House Bill 4337

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4337

        By Representative Ogles

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to municipal recall; amending

  3         s. 100.361, F.S.; requiring recall petitions to

  4         contain the full text of the grounds for recall

  5         alleged in the petition; requiring each

  6         signature on a petition to be dated; providing

  7         for voluntary registration of a petition before

  8         signatures are gathered; clarifying duties of

  9         the clerk with respect to determining whether

10         petition states grounds for recall; requiring

11         recall petition and defense to contain full

12         text of grounds for recall alleged in the

13         petition and the official's defensive

14         statement; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 100.361, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         100.361  Municipal recall.--

21         (1)  RECALL PETITION.--Any member of the governing body

22  of a municipality or charter county, hereinafter referred to

23  in this section as "municipality," may be removed from office

24  by the electors of the municipality.  When the official

25  represents a district and is elected only by electors residing

26  in that district, only electors from that district are

27  eligible to sign the petition to recall that official and are

28  entitled to vote in the recall election. When the official

29  represents a district and is elected at-large by the electors

30  of the municipality, all electors of the municipality are

31  eligible to sign the petition to recall that official and are


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4337


  1  entitled to vote in the recall election. Where used in this

  2  section, the term "district" shall be construed to mean the

  3  area or region of a municipality from which a member of the

  4  governing body is elected by the electors from such area or

  5  region.  Members may be removed from office by the following

  6  procedure:

  7         (a)  A petition shall be prepared naming the person

  8  sought to be recalled and containing a statement of grounds

  9  for recall in not more than 200 words limited solely to the

10  grounds specified in paragraph (b). Each page of a petition

11  containing space on which signatures may be placed must

12  contain the full text of the statement of grounds for recall.

13  If more than one member of the governing body is sought to be

14  recalled, whether such member is elected by the electors of a

15  district or by the electors of the municipality at-large, a

16  separate recall petition shall be prepared for each member

17  sought to be recalled.

18         1.  In a municipality or district of fewer than 500

19  electors, the petition shall be signed by at least 50 electors

20  or by 10 percent of the total number of registered electors of

21  the municipality or district as of the preceding municipal

22  election, whichever is greater.

23         2.  In a municipality or district of 500 or more but

24  fewer than 2,000 registered electors, the petition shall be

25  signed by at least 100 electors or by 10 percent of the total

26  number of registered electors of the municipality or district

27  as of the preceding municipal election, whichever is greater.

28         3.  In a municipality or district of 2,000 or more but

29  fewer than 5,000 registered electors, the petition shall be

30  signed by at least 250 electors or by 10 percent of the total



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  1  number of registered electors of the municipality or district

  2  as of the preceding municipal election, whichever is greater.

  3         4.  In a municipality or district of 5,000 or more but

  4  fewer than 10,000 registered electors, the petition shall be

  5  signed by at least 500 electors or by 10 percent of the total

  6  number of registered electors of the municipality or district

  7  as of the preceding municipal election, whichever is greater.

  8         5.  In a municipality or district of 10,000 or more but

  9  fewer than 25,000 registered electors, the petition shall be

10  signed by at least 1,000 electors or by 10 percent of the

11  total number of registered electors of the municipality or

12  district as of the preceding municipal election, whichever is

13  greater.

14         6.  In a municipality or district of 25,000 or more

15  registered electors, the petition shall be signed by at least

16  1,000 electors or by 5 percent of the total number of

17  registered electors of the municipality or district as of the

18  preceding municipal election, whichever is greater.


20  Electors of the municipality or district making charges

21  contained in the statement of grounds for recall and those

22  signing the recall petition shall be designated as the

23  "committee."  A specific person shall be designated in the

24  petition as chair of the committee to act for the committee.

25  Electors of the municipality or district are eligible to sign

26  the petition. Signatures and oaths of circulators shall be

27  executed as provided in paragraph (c).  All signatures must

28  shall be obtained within a period of 30 days, each signature

29  must be followed by the date on which the signature was placed

30  on the petition, and the petition must shall be filed within

31  30 days after the date the first signature is obtained on the


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  1  petition. The committee may register its petition with the

  2  clerk before it begins to obtain signatures.  The clerk shall

  3  examine the petition to determine whether the statement of

  4  grounds for recall states one or more grounds for removal

  5  listed in paragraph (b). If the clerk determines that the

  6  petition states one or more of such grounds, the clerk shall

  7  so inform the chair of the committee, but the clerk is under

  8  no obligation to determine the accuracy of any allegation

  9  contained in the grounds.

10         (b)  The grounds for removal of elected municipal

11  officials shall, for the purposes of this act, be limited to

12  the following and must be contained in the petition:

13         1.  Malfeasance;

14         2.  Misfeasance;

15         3.  Neglect of duty;

16         4.  Drunkenness;

17         5.  Incompetence;

18         6.  Permanent inability to perform official duties; and

19         7.  Conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude.

20         (c)  Each elector of the municipality signing a

21  petition shall sign his or her name in ink or indelible pencil

22  as registered in the office of the supervisor of elections and

23  shall state on the petition his or her place of residence and

24  voting precinct.  Each petition shall contain appropriate

25  lines for signatures and addresses of electors and an oath, to

26  be executed by the circulator thereof, verifying the fact that

27  the circulator saw each person sign the counterpart of the

28  petition, that each signature appearing thereon is the genuine

29  signature of the person it purports to be, and that the

30  petition was signed in the presence of the circulator on the

31  date indicated.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4337


  1         (d)  The petition shall be filed with the auditor or

  2  clerk of the municipality or charter county, or his or her

  3  equivalent, hereinafter referred to as clerk, by the person

  4  designated as chair of the committee, and, when a facially

  5  valid petition that states one or more of the grounds for

  6  removal listed in meeting the requirements of paragraph (b) is

  7  filed, the clerk shall submit such petition to the county

  8  supervisor of elections who shall, within a period of not more

  9  than 30 days after the petition is filed with the supervisor,

10  determine whether the petition contains the required valid

11  signatures. If it is determined by the clerk that the petition

12  does not state one or more of the grounds for removal listed

13  in meet the requirements of paragraph (b) and therefore is not

14  facially valid, the clerk shall so notify the governing body

15  of the municipality or charter county and take no further

16  action.  The petition cannot be amended after it is filed with

17  the clerk.  The supervisor shall be paid by the persons or

18  committee seeking verification the sum of 10 cents for each

19  name checked.

20         (e)  If it is determined that the petition does not

21  contain the required signatures, the clerk shall so certify to

22  the governing body of the municipality or charter county and

23  file the petition without taking further action, and the

24  matter shall be at an end.  No additional names may be added

25  to the petition, and the petition shall not be used in any

26  other proceeding.

27         (f)  If it is determined that the petition has the

28  required signatures, then the clerk shall at once serve upon

29  the person sought to be recalled a certified copy of the

30  petition.  Within 5 days after service, the person sought to

31  be recalled may file with the clerk a defensive statement of


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  1  not more than 200 words.  The clerk shall, within 5 days,

  2  prepare a sufficient number of typewritten, printed, or

  3  mimeographed copies of the recall petition and defensive

  4  statement, as well as the names, addresses, and oaths on the

  5  original petition, and deliver them to the person who has been

  6  designated as chair of the committee and take his or her

  7  receipt therefor.  Such prepared copies shall be entitled

  8  "Recall Petition and Defense" and shall contain lines and

  9  spaces for signatures of registered electors, place of

10  residence, election precinct number, and date of signing,

11  together with oaths to be executed by the circulators which

12  conform to the provisions of paragraph (c). Each page of a

13  petition containing space on which signatures may be placed

14  must contain the full text of the statement of grounds for

15  recall and the defensive statement. The clerk shall deliver

16  forms sufficient to carry the signatures of 30 percent of the

17  registered electors.

18         (g)  Upon receipt of the "Recall Petition and Defense,"

19  the committee may circulate them to obtain the signatures of

20  15 percent of the electors.  Any elector who signs a recall

21  petition shall have the right to demand in writing that his or

22  her name be stricken from the petition.  A written demand

23  signed by the elector shall be filed with the clerk and upon

24  receipt of the demand the clerk shall strike the name of the

25  elector from the petition and place his or her initials to the

26  side of the signature stricken. However, no signature may be

27  stricken after the clerk has delivered the "Recall Petition

28  and Defense" to the supervisor of elections for verification.

29         (h)  Within 60 days after delivery of the "Recall

30  Petition and Defense" to the chair, the chair shall file with

31  the clerk the "Recall Petition and Defense" which bears the


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  1  signatures of electors.  The clerk shall assemble all signed

  2  petitions, check to see that each petition is properly

  3  verified by the oath of the circulator, and submit such

  4  petitions to the county supervisor of elections, who shall

  5  determine the number of valid signatures, purge the names

  6  withdrawn, certify within 30 days whether 15 percent of the

  7  qualified electors of the municipality have signed the

  8  petitions, and report his or her findings to the governing

  9  body.  The supervisor shall be paid by the persons or

10  committee seeking verification the sum of 10 cents for each

11  name checked.

12         (i)  If the petitions do not contain the required

13  signatures, the clerk shall report such fact to the governing

14  body and file the petitions, the proceedings shall be

15  terminated, and the petitions shall not again be used. If the

16  signatures do amount to at least 15 percent of the qualified

17  electors, the clerk shall serve notice of that fact upon the

18  person sought to be recalled and deliver to the governing body

19  a certificate as to the percentage of qualified voters who

20  signed.

21         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

22  year in which enacted.


24            *****************************************

25                          SENATE SUMMARY

26    Requires each copy of the petition in a municipal recall
      election on which signatures may be placed to contain the
27    full text of statement of grounds for recall.  Requires
      each signature to be dated.  Requires the clerk to verify
28    whether a petition states one or more statutory grounds
      for recall, but the clerk need not determine the accuracy
29    of any allegation in those grounds.  Allows a committee
      seeking to recall an official to register its petition
30    with the clerk before obtaining signatures and obtain
      from the clerk a determination of whether the petition
31    states one or more grounds.
