CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0453c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 By the Committee on Health Care Services and Representatives Mackey, Heyman, Murman, Frankel, Argenziano, Wasserman Schultz, Peaden, Fasano, Culp, Brown, Sanderson, Jacobs, Fischer, Dennis, Dawson-White, Diaz de la Portilla, (Additional Sponsors on Last Printed Page) 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to mastectomies; amending ss. 3 627.6417, 627.651, 627.6515, 627.6612, and 4 627.6699, F.S.; requiring certain health 5 insurance policies to provide certain coverage 6 for hospital stays for mastectomies; requiring 7 such coverage to provide postsurgical care; 8 requiring coverage for reconstructive breast 9 surgery for certain purposes; amending s. 10 641.31, F.S.; requiring certain health 11 maintenance contracts to provide certain 12 coverage for hospital stays for mastectomies; 13 requiring such contracts to provide 14 postsurgical care; requiring coverage for 15 reconstructive surgery for certain purposes; 16 creating ss. 627.64175, 627.6614, and 17 641.30198, F.S.; providing requirements and 18 prohibitions for insurers and health 19 maintenance organizations relating to breast 20 cancer coverage; providing a description of 21 state interest; providing an effective date. 22 23 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 24 25 Section 1. Section 627.6417, Florida Statutes, is 26 amended to read: 27 627.6417 Optional Coverage for surgical procedures and 28 devices incident to mastectomy.-- 29 (1) A health insurance policy that is issued, amended, 30 delivered, or renewed in this state that provides coverage on 31 an expense-incurred basis shall provide hospital, medical, or 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 surgical coverage for mastectomies to the same extent that 2 such coverage is provided for illness or disease under the 3 policy, and may not limit inpatient hospital coverage for 4 mastectomies to any time period that is less than that 5 determined by the treating surgical, gynecological, or 6 oncological care provider to be medically necessary, in 7 accordance with prevailing medical standards and consistent 8 with the guidelines for surgical, gynecological, and 9 oncological care. 10 (2) Any health insurance policy that provides coverage 11 for mastectomies under subsection (1) must also provide 12 coverage for outpatient postsurgical mastectomy followup care. 13 Such care must be comparable to inpatient hospital 14 postsurgical care and must include assessment of the patient's 15 condition in keeping with prevailing medical standards by a 16 licensed health care professional qualified to provide 17 postsurgical mastectomy care, and may be provided at the 18 hospital, outpatient center, treating physician's office, or 19 in the patient's home. This subsection does not apply to a 20 hospital and surgical policy that primarily provides coverage 21 only for hospital inpatient expenses except that outpatient 22 postsurgical care must be covered to the same extent that the 23 policy would have covered inpatient postsurgical care. 24 (3)(1) Any An accident or health insurance policy 25 issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this state that 26 provides coverage for mastectomies under subsection (1) must 27 also provide make available to the policyholder, as part of 28 the application, coverage for the initial prosthetic devices 29 device and reconstructive surgery incident to the mastectomy. 30 Breast reconstructive surgery means surgery to reestablish 31 symmetry between the two breasts and includes augmentation 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 mammoplasty, reduction mammoplasty, and mastoplexy. Such 2 surgery shall be in a manner chosen by the treating physician, 3 consistent with prevailing medical standards, and in 4 consultation with the patient if the patient chooses such 5 surgery. The insurer may charge an appropriate additional 6 premium for the coverage required by this subsection. The 7 coverage for prosthetic devices and reconstructive surgery 8 shall be is subject to any the deductible and coinsurance 9 conditions applied to the mastectomy, and all other terms and 10 conditions applicable to the policy other benefits. If a 11 mastectomy is performed and there is no evidence of 12 malignancy, the coverage may be limited to the provision of 13 the initial prosthetic device and reconstructive surgery 14 within 2 years after the date of the mastectomy. 15 (4)(2) As used in this section, the term "mastectomy" 16 means the removal of all or part of the breast for medically 17 necessary reasons as determined by a licensed physician. The 18 term includes prophylactic mastectomies and lymph node 19 dissections that are determined to be medically necessary. 20 (5) An insurer subject to subsection (1) may not: 21 (a) Deny to an insured continued eligibility to renew 22 coverage under the terms of the policy for the purpose of 23 avoiding the requirements of this section; 24 (b) Provide monetary payments or rebates to an insured 25 patient to accept less than the minimum protections available 26 under this section; 27 (c) Penalize or otherwise reduce or limit the 28 reimbursement of an attending provider solely because the 29 attending provider provided care to an insured patient under 30 this section; 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 (d) Provide incentives, monetary or otherwise, to an 2 attending provider solely to induce the provider to provide 3 care to an insured in a manner inconsistent with this section; 4 or 5 (e) Subject to the other provisions of this section, 6 restrict benefits for any portion of a period within a 7 hospital length of stay or outpatient care as required by this 8 section in a manner that is less than favorable than the 9 benefits provided for any preceding portion of such stay. 10 (6) This section does not affect any agreement between 11 an insurer and a hospital or other health care provider with 12 respect to reimbursement for health care services provided, 13 rate negotiations with providers, or capitation of providers, 14 and does not prohibit appropriate utilization review or case 15 management by the insurer. 16 (7)(3) This section does not apply to disability 17 income, specified disease other than cancer, or hospital 18 indemnity policies. 19 Section 2. Section 627.64175, Florida Statutes, is 20 created to read: 21 627.64175 Requirements with respect to breast 22 cancer.-- 23 (1) An insurer may not refuse to provide coverage for 24 an applicant for health insurance due to breast cancer if the 25 applicant has remained free from breast cancer for at least 5 26 years prior to the applicant's request for health insurance 27 coverage. 28 (2) An insurer may not exclude coverage under a health 29 insurance policy for breast cancer if the applicant has 30 remained free from breast cancer for at least 2 years prior to 31 the applicant's request for health insurance coverage. The 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 department shall report to the Legislature by October 1, 1999, 2 the cost in terms of premium increases and the number of 3 additional persons covered as a result of this section. 4 (3) Routine followup care to determine whether a 5 breast cancer has recurred in a person who has been previously 6 determined to be free of breast cancer shall not be considered 7 as medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment for purposes 8 of determining preexisting conditions unless evidence of 9 breast cancer is found during or as a result of followup care. 10 Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 627.651, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended to read: 12 627.651 Group contracts and plans of self-insurance 13 must meet group requirements.-- 14 (4) This section does not apply to any plan which is 15 established or maintained by an individual employer in 16 accordance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 17 1974, Pub. L. No. 93-406, or to a multiple-employer welfare 18 arrangement as defined in s. 624.437(1), except that a 19 multiple-employer welfare arrangement shall comply with ss. 20 627.419, 627.657, 627.6575, 627.6576, 627.6578, 627.6579, 21 627.6612, 627.6614, 627.6615, 627.6616, and 627.662(6). This 22 subsection does not allow an authorized insurer to issue a 23 group health insurance policy or certificate which does not 24 comply with this part. 25 Section 4. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 26 627.6515, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 27 read: 28 627.6515 Out-of-state groups.-- 29 (2) This part does not apply to a group health 30 insurance policy issued or delivered outside this state under 31 which a resident of this state is provided coverage if: 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 (c) The policy provides the benefits specified in ss. 2 627.419, 627.6417, 627.64175, 627.6574, 627.6575, 627.6579, 3 627.6613, 627.667, 627.6675, and 627.6691. 4 Section 5. Section 627.6612, Florida Statutes, is 5 amended to read: 6 627.6612 Optional Coverage for mastectomy and surgical 7 procedures and devices incident to mastectomy.-- 8 (1) A group, blanket, or franchise health insurance 9 policy that is issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this 10 state that provides coverage on an expense-incurred basis 11 shall provide hospital, medical, or surgical coverage for 12 mastectomies to the same extent that hospital, medical, or 13 surgical coverage is provided for illness or disease under the 14 policy, and may not limit inpatient hospital coverage for 15 mastectomies to any time period that is less than that 16 determined by the treating surgical, gynecological, or 17 oncological care provider to be medically necessary, in 18 accordance with prevailing medical standards and consistent 19 with the guidelines for surgical, gynecological, and 20 oncological care. 21 (2) Any group, blanket, or franchise health insurance 22 policy that provides coverage for mastectomies under 23 subsection (1) must also provide coverage for outpatient 24 postsurgical mastectomy followup care. Such care must be 25 comparable to inpatient hospital postsurgical care and must 26 include assessment of the patient's condition in keeping with 27 prevailing medical standards by a licensed health care 28 professional qualified to provide postsurgical mastectomy 29 care, and may be provided at the hospital, outpatient center, 30 treating physician's office, or in the patient's home. 31 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 (3)(1) Any A group, blanket, or franchise accident or 2 health insurance policy issued, amended, delivered, or renewed 3 in this state that provides coverage for mastectomies under 4 subsection (1) must also provide make available to the 5 policyholder coverage for the initial prosthetic devices 6 device and reconstructive surgery incident to the mastectomy. 7 Breast reconstructive surgery means surgery to reestablish 8 symmetry between the two breasts and includes augmentation 9 mammoplasty, reduction mammoplasty, and mastoplexy. Such 10 surgery shall be in a manner chosen by the treating physician, 11 consistent with prevailing medical standards, and in 12 consultation with the patient if the patient chooses such 13 surgery. The insurer may charge an appropriate additional 14 premium for the coverage required by this subsection. The 15 coverage for prosthetic devices and reconstructive surgery 16 shall be is subject to any the deductible and coinsurance 17 conditions applied to the mastectomy, and all other terms and 18 conditions applicable to the policy other benefits. If a 19 mastectomy is performed and there is no evidence of 20 malignancy, the coverage may be limited to the provision of 21 the initial prosthetic device and reconstructive surgery to 22 within 2 years after the date of the mastectomy. 23 (4)(2) As used in this section, the term "mastectomy" 24 means the removal of all or part of the breast for medically 25 necessary reasons as determined by a licensed physician. The 26 term includes prophylactic mastectomies and lymph node 27 dissections that are determined to be medically necessary. 28 (5) An insurer subject to subsection (1) may not: 29 (a) Deny to an insured eligibility, or continued 30 eligibility, to enroll or to renew coverage under the terms of 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 the policy for the purpose of avoiding the requirements of 2 this section; 3 (b) Provide monetary payments or rebates to an insured 4 patient to accept less than the minimum protections available 5 under this section; 6 (c) Penalize or otherwise reduce or limit the 7 reimbursement of an attending provider solely because the 8 attending provider provided care to an insured patient under 9 this section; 10 (d) Provide incentives, monetary or otherwise, to an 11 attending provider solely to induce the provider to provide 12 care to an insured in a manner inconsistent with this section; 13 or 14 (e) Subject to the other provisions of this section, 15 restrict benefits for any portion of a period within a 16 hospital length of stay or outpatient care as required by this 17 section in a manner that is less than favorable than the 18 benefits provided for any preceding portion of such stay. 19 (6) This section does not affect any agreement between 20 an insurer and a hospital or other health care provider with 21 respect to reimbursement for health care services provided, 22 rate negotiations with providers, or capitation of providers, 23 and does not prohibit appropriate utilization review or case 24 management by the insurer. 25 Section 6. Section 627.6614, Florida Statutes, is 26 created to read: 27 627.6614 Requirements with respect to breast 28 cancer.--Routine followup care to determine whether a breast 29 cancer has recurred in a person who has been previously 30 determined to be free of breast cancer shall not be considered 31 as medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment for purposes 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 of determining preexisting conditions unless evidence of 2 breast cancer is found during or as a result of followup care. 3 Section 7. Paragraph (b) of subsection (12) of section 4 627.6699, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 5 read: 6 627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.-- 7 (12) STANDARD, BASIC, AND LIMITED HEALTH BENEFIT 8 PLANS.-- 9 (b)1. Each small employer carrier issuing new health 10 benefit plans shall offer to any small employer, upon request, 11 a standard health benefit plan and a basic health benefit plan 12 that meets the criteria set forth in this section. 13 2. For purposes of this subsection, the terms 14 "standard health benefit plan" and "basic health benefit plan" 15 mean policies or contracts that a small employer carrier 16 offers to eligible small employers that contain: 17 a. An exclusion for services that are not medically 18 necessary or that are not covered preventive health services; 19 and 20 b. A procedure for preauthorization by the small 21 employer carrier, or its designees. 22 3. A small employer carrier may include the following 23 managed care provisions in the policy or contract to control 24 costs: 25 a. A preferred provider arrangement or exclusive 26 provider organization or any combination thereof, in which a 27 small employer carrier enters into a written agreement with 28 the provider to provide services at specified levels of 29 reimbursement or to provide reimbursement to specified 30 providers. Any such written agreement between a provider and a 31 small employer carrier must contain a provision under which 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 the parties agree that the insured individual or covered 2 member has no obligation to make payment for any medical 3 service rendered by the provider which is determined not to be 4 medically necessary. A carrier may use preferred provider 5 arrangements or exclusive provider arrangements to the same 6 extent as allowed in group products that are not issued to 7 small employers. 8 b. A procedure for utilization review by the small 9 employer carrier or its designees. 10 11 This subparagraph does not prohibit a small employer carrier 12 from including in its policy or contract additional managed 13 care and cost containment provisions, subject to the approval 14 of the department, which have potential for controlling costs 15 in a manner that does not result in inequitable treatment of 16 insureds or subscribers. The carrier may use such provisions 17 to the same extent as authorized for group products that are 18 not issued to small employers. 19 4. The standard health benefit plan shall include: 20 a. Coverage for inpatient hospitalization; 21 b. Coverage for outpatient services; 22 c. Coverage for newborn children pursuant to s. 23 627.6575; 24 d. Coverage for child care supervision services 25 pursuant to s. 627.6579; 26 e. Coverage for adopted children upon placement in the 27 residence pursuant to s. 627.6578; 28 f. Coverage for mammograms pursuant to s. 627.6613; 29 g. Coverage for handicapped children pursuant to s. 30 627.6615; 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 h. Emergency or urgent care out of the geographic 2 service area; and 3 i. Coverage for services provided by a hospice 4 licensed under s. 400.602 in cases where such coverage would 5 be the most appropriate and the most cost-effective method for 6 treating a covered illness. 7 5. The standard health benefit plan and the basic 8 health benefit plan may include a schedule of benefit 9 limitations for specified services and procedures. If the 10 committee develops such a schedule of benefits limitation for 11 the standard health benefit plan or the basic health benefit 12 plan, a small employer carrier offering the plan must offer 13 the employer an option for increasing the benefit schedule 14 amounts by 4 percent annually. 15 6. The basic health benefit plan shall include all of 16 the benefits specified in subparagraph 4.; however, the basic 17 health benefit plan shall place additional restrictions on the 18 benefits and utilization and may also impose additional cost 19 containment measures. 20 7. Sections 627.419(2), (3), and (4), 627.6574, 21 627.6612, 627.6614, 627.6616, 627.6618, and 627.668 apply to 22 the standard health benefit plan and to the basic health 23 benefit plan. However, notwithstanding said provisions, the 24 plans may specify limits on the number of authorized 25 treatments, if such limits are reasonable and do not 26 discriminate against any type of provider. 27 8. Each small employer carrier that provides for 28 inpatient and outpatient services by allopathic hospitals may 29 provide as an option of the insured similar inpatient and 30 outpatient services by hospitals accredited by the American 31 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 Osteopathic Association when such services are available and 2 the osteopathic hospital agrees to provide the service. 3 Section 8. Subsection (29) is added to section 641.31, 4 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 5 641.31 Health maintenance contracts.-- 6 (29)(a) As used in this subsection, the term 7 "mastectomy" means the removal of all or part of the breast 8 for medically necessary reasons as determined by a licensed 9 network or plan physician. The term includes prophylactic 10 mastectomies and lymph node dissections that are determined to 11 be medically necessary. 12 (b) Every health maintenance contract issued, amended, 13 delivered, or renewed in this state shall provide hospital, 14 medical, and surgical coverage for mastectomies to the same 15 extent that such coverage is provided for illness or disease 16 under the contract, and may not limit inpatient hospital 17 coverage for mastectomies to any time period that is less than 18 that determined by the treating surgical, gynecological, or 19 oncological care provider to be medically necessary, in 20 accordance with prevailing medical standards and consistent 21 with the guidelines for surgical, gynecological, and 22 oncological care. 23 (c) Any health maintenance contract that provides 24 coverage for mastectomies under paragraph (b) must also 25 provide outpatient postsurgical mastectomy followup care. 26 Such care must be comparable to inpatient hospital 27 postsurgical care and must include assessment of the patient's 28 condition in keeping with prevailing medical standards by a 29 licensed health care professional qualified to provide 30 postsurgical mastectomy care, and may be provided at the 31 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 hospital, outpatient center, treating physician's office, or 2 in the patient's home. 3 (d) Any health maintenance contract that provides 4 coverage for mastectomies under paragraph (b) must also 5 provide coverage for prosthetic devices and reconstructive 6 surgery incident to the mastectomy. Breast reconstructive 7 surgery means surgery to reestablish symmetry between the two 8 breasts and includes augmentation mammoplasty, reduction 9 mammoplasty, and mastoplexy. Such surgery shall be in a 10 manner chosen by the treating physician, consistent with 11 prevailing medical standards, and in consultation with the 12 patient if the patient chooses such surgery. The coverage for 13 prosthetic devices and reconstructive surgery shall be subject 14 to any copayments under the contract. 15 (e) A health maintenance contract subject to this 16 subsection may not: 17 1. Deny to a covered person continued eligibility to 18 renew coverage under the terms of the contract for the purpose 19 of avoiding the requirements of this subsection; 20 2. Provide monetary payments or rebates to a covered 21 patient to accept less than the minimum protections available 22 under this subsection; 23 3. Penalize or otherwise reduce or limit the 24 reimbursement of an attending provider solely because the 25 attending provider provided care to an insured patient under 26 this subsection; 27 4. Provide incentives, monetary or otherwise, to an 28 attending provider solely to induce the provider to provide 29 care to a covered patient in a manner inconsistent with this 30 subsection; or 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 5. Subject to the other provisions of this subsection, 2 restrict benefits for any portion of a period within a 3 hospital length of stay or outpatient care as required by this 4 subsection in a manner that is less than favorable than the 5 benefits provided for any preceding portion of such stay. 6 (f) This subsection does not affect any agreement 7 between a health maintenance organization and a hospital or 8 other health care provider with respect to reimbursement for 9 health care services provided, rate negotiations with 10 providers, or capitation of providers, and does not prohibit 11 appropriate utilization review or case management by the 12 health maintenance organization. 13 Section 9. Section 641.30198, Florida Statutes, is 14 created to read: 15 641.30198 Requirements with respect to breast 16 cancer.--Routine followup care to determine whether a breast 17 cancer has recurred in a person who has been previously 18 determined to be free of breast cancer shall not be considered 19 as medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment for purposes 20 of determining preexisting conditions unless evidence of 21 breast cancer is found during or as a result of followup care. 22 Section 10. The provisions of this act fulfill an 23 important state interest in that they promote the relief and 24 alleviation of health and medical problems that affect 25 residents of this state who have been stricken with breast 26 cancer. The act, in prohibiting limitations on inpatient 27 hospital coverage for mastectomies and requiring more 28 comprehensive insurance coverage for breast cancer treatment, 29 should insure the provision of appropriate and cost-effective 30 medical treatment. 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HBs 453, 573, 689 & 781 169-405-97 1 Section 11. This act shall take effect October 1, 2 1997. 3 4 5 ***************************************** 6 7 ADDITIONAL SPONSORS 8 Kosmas, Silver, Lippman, Futch, Chestnut, Merchant, Brennan, 9 Horan, Ritter, Flanagan, Burroughs, Dockery, Byrd, Maygarden, 10 Casey, Rodriguez-Chomat, Arnall, Goode, Littlefield and Geller 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15