CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0467c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 467 By the Committee on Law Enforcement & Public Safety and Representatives Carlton, Futch and Feeney 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to school buses; amending s. 3 316.172, F.S.; providing additional penalties 4 for passing a school bus on the side that 5 children enter and exit when the school bus 6 displays a stop signal; clarifying that school 7 buses must display warning lights and stop 8 signals as required by rule of the State Board 9 of Education; amending s. 318.18, F.S.; 10 providing a fine for passing a school bus on 11 the side that children enter and exit when the 12 school bus displays a stop signal; providing 13 for suspension of driver's license for second 14 or subsequent offense; amending s. 318.19, 15 F.S.; requiring a mandatory hearing for passing 16 a school bus on the side of the bus that 17 children enter and exit when the bus displays a 18 stop signal; amending s. 234.051, F.S., 19 relating to school buses; deleting an obsolete 20 reference to the Interstate Commerce 21 Commission; providing correct reference to 22 federal regulations; amending s. 234.101, F.S., 23 relating to requirements for school bus 24 drivers; providing correct references to 25 federal regulations; repealing s. 234.091, 26 F.S., relating to general qualifications for 27 school bus drivers; providing an effective 28 date. 29 30 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 467 604-106-97 1 Section 1. Section 316.172, Florida Statutes, 1996 2 Supplement, is amended to read: 3 316.172 Traffic to stop for school bus.-- 4 (1)(a) Any person using, operating, or driving a 5 vehicle on or over the roads or highways of this state shall, 6 upon approaching any school bus used in transporting school 7 pupils to or from school which is properly identified in 8 substantial accordance with the provisions of s. 234.051 and 9 which displays a stop signal, bring such vehicle to a full 10 stop while the bus is stopped, and the vehicle shall not pass 11 the school bus until the signal has been withdrawn. A person 12 who violates this section commits a moving violation, 13 punishable as provided in chapter 318. 14 (b) Any person using, operating, or driving a vehicle 15 that passes a school bus on the side that children enter and 16 exit when the school bus displays a stop signal commits a 17 moving violation, punishable as provided in chapter 318, and 18 is subject to a mandatory hearing under the provisions of s. 19 318.19. 20 (2) The driver of a vehicle upon a divided highway 21 with an unpaved space of at least 5 feet, a raised median, or 22 a physical barrier is not required to stop when traveling in 23 the opposite direction of a school bus which is stopped in 24 accordance with the provisions of this section where the 25 one-way roadways are separated by an intervening unpaved space 26 of at least 5 feet or physical barrier need not stop upon 27 meeting or passing a school bus which is on a different 28 roadway. 29 (3) Every school bus shall stop as far to the right of 30 the street as possible and shall display warning lights and 31 stop signals as required by rules of the State Board of 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 467 604-106-97 1 Education before discharging or loading passengers. and, When 2 possible, a school bus shall not stop where the visibility is 3 obscured for a distance of 200 feet either way from the bus. 4 Section 2. Subsection (5) of section 318.18, Florida 5 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 6 318.18 Amount of civil penalties.--The penalties 7 required for a noncriminal disposition pursuant to s. 318.14 8 are as follows: 9 (5)(a) One hundred dollars for a violation of s. 10 316.172(1)(a), failure to stop for a school bus. If, at a 11 hearing, the alleged offender is found to have committed this 12 offense, the court shall impose a minimum civil penalty of 13 $100. In addition to this penalty, for a second or subsequent 14 offense within a period of 5 years, the department shall 15 suspend the driver's license of the person for not less than 16 90 days and not more than 6 months. 17 (b) Two hundred dollars for a violation of s. 18 316.172(1)(b), passing a school bus on the side that children 19 enter and exit when the school bus displays a stop signal. If, 20 at a hearing, the alleged offender is found to have committed 21 this offense, the court shall impose a minimum civil penalty 22 of $200. In addition to this penalty, for a second or 23 subsequent offense within a period of 5 years, the department 24 shall suspend the driver's license of the person for not less 25 than 180 days and not more than 1 year. 26 Section 3. Section 318.19, Florida Statutes, is 27 amended to read: 28 318.19 Infractions requiring a mandatory hearing.--Any 29 person cited for the infractions listed in this section shall 30 not have the provisions of s. 318.14(2), and (4), and (9) 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 467 604-106-97 1 available to him or her but must appear before the designated 2 official at the time and location of the scheduled hearing: 3 (1) Any infraction which results in an accident that 4 causes the death of another; or 5 (2) Any infraction which results in an accident that 6 causes "serious bodily injury" of another as defined in s. 7 316.1933(1); or. 8 (3) Any infraction of s. 316.172(2). 9 Section 4. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 10 234.051, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 11 234.051 School buses.--School buses shall be defined 12 and meet specifications as follows: 13 (1) DEFINITION.--For the purpose of the school code, a 14 "school bus" is defined as a motor vehicle regularly used for 15 the transportation of prekindergarten through grade 12 16 students of the public schools to and from school or to and 17 from school activities, and owned, operated, rented, 18 contracted, or leased by any school board, excepting: 19 (b) Motor vehicles subject to, and meeting all 20 requirements of, the United States Department of 21 Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations under 22 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations Interstate Commerce 23 Commission and operated by carriers operating under the 24 jurisdiction of these regulations the Interstate Commerce 25 Commission but not used exclusively for the transportation of 26 public school students pupils. 27 Section 5. Subsection (1) of section 234.101, Florida 28 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 29 234.101 Requirements for school bus drivers.-- 30 (1) Each school bus driver must be of good moral 31 character, of good vision and hearing, able-bodied, free from 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 467 604-106-97 1 communicable disease, mentally alert, and sufficiently strong 2 physically to handle the bus with ease, and he or she must 3 possess other qualifications prescribed by the state board, 4 including those qualifications described in 49 C.F.R. s. 391 5 ss. 391.41-.49, relating to "physical qualifications and 6 examinations" and 49 C.F.R. Part 40 and Part 382, relating to 7 ss. 391.81-.123 "controlled substance and alcohol use and 8 testing," and he or she must hold a valid commercial driver's 9 license with a passenger endorsement. 10 Section 6. Section 234.091, Florida Statutes, is 11 hereby repealed. 12 Section 7. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5