CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 472

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Gutman moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 5, line 11, through page 6, line 21, delete

15  those lines


17  and insert:

18         Section 2.  Section 474.207, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         474.207  Licensure by examination.--

21         (1)  Any person desiring to be licensed as a

22  veterinarian shall apply to the department to take a licensure

23  examination.  The board may by rule adopt use of a national

24  examination in lieu of part or all of the examination required

25  by this section, with a reasonable passing score to be set by

26  rule of the board.

27         (2)  The department shall license each applicant who

28  the board certifies has:

29         (a)  Completed the application form and remitted an

30  examination fee set by the board.

31         (b)1.  Graduated from a college of veterinary medicine

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 472

    Amendment No.    

 1  accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association

 2  Council on Education; or

 3         2.  Graduated from a college of veterinary medicine

 4  listed in the American Veterinary Medical Association Roster

 5  of Veterinary Colleges of the World and obtained a certificate

 6  from the Education Commission for Foreign Veterinary

 7  Graduates.

 8         (c)  Successfully completed the examination provided by

 9  the department for this purpose, or an examination determined

10  by the board to be equivalent.

11         (d)  Demonstrated knowledge of the laws and rules

12  governing the practice of veterinary medicine in Florida in a

13  manner designated by rules of the board.


15  The department shall not issue a license to any applicant who

16  is under investigation in any state or territory of the United

17  States or in the District of Columbia for an act which would

18  constitute a violation of this chapter until the investigation

19  is complete and disciplinary proceedings have been terminated,

20  at which time the provisions of s. 474.214 shall apply.

21         (3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph

22  (2)(b), An applicant has shall be deemed to have met the

23  education requirements for licensure upon submission of

24  evidence that the applicant meets one of the following:

25         (a)  The applicant was certified for examination by the

26  board prior to October 1, 1989; or

27         (b)  The applicant immigrated to the United States

28  after leaving her or his home country because of political

29  reasons, if provided such country is located in the Western

30  Hemisphere and lacks diplomatic relations with the United

31  States,; and:

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 472

    Amendment No.    

 1         (a)1.  Was a Florida resident immediately preceding her

 2  or his application for licensure; and

 3         (b)1.2.Demonstrates to the board, through submission of

 4  documentation verified by the applicant's respective

 5  professional association in exile, that she or he received a

 6  professional degree in veterinary medicine from a college or

 7  university located in the country from which she or he

 8  emigrated. However, the board may not require the receipt of

 9  transcripts from the Republic of Cuba as a condition of

10  eligibility under this section; and

11         2.  Demonstrates to the board that, prior to October 1,

12  1989, he or she was enrolled in a school of veterinary

13  medicine listed in the American Veterinary Medical Association

14  Roster of Colleges of the World; and

15         3.  Successfully completed a board-approved course of

16  250 hours in veterinary science offered on October 8, 1997, by

17  the Cuban Veterinary Medical Association in Exile, in

18  conjunction with the Florida International Medical Association

19  and Dade County public schools, which included a

20  competency-based examination and the granting of licenses to

21  persons passing the examination; or

22         (c)1.  The applicant demonstrates to the board that,

23  prior to October 1, 1989, he or she was enrolled in a school

24  of veterinary medicine listed in the American Veterinary

25  Medical Association Roster of Colleges of the World;

26         2.  Was a Florida resident immediately preceding her or

27  his application for licensure; and

28         3.  Successfully completed a board-approved course of

29  250 hours in veterinary science offered on October 8, 1997, by

30  the Cuban Veterinary Medical Association in Exile, in

31  conjunction with the Florida International Medical Association

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 472

    Amendment No.    

 1  and Dade County public schools, which included a

 2  competency-based examination and the granting of licenses to

 3  persons passing the examination.

 4         3.  Lawfully practiced her or his profession for at

 5  least 3 years.

 6         (4)  Applicants certified for examination or

 7  reexamination under subsection (3) who fail or have failed the

 8  examination three times must subsequent to October 1, 1989,

 9  shall be required to demonstrate to the board that they meet

10  the requirements of paragraph (2)(b) or paragraph (3)(c) prior

11  to any further reexamination or certification for licensure.

12         (5)  An unlicensed doctor of veterinary medicine who

13  has graduated from an approved college or school of veterinary

14  medicine and has completed all parts of the examination for

15  licensure is permitted, while awaiting the results of such

16  examination for licensure or while awaiting issuance of the

17  license, to practice under the immediate supervision of a

18  licensed veterinarian. A person who fails any part of the

19  examination may not continue to practice, except in the same

20  capacity as other nonlicensed veterinary employees, until she

21  or he passes the examination and is eligible for licensure.



24  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

25  And the title is amended as follows:

26         On page 1, lines 6 through 8, delete those lines


28  and insert:

29         medical practice; amending s. 474.207, F.S.;

30         revising requirements for certain persons to

31         take the examination for licensure as a

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 472

    Amendment No.    

 1         veterinarian; eliminating obsolete provisions;

 2         amending s.






























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