CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0459

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 By Representatives Turnbull, Lawson, K. Pruitt and Horan 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to state group insurance; 3 amending s. 110.123, F.S.; providing a 4 definition; creating the Division of State 5 Group Insurance in the Department of Management 6 Services; requiring the department to provide 7 administrative support and service to the 8 division; excluding the division from control, 9 supervision, or direction by the department; 10 providing for a director of the division; 11 providing requirements; providing for 12 administration of the state group insurance 13 program by the division; providing criteria for 14 division contracts with insuring entities; 15 requiring a bond under certain circumstances; 16 providing for liquidated damages under certain 17 circumstances; providing for application of 18 certain administrative procedures provisions; 19 providing exceptions; authorizing the division 20 to adopt rules; creating the State Employee 21 Health Benefit Council within the division for 22 certain purposes; providing for membership; 23 providing for meetings of the council; 24 providing duties of the council; providing for 25 per diem and travel expenses; requiring 26 division to assist the council; providing an 27 effective date. 28 29 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 30 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 Section 1. Section 110.123, Florida Statutes, 1996 2 Supplement, is amended to read: 3 110.123 State group insurance program.-- 4 (1) TITLE.--This section may be cited as the "State 5 Group Insurance Program Law." 6 (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term: 7 (a) "Department" means the Department of Management 8 Services. 9 (b) "Division" means the Division of State Group 10 Insurance in the department. 11 (c)(b) "Enrollee" means all state officers and 12 employees, retired state officers and employees, and surviving 13 spouses of deceased state officers and employees enrolled in 14 an insurance plan offered by the state group insurance 15 program. 16 (d)(c) "Full-time state employees" includes all 17 full-time employees of all branches or agencies of state 18 government holding salaried positions and paid by state 19 warrant or from agency funds, and employees paid from regular 20 salary appropriations for 8 months' employment, including 21 university personnel on academic contracts, but in no case 22 shall "state employee" or "salaried position" include persons 23 paid from other-personal-services (OPS) funds. 24 (e)(d) "Health maintenance organization" or "HMO" 25 means an entity certified under part I of chapter 641. 26 (f)(e) "Part-time state employee" means any employee 27 of any branch or agency of state government paid by state 28 warrant from salary appropriations or from agency funds, and 29 who is employed for less than the normal full-time workweek 30 established by the department or, if on academic contract or 31 seasonal or other type of employment which is less than 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 year-round, is employed for less than 8 months during any 2 12-month period, but in no case shall "part-time" employee 3 include a person paid from other-personal-services (OPS) 4 funds. 5 (g)(f) "Retired state officer or employee" or 6 "retiree" means any state officer or state employee who 7 retires under a state retirement system or a state optional 8 annuity or retirement program or is placed on disability 9 retirement, and who was insured under the state group 10 insurance program at the time of retirement, and who begins 11 receiving retirement benefits immediately after retirement 12 from state office or employment. 13 (h)(g) "State agency" or "agency" means any branch, 14 department, or agency of state government. 15 (i)(h) "State group health insurance plan" means the 16 state self-insured health insurance plan offered to state 17 officers and employees, retired state officers and employees, 18 and surviving spouses of deceased state officers and employees 19 pursuant to this section. 20 (j)(i) "State group insurance program" or "programs" 21 means the package of insurance plans offered to state officers 22 and employees, retired state officers and employees, and 23 surviving spouses of deceased state officers and employees 24 pursuant to this section, including the state group health 25 insurance plan, health maintenance organization plans, and 26 other plans required or authorized by this section. 27 (k)(j) "State officer" means any constitutional state 28 officer, any elected state officer paid by state warrant, or 29 any appointed state officer who is commissioned by the 30 Governor and who is paid by state warrant. 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 (l)(k) "Surviving spouse" means the widow or widower 2 of a deceased state officer, full-time state employee, 3 part-time state employee, or retiree if such widow or widower 4 was covered as a dependent under the state group health 5 insurance plan or a health maintenance organization plan 6 established pursuant to this section at the time of the death 7 of the deceased officer, employee, or retiree. "Surviving 8 spouse" also means any widow or widower who is receiving or 9 eligible to receive a monthly state warrant from a state 10 retirement system as the beneficiary of a state officer, 11 full-time state employee, or retiree who died prior to July 1, 12 1979. For the purposes of this section, any such widow or 13 widower shall cease to be a surviving spouse upon his or her 14 remarriage. 15 (3) STATE GROUP INSURANCE PROGRAM.-- 16 (a) The Division of State Group Insurance is created 17 within the Department of Management Services, to be headed by 18 a director who shall be appointed by the Governor and 19 confirmed by the Senate. The division shall be a separate 20 budget entity, and the director shall be its agency head for 21 all purposes. The Department of Management Services shall 22 provide administrative support and service to the division to 23 the extent requested by the director. The division shall not 24 be subject to control, supervision, or direction by the 25 Department of Management Services in any manner, including, 26 but not limited to, personnel, purchasing, transactions 27 involving real or personal property, and budgetary matters, 28 except to the extent as provided in chapters 110, 216, 255, 29 282, and 287 for agencies of the executive branch. 30 (b) The director shall be a person qualified by 31 training and experience to understand the problems and needs 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 of state employees in the area of health care coverage and 2 insurance issues. The director shall have training and 3 experience in the field of health care reimbursement, 4 insurance or self-insurance programs and the administration of 5 programs in the public or private sector. 6 (c)(a) It is the intent of the Legislature to offer a 7 comprehensive package of health insurance benefits for state 8 employees which are provided in a cost-efficient and prudent 9 manner, and to allow state employees the option to choose 10 benefit plans which best suit their individual needs. 11 Therefore, the state group insurance program is established 12 which may include the state group health insurance plan, 13 health maintenance organization plans, group life insurance 14 plans, group accidental death and dismemberment plans, and 15 group disability insurance plans. Furthermore, the division 16 department is additionally authorized to establish and provide 17 as part of the state group insurance program any other group 18 insurance plans which are consistent with the provisions of 19 this section. 20 (d)(b) Notwithstanding any provision in this section 21 to the contrary, it is the intent of the Legislature that the 22 division Agency for Health Care Administration shall be 23 responsible for all aspects of the purchase of health care for 24 state employees under the state group health insurance plan 25 and the health maintenance organizations plans. 26 Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the 27 development of requests for proposals for state employee 28 health services, the determination of health care benefits to 29 be provided, and the negotiation of contracts for health care 30 and health care administrative services. Prior to the 31 negotiation of contracts for health care services, the 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 Legislature intends that the division Agency for Health Care 2 Administration shall develop, in consultation with the 3 Department of Management Services with respect to state 4 collective bargaining issues, the health benefits and terms to 5 be included in the state group health insurance program. The 6 division Agency for Health Care Administration shall adopt 7 rules necessary to perform its responsibilities pursuant to 8 this section. It is the intent of the Legislature that the 9 division Department of Management Services shall be 10 responsible for the contract management and day-to-day 11 management of the state employee health insurance program, 12 including, but not limited to, employee enrollment, premium 13 collection, payment to health care providers, and other 14 administrative functions related to the program. 15 (e)1. For purposes of purchasing medical care 16 services, third-party administrative services, or health 17 insurance, the division may perform any functions of the 18 department, and grant any approvals, provided under chapter 19 287 and rules adopted pursuant to such chapter. If the 20 division finds that compliance with chapter 287 would impair 21 or impede the effective or efficient operation of the state 22 group insurance program, the division may adopt any rule 23 providing for alternative procurement procedures. 24 2. Each vendor in a major procurement in excess of 25 $25,000, and any other vendor if the division deems it 26 necessary to protect the state's financial interests, shall, 27 at the time of executing any contract with the division, post 28 an appropriate bond with the division in an amount determined 29 by the division to be adequate to protect the state's 30 interests but not higher than the full amount estimated to be 31 paid annually to the vendor under the contract. 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 3. Each contract in excess of $25,000 entered into by 2 the division pursuant to this section shall contain a 3 provision for payment of liquidated damages to the division 4 for material noncompliance by a vendor with a contract 5 provision. The division may require a liquidated damages 6 provision in any contract if the division deems it necessary 7 to protect the state's financial interests. 8 4. The provisions of s. 120.57(3) apply to the 9 division's contracting process, except: 10 a. A formal written protest of any decision, intended 11 decision, or other action subject to protest shall be filed 12 within 72 hours after receipt of notice of the decision, 13 intended decision, or other action. 14 b. As an alternative to any provision of s. 120.57(3), 15 the division may proceed with the bid selection or contract 16 award process if the director of the department sets forth, in 17 writing, particular facts and circumstances which demonstrate 18 the necessity of continuing the procurement process or the 19 contract award process in order to avoid a substantial 20 disruption to the provision of any scheduled insurance 21 services. 22 (f)(c) Except as provided for in subparagraph 23 (h)(e)2., the percentage of state contribution toward the cost 24 of any plan in the state group insurance program shall be 25 uniform with respect to all state employees in state 26 collective bargaining units participating in the same plan or 27 any similar plan. Nothing contained within this section 28 prohibits the development of separate benefit plans for 29 officers and employees exempt from collective bargaining or 30 the development of separate benefit plans for each collective 31 bargaining unit. 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 (g)(d) Participation by individuals in the program 2 shall be available to all state officers, full-time state 3 employees, and part-time state employees; and such 4 participation in the program or any plan thereof shall be 5 voluntary. Participation in the program shall also be 6 available to retired state officers and employees who elect at 7 the time of retirement to continue coverage under the program, 8 but they may elect to continue all or only part of the 9 coverage they had at the time of retirement. A surviving 10 spouse may elect to continue coverage only under the state 11 group health insurance plan or a health maintenance 12 organization plan. 13 (h)(e)1. A person eligible to participate in the state 14 group health insurance plan may be authorized by rules 15 approved by the Agency for Health Care Administration and 16 adopted by the division department, in lieu of participating 17 in the state group health insurance plan, to exercise an 18 option to elect membership in a health maintenance 19 organization plan which is under contract with the state in 20 accordance with criteria established by this section and by 21 said rules. The offer of optional membership in a health 22 maintenance organization plan permitted by this paragraph may 23 be limited or conditioned by rule as may be necessary to meet 24 the requirements of state and federal laws. 25 2. Subject to the approval of and supervision by the 26 Agency for Health Care Administration, The division department 27 shall contract with health maintenance organizations to 28 participate in the state group insurance program through a 29 request for proposal based upon a premium and a minimum 30 benefit package as follows: 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 a. A minimum benefit package to be provided by a 2 participating HMO shall include: physician services; inpatient 3 and outpatient hospital services; emergency medical services, 4 including out-of-area emergency coverage; diagnostic 5 laboratory and diagnostic and therapeutic radiologic services; 6 mental health, alcohol, and chemical dependency treatment 7 services meeting the minimum requirements of state and federal 8 law; skilled nursing facilities and services; prescription 9 drugs; and other benefits as may be required by the division 10 department. Additional services may be provided subject to 11 the contract between the division department and the HMO. 12 b. A uniform schedule for deductibles and copayments 13 may be established for all participating HMOs. 14 c. Based upon the minimum benefit package and 15 copayments and deductibles contained in sub-subparagraphs a. 16 and b., the division Agency for Health Care Administration 17 shall issue a request for proposal for all HMOs which are 18 interested in participating in the state group insurance 19 program. Upon receipt of all proposals, the division Agency 20 for Health Care Administration may, as it deems appropriate, 21 enter into contract negotiations with HMOs submitting bids. As 22 part of the request for proposal process, the division Agency 23 for Health Care Administration may require detailed financial 24 data from each HMO which participates in the bidding process 25 for the purpose of determining the financial stability of the 26 HMO. 27 d. In determining which HMOs to contract with, the 28 division Agency for Health Care Administration shall, at a 29 minimum, consider: each proposed contractor's previous 30 experience and expertise in providing prepaid health benefits; 31 each proposed contractor's historical experience in enrolling 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 and providing health care services to participants in the 2 state group insurance program; the cost of the premiums; the 3 plan's ability to adequately provide service coverage and 4 administrative support services as determined by the division 5 Agency for Health Care Administration; plan benefits in 6 addition to the minimum benefit package; accessibility to 7 providers; and the financial solvency of the plan. Nothing 8 shall preclude the division Agency for Health Care 9 Administration from negotiating regional or statewide 10 contracts with health maintenance organization plans when this 11 is cost-effective and when the division Agency for Health Care 12 Administration determines the plan has the best overall 13 benefit package for the service areas involved. However, no 14 HMO shall be eligible for a contract if the HMO's retiree 15 Medicare premium exceeds the retiree rate as set by the 16 division department for the state group health insurance plan. 17 e. The division department, subject to the review and 18 approval of the Agency for Health Care Administration, may 19 limit the number of HMOs that it contracts with in each 20 service area based on the nature of the bids the division 21 Agency for Health Care Administration receives, the number of 22 state employees in the service area, and any unique 23 geographical characteristics of the service area. The division 24 department, subject to the review and approval of the Agency 25 for Health Care Administration, shall establish by rule 26 service areas throughout the state. 27 f. All persons participating in the state group 28 insurance program who are required to contribute towards a 29 total state group health premium shall be subject to the same 30 dollar contribution regardless of whether the enrollee enrolls 31 in the state group health insurance plan or in an HMO plan. 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 3. The division Agency for Health Care Administration 2 is authorized to negotiate and the department is authorized to 3 contract with specialty psychiatric hospitals for mental 4 health benefits, on a regional basis, for alcohol, drug abuse, 5 and mental and nervous disorders. The division department may 6 establish, subject to the approval of the Agency for Health 7 Care Administration and the Legislature pursuant to subsection 8 (5), any such regional plan upon completion of an actuarial 9 study to determine any impact on plan benefits and premiums. 10 4. In addition to contracting pursuant to subparagraph 11 2., the division department shall enter into contract with any 12 HMO to participate in the state group insurance program which: 13 a. Serves greater than 5,000 recipients on a prepaid 14 basis under the Medicaid program; 15 b. Does not currently meet the 25 percent 16 non-Medicare/non-Medicaid enrollment composition requirement 17 established by the Department of Health and Human Services 18 excluding participants enrolled in the state group insurance 19 program; 20 c. Meets the minimum benefit package and copayments 21 and deductibles contained in sub-subparagraphs 2.a. and b.; 22 d. Is willing to participate in the state group 23 insurance program at a cost of premiums that is not greater 24 than 95 percent of the cost of HMO premiums accepted by the 25 division department in each service area; and 26 e. Meets the minimum surplus requirements of s. 27 641.225. 28 29 The division department is authorized to contract with HMOs 30 that meet the requirements of sub-subparagraphs a. through d. 31 prior to the open enrollment period for state employees. The 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 department is not required to renew the contract with the HMOs 2 as set forth in this paragraph more than twice. Thereafter, 3 the HMOs shall be eligible to participate in the state group 4 insurance program only through the request for proposal 5 process described in subparagraph 2. 6 5. All enrollees in the state group health insurance 7 plan or any health maintenance organization plan shall have 8 the option of changing to any other health plan which is 9 offered by the state within any open enrollment period 10 designated by the division department. Open enrollment shall 11 be held at least once each calendar year. 12 6. Any HMO participating in the state group insurance 13 program shall, upon the request of the division Agency for 14 Health Care Administration, submit to the division Agency for 15 Health Care Administration standardized data for the purpose 16 of comparison of the appropriateness, quality, and efficiency 17 of care provided by the HMO. Such standardized data shall 18 include: membership profiles; inpatient and outpatient 19 utilization by age and sex, type of service, provider type, 20 and facility; and emergency care experience. Requirements and 21 timetables for submission of such standardized data and such 22 other data as the division Agency for Health Care 23 Administration deems necessary to evaluate the performance of 24 participating HMOs shall be adopted promulgated by rule. 25 7. The division department shall, after consultation 26 with the Agency for Health Care Administration and 27 representatives from each of the unions representing state and 28 university employees, establish a comprehensive package of 29 insurance benefits including, but not limited to, supplemental 30 health and life coverage, dental care, and vision care to 31 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 allow state employees the option to choose the benefit plans 2 which best suit their individual needs. 3 a. Based upon a desired benefit package, the division 4 Agency for Health Care Administration shall issue a request 5 for proposal for health insurance providers interested in 6 participating in the state group insurance program, and the 7 department shall issue a request for proposal for insurance 8 providers interested in participating in the 9 non-health-related components of the state group insurance 10 program. Upon receipt of all proposals, the division 11 department or the Agency for Health Care Administration may, 12 as either deems appropriate, enter into contract negotiations 13 with insurance providers submitting bids or negotiate a 14 specially designed benefit package. Insurance providers 15 offering or providing supplemental coverage as of May 30, 16 1991, which qualify for pretax benefit treatment pursuant to 17 s. 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, with 5,500 or 18 more state employees currently enrolled may be included by the 19 division department in the supplemental insurance benefit plan 20 established by the division department or the Agency for 21 Health Care Administration without participating in a request 22 for proposal, submitting bids, negotiating contracts, or 23 negotiating a specially designed benefit package. These 24 contracts shall provide state employees with the most 25 cost-effective and comprehensive coverage available; however, 26 no state or agency funds shall be contributed toward the cost 27 of any part of the premium of such supplemental benefit plans. 28 b. Pursuant to the applicable provisions of s. 29 110.161, and s. 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the 30 division department shall enroll in the pretax benefit program 31 those state employees who voluntarily elect coverage in any of 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 the supplemental insurance benefit plans as provided by 2 sub-subparagraph a. 3 c. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to 4 prohibit insurance providers from continuing to provide or 5 offer supplemental benefit coverage to state employees as 6 provided under existing agency plans. 7 (i)(f) The benefits of the insurance authorized by 8 this section shall not be in lieu of any benefits payable 9 under chapter 440, the Workers' Compensation Law. The 10 insurance authorized by this law shall not be deemed to 11 constitute insurance to secure workers' compensation benefits 12 as required by chapter 440. 13 (4) PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS; CONTRIBUTION BY STATE; 14 LIMITATION ON ACTIONS TO PAY AND COLLECT PREMIUMS.-- 15 (a) Except as provided in paragraph (e) with respect 16 to law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation 17 officers, legislative authorization through the appropriations 18 act is required for payment by a state agency of any part of 19 the premium cost of participation in any group insurance plan. 20 However, the state contribution for full-time employees or 21 part-time permanent employees shall continue in the respective 22 proportions for up to 6 months for any such officer or 23 employee who has been granted an approved parental or medical 24 leave of absence without pay. 25 (b) If a state officer or full-time state employee 26 selects membership in a health maintenance organization as 27 authorized by paragraph (3)(h)(e), the officer or employee is 28 entitled to a state contribution toward individual and 29 dependent membership as provided by the Legislature through 30 the appropriations act. 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 (c) During each policy or budget year, no state agency 2 shall contribute a greater percentage of the premium cost for 3 its officers or employees for any type of coverage under the 4 state group insurance program than any other agency, nor shall 5 any greater percentage contribution of premium cost be made 6 for employees in one state collective bargaining unit than for 7 those in any other state collective bargaining unit. 8 (d) The state contribution for a part-time permanent 9 state employee who elects to participate in the program shall 10 be prorated so that the percentage of the cost contributed for 11 the part-time permanent employee bears that relation to the 12 percentage of cost contributed for a similar full-time 13 employee that the part-time employee's normal workday bears to 14 a full-time employee's normal workday. 15 (e) No state contribution for the cost of any part of 16 the premium shall be made for retirees or surviving spouses 17 for any type of coverage under the state group insurance 18 program. However, any state agency that employs a full-time 19 law enforcement officer, correctional officer, or correctional 20 probation officer who is killed in the line of duty on or 21 after July 1, 1980, as a result of an act of violence 22 inflicted by another person while the officer is engaged in 23 the performance of law enforcement duties or as a result of an 24 assault against the officer under riot conditions shall pay 25 the entire premium of the state group health insurance plan 26 for the employee's surviving spouse until remarried, and for 27 each dependent child of the employee until the child reaches 28 the age of majority or until the end of the calendar year in 29 which the child reaches the age of 25 if: 30 1. At the time of the employee's death, the child is 31 dependent upon the employee for support; and 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 2. The surviving child continues to be a dependent for 2 support, or the surviving child is a full-time or part-time 3 student and is dependent for support. 4 (f) Pursuant to the request of each state officer, 5 full-time or part-time state employee, or retiree 6 participating in the state group insurance program, and upon 7 certification of the employing agency approved by the 8 Secretary of Management Services, the Comptroller shall deduct 9 from the salary or retirement warrant payable to each 10 participant the amount so certified and shall handle such 11 deductions in accordance with rules established by the 12 department. 13 (g) No administrative or civil proceeding shall be 14 commenced to collect an underpayment or refund an overpayment 15 of premiums collected pursuant to this subsection unless such 16 claim is filed with the Division of State Employees' Insurance 17 within 2 years after the alleged underpayment or overpayment 18 was made. For purposes of this paragraph, a payroll 19 deduction, salary reduction, or contribution by an agency is 20 deemed to be made on the date the salary warrant is issued. 21 (5) DIVISION OF STATE GROUP INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF 22 MANAGEMENT SERVICES; POWERS AND DUTIES.--The division 23 Department of Management Services is responsible for the 24 administration of the state group insurance program. The 25 division department shall initiate and supervise the program 26 as established by this section and shall adopt such rules as 27 are necessary to perform its responsibilities. To implement 28 this program, the division department shall, with prior 29 approval by the Legislature and, for state employee health 30 insurance, by the Agency for Health Care Administration: 31 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 (a) Determine the benefits to be provided and the 2 contributions to be required for the state group insurance 3 program. Such determinations, whether for a contracted plan or 4 a self-insurance plan pursuant to paragraph (c), do not 5 constitute rules within the meaning of s. 120.52 or final 6 orders within the meaning of s. 120.52. Any physician's fee 7 schedule used in the health and accident plan shall not be 8 available for inspection or copying by medical providers or 9 other persons not involved in the administration of the 10 program. However, in the determination of the design of the 11 program, the division department or the Agency for Health Care 12 Administration shall consider existing and complementary 13 benefits provided by the Florida Retirement System and the 14 Social Security System. 15 (b) Prepare, in cooperation with the Department of 16 Insurance and the Agency for Health Care Administration, the 17 specifications necessary to implement the program. 18 (c) Contract on a competitive proposal basis with an 19 insurance carrier or carriers, or professional administrator, 20 determined by the Department of Insurance to be fully 21 qualified, financially sound, and capable of meeting all 22 servicing requirements. Alternatively, the division 23 Department of Management Services may self-insure any plan or 24 plans contained in the state group insurance program subject 25 to approval based on actuarial soundness by the Department of 26 Insurance. The division department may contract with an 27 insurance company or professional administrator qualified and 28 approved by the Department of Insurance to administer such 29 plan. Before entering into any contract, the division 30 Department of Management Services or, for state employee 31 health insurance, the Agency for Health Care Administration 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 shall advertise for competitive proposals, and such contract 2 shall be let upon the consideration of the benefits provided 3 in relationship to the cost of such benefits. In determining 4 which entity to contract with, the division shall, at a 5 minimum, consider: the quality of the product; the entity's 6 previous experience and expertise in administering group 7 insurance programs; the timely performance of the vendor; the 8 entity's anticipated administrative costs and claims 9 experience; the entity's ability to adequately provide service 10 coverage and administrative support services, as determined by 11 the division; the entity's accessibility to state employees 12 and providers; the financial solvency of the entity; and 13 additional benefits provided to state employees and providers 14 by the entity. The division department, subject to the review 15 and approval of the Agency for Health Care Administration, may 16 contract for medical services which will improve the health or 17 reduce medical costs for employees who participate in the 18 state group insurance plan. 19 (d) With respect to the state group health insurance 20 plan, be authorized, subject to the review and approval of the 21 Agency for Health Care Administration, to require copayments 22 with respect to all providers under the plan. 23 (e) Have authority to establish, subject to the review 24 and approval of the Agency for Health Care Administration, a 25 voluntary program for comprehensive health maintenance, which 26 may include health educational components and health 27 appraisals. 28 29 Final decisions concerning the existence of coverage or 30 benefits under the state group health insurance plan shall not 31 be delegated or deemed to have been delegated by the division 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 department, except that such decisions shall be subject to the 2 review and approval of the Agency for Health Care 3 Administration. 4 (6) DEPOSIT OF PREMIUMS AND REFUNDS.--Premium dollars 5 collected and not required to pay the costs of the program, 6 prior to being paid to the carrier insurance company, shall be 7 invested, and the earnings from such investment shall be 8 deposited in a trust fund to be designated in the State 9 Treasury and utilized for increased benefits or reduced 10 premiums for the participants or may be used to pay for the 11 administration of the state group insurance program. Any 12 refunds paid the state by the insurance carrier from premium 13 dollar reserves held by the carrier and earned on such refunds 14 shall be deposited in the trust fund and used for such 15 purposes. 16 (7) CONTINUATION OF AGENCY INSURANCE PLANS.--Nothing 17 contained in this section shall require the discontinuation of 18 any insurance plan provided by any state agency; however, no 19 state or agency funds shall be contributed toward the cost of 20 any part of the premium of such agency plans. Such agency 21 plans shall not be deemed to be included in the state group 22 insurance program. 23 (8) COVERAGE FOR LEGISLATIVE MEMBERS AND 24 EMPLOYEES.--The Legislature may provide coverage for its 25 members and employees under all or any part of the state group 26 insurance program; may provide coverage for its members and 27 employees under a legislative group insurance program in lieu 28 of all or any part of the state group insurance program; and, 29 notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (4)(c), may assume 30 the cost of any group insurance coverage provided to its 31 members and employees. 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 (9) PUBLIC RECORDS LAW; EXEMPTION.--Patient medical 2 records and medical claims records of state employees, former 3 employees, and eligible dependents in the custody or control 4 of the state group insurance program are confidential and 5 exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1). Such records 6 shall not be furnished to any person other than the employee 7 or the employee's legal representative, except upon written 8 authorization of the employee, but may be furnished in any 9 civil or criminal action, unless otherwise prohibited by law, 10 upon the issuance of a subpoena from a court of competent 11 jurisdiction and proper notice to the employee or the 12 employee's legal representative by the party seeking such 13 records. 14 (10) STATEMENTS OF PURPOSE AND INTENT AND OTHER 15 PROVISIONS REQUIRED FOR QUALIFICATION UNDER THE INTERNAL 16 REVENUE CODE OF THE UNITED STATES.--Any other provisions in 17 this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding: 18 (a) Any provision in this chapter relating to a state 19 group insurance program shall be construed and administered to 20 qualify such program to be a qualified and nondiscriminatory 21 employee benefit plan under existing or hereafter-enacted 22 provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. 23 (b) The division department may adopt any rule 24 necessary to accomplish the purposes of this subsection not 25 inconsistent with this chapter. 26 (c) This subsection is declaratory of the legislative 27 intent upon the original enactment of this section and is 28 deemed to have been in effect since that date. 29 (11) STATE EMPLOYEE HEALTH BENEFIT COUNCIL.-- 30 (a) The State Employee Health Benefit Council is 31 created within the division for the purpose of providing joint 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 and coordinated oversight of the operation and administration 2 of the state group insurance program. The group shall be 3 comprised of seven members, including representatives of 4 providers and consumers, who shall be appointed by the 5 Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Members shall be 6 appointed for 6-year terms, however, of the initial members of 7 the council, two shall be appointed for terms of 2 years, two 8 shall be appointed for terms of 4 years, and three shall be 9 appointed for terms of 6 years. Each member shall serve until 10 a successor is appointed and confirmed and a member may be 11 appointed to succeed himself or herself. Any vacancy shall be 12 filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired period 13 of the term. No person who holds an elective public office of 14 the state or any political subdivision of the state or holds 15 any office in, or serves as an agent for, a political party 16 shall serve as a member of the council. The Governor may 17 suspend a member only for cause. The council shall elect a 18 chair and such other officers as the council deems necessary. 19 The council shall meet at least twice each year and shall meet 20 prior to the division contracting with an administrator of the 21 state group health insurance plan. The division shall furnish 22 administrative and secretarial assistance to the council and 23 shall provide a place for the council to hold meetings. 24 Members of the council shall receive no compensation but shall 25 be reimbursed by the division for per diem and travel expenses 26 pursuant to s. 112.061 when engaged in performing duties of 27 the council. 28 (b) Responsibilities of the council include, but are 29 not limited to: 30 1. Providing accountability measures. 31 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 459 558-126C-97 1 2. Reviewing procedures and criteria for contract 2 selection prior to any contract solicitation. 3 3. Reviewing benefit packages. 4 4. Reviewing external audit reports, service 5 organization reports, compliance reviews, or other 6 contractually required management reports relating to 7 third-party administrator activities to determine potential 8 areas which may require division action. 9 5. Reviewing third-party administrator management 10 reports leading to conclusions regarding report completion, 11 accuracy, validity, and reasonableness. 12 6. Reviewing third-party administrator overpayment and 13 refund collection activities to provide assurance that health 14 plan assets are safeguarded. 15 7. Reviewing utilization of detailed 16 provider/subscriber surveys designed to detect potential 17 problem areas with the state group insurance program. 18 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 19 20 ***************************************** 21 HOUSE SUMMARY 22 Creates the Division of State Group Insurance in the 23 Department of Management Services and requires the division, independent of the department and the Agency 24 for Health Care Administration, to administer the state group insurance program. Creates the State Employee 25 Health Benefit Council within the division to provide oversight of the operation and administration of the 26 state group insurance program and specifies responsibilities. See bill for details. 27 28 29 30 31 22