Senate Bill 0658

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 658

    By Senator Turner

    36-590-98                                          See HB 3099

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to veterans; creating s.

  3         320.08405, F.S.; directing the Department of

  4         Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to develop,

  5         in cooperation with the Department of Veterans'

  6         Affairs, taglets honoring each military branch;

  7         providing for a fee; providing for

  8         applications; providing for the disposition of

  9         fees; providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Section 320.08405, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         320.08405  Military awards; taglets may be secured to

16  certain license plates.--

17         (1)  The department shall develop, in cooperation with

18  the Department of Veterans' Affairs, taglets honoring each

19  military branch.  Taglets developed by the department must be

20  capable of being secured to a motor vehicle in the same manner

21  as a license plate and must comply with the license plate

22  visibility requirements in s. 316.605.

23         (2)  An individual may make application to the

24  department for a taglet and the department shall issue a

25  taglet to any veteran who has served as a member of the Armed

26  Forces of the United States and is the owner or lessee of a

27  motor vehicle upon the payment of a $2 fee.  Such application

28  shall include proof of serving in the Armed Forces of the

29  United States.  After department approval and issuance of a

30  taglet, such person is authorized to secure the taglet to the

31  person's motor vehicle in conjunction with the license plate


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 658
    36-590-98                                          See HB 3099

  1  and must comply with the license plate visibility requirements

  2  in s. 316.605.

  3         (3)(a)  From the proceeds of the $2 fee for each taglet

  4  sold, the department shall retain an amount sufficient to

  5  defray the department's costs directly related to issuing the

  6  taglets.  Such costs shall include, but are not limited to,

  7  production, distribution, processing, and handling costs of

  8  the department and its authorized agents.  Moneys retained by

  9  the department shall be deposited into the Highway Safety

10  Operating Trust Fund.

11         (b)  The balance of the proceeds from the $2 fee for

12  each taglet sold shall be deposited into the State Homes for

13  Veterans Trust Fund.  All such moneys are to be administered

14  by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and must be used solely

15  for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining

16  domiciliary and nursing homes for veterans subject to the

17  requirements of chapter 216.

18         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

19  law.


21            *****************************************

22                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Directs the Department of Highway Safety and Motor
24    Vehicles, in cooperation with the Department of Veterans'
      Affairs, to develop taglets honoring each military
25    branch.  Provides for the issuance of such taglets to
      veterans upon the payment of a $2 fee.  See bill for
26    details.





