CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0637

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 637 By Representatives Sindler, Brooks, Trovillion, Feeney, Reddick, Sublette, Starks and Constantine 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Orlando Utilities 3 Commission; amending chapter 9861, Laws of 4 Florida, 1923, as amended; authorizing the 5 establishment, construction, maintenance, and 6 operation of energy services, all grades of 7 water, and plants, lines, and facilities within 8 Orange and Osceola Counties; providing an 9 effective date. 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Section 9 of chapter 9861, Laws of Florida, 14 1923, as amended by chapter 61-2589, Laws of Florida, is 15 amended to read: 16 Section 9. Utilities, general; conveyance and 17 services. 18 (1) The said Utilities Commission is hereby authorized 19 to acquire, establish, construct, maintain and/or operate 20 electric generating plants, electric lines and facilities 21 incident thereto within the boundaries of Orange County, and 22 Brevard County, and any existing municipal electric service 23 territory in Osceola County; to furnish electricity, power, 24 energy services, and water, including raw water, potable 25 water, nonpotable water, chilled water, and reused water, to 26 persons, firms and corporations in any part of Orange County 27 and Osceola County and otherwise as hereinafter provided, and 28 to construct and maintain electric lines, facilities 29 associated with energy services, and water mains in, along and 30 under all public highways and streets throughout Orange County 31 and Osceola County for the purpose of conveying water, and/or 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 637 107-195-97 1 electric current, or energy services; and may contract with 2 any other municipality in Orange County and Osceola County for 3 furnishing electric power, energy services, and all kinds of 4 water, provided said Commission shall not serve any consumer 5 outside the boundaries of Orange County and any existing 6 municipal electric service territory in Osceola County, 7 except: 8 (a) Its own facilities or employees located on 9 property owned, leased, managed or controlled by it, or by the 10 City of Orlando, and used in conjunction with such facilities; 11 and 12 (b) Said Utilities Commission may connect with 13 facilities of one or more electric privately owned public 14 utilities, to include, but not be limited to, municipal 15 electric utilities, investor-owned utilities, rural electric 16 cooperatives, cogeneration facilities, nonutility generators, 17 and any other form of electric producer or marketer, and may 18 enter into contracts with one or more electric privately owned 19 public utilities as referenced above whereby the said 20 Utilities Commission shall agree to sell, purchase or 21 interchange electric energy on a firm, scheduled, economy or 22 emergency basis or otherwise through such connections or 23 interchange facilities. 24 (2) The Orlando Utilities Commission and the City of 25 Orlando are hereby authorized to do all things necessary to 26 carry into effect the provisions of this act. (Section 9 of 27 chapter 9861, Laws of Florida, 1923, as amended by chapter 28 61-2589, Laws of Florida, 1961.) 29 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 30 law. 31 2