CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0505

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 505 By Representative Bainter 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to private attorney services; 3 amending s. 287.059, F.S.; prohibiting certain 4 private attorneys under contract with a state 5 agency from representing certain persons before 6 state agencies; providing for an affidavit; 7 providing a penalty; providing an effective 8 date. 9 10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 11 12 Section 1. Subsection (10) of section 287.059, Florida 13 Statutes, is amended and subsection (15) is added to that 14 section to read: 15 287.059 Private attorney services.-- 16 (10) The Attorney General shall develop a standard 17 addendum to every contract for attorney services that must be 18 used by all agencies, unless waived by the Attorney General, 19 describing in detail what is expected of both the contracted 20 private attorney and the contracting agency. The addendum must 21 include an affidavit signed by the private attorney stating 22 that neither the attorney or any member of the attorney's law 23 firm will represent any other person in a proceeding against 24 any agency during the term of the contract. 25 (15) Neither a private attorney who contracts with an 26 agency to represent the agency nor any member of the 27 attorney's law firm may represent any other person in a 28 proceeding against any agency during the term of the contract. 29 The Attorney General may impose an administrative penalty not 30 to exceed $500,000 on any person or firm that violates the 31 provisions of this subsection. 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 505 143-216-97 1 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 2 3 ***************************************** 4 SENATE SUMMARY 5 Prohibits a private attorney with whom a state agency has contracted for services, or any member of his law firm, 6 from representing any other person in proceedings against any agency during the term of the contract. Authorizes 7 the Attorney General to impose an administrative penalty not to exceed $500,000 on a person who violates the 8 prohibition. Requires that an affidavit be included in the addendum attached to agency contracts under s. 9 287.059, F.S., which states that a private attorney may not represent other persons in proceedings against any 10 agency while representing the agency. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2