CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0507er

ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 2 An act relating to driver's licenses, 3 identification cards, and motor vehicle 4 registrations; amending s. 61.13016, F.S.; 5 specifying requirements for giving a delinquent 6 child-support obligor notice of delinquency and 7 intent to suspend; amending s. 322.245, F.S.; 8 providing notice in accordance with s. 9 61.13016, F.S.; amending s. 322.32, F.S.; 10 deleting reference to possession of a 11 fictitious or fraudulently altered driver's 12 license; amending s. 322.212, F.S.; providing 13 that it is unlawful for any person knowingly to 14 possess any instrument in the similitude of a 15 driver's license issued by the Department of 16 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or of any 17 other state or jurisdiction that issues 18 licenses recognized in this state for the 19 operation of a motor vehicle, or any 20 identification card issued by the department or 21 of another state or jurisdiction, unless 22 possession by such person has been duly 23 authorized by the department; providing 24 penalties; amending s. 831.29, F.S.; 25 prohibiting the possession, use, or transport 26 of implements and materials used to produce 27 identification cards; amending s. 921.0012, 28 F.S.; conforming cross-references; providing an 29 effective date. 30 31 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 Section 1. Section 61.13016, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 61.13016 Suspension of driver's licenses and motor 4 vehicle registrations.-- 5 (1) The driver's license and motor vehicle 6 registration of a child support obligor who is delinquent in 7 payment may be suspended. Upon a delinquency in child support 8 in IV-D cases, the Title IV-D agency may provide serve notice 9 to on the obligor of the delinquency and the intent to suspend 10 by regular United States mail that is posted to the obligor's 11 last address of record with the Department of Highway Safety 12 and Motor Vehicles as provided under s. 322.245. Upon a 13 delinquency in child support in non-IV-D cases, and upon the 14 request of the obligee, the depository or the clerk of the 15 court must provide serve notice to by certified mail, return 16 receipt requested, on the obligor of the delinquency and the 17 intent to suspend by regular United States mail that is posted 18 to the obligor's last address of record with the Department of 19 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as provided under s. 20 322.245. In either case, the notice must state: 21 (a) The terms of the order creating the child support 22 obligation; 23 (b) The period of the delinquency and the total amount 24 of the delinquency as of the date of the notice; 25 (c) That notification will be given to The intent of 26 the Title IV-D agency in IV-D cases or the depository or clerk 27 of the court in non-IV-D cases to notify the Department of 28 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to suspend the obligor's 29 driver's license and motor vehicle registration unless, within 30 20 15 days after the date receipt of the notice is mailed, the 31 obligor: 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 1.a. Pays the delinquency in full; 2 b.2. Enters into a written agreement for payment with 3 the obligee in non-IV-D cases or with the Title IV-D agency in 4 IV-D cases; or 5 c.3. Files a petition with the circuit court to 6 contest the delinquency action; and 7 2. Pays any applicable delinquency fees. 8 9 If the obligor in non-IV-D cases enters into a written 10 agreement for payment before prior to the expiration of the 11 20-day 15-day period, he must provide a copy of the signed 12 written agreement to the depository or the clerk of the court. 13 (2) If the obligor does not, within 20 15 days after 14 the mailing date on receipt of the notice, pay the 15 delinquency, enter into a payment agreement, or file a motion 16 to contest, the Title IV-D agency in IV-D cases, or the 17 depository or clerk of the court in non-IV-D cases, shall file 18 the notice with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 19 Vehicles and request the suspension of the obligor's driver's 20 license and motor vehicle registration in accordance with s. 21 322.058. 22 (3) The obligor may, within 20 15 days after the 23 mailing date on the receipt of a notice of delinquency and 24 intent to suspend, file in the circuit court a petition to 25 contest the notice of delinquency and intent to suspend on the 26 ground of mistake of fact regarding the existence of a 27 delinquency or the identity of the obligor. The obligor must 28 serve a copy of the petition on the Title IV-D agency in IV-D 29 cases or depository or clerk of the court in non-IV-D cases. 30 When an obligor timely files a petition to contest, the court 31 must hear the matter within 15 days after the petition is 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 filed. The court must enter an order resolving the matter 2 within 10 days after the hearing, and a copy of the order must 3 be served on the parties. The timely filing of a petition to 4 contest stays the notice of delinquency and intent to suspend 5 until the entry of a court order resolving the matter. 6 (4) The Title IV-D agency shall submit a report that 7 describes the measured results and effectiveness of the 8 driver's license suspension process set forth in this section 9 for IV-D cases to the Senate and the House of Representatives 10 by February 1, 1997. 11 Section 2. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 322.245, 12 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended to read: 13 322.245 Suspension of license upon failure of person 14 charged with specified offense under chapter 316, chapter 320, 15 or this chapter to comply with directives ordered by traffic 16 court or upon failure to pay child support in non-IV-D cases 17 as provided in chapter 61.-- 18 (2) In non-IV-D cases, if a person fails to pay child 19 support under chapter 61 and the obligee so requests, the 20 depository or the clerk of the court shall mail in accordance 21 with s. 61.13016 to the person, at the last address of record 22 as maintained by the local depository, the notice specified in 23 that section, s. 61.13016 notifying him that if he does not 24 comply with the requirements of that section and pay a 25 delinquency fee of $10 to the depository or the clerk, his 26 driver's license and motor vehicle registration will be 27 suspended. The delinquency fee may be retained by the 28 depository or the office of the clerk to defray the operating 29 costs of the office. 30 (3) If the person fails to comply with the directives 31 of the court within the 30-day period, or, in non-IV-D cases, 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 fails to comply with the requirements of s. 61.13016 within 2 the 15-day period specified in that statute, the depository or 3 the clerk of the court shall notify the department of such 4 failure within 5 days. Upon receipt of the notice, the 5 department shall immediately issue an order suspending the 6 person's driver's license and privilege to drive effective 20 7 days after the date the order of suspension is mailed in 8 accordance with s. 322.251(1), (2), and (6). 9 Section 3. Section 322.32, Florida Statutes, is 10 amended to read: 11 322.32 Unlawful use of license.--It is a misdemeanor 12 of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or 13 s. 775.083, for any person: 14 (1) To display, cause or permit to be displayed, or 15 have in his or her possession any canceled, revoked, 16 suspended, or disqualified, fictitious, or fraudulently 17 altered driver's license. 18 (2) To lend his or her driver's license to any other 19 person or knowingly permit the use thereof by another. 20 (3) To display, or represent as his or her own, any 21 driver's license not issued to him or her. 22 (4) To fail or refuse to surrender to the department 23 upon its lawful demand any driver's license that which has 24 been suspended, revoked, disqualified, or canceled. 25 (5) To permit any unlawful use of a driver's license 26 issued to him or her. 27 (6) To apply for, obtain, or cause to be issued to him 28 or her two or more photographic driver's licenses which are in 29 different names. The issuance of such licenses shall be prima 30 facie evidence that the licensee has violated the provisions 31 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 of this section unless the issuance was in compliance with the 2 requirements of this chapter. 3 (7) To do any act forbidden, or fail to perform any 4 act required, by this chapter. 5 Section 4. Section 322.212, Florida Statutes, is 6 amended to read: 7 322.212 Unauthorized possession of, and other unlawful 8 acts in relation to, driver's license or identification 9 card.-- 10 (1) It is unlawful for any person: 11 (a) Knowingly to have in his or her possession or to 12 display any blank, forged, stolen, fictitious, counterfeit, or 13 unlawfully issued driver's license or identification card or 14 any instrument in the similitude of a driver's license or 15 identification card described in s. 322.051 unless possession 16 by such person has been duly authorized by the department; 17 (b) Knowingly to have in his or her possession any 18 instrument in the similitude of a driver's license issued by 19 the department or its duly authorized agents or those of any 20 state or jurisdiction issuing licenses recognized in this 21 state for the operation of a motor vehicle; or 22 (c) Knowingly to have in his or her possession any 23 instrument in the similitude of an identification card issued 24 by the department or its duly authorized agents or those of 25 any state or jurisdiction issuing identification cards 26 recognized in this state for the purpose of indicating a 27 person's true name and age. 28 29 The term "driver's license" includes a driver's license issued 30 by the department or its agents or a driver's license issued 31 by any state or jurisdiction that issues licenses recognized 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 in this state for the operation of a motor vehicle. The term 2 "identification card" includes any identification card issued 3 by the department or its agents or any identification card 4 issued by any state or jurisdiction that issues identification 5 cards recognized in this state for the purpose of indicating a 6 person's true name and age. This subsection does not prohibit 7 a person from possessing or displaying another person's 8 driver's license or identification card for a lawful purpose. 9 (2) It is unlawful for any person to barter, trade, 10 sell, or give away any driver's license or identification card 11 or to perpetrate a conspiracy to barter, trade, sell, or give 12 away any such license or identification card unless such 13 person has been duly authorized to issue the license or 14 identification card by the department as provided in this 15 chapter or in the adopted rules and regulations of the 16 department. 17 (3) It is unlawful for any employee of the department 18 to allow or permit the issuance of a driver's license or 19 identification card when he or she knows that the applicant 20 has not lawfully fulfilled the requirements of this chapter 21 for the issuance of such license or identification card. 22 (4) It is unlawful for any person to agree to supply 23 or to aid in supplying any person with a driver's license or 24 identification card by any means whatsoever not in accordance 25 with the provisions of this chapter. 26 (5)(a) It is unlawful for any person to use a false or 27 fictitious name in any application for a driver's license or 28 identification card or knowingly to make a false statement, 29 knowingly conceal a material fact, or otherwise commit a fraud 30 in any such application. 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 (b) It is unlawful for any person to have in his or 2 her possession a driver's license or identification card upon 3 which the date of birth has been altered. 4 (6) Any person who violates any of the provisions of 5 this section act is guilty of a felony of the third degree, 6 punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 7 775.084. However, any person who violates paragraph (5)(a) 8 the provisions of subsection (5) by giving a false age in any 9 application for a driver's license or identification card or 10 who violates paragraph (5)(b) by possessing a driver's 11 license, identification card, or any instrument in the 12 similitude thereof, on which the date of birth has been 13 altered is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, 14 punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 15 (7) The foregoing provisions of this section are in 16 addition and supplemental to all other provisions of this 17 chapter and of the laws of this state relating to driver's 18 licenses and identification cards. 19 Section 5. Section 831.29, Florida Statutes, is 20 amended to read: 21 831.29 Making or having instruments and material for 22 counterfeiting driver's drivers' licenses or identification 23 cards.--Any person who Whoever has control, custody, or 24 possession of any plate, block, press, stone, or other tool, 25 instrument, or implement, or any part thereof;, or whoever 26 engraves, makes, or amends, or begins to engrave, make, or 27 amend, any plate, block, press, stone, or other tool, 28 instrument, or implement;, or whoever brings into the state 29 any such plate, block, press, stone, or other tool, 30 instrument, or implement, or any part thereof, in the 31 similitude of the driver's drivers' licenses or identification 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 cards issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 2 Vehicles or its duly authorized agents or those of any state 3 or jurisdiction that which issues licenses recognized in this 4 state for the operation of a motor vehicle or that issues 5 identification cards recognized in this state for the purpose 6 of indicating a person's true name and age;, or whoever has 7 control, custody, or possession of or makes or provides any 8 paper or other material adapted and designed for the making of 9 a false and counterfeit driver's license or identification 10 card purporting to be issued by the Department of Highway 11 Safety and Motor Vehicles or its duly authorized agents, or 12 those of any state or jurisdiction that which issues licenses 13 recognized in this state for the operation of a motor vehicle 14 or that issues identification cards recognized in this state 15 for the purpose of indicating a person's true name and age; or 16 whoever has in his possession, control, or custody any such 17 plate or block engraved in any part, or any press or other 18 tool or, instrument or any paper or other material adapted and 19 designed as aforesaid, with intent to sell, issue, publish, 20 pass, or utter the same or to cause or permit the same to be 21 used in forging or making any such false or counterfeit 22 driver's license or identification card; or whoever prints, 23 photographs, or in any manner makes or executes any engraved 24 photograph, print, or impression by any process whatsoever in 25 the similitude of any such licenses or identification cards 26 with the intent to sell, issue, publish, or utter the same or 27 to cause or permit the same to be used in forging or making 28 any such false and counterfeit driver's license or 29 identification card of this state or any state or jurisdiction 30 that which issues licenses recognized in this state for the 31 operation of a motor vehicle or that issues identification 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 cards recognized in this state for the purpose of indicating a 2 person's true name and age is shall be guilty of a felony of 3 the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 4 775.083, or s. 775.084. 5 Section 6. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (3) of 6 section 921.0012, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are 7 amended to read: 8 921.0012 Sentencing guidelines offense levels; offense 9 severity ranking chart.-- 10 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 11 Florida Felony 12 Statute Degree Description 13 14 (a) LEVEL 1 15 24.118(3)(a) 3rd Counterfeit or altered state 16 lottery ticket. 17 212.054(2)(b) 3rd Discretionary sales surtax; 18 limitations, administration, and 19 collection. 20 212.15(2)(b) 3rd Failure to remit sales taxes, 21 amount greater than $300 but less 22 than $20,000. 23 319.30(5) 3rd Sell, exchange, give away 24 certificate of title or 25 identification number plate. 26 319.35(1)(a) 3rd Tamper, adjust, change, etc., an 27 odometer. 28 320.26(1)(a) 3rd Counterfeit, manufacture, or sell 29 registration license plates or 30 validation stickers. 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 322.212(1) 3rd Possession of forged, stolen, 2 counterfeit, or unlawfully issued 3 driver's license; possession of 4 simulated identification. 5 322.212(4) 3rd Supply or aid in supplying 6 unauthorized driver's license or 7 identification card. 8 322.212(5)(a) 3rd False application for driver's 9 license or identification card. 10 370.13(4)(a) 3rd Molest any stone crab trap, line, 11 or buoy which is property of 12 licenseholder. 13 370.135(1) 3rd Molest any blue crab trap, line, 14 or buoy which is property of 15 licenseholder. 16 372.663(1) 3rd Poach any alligator or 17 crocodilia. 18 414.39(2) 3rd Unauthorized use, possession, 19 forgery, or alteration of food 20 stamps, Medicaid ID, value 21 greater than $200. 22 414.39(3)(a) 3rd Fraudulent misappropriation of 23 public assistance funds by 24 employee/official, value more 25 than $200. 26 443.071(1) 3rd False statement or representation 27 to obtain or increase 28 unemployment compensation 29 benefits. 30 458.327(1)(a) 3rd Unlicensed practice of medicine. 31 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 466.026(1)(a) 3rd Unlicensed practice of dentistry 2 or dental hygiene. 3 509.151(1) 3rd Defraud an innkeeper, food or 4 lodging value greater than $300. 5 517.302(1) 3rd Violation of the Florida 6 Securities and Investor 7 Protection Act. 8 562.27(1) 3rd Possess still or still apparatus. 9 713.69 3rd Tenant removes property upon 10 which lien has accrued, value 11 more than $50. 12 812.014(3)(c) 3rd Petit theft (3rd conviction); 13 theft of any property not 14 specified in subsection (2). 15 812.081(2) 3rd Unlawfully makes or causes to be 16 made a reproduction of a trade 17 secret. 18 815.04(4)(a) 3rd Offense against intellectual 19 property (i.e., computer 20 programs, data). 21 817.52(2) 3rd Hiring with intent to defraud, 22 motor vehicle services. 23 826.01 3rd Bigamy. 24 828.122(3) 3rd Fighting or baiting animals. 25 831.04(1) 3rd Any erasure, alteration, etc., of 26 any replacement deed, map, plat, 27 or other document listed in s. 28 92.28. 29 30 31 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 831.31(1)(a) 3rd Sell, deliver, or possess 2 counterfeit controlled 3 substances, all but s. 893.03(5) 4 drugs. 5 832.041(1) 3rd Stopping payment with intent to 6 defraud $150 or more. 7 832.05 8 (2)(b) & (4)(c) 3rd Knowing, making, issuing 9 worthless checks $150 or more or 10 obtaining property in return for 11 worthless check $150 or more. 12 838.015(3) 3rd Bribery. 13 838.016(1) 3rd Public servant receiving unlawful 14 compensation. 15 838.15(2) 3rd Commercial bribe receiving. 16 838.16 3rd Commercial bribery. 17 843.18 3rd Fleeing by boat to elude a law 18 enforcement officer. 19 847.011(1)(a) 3rd Sell, distribute, etc., obscene, 20 lewd, etc., material (2nd 21 conviction). 22 849.01 3rd Keeping gambling house. 23 849.09(1)(a)-(d) 3rd Lottery; set up, promote, etc., 24 or assist therein, conduct or 25 advertise drawing for prizes, or 26 dispose of property or money by 27 means of lottery. 28 849.23 3rd Gambling-related machines; 29 "common offender" as to property 30 rights. 31 849.25(2) 3rd Engaging in bookmaking. 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 860.08 3rd Interfere with a railroad signal. 2 860.13(1)(a) 3rd Operate aircraft while under the 3 influence. 4 893.13(2)(a)2. 3rd Purchase of cannabis. 5 893.13(6)(a) 3rd Possession of cannabis (more than 6 20 grams). 7 893.13(7)(a)10. 3rd Affix false or forged label to 8 package of controlled substance. 9 934.03(1)(a) 3rd Intercepts, or procures any other 10 person to intercept, any wire or 11 oral communication. 12 13 (c) LEVEL 3 14 39.061 3rd Escapes from juvenile facility 15 (secure detention or residential 16 commitment facility). 17 319.30(4) 3rd Possession by junkyard of motor 18 vehicle with identification 19 number plate removed. 20 319.33(1)(a) 3rd Alter or forge any certificate of 21 title to a motor vehicle or 22 mobile home. 23 319.33(1)(c) 3rd Procure or pass title on stolen 24 vehicle. 25 319.33(4) 3rd With intent to defraud, possess, 26 sell, etc., a blank, forged, or 27 unlawfully obtained title or 28 registration. 29 30 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 328.05(2) 3rd Possess, sell, or counterfeit 2 fictitious, stolen, or fraudulent 3 titles or bills of sale of 4 vessels. 5 328.07(4) 3rd Manufacture, exchange, or possess 6 vessel with counterfeit or wrong 7 ID number. 8 376.302(5) 3rd Fraud related to reimbursement 9 for cleanup expenses under the 10 Inland Protection Trust Fund. 11 501.001(2)(b) 2nd Tampers with a consumer product 12 or the container using materially 13 false/misleading information. 14 697.08 3rd Equity skimming. 15 790.15(3) 3rd Person directs another to 16 discharge firearm from a vehicle. 17 796.05(1) 3rd Live on earnings of a prostitute. 18 806.10(1) 3rd Maliciously injure, destroy, or 19 interfere with vehicles or 20 equipment used in firefighting. 21 806.10(2) 3rd Interferes with or assaults 22 firefighter in performance of 23 duty. 24 810.09(2)(c) 3rd Trespass on property other than 25 structure or conveyance armed 26 with firearm or dangerous weapon. 27 812.014(2)(c)2. 3rd Grand theft; $5,000 or more but 28 less than $10,000. 29 815.04(4)(b) 2nd Computer offense devised to 30 defraud or obtain property. 31 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 817.034(4)(a)3. 3rd Engages in scheme to defraud 2 (Florida Communications Fraud 3 Act), property valued at less 4 than $20,000. 5 817.233 3rd Burning to defraud insurer. 6 828.12(2) 3rd Tortures any animal with intent 7 to inflict intense pain, serious 8 physical injury, or death. 9 831.29 2nd Possession of instruments for 10 counterfeiting driver's drivers' 11 licenses or identification cards. 12 838.021(3)(b) 3rd Threatens unlawful harm to public 13 servant. 14 843.19 3rd Injure, disable, or kill police 15 dog or horse. 16 870.01(2) 3rd Riot; inciting or encouraging. 17 893.13(1)(a)2. 3rd Sell, manufacture, or deliver 18 cannabis (or other s. 19 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c), (3), or (4) 20 drugs). 21 893.13(1)(d)2. 2nd Sell, manufacture, or deliver s. 22 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c), (3), or (4) 23 drugs within 200 feet of 24 university, public housing 25 facility, or public park. 26 893.13(6)(a) 3rd Possession of any controlled 27 substance other than felony 28 possession of cannabis. 29 893.13(7)(a)9. 3rd Obtain or attempt to obtain 30 controlled substance by fraud, 31 forgery, misrepresentation, etc. 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. ENROLLED 1997 Legislature HB 507, Second Engrossed 1 893.13(7)(a)11. 3rd Furnish false or fraudulent 2 material information on any 3 document or record required by 4 chapter 893. 5 918.13(1)(a) 3rd Alter, destroy, or conceal 6 investigation evidence. 7 944.47 8 (1)(a)1.-2. 3rd Introduce contraband to 9 correctional facility. 10 944.47(1)(c) 2nd Possess contraband while upon the 11 grounds of a correctional 12 institution. 13 14 Section 7. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 17