Senate Bill 0438

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 438

    By the Committee on Regulated Industries


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to pari-mutuel wagering;

  3         reenacting s. 550.0951(3), F.S., relating to

  4         the tax on handle; reenacting s. 550.09511(2),

  5         (3), F.S., relating to jai alai taxes; amending

  6         s. 26, ch. 96-364, Laws of Florida; abrogating

  7         the future amendment of ss. 550.0951(3),

  8         550.09511(2), (3), F.S.; providing an effective

  9         date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 550.0951, Florida

14  Statutes, is reenacted to read:

15         550.0951  Payment of daily license fee and taxes.--

16         (3)  TAX ON HANDLE.--Each permitholder shall pay a tax

17  on contributions to pari-mutuel pools, the aggregate of which

18  is hereinafter referred to as "handle," on races or games

19  conducted by the permitholder. The tax is imposed daily and is

20  based on the total contributions to all pari-mutuel pools

21  conducted during the daily performance.  If a permitholder

22  conducts more than one performance daily, the tax is imposed

23  on each performance separately.

24         (a)  The tax on handle for thoroughbred horse racing,

25  harness horse racing, and quarter horse racing is 3.3 percent

26  of the handle.

27         (b)  The tax on handle for dogracing is 7.6 percent of

28  the handle and for jai alai is 7.1 percent of the handle.

29         (c)1.  The tax on handle for intertrack wagering is 3.3

30  percent of the handle if the host track is a horse track, 7.6

31  percent if the host track is a dog track, and 7.1 percent if


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 438

  1  the host track is a jai alai fronton.  The tax on handle for

  2  intertrack wagering on rebroadcasts of simulcast horseraces is

  3  2.4 percent of the handle.  The tax shall be deposited into

  4  the General Revenue Fund.

  5         2.  Effective October 1, 1996, the tax on handle for

  6  intertrack wagers accepted by any dog track located in an area

  7  of the state in which there are only three permitholders, all

  8  of which are greyhound permitholders, located in three

  9  contiguous counties, from any greyhound permitholder also

10  located within such area or any dog track or jai alai fronton

11  located as specified in s. 550.615(6) or (8), on races or

12  games received from the same class of permitholder located

13  within the same market area is 6 percent if the host facility

14  is a greyhound permitholder and, if the host facility is a jai

15  alai permitholder, the rate shall be 6.1 percent except that

16  it shall be 2.3 percent on handle at such time as the total

17  tax on intertrack handle paid to the division by the

18  permitholder during the current state fiscal year exceeds the

19  total tax on intertrack handle paid to the division by the

20  permitholder during the 1992-1993 state fiscal year.

21         3.  Any guest track that imposes a surcharge on each

22  winning ticket cashed pursuant to s. 550.6335 shall pay an

23  additional tax equal to 5 percent of the surcharge so imposed.

24  Any taxes so imposed shall be deposited into the General

25  Revenue Fund.

26         Section 2.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section

27  550.09511, Florida Statutes, are reenacted to read:

28         550.09511  Jai alai taxes; abandoned interest in a

29  permit for nonpayment of taxes.--




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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 438

  1         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s.

  2  550.0951(3)(b), wagering on live jai alai performances shall

  3  be subject to the following taxes:

  4         (a)1.  The tax on handle per performance for live jai

  5  alai performances is 4.25 percent of handle per performance.

  6  However, when the live handle of a permitholder during the

  7  preceding state fiscal year was less than $15 million, the tax

  8  shall be paid on the handle in excess of $30,000 per

  9  performance per day.

10         2.  The tax rate shall be applicable only until the

11  requirements of paragraph (b) are met.

12         (b)  At such time as the total of admissions tax, daily

13  license fee, and tax on handle for live jai alai performances

14  paid to the division by a permitholder during the current

15  state fiscal year exceeds the total state tax revenues from

16  wagering on live jai alai performances paid or due by the

17  permitholder in fiscal year 1991-1992, the permitholder shall

18  pay tax on handle for live jai alai performances at a rate of

19  2.55 percent of the handle per performance for the remainder

20  of the current state fiscal year. For purposes of this

21  section, total state tax revenues on live jai alai wagering in

22  fiscal year 1991-1992 shall include any admissions tax, tax on

23  handle, surtaxes on handle, and daily license fees.

24         (c)  If no tax on handle for live jai alai performances

25  were paid to the division by a jai alai permitholder during

26  the 1991-1992 state fiscal year, then at such time as the

27  total of admissions tax, daily license fee, and tax on handle

28  for live jai alai performances paid to the division by a

29  permitholder during the current state fiscal year exceeds the

30  total state tax revenues from wagering on live jai alai

31  performances paid or due by the permitholder in the last state


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  1  fiscal year in which the permitholder conducted a full

  2  schedule of live games, the permitholder shall pay tax on

  3  handle for live jai alai performances at a rate of 3.3 percent

  4  of the handle per performance for the remainder of the current

  5  state fiscal year. For purposes of this section, total state

  6  tax revenues on live jai alai wagering shall include any

  7  admissions tax, tax on handle, surtaxes on handle, and daily

  8  license fees.  This paragraph shall take effect July 1, 1993.

  9         (d)  A permitholder who obtains a new permit issued by

10  the division subsequent to the 1991-1992 state fiscal year and

11  a permitholder whose permit has been converted to a jai alai

12  permit under the provisions of this chapter, shall, at such

13  time as the total of admissions tax, daily license fee, and

14  tax on handle for live jai alai performances paid to the

15  division by the permitholder during the current state fiscal

16  year exceeds the average total state tax revenues from

17  wagering on live jai alai performances for the first 3

18  consecutive jai alai seasons paid to or due the division by

19  the permitholder and during which the permitholder conducted a

20  full schedule of live games, pay tax on handle for live jai

21  alai performances at a rate of 3.3 percent of the handle per

22  performance for the remainder of the current state fiscal

23  year.

24         (e)  The payment of taxes pursuant to paragraphs (b),

25  (c), and (d) shall be calculated and commence beginning the

26  day after the biweekly period in which the permitholder is

27  first entitled to the reduced rate specified in this section

28  and the report of taxes required by s. 550.0951(5) is

29  submitted to the division.

30         (f)  A jai alai permitholder paying taxes under this

31  section shall retain the breaks and pay an amount equal to the


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  1  breaks as special prize awards which shall be in addition to

  2  the regular contracted prize money paid to jai alai players at

  3  the permitholder's facility. Payment of the special prize

  4  money shall be made during the permitholder's current meet.

  5         (g)  For purposes of this section, "handle" shall have

  6  the same meaning as in s. 550.0951, and shall not include

  7  handle from intertrack wagering.

  8         (3)(a)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection

  9  (2) and s. 550.0951(3)(c)1., any jai alai permitholder which

10  is restricted under Florida law from operating live

11  performances on a year-round basis is entitled to conduct

12  wagering on live performances at a tax rate of 3.85 percent of

13  live handle.  Such permitholder is also entitled to conduct

14  intertrack wagering as a host permitholder on live jai alai

15  games at its fronton at a tax rate of 3.3 percent of handle at

16  such time as the total tax on intertrack handle paid to the

17  division by the permitholder during the current state fiscal

18  year exceeds the total tax on intertrack handle paid to the

19  division by the permitholder during the 1992-1993 state fiscal

20  year.

21         (b)  The payment of taxes pursuant to paragraph (a)

22  shall be calculated and commence beginning the day after the

23  biweekly period in which the permitholder is first entitled to

24  the reduced rate specified in this subsection.

25         Section 3.  Section 26 of chapter 96-364, Laws of

26  Florida, is amended to read:

27         Section 26.  Effective July 1, 1998, the amendments to

28  subsection (3) of section 550.0951, subsections (2) and (3) of

29  section 550.09511, subsection (2) of section 550.09515, and

30  subsection (2) of section 550.2625, Florida Statutes, shall

31  expire and the text of said subsections shall revert to that


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  1  in existence immediately prior to this act becoming law and as

  2  set forth in the act without the amendments to such

  3  subsections, specified in this act, except that any amendments

  4  to such text enacted other than by this act shall be preserved

  5  and continue to operate to the extent that such amendments are

  6  not dependent upon the portions of said text which expire

  7  pursuant to the provisions of this act.  The Statutory

  8  Revision Division of the Joint Legislative Management

  9  Committee shall include in an appropriate reviser's bill any

10  amendments to said section which are necessary to give effect

11  to the legislative intent expressed in this section.

12         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

13  law.


15            *****************************************

16                          SENATE SUMMARY

17    Abrogates the future amendment of s. 550.0951(3), F.S.,
      relating to tax on handle, and s. 550.09511(2) and (3),
18    F.S., relating to jai alai taxes, which was scheduled to
      take effect July 1, 1998.












