Senate Bill 0488

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 488

    By Senator Forman


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to hazardous waste; amending s.

  3         403.061, F.S.; authorizing the Department of

  4         Environmental Protection to exercise control

  5         over hazardous waste corrective-action

  6         programs; amending s. 403.087, F.S.; providing

  7         additional rulemaking authority for permit

  8         fees; amending s. 403.703, F.S.; redefining the

  9         term "hazardous waste facility"; amending s.

10         403.721, F.S.; providing for closure plan

11         requirements; providing additional rulemaking

12         authority for corrective-action orders;

13         amending s. 403.722, F.S.; providing for a

14         post-closure permit; creating s. 403.79, F.S.;

15         providing legislative intent for the state

16         implementation of the corrective-action

17         provisions of federal law; providing for

18         consistency with the federal program; creating

19         s. 403.791, F.S.; providing for the delegation

20         of the federal corrective-action program to the

21         department; providing criteria for the state

22         corrective-action program for hazardous waste

23         facilities; providing an implementation

24         schedule; requiring reports; amending s.

25         403.809, F.S.; providing additional

26         requirements for certain permit application

27         reviews; providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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  1         Section 1.  Subsection (8) of section 403.061, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         403.061  Department; powers and duties.--The department

  4  shall have the power and the duty to control and prohibit

  5  pollution of air and water in accordance with the law and

  6  rules adopted and promulgated by it and, for this purpose, to:

  7         (8)  Issue such orders as are necessary to effectuate

  8  the control of air and water pollution and enforce the same by

  9  all appropriate administrative and judicial proceedings. In

10  any enforcement action or permit issued to effectuate the

11  control of water pollution resulting from a discharge of solid

12  or hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, the

13  department's corrective-action program established under ss.

14  403.79-403.791, the department shall incorporate, to the

15  maximum extent feasible, risk-based corrective-action

16  principles to achieve protection of human health and safety

17  and the environment in a cost-effective manner as provided in

18  this subsection. In effectuating the control of water

19  pollution resulting from a discharge of solid or hazardous

20  waste, the department shall use criteria that address risk

21  assessment and risk-based corrective action.

22         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section

23  403.087, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

24         403.087  Permits; general issuance; denial; revocation;

25  prohibition; penalty.--

26         (6)(a)  The department shall require a processing fee

27  in an amount sufficient, to the greatest extent possible, to

28  cover the costs of reviewing and acting upon any application

29  for a permit or request for site-specific alternative criteria

30  or for an exemption from water quality criteria and to cover

31  the costs of surveillance and other field services and related


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  1  support activities associated with any permit issued pursuant

  2  to this chapter. However, when an application is received

  3  without the required fee, the department shall acknowledge

  4  receipt of the application and shall immediately return the

  5  unprocessed application to the applicant and shall take no

  6  further action until the application is received with the

  7  appropriate fee.  The department shall adopt a schedule of

  8  fees by rule, subject to the following limitations:

  9         1.  The permit fee for any of the following permits may

10  not exceed $32,500:

11         a.  Hazardous waste, construction permit.

12         b.  Hazardous waste, operation permit, including the

13  corrective-action requirements of the 1984 Hazardous and Solid

14  Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery

15  Act, amending the Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C., s. 6901

16  et seq.

17         c.  Hazardous waste, post-closure permit, including

18  1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments corrective-action

19  requirements.

20         2.  The department shall establish a sliding scale of

21  fees by rule for a closure plan submitted pursuant to s.

22  403.721(2). The sliding scale of fees must be based upon the

23  extent of the release of hazardous waste or hazardous

24  constituents and the complexity of the closure plan, with the

25  highest fee not to exceed $32,500.

26         3.  The department shall establish a sliding scale of

27  fees by rule based on the number of solid waste management

28  units identified that require further action under the 1984

29  Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments corrective-action

30  program. The permit fees for the facility including the 1984



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  1  Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments corrective-action program

  2  requirements may not exceed $32,500.

  3         4.2.  The permit fee for a Class I injection well

  4  construction permit may not exceed $12,500.

  5         5.3.  The permit fee for any of the following permits

  6  may not exceed $10,000:

  7         a.  Solid waste, construction permit.

  8         b.  Solid waste, operation permit.

  9         c.  Class I injection well, operation permit.

10         6.4.  The permit fee for any of the following permits

11  may not exceed $7,500:

12         a.  Air pollution, construction permit.

13         b.  Solid waste, closure permit.

14         c.  Drinking water, construction or operation permit.

15         d.  Domestic waste residuals, construction or operation

16  permit.

17         e.  Industrial waste, operation permit.

18         f.  Industrial waste, construction permit.

19         7.5.  The permit fee for any of the following permits

20  may not exceed $5,000:

21         a.  Domestic waste, operation permit.

22         b.  Domestic waste, construction permit.

23         8.6.  The permit fee for any of the following permits

24  may not exceed $4,000:

25         a.  Wetlands resource management--(dredge and fill),

26  standard form permit.

27         b.  Hazardous waste, research and development permit.

28         c.  Air pollution, operation permit, for sources not

29  subject to s. 403.0872.

30         d.  Class III injection well, construction, operation,

31  or abandonment permits.


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  1         9.7.  The permit fee for Class V injection wells,

  2  construction, operation, and abandonment permits may not

  3  exceed $750.

  4         10.8.  The permit fee for any of the following permits

  5  may not exceed $500:

  6         a.  Domestic waste, collection system permits.

  7         b.  Wetlands resource management--(dredge and fill and

  8  mangrove alterations), short permit form.

  9         c.  Drinking water, distribution system permit.

10         11.9.  The permit fee for stormwater operation permits

11  may not exceed $100.

12         12.10.  The general permit fees for permits that

13  require certification by a registered professional engineer or

14  professional geologist may not exceed $500.  The general

15  permit fee for other permit types may not exceed $100.

16         13.11.  The fee for a permit issued pursuant to s.

17  403.816 is $5,000, and the fee for any modification of such

18  permit requested by the applicant is $1,000.

19         14.12.  The regulatory program and surveillance fees

20  for facilities permitted pursuant to s. 403.088 or s.

21  403.0885, or for facilities permitted pursuant to s. 402 of

22  the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. ss. 1251 et seq.,

23  and for which the department has been granted administrative

24  authority, shall be limited as follows:

25         a.  The fees for domestic wastewater facilities shall

26  not exceed $7,500 annually.  The department shall establish a

27  sliding scale of fees based on the permitted capacity and

28  shall ensure smaller domestic waste dischargers do not bear an

29  inordinate share of costs of the program.

30         b.  The annual fees for industrial waste facilities

31  shall not exceed $11,500. The department shall establish a


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  1  sliding scale of fees based upon the volume, concentration, or

  2  nature of the industrial waste discharge and shall ensure

  3  smaller industrial waste dischargers do not bear an inordinate

  4  share of costs of the program.

  5         c.  The department may establish a fee, not to exceed

  6  the amounts in subparagraphs 4. and 5., to cover additional

  7  costs of review required for permit modification or

  8  construction engineering plans.

  9         Section 3.  Subsection (22), of section 403.703,

10  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

11         403.703  Definitions.--As used in this act, unless the

12  context clearly indicates otherwise, the term:

13         (22)  "Hazardous waste facility" means:

14         (a)  All contiguous land, and structures, other

15  appurtenances, and improvements on the land, used for

16  treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. A facility

17  may consist of several treatment, storage, or disposal

18  operational units (e.g., one or more landfills, surface

19  impoundments, or combinations of them).

20         (b)  For the purpose of implementing corrective action

21  under 40 C.F.R., s. 264.101, all contiguous property under the

22  control of the owner or operator seeking a permit under

23  Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. This

24  definition also applies to facilities implementing corrective

25  action under Section 3008(h) of the Resource Conservation and

26  Recovery Act. any building, site, structure, or equipment at

27  or by which hazardous waste is disposed of, stored, or

28  treated.

29         Section 4.  Subsections (2) and (6) of section 403.721,

30  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:



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  1         403.721  Standards, requirements, and procedures for

  2  generators and transporters of hazardous waste and owners and

  3  operators of hazardous waste facilities.--

  4         (2)  The department shall establish by rule such

  5  standards, requirements, and procedures as are needed to

  6  protect human health and the environment, which standards,

  7  requirements, and procedures shall apply to persons who

  8  generate or transport hazardous waste; to persons who own or

  9  operate hazardous waste disposal, storage, or treatment

10  facilities; and to hazardous waste disposal facilities.  The

11  department may establish standards, requirements, and

12  procedures which may vary based on differences in amounts of,

13  types of, concentrations of, and methods of handling hazardous

14  waste and on differences in the size and location of hazardous

15  waste facilities and which may take into account standards,

16  requirements, and procedures imposed by other laws not in

17  conflict with this act. If closure at a facility is required

18  of any person under this subsection, that person may submit a

19  closure plan, for department approval, sufficient to address

20  the release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents at

21  the facility in a manner that is protective of human health

22  and the environment. Solid waste determined to be special

23  wastes by the United States Environmental Protection Agency

24  shall be regulated pursuant to this act consistent with

25  federal regulations for special wastes under Subtitle C of the

26  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

27         (6)  The department, with respect to owners and

28  operators of hazardous waste disposal, storage, or treatment

29  facilities, and with respect to such facilities, shall adopt

30  rules governing:



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  1         (a)  The maintenance of records concerning all

  2  hazardous wastes which are identified or listed pursuant to

  3  this act and which are treated, stored, or disposed of and the

  4  manner of treatment, storage, or disposal;

  5         (b)  Satisfactory reporting, monitoring, and inspection

  6  for compliance with the manifest system required in paragraph

  7  (3)(e);

  8         (c)  The treatment, storage, or disposal of all

  9  hazardous waste received by the facility pursuant to operating

10  methods, techniques, and practices approved by the department;

11         (d)  The location, design, and construction of such

12  hazardous waste treatment, disposal, or storage facilities;

13         (e)  Contingency plans for effective action to minimize

14  unanticipated damage resulting from any accident occurring

15  during the treatment, storage, or disposal of any such

16  hazardous waste;

17         (f)  The maintenance or operation of such facilities

18  and the requirement of such additional qualifications as to

19  ownership, continuity of operation, training for personnel,

20  and financial responsibility as may be necessary or desirable;

21  and

22         (g)  Compliance with s. 403.722;.

23         (h)  Corrective action at a hazardous waste facility

24  which shall be taken beyond a facility boundary where

25  necessary to protect human health and the environment, unless

26  the owner or operator demonstrates that despite her or his

27  best efforts she or he was unable to obtain the necessary

28  permission to undertake such action;.

29         (i)  Conditions on a permit which require cleanup of

30  releases of hazardous waste and hazardous constituents from



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  1  any solid waste management unit, regardless of when the waste

  2  was placed in the unit;.

  3         (j)  Groundwater monitoring, unsaturated zone

  4  monitoring, and corrective action requirements for land

  5  disposal facilities accepting hazardous waste after July 26,

  6  1982;.

  7         (k)  The prohibition of the land disposal and storage

  8  of certain hazardous waste based on the requirements and

  9  criteria set forth in s. 201(g) through (j) of the Hazardous

10  and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, Pub. L. No. 98-616; and.

11         (l)  Corrective-action orders at interim-status

12  facilities equivalent to the federal statutory authority of 42

13  U.S.C., s. 6928(h), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act s.

14  3008(h). Such orders may be issued only by the Secretary, as

15  head of the department, and authority to issue such orders may

16  not be delegated to district or subdistrict managers, water

17  management districts, or any unit of local government.

18         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 403.722, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         403.722  Permits; hazardous waste disposal, storage,

21  and treatment facilities.--

22         (1)  Each person who intends to construct, modify,

23  operate, or close a hazardous waste disposal, storage, or

24  treatment facility shall obtain a construction, operation, or

25  closure permit from the department prior to constructing,

26  modifying, operating, or closing the facility. A hazardous

27  waste disposal, storage, or treatment facility that is unable

28  to close sufficiently to address the release of hazardous

29  waste or hazardous constituents at the facility in a manner

30  that is protective of human health and the environment,

31  pursuant to its approved closure plan, must obtain a


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  1  post-closure permit from the department.  By rule, the

  2  department may provide for the issuance of a single permit

  3  instead of any two or more hazardous waste facility permits.

  4         Section 6.  Section 403.79, Florida Statutes, is

  5  created to read:

  6         403.79  Legislative intent; establishment of state

  7  corrective-action program.--It is the intent of the

  8  Legislature that the Department of Environmental Protection

  9  apply for and obtain authorization from the United States

10  Environmental Protection Agency to implement the

11  corrective-action provisions of the Subtitle C program of the

12  1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource

13  Conservation and Recovery Act, amending the Solid Waste

14  Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C., s. 6901 et seq. Effective upon the

15  date of authorization, there is established within the

16  department a corrective-action program to implement the

17  authorized provisions.  It is the further intent of the

18  Legislature that all rules, procedures, guidance documents,

19  and other provisions of such program, including any

20  interpretation and implementation of the program, be

21  consistent and remain consistent with the federal program.

22         Section 7.  Section 403.791, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         403.791  Corrective-action program for hazardous waste

25  facilities.--

26         (1)  The corrective-action program is designed to

27  address releases to the environment of hazardous waste or

28  hazardous constituents from solid-waste-management units.  The

29  following corrective-action program activities, among others,

30  are to be conducted:



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  1         (a)  A facility-assessment report. The report must

  2  identify the solid-waste-management units where releases to

  3  the environment of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents

  4  could have occurred and which require corrective action. The

  5  department shall conduct facility assessments at all

  6  facilities where assessments have not been conducted, to

  7  determine whether corrective action is required.

  8         (b)  Review and determinations by the department

  9  concerning:

10         1.  Facility-investigation workplans and reports, each

11  of which must include the characterization, by the facility

12  owner or operator, of suspected releases of hazardous wastes

13  or hazardous constituents that are identified in a

14  department-approved facility-assessment report.

15         2.  Interim-measures workplan and report to remediate

16  releases.

17         3.  Corrective-measures studies.

18         4.  Corrective-measures implementation.

19         5.  Long-term operation and maintenance of

20  department-approved remediation measures.

21         6.  Permit-modification application submitted by the

22  facility owner or operator, and permit modifications initiated

23  by the department.

24         7.  Applications for permit renewals and for permit

25  extensions.

26         8.  The status of the facility within the

27  corrective-action program, based on the review of documents

28  that have been submitted to the department or the United

29  States Environmental Protection Agency and the issuance of

30  post-closure and corrective-action permits.



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  1         9.  Area of contamination that the facility owner or

  2  operator proposes for managing waste consisting of the

  3  consolidation of contamination to a single unit, whereas

  4  movement within that unit does not constitute placement.

  5  Placement does not occur when waste is consolidated within an

  6  area of contamination, when it is treated on site, or when it

  7  is left in place.

  8         10.  Closure certification submitted by a facility

  9  owner or operator.

10         (2)  The department may not request additional

11  information concerning a revision or resubmittal of a

12  previously approved document unless the department can

13  demonstrate that the information or action is necessary to

14  abate or substantially reduce a hazard to the public health,

15  safety, or welfare, or to the environment which was not

16  previously considered by the United States Environmental

17  Protection Agency or the department.

18         (3)  The department shall request a meeting with the

19  owner or operator of each facility to discuss the status of

20  the facility within the corrective-action program before the

21  department implements its authorized 1984 Hazardous and Solid

22  Waste Amendments program for the facility. The department is

23  authorized to enter into agreements between the facility and

24  the United States Environmental Protection Agency so that the

25  agency can continue with the corrective-action review process

26  to an agreed-upon milestone. The United States Environmental

27  Protection Agency shall retain jurisdiction over orders issued

28  under section 3008(h) of the Resource Conservation and

29  Recovery Act for which the United States Environmental

30  Protection Agency has entered into an Administrative Consent

31  Order or issued a Unilateral Order or Statement of Basis prior


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  1  to the date of authorization, unless the facility otherwise

  2  elects to have the department take jurisdiction.

  3         (4)  The department shall give due consideration to the

  4  use of an area of contamination for the purposes of waste

  5  management to enhance corrective-action efforts and may not

  6  unduly withhold the use of an area of contamination as

  7  proposed by a facility.

  8         (5)  The department shall submit a report to the

  9  Governor, to the President of the Senate, to the Speaker of

10  the House of Representatives, and to each facility within the

11  program 3 years after the corrective-action program is

12  established under s. 403.79 and this section. The report must

13  include a description of the program objectives that have been

14  accomplished and a description of how the department

15  implements the program, including a list of the employees

16  implementing the state corrective-action program which

17  specifies their training, experience, and technical capability

18  to properly develop and administer the state corrective-action

19  program. The department shall adjust its staffing and its

20  implementation of the authorized 1984 Hazardous and Solid

21  Waste Amendments corrective-action program based on the

22  results of the report.

23         (6)  An internal audit of the state corrective-action

24  program must be conducted annually after the United States

25  Environmental Protection Agency has given full approval of the

26  program, to evaluate the timeliness of responses to submittals

27  of plans and information, to assess the timeliness of

28  implementation and completion of corrective actions, and to

29  ascertain whether the fees collected by the department, if

30  any, are used solely to support any direct and indirect costs



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  1  required to develop and administer the state corrective-action

  2  program established under s. 403.79.

  3         (7)  Within 6 months after the corrective-action

  4  program is established under s. 403.79, the department must

  5  implement s. 403.79 and this section. This implementation must

  6  include performance criteria for timely submission and review

  7  of documents. The department shall also develop a process for

  8  coordinating the corrective-action program with other cleanup

  9  programs of the department or the United States Environmental

10  Protection Agency to reduce duplication in monitoring of

11  ground water, plume delineation, and other corrective actions.

12  The department implementation process must include criteria

13  that address training, experience, and technical capability to

14  properly develop and administer the state corrective-action

15  program.

16         (8)  The authority of the department obtained by

17  authorization from the United States Environmental Protection

18  Agency for operation of this program may not be further

19  delegated to any other unit of government.

20         Section 8.  Subsection (3) of section 403.809, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         403.809  Environmental districts; establishment;

23  managers; functions.--

24         (3)(a)  Field services and inspections required in

25  support of the decisions of the department relating to the

26  issuance of permits, licenses, certificates, or exemptions

27  shall be accomplished at the environmental district center

28  level to the maximum extent practicable, except where

29  otherwise delegated by the secretary.

30         (b)  The processing of all applications for permits,

31  licenses, certificates, and exemptions shall be accomplished


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  1  at the district center or the branch office, except for those

  2  applications specifically assigned elsewhere in the department

  3  under s. 403.805 or to the water management districts under s.

  4  403.812 and those applications assigned by interagency

  5  agreement as provided in this act. However, the secretary, as

  6  head of the department, may not delegate to district or

  7  subdistrict managers, water management districts, or any unit

  8  of local government the authority to act on the following

  9  types of permit applications:

10         1.  Permits issued under s. 403.0885, except such

11  permit issuance may be delegated to district managers.

12         2.  Construction of major air pollution sources.

13         3.  Certifications under the Florida Electrical Power

14  Plant Siting Act or the Transmission Line Siting Act and the

15  associated permit issued under s. 403.0885, if applicable.

16         4.  Permits issued under s. 403.0885 to steam electric

17  generating facilities regulated pursuant to 40 C.F.R. part

18  423.

19         5.  Permits issued under s. 378.901.

20         6.  Permits and other necessary department approval or

21  determinations issued under ss. 403.721(2), 403.722(1), and

22  403.79-403.791 to electric utilities, as defined in ss.

23  403.522, to land disposal facilities, and to other facilities

24  with multiple locations in the state.

25         Section 9.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1998.


27            *****************************************

28                          SENATE SUMMARY

29    Directs the Department of Environmental Protection to
      seek authorization for the delegation of the federal
30    corrective-action program for hazardous waste facilities.
      Provides criteria and rulemaking authority for the
31    implementation of the federal corrective-action program
      through state permits and fees.