House Bill 4305

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4305

        By Representatives Culp, Crist, Ogles, Bradley, Tamargo,
    Byrd, Wallace, Miller and Murman

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Hillsborough County;

  3         providing for the consolidation of the job

  4         training partnership programs of the City of

  5         Tampa and of Hillsborough County; providing for

  6         employees who are transferred from the city to

  7         the county to elect, within a specified

  8         deadline, to remain in the City of Tampa

  9         pension plan or to transfer to the Florida

10         Retirement System; providing procedures for

11         making the election; providing that county job

12         training partnership program employees who are

13         hired after a specified date become members of

14         the Florida Retirement System; providing an

15         effective date.


17         WHEREAS, the United States Congress, on October 13,

18  1982, enacted Public Law Number 97-300, the Job Training

19  Partnership Act (hereinafter referred to as the "JTPA"), and

20  charged the State of Florida with the duty of establishing

21  local service delivery areas (hereinafter "SDAs"), and

22         WHEREAS, the unincorporated and incorporated areas

23  within the confines of the boundaries of Hillsborough County

24  have been designated by the Governor of this state as the SDA,

25  and

26         WHEREAS, prior to July 1, 1996, the City of Tampa and

27  Hillsborough County were independent JTPA entities that

28  provided programs in separate areas, and, as a result of the

29  Governor's designation of the unincorporated and incorporated

30  areas of Hillsborough County as the local service delivery

31  area for JTPA programs, the City of Tampa and Hillsborough


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4305


  1  County have combined their programs to serve the single SDA,

  2  with Hillsborough County being the grant recipient and

  3  administrative entity for Title II programs under the JTPA and

  4  the substate grantee for Title III programs under the JTPA,

  5  and

  6         WHEREAS, the consolidation of JTPA functions under a

  7  single administrative and operating entity necessitates the

  8  transfer of certain City of Tampa employees, each of whom may

  9  or may not wish to take the option of remaining in the General

10  Employees' Pension Plan for the City of Tampa (the "pension

11  plan") once he or she becomes a Hillsborough County employee,

12  and

13         WHEREAS, pursuant to chapter 23559, Laws of Florida, as

14  amended, an individual must be an employee of the City of

15  Tampa in order to participate in the pension plan, thereby

16  making such participation possible only if the Florida

17  Legislature adopts a special act authorizing such

18  participation, NOW, THEREFORE,


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  City of Tampa employees to be transferred

23  to Hillsborough County; election of pension plan; costs of

24  plan for employees electing to remain in city's pension

25  plan.--All classified City of Tampa employees who, on June 30,

26  1998, are assigned to the City of Tampa's Job Training

27  Partnership Program shall be transferred on July 1, 1998, to

28  Hillsborough County positions that are commensurate with their

29  positions with the city. Each City of Tampa employee who is so

30  transferred may, by the deadline prescribed under section 2 of

31  this act, elect to remain a member of the General Employees'


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4305


  1  Pension Plan of the City of Tampa for the duration of his or

  2  her employment by the county or may elect to become a member

  3  of the Florida Retirement System, with all its attendant

  4  rights. The county must pay to the city the employer's share

  5  of the pension costs for each employee who remains a member of

  6  the city pension plan, and the county must also deduct from

  7  each such employee's salary and remit to the city the

  8  employee's share of the pension costs. Any person who is hired

  9  by the county for its Job Training Partnership Program after

10  June 30, 1998, becomes a member of the Florida Retirement

11  System.

12         Section 2.  Election procedures.--The election

13  procedure is as follows:

14         (1)  Each employee who transfers from city to county

15  employment and who is covered by this act must be given

16  written notice of his or her right of election under section 1

17  of this act.

18         (2)  Each such transferred employee has 15 calendar

19  days after the date of receipt of notice of his or her right

20  of election to elect to remain a member of the city pension

21  plan or to become a member of the Florida Retirement System.

22         (3)  An employee who elects to become a member of the

23  Florida Retirement System or fails to make an election becomes

24  a member of the Florida Retirement System effective July 1,

25  1998.

26         Section 3.  This act shall take effect June 1 of the

27  year in which enacted.




