CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0659

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 By Representative Livingston 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to secondhand dealers; amending 3 s. 538.06, F.S.; providing additional 4 conditions where a secondhand dealer does not 5 have to maintain physical possession of certain 6 goods; revising language with respect to 7 secondhand dealers who engage in motor vehicle 8 title loan transactions; creating s. 538.065, 9 F.S.; providing for application for a motor 10 vehicle title loan license; providing fees and 11 procedures; creating s. 538.067, F.S.; 12 providing for investigations and records of 13 secondhand dealers making title loans; creating 14 s. 538.069, F.S.; providing for liability, 15 subpoenas, enforcement, and rules; amending s. 16 538.09, F.S.; providing that certain secondhand 17 dealers must be licensed by the Department of 18 Banking and Finance; providing an effective 19 date. 20 21 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 22 23 Section 1. Section 538.06, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 538.06 Holding period; physical possession; records; 26 title loan transactions.-- 27 (1) A secondhand dealer may shall not sell, barter, 28 exchange, alter, adulterate, or in any way dispose of any 29 secondhand goods within 15 calendar days after of the date of 30 acquisition of the goods. Such holding periods are not 31 applicable when the person known by the secondhand dealer to 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 be the person from whom the goods were acquired desires to 2 redeem, repurchase, or recover the goods, if provided the 3 dealer can produce the record of the original transaction with 4 verification that the customer is the person from whom the 5 goods were originally acquired. 6 (2) A secondhand dealer must maintain actual physical 7 possession of all secondhand goods throughout a transaction 8 and may not. It is unlawful for a secondhand dealer to accept 9 title to or any other form of security in secondhand goods in 10 lieu of actual physical possession. A secondhand dealer who 11 accepts title or any other form of security in secondhand 12 goods in lieu of actual physical possession commits a 13 misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 14 775.082 or s. 775.083. 15 (3) Upon probable cause that goods held by a 16 secondhand dealer are stolen, a law enforcement officer with 17 jurisdiction may extend the holding period to a maximum of 60 18 days. However, the holding period may be extended beyond 60 19 days by a court of competent jurisdiction upon a finding of 20 probable cause that the property is stolen and further holding 21 is necessary for the purposes of trial or to safeguard such 22 property. The dealer shall assume all responsibility, civil 23 or criminal, relative to the property or evidence in question, 24 including responsibility for the actions of any employee with 25 respect thereto. 26 (4) All dealers in secondhand property regulated by 27 this chapter must shall maintain transaction records for 5 28 years. 29 (5) Subject to the restrictions in ss. s. 538.15 and 30 538.065, a secondhand dealer may engage in a title loan 31 transaction, and the physical possession provisions of 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 subsection (2) do shall not apply if the following conditions 2 are met: 3 (a) The secondhand dealer maintains physical 4 possession of the motor vehicle title, provides the owner with 5 a copy of the title with the title's location marked on the 6 copy, and cooperates with the owner with respect to matters 7 requiring proof of motor vehicle title. 8 (b) The owner maintains possession of, or control 9 over, the motor vehicle throughout the transaction. 10 (c) The owner is not required to pay rent or any other 11 charge for the use of the motor vehicle. 12 (d) The secondhand dealer delivers to the borrower, at 13 the time a loan is made, a clear and distinct statement in 14 English which conspicuously shows the loan amount, origination 15 date, and maturity date, the nature of the security, the name 16 and address of the borrower and the dealer, and the rate of 17 interest charged designated as "interest." The statement 18 shall also fully disclose the terms of repossession in the 19 event of a default, and shall be initialed by the motor 20 vehicle owner at the initiation of the transaction. 21 (e) The secondhand dealer gives to the borrower a 22 plain and complete receipt for each payment made on account of 23 any loan at the time the payment is made, or, alternatively, 24 furnishes to the borrower a monthly statement showing the 25 amount of interest paid on the loan during the previous month 26 as well as the remaining balance on the loan, provided a 27 simple receipt is given to the borrower for each payment made 28 in cash and for any payment when requested in writing by the 29 borrower. 30 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 (f) The secondhand dealer permits payment of the loan 2 in whole or in part prior to its maturity with interest on 3 such payment to the date thereof. 4 (g) Upon repayment of the loan in full, the secondhand 5 dealer marks indelibly every paper signed by the borrower with 6 the word "paid" or "canceled," and delivers to the borrower, 7 at the time that the loan has been repaid, the motor vehicle 8 title free of any encumbrances placed upon the title by the 9 secondhand dealer. 10 (6)(d) A secondhand dealer who engages in a motor 11 vehicle title loan transaction may has the right to repossess 12 the motor vehicle upon failure of the owner to redeem the 13 title. The secondhand dealer may shall only repossess a motor 14 vehicle through an agent who is licensed by the state to 15 repossess motor vehicles. The secondhand dealer may dispose of 16 the motor vehicle as provided in s. 538.16 and chapter 679. 17 Within 30 days after the sale of the motor vehicle, the 18 borrower shall be entitled to receive moneys from the sale of 19 the motor vehicle in excess of the principal amount of the 20 loan, interest on the loan up to the date of repossession, and 21 reasonable expenses for the repossession, holding, and sale of 22 the motor vehicle. the borrower shall be entitled to receive 23 reasonable attorney's fees and costs in any action to recover 24 the excess amount. However, any sale or disposal of the motor 25 vehicle must shall be made through a motor vehicle dealer 26 licensed under s. 320.27. 27 (a)(e) A secondhand dealer who accepts a motor vehicle 28 title in a title loan transaction may charge a maximum rate of 29 interest fee of 15 22 percent per month simple interest for 30 the first month. In order to enter into a title loan 31 transaction with a duration longer than 1 month: 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 1. After the first month, the title loan will be 2 limited to 31 percent per annum simple interest; and 3 2. Any refinance, extension, renewal, or rollover of a 4 title loan transaction where the total duration of the loan is 5 longer than 1 month shall be subject to the 31 percent per 6 annum simple interest limitation. 7 (b) No secondhand dealer shall induce or permit any 8 borrower to split up or divide any title loan. No secondhand 9 dealer shall induce or permit any person, or any husband and 10 wife, jointly or severally, to become obligated to him, 11 directly or contingently or both, under more than one contract 12 of title loan at the same time, for the purpose, or with the 13 result, of obtaining a greater finance charge than would 14 otherwise be permitted by this section. 15 (c) If all or part of the consideration for a new loan 16 contract is the unpaid principal balance of a prior loan with 17 the licensee, the principal amount payable under the new loan 18 contract may include not more than 60 days' unpaid interest 19 accrued on the prior loan. 20 (d) No assignment of, or order for the payment of, any 21 salary, wages, commissions, or other compensation for 22 services, earned or to be earned, given to secure any such 23 loans shall be valid. 24 (e) Any charges, including interest, in excess of the 25 combined total of all charges permitted by this chapter 26 constitute a violation of chapter 687 governing interest and 27 usury, and the penalties of that chapter apply. If a bona 28 fide error occurs, the dealer must refund or credit the 29 borrower with the amount of the overcharge within 20 days 30 after the discovery of such error. 31 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 (f) A loan for which a greater rate of interest or 2 charge than is allowed by this chapter has been contracted for 3 or received, wherever made, is not enforceable in this state, 4 and each person who in any manner participates therein in this 5 state is subject to this chapter. However, this paragraph 6 does not apply to loans legally made to a resident of another 7 state by a person within that state if that state has in 8 effect a regulatory small loan or consumer finance law similar 9 in principle to this chapter. 10 (g) The secondhand dealer shall forfeit to the 11 borrower any excess interest collected in violation of this 12 section. The secondhand dealer may not engage in repossession 13 if the title loan is made in violation of the interest rates 14 provided in this paragraph. 15 (f) No charges other than those charges permitted in 16 paragraph (e) shall be allowed, and said charges shall be 17 fully disclosed, conspicuously in writing, and initialed by 18 the motor vehicle owner at the initiation of the transaction. 19 Section 2. Section 538.065, Florida Statutes, is 20 created to read: 21 538.065 Application for motor vehicle title loan 22 license; fees; procedures.-- 23 (1) A person must not engage in the business of making 24 consumer finance loans unless he is authorized to do so under 25 this chapter or other statutes and unless he first obtains a 26 license from the department. 27 (2) Application for a license to make motor vehicle 28 title loans under this chapter must be in writing, under oath, 29 in the form prescribed by the Department of Banking and 30 Finance, and must contain the name and residence and business 31 addresses of the applicant and, if the applicant is a 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 partnership or association, of each member thereof and, if a 2 corporation, of each officer and director thereof, the county 3 and municipality with the address where the business is to be 4 conducted, and any other information the department requires. 5 The applicant shall pay a biennial license fee of $300. 6 Applications, except for applications to renew or reactivate a 7 license, must be accompanied by an investigation fee of $200. 8 (3) Fees shall be collected by the Department of 9 Banking and Finance and deposited into the State Treasury to 10 the credit of the department. The department may employ 11 examiners or clerks as necessary and fix their compensation. 12 (4) Upon the filing of an application for licensure 13 and payment of all fees, the Department of Banking and Finance 14 shall investigate the facts concerning the applicant's 15 proposed activities. If the department determines that a 16 license should be granted, it shall issue the license for a 17 period not to exceed 2 years. Biennial licensure periods and 18 procedures for renewal of licenses shall be established by the 19 department. If the department determines that grounds exist 20 for denial of an application other than an application to 21 renew a license, it shall deny such application, return to the 22 applicant the license fee, and retain the investigation fee. 23 (a) A license that is not renewed at the end of the 24 biennium automatically reverts to inactive status. An 25 inactive license may be reactivated upon submission of a 26 completed reactivation application, payment of the biennial 27 license fee, and payment of a reactivation fee equal to the 28 biennial license fee. A license expires on the date on which 29 it has become inactive for 6 months. 30 (b) Only one place of business may be maintained under 31 a license, but the department may issue additional licenses to 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 a licensee upon compliance with the provisions governing 2 issuance of a single license. 3 (c) A licensee may not change the place of business 4 maintained under a license without prior approval of the 5 department. A licensee who wishes to change a place of 6 business must give written notice to the department, and, if 7 the department finds that the proposed location is reasonably 8 accessible to borrowers under existing loan contracts, it 9 shall amend the license accordingly. If the department does 10 not so find, it shall enter an order denying relocation of the 11 business to the requested location. 12 (d) A licensee may make vehicle title loans within a 13 place of business in which other business is conducted, unless 14 the department finds that the conduct of such other business 15 results in an evasion of this chapter. Upon such finding, the 16 department shall order the licensee to desist from such 17 activities. 18 (e) A person who purchases substantially all of the 19 assets of any existing licensed vehicle title loan business 20 must give immediate notice to the department and shall be 21 granted a 90-day temporary license for the place of business 22 within 10 days after the department receives an application 23 for a permanent license. Issuance of a temporary license for 24 a business nullifies the existing license for that business. 25 (f) Licenses are not transferable or assignable. A 26 licensee may invalidate any license by delivering it to the 27 department with a written notice of the delivery, but such 28 delivery does not affect any civil or criminal liability or 29 the department's authority to enforce this chapter. 30 (g) The department may deny a license application if 31 the applicant or any person with power to direct the 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 management or policies of the applicant's business is the 2 subject of a pending criminal prosecution in any jurisdiction, 3 until conclusion of such criminal prosecution. 4 (5) The following acts are violations of this chapter 5 and constitute grounds for the disciplinary actions in 6 subsection (6): 7 (a) A material misstatement of fact in an application 8 for a license; 9 (b) Failure to maintain liquid assets of at least 10 $25,000 at all times for the operation of business at a 11 licensed location or proposed location; 12 (c) Failure to demonstrate financial responsibility, 13 experience, character, or general fitness required to command 14 the confidence of the public and to warrant the belief that 15 the business is lawful and within the purposes of this 16 chapter; 17 (d) The violation, knowingly or without the exercise 18 of due care, of this chapter, any rule or order adopted under 19 this chapter, or any written agreement entered into with the 20 Department of Banking and Finance; 21 (e) Any act of fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit, 22 regardless of reliance by or damage to a borrower, or any 23 illegal activity, in connection with a transaction under this 24 chapter. Such acts include, but are not limited to, the 25 willful imposition of illegal or excessive charges or 26 misrepresentation, circumvention, or concealment of any matter 27 required to be revealed to a borrower; 28 (f) The use of unreasonable collection practices or 29 false, deceptive, or misleading advertising in connection with 30 vehicle title loans, including, but not limited to, the 31 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 representation that "no interest" will be charged on a loan if 2 there is a fee or charge for the loan; 3 (g) Failure to maintain records required by this 4 chapter, by any rule or order adopted under this chapter, or 5 by any agreement entered into with the Department of Banking 6 and Finance; or 7 (h) Refusal to permit inspection of books or records 8 in an investigation or examination by the Department of 9 Banking and Finance or refusal to comply with a subpoena 10 issued by the department. 11 (6) Upon a finding by the Department of Banking and 12 Finance that a person has committed any of the acts in 13 subsection (5), the department may enter an order: 14 (a) Denying an application for a license; 15 (b) Revoking or suspending a license; 16 (c) Placing a licensee or an applicant on probation 17 for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the 18 department may specify; 19 (d) Placing permanent restrictions or conditions upon 20 issuance or maintenance of a license; 21 (e) Issuing a reprimand; or 22 (f) Imposing an administrative fine not to exceed 23 $1,000 for each act. 24 (7) The Department of Banking and Finance may take any 25 of the actions specified in subsection (6) against any 26 partnership, corporation, or association, if the department 27 finds that any of the acts in subsection (5) have been 28 committed by a member of the partnership, an officer or 29 director of the corporation or association, or any person with 30 power to direct the management or policies of the partnership, 31 corporation, or association. 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 (8) No licensee shall take any confession of judgment 2 or any power of attorney. Nor shall a licensee take any note, 3 promise to pay, or security that does not state the actual 4 amount of the loan, the time for which it is made, and the 5 rate of interest charged, nor any instrument in which blanks 6 are left to be filled after execution. 7 (9) A licensee is responsible for the acts of the 8 licensee's employee or agent if, with knowledge of such acts, 9 the licensee retained profits, benefits, or advantages 10 accruing from such acts or ratified the conduct of the 11 employee or agent as a matter of law or fact. 12 (10) The license must be conspicuously posted in the 13 place of business of the licensee. 14 (11) On application of any person and payment of the 15 costs thereof, at the same rate and fees as allowed clerks of 16 the circuit court by statute, the department shall furnish a 17 certified copy of any license, regulation, or order. In any 18 court or proceeding, such copy shall be prima facie evidence 19 of the fact of the issuance of such license, regulation, or 20 order. 21 (12) All findings of facts and orders filed with the 22 department shall be a public record. 23 Section 3. Section 538.067, Florida Statutes, is 24 created to read: 25 538.067 Investigations and records of secondhand 26 dealers making title loans.-- 27 (1)(a) The Department of Banking and Finance shall 28 investigate and examine any secondhand dealer who is licensed 29 to make motor vehicle title loans or other person as necessary 30 to determine compliance with this chapter. The department may 31 examine books, accounts, records, and other documents or 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 matters and compel the production of relevant books, records, 2 and other documents and materials relative to an examination 3 or investigation. Examinations of a licensee may not be made 4 more often than once a year unless the department has reason 5 to believe the licensee is not complying with this chapter. 6 Each licensee shall pay an examination fee based upon the 7 amount of outstanding loans due the licensee at the time of 8 the examination, as follows: 9 Amount Outstanding Examination Fee 10 From $0 to $50,000....................$100 11 From $50,000.01 to $100,000...........$125 12 From $100,000.01 to $250,000...........$150 13 From $250,000.01 to $500,000..........$200 14 From $500,000.01 and over.............$325 15 (b) The license shall also pay the travel expense and 16 per diem subsistence allowance provided in s. 112.061, but is 17 not required to pay a per diem fee and expenses of an 18 examination that requires more than 30 worker-days in any 1 19 year unless the examination is due to fraudulent practices of 20 the licensee, in which case the licensee must pay the entire 21 cost regardless of time consumed. 22 (2) Any person who has reason to believe that this 23 chapter has been or will be violated may file a written 24 complaint with the Department of Banking and Finance. 25 (3)(a) Each licensee shall maintain, for at least 2 26 years after making the final entry on any loan, records to 27 enable the Department of Banking and Finance to determine 28 whether the licensee is complying with this chapter. The 29 licensee shall keep and use in his business such books, 30 accounts, and other records, including cards used in the card 31 system, if any, in accordance with sound and accepted 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 accounting practices to enable the department to determine 2 whether such licensee is complying with the provisions of this 3 chapter and with the rules and regulations lawfully made by 4 the department hereunder. 5 (b) A licensee, operating two or more licensed places 6 of business in this state, may maintain the books, accounts, 7 and records of all such offices at any one of such offices, or 8 at any other office maintained by such licensee, upon the 9 filing of a written request with the department designating 10 therein the office at which such records are maintained. 11 (4) A licensee that operates two or more licensed 12 places of business in this state may maintain records of all 13 offices at one location, if a written request is filed with 14 the Department of Banking and Finance which designates the 15 location where the records are to be maintained. 16 Section 4. Section 538.069, Florida Statutes, is 17 created to read: 18 538.069 Liability; subpoenas; enforcement; rules.-- 19 (1) A person is not in violation of this chapter nor 20 subject to any civil or criminal liability for any act or 21 omission made in good-faith reliance upon an order, 22 declaratory statement, or rule issued by the Department of 23 Banking and Finance, notwithstanding a subsequent decision by 24 a court of competent jurisdiction invalidating the order, 25 declaratory statement, or rule. 26 (2) The Department of Banking and Finance may issue 27 and serve subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and 28 the production of documents in any matter pertaining to this 29 chapter. The department may administer oaths and affirmations 30 to any person whose testimony is required. If any person 31 refuses to testify or obey a subpoena, the department may 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 enforce the subpoena in the same manner as subpoenas issued 2 under the Administrative Procedure Act. Witnesses are 3 entitled to the same fees and mileage as they are entitled to 4 by law for serving as witnesses in the circuit court, unless 5 the examination or investigation is held at the place of 6 business or residence of the witness. 7 (3) In addition to any other powers conferred upon it 8 to enforce or administer this chapter, the Department of 9 Banking and Finance may: 10 (a) Bring an action in any court of competent 11 jurisdiction to enforce or administer this chapter, any rule 12 or order adopted under this chapter, or any written agreement 13 entered into with the department. The department may seek any 14 relief at law or equity, including a temporary or permanent 15 injunction, appointment of a receiver or administrator, or an 16 order of restitution. 17 (b) Issue and serve upon a person an order requiring 18 the person to cease and desist and take corrective action 19 whenever the department finds that such person is violating, 20 has violated or is about to violate this chapter, any rule or 21 order adopted under this chapter, or any written agreement 22 entered into with the department. 23 (c) Impose and collect an administrative fine against 24 any person found to have violated this chapter, any rule or 25 order adopted under this chapter, or any written agreement 26 entered into with the department, in an amount not to exceed 27 $1,000 for each violation. 28 (4) The Department of Banking and Finance may adopt 29 rules to administer this act. 30 (5) In addition to any other remedies which may be 31 available at law, anyone aggrieved by a violation of this 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 chapter with respect to a title loan transaction may bring an 2 action in any court of competent jurisdiction for declarative 3 relief, injunctive relief, actual damages, a fine for each 4 violation in the amount provided for in subparagraph (3)(c), 5 costs, and attorney's fees. A prevailing plaintiff shall be 6 entitled to receive reasonable attorney's fees and costs. 7 Section 5. Subsection (1) of section 538.09, Florida 8 Statutes, is amended to read: 9 538.09 Registration.-- 10 (1) A secondhand dealer may shall not engage in the 11 business of purchasing, consigning, or pawning secondhand 12 goods from any location without registering with the 13 Department of Revenue. However, a secondhand dealer who 14 engages in a motor vehicle title loan transaction is exempted 15 from the provisions of this section, but must be licensed by 16 the Department of Banking and Finance under s. 538.065. A fee 17 equal to the federal and state costs for processing required 18 fingerprints must be submitted to the department with each 19 application for registration. One application is required for 20 each dealer. If a secondhand dealer is the owner of more than 21 one secondhand store location, the application must list each 22 location, and the department shall issue a duplicate 23 registration for each location. For purposes of subsections 24 (4) and (5) of this section, these duplicate registrations 25 shall be deemed individual registrations. A dealer must shall 26 pay a fee of $6 per location at the time of registration and 27 an annual renewal fee of $6 per location on October 1 of each 28 year. All fees collected, less costs of administration, shall 29 be transferred into a trust fund to be established and 30 entitled the Secondhand Dealer and Secondary Metals Recycler 31 Clearing Trust Fund. The Department of Revenue shall forward 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 the full set of fingerprints to the Department of Law 2 Enforcement for state and federal processing, if provided the 3 federal service is available, to be processed for any criminal 4 justice information as defined in s. 943.045. The cost of 5 processing such fingerprints shall be payable to the 6 Department of Law Enforcement by the Department of Revenue. 7 The department may issue a temporary registration to each 8 location pending completion of the background check by state 9 and federal law enforcement agencies, but shall revoke such 10 temporary registration if the completed background check 11 reveals a prohibited criminal background. An applicant for a 12 secondhand dealer registration must be a natural person who 13 has reached the age of 18 years. 14 (a) If the applicant is a partnership, all the 15 partners must apply. 16 (b) If the applicant is a joint venture, association, 17 or other noncorporate entity, all members of such joint 18 venture, association, or other noncorporate entity must make 19 application for registration as natural persons. 20 (c) If the applicant is a corporation, the 21 registration must include the name and address of the such 22 corporation's registered agent for service of process in the 23 state and a certified copy of statement from the Secretary of 24 State that the corporation is duly organized in the state or, 25 if the corporation is organized in a state other than Florida, 26 a certified copy of statement from the Secretary of State that 27 the corporation is duly qualified to do business in this 28 state. If the dealer has more than one location, the 29 application must list each location owned by the same legal 30 entity and the department shall issue a duplicate registration 31 for each location. 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 659 549-137-97 1 Section 6. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 2 3 ***************************************** 4 HOUSE SUMMARY 5 Provides additional conditions which a secondhand dealer 6 must comply with in order to engage in a title loan transaction where physical possession of the goods is not 7 necessary. Revises language with respect to the right of the secondhand dealer who engages in a motor vehicle 8 title loan transaction may repossess the goods. Reduces to 15 percent per month for the first month the maximum 9 interest rate a secondhand dealer may charge in a motor vehicle title loan transaction. Provides interest rate 10 maximums and criteria for loans in excess of 1 month. Provides that a person may not engage in the business of 11 making consumer finance loans unless authorized to do so by law and unless licensed by the Department of Banking 12 and Finance. Provides for application and procedures for obtaining a license to make motor vehicle title loans. 13 Provides for investigations and records of secondhand dealers making title loans and provides for liability, 14 subpoenas, enforcement, and rules. See bill for details. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 17