House Bill 4503

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4503

        By Representative Logan

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the creation of Opa-locka

  3         County; amending s. 7.13, F.S.; revising the

  4         boundary of Miami-Dade County; creating s.

  5         7.475, F.S.; providing for the creation of the

  6         county as described in the act; providing for

  7         the county seat; amending s. 26.021, F.S.;

  8         including Opa-locka County within the eleventh

  9         judicial circuit; amending s. 34.022, F.S.;

10         revising the number of judges in Miami-Dade

11         County and providing for judges in Opa-locka

12         County; reenacting s. 35.04, F.S., to

13         incorporate a cross reference; providing for

14         districts; providing for officers; providing

15         for commission meetings; providing for school

16         board meetings; providing for courts; providing

17         for transfer of causes; providing for

18         transcript of records by the clerk of the

19         circuit court; providing for the sheriff;

20         providing for a transcript of records by the

21         property appraiser; providing for duties of the

22         property appraiser; providing for the

23         compensation of the property appraiser;

24         providing for certain tax collections;

25         providing for tax redemptions; providing for

26         the proration of certain indebtedness;

27         providing for the supervisor of elections;

28         providing for the disposition of certain

29         incarcerated persons; providing for a jury

30         list; providing a savings clause; providing a

31         referendum.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4503


  1  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  3         Section 1.  Section 7.13, Florida Statutes, is amended

  4  to read:

  5         7.13  Miami-Dade Dade County.--The boundary lines of

  6  Miami-Dade Dade County, excluding that portion of Miami-Dade

  7  County which comprises Opa-locka County as described in s.

  8  7.475, are as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of

  9  township fifty-one south, range thirty-five east; thence east

10  following the south line of township fifty-one south, across

11  ranges thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight,

12  thirty-nine and forty east, to the southwest corner of

13  township fifty-one south, range forty-one east; thence north

14  on the range line dividing ranges forty and forty-one east to

15  the northwest corner of section thirty-one, township fifty-one

16  south, range forty-one east; thence east on the north boundary

17  of said section thirty-one and other sections to the waters of

18  the Atlantic Ocean; thence easterly to the eastern boundary of

19  the State of Florida; thence southward along the coast,

20  including the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the gulf stream

21  within the jurisdiction of the State of Florida, to a point on

22  the reefs of Florida immediately opposite the mouth of Broad

23  Creek (a stream separating Cayo Lago from Old Rhodes Key);

24  thence in a direct line through the middle of said stream to a

25  point east of Mud Point, said point being located on the east

26  line of the west one half of section seven, township

27  fifty-nine south, range forty east, at a distance of two

28  thousand three hundred feet, more or less, south of the

29  northeast corner of the west one half of said section seven

30  being a point on the existing Miami-Dade Dade County boundary

31  line as established by s. 7.13; thence run southerly along the


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  1  east line of the west one half of said section seven, township

  2  fifty-nine south, range forty east, to a point two thousand

  3  feet, more or less, north of the south line of said section

  4  seven; thence run westerly along a line parallel to the south

  5  line of said section seven, through the open water midway

  6  between two islands lying in the west one half of said section

  7  seven to a point on the west line of section seven, township

  8  fifty-nine south, range forty east; thence run southerly for a

  9  distance of two thousand feet, more or less, to the southwest

10  corner of said section seven; thence run southerly along the

11  west line of section eighteen, township fifty-nine south,

12  range forty east, to the southwest corner of said section

13  eighteen; thence run in a southwesterly direction along a

14  straight line to the southwest corner of section twenty-four,

15  township fifty-nine south, range thirty-nine east; thence run

16  southerly along the east line of section twenty-six, township

17  fifty-nine south, range thirty-nine east, to the southeast

18  corner of said section twenty-six; thence run southerly along

19  the east line of section thirty-five, township fifty-nine

20  south, range thirty-nine east, to a point of intersection with

21  a line drawn parallel with the north line of said section

22  thirty-five and through the open water midway between Main and

23  Short Key; thence run westerly along a line parallel to the

24  north line of said section thirty-five, through the open water

25  midway between Main and Short Key to a point on the west line

26  of section thirty-five and a point on the east line of section

27  thirty-four, township fifty-nine south, range thirty-nine

28  east; thence run southwesterly in a straight line to the

29  southwest corner of the southeast quarter of said section

30  thirty-four and the northeast corner of the northwest quarter

31  of section three, township sixty south, range thirty-nine


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  1  east; thence run southerly along the east line of the

  2  northwest quarter of said section three to the southeast

  3  corner of the northwest quarter of said section three; thence

  4  run westerly along the south line of the northwest quarter of

  5  said section three to the southwest corner of the northwest

  6  quarter of said section three; thence run westerly to a point

  7  on the northerly bank of Manatee Creek at the easterly mouth

  8  of said Manatee Creek; thence run westerly meandering the

  9  northerly bank of Manatee Creek to the intersection thereof

10  with the west right-of-way line of United States Highway No.

11  1, said right-of-way line being the east boundary of the

12  Everglades National Park and said north bank of Manatee Creek

13  being the southerly line of the mainland of the State of

14  Florida and the existing boundary line between Miami-Dade Dade

15  County and Monroe County; thence along the mainland to the

16  range line between ranges thirty-four and thirty-five east,

17  thence due north on said range line to place of beginning.

18  However, the boundary lines of Miami-Dade Dade County shall

19  not include the following: Begin at the northwest corner of

20  section thirty-five, township fifty-one south, range forty-two

21  east, Miami-Dade Dade County, Florida; thence, southerly

22  following the west line of section thirty-five, township

23  fifty-one south, range forty-two east to the intersection with

24  a line which is two hundred and thirty feet south of and

25  parallel to the north line of section thirty-five, township

26  fifty-one south, range forty-two east; thence, easterly

27  following the line which is two hundred and thirty feet south

28  of and parallel to the north line of section thirty-five,

29  township fifty-one south, range forty-two east, to the

30  intersection with the west boundary line of the Town of Golden

31  Beach; thence, northerly following the west boundary line of


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  1  the Town of Golden Beach to the intersection with the north

  2  line of section thirty-five, township fifty-one south, range

  3  forty-two east; thence, westerly following the north line of

  4  section thirty-five, township fifty-one south, range forty-two

  5  east to the point of beginning.

  6         Section 2.  Section 7.475, Florida Statutes, is created

  7  to read:

  8         7.475  Opa-locka County created; county seat.--

  9         (1)  The County of Opa-locka be, and the same is hereby

10  created and established as a county of the state, effective

11  upon ratification at the referendum election provided for in

12  this act. Such county shall comprise and include all of the

13  territory which is described as follows, to wit:


15         That portion of Miami-Dade County as follows:


17         Commencing at the NORTHEAST corner of Section

18         22, Township 52 South, Range 41 East, for the

19         point or place of beginning; thence run West to

20         the NORTHWEST corner of Section 20, Township 52

21         South, Range 41 East; thence run South to the

22         SOUTHWEST corner of Section 29, Township 52

23         South, Range 41 East; thence run East to the

24         SOUTHEAST corner of said Section 29; thence run

25         North along the East section line of said

26         Section 29 to the SOUTHEAST corner of the

27         NORTHEAST quarter of said section; thence run

28         East along the center line of Section 28,

29         Township 52 South, Range 41 East to the

30         SOUTHEAST corner of the NORTHEAST quarter of

31         said Section 28; thence run North to the


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  1         SOUTHWEST corner of said Section 22; thence run

  2         East along the South line of said Section 22 to

  3         the SOUTHEAST corner thereof; thence run North

  4         along the East side of said Section 22 to the

  5         point or place of beginning, all of said land

  6         being more particularly described as Sections

  7         20, 21, 22 and 29 and the North half of Section

  8         28, Township 52, Range 41 East, Miami-Dade

  9         County, Florida.


11         (2)  The county seat for Opa-locka County is the City

12  of Opa-locka.

13         Section 3.  Subsection (11) of section 26.021, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         26.021  Judicial circuits; judges.--

16         (11)  The eleventh circuit is composed of Miami-Dade

17  Dade County and Opa-locka County.


19  The judicial nominating commission of each circuit, in

20  submitting nominations for any vacancy in a judgeship, and the

21  Governor, in filling any vacancy for a judgeship, shall

22  consider whether the existing judges within the circuit,

23  together with potential nominees or appointees, reflect the

24  geographic distribution of the population within the circuit,

25  the geographic distribution of the caseload within the

26  circuit, the racial and ethnic diversity of the population

27  within the circuit, and the geographic distribution of the

28  racial and ethnic minority population within the circuit.

29         Section 4.  Subsection (13) of section 34.022, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended, present subsections (48)-(67) are



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  1  renumbered as subsections (49)-(68), respectively, and a new

  2  subsection (48) is added to said section to read:

  3         34.022  Number of county court judges for each

  4  county.--The number of county court judges in each county

  5  shall be as follows:


  7  COUNTY                                                   TOTAL

  8         (13)  Miami-Dade Dade..............................3941

  9         (48)  Opa-locka.......................................2

10         Section 5.  For the purpose of incorporating the

11  amendment to section 26.021, Florida Statutes, in references

12  thereto, section 35.04, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to

13  read:

14         35.04  Third Appellate District.--The Third Appellate

15  District is composed of the Eleventh and Sixteenth Judicial

16  Circuits.

17         Section 6.  Officers.--The Governor of the state shall

18  immediately after the passage of this act appoint five

19  persons, to be county commissioners of said county from the

20  date of its coming into being, until the next ensuing general

21  election, and the Governor on or before 60 days from the

22  passage of this act shall appoint all of the other officers to

23  which said county may be entitled under the State Constitution

24  and laws of the state.

25         Section 7.  Commission meeting.--It shall be the duty

26  of the Board of County Commissioners of Opa-locka County to

27  hold their first meeting within 5 days after this act takes

28  effect, and at such meeting they shall make arrangements for

29  temporarily carrying on the county government and shall

30  perform such other duties as may be required of them by law.



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  1         Section 8.  Board meeting.--It shall be the duty of the

  2  School Board of Opa-locka County to hold its first meeting

  3  within 5 days of the appointment of the members, and proceed

  4  to perform the duties imposed upon it by law.

  5         Section 9.  Courts.--The courts of Opa-locka County

  6  shall have civil and criminal jurisdiction throughout said

  7  county over causes of action, which shall have accrued, and

  8  over crimes and misdemeanors which shall have been committed

  9  within the territory embraced in said county, as hereby

10  constituted, prior to the day this act takes effect, in the

11  same manner and to the extent as if said county had been in

12  existence when such crimes and misdemeanors were committed or

13  when such causes of action accrued.

14         Section 10.  Transfer of causes.--All actions and

15  prosecutions, and all proceedings in guardianship, in probate,

16  or administration and any and all other actions, prosecutions,

17  or proceedings that may be pending in Miami-Dade County in the

18  Circuit Court, or any other court, or before any officer or

19  board of said county on the day this act takes effect, whereof

20  any court, officer, or board of said Opa-locka County would

21  have had jurisdiction if said Opa-locka County had been in

22  existence when said action of proceeding was instituted, shall

23  be transferred to the corresponding officer, court, or board

24  for Opa-locka County having jurisdiction of such matters; and

25  all pleadings, papers, and documents in any way pertaining to

26  any such action, prosecution or proceedings, shall be

27  delivered by the clerk or other officer of said Miami-Dade

28  County, having custody thereof, to the proper officer of

29  Opa-locka County.

30         Section 11.  Transcript of records by clerk of the

31  circuit court.--


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  1         (1)  The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Opa-locka County

  2  or the authorized agent or deputy shall procure from the

  3  records in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of

  4  Miami-Dade County a transcript of all deeds, transfers,

  5  leases, mortgages, or other conveyances of real or personal

  6  property, and of all judgments, orders and decrees, and any

  7  and all other matters of record, and any and all papers or

  8  documents in the custody of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of

  9  Miami-Dade County, that may in any way affect the interests of

10  Opa-locka County, its citizens, or property located therein,

11  as the county commissioners may from time to time direct; and

12  the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County without

13  charges of fees, shall allow the Clerk of the Circuit Court of

14  Opa-locka County full and free access to all books and papers

15  on file in the office that would in any way facilitate the

16  procuring of such transcription.

17         (2)  The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Opa-locka County

18  shall certify to the correctness of such transcription, and

19  thereupon such certified copies of the records, documents, and

20  other matters so transcribed and certified shall be of the

21  same force and effect as the original records.

22         Section 12.  Sheriff.--The Sheriff of Opa-locka County

23  shall procure from the records of the office of the

24  Metropolitan Dade Police Department, a transcript of all

25  papers, files, documents, and records in the custody of the

26  Metropolitan Dade Police Department, that may in any way

27  affect the interests of Opa-locka County, its citizens or

28  property located therein, as the county commissioners may from

29  time to time direct, and the Director of the Metropolitan Dade

30  Police Department shall, without charge of fee, allow the

31  Sheriff of Opa-locka County free access to all books, papers,


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  1  files, and documents in his or her office that may in any way

  2  facilitate the procuring of such transcription. The Director

  3  of the Metropolitan Dade Police Department shall certify to

  4  the correctness of such transcription, and thereupon such

  5  certified copies of the papers, files, documents, and records

  6  so transcribed shall be of the same force and effect as the

  7  original records.

  8         Section 13.  Transcript of records by property

  9  appraiser.--The Property Appraiser of Miami-Dade County shall

10  continue to perform the duties of that office in relation to

11  all property and persons within the territory of Opa-locka

12  County as hereby created, until the completion of the tax

13  rolls for 1998 and shall complete the assessment roll for the

14  said county as theretofore existing. Upon completion of said

15  assessment rolls, as provided by law, the tax assessor shall

16  deliver to the Property Appraiser for Opa-locka County a

17  transcript of so much of such assessment rolls as applies to

18  property and persons within the limits of Opa-locka County as

19  hereby created, and shall affix thereto a warrant for the

20  collection of said taxes as provided by law, and thereafter

21  the Property Appraiser of Opa-locka County shall perform all

22  the duties of the office as now provided by law.

23         Section 14.  Duties of property appraiser.--It shall be

24  the duty of the Property Appraiser for Opa-locka County to

25  make full, true, and accurate copies of all the maps, plats,

26  and records of the Office of the Property Appraiser for

27  Miami-Dade County, which shall affect the lands in Opa-locka

28  County, and certify to the correctness thereof and such

29  certified transcript or copies shall be of the same force and

30  effect as the originals thereof. The Property Appraiser for

31  Miami-Dade County for such purpose shall allow the Property


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  1  Appraiser of Opa-locka County full and free access to such

  2  original plats and records. The Property Appraiser and the

  3  Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County shall, without

  4  charge of fees, allow the Property Appraiser of Opa-locka

  5  County free access to all books, maps, papers, and files in

  6  their offices that would in any way facilitate the

  7  performances of the property appraiser's duties.

  8         Section 15.  Compensation of property appraiser.--The

  9  Property Appraiser for Miami-Dade County shall be paid as

10  provided by law for assessing the taxes of Opa-locka County

11  for the year 1998, and the County Commissioners of Opa-locka

12  County shall pay to said appraiser of Miami-Dade County for

13  preparing a transcript of the assessment roll for Opa-locka

14  County as herein provided, and for any and all other

15  extraordinary services which said appraiser may be required to

16  perform.

17         Section 16.  Tax collector.--

18         (1)  The Tax Collector of Miami-Dade County shall not

19  be required to account for or make settlement for the amount

20  of any taxes due on property or from persons within said

21  County of Opa-locka as hereby created for the year 1998.

22         (2)  The Tax Collector of Miami-Dade County shall

23  proceed to collect the taxes which shall have been assessed

24  for any year prior to 1998 and be unpaid and past due on lands

25  lying in the territory of Opa-locka County, as hereby created,

26  and to enforce the payment therefor by sale of delinquent

27  lands in the same manner and with the same effect as if the

28  territory of Opa-locka County had remained a part of

29  Miami-Dade County, and all sales made in pursuance of this

30  section shall be as valid as if the territory of Opa-locka

31  County had remained a part of Miami-Dade County. All the tax


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  1  certificates covering sales of land lying in Opa-locka County,

  2  which shall be made on or after the day this act takes effect,

  3  shall be delivered to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of

  4  Opa-locka County, and the redemption of any such land shall be

  5  made through said clerk.

  6         Section 17.  Tax redemptions.--All redemptions of tax

  7  certificates covering lands lying in Opa-locka County which

  8  shall have been certified or sold for taxes prior to the day

  9  this act takes effect, whether certified or sold to the state

10  or individuals, shall be made through the Clerk of the Circuit

11  Court of Opa-locka County; provided, that the Clerk of the

12  Circuit Court of Opa-locka County shall give to the Clerk of

13  the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County a receipt for all said

14  tax sale certificates and in the accounting shall remit to the

15  Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County that

16  proportionate part of the taxes which the redemption of said

17  certificates cover prior to the day this act takes effect,

18  retaining for Opa-locka County the proportionate part of the

19  taxes for and after the day this act takes effect. The

20  proceeds of all sales or assignments of tax certificates held

21  by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Opa-locka County, shall

22  also be distributed in the manner provided herein for the

23  redemption of tax certificates.

24         Section 18.  Indebtedness prorated; board of county

25  commissioners.--It shall be the duty of the Board of County

26  Commissioners of Opa-locka County at as early a date as may be

27  possible to meet with the County Commissioners of Miami-Dade

28  County and agree with the said board upon a plan or plans for

29  the assumption by Opa-locka County of its pro rata share of

30  the indebtedness of Miami-Dade County in accordance with the

31  provisions of the State Constitution, based on the assessed


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  1  value of the property both real and personal, subject to

  2  taxation within the said counties, provided, however, that the

  3  indebtedness of all special road and bridge districts shall be

  4  pro rated on the basis of the assessed value of the taxable

  5  property within such districts; and the board shall also agree

  6  upon an equitable division of the surplus funds and personal

  7  or movable property, that Miami-Dade County may have on hand

  8  or that may be owing to Miami-Dade County, on the day this act

  9  takes effect. The titles to all fixtures, real estate, and

10  immovable property on the day this act takes effect, vested in

11  Miami-Dade County, shall become vested in the property of the

12  county within whose territorial boundaries it shall be

13  located.

14         Section 19.  Indebtedness prorated; school board.--It

15  shall be the duty of the School Board of Opa-locka County at

16  as early a date as may be possible to meet with the School

17  Board of Miami-Dade County and agree with such board upon a

18  plan for the assumption by the School Board of Opa-locka

19  County of its pro rata share of indebtedness of the School

20  Board of Miami-Dade County based on the assessed value of the

21  taxable property, subject to taxation within said county;

22  provided, however, that the indebtedness of any special tax

23  school districts shall be pro rated on the basis of the

24  assessed value of taxable property within such special tax

25  school districts. The said boards shall agree also upon an

26  equitable division of the surplus funds that said board of

27  Miami-Dade County may have on hand or that may be owing to

28  said board on the day this act takes effect, provided however,

29  that the amount of such indebtedness shall be determined from

30  the books of the School Board Superintendent for Miami-Dade

31  County, whose duty it shall be to make complete statements of


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  1  such indebtedness and furnish same to the School Board of

  2  Opa-locka County on the date this act takes effect, or as soon

  3  thereafter as practicable without any charge for such service.

  4  The title to all fixtures, real estate, and immovable

  5  property, on the date this act takes effect, vested in the

  6  School Board of Miami-Dade County, shall become vested in and

  7  be the property of the School Board of Opa-locka County.

  8  Provided further that the county officials of Opa-locka County

  9  shall perform all of the duties as to special road and bridge

10  districts or other special taxation units lying wholly or in

11  part in said county that were performed by the county

12  officials of Miami-Dade County prior to the creation of

13  Opa-locka County, and provided further that the district

14  officials of such special taxing units shall continue to

15  perform the duties imposed by law and nothing herein contained

16  shall be construed as changing the powers or duties of such

17  district officials.

18         Section 20.  Supervisor of elections.--The Supervisor

19  of Elections of Opa-locka County or the authorized agent or

20  deputy shall procure from the records in the office of the

21  Supervisor of Elections for Miami-Dade County, a transcript of

22  all such registration books as relate to election districts

23  wholly or in part within Opa-locka County, and the Supervisor

24  of Elections for Miami-Dade County shall, without charge of

25  fees, allow the Supervisor of Elections for Opa-locka County

26  or the agents or deputies free access to all books and records

27  on file in the office that would in any way facilitate the

28  procuring of such transcription. The Supervisor of Elections

29  of Opa-locka County shall certify to the correctness of such

30  transcription and thereupon such certified copies of such



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  1  records so transcribed and certified shall be of the same

  2  force and effect as the original records.

  3         Section 21.  Incarcerated persons.--Upon this act

  4  becoming effective the County Commissioners of Miami-Dade

  5  County shall deliver to the County Commissioners of Opa-locka

  6  County all county convicts then in custody of Miami-Dade

  7  County under conviction of an offense committed within the

  8  territory included in Opa-locka County.

  9         Section 22.  Jury list.--That within 30 days from the

10  date upon which this act takes effect, or as soon thereafter

11  as possible, the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Opa-locka

12  County shall convene and prepare for Opa-locka County a jury

13  list in the same manner and under directions now provided by

14  law; provided, that the persons selected and placed on said

15  list shall be residents and citizens of Opa-locka County as

16  above described, and otherwise qualified according to law, and

17  provided further, that if any person so selected shall be

18  ascertained to be disqualified or incompetent to serve as a

19  juror, such disqualification shall not affect the legality of

20  such list or be the cause of challenge to the array of any

21  jury chosen from such list.

22         Section 23.  Saving clause.--If any section,

23  subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this act is

24  for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional,

25  invalid, inoperative, ineffective, inapplicable, or void, such

26  invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be construed to

27  affect the portions of the act not so held to be

28  unconstitutional, void, invalid, or ineffective or affect the

29  application of this act to other circumstances not so held to

30  be invalid, it being hereby declared to be the express

31  legislative intent that any such unconstitutional, void,


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  1  illegal, invalid, ineffective, inapplicable, or void, portion

  2  or portions of this act did not induce its passage and that

  3  without the inclusion of any such unconstitutional, illegal,

  4  invalid, ineffective, or void, portions of this act, the

  5  Legislature would have enacted the valid and constitutional

  6  portions thereof.

  7         Section 24.  All laws and parts of law in conflict with

  8  any provision of this act are hereby repealed.

  9         Section 25.  This act shall take effect only upon its

10  approval by a majority vote of those qualified electors of

11  that portion of Miami-Dade County described in section 2

12  voting in a referendum to be held by the Board of County

13  Commissioners of Miami-Dade County in conjunction with the

14  next regular primary or general election, in accordance with

15  the provisions of law relating to elections currently in

16  force, except that this section shall take effect upon

17  becoming a law.


19            *****************************************

20                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates Opa-locka County from a northern portion of
22    Miami-Dade County. Provides for ratification of this act
      by the electors in that part of Miami-Dade County which
23    would become Opa-locka County.

      Provides for the organization of county government, and a
25    pro rata assumption of present Miami-Dade County

27    See bill for details.




