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House Bill 0641

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 641 By Representatives Argenziano, Feeney, Dockery and Burroughs 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to motorcycle riders; amending 3 s. 316.211, F.S.; exempting persons of a 4 specified age from certain safety equipment 5 requirements; providing an effective date. 6 7 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 8 9 Section 1. Section 316.211, Florida Statutes, is 10 amended to read: 11 316.211 Equipment for motorcycle and moped riders.-- 12 (3) This section shall not apply to persons riding 13 within an enclosed cab or to any person 16 years of age or 14 older who is operating or riding upon a motorcycle powered by 15 a motor with a displacement of 50 cubic centimeters or less or 16 is rated not in excess of 2 brake horsepower and which is not 17 capable of propelling such motorcycle at a speed greater than 18 30 miles per hour on level ground, or to persons over the age 19 of 21 years. 20 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 21 22 ***************************************** 23 HOUSE SUMMARY 24 Exempts persons over 21 years of age from the requirement 25 of wearing protective headgear while operating a motorcycle. 26 27 28 29 30 31 1