CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0521

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 521 By Representative Jacobs 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the City of Delray Beach, 3 Palm Beach County; amending chapter 25784, Laws 4 of Florida, 1949, as amended, relating to the 5 civil service act of the city; amending 6 provisions relating to exclusion of certain 7 employees; revising layoff and recall 8 procedures; clarifying procedures relating to 9 reductions in force due to a change in work; 10 providing for return to a civil service 11 position under certain circumstances; providing 12 severability; providing an effective date. 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. Section 2 of chapter 25784, Laws of 17 Florida, 1949, as amended by chapter 80-496, Laws of Florida, 18 is amended to read: 19 Section 2. All persons regularly employed by said 20 municipality in any department shall be construed to come 21 within the provisions of this Act, except Assistant City 22 Managers, Department Heads, and Police Majors who are employed 23 subsequent to the date this Act becomes law; and this Act 24 shall not include any officer or person employed part time or 25 for temporary duty only; nor shall it include any employees 26 covered under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement, 27 or expired collective bargaining agreement which is subject to 28 renegotiation unless otherwise expressly provided in this Act 29 or in the Code of Rules and Regulations or in the collective 30 bargaining agreement. 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 521 514-149-97 1 Section 2. Section 7 of chapter 25784, Laws of 2 Florida, 1949, as amended by chapters 67-1287 and 80-496, Laws 3 of Florida, is amended to read: 4 Section 7. The City Commission governing authority of 5 said municipality shall fix the pay of all employees, shall 6 fix the number of positions members in each particular 7 classification in each department, grade and may increase or 8 reduce the number of positions in any classification or the 9 number of classifications in each department any grade or may 10 abolish any classification or position in any or all 11 departments that grade, through the budgetary process. The 12 City Manager may vary the number of positions employees in any 13 classification or the number of classifications in any or all 14 departments grade during the budget year to meet City 15 requirements. In the event of a reduction in the number of 16 positions in members of any classification in any or all 17 departments grade, or a reduction of classifications in any 18 and all departments, the employees members shall be retained 19 in the positions remaining within that classification within 20 their department or moved to another classification within 21 their department grade according to seniority; and those 22 members thus being forced back to a lower grade, will 23 thereafter receive the pay of said lower grade. 24 In the event of the elimination of a position or 25 classification within a department, employees who are affected 26 shall have the opportunity to bump back within the department 27 to another position or, if applicable, to another 28 classification, if the employee, in the opinion of the 29 Department Head and the City Manager, is qualified for the 30 proposed position and has received a satisfactory performance 31 evaluation for the year preceding the reduction in force. The 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 521 514-149-97 1 employee shall thereafter receive the pay applicable to the 2 new position or classification. 3 In the event the positions or classifications 4 previously eliminated in the reduction in force are grade is 5 again increased, those employees members forced back as 6 aforesaid shall be first to succeed to the restored position 7 or classification previously held by the employee with 8 permanent status said grade according to seniority, without 9 further examination or probationary period. In the event a 10 reduction in said force of any grade thereof causes an 11 employee a member of the lowest grade of said force to go into 12 inactive duty, the inactive employee said member or members on 13 inactive duty shall not receive any pay, but the said inactive 14 employee members shall not lose his seniority, provided the 15 inactive employee he remains inactive for a period not to 16 exceed one year, and enters on said active duty within ten 17 days after notice has been given to the inactive employee him 18 by the City Manager, that the a position previously held by 19 the employee is open. After the formation of said Board, a 20 seniority list shall be certified of all employees and the 21 employees shall in writing assent or dissent to his seniority 22 rating. In the event an employee or member dissents to the 23 his seniority rating, a hearing shall be held by the Board and 24 the seniority determined, and the findings of the said Board 25 shall be final. 26 Section 3. Section 15 of chapter 25784, Laws of 27 Florida, 1949, as amended by chapter 80-496, Laws of Florida, 28 is amended to read: 29 Section 15. Any permanent employee of the Municipality 30 may be dismissed by the City Manager when there is no longer 31 any need for the position held by the employee said employee 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 521 514-149-97 1 in said grade and department because of a the change in work 2 or the abolishment of the position. In the event a vacancy 3 exists elsewhere in the City in a lower grade or in any other 4 department, the City Manager may, if the City Manager he so 5 desires, appoint the said employee to fill the vacant position 6 if the employee is qualified for the position and the 7 employee's performance evaluation for the preceding year was 8 satisfactory., whose position has ceased, to said lower grade 9 or other department, but In the event there is no other work 10 for the said employee, the employee's said dismissal shall be 11 final and there shall be no appeal of the said dismissal to 12 the Civil Service Board. 13 Section 4. Section 17 of chapter 25784, Laws of 14 Florida, 1949, as amended by chapter 80-496, Laws of Florida, 15 is amended to read: 16 Section 17. An employee appointed to the position of 17 Major in the Police Department after October 1, 1996, with 18 previous permanent status under the Civil Service Act shall 19 have the right to return to the employee's previously held 20 civil service position. All City employees shall retain the 21 rank and grade and the seniority they hold at the time of the 22 passage of this Act by the Legislature. Nothing in this 23 section shall prevent the governing authority or the City 24 Manager from reducing the number of people in any grade, as 25 hereinabove provided. 26 Section 5. Should any section or provision of this Act 27 or any portion thereof or any paragraph, sentence, or word be 28 declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, 29 such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder 30 hereof as a whole or a part thereof other than the part 31 declared to be invalid. 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 521 514-149-97 1 Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 2 law. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5