House Bill 4753

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4753

        By the Committee on Business Development & International
    Trade and Representative Valdes

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to WAGES and Job Training

  3         Partnership Act participants; amending s.

  4         212.096, F.S.; including Job Training

  5         Partnership Act and WAGES Program participants

  6         within the definition of new employee for

  7         purposes of additional eligibility for the

  8         enterprise zone jobs credit against sales tax;

  9         amending ss. 220.03 and 220.181, F.S.;

10         including Job Training Partnership Act and

11         WAGES Program participants within the

12         definition of new employee for purposes of

13         additional eligibility for the enterprise zone

14         jobs credit against corporate tax; amending s.

15         414.25, F.S.; delaying the expiration of an

16         exemption from leased property requirements;

17         amending s. 414.028, F.S.; requiring the WAGES

18         Program State Board of Directors to ensure that

19         local WAGES coalitions have specific

20         performance standards and measurable outcomes

21         on their program and financial plans; requiring

22         such standards and outcomes comply with the

23         statewide WAGES Program plan; authorizing the

24         board to revoke the charter of local WAGES

25         coalitions under certain circumstances;

26         amending s. 414.026, F.S.; allowing the board

27         to establish a grant program for innovative

28         transportation projects; amending s. 414.065,

29         F.S.; removing provisions requiring repayment

30         of certain subsidies by employers under the

31         WAGES Program; providing that subsidy


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  1         agreements will not be continued with certain

  2         employers; providing for paying a WAGES

  3         training bonus to employers that hire certain

  4         WAGES Program participants; allowing local

  5         WAGES coalitions to establish a

  6         prequalification employment screening process;

  7         providing issues that may be included in the

  8         process; authorizing the board to grant funds

  9         appropriated by the Legislature for the

10         development and administration of such

11         processes; creating s. 414.110, F.S.; creating

12         the Work Credit Program; delineating

13         eligibility requirements for individuals to

14         receive assistance under the program; amending

15         s. 446.603, F.S.; removing a six-month

16         employment requirement in order to receive

17         incentive payments under the Untried Worker

18         Placement and Employment Incentive Act;

19         providing an effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) and

24  paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) of section 212.096,

25  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

26         212.096  Sales, rental, storage, use tax; enterprise

27  zone jobs credit against sales tax.--

28         (1)  For the purposes of the credit provided in this

29  section:

30         (c)  "New employee" means a person residing in an

31  enterprise zone, a qualified Job Training Partnership Act


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  1  classroom training participant, or a WAGES Program participant

  2  who begins employment with an eligible business after July 1,

  3  1995, and who has not been previously employed within the

  4  preceding 12 months by the eligible business, or a successor

  5  eligible business, claiming the credit allowed by this

  6  section.


  8  A person shall be deemed to be employed if the person performs

  9  duties in connection with the operations of the business on a

10  regular, full-time basis, provided the person is performing

11  such duties for an average of at least 36 hours per week each

12  month, or a part-time basis, provided the person is performing

13  such duties for an average of at least 20 hours per week each

14  month throughout the year. The person must be performing such

15  duties at a business site located in the enterprise zone.

16         (3)  In order to claim this credit, an eligible

17  business must file under oath with the governing body or

18  enterprise zone development agency having jurisdiction over

19  the enterprise zone where the business is located, as

20  applicable, a statement which includes:

21         (a)  For each new employee for whom this credit is

22  claimed, the employee's name and place of residence, including

23  the identifying number assigned pursuant to s. 290.0065 to the

24  enterprise zone in which the employee resides, or

25  documentation that the employee is a qualified Job Training

26  Partnership Act classroom training participant or WAGES

27  Program participant, as applicable.

28         (b)  If applicable, the name and address of each

29  permanent employee of the business, including, for each

30  employee who is a resident of an enterprise zone, the

31  identifying number assigned pursuant to s. 290.0065 to the


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  1  enterprise zone in which the employee resides and, for each

  2  employee who qualifies, documentation that the employee is a

  3  qualified Job Training Partnership Act classroom training

  4  participant or a WAGES Program participant.

  5         Section 2.  Paragraph (q) of subsection (1) of section

  6  220.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         220.03  Definitions.--

  8         (1)  SPECIFIC TERMS.--When used in this code, and when

  9  not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible

10  with the intent thereof, the following terms shall have the

11  following meanings:

12         (q)  "New employee," for the purposes of the enterprise

13  zone jobs credit, means a person residing in an enterprise

14  zone, or a qualified Job Training Partnership Act classroom

15  training participant, or a WAGES Program participant employed

16  at a business located in an enterprise zone who begins

17  employment in the operations of the business after July 1,

18  1995, and who has not been previously employed within the

19  preceding 12 months by the business or a successor business

20  claiming the credit pursuant to s. 220.181.  A person shall be

21  deemed to be employed by such a business if the person

22  performs duties in connection with the operations of the

23  business on a full-time basis, provided she or he is

24  performing such duties for an average of at least 36 hours per

25  week each month, or a part-time basis, provided she or he is

26  performing such duties for an average of at least 20 hours per

27  week each month throughout the year. The person must be

28  performing such duties at a business site located in an

29  enterprise zone. The provisions of this paragraph shall expire

30  and be void on June 30, 2005.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4753


  1         Section 3.  Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (2) of

  2  section 220.181, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         220.181  Enterprise zone jobs credit.--

  4         (2)  When filing for an enterprise zone jobs credit, a

  5  business must file under oath with the governing body or

  6  enterprise zone development agency having jurisdiction over

  7  the enterprise zone where the business is located, as

  8  applicable, a statement which includes:

  9         (a)  For each new employee for whom this credit is

10  claimed, the employee's name and place of residence during the

11  taxable year, including the identifying number assigned

12  pursuant to s. 290.0065 to the enterprise zone in which the

13  new employee resides, or documentation that the employee is a

14  qualified Job Training Partnership Act classroom training

15  participant or WAGES Program participant, as applicable.

16         (b)  If applicable, the name and address of each

17  permanent employee of the business, including, for each

18  employee who is a resident of an enterprise zone, the

19  identifying number assigned pursuant to s. 290.0065 to the

20  enterprise zone in which the employee resides and, for each

21  employee who qualifies, documentation that the employee is a

22  qualified Job Training Partnership Act classroom training

23  participant or a WAGES Program participant.

24         Section 4.  Section 414.25, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         414.25  Exemption from leased real property

27  requirements.--In order to facilitate implementation of this

28  chapter with respect to establishing jobs and benefits

29  offices, the Department of Labor and Employment Security and

30  the Department of Children and Family Services are exempt from

31  the requirements of s. 255.25 which relate to the procurement


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  1  of leased real property. This exemption expires June 30, 2000

  2  1998.

  3         Section 5.  Subsection (3) of section 414.028, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (g) is added to subsection

  5  (4) of said section, to read:

  6         414.028  Local WAGES coalitions.--The WAGES Program

  7  State Board of Directors shall create and charter local WAGES

  8  coalitions to plan and coordinate the delivery of services

  9  under the WAGES Program at the local level. The boundaries of

10  the service area for a local WAGES coalition shall conform to

11  the boundaries of the service area for the regional workforce

12  development board established under the Enterprise Florida

13  workforce development board. The local delivery of services

14  under the WAGES Program shall be coordinated, to the maximum

15  extent possible, with the local services and activities of the

16  local service providers designated by the regional workforce

17  development boards.

18         (3)(a)  The statewide implementation plan prepared by

19  the WAGES Program State Board of Directors shall prescribe and

20  publish the process for chartering the local WAGES coalitions.

21         (b)  The board shall ensure that each local coalition

22  has specific performance standards and measurable outcomes to

23  measure the impact of their program and financial plans.  The

24  board shall ensure that such measures correspond and comply

25  with the measures established in the statewide plan pursuant

26  to s. 414.027.  The board shall review the performance measure

27  outcomes of each local coalition annually to determine whether

28  each coalition is meeting its goals, and may take any action

29  deemed necessary to ensure that the state goals are being met,

30  including, but not limited to, revoking the charter of any

31  coalition that is not in compliance.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4753


  1         (4)  Each local WAGES coalition shall perform the

  2  planning, coordination, and oversight functions specified in

  3  the statewide implementation plan, including, but not limited

  4  to:

  5         (g)  Developing specific performance standards and

  6  measurable outcomes that correspond and comply with the

  7  measures established in the statewide plan pursuant to s.

  8  414.017 to measure the impact of their program and financial

  9  plans.

10         Section 6.  Subsection (4) of section 414.026, Florida

11  Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (5) and new subsection

12  (4) is added to said section to read:

13         414.026  WAGES Program State Board of Directors.--

14         (4)  The board may establish a grant program to award

15  available funds to local WAGES coalitions for innovative

16  transportation projects that promote the placing of WAGES

17  Program participants in jobs.  Such funds shall be awarded in

18  compliance with federal laws and regulations.

19         Section 7.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

20  414.065, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (12) is

21  added to said section, to read:

22         414.065  Work requirements.--

23         (1)  WORK ACTIVITIES.--The following activities may be

24  used individually or in combination to satisfy the work

25  requirements for a participant in the WAGES Program:

26         (b)  Subsidized private sector employment.--Subsidized

27  private sector employment is employment in a private

28  for-profit enterprise or a private not-for-profit enterprise

29  which is directly supplemented by federal or state funds. A

30  subsidy may be provided in one or more of the forms listed in

31  this paragraph.


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  1         1.  Work supplementation.--A work supplementation

  2  subsidy diverts a participant's temporary cash assistance

  3  under the program to the employer. The employer must pay the

  4  participant wages that equal or exceed the applicable federal

  5  minimum wage. Work supplementation may not exceed 6 months. At

  6  the end of the supplementation period, the employer is

  7  expected to retain the participant as a regular employee

  8  without receiving a subsidy for at least 12 months. Work

  9  supplementation agreements will not be continued with

10  employers who exhibit a pattern of failing to provide

11  participants with continued employment after work

12  supplementation has expired. The work supplementation

13  agreement must provide that if the employee is dismissed at

14  any time within 12 months after termination of the

15  supplementation period due in any part to loss of the

16  supplement, the employer shall repay some or all of the

17  supplement previously paid as a subsidy to the employer under

18  the WAGES Program.

19         2.  On-the-job training.--On-the-job training is

20  full-time, paid employment in which the employer or an

21  educational institution in cooperation with the employer

22  provides training needed for the participant to perform the

23  skills required for the position. The employer or the

24  educational institution on behalf of the employer receives a

25  subsidy to offset the cost of the training provided to the

26  participant. Upon satisfactory completion of the training, the

27  employer is expected to retain the participant as a regular

28  employee without receiving a subsidy. On-the-job training

29  agreements will not be continued with employers who exhibit a

30  pattern of failing to provide participants with continued

31  employment after on-the-job training subsidies have expired.


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  1  The on-the-job training agreement must provide that in the

  2  case of dismissal of a participant due to loss of the subsidy,

  3  the employer shall repay some or all of the subsidy previously

  4  provided by the department and the Department of Labor and

  5  Employment Security.

  6         3.  Incentive payments.--The department and the

  7  Department of Labor and Employment Security may provide

  8  additional incentive payments to encourage employers to employ

  9  program participants. Incentive payments may include payments

10  to encourage the employment of hard-to-place participants, in

11  which case the amount of the payment shall be weighted

12  proportionally to the extent to which the participant has

13  limitations associated with the long-term receipt of welfare

14  and difficulty in sustaining employment. In establishing

15  incentive payments, the department and the Department of Labor

16  and Employment Security shall consider the extent of prior

17  receipt of welfare, lack of employment experience, lack of

18  education, lack of job skills, and other appropriate factors.

19  A participant who has complied with program requirements and

20  who is approaching the time limit for receiving temporary cash

21  assistance may be defined as "hard-to-place." Incentive

22  payments may include payments in which an initial payment is

23  made to the employer upon the employment of a participant, and

24  the majority of the incentive payment is made after the

25  employer retains the participant as a full-time employee for

26  at least 12 months. Incentive agreements will not be continued

27  with employers who exhibit a pattern of failing to provide

28  participants with continued employment after incentives have

29  expired. The incentive agreement must provide that if the

30  employee is dismissed at any time within 12 months after

31  termination of the incentive payment period due in any part to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4753


  1  loss of the incentive, the employer shall repay some or all of

  2  the payment previously paid as an incentive to the employer

  3  under the WAGES Program.

  4         4.  Tax credits.--An employer who employs a program

  5  participant may qualify for enterprise zone property tax

  6  credits under s. 220.182, the tax refund program for qualified

  7  target industry businesses under s. 288.106, or other federal

  8  or state tax benefits. The department and the Department of

  9  Labor and Employment Security shall provide information and

10  assistance, as appropriate, to use such credits to accomplish

11  program goals.

12         5.  WAGES training bonus.--An employer who employs a

13  WAGES participant who has less than 6 months of cash

14  assistance payments remaining may receive $240 for each full

15  month of employment of such participant for a period not to

16  exceed 3 months.  Employment is defined as 35 hours per week

17  at a wage of no less than minimum wage.  Training bonuses

18  shall not be continued with employers who exhibit a pattern of

19  failing to provide participants with continued employment

20  after bonuses have expired.


22  WAGES coalitions, with the approval of the WAGES Program State

23  Board of Directors, may establish a process to determine the

24  ability of participants to satisfy work requirements at the

25  time of application.  Such process may include, but is not

26  limited to, screening for drug and alcohol dependency and job

27  skills.  Local WAGES coalitions shall ensure that any

28  prequalification process emphasizes the ability to work,

29  self-sufficiency, and personal responsibility while meeting

30  the transitional needs of program participants who may need

31  short-term assistance in order to satisfy work requirements.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4753


  1  If appropriated by the Legislature, the WAGES Program State

  2  Board of Directors may make grant funds available to assist

  3  local WAGES coalitions in the development and administration

  4  of prequalification employment screening processes.

  5         Section 8.  Section 414.110, Florida Statutes, is

  6  created to read:

  7         414.110  Work Credit Program.--

  8         (1)  For individuals subject to the time limitation

  9  under s. 414.105 who are employed and continue to be eligible

10  for temporary cash assistance, a month in which the individual

11  works full time, as defined in this section, does not count

12  towards the 24 cumulative month time in a consecutive 60 month

13  period or the 36 cumulative month time limit in a 72 month

14  time limit described in s. 414.105.

15         (2)  For purposes of this section, full-time employment

16  is defined as employment of not less than 160 hours per month.

17         (3)  A month which does not count towards the 24 month

18  cumulative time limit or the 36 month cumulative time limit as

19  described in subsection (1) does count as a month of

20  assistance in the lifetime cumulative total of 48 months of

21  assistance as described in s. 414.105.

22         Section 9.  Subsection (4) of section 446.603, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         446.603  Untried Worker Placement and Employment

25  Incentive Act.--

26         (4)  In these pilots, incentive payments will be made

27  to for-profit or not-for-profit agents selected by the

28  Regional Workforce Development Boards who successfully place

29  untried workers in full-time employment for 6 months with an

30  employer after the employee successfully completes a

31  probationary placement of no more than 6 months with that


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HB 4753


  1  employer.  Full-time employment that includes health care

  2  benefits will receive an additional incentive payment.

  3         Section 10.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  4  law.


  6            *****************************************

  7                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Includes Job Training Partnership Act and WAGES Program
  9    participants to the definition of new employee for
      purposes of additional eligibility for the enterprise
10    zone jobs credit against the sales tax and the corporate
      income tax. Requires the WAGES Program State Board of
11    Directors to ensure that local WAGES coalitions have
      specific performance standards and measurable outcomes on
12    their program and financial plans, requires that such
      standards and outcomes comply with the statewide WAGES
13    Program plan, and authorizes the board to revoke the
      charter of local WAGES coalitions for failure to comply.
14    Allows the board to establish a grant program for
      innovative transportation projects. Revises WAGES Program
15    provisions relating to repayment of subsidies
      discontinuance of subsidy agreements, and paying WAGES
16    training bonuses to employers that hire WAGES Program
      participants. Authorizes local WAGES coalitions to
17    establish a prequalification employment screening process
      and allows the board to grant funds appropriated by the
18    Legislature for the development and administration of the
      process. Creates the Work Credit Program to provide
19    assistance to individuals subject to specified time
      limitations under a temporary cash assistance program.











