House Bill 4741

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4741

        By the Committee on Health Care Standards & Regulatory
    Reform and Representative Jones

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to managed health care;

  3         amending s. 641.316, F.S.; revising fidelity

  4         bond requirements for fiscal intermediary

  5         services organizations; providing surety bond

  6         requirements for such organizations; providing

  7         an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  Section 641.316, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         641.316  Fiscal intermediary services.--

14         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature, through the

15  adoption of this section, to ensure the financial soundness of

16  fiscal intermediary services organizations established to

17  develop, manage, and administer the business affairs of health

18  care professional providers such as medical doctors, doctors

19  of osteopathy, doctors of chiropractic, doctors of podiatric

20  medicine, doctors of dentistry, or other health professionals

21  regulated by the Department of Health.

22         (2)(a)  The term "fiduciary" or "fiscal intermediary

23  services" means reimbursements received or collected on behalf

24  of health care professionals for services rendered, patient

25  and provider accounting, financial reporting and auditing,

26  receipts and collections management, compensation and

27  reimbursement disbursement services, or other related

28  fiduciary services pursuant to health care professional

29  contracts with health maintenance organizations.

30         (b)  The term "fiscal intermediary services

31  organization" means a person or entity which performs


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4741


  1  fiduciary or fiscal intermediary services to health care

  2  professionals who contract with health maintenance

  3  organizations other than a fiscal intermediary services

  4  organization owned, operated, or controlled by a hospital

  5  licensed under chapter 395, an insurer licensed under chapter

  6  624, a third-party administrator licensed under chapter 626, a

  7  prepaid limited health organization licensed under chapter

  8  636, a health maintenance organization licensed under this

  9  chapter, or physician group practices as defined in s.

10  455.654455.236(3)(f).

11         (3)  A fiscal intermediary services organization which

12  is operated for the purpose of acquiring and administering

13  provider contracts with managed care plans for professional

14  health care services, including, but not limited to, medical,

15  surgical, chiropractic, dental, and podiatric care, and which

16  performs fiduciary or fiscal intermediary services shall be

17  required to secure and maintain a fidelity bond in the minimum

18  amount of 10 percent of the funds handled by the intermediary

19  in connection with its fiscal and fiduciary services during

20  the prior year or $1 million, whichever is less. The minimum

21  bond amount shall be $50,000. The fidelity bond shall protect

22  the fiscal intermediary from loss caused by the dishonesty of

23  its employees and must remain unimpaired for as long as the

24  intermediary continues in business in the state. $10 million.

25  This requirement shall apply to all persons or entities

26  engaged in the business of providing fiduciary or fiscal

27  intermediary services to any contracted provider or provider

28  panel. The fidelity bond shall provide coverage against

29  misappropriation of funds by the fiscal intermediary or its

30  officers, agents, or employees; must be posted with the

31  department for the benefit of managed care plans, subscribers,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4741


  1  and providers; and must be on a form approved by the

  2  department. The fidelity bond must be maintained and remain

  3  unimpaired as long as the fiscal intermediary services

  4  organization continues in business in this state and until the

  5  termination of its registration.

  6         (4)  A fiscal intermediary services organization as

  7  described in subsection (3) shall be required to secure and

  8  maintain a surety bond on file with the department naming the

  9  intermediary as principal. The bond must be obtained from a

10  company authorized to write surety insurance in the state, and

11  the department shall be obligee on behalf of itself and third

12  parties. The penal sum of the bond shall not be less than 5

13  percent of the funds handled by the intermediary in connection

14  with its fiscal and fiduciary services during the prior year,

15  or $250,000, whichever is less. The minimum bond amount shall

16  be $10,000. The condition of the bond shall be that the

17  intermediary shall register with the department and shall not

18  misappropriate funds within its control or custody as a fiscal

19  intermediary or fiduciary. The aggregate liability of the

20  surety for any and all breaches of the conditions of the bond

21  shall in no event exceed the penal sum of the bond. The bond

22  shall be continuous in form, shall be renewed annually by a

23  continuation certificate, and may be terminated by the surety

24  upon its giving 30 days' written notice of termination to the

25  department.

26         (5)(4)  A fiscal intermediary services organization may

27  not collect from the subscriber any payment other than the

28  copayment or deductible specified in the subscriber agreement.

29         (6)(5)  Any fiscal intermediary services organization,

30  other than a fiscal intermediary services organization owned,

31  operated, or controlled by a hospital licensed under chapter


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4741


  1  395, an insurer licensed under chapter 624, a third-party

  2  administrator licensed under chapter 626, a prepaid limited

  3  health organization licensed under chapter 636, a health

  4  maintenance organization licensed under this chapter, or

  5  physician group practices as defined in s. 455.654

  6  455.236(3)(f), must register with the department and meet the

  7  requirements of this section. In order to register as a fiscal

  8  intermediary services organization, the organization must

  9  comply with ss. 641.21(1)(c) and (d) and 641.22(6). Should the

10  department determine that the fiscal intermediary services

11  organization does not meet the requirements of this section,

12  the registration shall be denied. In the event that the

13  registrant fails to maintain compliance with the provisions of

14  this section, the department may revoke or suspend the

15  registration. In lieu of revocation or suspension of the

16  registration, the department may levy an administrative

17  penalty in accordance with s. 641.25.

18         (7)(6)  The department shall promulgate rules necessary

19  to implement the provisions of this section.

20         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

21  year in which enacted.


23            *****************************************

24                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises fidelity bond requirements for fiscal
26    intermediary services organizations that administer
      provider contracts with managed care plans for
27    professional health care services. Requires such
      organizations to maintain a surety bond on file with the
28    Department of Insurance and prescribes bond requirements
      and conditions.


