggravating

11         circumstance that the capital felony was

12         committed when the victim had an injunction for

13         protection in effect against the defendant;

14         providing for an aggravating circumstance that

15         the defendant inflicted multiple physical

16         injuries upon the victim; providing for an

17         aggravating circumstance that the defendant

18         mutilated, dismembered, or sexually abused the

19         victim's body, during or after commission of

20         the capital felony; providing for an

21         aggravating circumstance that the victim of a

22         homicide had asked that his or her life be

23         spared; amending ss. 782.071, 782.072, F.S.;

24         increasing the penalties imposed for committing

25         the offense of vehicular homicide or vessel

26         homicide; increasing the penalties imposed for

27         committing vehicular homicide or vessel

28         homicide and failing to give information and

29         render aid when the offender knew, or should

30         have known, that the accident occurred;

31         amending s. 921.0022, F.S., relating to the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         Criminal Punishment Code; conforming references

 2         to changes made by the act; amending s. 960.13,

 3         F.S.; limiting crimes compensation awards under

 4         certain circumstances; authorizing the

 5         Department of Legal Affairs to adopt certain

 6         rules; amending s. 782.071, F.S.; redefining

 7         the offense of "vehicular homicide" to include

 8         the killing of a viable fetus by any injury to

 9         the mother caused by the operation of a motor

10         vehicle by another; providing penalties;

11         specifying when a fetus is viable; providing a

12         right of action for civil damages; reenacting

13         ss. 921.0022(3)(h) and 960.03(3), F.S.,

14         relating to the offense severity ranking chart

15         and the definition of "crime" with respect to

16         the Florida Crimes Compensation Act,

17         respectively, to incorporate said amendment in

18         references; amending s. 921.0022, F.S.,

19         relating to the offense severity ranking chart,

20         to conform terminology; amending s. 27.709,

21         F.S.; providing that the Commission on the

22         Administration of Justice in Capital Cases

23         shall conduct a study concerning the

24         elimination of state postconviction proceedings

25         in death penalty cases; providing that certain

26         proviso language contained in the Conference

27         Report On House Bill 4201 may not be modified

28         through substantive legislation passed during

29         the 1998 regular session of the Legislature

30         unless certain conditions are met; providing

31         that certain proviso language contained in the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd-31                                        Bill No. HB 4233

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         Conference Report On House Bill 4201 is

 2         reenacted if repealed or amended by substantive

 3         legislation passed during the 1998 regular

 4         session of the Legislature; providing for

 5         repeal of section on June 30, 1999; providing

 6         for severability; providing an effective date.



























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