Senate Bill 0470

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 470

    By Senator Bronson

    18-574-98                                               See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to wildlife; amending s.

  3         372.57, F.S.; providing for a recreational user

  4         permit fee to hunt, fish, or otherwise use for

  5         outdoor recreational purposes, land leased by

  6         the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission from

  7         private nongovernmental owners; providing for

  8         the setting of the fee by rule; providing for

  9         exceptions to the application of the fee;

10         providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section

15  372.57, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

16         372.57  Licenses and permits; exemptions; fees.--No

17  person, except as provided herein, shall take game, freshwater

18  fish, or fur-bearing animals within this state without having

19  first obtained a license, permit, or authorization and paid

20  the fees hereinafter set forth, unless such license is issued

21  without fee as provided in s. 372.561. Such license, permit,

22  or authorization shall authorize the person to whom it is

23  issued to take game, freshwater fish, or fur-bearing animals

24  in accordance with law and commission rules. Such license,

25  permit, or authorization is not transferable.  Each license or

26  permit must bear on its face in indelible ink the name of the

27  person to whom it is issued and other information requested by

28  the commission.  Such license, permit, or authorization issued

29  by the commission or any agent must be in the personal

30  possession of the person to whom issued while taking game,

31  freshwater fish, or fur-bearing animals. The failure of such


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 470
    18-574-98                                               See HB

  1  person to exhibit such license, permit, or authorization to

  2  the commission or its wildlife officers, when such person is

  3  found taking game, freshwater fish, or fur-bearing animals, is

  4  a violation of law.  A positive form of identification is

  5  required when using an authorization, a lifetime license, a

  6  5-year license, or when otherwise required by the license or

  7  permit.  The lifetime licenses and 5-year licenses provided

  8  herein shall be embossed with the name, date of birth, the

  9  date of issuance, and other pertinent information as deemed

10  necessary by the commission.  A certified copy of the

11  applicant's birth certificate shall accompany all applications

12  for a lifetime license for residents 12 years of age and

13  younger.

14         (4)  In addition to any license required by this

15  chapter, the following permits and fees for certain hunting,

16  fishing, and recreational uses, and the activities authorized

17  thereby, are:

18         (b)1.  Management area permits to hunt, fish, or

19  otherwise use for outdoor recreational purposes, land owned,

20  leased, or managed by the commission or the State of Florida

21  for the use and benefit of the commission, up to $25 annually.

22  Permits, and fees thereof, for short-term use of land which is

23  owned, leased, or managed by the commission may be established

24  by rule of the commission for any activity on such lands.

25  Such permits and fees may be in lieu of or in addition to the

26  annual management area permit. Other than for hunting or

27  fishing, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply on

28  any lands not owned by the commission, unless the commission

29  shall have obtained the written consent of the owner or

30  primary custodian of such lands.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 470
    18-574-98                                               See HB

  1         2.  A recreational user permit fee to hunt, fish, or

  2  otherwise use for outdoor recreational purposes, land leased

  3  by the commission from private nongovernmental owners. The fee

  4  for this permit shall be based upon economic compensation

  5  desired by the landowner, game population levels, desired

  6  hunter density, and administrative costs. The permit fee shall

  7  be set by commission rule on a per-acre basis. The spouse and

  8  dependent children of a permittee are exempt from the permit

  9  fee when engaged in outdoor recreational activities other than

10  hunting in the company of the permittee. Notwithstanding any

11  other provision of this chapter, there are no other

12  exclusions, exceptions, or exemptions from this permit fee.

13  The landowner lease fee, less an administrative permit fee of

14  up to $25 per permit, shall be remitted to the landowner as

15  provided in the lease agreement for each area.

16         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

17  year in which enacted.


19            *****************************************

20                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

21    Provides for a recreational user permit fee for hunting,
      fishing, or other outdoor recreational purposes on land
22    leased by the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission from
      private nongovernmental owners. (See bill for details.)








