House Bill 4255

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4255

        By the Committee on General Government Appropriations and
    Representative K. Pruitt

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to ad valorem assessment;

  3         amending s. 194.011, F.S.; prohibiting

  4         petitions to the value adjustment board from

  5         being filed by certain taxpayers; amending s.

  6         194.171, F.S.; providing a time limit for the

  7         filing of actions in circuit court to contest a

  8         tax assessment by such taxpayers; requiring

  9         such taxpayers to include with the good faith

10         payment required prior to such an action a good

11         faith estimate of the taxable value of the

12         property involved in the action; amending s.

13         200.065, F.S.; providing for the exclusion of a

14         certain sum related to such court actions from

15         the taxable value certified for millage

16         purposes; revising provisions relating to

17         administrative adjustments of millage rates to

18         allow for deduction of any adjustments for such

19         court actions; amending s. 200.069, F.S.;

20         revising the notice of proposed property taxes

21         and adopted non-ad valorem assessments to

22         include notice that such taxpayers must file an

23         action in circuit court rather than a petition

24         with the value adjustment board to contest the

25         market value of their property appearing in

26         such notice; amending s. 236.081, F.S.,

27         relating to the Florida Education Finance

28         Program; revising the computation of district

29         required local effort with respect to

30         recomputation based on adjustment resulting



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  1         from such court actions; providing an effective

  2         date.


  4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  6         Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section

  7  194.011, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         194.011  Assessment notice; objections to

  9  assessments.--

10         (3)  A petition to the value adjustment board shall

11  describe the property by parcel number and shall be filed as

12  follows:

13         (d)  The petition may be filed, as to valuation issues,

14  at any time during the taxable year on or before the 25th day

15  following the mailing of notice by the property appraiser as

16  provided in subsection (1). With respect to an issue involving

17  the denial of an exemption, an agricultural or high-water

18  recharge classification application, or a deferral, the

19  petition must be filed at any time during the taxable year on

20  or before the 30th day following the mailing of the notice by

21  the property appraiser under s. 193.461, s. 193.625, or s.

22  196.193 or notice by the tax collector under s. 197.253. A

23  petition to the value adjustment board may not be filed as to

24  any assessment in which the property appraiser's assessed

25  value is in excess of the amount listed in s. 194.171(2)(b).

26         Section 2.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 194.171,

27  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

28         194.171  Circuit court to have original jurisdiction in

29  tax cases.--

30         (2)  No action shall be brought to contest a tax

31  assessment:


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  1         (a)  After 60 days from the date the assessment being

  2  contested is certified for collection under s. 193.122(2), or

  3  after 60 days from the date a decision is rendered concerning

  4  such assessment by the value adjustment board if a petition

  5  contesting the assessment had not received final action by the

  6  value adjustment board prior to extension of the roll under s.

  7  197.323; or

  8         (b)  After 45 days from the date the notice is sent

  9  under s. 200.069 where the disputed amount of the property

10  appraiser's assessed value is in excess of 3 percent of the

11  total nonexempt assessment roll.

12         (3)  Before an action to contest a tax assessment may

13  be brought, the taxpayer shall pay to the collector not less

14  than the amount of the tax which the taxpayer admits in good

15  faith to be owing. A taxpayer filing an action under paragraph

16  (2)(b) shall include with such payment a good faith estimate

17  of the taxable value of the property involved in the action.

18  The collector shall issue a receipt for the payment, and the

19  receipt shall be filed with the complaint. Notwithstanding the

20  provisions of chapter 197, payment of the taxes the taxpayer

21  admits to be due and owing and the timely filing of an action

22  pursuant to this section shall suspend all procedures for the

23  collection of taxes prior to final disposition of the action.

24         Section 3.  Subsection (5) of section 200.065, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         200.065  Method of fixing millage.--

27         (5)  Prior to extension of the rolls pursuant to s.

28  193.122, the property appraiser shall notify each taxing

29  authority of the aggregate change in the assessment roll, if

30  any, from that certified pursuant to subsection (1),

31  including, but not limited to, those changes which result from


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  1  actions by the value adjustment board or from corrections of

  2  errors in the assessment roll. Furthermore, the sum of the

  3  differences between the taxable value and the good faith

  4  estimates of taxable value of all actions filed pursuant to s.

  5  194.171(2)(b) shall be reported separately and shall also be

  6  subtracted from the taxable value certified pursuant to

  7  subsection (1). Municipalities, counties, school boards, and

  8  water management districts may adjust administratively their

  9  adopted millage rate without a public hearing if the taxable

10  value within the jurisdiction of the taxing authority as

11  certified pursuant to subsection (1) is at variance by more

12  than 1 percent with the taxable value shown on the roll to be

13  extended, less any adjustment for actions pursuant to s.

14  194.171(2)(b). Any other taxing authority may adjust

15  administratively its adopted millage rate without a public

16  hearing if the taxable value within the jurisdiction of the

17  taxing authority as certified pursuant to subsection (1) is at

18  variance by more than 3 percent with the taxable value shown

19  on the roll to be extended, less any adjustment for actions

20  pursuant to s. 194.171(2)(b). The adjustment shall be such

21  that the taxes computed by applying the adopted rate against

22  the certified taxable value are equal to the taxes computed by

23  applying the adjusted adopted rate to the adjusted taxable

24  value on the roll to be extended.  However, no adjustment

25  shall be made to levies required by law to be a specific

26  millage amount. Not later than 3 days after receipt of

27  notification pursuant to this subsection, each affected taxing

28  authority shall certify to the property appraiser its adjusted

29  adopted rate. Failure to so certify shall constitute waiver of

30  the adjustment privilege.



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  1         Section 4.  Subsection (8) of section 200.069, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         200.069  Notice of proposed property taxes and adopted

  4  non-ad valorem assessments.--Pursuant to s. 200.065(2)(b), the

  5  property appraiser, in the name of the taxing authorities and

  6  local governing boards levying non-ad valorem assessments

  7  within his or her jurisdiction and at the expense of the

  8  county, shall prepare and deliver by first-class mail to each

  9  taxpayer to be listed on the current year's assessment roll a

10  notice of proposed property taxes, which notice shall be in

11  substantially the following form. Notwithstanding the

12  provisions of s. 195.022, no county officer shall use a form

13  other than that provided by the department for this purpose,

14  except as provided in subsection (11) and s. 200.065(13).

15         (8)  The notice shall further read:


17                 Market       Assessed       Exemp-       Taxable

18                 Value         Value         tions         Value

19  Your Property

20  Value Last

21  Year         $.........    $.........    $.........    $.........

22  Your Property

23  Value This

24  Year         $.........    $.........    $.........    $.........


26         If you feel that the market value of your property is

27  inaccurate or does not reflect fair market value, contact your

28  county property appraiser at ...(phone number)... or

29  ...(location)....

30         If the property appraiser's office is unable to resolve

31  the matter as to market value, you may file a petition for


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4255


  1  adjustment with the Value Adjustment Board.  Petition forms

  2  are available from the county property appraiser and must be

  3  filed ON OR BEFORE ...(date)....  If your assessed value is in

  4  excess of $...., you do not have the right to file a petition

  5  with the Value Adjustment Board, but may file an action in

  6  circuit court on or before ...(date)..., within 45 days after

  7  the mailing date of this notice.

  8         Section 5.  Subsection (4) of section 236.081, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         236.081  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

11  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each

12  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

13  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

14  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

15  follows:


17  EFFORT.--The Legislature shall prescribe the aggregate

18  required local effort for all school districts collectively as

19  an item in the General Appropriations Act for each fiscal

20  year. The amount that each district shall provide annually

21  toward the cost of the Florida Education Finance Program for

22  kindergarten through grade 12 programs shall be calculated as

23  follows:

24         (a)  Estimated taxable value calculations.--

25         1.a.  Not later than 2 working days prior to July 19,

26  the Department of Revenue shall certify to the Commissioner of

27  Education its most recent estimate of the taxable value for

28  school purposes in each school district and the total for all

29  school districts in the state for the current calendar year

30  based on the latest available data obtained from the local

31  property appraisers. Not later than July 19, the commissioner


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  1  shall compute a millage rate, rounded to the next highest one

  2  one-thousandth of a mill, which, when applied to 95 percent of

  3  the estimated state total taxable value for school purposes,

  4  would generate the prescribed aggregate required local effort

  5  for that year for all districts. The commissioner shall

  6  certify to each district school board the millage rate,

  7  computed as prescribed in this subparagraph, as the minimum

  8  millage rate necessary to provide the district required local

  9  effort for that year.

10         b.  For the 1997-1998 fiscal year only, the General

11  Appropriations Act may direct the computation of the statewide

12  adjusted aggregate amount for required local effort for all

13  school districts collectively from ad valorem taxes to ensure

14  that no school district's revenue from required local effort

15  millage will produce more than 90 percent of the district's

16  total Florida Education Finance Program calculation, and the

17  adjustment of the required local effort millage rate of each

18  district that produces more than 90 percent of its total

19  Florida Education Finance Program entitlement to a level that

20  will produce only 90 percent of its total Florida Education

21  Finance Program entitlement.  This sub-subparagraph is

22  repealed on July 1, 1998, unless enacted in other legislation.

23         2.  As revised data are received from property

24  appraisers, the Department of Revenue shall amend the

25  certification of the estimate of the taxable value for school

26  purposes.  The Commissioner of Education, in administering the

27  provisions of subparagraph (10)(a)2., shall use the most

28  recent taxable value for the appropriate year.

29         (b)  Final calculation.--

30         1.  The Department of Revenue shall, upon receipt of

31  the official final assessed value of property from each of the


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  1  property appraisers, certify to the commissioner the taxable

  2  value total for school purposes in each school district,

  3  subject to the provisions of paragraph (d). The commissioner

  4  shall use the official final taxable value for school purposes

  5  for each school district in the final calculation of the

  6  annual K-12 Florida Education Finance Program allocations.

  7         2.  For the purposes of this paragraph, the official

  8  final taxable value for school purposes shall be the taxable

  9  value for school purposes on which the tax bills are computed

10  and mailed to the taxpayers, adjusted to reflect final

11  administrative actions of value adjustment boards and judicial

12  decisions pursuant to part I of chapter 194. By September 1 of

13  each year, the Department of Revenue shall certify to the

14  commissioner the official prior year final taxable value for

15  school purposes. For each county that has not submitted a

16  revised tax roll reflecting final value adjustment board

17  actions and final judicial decisions, the Department of

18  Revenue shall certify the most recent revision of the official

19  taxable value for school purposes. The certified value shall

20  be the final taxable value for school purposes and no further

21  adjustments shall be made, except those made pursuant to

22  subparagraph (10)(a)2.

23         (c)  Equalization of required local effort.--

24         1.  The Department of Revenue shall include with its

25  certifications provided pursuant to paragraph (a) its most

26  recent determination of the assessment level of the prior

27  year's assessment roll for each county and for the state as a

28  whole.

29         2.  The commissioner shall adjust the required local

30  effort millage of each district for the current year, computed

31  pursuant to paragraph (a), as follows:


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  1         a.  The equalization factor for the prior year's

  2  assessment roll of each district shall be multiplied by 95

  3  percent of the taxable value for school purposes shown on that

  4  roll and by the prior year's required local-effort millage,

  5  exclusive of any equalization adjustment made pursuant to this

  6  paragraph. The dollar amount so computed shall be the

  7  additional required local effort for equalization for the

  8  current year.

  9         b.  Such equalization factor shall be computed as the

10  quotient of the prior year's assessment level of the state as

11  a whole divided by the prior year's assessment level of the

12  county, from which quotient shall be subtracted 1.

13         c.  The dollar amount of additional required local

14  effort for equalization for each district shall be converted

15  to a millage rate, based on 95 percent of the current year's

16  taxable value for that district, and added to the required

17  local effort millage determined pursuant to paragraph (a).

18         3.  Notwithstanding the limitations imposed pursuant to

19  s. 236.25(1), the total required local-effort millage,

20  including additional required local effort for equalization,

21  shall be an amount not to exceed 10 minus the maximum millage

22  allowed as nonvoted discretionary millage, exclusive of

23  millage authorized pursuant to s. 236.25(2). Nothing herein

24  shall be construed to allow a millage in excess of that

25  authorized in s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution.

26         4.  For the purposes of this chapter, the term

27  "assessment level" means the value-weighted mean assessment

28  ratio for the county or state as a whole, as determined

29  pursuant to s. 195.096, or as subsequently adjusted. In the

30  event a court has adjudicated that the department failed to

31  establish an accurate estimate of an assessment level of a


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  1  county and recomputation resulting in an accurate estimate

  2  based upon the evidence before the court was not possible,

  3  that county shall be presumed to have an assessment level

  4  equal to that of the state as a whole.

  5         5.  If, in the prior year, taxes were levied against an

  6  interim assessment roll pursuant to s. 193.1145, the

  7  assessment level and prior year's nonexempt assessed valuation

  8  used for the purposes of this paragraph shall be those of the

  9  interim assessment roll.

10         (d)  Exclusion.--In those instances in which:

11         1.  There is litigation either attacking the authority

12  of the property appraiser to include certain property on the

13  tax assessment roll as taxable property or contesting the

14  assessed value of certain property on the tax assessment roll;

15  and

16         2.  The assessed value of the property in contest

17  involves more than 10 percent of the total nonexempt

18  assessment roll;


20  the assessed value of the property in contest shall be

21  excluded from the taxable value for school purposes for

22  purposes of computing the district required local effort.

23         (d)(e)  Recomputation.--Following final adjudication of

24  any litigation on the basis of which an adjustment in taxable

25  value was made pursuant to ss. 194.171 and 200.065(5)

26  paragraph (d), the department shall recompute the required

27  local effort for each district for each year affected by such

28  adjustments, utilizing taxable values approved by the court,

29  and shall adjust subsequent allocations to such districts

30  accordingly.



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  1         Section 6.  This act shall take effect January 1 of the

  2  year after the year in which enacted.


  4            *****************************************

  5                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Prohibits petitions to the value adjustment board from
  7    being filed by taxpayers whose assessments by the
      property appraiser are in excess of a specified amount.
  8    Provides a time limit for the filing of actions in
      circuit court to contest a tax assessment by such
  9    taxpayers. Requires such taxpayers to include with the
      good faith payment required prior to such an action a
10    good faith estimate of the taxable value of the property
      involved in the action. Provides for the exclusion of a
11    certain sum related to such court actions from the
      taxable value certified for millage purposes. Revises
12    provisions relating to administrative adjustments of
      millage rates to allow for deduction of any adjustments
13    for such court actions. Revises the notice of proposed
      property taxes and adopted non-ad valorem assessments to
14    include notice that such taxpayers must file an action in
      circuit court rather than a petition with the value
15    adjustment board to contest the market value of their
      property appearing in such notice. For the Florida
16    Education Finance Program, revises the computation of
      district required local effort with respect to
17    recomputation based on adjustment resulting from such
      court actions. See bill for details.













