CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0425er

ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 425, Second Engrossed 1 2 An act relating to Lee County; amending chapter 3 76-414, Laws of Florida, as amended; 4 authorizing the Bayshore Fire Protection and 5 Rescue Service District to establish and 6 maintain emergency medical services and acquire 7 and maintain rescue, medical, and other 8 emergency equipment; amending the date the 9 board elects its officers; increasing the 10 minimum rate of ad valorem taxes that may be 11 levied to provide funds for the district; 12 providing for a referendum; reporting the 13 actions of the board and accounting of its 14 funds in accordance with chapter 189, Florida 15 Statutes; providing an effective date. 16 17 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 18 19 Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 3 of chapter 20 76-414, Laws of Florida, as amended by chapter 91-398, Laws of 21 Florida, is amended to read: 22 Section 3. (4) The board may employ such personnel as 23 it deems necessary for the proper function and operation of 24 the a fire and rescue department and establish and maintain 25 emergency medical services and acquire and maintain rescue, 26 medical, and other emergency equipment pursuant to the 27 provisions of chapter 401, Florida Statutes, and any 28 certificate of public convenience and necessity or its 29 equivalent issued thereunder. 30 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 4 of chapter 31 76-414, Laws of Florida, is amended to read: 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 425, Second Engrossed 1 Section 4. (1) The commissioners, immediately upon 2 their appointment as herein provided, or within 10 days 3 thereafter and annually in January November, shall organize by 4 electing from their number, a chairman, vice-chairman, a 5 secretary and a treasurer. However, the same member may be 6 both secretary and treasurer. 7 Section 3. Section 5 of chapter 76-414, Laws of 8 Florida, as amended by chapter 87-422, Laws of Florida, is 9 amended to read: 10 Section 5. (1) The board shall have the right, power, 11 and authority to levy millage tax against the taxable real 12 estate within the district to provide funds for the purpose of 13 this district. 14 (2) The tax rate shall be fixed by a resolution of the 15 board following public hearings of the proposed budget as 16 provided in section 6. However, the tax shall not exceed 17 $3.00 $2.50 per 1,000 of net taxable assessed valuation. 18 (3) It is the legislative intent that this act will 19 authorize the Lee County property appraiser and the Lee County 20 tax collector to take all appropriate action to comply with 21 the intent and purpose of this act. 22 Section 4. Section 3 of this act shall take effect 23 only upon its approval by a majority vote of those qualified 24 electors of the Bayshore Fire Protection and Rescue Service 25 District voting in a referendum election to be called by the 26 Board of Commissioners of Bayshore Fire Protection and Rescue 27 Service District and to be held in conjunction with a primary 28 or general election, in accordance with the provisions of law 29 relating to elections currently in force. 30 Section 5. Subsection (4) of section 11 of chapter 31 76-414, Laws of Florida, is amended to read: 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 425, Second Engrossed 1 Section 11. (4) The board shall, in accordance with 2 the provisions of chapter 189, Florida Statutes on or before 3 November 1, make an annual report of its actions and 4 accounting of its funds as of September 30 and shall file said 5 report in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Lee 6 County, whose duty it shall be to receive and file said report 7 and hold and keep the same as a public record. 8 Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 9 law. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3